Abstract The positive attitude towards statistics promotes the study and use of this fundamental discipline to analyze data, hence the relevance of evaluating the attitudinal level and developing strategies that promote a positive attitude. The Auzmendi’s Scale of Attitude towards Statistics (EAE-25) is one of the most used instruments in Spanish language to assess this attitude; however, it has not been validated in Mexico, which is important for its use in this country and to provide evidence of validity. The objectives of the study were to test the originally proposed model, to verify its reliability, to describe its distribution, to compare the averages between both sexes, and to verify its concurrent validity. A non-probabilistic sampling was used in this instrumental study. A sample of 383 Mexican psychology students was analyzed (73.6 % women and 26.4 % men). The EAE-25 and a scale assessing attitude towards research were applied. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the Auzmendi’s five-factor model. The parameter estimation was performed by unweighted least squares, using polychoric correlation matrix. The internal consistency was estimated by the McDonald’s omega coefficient (ω), the convergent validity by the average variance extracted (AVE), and the discriminant validity by the heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations (HTMT). The mean differences between both sexes were tested through the t-test and concurrent validity through Pearson’s correlation coefficients. The model of five correlated factors (confidence, anxiety, pleasure, usefulness, and motivation) showed good fit (χ./df =1.79, GFI = .98, AGFI = .97, NFI = .97, CFI =.99, RMSEA = .04, and SRMR = .07). The five factors showed reliability (ω > .80 in confidence, anxiety, pleasure, and usefulness, and ω = .72 in motivation) and discriminant validity (HTMT < .85 in nine out of ten factor pairs, and < .90 in the pair of the anxiety and confidence factors). The values of AVE were higher than .50 in the factors of confidence, anxiety and pleasure, which shows convergent validity in these three factors. A value of AVE very close to .50 in utility (AVE = .49) was compensated by an omega coefficient of .82, which suggests an acceptable convergent validity. However, the value of AVE was lower than .50 in motivation (AVE = .34). The EAE-25 and its factors presented normal distribution, with the exception of the motivation factor. The scores in the scale and its factors were obtained through the quotient between the sum of the items scored in the sense of acceptance attitude and the number of items added. These scores were interpreted in an absolute sense, by dividing the continuum from 1 to 5 into five intervals in correspondence with the five ordered categories of response to the items: [1, 1.8) y [1.8, 2.6) rejection, [2.6, 3.4) neutral, and [3.4, 4.2) y [4.2, 5] acceptance. The average attitude was positive in confidence (. = 3.53) and utility (. = 3.52), and neutral in the EAE-25 total score and its other three factors. The EAE-25 total scores were polarized towards acceptance in approximately four out of ten students and towards the rejected in approximately one out of ten; in the rest, they were neutral. There were no differences of means between both sexes. The EAE-25 total score had a high correlation with the total score in the scale of attitude towards research (. = .52, . < .001) and low with the qualification in the research subject of the previous semester (. = .13, . < .001). It is concluded that EAE-25 presents internal consistency and construct validity. It is suggested to use this scale in applied research in the field of university education and upper secondary education.
Resumen La actitud positiva hacia la estadística promueve el estudio y uso de esta disciplina fundamental para analizar datos; de ahí la relevancia de evaluar el nivel actitudinal y desarrollar estrategias que lo potencien. La Escala de Actitud hacia la Estadística (EAE-25) de Auzmendi es uno de los instrumentos más usados en español para medir esta actitud, pero no se ha validado en México, lo que es importante para su uso en este país y para aportar evidencias de validez. Los objetivos del estudio fueron contrastar el modelo propuesto originariamente, comprobar su consistencia interna, describir su distribución, comparar los promedios entre sexos y verificar su validez concurrente. Este estudio instrumental usó un muestreo no probabilístico. Se analizó una muestra de 383 estudiantes de psicología mexicanos (73.6 % mujeres y 26.4 % hombres) que respondieron a dos escalas de actitud. El modelo de cinco factores (confianza, ansiedad, agrado, utilidad y motivación) mostró buen ajuste a los datos. Sus factores presentaron confiabilidad y validez discriminante. La distribución de las puntuaciones en EAE-25 fue normal. La actitud se polarizó, aproximadamente, en cuatro de cada diez estudiantes hacia la aceptación y en uno de cada diez hacia el rechazo. No hubo diferencias de medias entre sexos. La EAE-25 tuvo correlación alta con actitud hacia la investigación y baja con la calificación en la materia de investigación del semestre anterior. Se concluye que la EAE-25 presenta consistencia interna y validez de constructo.