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au:Nogueira, Marcelo Coelho
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O uso da gamificação no ensino da fisiologia renal
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Parahyba Júnior, Marcelo Coelho
; Martins, Renato Brito Oliveira
; Weyne, Karla Maryana Lima Loiola
; Nogueira, Natália Pessoa Eufrásio
; Ponte, Edson Lopes da
; Marques, Gabriela Fernandes Oliveira
; Silva, Leidiane Pinho da
RESUMO Introdução: O modelo tradicional de ensino em que o professor é o mentor do processo educativo, tendo enfoque em extensas aulas expositivas, ainda é bastante predominante nas instituições de ensino de diferentes níveis de escolaridade. Esse cenário pode ser considerado incongruente com a nova era tecnológica e o novo modo de pensar. Em contrapartida, a gamificação é uma metodologia ativa que visa tornar o aluno o centro do aprendizado, a fim de aumentar o interesse dele e melhorar a absorção do conteúdo. Objetivo: O presente estudo visa analisar a percepção de alunos do segundo semestre de um curso de Medicina sobre a utilização de um jogo que contempla os principais conceitos da fisiologia renal. Método: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, do tipo prospectivo. A atividade consistiu em uma dinâmica que usou um jogo de tabuleiro com cartas sobre a fisiologia renal para 104 alunos. Em seguida, foi aplicado um questionário com 11 perguntas, majoritariamente objetivas, cujas principais variáveis investigadas foram a experiência prévia com a gamificação, a adequação da duração da aula prática, como os discentes avaliaram o uso da gamificação da aula prática, entre outras. Resultado: Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos alunos afirmou ser esse tipo de metodologia estimulante (93,3%) e que auxilia no estudo dos assuntos propostos (94,2%), consolidando os temas já vistos em sala de aula pelo método tradicional. Também foi pontuado pelos estudantes que a melhor maneira de assimilar o conteúdo seria adicionar a gamificação, após o método tradicional de exposição dialogada (61,5%). Quando questionados sobre a percepção do uso de gamificação nas aulas práticas, a maioria a classificou como ótima (65,4%) ou boa (30,8%). Conclusão: Diante dos resultados expostos, pode-se concluir que a gamificação se mostrou uma excelente aliada à aula teórica tradicional, servindo como mecanismo de sedimentação e aumento de interesse para os discentes. Introdução educativo expositivas escolaridade pensar contrapartida aprendizado Objetivo Método Tratase Trata descritivo prospectivo 10 seguida 1 perguntas objetivas prática outras Resultado 93,3% 933 93 3 (93,3% 94,2%, 942 94,2% , 94 2 (94,2%) 61,5%. 615 61,5% . 61 5 (61,5%) práticas 65,4% 654 65 4 (65,4% 30,8%. 308 30,8% 30 8 (30,8%) Conclusão expostos podese 93,3 9 (93,3 94,2 (94,2% 61,5 6 (61,5% 65,4 (65,4 30,8 (30,8% 93, (93, 94, (94,2 61, (61,5 65, (65, 30, (30,8 (93 (94, (61, (65 (30, (9 (94 (61 (6 (30 ( (3
ABSTRACT Introduction: The traditional teaching model, in which the teacher is the mentor of the educational process and focuses on extensive lectures, is still quite prevalent in educational institutions at different levels of education. This scenario can be considered incongruent with the new technological era and new way of thinking. In contrast, gamification is an active methodology that aims to make the student the center of learning, aiming to increase their interest and improve content absorption. Objective: This study aims to analyze the perception of students attending the second semester of a medical course about the use of a game that covers the main concepts of renal physiology. Method: This is a descriptive, prospective study. The activity consisted of a dynamic that used a board game with cards about renal physiology for 104 students. Subsequently, a questionnaire with 11 questions was applied, mostly objective, whose main variables investigated were previous experience with gamification, the adequacy of the practical class duration, how they evaluated the use of gamification in the practical class, among others. Results: The results showed that most students stated that this type of methodology is stimulating (93.3%) and that it helps in the study of the proposed subjects (94.2%), consolidating the topics previously covered in the classroom using the traditional method. The students also pointed out that the best way to assimilate the content would be to add gamification, after the traditional method of dialogue exposition (61.5%). When asked about their perception of the use of gamification in practical classes, most students classified it as excellent (65.4%) or good (30.8%). Conclusion: Given the results presented herein, it can be concluded that gamification proved to be an excellent ally to the traditional theoretical class, serving as a mechanism for sedimentation and increased interest for students. Introduction model lectures education thinking contrast learning absorption Objective Method descriptive 10 Subsequently 1 applied objective duration others Results 93.3% 933 93 3 (93.3% 94.2%, 942 94.2% , 94 2 (94.2%) 61.5%. 615 61.5% . 61 5 (61.5%) classes 65.4% 654 65 4 (65.4% 30.8%. 308 30.8% 30 8 (30.8%) Conclusion herein 93.3 9 (93.3 94.2 (94.2% 61.5 6 (61.5% 65.4 (65.4 30.8 (30.8% 93. (93. 94. (94.2 61. (61.5 65. (65. 30. (30.8 (93 (94. (61. (65 (30. (9 (94 (61 (6 (30 ( (3
Proteinuria and serum creatinine after 12 months of treatment for lupus nephritis as predictors of long-term renal outcome: a case–control study
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Braga, Fernanda Nogueira Holanda Ferreira
; Medeiros, Marta Maria das Chagas
; Viana Junior, Antonio Brazil
; Lima, Matheus Eugênio de Sousa
; Barros, Levi Coelho Maia
; Pontes, Marcelo Ximenes
; Lima, Allysson Wosley de Sousa
; Fernandes, Paula Frassinetti Castelo Branco Camurça
Abstract Background: Lupus nephritis (LN) is a major source of morbidity and mortality in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), with 10–25% of patients progressing to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Objective: This study aims to elucidate the predictive capabilities of 24-h proteinuria (24PTU) and serum creatinine (sCr) after 12 months of treatment with respect to long-term renal outcomes in LN in a single-center cohort of LN patients. Methods: A retrospective analysis was performed on 214 patients diagnosed with LN followed in our center. Values of 24PTU and sCr were assessed at baseline and after 3, 6 and 12 months, and after 5 years and/or the last evaluation. Chronic kidney disease (CKD) was defined as an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 for 3 months or longer. End-stage renal disease (ESRD) was defined as the need for permanent dialysis. Receiver operating characteristics curves (ROC) were used to test the best cut-off value of 24PTU and sCr at 12 months who predict bad long-term renal outcomes. Results: The mean follow-up period was 11.2 ± 7.2 years. The best cut-off values for 24PTU and sCr as predictor of CKD were, respectively, 0.9 g/24 h and 0.9 mg/dL. ROC curve for 24PTU had a slightly lower performance than ROC curve for sCr as predictor for CKD (PTU AUC = 0.68; sCr AUC = 0.70), but sensitivity and specificity were better for 24PTU (24PTU: sensitivity = 63.5%, specificity = 71.2%; sCr: sensitivity = 54.8%, specificity = 75.3%). When the outcome was ESRD the best cut-off points were 0.9 g/24hs and 1.3 mg/dL for 24PTU and sCr, respectively, and the curve performance was better for 24PTU (PTU AUC = 0.72; sCr AUC = 0.61). Conclusions: In this ethnically diverse population with LN followed for a long time (> 10 years), levels of 24PTU > 0.9/day at 12 months was a good predictor of bad long-term renal outcome. The serum creatinine > 0.9 mg/dL and > 1.3 mg/dL at 12 months were also good predictors of CKD and ESRD, respectively. Patients with 24PTU < 0.9 g/day and sCr < 1.3 mg/dL at 12 months are not likely to develop ESRD because of the high negative predictive values (NPV) (93.2% and 82%). 24PTU and sCr are relevant as components for a treat-to-target strategy for LN treatment, since their high NPV corroborates their importance as good predictors of long-term renal outcome.
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Costa, Marcelo Moreira da
; Nogueira, Thales Augusto Pinto Coelho
; Bittencourt, Ricardo de Carvalho
; Silva, Weslley Henrique Martins da
; Silva, Larissa Soares
; Almeida, Rodrigo Fraga de
; Santos, Gleison Augusto dos
; Pena, Claudilene Aparecida Alves
RESUMO A busca por biomassas para uso como fontes alternativas de fibras, semelhantes a biomassa de Eucalyptus spp., possui grande valor e potencial para aplicação em escala comercial. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os clones híbridos de Corymbia spp. desenvolvidos pela Aperam BioEnergia como potenciais substitutos da madeira de eucalipto na indústria de polpa celulósica. Ao realizar a polpação kraft modificada e análises de caracterização química, foi possível comparar a biomassa de Eucalyptus spp. com a de Corymbia spp. As comparações foram feitas analisando o incremento médio anual de celulose (IMACel) e consumo específico de madeira (CEMad), estimados usando um número kappa de 19 ± 1. Os resultados mostraram que um dos clones híbridos (Corymbia citriodora × Corymbia torelliana - ID 4) apresentou maior densidade básica, maior rendimento depurado, melhor IMACel#k19 e menor CEMad do que as outras amostras. O clone ID 4 demonstrou menor valor de CEMad pois, simultaneamente, apresentou maior valor de densidade básica e rendimento depurado. Consequentemente, de acordo com seus melhores resultados, o clone ID 4 obteve a pontuação mais alta, calculada pela razão IMACEL/CEMad. Este material genético também apresentou um dos menores teores de lignina total, resultando em um maior rendimento depurado. Além disso, o clone ID 4 apresentou teor de xilana significativamente maior dentre as amostras de madeira avaliadas neste trabalho. Dessa forma, o ID 4, foi o mais bem classificado, provando ser uma excelente alternativa de alto desempenho para parâmetros de interface floresta-indústria
ABSTRACT The search for novel biomasses for uses as alternative fiber sources, similar to Eucalyptus spp. biomass, holds great value and potential for commercial-scale application. This study aims to present the hybrid clones of Corymbia spp. developed by Aperam BioEnergia as potential substitutes for Eucalyptus wood in the market pulp industry. By performing modified kraft pulping and chemical characterization analyses, it was possible to compare the biomass of Eucalyptus spp. with that of Corymbia spp. Comparisons were made by analyzing their respective pulp average growth rate (PAGR) and specific wood consumption (SWC), estimated using a kappa number of 19 ± 1. The results showed that one of the hybrid clones (Corymbia citriodora × Corymbia torelliana - ID 4) had highest PAGR#k19, and lowest SWC than other samples. Clone ID 4 showed lowest value of SWC since, simultaneously presented a higher value of wood basic density and screened yield. Consequently, in agreement with its best results, clone ID 4 had the highest-ranking score, calculated as the PAGR/SWC ratio. This genetic material also showed one of the lowest total lignin content, consequently the highest screening yield. Besides Clone ID 4 showed significantly highest xylan content, among wood samples assessed in this work. For that reason, the ID 4 was the highest-ranked, proving to be an excellent high-performance alternative for forest-industry interface parameters.
Brazilian Guidelines for Nutrition in Cystic Fibrosis
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Neri, Lenycia de Cassya Lopes
; Simon, Miriam Isabel Souza dos Santos
; Ambrósio, Valéria Laguna Salomão
; Barbosa, Eliana
; Garcia, Monique Ferreira
; Mauri, Juliana Ferreira
; Guirau, Renata Rodrigues
; Neves, Mirella Aparecida
; Cunha, Carolina de Azevedo Pedrosa
; Nogueira, Marcelo Coelho
; Alves, Anna Carolina Di Creddo
; Gurmini, Jocemara
; Servidoni, Maria de Fatima
; Epifanio, Matias
; Athanazio, Rodrigo
ABSTRACT Objective To develop a scientific consensus on nutrition in cystic fibrosis. Methods Sixteen coordinators elaborated relevant questions on nutritional therapy in cystic fibrosis, which were divided into six sections: nutritional assessment, nutritional recommendations, nutritional intervention, dietary counseling, special situations and enzyme replacement, and gastrointestinal manifestations. Two to three specialists in the field were responsible for each section and obtaining answers formulated based on standardized bibliographic searches. The available literature was searched in the PubMed®/MEDLINE database, after training and standardization of search strategies, to write the best level of evidence for the questions elaborated. Issues related to disagreement were discussed until a consensus was reached among specialists, based on the current scientific literature. Results Forty-two questions were prepared and objectively answered, resulting in a consensus of nutritional therapy in cystic fibrosis. Conclusion This work enabled establishing a scientific consensus for nutritional treatment of cystic fibrosis patients.
Characteristics and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 admitted to the ICU in a university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil - study protocol
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Ferreira, Juliana C.
; Ho, Yeh-Li
; Besen, Bruno A.M.P.
; Malbuisson, Luiz M.S.
; Taniguchi, Leandro U.
; Mendes, Pedro V.
; Costa, Eduardo L.V.
; Park, Marcelo
; Daltro-Oliveira, Renato
; Roepke, Roberta M.L.
; Silva Jr, João M.
; Carmona, Maria José C.
; Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro
; Hirota, Adriana
; Kanasiro, Alberto Kendy
; Crescenzi, Alessandra
; Fernandes, Amanda Coelho
; Miethke-Morais, Anna
; Bellintani, Arthur Petrillo
; Canasiro, Artur Ribeiro
; Carneiro, Bárbara Vieira
; Zanbon, Beatriz Keiko
; Batista, Bernardo Pinheiro De Senna Nogueira
; Nicolao, Bianca Ruiz
; Besen, Bruno Adler Maccagnan Pinheiro
; Biselli, Bruno
; Macedo, Bruno Rocha De
; Toledo, Caio Machado Gomes De
; Pompilio, Carlos Eduardo
; Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro De
; Mol, Caroline Gomes
; Stipanich, Cassio
; Bueno, Caue Gasparotto
; Garzillo, Cibele
; Tanaka, Clarice
; Forte, Daniel Neves
; Joelsons, Daniel
; Robira, Daniele
; Costa, Eduardo Leite Vieira
; Silva Júnior, Elson Mendes Da
; Regalio, Fabiane Aliotti
; Segura, Gabriela Cardoso
; Marcelino, Gustavo Brasil
; Louro, Giulia Sefrin
; Ho, Yeh-Li
; Ferreira, Isabela Argollo
; Gois, Jeison de Oliveira
; Silva Junior, Joao Manoel Da
; Reusing Junior, Jose Otto
; Ribeiro, Julia Fray
; Ferreira, Juliana Carvalho
; Galleti, Karine Vusberg
; Silva, Katia Regina
; Isensee, Larissa Padrao
; Oliveira, Larissa dos Santos
; Taniguchi, Leandro Utino
; Letaif, Leila Suemi
; Lima, Lígia Trombetta
; Park, Lucas Yongsoo
; Chaves Netto, Lucas
; Nobrega, Luciana Cassimiro
; Haddad, Luciana
; Hajjar, Ludhmila
; Malbouisson, Luiz Marcelo
; Pandolfi, Manuela Cristina Adsuara
; Park, Marcelo
; Carmona, Maria José Carvalho
; Andrade, Maria Castilho Prandini H De
; Santos, Mariana Moreira
; Bateloche, Matheus Pereira
; Suiama, Mayra Akimi
; Oliveira, Mayron Faria de
; Sousa, Mayson Laercio
; Louvaes, Michelle
; Huemer, Natassja
; Mendes, Pedro
; Lins, Paulo Ricardo Gessolo
; Santos, Pedro Gaspar Dos
; Moreira, Pedro Ferreira Paiva
; Guazzelli, Renata Mello
; Reis, Renato Batista Dos
; Oliveira, Renato Daltro De
; Roepke, Roberta Muriel Longo
; Pedro, Rodolpho Augusto De Moura
; Kondo, Rodrigo
; Rached, Samia Zahi
; Fonseca, Sergio Roberto Silveira Da
; Borges, Thais Sousa
; Ferreira, Thalissa
; Cobello Junior, Vilson
; Sales, Vivian Vieira Tenório
; Ferreira, Willaby Serafim Cassa
OBJECTIVES: We designed a cohort study to describe characteristics and outcomes of patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) in the largest public hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as Latin America becomes the epicenter of the pandemic. METHODS: This is the protocol for a study being conducted at an academic hospital in Brazil with 300 adult ICU beds dedicated to COVID-19 patients. We will include adult patients admitted to the ICU with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 during the study period. The main outcome is ICU survival at 28 days. Data will be collected prospectively and retrospectively by trained investigators from the hospital’s electronic medical records, using an electronic data capture tool. We will collect data on demographics, comorbidities, severity of disease, and laboratorial test results at admission. Information on the need for advanced life support and ventilator parameters will be collected during ICU stay. Patients will be followed up for 28 days in the ICU and 60 days in the hospital. We will plot Kaplan-Meier curves to estimate ICU and hospital survival and perform survival analysis using the Cox proportional hazards model to identify the main risk factors for mortality. NCT04378582. RESULTS: We expect to include a large sample of patients with COVID-19 admitted to the ICU and to be able to provide data on admission characteristics, use of advanced life support, ICU survival at 28 days, and hospital survival at 60 days. CONCLUSIONS: This study will provide epidemiological data about critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Brazil, which could inform health policy and resource allocation in low- and middle-income countries.
Quantitative image of fluorescence of ceramic and resin-cement veneers
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SILAMI, Francisca Daniele Jardilino
; PRATAVIEIRA, Sebastião
; NOGUEIRA, Marcelo Saito
; BARRETT, Allyson Anne
; SINHORETI, Mário Alexandre Coelho
; PIRES-DE-SOUZA, Fernanda de Carvalho Panzeri
Abstract The main of the study was quantify the effect of two ceramics with two underlying resin cements on apparent fluorescence levels. Buccal surfaces of two bovine incisors were ground flat producing one enamel and one dentin substrate. The veneers were fabricated (0.5 and 1.0 mm thickness) using two ceramics (IPSe.max Press and IPSe.max Zirpress, Ivoclar Vivadent). Veneers were cemented using either light-cured (Variolink II, Ivoclar Vivadent) or self-adhesive dual (Rely X U200, 3M ESPE) cement. The layered Control group materials had no cement application. Semi-quantitative fluorescence image analysis (Matlabs software, Matworks) involved processing the images as captured under each daylight (DL, Gretagmacbeth) and ultraviolet illuminants (UVA, Sylvania) within a neutral-gray lightbox (Macbeth Spectral Light). Statistical analysis of the quantitative fluorescence values was performed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p < 0.05). The e.max Zirpress on the dentin substrate produced greater fluorescence (p < 0.05) when subjected to UV illumination and more fluorescence (p < 0.05) than e.max Press in both cement groups. Light-cured cement produced higher (p < 0.05) fluorescence than the dual-cement with e.max Press on enamel under UV illumination. The fluorescence for e.max Press on the dentin substrate was greater (p < 0.05) than for e.max Zirpress using dual self-adhesive cement subjected to daylight illumination. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the combination of ceramic and cement produce definite, significant effects on the apparent fluorescence, vital quality for restorative dentistry.
Goal-directed therapy in patients with early acute kidney injury: a multicenter randomized controlled trial
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Amendola, Cristina Prata
; Silva-Jr, João Manoel
; Carvalho, Taisa
; Sanches, Luciana Coelho
; Silva, Ulysses Vasconcelos de Andrade e
; Almeida, Rosana
; Burdmann, Emmanuel
; Lima, Emerson
; Barbosa, Fabiana Ferreira
; Ferreira, Renata Souza
; Carmona, Maria José C.
; Malbouisson, Luiz Marcelo Sá
; Nogueira, Fernando A.M.
; Auler-Júnior, José Otavio Costa
; Lobo, Suzana Margareth
OBJECTIVES: Acute kidney injury is associated with many conditions, and no interventions to improve the outcomes of established acute kidney injury have been developed. We performed this study to determine whether goal-directed therapy conducted during the early stages of acute kidney injury could change the course of the disease. METHODS: This was a multicenter prospective randomized controlled study. Patients with early acute kidney injury in the critical care unit were randomly allocated to a standard care (control) group or a goal-directed therapy group with 8h of intensive treatment to maximize oxygen delivery, and all patients were evaluated during a period of 72h. NCT02414906. RESULTS: A total of 143 patients were eligible for the study, and 99 patients were randomized. Central venous oxygen saturation was significantly increased and the serum lactate level significantly was decreased from baseline levels in the goal-directed therapy group (p=0.001) compared to the control group (p=0.572). No significant differences in the change in serum creatinine level (p=0.96), persistence of acute kidney injury beyond 72h (p=0.064) or the need for renal replacement therapy (p=0.82) were observed between the two groups. In-hospital mortality was significantly lower in the goal-directed therapy group than in the control group (33% vs. 51%; RR: 0.61, 95% CI: 0.37-1.00, p=0.048, number needed to treat=5). CONCLUSIONS: Goal-directed therapy for patients in the early stages of acute kidney injury did not change the disease course.
Brazilian guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of cystic fibrosis
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Athanazio, Rodrigo Abensur
; Silva Filho, Luiz Vicente Ribeiro Ferreira da
; Vergara, Alberto Andrade
; Ribeiro, Antônio Fernando
; Riedi, Carlos Antônio
; Procianoy, Elenara da Fonseca Andrade
; Adde, Fabíola Villac
; Reis, Francisco José Caldeira
; Ribeiro, José Dirceu
; Torres, Lídia Alice
; Fuccio, Marcelo Bicalho de
; Epifanio, Matias
; Firmida, Mônica de Cássia
; Damaceno, Neiva
; Ludwig-Neto, Norberto
; Maróstica, Paulo José Cauduro
; Rached, Samia Zahi
; Melo, Suzana Fonseca de Oliveira
; Pinto, Leonardo Araújo
; Monte, Luciana Freitas Velloso
; Higa, Laurinda Yoko Shinzato
; Folescu, Tania Wrobel
; Marson, Fernando Augusto de Lima
; Sad, Isabela
; Servidoni, Maria de Fátima Correa Pimenta
; Kussek, Paulo
; Raskin, Salmo
; Zuana, Adriana Della
; Augustin, Albin
; Hoffmann, Anneliese
; Barbisan, Beatriz
; Hochhegger, Bruno
; Levy, Carlos Emilio
; Veiga, Claudine Sarmento da
; Ricachinevsky, Claudio
; Esposito, Concetta
; Escuissato, Dante
; Brandemburgo, Diego
; Marques, Elisabeth
; Aquino, Evanirso de
; Fischer, Gilberto Bueno
; Rodrigues, Joaquim Carlos
; Machado, Leticia
; Muramato, Lucia
; Costa, Lusmaia Damasceno Camargo
; Donadio, Marcio
; Castro, Marcos César Santos de
; Ribeiro, Maria Angela
; Santana, Maria Angélica
; Canan, Mariane
; Almeida, Marina Buarque de
; Britto, Murilo
; Dalcin, Paulo Roth Tarso
; Ramos, Regina Terse Trindade
; Chiba, Sonia
; Martins, Valéria de Carvalho
; Lacerda, Claudine
; Barbosa, Eliana
; Guimarães, Elizabet Vilar
; Hessel, Gabriel
; Gurmini, Jocemara
; Neri, Lenycia
; Nogueira, Marcelo Coelho
; Wayhs, Mônica Chang
; Simon, Miriam Isabel Santos
; Fernandes, Arlene Gonçalves dos Santos
; Silva, Claudia de Castro de
; Albuquerque, Cristiano Túlio Maciel
; Souza, Edna Lúcia
; Silva, Fernando Antonio de Abreu e
; Dalcin, Paulo de Tarso
; Noronha, Renata Maria de
; Teixeira, Ricardo
; Machado, Sandra Helena
; Camargo, Spencer Marcantonio
; Rozov, Tatiana
; Rodrigues, Ticiana da Costa
RESUMO A fibrose cística (FC) é uma doença genética autossômica recessiva caracterizada pela disfunção do gene CFTR. Trata-se de uma doença multissistêmica que ocorre mais frequentemente em populações descendentes de caucasianos. Nas últimas décadas, diversos avanços no diagnóstico e tratamento da FC mudaram drasticamente o cenário dessa doença, com aumento expressivo da sobrevida e qualidade de vida. Atualmente, o Brasil dispõe de um programa de ampla cobertura para a triagem neonatal de FC e centros de referência distribuídos na maior parte desses estados para seguimento dos indivíduos. Antigamente confinada à faixa etária pediátrica, tem-se observado um aumento de pacientes adultos com FC tanto pelo maior número de diagnósticos de formas atípicas, de expressão fenotípica mais leve, assim como pelo aumento da expectativa de vida com os novos tratamentos. Entretanto, ainda se observa uma grande heterogeneidade no acesso aos métodos diagnósticos e terapêuticos para FC entre as diferentes regiões brasileiras. O objetivo dessas diretrizes foi reunir as principais evidências científicas que norteiam o manejo desses pacientes. Um grupo de 18 especialistas em FC elaborou 82 perguntas clínicas relevantes que foram divididas em cinco categorias: características de um centro de referência; diagnóstico; tratamento da doença respiratória; tratamento gastrointestinal e nutricional; e outros aspectos. Diversos profissionais brasileiros atuantes na área da FC foram convidados a responder as perguntas formuladas pelos coordenadores. A literatura disponível foi pesquisada na base de dados PubMed com palavras-chave, buscando-se as melhores respostas às perguntas dos autores.
ABSTRACT Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder characterized by dysfunction of the CFTR gene. It is a multisystem disease that most often affects White individuals. In recent decades, various advances in the diagnosis and treatment of CF have drastically changed the scenario, resulting in a significant increase in survival and quality of life. In Brazil, the current neonatal screening program for CF has broad coverage, and most of the Brazilian states have referral centers for the follow-up of individuals with the disease. Previously, CF was limited to the pediatric age group. However, an increase in the number of adult CF patients has been observed, because of the greater number of individuals being diagnosed with atypical forms (with milder phenotypic expression) and because of the increase in life expectancy provided by the new treatments. However, there is still great heterogeneity among the different regions of Brazil in terms of the access of CF patients to diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The objective of these guidelines was to aggregate the main scientific evidence to guide the management of these patients. A group of 18 CF specialists devised 82 relevant clinical questions, divided into five categories: characteristics of a referral center; diagnosis; treatment of respiratory disease; gastrointestinal and nutritional treatment; and other aspects. Various professionals working in the area of CF in Brazil were invited to answer the questions devised by the coordinators. We used the PubMed database to search the available literature based on keywords, in order to find the best answers to these questions.
Breast cancer with splenic metastasis in a male patient
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Thompson, Bruna Maria
; Pimentel, Flávio Ferrarini de Oliveira
; Diógenes, Jaime Afonso Coelho Nogueira
; Kohayagawa, Marcelo Hajime
; Vianna, Maria Regina
Recomendações brasileiras de ventilação mecânica 2013. Parte 2
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Barbas, Carmen Sílvia Valente
; Ísola, Alexandre Marini
; Farias, Augusto Manoel de Carvalho
; Cavalcanti, Alexandre Biasi
; Gama, Ana Maria Casati
; Duarte, Antonio Carlos Magalhães
; Vianna, Arthur
; Serpa Neto, Ary
; Bravim, Bruno de Arruda
; Pinheiro, Bruno do Valle
; Mazza, Bruno Franco
; Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro de
; Toufen Júnior, Carlos
; David, Cid Marcos Nascimento
; Taniguchi, Corine
; Mazza, Débora Dutra da Silveira
; Dragosavac, Desanka
; Toledo, Diogo Oliveira
; Costa, Eduardo Leite
; Caser, Eliana Bernadete
; Silva, Eliezer
; Amorim, Fabio Ferreira
; Saddy, Felipe
; Galas, Filomena Regina Barbosa Gomes
; Silva, Gisele Sampaio
; Matos, Gustavo Faissol Janot de
; Emmerich, João Claudio
; Valiatti, Jorge Luis dos Santos
; Teles, José Mario Meira
; Victorino, Josué Almeida
; Ferreira, Juliana Carvalho
; Prodomo, Luciana Passuello do Vale
; Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão
; Martins, Luiz Claudio
; Malbouisson, Luis Marcelo Sá
; Vargas, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira
; Reis, Marco Antonio Soares
; Amato, Marcelo Brito Passos
; Holanda, Marcelo Alcântara
; Park, Marcelo
; Jacomelli, Marcia
; Tavares, Marcos
; Damasceno, Marta Cristina Paulette
; Assunção, Murillo Santucci César
; Damasceno, Moyzes Pinto Coelho Duarte
; Youssef, Nazah Cherif Mohamed
; Teixeira, Paulo José Zimmermann
; Caruso, Pedro
; Duarte, Péricles Almeida Delfino
; Messeder, Octavio
; Eid, Raquel Caserta
; Rodrigues, Ricardo Goulart
; Jesus, Rodrigo Francisco de
; Kairalla, Ronaldo Adib
; Justino, Sandra
; Nemer, Sergio Nogueira
; Romero, Simone Barbosa
; Amado, Verônica Moreira
Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva
- Métricas do periódico
O suporte ventilatório artificial invasivo e não invasivo ao paciente grave tem evoluído e inúmeras evidências têm surgido, podendo ter impacto na melhora da sobrevida e da qualidade do atendimento oferecido nas unidades de terapia intensiva no Brasil. Isto posto, a Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira (AMIB) e a Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia (SBPT) - representadas por seu Comitê de Ventilação Mecânica e sua Comissão de Terapia Intensiva, respectivamente, decidiram revisar a literatura e preparar recomendações sobre ventilação mecânica, objetivando oferecer aos associados um documento orientador das melhores práticas da ventilação mecânica na beira do leito, com base nas evidências existentes, sobre os 29 subtemas selecionados como mais relevantes no assunto. O projeto envolveu etapas que visaram distribuir os subtemas relevantes ao assunto entre experts indicados por ambas as sociedades, que tivessem publicações recentes no assunto e/ou atividades relevantes em ensino e pesquisa no Brasil, na área de ventilação mecânica. Esses profissionais, divididos por subtemas em duplas, responsabilizaram-se por fazer uma extensa revisão da literatura mundial. Reuniram-se todos no Fórum de Ventilação Mecânica, na sede da AMIB, na cidade de São Paulo (SP), em 3 e 4 de agosto de 2013, para finalização conjunta do texto de cada subtema e apresentação, apreciação, discussão e aprovação em plenária pelos 58 participantes, permitindo a elaboração de um documento final.
Recomendações brasileiras de ventilação mecânica 2013. Parte I
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Barbas, Carmen Sílvia Valente
; Ísola, Alexandre Marini
; Farias, Augusto Manoel de Carvalho
; Cavalcanti, Alexandre Biasi
; Gama, Ana Maria Casati
; Duarte, Antonio Carlos Magalhães
; Vianna, Arthur
; Serpa Neto, Ary
; Bravim, Bruno de Arruda
; Pinheiro, Bruno do Valle
; Mazza, Bruno Franco
; Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro de
; Toufen Júnior, Carlos
; David, Cid Marcos Nascimento
; Taniguchi, Corine
; Mazza, Débora Dutra da Silveira
; Dragosavac, Desanka
; Toledo, Diogo Oliveira
; Costa, Eduardo Leite
; Caser, Eliana Bernardete
; Silva, Eliezer
; Amorim, Fabio Ferreira
; Saddy, Felipe
; Galas, Filomena Regina Barbosa Gomes
; Silva, Gisele Sampaio
; Matos, Gustavo Faissol Janot de
; Emmerich, João Claudio
; Valiatti, Jorge Luis dos Santos
; Teles, José Mario Meira
; Victorino, Josué Almeida
; Ferreira, Juliana Carvalho
; Prodomo, Luciana Passuello do Vale
; Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão
; Martins, Luiz Cláudio
; Malbouisson, Luiz Marcelo Sá
; Vargas, Mara Ambrosina de Oliveira
; Reis, Marco Antonio Soares
; Amato, Marcelo Brito Passos
; Holanda, Marcelo Alcântara
; Park, Marcelo
; Jacomelli, Marcia
; Tavares, Marcos
; Damasceno, Marta Cristina Paulette
; Assunção, Murillo Santucci César
; Damasceno, Moyzes Pinto Coelho Duarte
; Youssef, Nazah Cherif Mohamad
; Teixeira, Paulo José Zimmermann
; Caruso, Pedro
; Duarte, Péricles Almeida Delfino
; Messeder, Octavio
; Eid, Raquel Caserta
; Rodrigues, Ricardo Goulart
; Jesus, Rodrigo Francisco de
; Kairalla, Ronaldo Adib
; Justino, Sandra
; Nemer, Sérgio Nogueira
; Romero, Simone Barbosa
; Amado, Verônica Moreira
Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva
- Métricas do periódico
O suporte ventilatório artificial invasivo e não invasivo ao paciente crítico tem evoluído e inúmeras evidências têm surgido, podendo ter impacto na melhora da sobrevida e da qualidade do atendimento oferecido nas unidades de terapia intensiva no Brasil. Isto posto, a Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira (AMIB) e a Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia (SBPT) - representadas pelo seus Comitê de Ventilação Mecânica e Comissão de Terapia Intensiva, respectivamente, decidiram revisar a literatura e preparar recomendações sobre ventilação mecânica objetivando oferecer aos associados um documento orientador das melhores práticas da ventilação mecânica na beira do leito, baseado nas evidencias existentes, sobre os 29 subtemas selecionados como mais relevantes no assunto. O projeto envolveu etapas visando distribuir os subtemas relevantes ao assunto entre experts indicados por ambas as sociedades que tivessem publicações recentes no assunto e/ou atividades relevantes em ensino e pesquisa no Brasil na área de ventilação mecânica. Esses profissionais, divididos por subtemas em duplas, responsabilizaram-se por fazer revisão extensa da literatura mundial sobre cada subtema. Reuniram-se todos no Forum de Ventilação Mecânica na sede da AMIB em São Paulo, em 03 e 04 de agosto de 2013 para finalização conjunta do texto de cada subtema e apresentação, apreciação, discussão e aprovação em plenária pelos 58 participantes, permitindo a elaboração de um documento final.
Perspectives on invasive and noninvasive ventilatory support for critically ill patients are evolving, as much evidence indicates that ventilation may have positive effects on patient survival and the quality of the care provided in intensive care units in Brazil. For those reasons, the Brazilian Association of Intensive Care Medicine (Associação de Medicina Intensiva Brasileira - AMIB) and the Brazilian Thoracic Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia - SBPT), represented by the Mechanical Ventilation Committee and the Commission of Intensive Therapy, respectively, decided to review the literature and draft recommendations for mechanical ventilation with the goal of creating a document for bedside guidance as to the best practices on mechanical ventilation available to their members. The document was based on the available evidence regarding 29 subtopics selected as the most relevant for the subject of interest. The project was developed in several stages, during which the selected topics were distributed among experts recommended by both societies with recent publications on the subject of interest and/or significant teaching and research activity in the field of mechanical ventilation in Brazil. The experts were divided into pairs that were charged with performing a thorough review of the international literature on each topic. All the experts met at the Forum on Mechanical Ventilation, which was held at the headquarters of AMIB in São Paulo on August 3 and 4, 2013, to collaboratively draft the final text corresponding to each sub-topic, which was presented to, appraised, discussed and approved in a plenary session that included all 58 participants and aimed to create the final document.
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