Resumen El estudio “Letramento e Identidades Sociales: una propuesta etnográfica crítica para la lectura y la escritura para (y con) adultos y adultos mayores en el Pôr do Sol-Ceilândia (DF)” fue realizado entre 2015 y 2017, considerando las demandas sociales de lectura y escritura de los residentes de esta región Administrativa de Brasilia. Durante la búsqueda, se utilizaron diversos instrumentos de investigación tales como: entrevistas semiestructuradas, notas de campo, grupos focales y observaciones a participantes. Para ayudarnos en el análisis, recurrimos a Street (1984), Kleiman (1995, 2012), Ríos (1998), Barton y Hamilton (1998), Gee (2000) y Soares y Pedroso (2016). Se observó al final del proyecto que el proceso de letramento se consolidó, pues todos los participantes estaban alfabetizados y ya eran capaces de realizar diversas actividades en su vida diaria, además de participación social, mayor autonomía en sus actividades diarias y una reconstrucción de sus identidades sociales.
Abstract The study “Literacies and Social Identities: a critical ethnographic proposal for reading and writing for (and with) adults and elderly people from Pôr do Sol - Ceilândia (DF)” was carried out between 2015 and 2017, considering the social demands of reading and writing of the residents of this Administrative Region of Brasília. During the research, were used various research instruments, such as: semi-structured interviews, field notes, focus groups and participant observations. To assist in the analyses, the following references were utilized: Street (1984), Kleiman (1995, 2012), Ríos (1998), Barton y Hamilton (1998), Gee (2000) y Soares y Pedroso (2016). At the end of the project, it was observed that the literacy process was consolidated, as all project participants had been literate and were already capable of carrying out diversified activities in their daily lives. Additionally, noteworthy were increased social participation, greater autonomy in their daily activities, and a reconstruction of their social identities.