Resumo A Parkia platycephala é a única espécie do gênero Parkia, endêmica do Cerrado brasileiro e a árvore símbolo do estado do Tocantins, porém ainda com pouco estudos com relação a sua bioprospecção. Neste estudo, objetivamos realizar a caracterização fitoquímica, avaliar a toxicidade e as atividades antioxidante e anticolinesterásica dos extratos da casca e da flor da Parkia platycephala. Foram realizadas extrações sequenciais a quente (Soxhlet), utilizando hexano, metanol e solução hidroetanólica (70%). A presença de flavonoides, taninos, esteroides e alcaloides foi detectada na triagem preliminar. A análise por Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada a Espectrometria de Massa (GC-MS) indicou a presença de variados compostos, tais como trilinoleina, (Z)-9-octadecenamida, 3-O-methyl-d-glucose e methylsulfinyl(methylthio)-methane. Na análise por Cromatografia Líquida com Detector de Arranjo de Diodo (LC-PDA), destacam-se o ácido elágico, presente apenas nos extratos da flor, e o ácido ferúlico, presente apenas nos extratos da casca. Os extratos da casca predominaram quanto ao potencial antioxidante (radical DPPH•), sendo que o extrato etanólico (IC50=10,69 ± 0,35 µgmL-1) superou o padrão rutina (IC50=15,85 ± 0,08 µgmL-1). Todos os extratos apresentaram excelentes potenciais anticolinesterásicos (teste de Ellman), com ênfase no extrato etanólico da flor (IC50=5,34 ± 0,12 µgmL-1). Em relação à toxicidade (Artemia salina), o extrato metanólico da casca e o extrato etanólico da flor, apresentaram níveis elevado e moderado, respectivamente. Tais resultados limitam as concentrações das atividades biológicas deste estudo, entretanto, os índices antioxidante e anticolinesterásico ficam aquém da toxicidade. Os resultados mostraram as promissoras atividades antioxidante e anticolinesterásica da casca e flor da Parkia platycephala. Tocantins bioprospecção estudo fitoquímica Soxhlet, Soxhlet , (Soxhlet) hexano 70%. 70 70% . (70%) flavonoides taninos preliminar GCMS GC MS (GC-MS compostos trilinoleina Z9octadecenamida, Z9octadecenamida Zoctadecenamida Z 9 octadecenamida, octadecenamida (Z)-9-octadecenamida 3Omethyldglucose Omethyldglucose 3 O methyl d glucose methylsulfinylmethylthiomethane. methylsulfinylmethylthiomethane methylsulfinyl methylthio methane. methane methylsulfinyl(methylthio)-methane LCPDA, LCPDA LC PDA (LC-PDA) destacamse destacam se elágico ferúlico radical DPPH•, DPPH DPPH• DPPH•) IC50=10,69 IC501069 IC IC50 10 69 (IC50=10,6 035 0 35 0,3 µgmL1 µgmL 1 µgmL-1 IC50=15,85 IC501585 15 85 (IC50=15,8 008 08 0,0 µgmL1. teste Ellman, Ellman Ellman) IC50=5,34 IC50534 5 34 (IC50=5,3 012 12 0,1 Artemia salina, salina salina) moderado respectivamente entretanto (Soxhlet 7 (70% (LC-PDA IC50=10,6 IC50106 IC5 6 (IC50=10, 03 0, µgmL- IC50=15,8 IC50158 8 (IC50=15, 00 IC50=5,3 IC5053 (IC50=5, 01 (70 IC50=10, IC5010 (IC50=10 IC50=15, IC5015 (IC50=15 IC50=5, IC505 (IC50=5 (7 IC50=10 IC501 (IC50=1 IC50=15 IC50=5 (IC50= ( IC50=1 IC50= (IC50 (IC5 (IC
Abstract Parkia platycephala is the only species of the genus Parkia that is endemic to the brazilian Cerrado and the tree symbol of the state of Tocantins, but there are still few studies regarding its bioprospecting. In this study, we aimed to investigate the phytochemical composition, toxicity and bioactivities of the bark and flower of Parkia platycephala. Hot sequential extractions (Soxhlet) were performed using methanol and hydroethanolic solution (70%), after degreasing the sample (hexane). The presence of flavonoids, tannins, steroids and alkaloids was detected in the preliminary screening. Trilinolein, (Z)-9-octadecenamide, 3-O-methyl-d-glucose were detected by Gas Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). In the Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detector (LC-PDA) analysis, it was detected exclusively ferulic acid (bark) and ellagic acid (flower). The ethanolic extract of the bark (IC50=10.69 ± 0.35 µgmL-1) has an antioxidant potential (DPPH• radical) higher than that of the rutin standard (IC50=15.85 ± 0.08 µgmL-1). All extracts showed excellent anticholinesterase potential (Ellman), with emphasis on the ethanol extract of the flower (IC50 =5.34 ± 0.12 µgmL-1). Regarding toxicity (Artemia salina), the methanolic extract of the bark and the ethanolic extract of the flower presented high and moderate levels, respectively. Such results limit the concentrations of biological activities in this study, however, the antioxidant and anticholinesterase indices fall short of toxicity. The results demonstrated promising antioxidant and anticholinesterase activities of both the bark and the flower of Parkia platycephala. Tocantins bioprospecting study composition Soxhlet (Soxhlet 70%, 70 70% , (70%) hexane. hexane . (hexane) flavonoids tannins screening Trilinolein Z9octadecenamide, Z9octadecenamide Zoctadecenamide Z 9 octadecenamide, octadecenamide (Z)-9-octadecenamide 3Omethyldglucose Omethyldglucose 3 O methyl d glucose GCMS. GCMS GC MS (GC-MS) LCPDA LC PDA (LC-PDA analysis (bark flower. (flower) IC50=10.69 IC501069 IC IC50 10 69 (IC50=10.6 035 0 35 0.3 µgmL1 µgmL 1 µgmL-1 DPPH• DPPH (DPPH radical IC50=15.85 IC501585 15 85 (IC50=15.8 008 08 0.0 µgmL1. Ellman, Ellman (Ellman) (IC5 534 5 34 =5.3 012 12 0.1 Artemia salina, salina salina) levels respectively however 7 (70% (hexane (GC-MS (flower IC50=10.6 IC50106 IC5 6 (IC50=10. 03 0. µgmL- IC50=15.8 IC50158 8 (IC50=15. 00 (Ellman (IC 53 =5. 01 (70 IC50=10. IC5010 (IC50=10 IC50=15. IC5015 (IC50=15 =5 (7 IC50=10 IC501 (IC50=1 IC50=15 = ( IC50=1 (IC50= IC50=