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[SciELO Preprints] - Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy – 2024
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Fernandes, Fabio
Simões, Marcus V.
Correia, Edileide de Barros
Marcondes-Braga, Fabiana G.
Coelho-Filho, Otavio Rizzi
Mesquita, Cláudio Tinoco
Mathias-Junior, Wilson
Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo
Ramires, Felix José Alvarez
Alves, Silvia Marinho Martins
Montera, Marcelo Westerlund
Lopes, Renato Delascio
Oliveira-Junior, Mucio Tavares
Scolari, Fernando L.
Avila, Walkiria Samuel
Canesin, Manoel Fernandes
Bacal, Fernando
Bocchi, Edimar Alcides
Moura, Lídia Ana Zytynski
Saad, Eduardo Benchimol
Scanavacca, Mauricio I.
Valdigem, Bruno Pereira
Cano , Manuel Nicolas
Abizaid , Alexandre
Ribeiro, Henrique Barbosa
Lemos-Neto, Pedro Alves
Ribeiro, Gustavo Calado de Aguiar
Jatene, Fabio Biscegli
Dias, Ricardo Ribeiro
Beck-da-Silva, Luis
Rohde, Luis Eduardo P.
Bittencourt, Marcelo Imbroinise
Pereira, Alexandre
Krieger, José Eduardo
Villacorta, Humberto
Martins, Wolney de Andrade
Figueiredo-Neto, José Albuquerque de
Cardoso , Juliano Novaes
Pastore, Carlos Alberto
Jatene, Ieda Biscegli
Tanaka, Ana Cristina Sayuri
Hotta, Viviane Tiemi
Romano, Minna Moreira Dias
Albuquerque, Denilson Campos de
Mourilhe-Rocha, Ricardo
Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão
Brito, Fabio Sandoli de
Caramelli , Bruno
Calderaro, Daniela
Farsky, Pedro Silvio
Colafranceschi , Alexandre Siciliano
Pinto, Ibraim Masciarelli
Vieira , Marcelo Luiz Campos
Danzmann, Luiz Claudio
Barberato , Silvio Henrique
Mady, Charles
Martinelli-Filho, Martino
Torbey , Ana Flavia Malheiros
Schwartzmann, Pedro Vellosa
Macedo, Ariane Vieira Scarlatelli
Ferreira , Silvia Moreira Ayub
Schmidt, Andre
Melo , Marcelo Dantas Tavares de
Lima-Filho, Moysés Oliveira
Sposito, Andrei C.
Brito, Flavio de Souza
Biolo, Andreia
Madrini-Junior, Vagner
Rizk, Stéphanie Itala
Mesquita, Evandro Tinoco
A cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH) é uma forma de doença do músculo cardíaco de causa genética, caracterizada pela hipertrofia das paredes ventriculares. O diagnóstico requer detecção por métodos de imagem (Ecocardiograma ou Ressonância Magnética Cardíaca) de qualquer segmento da parede do ventrículo esquerdo com espessura > 15 mm, sem outra causa provável. A análise genética permite identificar mutações de genes codificantes de diferentes estruturas do sarcômero responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento da CMH em cerca de 60% dos casos, permitindo o rastreio de familiares e aconselhamento genético, como parte importante do manejo dos pacientes e familiares. Vários conceitos sobre a CMH foram recentemente revistos, incluindo sua prevalência de 1 em 250 indivíduos, não sendo, portanto, uma doença rara, mas subdiagnosticada. A vasta maioria dos pacientes é assintomática. Naqueles sintomáticos, a obstrução do trato de saída do ventrículo esquerdo (OTSVE) é o principal distúrbio responsável pelos sintomas, devendo-se investigar a sua presença em todos os casos. Naqueles em que o ecocardiograma em repouso ou com Manobra de Valsalva não detecta gradiente intraventricular significativo (> 30 mmHg), devem ser submetidos à ecocardiografia com esforço físico para detecção da OTSVE. Pacientes com sintomas limitantes e grave OTSVE, refratários ao uso de betabloqueadores e verapamil, devem receber terapias de redução septal ou uso de novas drogas inibidoras da miosina cardíaca. Por fim, os pacientes adequadamente identificados com risco aumentado de morta súbita podem receber medida profilática com implante de cardiodesfibrilador implantável (CDI).
La miocardiopatía hipertrófica (MCH) es una forma de enfermedad cardíaca de origen genético, caracterizada por el engrosamiento de las paredes ventriculares. El diagnóstico requiere la detección mediante métodos de imagen (Ecocardiograma o Resonancia Magnética Cardíaca) que muestren algún segmento de la pared ventricular izquierda con un grosor > 15 mm, sin otra causa probable. El análisis genético permite identificar mutaciones en genes que codifican diferentes estructuras del sarcómero responsables del desarrollo de la MCH en aproximadamente el 60% de los casos, lo que permite el tamizaje de familiares y el asesoramiento genético, como parte importante del manejo de pacientes y familiares. Varios conceptos sobre la MCH han sido revisados recientemente, incluida su prevalencia de 1 entre 250 individuos, por lo tanto, no es una enfermedad rara, sino subdiagnosticada. La gran mayoría de los pacientes son asintomáticos. En los casos sintomáticos, la obstrucción del tracto de salida ventricular izquierdo (TSVI) es el trastorno principal responsable de los síntomas, y su presencia debe investigarse en todos los casos. En aquellos en los que el ecocardiograma en reposo o la maniobra de Valsalva no detecta un gradiente intraventricular significativo (> 30 mmHg), deben someterse a ecocardiografía de esfuerzo para detectar la obstrucción del TSVI. Los pacientes con síntomas limitantes y obstrucción grave del TSVI, refractarios al uso de betabloqueantes y verapamilo, deben recibir terapias de reducción septal o usar nuevos medicamentos inhibidores de la miosina cardíaca. Finalmente, los pacientes adecuadamente identificados con un riesgo aumentado de muerte súbita pueden recibir medidas profilácticas con el implante de un cardioversor-desfibrilador implantable (CDI).
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a form of genetically caused heart muscle disease, characterized by the thickening of the ventricular walls. Diagnosis requires detection through imaging methods (Echocardiogram or Cardiac Magnetic Resonance) showing any segment of the left ventricular wall with a thickness > 15 mm, without any other probable cause. Genetic analysis allows the identification of mutations in genes encoding different structures of the sarcomere responsible for the development of HCM in about 60% of cases, enabling screening of family members and genetic counseling, as an important part of patient and family management. Several concepts about HCM have recently been reviewed, including its prevalence of 1 in 250 individuals, hence not a rare but rather underdiagnosed disease. The vast majority of patients are asymptomatic. In symptomatic cases, obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) is the primary disorder responsible for symptoms, and its presence should be investigated in all cases. In those where resting echocardiogram or Valsalva maneuver does not detect significant intraventricular gradient (> 30 mmHg), they should undergo stress echocardiography to detect LVOT obstruction. Patients with limiting symptoms and severe LVOT obstruction, refractory to beta-blockers and verapamil, should receive septal reduction therapies or use new drugs inhibiting cardiac myosin. Finally, appropriately identified patients at increased risk of sudden death may receive prophylactic measure with implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) implantation.
Precipitation of amorphous iron and aluminum during the weathering of rock dust in soil columns
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Silva, Rafael Cipriano da
; Guimarães, Clécia Cristina Barbosa
; Azevedo, Antonio Carlos de
; Alves, Marcelo Rodrigo
; Demattê, José Alexandre Melo
ABSTRACT The application of rock dust (RD) in agricultural soils has shown the capacity to improve soil conditions for plant growth. However, the successful use of RD requires understanding its effects on weathering in soil surfaces and its possible products. In this study, we present the results of an exploratory test in which a RD had its weathering intensified in a soil column by temperature (45 °C) and intense leaching (1,339.2 mm in 24 weeks), in the absence of plants. There was a significant increase in amorphous phases of iron (Fe) and particularly of aluminum (Al) to the amount of 0.13 g kg –1 for Fe and 0.16 g kg –1 for Al in the 0-0.05 m layer of the column and 0.22 g kg –1 for Al in the 0.05-0.10 m layer. These values account for 6 % of the total Fe, and 27 % of the total Al added as RD in the column. Spectral features in the visible-near infrared-short wave infrared (VIS-NIR-SWIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) range, as well as X-ray diffraction (XRD) scans, were inconclusive because of the small signal-noise ratio of the newly precipitated phases. Selective chemical methods targeted to specific soil pools (precipitated, adsorbed, and leached) were more sensitive to capture the new amorphous phases resulting from the RD dissolution. This study contributes to understanding the effects of RD on the availability of ions and the possibility of amorphous oxides precipitating in the soil. In addition, it helps identify other effects associated with using RD, such as changes in the pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and nutrient availability. (RD growth However products 45 (4 °C C 1,339.2 13392 1 339 2 (1,339. weeks, weeks , weeks) plants (Fe (Al 013 0 13 0.1 – 016 16 00.05 0005 0.05 05 0-0.0 022 22 0.2 0.050.10 005010 0.10 10 0.05-0.1 visiblenear visible near infraredshort short VISNIRSWIR VIS NIR SWIR (VIS-NIR-SWIR midinfrared mid MIR (MIR range Xray X ray XRD (XRD scans signalnoise signal noise precipitated, (precipitated adsorbed leached dissolution addition pH CEC, CEC (CEC) 4 ( 1,339. 1339 33 (1,339 01 0. 00 00.0 000 005 0.0 0-0. 02 050 0.050.1 00501 010 0.05-0. (CEC 1,339 133 3 (1,33 00. 0-0 0.050. 0050 0.05-0 1,33 (1,3 0- 0.050 0.05- 1,3 (1, 1, (1
Diretriz sobre Diagnóstico e Tratamento da Cardiomiopatia Hipertrófica – 2024 202 20 2
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Fernandes, Fabio
; Simões, Marcus V.
; Correia, Edileide de Barros
; Marcondes-Braga, Fabiana Goulart
; Coelho-Filho, Otavio Rizzi
; Mesquita, Cláudio Tinoco
; Mathias Junior, Wilson
; Antunes, Murillo de Oliveira
; Arteaga-Fernández, Edmundo
; Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo
; Ramires, Felix José Alvarez
; Alves, Silvia Marinho Martins
; Montera, Marcelo Westerlund
; Lopes, Renato Delascio
; Oliveira Junior, Mucio Tavares de
; Scolari, Fernando Luis
; Avila, Walkiria Samuel
; Canesin, Manoel Fernandes
; Bocchi, Edimar Alcides
; Bacal, Fernando
; Moura, Lidia Zytynski
; Saad, Eduardo Benchimol
; Scanavacca, Mauricio Ibrahim
; Valdigem, Bruno Pereira
; Cano, Manuel Nicolas
; Abizaid, Alexandre Antonio Cunha
; Ribeiro, Henrique Barbosa
; Lemos Neto, Pedro Alves
; Ribeiro, Gustavo Calado de Aguiar
; Jatene, Fabio Biscegli
; Dias, Ricardo Ribeiro
; Beck-da-Silva, Luis
; Rohde, Luis Eduardo Paim
; Bittencourt, Marcelo Imbroinise
; Pereira, Alexandre da Costa
; Krieger, José Eduardo
; Villacorta Junior, Humberto
; Martins, Wolney de Andrade
; Figueiredo Neto, José Albuquerque de
; Cardoso, Juliano Novaes
; Pastore, Carlos Alberto
; Jatene, Ieda Biscegli
; Tanaka, Ana Cristina Sayuri
; Hotta, Viviane Tiemi
; Romano, Minna Moreira Dias
; Albuquerque, Denilson Campos de
; Mourilhe-Rocha, Ricardo
; Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão
; Brito Junior, Fabio Sandoli de
; Caramelli, Bruno
; Calderaro, Daniela
; Farsky, Pedro Silvio
; Colafranceschi, Alexandre Siciliano
; Pinto, Ibraim Masciarelli Francisco
; Vieira, Marcelo Luiz Campos
; Danzmann, Luiz Claudio
; Barberato, Silvio Henrique
; Mady, Charles
; Martinelli Filho, Martino
; Torbey, Ana Flavia Malheiros
; Schwartzmann, Pedro Vellosa
; Macedo, Ariane Vieira Scarlatelli
; Ferreira, Silvia Moreira Ayub
; Schmidt, Andre
; Melo, Marcelo Dantas Tavares de
; Lima Filho, Moysés Oliveira
; Sposito, Andrei C.
; Brito, Flávio de Souza
; Biolo, Andreia
; Madrini Junior, Vagner
; Rizk, Stephanie Itala
; Mesquita, Evandro Tinoco
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia
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Relationship Between Celiac Disease and Dental Caries in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Adolescents MetaAnalysis Meta Analysis
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Albuquerque, Sylvia Amélia Vasconcelos de
; Moreira, Kelly Maria Silva
; Araújo, Djairo Vinícius Alves de
; França, Glória Maria de
; Nóbrega, Diego Figueiredo
; Costa, Marcelo de Almeida
; Santos, Natanael Barbosa dos
; Imparato, José Carlos Pettorossi
Pesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada
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ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the relationship between celiac disease and the prevalence of dental caries in children and adolescents and also evaluate if dental enamel defects in celiac children predispose to dental caries. Material and Methods: Searches were performed in the following databases: PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane Library, Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences, and OpenGrey. The risk of bias was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. DMFT/dmft and DMFS/dmfs data of observational studies that compared the prevalence of caries between children and adolescents with celiac disease and healthy individuals. Meta-analysis was performed using a random effects model. Heterogeneity between studies was estimated using Cochran’s Q test, and inconsistency was measured using I2 statistics. Results: Of the 121 studies retrieved, 17 were selected, and 12 were included in the meta-analysis. The prevalence of caries in the primary dentition (dmft) did not differ between celiac patients and controls [SMD = -0.35; 95% CI (-0.83; 0.13); p = 0,15; I2 = 89%]. There was also no difference in the prevalence of caries in permanent teeth (DMFT) between groups [SMD = -0.44; 95% CI (-1.02; 0.14); p = 0.14; I2 = 95%]. Conclusion: Celiac disease is not a determinant factor in the development of dental caries in children and adolescents compared to the control group. Objective Methods databases PubMed Scopus Library Sciences OpenGrey NewcastleOttawa Newcastle Ottawa Scale DMFTdmft DMFT dmft DMFSdmfs DMFS dmfs individuals Metaanalysis Meta analysis model Cochrans Cochran s test I statistics Results retrieved 1 selected metaanalysis. metaanalysis meta analysis. meta-analysis (dmft SMD 0.35 035 0 35 -0.35 95 0.83 083 83 (-0.83 0.13 013 13 0.13) 0,15 015 15 89%. 89 89% . 89%] (DMFT 0.44 044 44 -0.44 1.02 102 02 (-1.02 0.14 014 14 0.14) 95%. 95%] Conclusion group 0.3 03 3 -0.3 9 0.8 08 8 (-0.8 0.1 01 0,1 0.4 04 4 -0.4 1.0 10 (-1.0 0. -0. (-0. 0, 1. (-1. -0 (-0 (-1 - (- (
Affordances in the home environment of children at risk of developmental delay
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Santos, Janaína Araujo Teixeira
; Lima, Amanda Larissa Oliveira
; Silva, Letícia Dias dos Santos
; Braga, Fernanda da Costa
; Alécio, Marcelo Machado
; Chagas, Paula Silva de Carvalho
; Defilipo, Érica Cesário
; Toledo, Aline Martins de
; Gutierres Filho, Paulo José Barbosa
; Ayupe, Kênnea Martins Almeida
RESUMO Objetivo Verificar a adequação das oportunidades de ação no ambiente doméstico de crianças em risco de atraso no desenvolvimento e identificar fatores associados à sua frequência. Métodos Este estudo transversal incluiu 97 famílias que responderam ao Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development - Infant Scale (AHEMD-IS) para 3–18 meses (n=63) ou o Self Report (AHEMD-SR) para 18–42 meses (n=34). O teste de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para identificar as diferenças entre as frequências de oportunidades de ação entre os grupos. A regressão linear múltipla foi utilizada para verificar a associação entre o sexo da criança, o estado civil, a escolaridade e nível socioeconômico da mãe, as idades da criança e da mãe, o número de residentes da casa, a renda per capita e os escores do AHEMD (α=0,05). Resultados A frequência das oportunidades de ação dos domicílios no AHEMD-IS variou de menos do que adequado a excelente; enquanto, no AHEMD-SR, a maior predominância foi de média frequência. A oferta de estímulos no AHEMD-IS foi significativamente maior. O maior nível socioeconômico e o número de moradores da casa foram associados a maiores oportunidades de ação. Conclusões Quanto maior o nível socioeconômico e o número de moradores, maiores são as oportunidades de ação nos domicílios das crianças em risco de atraso. É necessário oferecer às famílias algumas alternativas para tornar os seus ambientes domésticos mais ricos em oportunidades de ação que favoreçam o desenvolvimento infantil. 9 AHEMDIS IS (AHEMD-IS 318 3 18 3–1 n=63 n63 n 63 (n=63 AHEMDSR SR (AHEMD-SR 1842 42 18–4 n=34. n34 n=34 . 34 (n=34) MannWhitney Mann Whitney grupos civil mãe α=0,05. α005 α α=0,05 0 05 (α=0,05) excelente enquanto AHEMDSR, SR, AHEMD-SR infantil 31 1 3– n=6 n6 6 (n=6 184 4 18– n3 n=3 (n=34 α00 α=0,0 (α=0,05 n= (n= (n=3 α0 α=0, (α=0,0 (n α=0 (α=0, α= (α=0 (α= (α
Abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to verify the adequacy of affordances in the home environment of children at risk of developmental delay and to identify factors associated with their frequency. Methods: The cross-sectional study included 97 families who responded to the Affordances in the Home Environment for Motor Development — Infant Scale (AHEMD-IS) for 3–18 months (n=63), or AHEMD – Self-Report (AHEMD-SR) for 18–42 months (n=34). The Mann-Whitney U test was used to identify the differences between the frequencies of affordances between the groups. Multiple linear regression was used to verify the association between the child’s sex, mother’s marital status, education, socioeconomic level, child and mother’s ages, house residents’ number, per capita income, and AHEMD scores (α=0.05). Results: The home affordances’ frequency in the AHEMD-IS ranged from less than adequate to excellent, while in the AHEMD-SR, the highest predominance was medium. The offer of stimuli in the AHEMD-IS was significantly higher. Higher socioeconomic level and house residents’ number were associated with greater affordances. Conclusions: The higher the socioeconomic level and house residents’ number, the greater the affordances in the homes of children at risk of delay. It is necessary to provide families with some alternatives to make their home environments richer in affordances that favor child development. Objective Methods crosssectional cross sectional 9 AHEMDIS IS (AHEMD-IS 318 3 18 3–1 n=63, n63 n n=63 , 63 (n=63) SelfReport Self Report AHEMDSR SR (AHEMD-SR 1842 42 18–4 n=34. n34 n=34 . 34 (n=34) MannWhitney Mann Whitney groups childs s sex mothers mother status education ages residents income α=0.05. α005 α α=0.05 0 05 (α=0.05) Results excellent AHEMDSR, SR, AHEMD-SR medium Conclusions development 31 1 3– n6 n=6 6 (n=63 184 4 18– n3 n=3 (n=34 α00 α=0.0 (α=0.05 n= (n=6 (n=3 α0 α=0. (α=0.0 (n= α=0 (α=0. (n α= (α=0 (α= (α
Cardiopatia Carcinoide: Relato de Caso e Revisão da Literatura Carcinoide
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Costa, Isabela Bispo Santos da Silva
; Melo, Edielle de Sant`Anna
; Furtado, Armando
; Sobral-Alves, Juliana Barbosa
; Rizk, Stephanie Itala
; Benvenuti, Luiz Alberto
; Rochitte, Carlos E.
; Brandão, Carlos Manuel de Almeida
; Pomarentzeff, Pablo Maria
; Bittar, Cristina Salvadori
; Galas, Filomena Regina Barbosa Gomes
; Auler Junior, José Otavio Costa
; Hoff, Paulo Marcelo Gehm
; Kalil Filho, Roberto
; Jatene, Fabio Biscegli
; Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão
Diretriz da SBC sobre Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Pacientes com Cardiomiopatia da Doença de Chagas – 2023 202 20 2
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Marin-Neto, José Antonio
; Rassi Jr, Anis
; Oliveira, Gláucia Maria Moraes
; Correia, Luís Claudio Lemos
; Ramos Júnior, Alberto Novaes
; Luquetti, Alejandro Ostermayer
; Hasslocher-Moreno, Alejandro Marcel
; Sousa, Andréa Silvestre de
; Paola, Angelo Amato Vincenzo de
; Sousa, Antônio Carlos Sobral
; Ribeiro, Antonio Luiz Pinho
; Correia Filho, Dalmo
; Souza, Dilma do Socorro Moraes de
; Cunha-Neto, Edecio
; Ramires, Felix Jose Alvarez
; Bacal, Fernando
; Nunes, Maria do Carmo Pereira
; Martinelli Filho, Martino
; Scanavacca, Maurício Ibrahim
; Saraiva, Roberto Magalhães
; Oliveira Júnior, Wilson Alves de
; Lorga-Filho, Adalberto Menezes
; Guimarães, Adriana de Jesus Benevides de Almeida
; Braga, Adriana Lopes Latado
; Oliveira, Adriana Sarmento de
; Sarabanda, Alvaro Valentim Lima
; Pinto, Ana Yecê das Neves
; Carmo, Andre Assis Lopes do
; Schmidt, Andre
; Costa, Andréa Rodrigues da
; Ianni, Barbara Maria
; Markman Filho, Brivaldo
; Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo
; Macêdo, Carolina Thé
; Mady, Charles
; Chevillard, Christophe
; Virgens, Cláudio Marcelo Bittencourt das
; Castro, Cleudson Nery de
; Britto, Constança Felicia De Paoli de Carvalho
; Pisani, Cristiano
; Rassi, Daniela do Carmo
; Sobral Filho, Dário Celestino
; Almeida, Dirceu Rodrigues de
; Bocchi, Edimar Alcides
; Mesquita, Evandro Tinoco
; Mendes, Fernanda de Souza Nogueira Sardinha
; Gondim, Francisca Tatiana Pereira
; Silva, Gilberto Marcelo Sperandio da
; Peixoto, Giselle de Lima
; Lima, Gustavo Glotz de
; Veloso, Henrique Horta
; Moreira, Henrique Turin
; Lopes, Hugo Bellotti
; Pinto, Ibraim Masciarelli Francisco
; Ferreira, João Marcos Bemfica Barbosa
; Nunes, João Paulo Silva
; Barreto-Filho, José Augusto Soares
; Saraiva, José Francisco Kerr
; Lannes-Vieira, Joseli
; Oliveira, Joselina Luzia Menezes
; Armaganijan, Luciana Vidal
; Martins, Luiz Cláudio
; Sangenis, Luiz Henrique Conde
; Barbosa, Marco Paulo Tomaz
; Almeida-Santos, Marcos Antonio
; Simões, Marcos Vinicius
; Yasuda, Maria Aparecida Shikanai
; Moreira, Maria da Consolação Vieira
; Higuchi, Maria de Lourdes
; Monteiro, Maria Rita de Cassia Costa
; Mediano, Mauro Felippe Felix
; Lima, Mayara Maia
; Oliveira, Maykon Tavares de
; Romano, Minna Moreira Dias
; Araujo, Nadjar Nitz Silva Lociks de
; Medeiros, Paulo de Tarso Jorge
; Alves, Renato Vieira
; Teixeira, Ricardo Alkmim
; Pedrosa, Roberto Coury
; Aras Junior, Roque
; Torres, Rosalia Morais
; Povoa, Rui Manoel dos Santos
; Rassi, Sergio Gabriel
; Alves, Silvia Marinho Martins
; Tavares, Suelene Brito do Nascimento
; Palmeira, Swamy Lima
; Silva Júnior, Telêmaco Luiz da
; Rodrigues, Thiago da Rocha
; Madrini Junior, Vagner
; Brant, Veruska Maia da Costa
; Dutra, Walderez Ornelas
; Dias, João Carlos Pinto
Pitaya [Hylocereus polyrhizus (F.A.C. Weber) Britton & Rose] effect on glycemia and oxidative stress in aloxan-induced diabetic mice Hylocereus F.A.C. FAC F A C (F.A.C Weber Rose aloxaninduced aloxan induced F.A.C
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LIRA, Sandra Machado
; HOLANDA, Marcelo Oliveira
; SILVA, José Ytalo Gomes da
; MARQUES, Chayane Gomes
; COELHO, Lia Corrêa
; LIMA, Carla Laíne Silva
; COSTA, Joana Talita Galdino
; DANTAS, Juliana Barbosa
; MACIEL, Gladstone Lima
; SILVA, Gisele Silvestre da
; SANTOS, Glauber Batista Moreira
; ZOCOLO, Guilherme Julião
; DIONÍSIO, Ana Paula
; GUEDES, Maria Izabel Florindo
Abstract Pitaya is a rich source of bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols and betalains. Moreover, these compounds has been associated with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of this fruit on glycemia and oxidative stress in aloxan-induced diabetic mice. Thus, considering that In the in vivo assays, the mice were divided into 5 groups (n = 6): (a) healthy group treated with water; (b) diabetic mice treated with metformin at 200 mg/kg body weight diluted in water; (c) untreated diabetic mice; (d) diabetic mice treated with pitaya at 200 mg/kg and (e) diabetic mice treated with pitaya at 400 mg/kg of body weight diluted in water. The results shows that pitaya was able significantly to reduce blood glucose (p < 0.05) (200 mg/kg); significantly reduce cholesterol (200 and 400 mg/kg) and significantly increase HDL-c (400 mg/kg) levels. In the oxidative stress experiment, Malondialdehyde levels in the liver were significantly reduced (p < 0.05) in the groups treated with pitaya, when compared to the other groups, suggesting lower lipid peroxidation. The consumption of pitaya reduced the blood glucose and cholesterol and increase the HDL, in addition, the lipid peroxidation - which is common in diabetic patients, was reduced. betalains Moreover mellitus aloxaninduced aloxan induced Thus assays n 6 6) (a water b (b 20 mgkg mg kg c (c d (d e (e 40 p 0.05 005 0 05 (20 HDLc HDL (40 experiment addition patients 4 0.0 00 (2 (4 0. (
Shadowing of a bioenergetic species in soybean development: an analysis of the feasibility potential of this integration development
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Avelino, Natanielly Rodrigues
; Campos, Leonardo José Motta
; Aires, Danilo Marcelo
; Silva, Ricardo Siqueira da
; Evaristo, Anderson Barbosa
ABSTRACT. There is currently a lack of information in the literature on the integrated production of macauba (Acrocomia aculeata) and soybean (Glycine max) crops, and the importance of expanding integrated production systems; therefore, the objective of this work was to identify the effects of macauba shading on growth, development, and productivity of different soybean cultivars. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design in a factorial scheme (4 × 2), with four cultivars and two production systems (monoculture and crop-forest integration), and four replicates per treatment. All soybean cultivars in the crop-forest integration system showed plant stagnation due to the shade level of the palm trees, as well as a reduction in the leaf area index and chlorophyll content in the leaves. Regarding reproductive parameters, grain, and oil yield, the cultivars responded differently between the production systems, revealing an interaction between the genotype and the environment. Our methodology was not favorable to soybean production; therefore, the management of spacing between palm trees and the selection of soybean genotypes that are more adapted to shaded environments are strategies that can allow for the integrated production of these species. ABSTRACT Acrocomia aculeata Glycine max crops therefore growth development 4 ( 2, 2 , 2) monoculture cropforest crop forest integration, integration) treatment leaves parameters grain yield environment species
Ionic concentration in periradicular medium after dissolution of endodontic file fragments: an in vitro study
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ORMIGA, Fabiola
; AMARAL, Caroline Chavadian Fonseca
; VIEIRA, Felipe Martins
; RISSO, Patricia de Andrade
; SILVA, Adriana Barbosa da
; ALMEIDA, Marcelo
; SENA, Rodrigo
; FERES-FILHO, Eduardo Jorge
; GRANJEIRO, Jose Mauro
; GOMES, José Antonio da Cunha Ponciano
Abstract The aim of this study was to obtain ionic quantification in periradicular medium after diffusion tests of the solution used inside root canals during the electrochemical dissolution of endodontic file fragments and the NiTi-containing dissolution product via an apical foramen. Thirty single-rooted extracted human teeth had root canals prepared and were attached to Eppendorf tubes filled with sterile saline. The samples were divided into 3 groups (n = 10) according to the solution used inside the root canal during the diffusion tests: Group 1: [NaF 12 g/L + NaCl 1 g/L]; Group 2: [NaF 12 g/L + NaCl 1 g/L + NiTi 0.50 g/L]; Group 3: [NaF 6 g/L + NaCl 0.5 g/L + NiTi 0.25 g/L]. The sample in each Eppendorf tube was then analyzed to assay the ionic quantification in periradicular medium. The groups were compared in relation to ionic quantifications (Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn’s tests, p ≤ 0.05). Group 2 showed significantly higher F-, Ni and Ti quantities than groups 1 and 3 (p < 0.05). Group 3 showed significantly higher Ti and Ni quantities than group 1, where no measurable quantities of Ti and Ni were observed (p < 0.05). The conclusions were that a 50% dilution of the NiTi-containing dissolution product resulted in significantly lower F-, Ni and Ti quantities compared to the undiluted product. The quantifications observed here suggest that irrigation is recommendable during the electrochemical dissolution process to reduce the resultant ion concentrations in both the root canal and the periradicular medium.
Physicochemical properties and osteoclastogenesis for three premixed calcium silicate-based sealers post set
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Rosatto, Camila Maria Peres de
; Souza, Gabriela Leite de
; Ferraz, Danilo Cassiano
; Silva, Marcelo José Barbosa
; Tanomaru Filho, Mario
; Moura, Camilla Christian Gomes
Abstract: Solubility, pH, ion release, cytotoxicity, and osteoclastogenesis inhibition in bone marrow-derived monocyte macrophages (BMMs) were evaluated in EndoSequence BC Sealer (END), Bio-C Sealer (BC), and Sealer Plus BC (SPBC). pH was determined after immersion of the sealers in deionized water (DW) and Minimum Essential Medium Alpha (α-MEM). Solubility was obtained by mass loss. Ion release was measured by using X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). Cytotoxicity was evaluated by MTT assay. Inhibition of osteoclastogenesis was evaluated by tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP). Data were analyzed using the t-test, ANOVA and Tukey/Dunnett's post-hoc tests (α = 0.05). END had the highest pH in DW (p < 0.05), and BC, in α-MEM (p < 0.05). Solubility in DW was the lowest for SPBC (p < 0.005). The highest calcium release was observed for BC in DW at 12 h (p < 0.05), and in α-MEM at 12 and 24 h (p < 0.05). The lowest toxicity was detected for END (p < 0.05). BC had the highest inhibitory effect on osteoclasts (p < 0.05). Overall, the highest solubility and pH values were found in DW. However, the calcium silicate-based sealer showed higher solubility than the ISO standards. Calcium release was the highest for BC. END showed the highest cell viability, and BC, the highest osteoclast inhibition.
Early recovery after surgery protocol in orthognathic surgery: a randomized, blind clinical study
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OLIVEIRA, Zilane Silva Barbosa de
; SILVEIRA, Marcelo Leite Machado da
; GOMES, Petrus Pereira
; SILVA, José Sandro Pereira da
; GERMANO, Adriano Rocha
Abstract A randomized, blind and prospective clinical trial was conducted to compare two clinical rehabilitation protocols in patients submitted to orthognathic surgery, during the first 60 days after surgery. Pain, edema, mandibular movement, masticatory efficiency and quality of life were evaluated. Nineteen (19) patients were separated into control and experimental groups. The control group consisted of 10 patients followed by oral and maxillofacial surgeons and submitted to a rehabilitation protocol that involved active and passive mouth opening exercises. The experimental group had 9 patients and followed the surgeons’ protocol, in addition to an Early Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol performed by speech therapists, and involving specific motricity exercises and lymphatic drainage. The Student’s t-test was applied to compare the results, and the Fisher’s exact test of independence, to analyze the quality of life and the masticatory efficiency variables. The statistical significance was set at 5% (p < 0.05) for all the tests. The results showed that the ERAS protocol made a positive difference in pain perception in the first 14 days. However, it did not improve the other variables. Although many variables showed no significant difference, it was concluded that the surgeons can delegate patient rehabilitation to qualified professionals, so that they can optimize their postoperative clinical time.
Diretriz Brasileira de Cardio-oncologia – 2020
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Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão
; Costa, Isabela Bispo Santos da Silva da
; Lopes, Marcelo Antônio Cartaxo Queiroga
; Hoff, Paulo Marcelo Gehm
; Diz, Maria Del Pilar Estevez
; Fonseca, Silvia Moulin Ribeiro
; Bittar, Cristina Salvadori
; Rehder, Marília Harumi Higuchi dos Santos
; Rizk, Stephanie Itala
; Almeida, Dirceu Rodrigues
; Fernandes, Gustavo dos Santos
; Beck-da-Silva, Luís
; Campos, Carlos Augusto Homem de Magalhães
; Montera, Marcelo Westerlund
; Alves, Sílvia Marinho Martins
; Fukushima, Júlia Tizue
; Santos, Maria Verônica Câmara dos
; Negrão, Carlos Eduardo
; Silva, Thiago Liguori Feliciano da
; Ferreira, Silvia Moreira Ayub
; Malachias, Marcus Vinicius Bolivar
; Moreira, Maria da Consolação Vieira
; Valente Neto, Manuel Maria Ramos
; Fonseca, Veronica Cristina Quiroga
; Soeiro, Maria Carolina Feres de Almeida
; Alves, Juliana Barbosa Sobral
; Silva, Carolina Maria Pinto Domingues Carvalho
; Sbano, João
; Pavanello, Ricardo
; Pinto, Ibraim Masciarelli F.
; Simão, Antônio Felipe
; Dracoulakis, Marianna Deway Andrade
; Hoff, Ana Oliveira
; Assunção, Bruna Morhy Borges Leal
; Novis, Yana
; Testa, Laura
; Alencar Filho, Aristóteles Comte de
; Cruz, Cecília Beatriz Bittencourt Viana
; Pereira, Juliana
; Garcia, Diego Ribeiro
; Nomura, Cesar Higa
; Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo
; Macedo, Ariane Vieira Scarlatelli
; Marcatti, Patricia Tavares Felipe
; Mathias Junior, Wilson
; Wiermann, Evanius Garcia
; Val, Renata do
; Freitas, Helano
; Coutinho, Anelisa
; Mathias, Clarissa Maria de Cerqueira
; Vieira, Fernando Meton de Alencar Camara
; Sasse, André Deeke
; Rocha, Vanderson
; Ramires, José Antônio Franchini
; Kalil Filho, Roberto
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia
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Atualização da Diretriz de Ressuscitação Cardiopulmonar e Cuidados Cardiovasculares de Emergência da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia - 2019
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Bernoche, Claudia
; Timerman, Sergio
; Polastri, Thatiane Facholi
; Giannetti, Natali Schiavo
; Siqueira, Adailson Wagner da Silva
; Piscopo, Agnaldo
; Soeiro, Alexandre de Matos
; Reis, Amélia Gorete Afonso da Costa
; Tanaka, Ana Cristina Sayuri
; Thomaz, Ana Maria
; Quilici, Ana Paula
; Catarino, Andrei Hilário
; Ribeiro, Anna Christina de Lima
; Barreto, Antonio Carlos Pereira
; Azevedo Filho, Antonio Fernando Barros de
; Pazin Filho, Antonio
; Timerman, Ari
; Scarpa, Bruna Romanelli
; Timerman, Bruno
; Tavares, Caio de Assis Moura
; Martins, Cantidio Soares Lemos
; Serrano Junior, Carlos Vicente
; Malaque, Ceila Maria Sant’Ana
; Pisani, Cristiano Faria
; Batista, Daniel Valente
; Leandro, Daniela Luana Fernandes
; Szpilman, David
; Gonçalves, Diego Manoel
; Paiva, Edison Ferreira de
; Osawa, Eduardo Atsushi
; Lima, Eduardo Gomes
; Adam, Eduardo Leal
; Peixoto, Elaine
; Evaristo, Eli Faria
; Azeka, Estela
; Silva, Fabio Bruno da
; Wen, Fan Hui
; Ferreira, Fatima Gil
; Lima, Felipe Gallego
; Fernandes, Felipe Lourenço
; Ganem, Fernando
; Galas, Filomena Regina Barbosa Gomes
; Tarasoutchi, Flavio
; Souza, Germano Emilio Conceição
; Feitosa Filho, Gilson Soares
; Foronda, Gustavo
; Guimarães, Helio Penna
; Abud, Isabela Cristina Kirnew
; Leite, Ivanhoé Stuart Lima
; Linhares Filho, Jaime Paula Pessoa
; Moraes Junior, João Batista de Moura Xavier
; Falcão, João Luiz Alencar de Araripe
; Ramires, Jose Antônio Franchini
; Cavalini, José Fernando
; Saraiva, José Francisco Kerr
; Abrão, Karen Cristine
; Pinto, Lecio Figueira
; Bianchi, Leonardo Luís Torres
; Lopes, Leonardo Nícolau Geisler Daud
; Piegas, Leopoldo Soares
; Kopel, Liliane
; Godoy, Lucas Colombo
; Tobase, Lucia
; Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão
; Dallan, Luís Augusto Palma
; Caneo, Luiz Fernando
; Cardoso, Luiz Francisco
; Canesin, Manoel Fernandes
; Park, Marcelo
; Rabelo, Marcia Maria Noya
; Malachias, Marcus Vinícius Bolívar
; Gonçalves, Maria Aparecida Batistão
; Almeida, Maria Fernanda Branco de
; Souza, Maria Francilene Silva
; Favarato, Maria Helena Sampaio
; Carrion, Maria Julia Machline
; Gonzalez, Maria Margarita
; Bortolotto, Maria Rita de Figueiredo Lemos
; Macatrão-Costa, Milena Frota
; Shimoda, Mônica Satsuki
; Oliveira-Junior, Mucio Tavares de
; Ikari, Nana Miura
; Dutra, Oscar Pereira
; Berwanger, Otávio
; Pinheiro, Patricia Ana Paiva Corrêa
; Reis, Patrícia Feitosa Frota dos
; Cellia, Pedro Henrique Moraes
; Santos Filho, Raul Dias dos
; Gianotto-Oliveira, Renan
; Kalil Filho, Roberto
; Guinsburg, Ruth
; Managini, Sandrigo
; Lage, Silvia Helena Gelas
; Yeu, So Pei
; Franchi, Sonia Meiken
; Shimoda-Sakano, Tania
; Accorsi, Tarso Duenhas
; Leal, Tatiana de Carvalho Andreucci
; Guimarães, Vanessa
; Sallai, Vanessa Santos
; Ávila, Walkiria Samuel
; Sako, Yara Kimiko
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia
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Brandão, Andrea A.
; Alessi, Alexandre
; Feitosa, Audes Magalhães
; Machado, Carlos Alberto
; Figueiredo, Carlos Eduardo Poli de
; Amodeo, Celso
; Rodrigues, Cibele Isaac Saad
; Forjaz, Claudia Lucia de Moraes
; Giorgi, Dante Marcelo Artigas
; Mion Júnior, Décio
; Coelho, Eduardo Barbosa
; Nobre, Fernando
; Lima Júnior, Emilton
; Plavnik, Frida Liane
; Silva, Giovanio Vieira da
; Chaves Júnior, Hilton
; Barbosa, Eduardo Costa Duarte
; Vilela-Martin, José Fernando
; Ribeiro, José Marcio
; Gusmão, Josiane Lima de
; Toledo, Juan Carlos Yugar
; Bortolotto, Luiz Aparecido
; Scala, Luiz Cesar Nazário
; Gomes, Marco Antônio Mota
; Malachias, Marcus Vinícius Bolívar
; Neves, Mario Fritsch Toros
; Wajngarten, Mauricio
; Gus, Miguel
; Passarelli Júnior, Oswaldo
; Jardim, Paulo Cesar Brandão Veiga
; Miranda, Roberto Dischinger
; Paula, Rogério Baumgratz de
; Ferreira Filho, Sebastião Rodrigues
; Andrade, Solange
; Geleilete, Tufik J. M.
; Koch, Vera Hermina K.
; Souza, Weimar Kunz Sebba Barroso de
; Oigman, Wille
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