Abstract Background: Aging covers genetic, biological and psychological characteristics, as well as those that relate to the environment in which the person is inserted, such as the social, political, economic and cultural ones. Objective: Estimate the association between functional capacity (FC) and socioeconomic status (SES) of the elderly. Method: Cross-sectional, population-based epidemiological study. We analyzed subjects between 60 and 79 years old of both sexes (n=467). The FC was estimated through the SF-36 questionnaire, ordered in quartiles (Q1=worst and Q4=best) and dichotomized. The association between FC and SES was estimated by the Kruskal-Wallis test and by multiple logistic regression. Results: The median of FC was 70 (interquartile range — IQR=40-85). There was greater difficulty for vigorous activities (42.8%); climbing several flights of stairs (29.3%); bending, kneeling, or stooping (35.6%); and walking several blocks (30.4%). A statistically significant association was observed between FC and worse SES (Q1=32.0% vs. Q4=22.5%), male gender (Q1=27.0% vs. Q4=61.5%), sedentary lifestyle (Q1=40.5% vs. Q4=14.9%), muscle strength (Q1=24.6 kg/f vs. Q4=32.6 kg/f) and physical performance (Q1=12s vs. Q4= 9s). The adjusted logistic regression indicated an association between the worst FC and the average SES (odds ratio — OR=2.6; 95% confidence interval — 95%CI 1.1–6.2), the worst SES (OR=2.2; 95%CI 0.9–5.4), female gender (OR=2.4; 95%CI 1.1–5.1), being insufficiently active (OR=1.6; 95%CI 1.0–2.6) and having the worst physical performance (OR=1.4; 95%CI 1.3–1.6). Conclusion: Low FC is associated with medium/worse SES in the elderly. Background genetic characteristics inserted social political ones Objective (FC (SES elderly Method Crosssectional, Crosssectional Cross sectional, sectional Cross-sectional populationbased population based study 6 7 n=467. n467 n n=467 . 467 (n=467) SF36 SF 36 SF-3 questionnaire Q1=worst Q1worst Qworst Q1 Q Q4=best Q4best Qbest Q4 best dichotomized KruskalWallis Kruskal Wallis Results interquartile IQR=4085. IQR4085 IQR IQR=40 85 40 IQR=40-85) 42.8% 428 42 8 (42.8%) 29.3% 293 29 3 (29.3%) bending kneeling 35.6% 356 35 (35.6%) 30.4%. 304 30.4% 30 4 (30.4%) Q1=32.0% Q1320 32 0 (Q1=32.0 vs Q4=22.5%, Q4225 Q4=22.5% , 22 5 Q4=22.5%) Q1=27.0% Q1270 27 (Q1=27.0 Q4=61.5%, Q4615 Q4=61.5% 61 Q4=61.5%) Q1=40.5% Q1405 (Q1=40.5 Q4=14.9%, Q4149 Q4=14.9% 14 9 Q4=14.9%) Q1=24.6 Q1246 24 (Q1=24. kgf kg f Q4326 Q4=32. Q1=12s Q112s Qs 12s s 9s. 9s 9s) odds OR=2.6 OR26 OR 2 95 95CI CI 1.1–6.2, 1162 1.1–6.2 1 1.1–6.2) OR=2.2 OR22 (OR=2.2 0.9–5.4, 0954 0.9–5.4 0.9–5.4) OR=2.4 OR24 (OR=2.4 1.1–5.1, 1151 1.1–5.1 1.1–5.1) OR=1.6 OR16 (OR=1.6 1.0–2.6 1026 OR=1.4 OR14 (OR=1.4 1.3–1.6. 1316 1.3–1.6 1.3–1.6) Conclusion mediumworse medium n46 n=46 46 (n=467 SF3 SF- 4085 IQR=4085 IQR408 IQR40 IQR=4 IQR=40-85 42.8 (42.8% 29.3 (29.3% 35.6 (35.6% 30.4 (30.4% Q1=32.0 Q132 (Q1=32. Q422 Q4=22.5 Q1=27.0 Q127 (Q1=27. Q461 Q4=61.5 Q1=40.5 Q140 (Q1=40. Q414 Q4=14.9 Q1=24. Q124 (Q1=24 Q432 Q4=32 OR=2. OR2 116 1.1–6. (OR=2. 095 0.9–5. 115 1.1–5. OR=1. OR1 (OR=1. 1.0–2. 102 131 1.3–1. n4 n=4 (n=46 408 IQR=408 IQR4 IQR= IQR=40-8 42. (42.8 29. (29.3 35. (35.6 30. (30.4 Q1=32. Q13 (Q1=32 Q42 Q4=22. Q1=27. Q12 (Q1=27 Q46 Q4=61. Q1=40. Q14 (Q1=40 Q41 Q4=14. Q1=24 (Q1=2 Q43 Q4=3 OR=2 11 1.1–6 (OR=2 09 0.9–5 1.1–5 OR=1 (OR=1 1.0–2 10 13 1.3–1 n= (n=4 IQR=40- (42. (29. (35. (30. Q1=32 (Q1=3 Q4=22 Q1=27 Q4=61 Q1=40 (Q1=4 Q4=14 Q1=2 (Q1= OR= 1.1– (OR= 0.9– 1.0– 1.3– (n= (42 (29 (35 (30 Q1=3 Q4=2 Q4=6 Q1=4 Q4=1 Q1= (Q1 1.1 (OR 0.9 1.0 1.3 (n (4 (2 (3 (Q 1. 0. (
Resumo Introdução: O envelhecimento abrange características genéticas, biológicas, psicológicas e do ambiente em que a pessoa está inserida, como o meio social, político, econômico e cultural. Objetivo: Estimar a associação entre capacidade funcional (CF) e status socioeconômico (SSE) de idosos. Método: Estudo epidemiológico transversal, de base populacional. Foram avaliados participantes de 60 a 79 anos de ambos os sexos (n=467). A CF, estimada por meio do questionário SF-36, foi ordenada em quartis (Q1=pior e Q4=melhor) e dicotomizada. A associação entre CF e SSE foi estimada pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis e por regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: A mediana da CF foi 70 (intervalo interquartil — IQ=40–85). Houve maior dificuldade para atividades vigorosas (42,8%); subir vários lances de escada (29,3%); curvar-se, ajoelhar-se ou dobrar-se (35,6%); e andar vários quarteirões (30,4%). Observou-se associação estatisticamente significante entre CF e pior SSE (Q1=32,0% vs. Q4=22,5%), sexo masculino (Q1=27,0% vs. Q4=61,5%), sedentarismo (Q1=40,5% vs. Q4=14,9%), força muscular (Q1=24,6 kg/f vs. Q4=32,6 kg/f) e desempenho físico (Q1=12s vs. Q4=9s). A regressão logística ajustada apresentou associação entre pior CF e médio SSE (OR=2,6; IC95% 1,1–6,2), pior SSE (OR=2,2; IC95% 0,9–5,4), sexo feminino (odds ratio — OR=2,4; IC95% 1,1–5,1), insuficientemente ativos (OR=1,6; IC95% 1,0–2,6) e pior desempenho físico (OR=1,4; IC95% 1,3–1,6). Conclusão: Baixa CF está associada a médio/pior SSE nos idosos. Introdução genéticas biológicas inserida social político cultural Objetivo (CF (SSE idosos Método transversal populacional 6 7 n=467. n467 n n=467 . 467 (n=467) SF36, SF36 SF 36, 36 SF-36 Q1=pior Q1pior Qpior Q1 Q Q4=melhor Q4melhor Qmelhor Q4 melhor dicotomizada KruskalWallis Kruskal Wallis múltipla Resultados intervalo IQ=40–85. IQ4085 IQ IQ=40–85 40 85 IQ=40–85) 42,8% 428 42 8 (42,8%) 29,3% 293 29 3 (29,3%) curvarse, curvarse curvar se, se curvar-se ajoelharse ajoelhar dobrarse dobrar 35,6% 356 35 (35,6%) 30,4%. 304 30,4% 30 4 (30,4%) Observouse Observou Q1=32,0% Q1320 32 0 (Q1=32,0 vs Q4=22,5%, Q4225 Q4=22,5% , 22 5 Q4=22,5%) Q1=27,0% Q1270 27 (Q1=27,0 Q4=61,5%, Q4615 Q4=61,5% 61 Q4=61,5%) Q1=40,5% Q1405 (Q1=40,5 Q4=14,9%, Q4149 Q4=14,9% 14 9 Q4=14,9%) Q1=24,6 Q1246 24 (Q1=24, kgf kg f Q4326 Q4=32, Q1=12s Q112s Qs 12s s Q4=9s. Q49s Q4=9s 9s Q4=9s) OR=2,6 OR26 OR 2 (OR=2,6 IC95 IC 1,1–6,2, 1162 1,1–6,2 1 1,1–6,2) OR=2,2 OR22 (OR=2,2 0,9–5,4, 0954 0,9–5,4 0,9–5,4) odds OR=2,4 OR24 1,1–5,1, 1151 1,1–5,1 1,1–5,1) OR=1,6 OR16 (OR=1,6 1,0–2,6 1026 OR=1,4 OR14 (OR=1,4 1,3–1,6. 1316 1,3–1,6 1,3–1,6) Conclusão médiopior n46 n=46 46 (n=467 SF3 SF-3 IQ408 IQ=40–8 42,8 (42,8% 29,3 (29,3% 35,6 (35,6% 30,4 (30,4% Q1=32,0 Q132 (Q1=32, Q422 Q4=22,5 Q1=27,0 Q127 (Q1=27, Q461 Q4=61,5 Q1=40,5 Q140 (Q1=40, Q414 Q4=14,9 Q1=24, Q124 (Q1=24 Q432 Q4=32 OR=2, OR2 (OR=2, IC9 116 1,1–6, 095 0,9–5, 115 1,1–5, OR=1, OR1 (OR=1, 1,0–2, 102 131 1,3–1, n4 n=4 (n=46 SF- IQ40 IQ=40– 42, (42,8 29, (29,3 35, (35,6 30, (30,4 Q1=32, Q13 (Q1=32 Q42 Q4=22, Q1=27, Q12 (Q1=27 Q46 Q4=61, Q1=40, Q14 (Q1=40 Q41 Q4=14, Q1=24 (Q1=2 Q43 Q4=3 OR=2 (OR=2 11 1,1–6 09 0,9–5 1,1–5 OR=1 (OR=1 1,0–2 10 13 1,3–1 n= (n=4 IQ4 IQ=40 (42, (29, (35, (30, Q1=32 (Q1=3 Q4=22 Q1=27 Q4=61 Q1=40 (Q1=4 Q4=14 Q1=2 (Q1= Q4= OR= (OR= 1,1– 0,9– 1,0– 1,3– (n= IQ=4 (42 (29 (35 (30 Q1=3 Q4=2 Q4=6 Q1=4 Q4=1 Q1= (Q1 (OR 1,1 0,9 1,0 1,3 (n IQ= (4 (2 (3 (Q 1, 0, (