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Herbicide selectivity for conventional maize hybrid
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Rosa, Victória C. S.
; Braz, Guilherme B. P.
; Souza, Matheus de F.
; Procópio, Sergio de O.
; Ferreira, Camila J. B.
; Silva, Alessandro G. da
; Carmo, Eduardo L. do
RESUMO O cultivo do milho convencional em áreas de refúgio é importante para preservação da tecnologia Bt e para atender mercados específicos com maior valor agregado aos grãos. Portanto, as pesquisas voltadas ao controle químico de plantas daninhas também devem continuar direcionadas aos híbridos convencionais de milho. O objetivo foi avaliar a seletividade de herbicidas aplicados em pré e pós-emergência de um híbrido convencional de milho cultivado no bioma Cerrado do Brasil. Foram instalados dois experimentos de campo, um na safra verão e outro segunda safra. Os tratamentos foram onze herbicidas, cujas doses são apresentadas em g ha-1 de ingrediente ativo: S-metolachlor (1.680), mesotrione + atrazine (115,2 + 2.000), mesotrione + atrazine (192 + 2.000), tembotrione + atrazine (75,6 + 2.000), tembotrione + atrazine (100,8 + 2.000), nicosulfuron + atrazine (16 + 2.000), nicosulfuron + atrazine (24 + 2.000), [mesotrione + atrazine] ([120 + 1.,200]), aplicação sequencial de [mesotrione + atrazine] ([60 + 600]), atrazine (2.000), mais testemunha capinada. Independentemente do experimento, todos os herbicidas aplicados pré e pós-emergência do milho proporcionaram baixos percentuais de fitointoxicação. Em ambos os experimentos nenhum dos tratamentos causou redução no estande, confirmando a ausência de mortalidade das plantas pela aplicação de herbicidas. O tombamento/acamamento das plantas foi observado no experimento realizado de verão e não observou efeito entre tratamentos. Massa de 100 grãos e produtividade do milho não alteraram em função da aplicação de herbicidas na pré e pósemergência da cultura. Todos os tratamentos herbicidas avaliados apresentaram seletividade ao híbrido de milho convencional. Portanto pós emergência Brasil campo ha1 ha 1 ha- ativo Smetolachlor S metolachlor 1.680, 1680 1.680 , 680 (1.680) 115,2 1152 115 2 (115, 2.000, 2000 2.000 000 2.000) 192 (19 75,6 756 75 6 (75, 100,8 1008 8 (100, 16 (1 24 (2 120 ([12 1.,200, 1200 1.,200 200 1.,200]) 60 ([6 600, 600 600]) (2.000) capinada fitointoxicação estande tombamentoacamamento tombamento acamamento 10 cultura 168 1.68 68 (1.680 115, 11 (115 2.00 00 19 75, 7 (75 100, (100 ( 12 ([1 1.,20 20 1.,200] ([ 600] (2.000 1.6 (1.68 (11 2.0 0 (7 (10 1.,2 (2.00 1. (1.6 2. 1., (2.0 (1. (2.
ABSTRACT The cultivation of conventional maize in refuge areas is important for preserving Bt technology and serving specific markets with greater added value to the grains. Therefore, research aimed at chemical weed control must also continue to be directed to conventional maize hybrids. The objective was to evaluate the selectivity of herbicides applied in preand post-emergence of a conventional maize hybrid cultivated in the Cerrado biome of Brazil. Two field experiments were set up, one in summer and the other in second season. The treatments were composed of eleven herbicide treatments, whose doses are presented in g ha-1 of active ingredient: S-metolachlor (1,440), S-metolachlor (1,680), mesotrione + atrazine (115.2 + 2,000), mesotrione + atrazine (192 + 2,000), tembotrione + atrazine (75.6 + 2,000), tembotrione + atrazine (100.8 + 2,000), nicosulfuron + atrazine (16 + 2,000), nicosulfuron + atrazine (24 + 2,000), [mesotrione + atrazine] ([120 + 1,200]), sequential application of [mesotrione + atrazine] ([60 + 600]), atrazine (2,000), plus a weeded control. Regardless of the experiment, all herbicides applied preand post-emergence of maize led to low percentages of phytointoxication. In both experiments, none of the treatments caused reductions in crop stand, confirming the absence of plant mortality due to the application of herbicides. Plant tipping/lodging was seen in summer maize, with no treatment effect. Maize 100grain mass and yield did not change as a result of the application of herbicides in preand post-emergence of the crop. All herbicide treatments evaluated showed selectivity for the conventional maize hybrid. grains Therefore hybrids postemergence post emergence Brazil up season ha1 ha 1 ha- ingredient Smetolachlor S metolachlor 1,440, 1440 1,440 , 440 (1,440) 1,680, 1680 1,680 680 (1,680) 115.2 1152 115 2 (115. 2,000, 2000 2,000 000 2,000) 192 (19 75.6 756 75 6 (75. 100.8 1008 100 8 (100. 16 (1 24 (2 120 ([12 1,200, 1200 1,200 200 1,200]) 60 ([6 600, 600 600]) (2,000) experiment phytointoxication stand tippinglodging tipping lodging effect grain 144 1,44 44 (1,440 168 1,68 68 (1,680 115. 11 (115 2,00 00 19 75. 7 (75 100. 10 (100 ( 12 ([1 1,20 20 1,200] ([ 600] (2,000 14 1,4 4 (1,44 1,6 (1,68 (11 2,0 0 (7 (10 1,2 (2,00 1, (1,4 (1,6 2, (2,0 (1, (2,
Polysaccharide from Inga edulis Pods: Emulsifying Potential and Evaluation of the Extraction Conditions Using Taguchi Approach Pods
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Arruda, Tathilene B. M. G.
; Rodrigues, Francisco Eduardo A.
; Rodrigues, Francisco Alessandro M.
; Chaves, Pedro O. B.
; Silva, Lucas Mateus da
; Ricardo, Nágila Maria P. S.
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
- Métricas do periódico
Inga edulis fruits, an important cultivation commonly associated with coffee and cacao farming, were collected from Baturité, located in Ceará, Brazil. Polysaccharides from Inga edulis pods were extracted using citric acid solution, and the impact of the extraction conditions in the properties of the resultant polysaccharide such as the degree of methyl-esterification behavior and galacturonic content were evaluated utilizing Taguchi approach, an efficient and easy statistical tool. For the study, the extraction conditions applied were pH (2.4, 5 and 7), time (1, 2 and 3 h) and temperature (70, 80 and 90 °C). The condition which provides the higher degree of methyl esterification allied to higher galacturonic acid content was pH 2.4, time 1 h and temperature 90 °C. For this condition, the extraction yield obtained was 3.97% m/m polysaccharide/botanical material. The emulsifying capacity and emulsion stability were also evaluated, and the emulsions with lower concentrations of polysaccharide provided the best results about emulsifying action. In the best of our efforts in research, the characterization of polysaccharide from fruit pods of Inga edulis is reported for the first time and this research contributes to the knowledge about botanical potential of this vegetal species and reinforces its potential as industrial crop. fruits farming Baturité Ceará Brazil solution methylesterification approach tool study 24 4 (2.4 7, 7 , 7) 1, (1 70, 70 (70 8 9 C °C . °C) 2.4 397 97 3.97 mm m polysaccharidebotanical material action crop (2. ( (7 2. 39 3.9 (2 3.
Grapevine rootstocks under water deficit: biomass, biochemical, and gas exchange attributes deficit biomass biochemical
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Silva, Alessandro G. da
; Felinto Filho, Ezildo F.
; Ulisses, Cláudia
; Musser, Rosimar dos S.
; Costa, Cristina dos S. R.
; Chaves, Agnaldo R. de M.
; Leão, Patrícia C. de S.
RESUMO Os recursos hídricos, especialmente em regiões semiáridas, devem ser utilizados com o emprego de tecnologias que permitam aumentar a eficiência e uso da água para irrigação. Uma estratégia para lidar com esse problema é o uso de porta-enxertos tolerantes à seca. Com o objetivo de selecionar porta-enxertos de videira adequados para o cultivo em regiões semiáridas, com base na biomassa, variáveis bioquímicas e nas trocas gasosas, o experimento foi conduzido no Campo Experimental de Bebedouro, pertencente à Embrapa Semiárido, em Petrolina-PE. Foram utilizados os portaenxertos ‘Paulsen1103’, ‘SO4’, ‘IAC 313’, ‘IAC 572’, ‘IAC 766’, ‘Ramsey’ e ‘101-14 MgT’ submetidos a três lâminas de irrigação (100, 50 e 20% da ETo). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, em parcelas subdivididas, com a parcela principal sendo a lâmina de irrigação e a subparcela os portaenxertos. Características bioquímicas, de biomassa e relacionadas às trocas gasosas foram utilizadas para seleção dos melhores portaenxertos quanto à tolerância à seca, por meio de análise multivariada de componentes principais (PCA) e análise de variância. Os portaenxertos ‘IAC 313’ e ‘IAC 766’ destacaram-se pela maior síntese de prolina radicular, o ‘IAC 766’ apresentou melhor resultado para síntese de sacarose foliar, enquanto ‘Paulsen1103’ se destacou em prolina foliar, carotenoide e razão clorofila total/carotenoide. Pode-se concluir que os porta-enxertos ‘IAC 313’, ‘IAC 766’ e ‘Paulsen 1103’ apresentam melhor desempenho quanto às características estudadas e, portanto, são uma escolha válida para cultivo da videira no Submédio do Vale do São Francisco, especialmente em condições de déficit hídrico. hídricos semiáridas porta enxertos seca Bebedouro Semiárido PetrolinaPE. PetrolinaPE Petrolina PE. PE Petrolina-PE ‘Paulsen1103, Paulsen1103 Paulsen ‘Paulsen1103 , ‘SO4, SO4 SO ‘SO4 ‘SO4’ IAC 313, 313 572, 572 572’ 766, 766 ‘Ramsey Ramsey ‘10114 10114 ‘101 14 101 ‘101-1 MgT 100, 100 (100 5 20 ETo. ETo . ETo) repetições subdivididas PCA (PCA variância destacaramse destacaram radicular foliar totalcarotenoide total total/carotenoide Podese Pode 1103 portanto Francisco hídrico Paulsen110 ‘Paulsen110 ‘SO 31 57 76 ‘1011 1011 ‘10 1 10 ‘101- (10 2 110 Paulsen11 ‘Paulsen11 3 7 ‘1 (1 11 Paulsen1 ‘Paulsen1 ‘ (
ABSTRACT Water resources used for irrigation should be managed using technologies that improve water use efficiency, mainly in semiarid regions. Using drought-tolerant rootstocks is a strategy to handle this challenge. The objective of this study was to select suitable grapevine rootstocks for cultivation in semiarid regions based on their biomass, biochemical, and gas exchange attributes. The experiment was conducted at the Bebedouro Experimental Field of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA Semiarid), in Petrolina, PE, Brazil. Rootstocks from grapevine plants of the cultivars Paulsen 1103, SO4, IAC 313, IAC 572, IAC 766, Ramsey, and 101-14 MgT were subjected to three irrigation water depths (100%, 50%, and 20% ET0). A randomized block experimental design with four replications was used, in a split-plot arrangement consisting of irrigation water depths in the plots and rootstocks in the subplots. Biochemical, biomass, and gas exchange attributes were assessed for selecting the best rootstocks regarding tolerance to drought using multivariate principal component analysis (PCA) and analysis of variance. The rootstocks IAC 313 and IAC 766 presented the highest root proline synthesis; IAC 766 presented better result for leaf sucrose synthesis; and Paulsen 1103 presented the highest leaf proline synthesis and carotenoid contents, as well as total chlorophyll-to-carotenoid ratio. IAC 313, IAC 766, and Paulsen 1103 presented better performance regarding the studied characteristics and, therefore, are suitable for growing grapevine crops in the Lower Middle São Francisco Valley, mainly under water deficit conditions. efficiency droughttolerant tolerant challenge biomass biochemical EMBRAPA Semiarid, Semiarid , Semiarid) Petrolina PE Brazil SO4 SO 572 Ramsey 10114 101 14 101-1 100%, 100 (100% 50 50% 20 ET0. ET0 ET . ET0) splitplot split plot subplots Biochemical PCA (PCA variance 31 76 110 contents chlorophylltocarotenoid chlorophyll ratio therefore Valley conditions 57 1011 10 1 101- 100% (100 5 2 3 7 11 (10 (1 (
Long-term oncological and surgical outcomes after Video Endoscopic Inguinal Lymphadenectomy (VEIL) in patients with penile cancer Longterm Long term VEIL (VEIL
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Tobias-Machado, Marcos
; Ornellas, Antonio A.
; Hidaka, Alexandre K.
; Medina, Luis G.
; Mattos, Pablo A. L.
; Besio, Ruben S.
; Abreu, Diego
; Castro, Pedro R.
; Nishimoto, Ricardo H.
; Astigueta, Juan
; Dourado, Aurus
; Machado, Roberto D.
; Magnabosco, Wesley J.
; Corona-Montes, Victor
; Villoldo, Gustavo M.
; Zampolli, Hamilton C.
; Taha, Anis
; Auad, Pericles R.
; Faria, Eliney F.
; Arantes, Paulo B. O.
; Tavares, Alessandro
; Nascimento, Francisco S. M. S.
; Brazão Jr., Eder S.
; Rocha, Maurício M.
; Costa, Walter H.
; Panico, Vinicius
; Reis, Leonardo O.
; Almeida-Carrera, Roberto J.
; Silva, Rafael C.
; Zequi, Stênio C.
; Calixto, José R. R.
; Sotelo, Rene
ABSTRACT Objective: To report outcomes from the largest multicenter series of penile cancer patients undergoing video endoscopic inguinal lymphadenectomy (VEIL). Materials and Methods: Retrospective multicenter analysis. Authors of 21 centers from the Penile Cancer Collaborative Coalition-Latin America (PeC-LA) were included. All centers performed the procedure following the same previously described standardized technique. Inclusion criteria included penile cancer patients with no palpable lymph nodes and intermediate/high-risk disease and those with non-fixed palpable lymph nodes less than 4 cm in diameter. Categorical variables are shown as percentages and frequencies whereas continuous variables as mean and range. Results: From 2006 to 2020, 210 VEIL procedures were performed in 105 patients. Mean age was 58 (45-68) years old. Mean operative time was 90 minutes (60-120). Mean lymph node yield was 10 nodes (6-16). Complication rate was 15.7%, including severe complications in 1.9% of procedures. Lymphatic and skin complications were noted in 8.6 and 4.8% of patients, respectively. Histopathological analysis revealed lymph node involvement in 26.7% of patients with non-palpable nodes. Inguinal recurrence was observed in 2.8% of patients. 10y- overall survival was 74.2% and 10-y cancer specific survival was 84.8%. CSS for pN0, pN1, pN2 and pN3 were 100%, 82.4%, 72.7% and 9.1%, respectively. Conclusion: VEIL seems to offer appropriate long term oncological control with minimal morbidity. In the absence of non-invasive stratification measures such as dynamic sentinel node biopsy, VEIL emerged as the alternative for the management of non-bulky lymph nodes in penile cancer. Objective VEIL. . (VEIL) Methods 2 CoalitionLatin Coalition Latin PeCLA PeC LA (PeC-LA technique intermediate/highrisk intermediatehighrisk intermediate/high risk intermediate high nonfixed non fixed diameter range Results 200 2020 5 4568 45 68 (45-68 old 9 60120. 60120 60 120 (60-120) 1 616. 616 6 16 (6-16) 157 15 7 15.7% 19 1.9 86 8 8. 48 4.8 respectively 267 26 26.7 nonpalpable 28 2.8 10y y 742 74 74.2 848 84 84.8% pN0 pN pN1 100 100% 824 82 82.4% 727 72 72.7 91 9.1% Conclusion morbidity noninvasive invasive biopsy nonbulky bulky (VEIL highrisk intermediatehigh 20 202 456 (45-6 6012 12 (60-120 61 (6-16 15.7 1. 4. 26. 2. 74. 84.8 82.4 72. 9.1 (45- 601 (60-12 (6-1 15. 84. 82. 9. (45 (60-1 (6- (4 (60- (6 ( (60
Spondias purpurea L. Stem Bark Extract: Antioxidant and in vitro Photoprotective Activities
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Rodrigues, Francisco Alessandro M.
; Giffony, Priscylla S.
; Santos, Sarah B. F. dos
; Guedes, Jhonyson A. C.
; Ribeiro, Maria Elenir N. P.
; Araújo, Tamara G. de
; Silva, Larissa M. R. da
; Zocolo, Guilherme J.
; Ricardo, Nágila M. P. S.
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
- Métricas do periódico
Plant phenolic extracts are widely recognized as an important source of natural antioxidant substances and potential compounds for cosmetic formulations. This study aimed to evaluate the chemical profile, photoprotective and antioxidant activities of stem bark extract of Spondias purpurea L. (ciriguela) and its application in photoprotective formulations. Thirty phenolic constituents were annotated by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with an electrospray ionization quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry in mode negative (UPLC-QTOF-MS2). The stem bark extract antioxidant and chelation potential, expressed in half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50), showed 6.25 and 352.22 µg mL−1, respectively. The phenolic extract was used as an active ingredient in six sunscreen formulations, with concentrations ranging from 0.2 to 10%. The ultraviolet (UV) protection properties of the formulations were evaluated by sun protection factor (SPF) values obtained in 0.2 mg mL−1 (0.495 to 2.27) and 2.0 mg mL−1 (2.29 to 15.87). The SPF value for the extract (14.37 and 26.16) was high, but there was a reduction in the base formulation. However, these results suggested that the bioactive extracted of stem bark of Spondias purpurea L. has interesting potential to reduce the damage caused by UV radiation and may be utilized as an active ingredient in a sunscreen formulation.
Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations: an instrument to observe the 21cm hydrogen line in the redshift range 0.13 < z < 0.45 – status update
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Abstract BINGO (BAO from Integrated Neutral Gas Observations) is a unique radio telescope designed to map the intensity of neutral hydrogen distribution at cosmological distances, making the first detection of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) in the frequency band 980 MHz - 1260 MHz, corresponding to a redshift range 0.127 < z < 0.449. BAO is one of the most powerful probes of cosmological parameters and BINGO was designed to detect the BAO signal to a level that makes it possible to put new constraints on the equation of state of dark energy. The telescope will be built in Paraíba, Brazil and consists of two \thicksim 40m mirrors, a feedhorn array of 50 horns, and no moving parts, working as a drift-scan instrument. It will cover a 15 ^{\circ} ∘ declination strip centered at \sim \delta ∼ δ =-15 ^{\circ} ∘, mapping \sim ∼ 5400 square degrees in the sky. The BINGO consortium is led by University of São Paulo with co-leadership at National Institute for Space Research and Campina Grande Federal University (Brazil). Telescope subsystems have already been fabricated and tested, and the dish and structure fabrication are expected to start in late 2020, as well as the road and terrain preparation.
Optimization and Validation of an Extraction Method for Evaluating the Availability of Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, Cr and Cd in Soil with the Use of the Mehlich-1 Extractor
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Silva, Gesiara F.
; Galuch, Marília B.
; Martins, Alessandro F.
; Prado, Danielle G. O.
; Visentainer, Jesuí V.
; Bonafé, Elton G.
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
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The Mehlich-1 extractor is routinely used to evaluate the bioavailability of metals in soil since it has a high closeness between the amount of these elements absorbed by the plants and those available in soil, as well as being simple and practical to use. Thus, the aim of this work was to improve (optimize) a Mehlich-1 extraction method for evaluating the availability of Cu, Zn, Mn, Ni, Cr and Cd in soil using Box-Behnken type response surface method (RSM). After optimizing the soil amount, Mehlich-1 extractor volume and stirring time, the validation of the newly developed method was performed by evaluating the following parameters: matrix adjustment, linearity, linear range, limits of detection (LOD) and of quantification (LOQ), precision and accuracy. The analytical method proposed by this study can be routinely employed for the evaluation of soil toxicity since it presented advantages such as simplicity, speed and efficacy, as well as being precise and accurate.
Agronomic characteristics of common bean and castor bean hybrids in intercropping and monocropping
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Lisboa, Cristiane F.
; Silva, Deyner D. A.
; Teixeira, Itamar R.
; Silva, Alessandro G. da
; Mota, José H.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
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RESUMO O feijão-comum apresenta grande importância na economia brasileira e a cultura da mamona ainda é emergente no Centro-Oeste, porém com grande potencial de exploração pelos agricultores em razão das condições climáticas prevalecentes e topografia plana. Desta forma, objetivou-se neste trabalho avaliar as características agronômicas de cultivares de feijão-comum e híbridos de mamona oriundos de consórcio e monocultivo nas condições edafoclimáticas da região do Cerrado. Empregou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 4 x 2 + 6, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por quatro cultivares de feijão-comum (BRS Pérola, BRS Esteio, BRSMG Realce e BRS Pitanga) consorciadas com duas cultivares híbridas de mamona (Tamar e Ag Ima), acrescidos das respectivas cultivares em monocultivo. As cultivares de feijão-comum tiveram a altura de planta influenciada no consórcio com os híbridos de mamona, no entanto, os híbridos de mamona não tiveram suas características agronômicas influenciadas pelas cultivares de feijão-comum. O consórcio entre as cultivares de feijão-comum Esteio, Realce e Pérola e os híbridos de mamona Tamar e Ag Ima foi classificado como viável pelo índice de equivalência de área uma vez que este índice apresentou valores superiores a 1,0 para o consórcio entre estas cultivares, demonstrando que seria necessário mais de um hectare em monocultivo para produzir a mesma quantidade que um hectare em consórcio.
ABSTRACT Common bean has great importance in the Brazilian economy and castor bean is still emerging in Midwestern Brazil, but with great potential of exploitation by farmers due to the prevailing climatic conditions and flat topography. Hence, this study aimed to evaluate the agronomic characteristics of common bean cultivars and castor bean hybrids in intercropping and monocropping under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the Cerrado region. The randomized block design was used in 4 x 2 + 6 factorial scheme, with three replicates. Treatments were composed of four cultivars of common beans (BRS Pérola, BRS Esteio, BRSMG Realce and BRS Pitanga) intercropped with two castor bean hybrids (Tamar and Ag Ima), plus the respective crops in monocropping. In common bean cultivars, plant height was influenced in the intercropping with castor bean hybrids; however, agronomic characteristics of the castor bean hybrids were not influenced by common bean cultivars. The intercropping between common bean cultivars (BRS Esteio, BRSMG Realce and BRS Pitanga) and castor bean hybrids (Tamar and Ag Ima) was classified as viable by the area equivalence index, since this index presented values greater than 1.0 for the intercropping between these cultivars. This fact indicates that it would take more than one hectare in monocropping to produce the same amount than one hectare in intercropping.
Growth regulator on oat yield indicators
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Krysczun, Dionatan K.
; Silva, José A. G. da
; Marolli, Anderson
; Trautmann, Ana P. B.
; Lucio, Alessandro D.
; Carbonera, Roberto
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
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RESUMO O regulador de crescimento em aveia pode reduzir o acamamento com reflexos nos indicadores de produtividade. O objetivo do estudo é a definição da dose ótima do regulador de crescimento para redução no acamamento de plantas de aveia, em condições de reduzida, alta e muito alta fertilização com nitrogênio e os reflexos sobre os indicadores de produtividade nos sistemas de sucessão. Em cada sistema de sucessão (soja/aveia e milho/aveia), dois experimentos foram conduzidos, um para quantificar a produtividade de biomassa e, o outro, para estimativa da produtividade de grãos e o acamamento. Nos experimentos, o delineamento foi o de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições em fatorial 3 x 4 para doses de N-fertilizante (30, 90 e 150 kg ha-1), fonte ureia, e doses de regulador de crescimento (0, 200, 400 e 600 mL ha-1) de princípio ativo Trinexapac-Ethyl, respectivamente. O regulador de crescimento reduz o acamamento de plantas de aveia, com a dose ideal em 500 mL ha-1 no sistema soja/aveia e de 400 mL ha-1 no sistema milho/aveia, independentemente da dose reduzida, alta e muito alta de nitrogênio. Há redução linear da produtividade biológica e de palha, e comportamento quadrático na expressão da produtividade de grãos e índice de colheita em função das doses de regulador, independentemente dos sistemas de sucessão (soja/aveia e milho/aveia).
ABSTRACT Growth regulator in oat can reduce lodging with effects on yield indicators. The objective of the study is to define the optimum dose of growth regulator to reduce lodging in oats under different conditions of nitrogen (N) fertilization (reduced, high and very high) and the effects on yield indicators in the succession systems. In each succession system (soybean/oats and corn/oats), two experiments were conducted, one to quantify biomass yield and the other to estimate grain yield and lodging. In the four experiments, the design was randomized blocks with four replicates in 3 x 4 factorial scheme, for N-fertilizer doses (30, 90 and 150 kg ha-1) and growth regulator doses (0, 200, 400 and 600 mL ha-1), respectively. Growth regulator reduces lodging in oat plants, with the ideal doses of 500 mL ha-1 in the soybean/oat system and 400 mL ha-1 in the corn/oat system, regardless of the reduced, high and very high N doses. There is a linear reduction of biological and straw yields, and a quadratic trend in the expression of grain yield and harvest index as a function of the growth regulator doses, regardless of succession systems (soybean/oats and corn/oats).
The agricultural impact of pesticides on Physalaemus cuvieri tadpoles (Amphibia: Anura) ascertained by comet assay
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Gonçalves, Macks W.
; Gambale, Priscilla G.
; Godoy, Fernanda R.
; Alves, Alessandro Arruda
; Rezende, Pedro H. de Almeida
; Cruz, Aparecido D. da
; Maciel, Natan M.
; Nomura, Fausto
; Bastos, Rogério P.
; Marco-Jr, Paulo de
; Silva, Daniela de M.
ABSTRACT Amphibians inhabiting agricultural areas are constantly exposed to large amounts of chemicals, which reach the aquatic environment during the rainy season through runoff, drainage, and leaching. We performed a comet assay on the erythrocytes of tadpoles found in the surroundings of agricultural fields (soybean and corn crops), where there is an intense release of several kinds of pesticides in different quantities. We aimed to detect differences in the genotoxic parameters between populations collected from soybeans and cornfields, and between them and tadpoles sampled from non-agricultural areas (control group). Tadpoles collected from ponds located at soybean fields had significantly more DNA damage, followed by tadpoles collected from cornfields. In contrast, animals sampled from non-agricultural areas had the lowest incidence of DNA damage. In addition, we found a negative correlation between the parameters of the comet assay and the area of the ponds surrounding soybean. This correlation indicates a possible dilution effect in the concentration of pesticides. Finally, Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger, 1826 seems to be a good bioindicator for detecting the genotoxic effects of field agricultural insecticides; therefore, we suggest that this species should be used in environmental biomonitoring studies, since it is common and abundant where it occurs.
Effects of Different Numbers of Fungicide Application on the Proximate Composition of Soybean
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Michels, Roger N.
; Bonafe, Elton G.
; Figueiredo, Luana C.
; Suzuki, Rúbia M.
; Tonin, Lilian D.
; Montanher, Paula F.
; Martins, Alessandro Francisco
; Visentainer, Jesui V.
; Canteri, Marcelo G.
; Silva, Marcelo Augusto A.
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
- Métricas do periódico
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of strobilurin (pyraclostrobin) + triazole (epoxiconazole) fungicides application on the proximate composition of soybeans. Six treatments of varying numbers of fungicide applications following soybean germination, termed T1 (control), T2, T3, T4, T5, and T6, were assessed for this experiment. Based on the results, there were only minor differences in the proximate composition of soybeans in terms of moisture, ash, crude protein, and total lipid contents. In contrast, there were large effects on the contents of phenolic compounds and the levels of phytosterols and tocopherols, which varied greatly among the fungicide application treatments. Multivariate statistical analysis was applied to identify critical issues regarding the potential for the production of soybeans enriched in phenolic compounds, tocopherols, and essential fatty acids (α-linolenic and linoleic acids, representatives of the omega-3 and omega-6 families, respectively) associated with the number of sprayings applied during the development of soybean crops.
Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil
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Zappi, Daniela C.
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; Leitman, Paula
; Souza, Vinícius C.
; Walter, Bruno M.T.
; Pirani, José R.
; Morim, Marli P.
; Queiroz, Luciano P.
; Cavalcanti, Taciana B.
; Mansano, Vidal F.
; Forzza, Rafaela C.
; Abreu, Maria C.
; Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro
; Agra, Maria F.
; Almeida Jr., Eduardo B.
; Almeida, Gracineide S.S.
; Almeida, Rafael F.
; Alves, Flávio M.
; Alves, Marccus
; Alves-Araujo, Anderson
; Amaral, Maria C.E.
; Amorim, André M.
; Amorim, Bruno
; Andrade, Ivanilza M.
; Andreata, Regina H.P.
; Andrino, Caroline O.
; Anunciação, Elisete A.
; Aona, Lidyanne Y.S.
; Aranguren, Yani
; Aranha Filho, João L.M.
; Araújo, Andrea O.
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; Araújo, Diogo
; Arbo, María M.
; Assis, Leandro
; Assis, Marta C.
; Assunção, Vivian A.
; Athiê-Souza, Sarah M.
; Azevedo, Cecilia O.
; Baitello, João B.
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; Baumgratz, José F.A.
; Bernacci, Luis C.
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; Bigio, Narcísio C.
; Biral, Leonardo
; Bittrich, Volker
; Borges, Rafael A.X.
; Bortoluzzi, Roseli L.C.
; Bove, Cláudia P.
; Bovini, Massimo G.
; Braga, João M.A.
; Braz, Denise M.
; Bringel Jr., João B.A.
; Bruniera, Carla P.
; Buturi, Camila V.
; Cabral, Elza
; Cabral, Fernanda N.
; Caddah, Mayara K.
; Caires, Claudenir S.
; Calazans, Luana S.B.
; Calió, Maria F.
; Camargo, Rodrigo A.
; Campbell, Lisa
; Canto-Dorow, Thais S.
; Carauta, Jorge P.P.
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; Cardoso, Leandro J.T.
; Carneiro, Camila R.
; Carneiro, Cláudia E.
; Carneiro-Torres, Daniela S.
; Carrijo, Tatiana T.
; Caruzo, Maria B.R.
; Carvalho, Maria L.S.
; Carvalho-Silva, Micheline
; Castello, Ana C.D.
; Cavalheiro, Larissa
; Cervi, Armando C.
; Chacon, Roberta G.
; Chautems, Alain
; Chiavegatto, Berenice
; Chukr, Nádia S.
; Coelho, Alexa A.O.P.
; Coelho, Marcus A.N.
; Coelho, Rubens L.G.
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; Costa-e-Silva, Maria B.
; Costa-Lima, James L.
; Cota, Maria R.C.
; Couto, Ricardo S.
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; De Stefano, Rodrigo D.
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; Dettke, Greta A.
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; Dutilh, Julie H.A.
; Dutra, Valquíria F.
; Echternacht, Lívia
; Eggers, Lilian
; Esteves, Gerleni
; Ezcurra, Cecilia
; Falcão Junior, Marcus J.A.
; Feres, Fabíola
; Fernandes, José M.
; Ferreira, D.M.C.
; Ferreira, Fabrício M.
; Ferreira, Gabriel E.
; Ferreira, Priscila P.A.
; Ferreira, Silvana C.
; Ferrucci, Maria S.
; Fiaschi, Pedro
; Filgueiras, Tarciso S.
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; Fritsch, Peter W.
; Furtado, Samyra G.
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; Zickel, Carmem S
Resumo Um levantamento atualizado das plantas com sementes e análises relevantes acerca desta biodiversidade são apresentados. Este trabalho se iniciou em 2010 com a publicação do Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos e, desde então vem sendo atualizado por mais de 430 especialistas trabalhando online. O Brasil abriga atualmente 32.086 espécies nativas de Angiospermas e 23 espécies nativas de Gimnospermas e estes novos dados mostram um aumento de 3% da riqueza em relação a 2010. A Amazônia é o Domínio Fitogeográfico com o maior número de espécies de Gimnospermas, enquanto que a Floresta Atlântica possui a maior riqueza de Angiospermas. Houve um crescimento considerável no número de espécies e nas taxas de endemismo para a maioria dos Domínios (Caatinga, Cerrado, Floresta Atlântica, Pampa e Pantanal), com exceção da Amazônia que apresentou uma diminuição de 2,5% de endemicidade. Entretanto, a maior parte das plantas com sementes que ocorrem no Brasil (57,4%) é endêmica deste território. A proporção de formas de vida varia de acordo com os diferentes Domínios: árvores são mais expressivas na Amazônia e Floresta Atlântica do que nos outros biomas, ervas são dominantes no Pampa e as lianas apresentam riqueza expressiva na Amazônia, Floresta Atlântica e Pantanal. Este trabalho não só quantifica a biodiversidade brasileira, mas também indica as lacunas de conhecimento e o desafio a ser enfrentado para a conservação desta flora.
Abstract An updated inventory of Brazilian seed plants is presented and offers important insights into the country's biodiversity. This work started in 2010, with the publication of the Plants and Fungi Catalogue, and has been updated since by more than 430 specialists working online. Brazil is home to 32,086 native Angiosperms and 23 native Gymnosperms, showing an increase of 3% in its species richness in relation to 2010. The Amazon Rainforest is the richest Brazilian biome for Gymnosperms, while the Atlantic Rainforest is the richest one for Angiosperms. There was a considerable increment in the number of species and endemism rates for biomes, except for the Amazon that showed a decrease of 2.5% of recorded endemics. However, well over half of Brazillian seed plant species (57.4%) is endemic to this territory. The proportion of life-forms varies among different biomes: trees are more expressive in the Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest biomes while herbs predominate in the Pampa, and lianas are more expressive in the Amazon, Atlantic Rainforest, and Pantanal. This compilation serves not only to quantify Brazilian biodiversity, but also to highlight areas where there information is lacking and to provide a framework for the challenge faced in conserving Brazil's unique and diverse flora.
Caracterização nutricional e compostos antioxidantes em resíduos de polpas de frutas tropicais
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Sousa, Mariana Séfora Bezerra
; Vieira, Luanne Morais
; Silva, Manoel de Jesus Marques da
; Lima, Alessandro de
O Brasil é um dos países que mais produz resíduos agroindustriais, como os resíduos de frutas pelas indústrias de polpas, o que tem contribuído para o aumento da produção do lixo orgânico, provocando graves problemas ambientais. Nesse contexto, estudos têm sido conduzidos com o intuito de investigar o valor nutricional desses resíduos, valorizando-os e sugerindo novas alternativas de utilização. Assim, neste trabalho, objetivou-se realizar a caracterização nutricional e determinar os compostos antioxidantes dos resíduos de polpas de frutas tropicais: acerola (Malpighia glabra L.), goiaba (Psidium Guayaba L.), abacaxi (Ananas comosus L.), cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum), bacuri (Platonia insignis) e graviola (Annona muricata L.). Os resultados encontrados mostraram que os resíduos analisados apresentaram quantidades significativas de macronutrientes (carboidratos, proteínas e lipídios). Todos os resíduos avaliados, com exceção do cupuaçu, apresentaram valores elevados de vitamina C. Quanto aos carotenóides, destacou-se o resíduo de acerola com 881,56 ± 9,01 µg/100 g e o resíduo de goiaba, com 644,9 ± 10,02 µg/100 g. Os resíduos analisados apresentaram baixas concentrações de antocianinas e flavonóides. Com relação aos teores de fenólicos totais se destacou o resíduo da polpa de acerola com 247,62 ± 2,08 mg/100 g. Portanto, pode-se concluir que os resíduos de polpas de frutas empregados neste estudo são fontes potenciais de macronutrientes e compostos bioativos, destacando-se os resíduos de acerola e goiaba como mais ricos em compostos antioxidantes.
Brazil is one of the largest agro-industrial residues producers, such as waste fruit pulp industries, which has contributed to the increased production of organic waste, causing serious environmental problems. In this context, studies have been conducted in order to investigate the nutritional value of these wastes, valuing them and suggesting new alternatives for use. The objective of this study was to characterize and determine nutritional antioxidant compounds of the waste pulp of the following tropical fruits: acerola (Malpighia glabra L.), guava (Psidium Guayaba L.), pineapple (Ananas comosus L.), cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum), bacuri (Platonia insignis) and soursop (Annona muricata L.). The results showed that the waste analyzed showed significant amounts of macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and lipids). All waste assessed, except cupuaçu, showed elevated levels of vitamin C. As for carotenoids, highlighted the residue of acerola with 881.56 ± 9.01 µg/100 g and residue of guava, with 644.9 ± 10.02 µg/100 g. The waste also showed low concentrations of anthocyanins and flavonoids. Regarding of total phenolic levels, the residue of the pulp acerola with 247.62 ± 2.08 mg/100 g of total phenolics was high. Therefore, it may be concluded that the waste of fruit pulp used in this study are potential sources of nutrients and bioactive compounds, especially the waste from acerola and guava as richer in antioxidant compounds.
Citado 10 vezes em SciELO
An outlook on ion signaling and ionome of mycorrhizal symbiosis
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Ramos, Alessandro C.
; Façanha, Arnoldo R.
; Palma, Livia M.
; Okorokov, Lev A.
; Cruz, Zilma M.A.
; Silva, Ary G.
; Siqueira, Arthur F.
; Bertolazi, Amanda A.
; Canton, Gabriela C.
; Melo, Juliana
; Santos, Wolmen O.
; Schimitberger, Vanusa M. B.
; Okorokova-Façanha, Anna L.
A interação que se desenvolve há mais de 450 milhões de anos, entre a maioria das plantas terrestres e os fungos micorrízicos é uma das mais antigas, conspícuas e ecologicamente importantes simbioses na Terra. Os eventos iniciais na evolução da simbiose micorrízica parecem ter envolvido mudanças genéticas recíprocas nas plantas ancestrais e nos fungos de vida livre. novos dados sobre o mecanismo de ação de moléculas sinalizadoras específicas destas interações, e de como estas influenciam e são influenciadas pelos fluxos de íons nas membranas e oscilações iônicas citoplasmáticas estão ampliando nossa compreensão das bases moleculares do processo de micorrização. esta revisão destaca tópicos sobre o estudo do ionoma e da comunicação iônica da simbiose micorrízica enfocando os sinais envolvidos no desenvolvimento da simbiose. Uma visão geral da simbiose será apresentada refletindo a integração dos dados disponíveis com novas perspectivas para as pesquisa no campo.
The 450-million-year-old interaction between the majority of land plants and mycorrhizal fungi is one of the most ancient, abundant, and ecologically important symbiosis on earth. The early events in the evolution of mycorrhizal symbioses seem to have involved reciprocal genetic changes in ancestral plants and free-living fungi. new data on the mechanism of action of specific signaling molecules and how it influence and is influenced by the membrane ions fluxes and cytoplasm ion oscillations which integrate the symbiotic ionome are improving our understanding of the molecular bases of the mycorrhization process. This mini-review will highlight topics regarding what is known about the ionome and ionic communication in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis focusing on the signals involved in the development of symbioses. Here we present an overview integrating the available data with the prospects of the research in the field.
Impacto das vazões demandadas pela irrigação e pelos abastecimentos animal e humano, na bacia do Paracatu
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Pruski, Fernando F.
; Rodriguez, Renata del G.
; Novaes, Luciano F. de
; Silva, Demetrius D. da
; Ramos, Márcio M.
; Teixeira, Alessandro de F.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
- Métricas do periódico
O rio Paracatu é o afluente com maior contribuição para o rio São Francisco. Como conseqüência da grande expansão da agricultura irrigada na bacia do Paracatu, a partir da década de 70 sérios conflitos pelo uso da água surgiram em várias partes da bacia. Tendo em vista esses conflitos objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, avaliar, ao longo da bacia do Paracatu, a proporção do consumo representado pela irrigação e pelos abastecimentos animal e humano e o impacto das vazões demandadas pela irrigação. A vazão média anual de longa duração, a vazão mínima de sete dias de duração e o período de retorno de 10 anos (Q7,10) e a vazão associada à permanência de 95% (Q95) foram estimados utilizando-se o período de 1970 a 1996 em 18 seções correspondentes a estações fluviométricas situadas na bacia do Paracatu. As vazões demandadas pelos segmentos analisados foram calculadas para o ano de 1996. Embora a vazão de retirada pela irrigação no mês de maior demanda, para as 18 seções analisadas, tenha representado de 4,3 a 85,1% da Q7,10 observada, a vazão consumida apresentou pouca influência na vazão média de longa duração.
The Paracatu River is the main tributary of the São Francisco River. As a consequence of the huge development of the irrigation in the Paracatu Basin, in the early 70-s, serious conflicts for the water use began to take place in several parts of the basin. The objectives of this paper were: to estimate the relative amount of the water consumption by irrigation and by animal and human supply in the Paracatu Basin; and to evaluate the impact of the water withdrawals for irrigation in the stream flow in the Paracatu River and tributaries. The average stream flow, the minimum stream flow of seven days and 10 years of return period (Q7,10) and the stream flow associated with the duration of 95% of permanence (Q95) were calculated from 1970 to 1996 for 18 stations used to measure the stream flow in the Paracatu Basin, and the water demand for the four sectors analyzed was calculated for 1996. Although the water withdrawals for irrigation in the month with the maximum demand have represented, for the 18 sections analyzed, from 4.3 to 85.1% of the Q7,10, the water effectively consumed by irrigation did not have significant influence on the mean stream flow.
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