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au:Soares, Caroline C.
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Development and performance of graphene oxide reinforced LDPE nanocomposite polymers for 3D printing D
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Silva, Bryan M. M.
; Tegon, Caroline C.
; Soares, Marcelo M.
; Gonçalves, Rodolfo Luiz Prazeres
; Oliveira, Andressa A.
; Couto, Antonio Augusto
; Massi, Marcos
REM - International Engineering Journal
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Abstract This study evaluated the mechanical properties and the chemical and thermal characteristics of low-density polyethylene (LDPE) nanocomposites reinforced with graphene oxide for manufacturing via 3D printing. LDPE nanocomposites with different graphene oxide (GO) loadings (0.5% and 1.5%) were processed by a single-screw extruder. To characterize the pre-injected material, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermal characterization with thermogravimetry (TGA) were used. The injected material was also characterized with mechanical impact and traction tests. The results showed that incorporating GO into the polymeric matrix added hydroxyl groups to the matrix structure, with a 39.13% increase in Young's modulus for LDPE-1.5%wtGO samples. Mechanical tests of 3D printed samples showed that, with an increase in the amount of GO in the polymer matrix, the composite loses ductility, enabling its use in 3D printing technologies and thus encouraging new studies on printed materials for various applications. lowdensity low density (LDPE D (GO 0.5% 05 0 5 (0.5 1.5% 15 1 singlescrew single screw extruder preinjected pre FTIR (FTIR TGA (TGA used structure 3913 39 13 39.13 Youngs Young s LDPE1.5%wtGO LDPE15wtGO LDPEwtGO 1.5%wtGO wtGO ductility applications 0.5 (0. 1.5 391 3 39.1 LDPE1 15wtGO 0. (0 1. 39. (
Rabies in a free-ranging jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) in northeastern Brazil freeranging free ranging Herpailurus yagouaroundi
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Soares, Yanca G.S.
; Silva, Caroline G.
; Oliveira, Guilherme A.S.
; Soares, Laynaslan A.
; Leite, Ialys M.
; Barbosa, João P.L.
; Dantas, Antonio F.M.
; Brandão, Paulo Eduardo
; Agostinho, Washington C.
; Silva, Maria Luana C.R.
; Araújo, Jeann L.
; Kommers, Glaucia D.
; Galiza, Glauco J.N.
RESUMO: A raiva é uma doença viral fatal que afeta animais e o homem, estando disseminada entre os sistemas ecológicos nacionais. Descrevem-se os achados anatomopatológicos e imuno-histoquímicos de um caso de raiva em um jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi), encontrado em área peridomiciliar rural, após apresentar agressividade e ataque a dois animais. Microscopicamente, observou-se meningoencefalite linfoplasmocítica associada a corpúsculos de inclusão intracitoplasmáticos eosinofílicos em neurônios, gliose e neuronofagia. O diagnóstico de raiva foi estabelecido pelos achados patológicos e confirmado por imuno-histoquímica e qPCR. A ocorrência de raiva em felinos silvestres do gênero Puma só foi descrita por meio de exames sorológicos. Os achados patológicos são essenciais para o diagnóstico e elucidação da participação desta espécie no ciclo silvestre da doença, bem como na manutenção e conservação do equilíbrio da fauna silvestre. RESUMO homem nacionais Descrevemse Descrevem se imunohistoquímicos imuno histoquímicos Herpailurus yagouaroundi, yagouaroundi , yagouaroundi) rural Microscopicamente observouse observou neurônios neuronofagia imunohistoquímica histoquímica qPCR sorológicos
ABSTRACT: Rabies is a fatal viral disease that affects animals and humans and is widespread among national ecological systems. We describe the anatomopathological and immunohistochemical findings of a case of rabies in a jaguarundi (Herpailurus yagouaroundi) found in a rural peri-domestic area after showing aggression and attacking two animals. Histopathology of brain tissue showed lymphoplasmacytic meningoencephalitis associated with intracytoplasmic eosinophilic inclusion bodies in neurons, gliosis and neuronophagia. The diagnosis of rabies was based on the lesions and confirmed by immunohistochemistry and qPCR. In Brazil, rabies in wild felines of the genus Puma has only been described in animals through serological examinations. The pathological findings are essential for the diagnosis and elucidation of the participation of this species in the wild cycle of the disease, as well as in the maintenance and conservation of the balance of wild fauna. ABSTRACT systems Herpailurus yagouaroundi peridomestic peri domestic neurons neuronophagia qPCR Brazil examinations fauna
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RESUMO A cochonilha-rosada-do-hibisco, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) é umapraga exótica que ameaça a produção de frutas, hortaliças e plantas ornamentais no Brasil. Por ser um inseto fitófago com ampla gama de hospedeiros, há uma demanda crescente por métodos de controle ecologicamente corretos e sustentáveis, como o controle biológico. Neste estudo foi avaliado parâmetros biológicos de Ceraeochrysa everes (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) alimentado com ninfas de 2º instar de M. hirsutus e ovos de Ephestia (Anagasta) kuehniella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). A duração dosestádios imaturos de C. everes foi maior quando o predador foialimentado com ninfas de 2° instar de M. hirsutus em comparação ao contReceived for publication inrole (E. kuehniella). A taxa de sobrevivência de imaturos de C. everes foi de 82,5 e 100% quando oferecidas ninfas de 2º instar de M. hirsutus e ovos de E. kuehniella, respectivamente. O tipo de recurso alimentar ofertado na fase larval afetou os períodos de pré-oviposição, oviposição, pós-oviposição e a longevidade de fêmeas de C. everes. Fêmeas de C. everes advindas de indivíduos imaturos alimentados com dieta exclusiva de ovos de E. kuehniella apresentaram maior oviposição, fecundidade (diária e total), fertilidade, período de pós-oviposição e longevidade. Conclui-se que C. everes possui capacidade de predação, desenvolvimento ereprodução tendo como recurso alimentar ninfas de 2º instar de M. hirsutus. Portanto, C. everes é uma promessa potencial para o controle de M. hirsutus.
ABSTRACT The invasive pink hibiscus mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), is a pest that threatens the production of fruits, vegetable, and ornamental plants in Brazil. It is a phytophagous insect with a wide range of hosts; thus, there is an increasing demand for sustainable environmental-friendly control methods, such as biological control. This study aimed to investigate biological parameters of Ceraeochrysa everes (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) fed on 2nd instar nymphs of M. hirsutus and eggs of Ephestia (Anagasta) kuehniella (Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The duration of the immature stages of C. everes was longer when the predator was fed on 2nd instar nymphs of M. hirsutus, compared to the control (E. kuehniella). The survival rate of immature C. everes was 82.5% and 100% when fed on 2nd instar nymphs of M. hirsutus and eggs of E. kuehniella, respectively. The type of food resource offered at the larval stage affected the pre-oviposition, oviposition, and post-oviposition periods and the longevity of C. everes females. Adult females C. everes from immature individuals fed an exclusive diet of E. kuehniella eggs had longer oviposition, fecundity (daily and total), fertility, and post-oviposition periods and longevity. Ceraeochrysa everes has the capacity for predation, development, and reproduction while having 2nd instar nymphs of M. hirsutus as food resource. Therefore, C. everes has a promising potential for controlling M. hirsutus.
Curcuma longa extract protects against 5-fluorouracil-induced oral mucositis in hamsters
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Araújo, Aurigena Antunes de
; Silva, Edna Maria
; Mafra, Cristiane Assunção da Costa Cunha
; Costa, Íris do Céu Clara
; Barbalho, Amanda Lanna Andrade
; Matos, Iolanda Augusta Fernandes de
; Santos, Matheus Araujo dos
; Lopes, Maria Luiza Diniz de Sousa
; Medeiros, Caroline Addison Carvalho Xavier de
; Soares, Luiz Alberto Lira
; Machado, Janaina Carla Barbosa
; Ferreira, Magda Rhayanny Assunção
; Araújo, Raimundo Fernandes de
; Nascimento, Rubens Maribondo do
; Guerra, Gerlane Coelho Bernardo
Abstract Curcumin, contained at Turmeric (Curcumalonga), can exert many beneficial pleiotropic activities in the gastrointestinal tract. This study evaluated the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity of C. longa on 5-fluorouracil (5-FU)-induced oral mucositis (OM) in hamsters. Phytochemical analysis of crude C. longa extract (CLE) was performed to detect the presence of curcumin by TLC and HPLC. Golden Syrian hamsters were orally pre-treated with CLE (5, 50, or 100mg/kg). Cheek pouch samples were subjected to macroscopic and histopathological evaluation. ELISA was performed to quantify the inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were assessed by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy analysis. Behavior analysis was conducted by the open field test. Curcumin content in the CLE was 0.55%m/m ± 0.0161 (2.84%). The group treated with 5mg/kg CLE showed healing evidence with macroscopic absence of ulceration (p<0.05) and microscopic aspect of re-epithelialization, discrete inflammatory infiltrate and absence of edema. Treatment with 5mg/kg CLE significantly increased GSH levels, and reduced MDA levels and SOD activity (p˂0.05), and decreased IL-1β (p˂0.05) and TNF-α (p˂0.01) levels. A significant reduction in walking distance, ambulation, speed, and rearing was observed for motor activity. Curcumin reduced oxidative stress, inflammation, and motor activity in hamsters with 5-FU-induced OM.
In vitro propagation and conservation of Cattleya tigrina A. Rich
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Menezes-Sá, Thays Saynara Alves
; Costa, Andréa Santos da
; Arrigoni-Blank, Maria de Fátima
; Blank, Arie Fitzgerald
; Moura, Giulia Milenna Santos
; Soares, Caroline Alves
RESUMO: A Cattleya tigrina A. Rich vem sofrendo grandes perdas no seu habitat natural, sendo assim foi inclusa na lista de vulneráveis a extinção. O desenvolvimento de metodologias de propagação e conservação in vitro, bem como de aclimatização, são consideradas importantes para espécies em risco de extinção, por promover a multiplicação e conservação da espécie, evitando a perda do seu material genético. Desta forma, o presente trabalho visou estabelecer protocolo de micropropagação e conservação in vitro de C. tigrina. Para propagação in vitro testou volumes de meio de cultura e duas consistências do meio MS (líquido estacionário e semissólido). Para aclimatização, analisou misturas de substratos contendo casca de pinus, carvão vegetal, vermiculita e pó de coco. Para conservação in vitro, foram testados diferentes concentrações de sais no meio MS, reguladores osmóticos (sacarose, manitol e sorbitol), e duas temperaturas (18 e 25 °C). Os resultados obtidos inferem que, o meio de cultura semissólido foi superior ao líquido nas variáveis sobrevivência e presença de raízes, enquanto que o meio líquido foi superior ao meio semissólido em números de brotos. Na aclimatização a casca de pinus foi o substrato em que as plantas se desenvolveram melhor em altura, brotação e enraizamento. A conservação foi satisfatória e as plantas permaneceram viáveis por um período de 730 dias, usando 25% dos sais MS e temperatura de 18 ºC ou 25 ºC. As plantas podem ser propagadas em meio MS líquido estacionário (10 mL) ou semissólido (25 mL), aclimatizadas em casca de pinus e conservadas em 25% dos sais MS (18 ºC ou 25 ºC).
ABSTRACT: Cattleya tigrina A. Rich has been suffering heavy losses in its natural habitat and it is now included in the list of plants that are vulnerable to extinction. The development of in vitro propagation and conservation methodologies, as well as acclimatization, are considered important for species at the risk of extinction, as they promote the multiplication and conservation of the species, hence avoiding the loss of their genetic variability. The present study established the protocol of micropropagation and the in vitro conservation of C. tigrina. For the in vitro propagation, the study tested two volumes of the MS medium and two medium consistencies (stationary liquid and semi-solid). For acclimatization, the substrate mixtures containing pine bark, charcoal, vermiculite, and coconut coir were analyzed. For the in vitro conservation, different concentrations of the salts were tested in the MS medium, together with the osmotic regulators (sucrose, mannitol, and sorbitol), and at two temperatures (18 and 25 °C). The results obtained inferred that the semi-solid medium was superior to the stationary liquid medium in the variables of survival and the presence of roots, while the liquid medium was superior to the semi-solid medium in the number of shoots. For acclimatization, pine bark was the substrate where the plants developed an improved height, with sprouting, and rooting. The conservation was satisfactory and the plants remained viable for a period of 730 days, with the MS medium with 25% of the salts, and at temperatures of 18 ºC or 25 ºC. The plants were propagated in the stationary liquid MS medium (10 mL) and the semi-solid medium (25 mL), while they were acclimatized in pine bark and preserved in the MS medium with 25% of the salts (18 ºC or 25 ºC).
Prevalence and factors associated with Dirofilaria immitis infection in dogs in Sertão Paraibano, Northeast Brazil
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Soares, Laynaslan A.
; Matias, Isabela C.
; Silva, Caroline G.
; Oliveira Filho, Hodias S.
; Alves, Paula M.M.
; Sousa, Higor G.F.
; Brasil, Arthur W.L.
; Vilela, Vinicius L.R.
; Galiza, Glauco J.N.
; Maia, Lisanka A.
RESUMO: Dirofilaria immitis é um parasito de coração e de grandes vasos que acomete principalmente cães domésticos, também causador de uma zoonose reemergente nos últimos anos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a prevalência, fatores associados e áreas geográficas de D. immitis em cães na cidade de Sousa, Paraíba, Nordeste do Brasil. Para isso, foram selecionados e avaliados 320 cães, sendo 160 domiciliados e 160 errantes, provenientes dos 32 bairros da cidade. Foi realizado o exame clínico, coleta de sangue e dados epidemiológicos de cada animal. O ambiente foi observado visualmente quanto as condições de saneamento no momento de avaliação. Para pesquisa de microfilárias, foram realizados três métodos: esfregaço sanguíneo capilar (ESC), periférico (ESP) e teste de Knott-modificado, associado ao diagnóstico morfométrico das microfilárias. Os dados foram submetidos a estatísticas uni e multivariadas para observação de fatores de risco e avaliação qualitativa dos exames. Obteve-se prevalência de 17,5% (56/320) de animais positivos para D. immitis, sendo 25% (40/160) errantes e 10% (16/160) domiciliados. Dos 32 bairros avaliados, em 24 foram encontrados cães positivos, sendo Angelim e Doutor Zezé, os bairros com maior percentual 1,56% (5/320) cada. Somente as categorias de alterações cardíacas (OR 6,231 [1.539-25.236]) e cães errantes (OR 2,463 [1.281-4.735]) demonstraram potencial fator de risco para infecção. Dos 56 animais positivos, 28 apresentaram positividade nos três testes, e outros 28 demonstraram variância entre métodos e/ou entre lâminas confeccionadas. Não foram observados outros filarídeos. Considerou-se que a cidade de Sousa apresenta prevalência significativa de infecção por D. immitis, sendo necessário estabelecer formas de controle e profilaxia, para reduzir os riscos da transmissão para animais, como também para humanos.
ABSTRACT: Dirofilaria immitis is a heart and large vessel parasite that mainly affects domestic dogs and has shown a re-emerging zoonosis in recent years. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence, associated factors, and geographic areas of D. immitis in dogs in the city of Sousa, Paraíba, Northeast Brazil. A total of 320 dogs were selected and evaluated, 160 domiciled and 160 wandering, from the 32 districts of the city. Clinical examination, blood collection, and epidemiological data retrieval were performed for each animal. The sanitation conditions of the environment were visually observed at the time of evaluation. Three methods were used to investigate the morphometric diagnosis of microfilariae: capillary blood smear (ESC), peripheral blood smear (ESP), and modified Knott test. The data were subjected to univariate and multivariate statistics for the observation of risk factors and qualitative assessment of the examinations. Of the 17.5% (56/320) of animals testing positive for D. immitis, 25% (40/160) were wandering and 10% (16/160) were domiciled dogs. Positive dogs were found in 24 of the 32 neighborhoods evaluated, with Angelim and Doutor Zezé having the highest percentages of 1.56% (5/320) each. Only the categories of cardiac alterations (OR 6.231 [1,539-25,236]) and stray dogs (OR 2.463 [1,281-4,735]) demonstrated potential risk factors for infection. Of the 56 positive animals, 28 were positive in the three tests, and another 28 showed variance between methods and/or between prepared slides. No other filaridae were observed. The city of Sousa is considered to have a significant prevalence of infection by D. immitis, and forms of control and prophylaxis are required to reduce the risks of transmission to animals, as well as to humans.
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Silva, Mairton G. da
; Soares, Tales M.
; Gheyi, Hans R.
; Oliveira, Mateus G. B. de
; Santos, Caroline C. dos
ABSTRACT A large number of studies on salinity in hydroponic systems have been carried out, but few of them have evaluated the interaction between salinity and nutrient solution temperatures. Two experiments were carried out in a randomized block design from January to February (Experiment I) and June to July 2018 (Experiment II). Experiment I consisted of treatments with five combinations, as follows: unheated (control) and heated nutrient solution (NS) at a temperature of 32°C using fresh water with an electrical conductivity (ECw) of 0.3 dS m−1, and unheated and heated NS at temperatures of 30 and 32°C using brackish water with an ECw of 6.5 dS m−1 in the main plots, with two coriander cultivars (Tabocas and Verdão) in the subplots, which were grown in the same hydroponic channel. The cultivar Verdão was grown in Experiment II in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement, consisting of two NS temperatures (unheated and heated at 30°C) and two ECw levels (0.3 and 6.5 dS m−1). Coriander cultivation is feasible with heated NS despite decreases in shoot fresh matter production compared to the control of approximately 37% for Experiment I (cultivar Verdão at a temperature of 32°C and using fresh water) and 17% for Experiment II (temperature of 30°C and using fresh and brackish waters) at 25 days after transplanting.
Hepatitis B virus infection among oncohematologic disease patients in Central Brazil: prevalence, risk factors and immunization
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Pessoni, Grécia C.
; Marinho, Tássia A.
; Carneiro, Megmar M. Santos
; Martins, Regina M.
; Soares, Caroline C.
; Silva, Leandro N.
; Matos, Marcia A.
; Arantes, Adriano M.
; Teles, Juliana A.
; Santos, Nathalia C.
; Teles, Sheila Araujo
Hematology, Transfusion and Cell Therapy
- Métricas do periódico
ABSTRACT Introduction: Carriers of oncohematological diseases are at high risk for hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Objective and method: To investigate the epidemiology of HBV infection in Goiânia, Central Brazil, 322 individuals with oncohematological diseases (leukemias, Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma) were interviewed and blood samples were collected for the detection of serological markers of HBV-DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Medical records of participants were also reviewed. Results: Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (n = 99) and chronic myeloid leukemia (n = 108) were the most frequent oncohematological diseases. The overall prevalence of HBV was 13.97% (45/322). Of the total participants, 8.69% (28/322) presented isolated positivity for anti-HBs, suggesting low vaccine coverage. HBV-DNA was detected in 25% (1/4) of HBsAg positive samples and in 25% (3/12) of anti-HBc isolated, suggesting HBV occult infection. All samples were identified as subgenotype A1. Entries in patient records and the findings of this investigation suggest anti-HBc seroconversion during oncologic treatment. Age 50 years or over and use of a central catheter during therapy were associated with HBV exposure. Conclusion: The low frequency of hepatitis B immunized individuals, detection of HBV DNA in HBsAg negative samples, and the suggestion of HBV exposure during treatment evidenced the potential for health-related viral dissemination in people with oncohematological diseases in our region, reinforcing the importance of serological monitoring, vaccination against hepatitis B, and adoption of strict infection control measures in these individuals.
Drying of microalga Scenedesmus obliquus BR003 in a gas dryer at low temperatures
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Aguiar, Andry Caroline de Melo
; Martins, Marcio Arêdes
; Barbosa, Rúben Christian
; Bustos-Vanegas, Jaime Daniel
; Soares, Jimmy
; Leite, Mauricio de Oliveira
; Rocha, Dilson Novais
; Gomes, Arthur Freitas
; Bechara, Gabriela de Castro
ABSTRACT: Development of efficient and specific equipment to dry microalgae is essential for commercial use of these microorganisms that show high growth rates and biotechnological potential. Drying costs of microalgae biomass are still high and they should be reduced for the production of compounds with low added value. Therefore, we evaluated the drying process of the microalga Scenedesmus obliquus BR003 using low temperatures. S. obliquus BR003 is a robust microalga that shows high lipid productivity. At laboratory scale, it was observed that the biomass of S. obliquus BR003 was rapidly dried at low temperatures between 50 and 60 ° C. A gas dryer was used to evaluate the drying of the biomass of S. obliquus BR003 on a pilot-scale. The biomass was dried in less than 24 h using the gas dryer; however, the high moisture of the microalga biomass required a higher air renovation in the drying chamber. Computational fluid dynamics analysis of the gas dryer showed two important parameters to achieve greater effectiveness of heat and mass transfer rates during the drying process of the microalga biomass. It was concluded that a gas dryer suitable for the microalgae biomass should have multiple air injection points, and an efficient circulation and renovation system of air inside the drying chamber.
RESUMO: O desenvolvimento de equipamentos eficientes e específicos para a secagem de microalgas é essencial para a exploração comercial destes microrganismos que apresentam alta taxa de crescimento e grande potencial biotecnológico. Os custos de secagem da biomassa de microalgas ainda são elevados e precisam ser reduzidos para a produção de compostos com baixo valor agregado. Portanto, realizou-se o estudo da secagem da microalga Scenedesmus obliquus BR003 utilizando baixas temperaturas. S. obliquus BR003 é uma microalga robusta que apresenta alta produtividade de lipídeos. Em escala laboratorial, observou-se que a biomassa de S. obliquus BR003 foi rapidamente seca em baixas temperaturas entre 50 e 60 ºC. Um secador a gás foi utilizado para avaliar a secagem da biomassa de S. obliquus BR003 em escala piloto. A biomassa foi seca em menos de 24 h utilizando o secador a gás, entretanto, a elevada umidade da biomassa da microalga requereu uma maior renovação de ar na câmara do secador. A análise de fluidodinâmica computacional do secador a gás mostrou dois parâmetros importantes para se obter uma maior efetividade de transferência de calor e massa durante o processo de secagem da biomassa de microalga. Concluiu-se que um secador a gás adequado, para a biomassa de microalgas, deve possuir múltiplos pontos de injeção de ar, e um eficiente sistema de circulação e renovação de ar no interior da câmara de secagem.
Neuroscience: unveiling the brain of Saimiri collinsi (Squirrel Monkey)
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Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
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Abstract Behavioral intelligence among non-human primates is a somewhat puzzling area to study, since it is closely linked to the morphology of the central nervous system. However, this morphology is still unknown to science in the case of Saimiri collinsi. As a means of assisting future studies on the social behavior of this species, we analyzed the brains of six adult females from the National Primate Center / Pará, which were sent to the Animal Morphological Research Laboratory at the Federal Rural University of Amazônia after death by natural causes. The animals were fixed in formaldehyde solution (10%) and dissected. The brains were covered externally by the dura mater, with long cerebral hemispheres, although there was a complete absence of gyri. The internal structures which form a part of the telencephalon, diencephalon, midbrain, hindbrain and myelencephalon were identified, with the exception of the mammillary bodies. This condition, when linked to the lissencephaly found in these individuals raises questions about the real learning abilities of this species.
Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil
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Zappi, Daniela C.
; Filardi, Fabiana L. Ranzato
; Leitman, Paula
; Souza, Vinícius C.
; Walter, Bruno M.T.
; Pirani, José R.
; Morim, Marli P.
; Queiroz, Luciano P.
; Cavalcanti, Taciana B.
; Mansano, Vidal F.
; Forzza, Rafaela C.
; Abreu, Maria C.
; Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro
; Agra, Maria F.
; Almeida Jr., Eduardo B.
; Almeida, Gracineide S.S.
; Almeida, Rafael F.
; Alves, Flávio M.
; Alves, Marccus
; Alves-Araujo, Anderson
; Amaral, Maria C.E.
; Amorim, André M.
; Amorim, Bruno
; Andrade, Ivanilza M.
; Andreata, Regina H.P.
; Andrino, Caroline O.
; Anunciação, Elisete A.
; Aona, Lidyanne Y.S.
; Aranguren, Yani
; Aranha Filho, João L.M.
; Araújo, Andrea O.
; Araújo, Ariclenes A.M.
; Araújo, Diogo
; Arbo, María M.
; Assis, Leandro
; Assis, Marta C.
; Assunção, Vivian A.
; Athiê-Souza, Sarah M.
; Azevedo, Cecilia O.
; Baitello, João B.
; Barberena, Felipe F.V.A.
; Barbosa, Maria R.V.
; Barros, Fábio
; Barros, Lucas A.V.
; Barros, Michel J.F.
; Baumgratz, José F.A.
; Bernacci, Luis C.
; Berry, Paul E.
; Bigio, Narcísio C.
; Biral, Leonardo
; Bittrich, Volker
; Borges, Rafael A.X.
; Bortoluzzi, Roseli L.C.
; Bove, Cláudia P.
; Bovini, Massimo G.
; Braga, João M.A.
; Braz, Denise M.
; Bringel Jr., João B.A.
; Bruniera, Carla P.
; Buturi, Camila V.
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Resumo Um levantamento atualizado das plantas com sementes e análises relevantes acerca desta biodiversidade são apresentados. Este trabalho se iniciou em 2010 com a publicação do Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos e, desde então vem sendo atualizado por mais de 430 especialistas trabalhando online. O Brasil abriga atualmente 32.086 espécies nativas de Angiospermas e 23 espécies nativas de Gimnospermas e estes novos dados mostram um aumento de 3% da riqueza em relação a 2010. A Amazônia é o Domínio Fitogeográfico com o maior número de espécies de Gimnospermas, enquanto que a Floresta Atlântica possui a maior riqueza de Angiospermas. Houve um crescimento considerável no número de espécies e nas taxas de endemismo para a maioria dos Domínios (Caatinga, Cerrado, Floresta Atlântica, Pampa e Pantanal), com exceção da Amazônia que apresentou uma diminuição de 2,5% de endemicidade. Entretanto, a maior parte das plantas com sementes que ocorrem no Brasil (57,4%) é endêmica deste território. A proporção de formas de vida varia de acordo com os diferentes Domínios: árvores são mais expressivas na Amazônia e Floresta Atlântica do que nos outros biomas, ervas são dominantes no Pampa e as lianas apresentam riqueza expressiva na Amazônia, Floresta Atlântica e Pantanal. Este trabalho não só quantifica a biodiversidade brasileira, mas também indica as lacunas de conhecimento e o desafio a ser enfrentado para a conservação desta flora.
Abstract An updated inventory of Brazilian seed plants is presented and offers important insights into the country's biodiversity. This work started in 2010, with the publication of the Plants and Fungi Catalogue, and has been updated since by more than 430 specialists working online. Brazil is home to 32,086 native Angiosperms and 23 native Gymnosperms, showing an increase of 3% in its species richness in relation to 2010. The Amazon Rainforest is the richest Brazilian biome for Gymnosperms, while the Atlantic Rainforest is the richest one for Angiosperms. There was a considerable increment in the number of species and endemism rates for biomes, except for the Amazon that showed a decrease of 2.5% of recorded endemics. However, well over half of Brazillian seed plant species (57.4%) is endemic to this territory. The proportion of life-forms varies among different biomes: trees are more expressive in the Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest biomes while herbs predominate in the Pampa, and lianas are more expressive in the Amazon, Atlantic Rainforest, and Pantanal. This compilation serves not only to quantify Brazilian biodiversity, but also to highlight areas where there information is lacking and to provide a framework for the challenge faced in conserving Brazil's unique and diverse flora.
Follow-up of children with hemoglobinopathies diagnosed by the Brazilian Neonatal Screening Program in the State of Pernambuco
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Soares, Ana Caroline Novaes
; Samico, Isabella Chagas
; Araújo, Aderson Silva
; Bezerra, Marcos André C.
; Hatzlhofer, Betânia Lucena Domingues
Revista Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia
- Métricas do periódico
OBJECTIVE: To determine the geographical distribution of hemoglobinopathies in the State of Pernambuco, to characterize the children with these diseases and to describe factors associated with their follow-up at the referral center during the period from 2003 to 2010.METHODS: A retrospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study was carried out of 275 medical records from a total of 302 children with hemoglobinopathies diagnosed by the National Neonatal Screening Program in the State of Pernambuco in the study period. Microsoft Excel was used for data processing and analysis. The chi-square and the Fisher test were used for statistical analysis. The level of significance was set at 5%. Terra View software was used to analyze the geographical distribution of hemoglobinopathies in the State.RESULTS: A total of 8.9% of the cases of hemoglobinopathies detected in the period were not followed up at the referral center. For the mothers of children with diseases, this was their second or third or more pregnancy in 64.2% and 30.2%, respectively. Regarding the influence of region of residence and regular medical appointments, the study demonstrated that children from the Zona da Mata, Sertão and Vale do São Francisco regions did not attend 45.2%, 50% and 55.6% of their appointments in the outpatient department, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that a significant number of children do not begin consultations in the outpatient clinic and even those who started treatment early and who have the most severe form of the disease, usually miss medical appointments.
Prevalence of depressive symptoms among elderly in the city of Tremembé, Brazil: Preliminary findings of an epidemiological study
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César, Karolina G.
; Takada, Leonel T.
; Brucki, Sonia M.D.
; Nitrini, Ricardo
; Nascimento, Luiz Fernando C.
; Oliveira, Maira O.
; Gomes, Camila M.S.
; Almeida, Milena C.S.
; Porto, Fábio H.
; Senaha, Mirna L.H.
; Bahia, Valéria S.
; Yassuda, Mônica S.
; Silva, Thaís B.L.
; Ianof, Jéssica N.
; Spíndola, Lívia
; Schmidt, Magali T.
; Jorge, Mário S.
; Vale, Patrícia H.F.
; Cecchini, Mário A.
; Cassimiro, Luciana
; Soares, Roger T.
; Gonçalves, Márcia Rúbia
; Martins, Ana Caroline S.
; Rocha, Elisângela
; Daré, Patrícia
RESUMO Depressão é uma doença mental heterogênea classificada como um conjunto de transtornos, que se manifestam numa certa duração, frequência e intensidade. A prevalência de depressão em idosos varia de 0,5 a 16%. Objetivo: estabelecer a prevalência de sintomas depressivos significantes em estudo epidemiológico em população acima de 60 anos. Métodos: Estudo epidemiológico do tipo transversal, no qual estão sendo realizadas visitas domiciliares na cidade de Tremembé, Brasil. A amostra foi aleatória, através do sorteio de 20% da população acima de 60 anos de cada setor censitário do município. Este estudo é de única fase, sendo realizada anamnese, exames físico e neurológico, avaliação cognitiva e aplicação de escalas de Cornell e questionário Patient Health Questionnaire para verificar sintomas psiquiátricos. Foi adotado como critério da presença de sintomas depressivos, pontuação maior ou igual a 8 na escala de Cornell. Resultados: Foram avaliadas 455 pessoas e destas 169 (37,1%) apresentaram sintomas depressivos significativos clinicamente (SDSC). A maior prevalência foi entre as mulheres (p<0,001) e com escolaridade mais baixa (p=0,033). Quando realizado o teste de qui-quadrado de tendência, houve relação significativa, à medida que diminui o nível socioeconômico, aumenta a chance da presença de sintomas depressivos (p=0,005). Conclusão: A prevalência de sintomas depressivos foi elevada nesta amostra do estudo populacional e com associação com gênero feminino, baixo nível educacional e socioeconômico, mas há necessidade de finalizar toda amostragem.
ABSTRACT Depression is a heterogeneous mental disease classified as a set of disorders, which manifest with a certain duration, frequency and intensity. The prevalence of depression in the elderly ranges from 0.5 to 16%. Objective To establish, in an epidemiological study, the prevalence of significant depressive symptoms in the population aged 60 years or older. Methods: Results of a cross-sectional epidemiological study, involving home visits, being carried out in the city of Tremembé, Brazil, were reported. The sample was randomly selected by drawing 20% of the population over 60 years from each of the city's census sectors. In this single-phase study, the assessment included clinical history, physical and neurological examination, cognitive evaluation, the Cornell scale and the Patient Health Questionnaire for psychiatric symptoms. Scores greater than or equal to 8 on the Cornell scale were taken to indicate the presence of depressive symptoms. Results: A total of 455 elders were assessed, and of these 169 (37.1%) had clinically significant depressive symptoms (CSDS). Depression prevalence was higher among women (p<0.001) and individuals with lower education (p=0.033). The Chi-square test for trends showed a significant relationship where lower socioeconomic status was associated with greater likelihood of depressive symptoms (p=0.005). Conclusion: The prevalence of depressive symptoms was high in this sample of the population-based study and was associated with female gender, low educational level and socioeconomic status. The assessment of the entire population sample must be completed.
Establishment of anammox process in sludge samples collected from swine wastewater treatment system
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Casagrande, Caroline G
; Kunz, Airton
; Soares, Hugo M
; Prá, Marina C. de
; Schierholt Neto, Guilherme F
A elevada carga de nitrogênio presente em efluentes da suinocultura é um dos maiores desafios de manejo da atividade. O processo Anammox surge como boa alternativa para a remoção biológica desse nutriente. Este trabalho teve como objetivo aclimatar diferentes amostras de lodos de sistemas de tratamento de efluentes da suinocultura com vistas ao estabelecimento do processo Anammox. Dois inóculos foram coletados na Embrapa Suínos e Aves, Concórdia - SC, um dos quais no fundo de uma lagoa anaeróbia inativa (Inóculo A) e o outro, em um tanque de aeração (Inóculo B). Ambos foram aclimatados até cessar o consumo de N-NO3- e, posteriormente, inoculados em dois reatores (Reator A - Inóculo A e Reator B - Inóculo B). O Reator A apresentou atividade, após aproximadamente 110 dias de operação, enquanto o Reator B precisou de aproximadamente 170 dias, diferença de tempo de partida que pode ser explicada pelas diferentes condições ambientais a que cada lodo estava submetido. As análises de FISH e PCR comprovaram a presença de microrganismos com atividade Anammox, mostrando que lodos de sistemas de tratamento de efluentes da suinocultura podem ser boa fonte de inóculo para o desenvolvimento do processo Anammox.
The high load of nitrogen present in swine wastewater is one of the biggest management challenges of the activity. The Anammox process emerges as a good alternative for biological removal of nitrogen. This study aims to acclimate sludge collected from swine effluent treatment systems to establish the Anammox process. Two sludge samples were collected at Embrapa Swine and Poultry, Concordia - SC, Brazil, one from the bottom of an inactive anaerobic pond (inoculum A) and another from an aeration tank (inoculum B). Both were acclimated until the depletion of NO3-N, being subsequently inoculated in two reactors (Reactor A - Inoculum A and Reactor B - Inoculum B). The Reactor A showed activity after 110 days of operation, while the Reactor B needed 170 days. The difference in the start-up time could be explained by the different environmental conditions to which each sludge was submitted. FISH and PCR analyses confirmed the presence of microorganisms with Anammox activity, demonstrating that the sludge of swine wastewater treatment systems is a good source of inoculum for the development of the Anammox process.
Molecular epidemiology of adenovirus conjunctivitis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, between 2004 and 2007
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Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
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