Abstract Objective: To analyze the prevalence evolution of Guthrie, hearing, and eye screening testing among newborns in Brazil, between 2013 and 2019, according to demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with data from 5231 infants from the Pesquisa Nacional de Saude (PNS), in 2013, and 6637 infants, in 2019, for the Guthrie test, hearing, and red reflex tests. The authors analyzed the outcomes according to the region of residence, self-reported color/race, having health insurance, and per capita household income. By using bivariate and multivariate Poisson regression models, the prevalence ratios and their respective 95 % Confidence Intervals (CI95%) were calculated for each year. Results: In 2013, Guthrie test, hearing, and red reflex tests were performed in 96.5 % (95%CI 95,8;97,0), 65.8 % (95%CI 63,9;67,7), and 60.4 % (95%CI 58,5;62,3) of infants, respectively. In 2019, the prevalence was 97.8 % (95%CI 97,3;98,2) in the Guthrie test, 81.6 % (95%CI 80,3;82,9) in the hearing test, and 78.6 % (95%CI 77,1;79,9) in the red reflex test. The testing frequency was higher among residents of the Southeast and South regions of Brazil, among infants whose mother or guardian was white, had health insurance, and was in the higher income strata; and the most evident differences were in the eye and hearing testing. Conclusions: The coverage inequalities according to the region of residence, income, and having health insurance highlight the need to use strategies that enable exams to be carried out, with more information about their importance, encompassing actions from primary care, prenatal care to the puerperium, aiming at universal access and equity. Objective Brazil 201 2019 characteristics Methods crosssectional cross sectional 523 PNS, PNS , (PNS) 663 test residence selfreported self reported colorrace color race color/race models 9 CI95% CI95 CI (CI95% year Results 965 96 5 96. 95%CI 95CI 95,897,0, 958970 95,8 97,0 8 97 0 95,8;97,0) 658 65 65. 63,967,7, 639677 63,9 67,7 63 67 7 63,9;67,7) 604 60 4 60. 58,562,3 585623 58,5 62,3 58 62 3 58,5;62,3 respectively 978 97. 97,398,2 973982 97,3 98,2 98 2 97,3;98,2 816 81 6 81. 80,382,9 803829 80,3 82,9 80 82 80,3;82,9 786 78 78. 77,179,9 771799 77,1 79,9 77 1 79 77,1;79,9 white strata Conclusions out importance puerperium equity 20 52 (PNS 66 CI9 (CI95 897 95,897,0 95897 958 95, 970 97, 95,8;97,0 967 63,967,7 63967 639 63, 677 67, 63,9;67,7 562 58,562, 58562 585 58, 623 62, 58,5;62, 398 97,398, 97398 973 982 98, 97,3;98, 382 80,382, 80382 803 80, 829 82, 80,3;82, 179 77,179, 77179 771 77, 799 79, 77,1;79, (CI9 89 95,897, 9589 95,8;97, 63,967, 6396 63,9;67, 56 58,562 5856 58,5;62 39 97,398 9739 97,3;98 38 80,382 8038 80,3;82 17 77,179 7717 77,1;79 (CI 95,897 95,8;97 63,967 63,9;67 58,56 58,5;6 97,39 97,3;9 80,38 80,3;8 77,17 77,1;7 95,89 95,8;9 63,96 63,9;6 58,5; 97,3; 80,3; 77,1; 95,8; 63,9;