ABSTRACT Background: Dengue is a disease that accounts for a major morbidity and mortality in Honduras. Methods: This descriptive study used an analytical component based on the data from the National Virology Laboratory between 2016-2022. Ordinal logistic regression was used to identify the factors associated with the classification of dengue without warning signs (DWOS), dengue with warning signs (DWS), and severe dengue (SD). Results: Overall, 14,687 dengue cases were included; 50.1% had DWOS, 36.5% had DWS, and 13.4% had SD. Patients that were more associated with a higher probability of DWS and SD were patients in the age groups 1-4 years (DWS OR 1.61; 95%CI:1.33-1.94), (SD OR 1.52; 95% CI:1.26-1.84), 5-9 years (DWS OR 2.01; 95% CI:1.68-2.40), (SD OR 2.00; 95% CI:1.67-2.40), and 10-19 years (DWS OR 1.55; 95% CI:1.30-1.85) (SD OR 1.57; 95% CI:1.31-1.88). The departments that were associated with a higher probability of DWS and SD were La Paz (OR 6.35; 95% CI:3.53-11.42), (OR 10.94; 95% CI:5.96-20.08), Copán (OR 6.94; 95% CI:5.05-9.53) (OR 7.33; 95% CI: 5.35-10.03), Valle (OR 5.22; 95% CI:1.25-21.82) (OR 10.71; 95% CI:2.21-51.88). Conclusions: During the study period, dengue presented endemic behavior, with peaks consistent with the last two epidemics in Honduras in 2015 and 2019. The main factors associated with dengue severity were age< 19 years, male sex, and being from La Paz, Copán, or Valle. Background Methods 20162022. 20162022 2016 2022. 2022 2016-2022 DWOS , (DWOS) (DWS) . (SD) Results Overall 14687 14 687 14,68 included 501 50 1 50.1 365 36 5 36.5 134 13 4 13.4 1- 1.61 161 61 95%CI1.331.94, 95CI133194 CI 95%CI 1.33 1.94 95 33 94 95%CI:1.33-1.94) 1.52 152 52 CI1.261.84, CI126184 1.26 1.84 26 84 CI:1.26-1.84) 59 9 5- 2.01 201 2 01 CI1.682.40, CI168240 1.68 2.40 68 40 CI:1.68-2.40) 2.00 200 00 CI1.672.40, CI167240 1.67 67 CI:1.67-2.40) 1019 10 10-1 1.55 155 55 CI1.301.85 CI130185 1.30 1.85 30 85 CI:1.30-1.85 1.57 157 57 CI1.311.88. CI131188 1.31 1.88 31 88 CI:1.31-1.88) 6.35 635 6 35 CI3.5311.42, CI3531142 3.53 11.42 3 53 11 42 CI:3.53-11.42) 10.94 1094 CI5.9620.08, CI5962008 5.96 20.08 96 20 08 CI:5.96-20.08) 6.94 694 CI5.059.53 CI505953 5.05 9.53 05 CI:5.05-9.53 7.33 733 7 5.3510.03, 5351003 5.35 10.03 03 5.35-10.03) 5.22 522 22 CI1.2521.82 CI1252182 1.25 21.82 25 21 82 CI:1.25-21.82 10.71 1071 71 CI2.2151.88. CI2215188 2.21 51.88 51 CI:2.21-51.88) Conclusions period behavior 2019 sex 2016202 202 2016-202 (DWOS 1468 14,6 50. 36. 13. 1.6 16 CI1 331 95%CI1.331.94 95CI13319 95CI 133 1.3 194 1.9 95%CI:1.33-1.94 1.5 15 261 CI1.261.84 CI12618 126 1.2 184 1.8 8 CI:1.26-1.84 2.0 0 682 CI1.682.40 CI16824 168 240 2.4 CI:1.68-2.40 672 CI1.672.40 CI16724 167 CI:1.67-2.40 101 10- 301 CI1.301.8 CI13018 130 185 CI:1.30-1.8 311 CI1.311.88 CI13118 131 188 CI:1.31-1.88 6.3 63 CI3 5311 CI3.5311.42 CI353114 353 3.5 1142 11.4 CI:3.53-11.42 10.9 109 CI5 9620 CI5.9620.08 CI596200 596 5.9 2008 20.0 CI:5.96-20.08 6.9 69 059 CI5.059.5 CI50595 505 5.0 953 9.5 CI:5.05-9.5 7.3 73 3510 5.3510.03 535100 535 5.3 1003 10.0 5.35-10.03 5.2 2521 CI1.2521.8 CI125218 125 2182 21.8 CI:1.25-21.8 10.7 107 CI2 2151 CI2.2151.88 CI221518 221 2.2 5188 51.8 CI:2.21-51.88 201620 2016-20 146 14, 1. 95%CI1.331.9 95CI1331 95%CI:1.33-1.9 CI1.261.8 CI1261 12 18 CI:1.26-1.8 2. CI1.682.4 CI1682 24 CI:1.68-2.4 CI1.672.4 CI1672 CI:1.67-2.4 CI1.301. CI1301 CI:1.30-1. CI1.311.8 CI1311 CI:1.31-1.8 6. 531 CI3.5311.4 CI35311 3. 114 11. CI:3.53-11.4 10. 962 CI5.9620.0 CI59620 5. 20. CI:5.96-20.0 CI5.059. CI5059 9. CI:5.05-9. 7. 351 5.3510.0 53510 100 5.35-10.0 252 CI1.2521. CI12521 218 21. CI:1.25-21. 215 CI2.2151.8 CI22151 518 51. CI:2.21-51.8 20162 2016-2 95%CI1.331. 95CI133 95%CI:1.33-1. CI1.261. CI126 CI:1.26-1. CI1.682. CI168 CI:1.68-2. CI1.672. CI167 CI:1.67-2. CI1.301 CI130 CI:1.30-1 CI1.311. CI131 CI:1.31-1. CI3.5311. CI3531 CI:3.53-11. CI5.9620. CI5962 CI:5.96-20. CI5.059 CI505 CI:5.05-9 5.3510. 5351 5.35-10. CI1.2521 CI1252 CI:1.25-21 CI2.2151. CI2215 CI:2.21-51. 2016- 95%CI1.331 95CI13 95%CI:1.33-1 CI1.261 CI12 CI:1.26-1 CI1.682 CI16 CI:1.68-2 CI1.672 CI:1.67-2 CI1.30 CI13 CI:1.30- CI1.311 CI:1.31-1 CI3.5311 CI353 CI:3.53-11 CI5.9620 CI596 CI:5.96-20 CI5.05 CI50 CI:5.05- 5.3510 5.35-10 CI1.252 CI125 CI:1.25-2 CI2.2151 CI221 CI:2.21-51 95%CI1.33 95CI1 95%CI:1.33- CI1.26 CI:1.26- CI1.68 CI:1.68- CI1.67 CI:1.67- CI1.3 CI:1.30 CI1.31 CI:1.31- CI3.531 CI35 CI:3.53-1 CI5.962 CI59 CI:5.96-2 CI5.0 CI:5.05 5.351 5.35-1 CI1.25 CI:1.25- CI2.215 CI22 CI:2.21-5 95%CI1.3 95%CI:1.33 CI1.2 CI:1.26 CI1.6 CI:1.68 CI:1.67 CI1. CI:1.3 CI:1.31 CI3.53 CI:3.53- CI5.96 CI:5.96- CI5. CI:5.0 5.35- CI:1.25 CI2.21 CI:2.21- 95%CI1. 95%CI:1.3 CI:1.2 CI:1.6 CI:1. CI3.5 CI:3.53 CI5.9 CI:5.96 CI:5. CI2.2 CI:2.21 95%CI1 95%CI:1. CI:1 CI3. CI:3.5 CI:5.9 CI:5 CI2. CI:2.2 95%CI:1 CI:3. CI:2. 95%CI: CI:3 CI:2