RESUMO A qualidade de vida das pacientes com câncer de mama é fortemente afetada pela dor física, angústia psicológica e incerteza sobre o prognóstico vital. Objetivo: Avaliar o bem-estar mental e o nível de angústia psicológica das pacientes com câncer de mama no Hospital Universitário Mohammed VI, em Marrakech. Métodos: Este foi um estudo transversal realizado de abril a dezembro de 2023 no Hospital Universitário Mohammed VI de Marrakech. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário composto por uma seção sociodemográfica e uma seção reservada para a Escala de Bem-Estar Mental de Warwick-Edinburgh (Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale — WEMWBS) e a Escala de Angústia Psicológica de Kessler (K10). A análise dos dados foi realizada utilizando o software SPSS V25. Resultados: Um total de 38,3% das pacientes experimentou angústia psicológica grave. No entanto, o bem-estar mental das pacientes foi alto, com uma média de 54,59 (±11,29). As pacientes mais velhas (>50 anos) apresentaram melhor bem-estar mental (56,46±10,39 vs. 52,99±11,81; p=0,020) e menor angústia psicológica (26,27±7,21 vs. 28,44±8,19; p=0,034) em comparação com as mais jovens (≤50 anos). Quanto ao estágio do câncer, as pacientes com câncer localizado apresentaram uma pontuação de bem-estar mental mais alta do que as pacientes com câncer metastático (55,53±10,93 vs. 50,40±12,03; p=0,008). No entanto, não foi registrada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as pacientes submetidas a mastectomia e aquelas submetidas a lumpectomia em relação ao bem-estar mental ou angústia psicológica. Conclusão: O câncer de mama tem não apenas um impacto físico, mas também psicológico e emocional nas pacientes. Assim, o diagnóstico precoce e o encaminhamento para serviços psicossociais adequados podem melhorar o bem-estar mental das pacientes. física vital Objetivo bemestar bem estar Marrakech Métodos 202 BemEstar Bem Estar WarwickEdinburgh Warwick Edinburgh Wellbeing Well being WEMWBS K10. K10 K . (K10) V25 V Resultados 383 38 3 38,3 grave entanto alto 5459 54 59 54,5 ±11,29. 1129 ±11,29 11 29 (±11,29) >50 50 (>5 anos 56,46±10,39 56461039 56 46 10 39 (56,46±10,3 vs 52,99±11,81 52991181 52 99 81 p=0,020 p0020 p 0 020 26,27±7,21 2627721 26 27 7 21 (26,27±7,2 28,44±8,19 2844819 28 44 8 19 p=0,034 p0034 034 ≤50 (≤5 anos. 55,53±10,93 55531093 55 53 93 (55,53±10,9 50,40±12,03 50401203 40 12 03 p=0,008. p0008 p=0,008 008 p=0,008) Conclusão físico Assim 20 K1 (K10 V2 38, 545 5 54, 112 ±11,2 1 2 (±11,29 >5 (> 56,46±10,3 5646103 4 (56,46±10, 52,99±11,8 5299118 9 p=0,02 p002 02 26,27±7,2 262772 (26,27±7, 28,44±8,1 284481 p=0,03 p003 ≤5 (≤ 55,53±10,9 5553109 (55,53±10, 50,40±12,0 5040120 p000 p=0,00 00 (K1 ±11, (±11,2 > ( 56,46±10, 564610 (56,46±10 52,99±11, 529911 p=0,0 p00 26,27±7, 26277 (26,27±7 28,44±8, 28448 ≤ 55,53±10, 555310 (55,53±10 50,40±12, 504012 (K ±11 (±11, 56,46±10 56461 (56,46±1 52,99±11 52991 p=0, p0 26,27±7 2627 (26,27± 28,44±8 2844 55,53±10 55531 (55,53±1 50,40±12 50401 ±1 (±11 56,46±1 5646 (56,46± 52,99±1 5299 p=0 26,27± 262 (26,27 28,44± 284 55,53±1 5553 (55,53± 50,40±1 5040 ± (±1 56,46± 564 (56,46 52,99± 529 p= 26,27 (26,2 28,44 55,53± 555 (55,53 50,40± 504 (± 56,46 (56,4 52,99 26,2 (26, 28,4 55,53 (55,5 50,40 56,4 (56, 52,9 26, (26 28, 55,5 (55, 50,4 56, (56 52, (2 55, (55 50, (5
ABSTRACT The quality of life of breast cancer patients is strongly affected by physical pain, psychological distress, and uncertainty about vital prognosis. Objective: To assess breast cancer patients’ mental well-being and level of psychological distress at the Mohammed VI University Hospital in Marrakech. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out from April to December 2023 at the Mohammed VI University Hospital of Marrakech. The data were collected via a questionnaire comprising a sociodemographic section and a section reserved for the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) and the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10). Data analysis was performed using SPSS software, version 25. Results: A total of 38.3% of patients experienced severe psychological distress. However, their mental well-being was high with a mean of 54.59 (±11.29). Older patients (>50 years) exhibited better mental well-being (56.46±10.39 vs. 52.99±11.81; p=0.020) and lower psychological distress (26.27±7.21 vs. 28.44±8.19; p=0.034) compared to their younger counterparts (≤50 years). As for the stage of cancer, patients with localized cancer presented a higher mental well-being score than patients with metastatic cancer (55.53±10.93 vs. 50.40±12.03; p=0.008). However, no statistically significant difference was recorded between mastectomy and lumpectomy patients regarding mental well-being or psychological distress. Conclusion: Breast cancer has not only a physical but also a psychological and emotional impact on patients. Thus, early diagnosis and referral to appropriate psychosocial services can improve patients’ mental well-being. pain prognosis Objective wellbeing well being Marrakech Methods Crosssectional Cross sectional 202 WarwickEdinburgh Warwick Edinburgh Wellbeing Well WEMWBS (WEMWBS K10. K10 K . (K10) software 25 Results 383 38 3 38.3 However 5459 54 59 54.5 ±11.29. 1129 ±11.29 11 29 (±11.29) >50 50 (>5 years 56.46±10.39 56461039 56 46 10 39 (56.46±10.3 vs 52.99±11.81 52991181 52 99 81 p=0.020 p0020 p 0 020 26.27±7.21 2627721 26 27 7 21 (26.27±7.2 28.44±8.19 2844819 28 44 8 19 p=0.034 p0034 034 ≤50 (≤5 years. 55.53±10.93 55531093 55 53 93 (55.53±10.9 50.40±12.03 50401203 40 12 03 p=0.008. p0008 p=0.008 008 p=0.008) Conclusion Thus wellbeing. being. 20 K1 (K10 2 38. 545 5 54. 112 ±11.2 1 (±11.29 >5 (> 56.46±10.3 5646103 4 (56.46±10. 52.99±11.8 5299118 9 p=0.02 p002 02 26.27±7.2 262772 (26.27±7. 28.44±8.1 284481 p=0.03 p003 ≤5 (≤ 55.53±10.9 5553109 (55.53±10. 50.40±12.0 5040120 p000 p=0.00 00 (K1 ±11. (±11.2 > ( 56.46±10. 564610 (56.46±10 52.99±11. 529911 p=0.0 p00 26.27±7. 26277 (26.27±7 28.44±8. 28448 ≤ 55.53±10. 555310 (55.53±10 50.40±12. 504012 (K ±11 (±11. 56.46±10 56461 (56.46±1 52.99±11 52991 p=0. p0 26.27±7 2627 (26.27± 28.44±8 2844 55.53±10 55531 (55.53±1 50.40±12 50401 ±1 (±11 56.46±1 5646 (56.46± 52.99±1 5299 p=0 26.27± 262 (26.27 28.44± 284 55.53±1 5553 (55.53± 50.40±1 5040 ± (±1 56.46± 564 (56.46 52.99± 529 p= 26.27 (26.2 28.44 55.53± 555 (55.53 50.40± 504 (± 56.46 (56.4 52.99 26.2 (26. 28.4 55.53 (55.5 50.40 56.4 (56. 52.9 26. (26 28. 55.5 (55. 50.4 56. (56 52. (2 55. (55 50. (5