A descriptive study of those patients classified as hypertensive during pregnancy according to the criteria of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology was conducted at the "Julio Alfonso Medina" Gynecoobstetric Teaching Hospital of Matanzas. Data were processed in an IBM computer with the STATGRAPH statistical package, and descriptive tests such as the percent method and the Chi square test were applied. Of a total 1 092 patients classified as hypertensive during pregnancy, 1 127 deliveries were attained (33 twin births, 1 triplets). 536 patients were considered as type I for 49.1 % of the total, divided into mild preeclapsia, 319 for 59.5 %; severe pre-eclampsia, 209 for 39,0 %; and eclampsia, 8 for 1.5 %. Among the chronic II there were 306 patients for 28.0 %, whereas 132 were included in the chronic III for 12.1 %. Within the type IV there were 118 patients for 10.8 %. Variables that allowed to accept or not the dependance of each of them on the referred type of hypertension were studied.
Se efectúa un estudio descriptivo en el hospital docente ginecoobstétrico de Matanzas "Julio Alfonso Medina" de 1986 a 1993, a las pacientes clasificadas como hipertensas durante la gestación, de acuerdo con los criterios del Colegio Americano de Obstetricia y Ginecología. Se procesaron los datos en una computadora IBM, con el paquete estadístico STATGRAPH y se aplicaron pruebas descriptivas como el método de % y el X2. De un total de 1 092 pacientes clasificadas como hipertensas en la gestación, se obtuvieron 1 127 partos (33 gemelares, 1 trillizos). Correspondieron al tipo I, 536 pacientes para el 49,1 % del total; desglosadas en: preeclampsia leve, 319 para el 59,5 %; preeclampsia grave, 209 para el 39,0 % y eclampsia, 8 para el 1,5 %; las crónicas II, con 306 para el 28,0 % y las crónicas III, 132 para el 12,1 % y de tipo IV, 118 para el 10,8 %. Se estudiaron variables que permitieron aceptar o no la dependencia de cada una de ellas con el referido tipo de hipertensión.