RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar a procura e a utilização dos serviços de saúde por adolescentes brasileiros, segundo características sociodemográficas. Métodos: Estudo transversal com dados da Pesquisa Nacional de Saúde do Escolar de 2019. A amostra foi composta de 124.898 adolescentes de 13 a 17 anos. Foram calculadas as razões de prevalência bruta e ajustada (RPaj) por sexo, idade e dependência administrativa e seus intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%) das variáveis “procura por algum serviço ou profissional de saúde”, “procura por alguma Unidade Básica de Saúde” e “atendimento na Unidade Básica de Saúde”, utilizando a regressão de Poisson com variância robusta. Resultados: A procura por algum serviço de saúde foi relatada por 56,56% (IC95% 55,82–57,29) dos adolescentes, sendo menor entre o sexo masculino (RPaj: 0,95; IC95% 0,94–0,95); aqueles com cor da pele preta (RPaj: 0,95; IC95% 0,94–0,97), parda (RPaj: 0,97; IC95% 0,96–0,98), amarela e indígena (RPaj: 0,95; IC95% 0,94–0,97); estudantes de escolas públicas (RPaj: 0,90; IC95% 0,89–0,90) e residentes da zona rural (RPaj: 0,96; IC95% 0,94–0,98). A Unidade Básica de Saúde foi procurada por 74,08% (IC95% 73,21–74,94) dos adolescentes e foi mais frequente entre aqueles de cor da pele parda (RPaj: 1,06; IC95% 1,03–1,08), de escolas públicas (RPaj: 1,32; IC95% 1,29–1,35) e residentes da zona rural (RPaj: 1,05; IC95%1,01–1,09). O principal motivo da procura pela Unidade Básica de Saúde foi a vacinação (27,93%; IC95% 27,07–28,81). Conclusão: Mais da metade dos adolescentes procurou algum serviço de saúde, mostrando elevada demanda dessa população. Contudo, ainda persistem as desigualdades, o que nos alerta sobre a importância do planejamento, do acolhimento e da qualidade da atenção prestada aos adolescentes. Objetivo brasileiros sociodemográficas Métodos 2019 124898 124 898 124.89 1 anos RPaj (RPaj 95 IC95 IC , saúde” atendimento Saúde, robusta Resultados 5656 56 56,56 (IC95 55,82–57,29 55825729 55 82 57 29 0,95 095 0 0,94–0,95 094095 94 0,94–0,95) 0,94–0,97, 094097 0,94–0,97 97 0,94–0,97) 0,97 097 0,96–0,98, 096098 0,96–0,98 96 98 0,96–0,98) 0,90 090 90 0,89–0,90 089090 89 0,96 096 0,94–0,98. 094098 0,94–0,98 . 0,94–0,98) 7408 74 08 74,08 73,21–74,94 73217494 73 21 1,06 106 06 1,03–1,08, 103108 1,03–1,08 03 1,03–1,08) 1,32 132 32 1,29–1,35 129135 35 1,05 105 05 IC95%1,01–1,09. IC95101109 IC95%1,01–1,09 01 09 IC95%1,01–1,09) 27,93% 2793 27 93 (27,93% 27,07–28,81. 27072881 27,07–28,81 07 28 81 27,07–28,81) Conclusão população Contudo desigualdades planejamento 201 12489 12 124.8 9 IC9 565 5 56,5 (IC9 55,82–57,2 5582572 8 2 0,9 0,94–0,9 09409 09609 0,96–0,9 0,89–0,9 08909 740 7 74,0 73,21–74,9 7321749 1,0 10 10310 1,03–1,0 1,3 3 1,29–1,3 12913 IC9510110 IC95%1,01–1,0 27,93 279 (27,93 2707288 27,07–28,8 20 1248 124. 56, (IC 55,82–57, 558257 0, 0,94–0, 0940 0960 0,96–0, 0,89–0, 0890 74, 73,21–74, 732174 1, 1031 1,03–1, 1,29–1, 1291 IC951011 IC95%1,01–1, 27,9 (27,9 270728 27,07–28, 55,82–57 55825 0,94–0 094 0,96–0 0,89–0 089 73,21–74 73217 103 1,03–1 1,29–1 129 IC95101 IC95%1,01–1 27, (27, 27072 27,07–28 55,82–5 5582 0,94– 0,96– 0,89– 73,21–7 7321 1,03– 1,29– IC9510 IC95%1,01– (27 2707 27,07–2 55,82– 558 0,94 0,89 73,21– 732 1,03 1,29 IC951 IC95%1,01 (2 270 27,07– 55,82 0,8 73,21 1,2 IC95%1,0 ( 27,07 55,8 73,2 IC95%1, 27,0 55, 73, IC95%1
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the demand and use of health services by Brazilian adolescents, according to sociodemographic characteristics. Methods: Cross-sectional study with data from the 2019 National School Health Survey, that assessed 124,898 adolescents aged 13 to 17 years. The crude and adjusted prevalence ratios (RPaj) by sex, age, and school administrative status and their 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were calculated for the variables “search for a service or health professional”, “search for a Basic Health Unit” and “assistance at the Basic Health Unit”, using Poisson regression with robust variance. Results: The demand for a health service was reported by 56.56% (95%CI 55.82–57.29) of the adolescents and was lower among male students (RPaj: 0.95; 95%CI 0.94–0.95); those with black skin color (RPaj: 0.95; 95%CI 0.94–0.97), brown skin color (RPaj: 0.97; 95%CI 0.96–0.98), yellow skin color and indigenous ethnicity (RPaj: 0.95; 95%CI 0.94–0.97); public school students (RPaj: 0.90; 95%CI 0.89–0.90); and rural residents (RPaj: 0.96; 95%CI 0.94–0.98). A Basic Health Unit was the service sought by 74.08% (95%CI 73.21–74.94) of adolescents, more frequently among students of brown skin color (RPaj: 1.06; 95%CI 1.03–1.08), from public schools (RPaj: 1.32; 95%CI 1.29–1.35) and residing in rural areas (RPaj: 1.05; 95%CI 1,01–1,09). The main reason for seeking the Basic Health Unit was vaccination (27,93%; 95%CI 27,07–28,81). Conclusion: More than half of the adolescents searched for a health service, which means that this group has a high demand. However, health inequalities still persist and point to the importance of health care planning, reception conditions, and the quality of care provided. Objective characteristics Methods Crosssectional Cross sectional 201 Survey 124898 124 898 124,89 1 years RPaj (RPaj sex age 95 95CI CI search professional, professional , professional” assistance Unit, variance Results 5656 56 56.56 55.82–57.29 55825729 55 82 57 29 0.95 095 0 0.94–0.95 094095 94 0.94–0.95) 0.94–0.97, 094097 0.94–0.97 97 0.94–0.97) 0.97 097 0.96–0.98, 096098 0.96–0.98 96 98 0.96–0.98) 0.90 090 90 0.89–0.90 089090 89 0.89–0.90) 0.96 096 0.94–0.98. 094098 0.94–0.98 . 0.94–0.98) 7408 74 08 74.08 73.21–74.94 73217494 73 21 1.06 106 06 1.03–1.08, 103108 1.03–1.08 03 1.03–1.08) 1.32 132 32 1.29–1.35 129135 35 1.05 105 05 1,01–1,09. 101109 1,01–1,09 01 09 1,01–1,09) 27,93% 2793 27 93 (27,93% 27,07–28,81. 27072881 27,07–28,81 07 28 81 27,07–28,81) Conclusion However planning conditions provided 20 12489 12 124,8 9 565 5 56.5 55.82–57.2 5582572 8 2 0.9 0.94–0.9 09409 09609 0.96–0.9 0.89–0.9 08909 740 7 74.0 73.21–74.9 7321749 1.0 10 10310 1.03–1.0 1.3 3 1.29–1.3 12913 10110 1,01–1,0 27,93 279 (27,93 2707288 27,07–28,8 1248 124, 56. 55.82–57. 558257 0. 0.94–0. 0940 0960 0.96–0. 0.89–0. 0890 74. 73.21–74. 732174 1. 1031 1.03–1. 1.29–1. 1291 1011 1,01–1, 27,9 (27,9 270728 27,07–28, 55.82–57 55825 0.94–0 094 0.96–0 0.89–0 089 73.21–74 73217 103 1.03–1 1.29–1 129 101 1,01–1 27, (27, 27072 27,07–28 55.82–5 5582 0.94– 0.96– 0.89– 73.21–7 7321 1.03– 1.29– 1,01– (27 2707 27,07–2 55.82– 558 0.94 0.89 73.21– 732 1.03 1.29 1,01 (2 270 27,07– 55.82 0.8 73.21 1.2 1,0 ( 27,07 55.8 73.2 1, 27,0 55. 73.