Resumen Se presenta el perfil del público visitante del Museo de Arte Costarricense, esto con el fin de establecer las características del consumidor cultural del producto museístico. El estudio se realizó, en 2019 y 2020, el Programa Patrimonio, Desarrollo y Sociedad. Este se aborda desde la sociología de la cultura y la museología; y corresponde a un estudio cuantitativo, con alcance descriptivo, aplicado a 220 personas visitantes. Se concluye que el público visitante pertenece, en su mayoría, a un sector que cuenta con un alto capital cultural, ya que es instruido y educado, que posee un alto capital económico; dichos capitales crean y reproducen las condiciones de ese grupo social que, previamente, ha interiorizado elementos culturales, educativos y simbólicos que le permiten su visitación y disfrute.
Abstract The visiting public profile of the Costa Rican Art Museum is here by presented, in order to determine the cultural consumer's characteristics of the museum product. The study was conducted between 2019 and 2020, by the Heritage, Development and Society Program. This study is approached from Sociology of Culture and Museology. Consists of a quantitative study, with descriptive scope, applied to 220 visitors. It was concluded that the visiting public belongs, mostly, to a high cultural capital sector, since it is instructed and educated, with a high economic capital; capitals that create and reproduce that social group's conditions, which, previously, has internalized cultural, educational and symbolic elements that allow its visitation and enjoyment.