El efecto de la intervención nutricional y farmacológica sobre el perfil lípidico fue evaluado en 38 pacientes dislipidémicos (M = 15, F = 23, edad 50.0 ± 1.5 años) durante seis meses18 tenían hipercolesterolemia y 10 dislipidemia mixta. Mediante intervención nutricional, la dieta redujo el colesterol (344,0 ± 14,0 a 309,0 ± 17.0 mg/dl) y el colesterol LDL descendió un 18%. En pacientes dislipidémicos con predominio de triglicéridos, el colesterol bajó de 263,2 ± 13,0 a 249,0 ± 20.0 mg/dl (-5%), pero el colesterol LDL no varió; los triglicéridos descendieron de 379,0 ± 45,0 a 359,6 ± 27,0 mg/dl. La dislipidemia persistió a pesar de dieta por lo que los pacientes hipercolesterolémicos recibieron lovastatina y aquellos con hipertrigliceridemia, gemfibrozil. En los primeros, el colesterol se redujo (309.0 ± 16.7 a 257.0 ± 16.0 mg/dl); el colesterol LDL bajó un 28 % (p < 0.001) y el colesterol HDL subió (47,0 ± 2,6 vs 55,0 ± 3,4 mg/dl, p < 0,05). Pacientes con gemfibrozil redujeron el colesterol (244,0 ± 17,0 a 223,0 ± 17,0 mg/dl) y los triglicéridos (391,0 ± 73,0 a 273,0 ± 26,0 mg/dl, p < 0,06), el colesterol HDL varió (39,5 ± 4,1 a 37,5 ± 5,5 mg/dl). Después de la intervención nutricional, la relación colesterol/colesterol HDL fue 6,57 en hipercolesterolémicos y 6,11 en hipertrigliceridemicos. Esta relación bajó a 4,67 y a 5,36 en los tratados con lovastatina y gem-fibrozil, respectivamente. Este reporte muestra el efecto de tratamientos hipolipemiantes para reducir el riesgo de las complicaciones para alcanzar las metas deseadas en el perfil lipídico.
Thirty eight patients (15 males and 23 females) aged 50,0 ± 1.5 years old, were studied during a six month period. Eighteen had hypercholesterolemia and 10 mixed dyslipidemia. Six hypercholesterolemic, and 6 with mixed dyslipidemic patients had coronary artery disease. With a dietary intervention for three months, patients with hypercholesterolemia reduced total cholesterol (344,0 ± 14,0 309.0 ± mg/dl) and lowdensity lipoprotein concentrations cholesterol by 18 per cent. In patients with mixed dyslipidemias total cholesterol was reduced from 263,2 ± 13,0 to 249,0 ± 12,0 mg/dl, (-5%) but LDL cholesterol did not change. Triglyceride levels changed from 379,0 ± 45,0 to 359,6 ± 27,0 mg/dl. Despite dietary intervention, dyslipidemia persisted. Therefore, in patients with predominant hypercholesterolemia, lovastatinewas prescribed, whereas gemfibrozil for those with mixed dyslipidemias. In patients who received lovastatine, total cholesterol decreased from 309,0 ± 16,7 to 257,0 ± 16,0 mg/dl and LDL cholesterol by 28 percent (p < 0.001). HDL cholesterol increased from 47,0 ± 2,6 to 55,0 ± 3,4 mg/dl (p < 0.05). Patients on gemfibrozil reduced total cholesterol and triglyceride levels (244,0 ± 17,0 to 223,0 ± 17,0 mg/dl; and 391,0 ± 73,0 to 273,0 ± 26,0 mg/dl, p < 0.06, respectively) and HDL cholesterol changed from 39,5 ± 4.1 to 37,5 ± 5,5 mg/dl. The cholesterol HDL ratio was 6.56 and 6.11 after dietary intervention in hypercholesterolemic patients and in those with mixed dyslipidemias and decreased to 4.67 and to 5.36 in patients who received lovastatine and gemfibrozil, respectively. These results showed the of effect interventions on lipid profiles in dyslipidemic patients aimed to reduce cardiovascular risk an achieving the goals in the lipid profile.