RESUMO Objetivos: Descrever a distribuição regional das autorizações de internação hospitalar (AIH), custos de internação (CI), tempo médio de permanência (TMP) e taxa de mortalidade (TM) relacionados às artroplastias totais de quadril (ATQ) primárias financiadas pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) de 2012 a 2021. Métodos: Estudo transversal descritivo utilizando dados secundários de domínio público obtidos no site do banco de dados do Departamento de Informática do SUS (DATASUS). Resultados: Foram liberadas 125.463 AIH com CI de R$ 552.218.181,04 no período avaliado. O TMP foi de 6,8 dias. A TM foi de 1,62%. Conclusões: A distribuição regional de AIH foi de 65.756 (52%) no Sudeste; 33.837 (27%) no Sul; 14.882 (12%) no Nordeste; 9.364 (8%) no Centro-Oeste; e, 1.624 (1%) no Norte - em 2020 houve queda acentuada das AIH liberadas, provavelmente devido à pandemia COVID-19. Os CI foram de R$ 293.474.673,20 no Sudeste; R$ 144.794.843,11 no Sul; R$ 61.751.644,36 no Nordeste; R$ 45.724.353,80 no Centro-Oeste; e R$ 6.472.666,57 no Norte. O TMP foi de 6,7 no Sudeste; 5,3 no Sul; 9,2 no Nordeste; 7,6 no Centro-Oeste; e 13,6 no Norte. A TM foi como se segue: Sudeste=1,88%; Sul=1,07%; Nordeste=1,83%; Centro-Oeste=1,44%; e, Norte=1,47%. Nível de Evidência III; Estudo Retrospectivo Comparativo . Objetivos AIH, , (AIH) CI, (CI) (TMP (TM ATQ (ATQ (SUS 201 2021 Métodos DATASUS. DATASUS (DATASUS) Resultados 125463 125 463 125.46 R 55221818104 552 218 181 04 552.218.181,0 avaliado 68 6 8 6, dias 162 1 62 1,62% Conclusões 65756 65 756 65.75 52% 52 (52% Sudeste 33837 33 837 33.83 27% 27 (27% Sul 14882 14 882 14.88 12% 12 (12% Nordeste 9364 9 364 9.36 8% (8% CentroOeste Centro Oeste Centro-Oeste 1624 624 1.62 1% (1% 202 COVID19. COVID19 COVID 19. 19 COVID-19 29347467320 293 474 673 20 293.474.673,2 14479484311 144 794 843 11 144.794.843,1 6175164436 61 751 644 36 61.751.644,3 4572435380 45 724 353 80 45.724.353,8 647266657 472 666 57 6.472.666,5 67 7 53 5 3 5, 92 2 9, 76 7, 136 13 13, segue Sudeste=1,88% Sudeste188 88 Sul=1,07% Sul107 07 Nordeste=1,83% Nordeste183 83 CentroOeste=1,44% CentroOeste144 Oeste=1,44% 44 Centro-Oeste=1,44% Norte147 47 Norte=1,47% III (AIH (CI (DATASUS 12546 46 125.4 5522181810 55 21 18 0 552.218.181, 16 1,62 6575 75 65.7 (52 3383 33.8 (27 1488 14.8 (12 936 9.3 (8 1.6 (1 COVID1 COVID-1 2934746732 29 293.474.673, 1447948431 79 84 144.794.843, 617516443 64 61.751.644, 457243538 4 72 35 45.724.353, 64726665 66 6.472.666, Sudeste=1,88 Sudeste18 Sul=1,07 Sul10 Nordeste=1,83 Nordeste18 CentroOeste=1,44 CentroOeste14 Oeste144 Oeste=1,44 Centro-Oeste=1,44 Norte14 Norte=1,47 1254 125. 552218181 552.218.181 1,6 657 65. (5 338 33. (2 148 14. 93 9. ( 1. COVID- 293474673 293.474.673 144794843 144.794.843 61751644 61.751.644 45724353 45.724.353 6472666 6.472.666 Sudeste=1,8 Sudeste1 Sul=1,0 Sul1 Nordeste=1,8 Nordeste1 CentroOeste=1,4 CentroOeste1 Oeste14 Oeste=1,4 Centro-Oeste=1,4 Norte1 Norte=1,4 55221818 552.218.18 1, 29347467 293.474.67 14479484 144.794.84 6175164 61.751.64 4572435 45.724.35 647266 6.472.66 Sudeste=1, Sul=1, Nordeste=1, CentroOeste=1, Oeste1 Oeste=1, Centro-Oeste=1, Norte=1, 5522181 552.218.1 2934746 293.474.6 1447948 144.794.8 617516 61.751.6 457243 45.724.3 64726 6.472.6 Sudeste=1 Sul=1 Nordeste=1 CentroOeste=1 Oeste=1 Centro-Oeste=1 Norte=1 552218 552.218. 293474 293.474. 144794 144.794. 61751 61.751. 45724 45.724. 6472 6.472. Sudeste= Sul= Nordeste= CentroOeste= Oeste= Centro-Oeste= Norte= 55221 552.218 29347 293.474 14479 144.794 6175 61.751 4572 45.724 647 6.472 5522 552.21 2934 293.47 1447 144.79 617 61.75 457 45.72 6.47 552.2 293.4 144.7 61.7 45.7 6.4 552. 293. 144. 61. 45. 6.
ABSTRACT Objectives: To describe the regional distribution of hospital admission authorizations (HAA), hospitalization costs (HC), the average length of stay (LOS), and mortality rates (MR) related to primary total hip arthroplasties (THA) funded by the Brazilian Health Unic System (SUS) from 2012 to 2021. Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study using secondary data of public domain obtained from the Department of Informatics of SUS (DATASUS) database website. Results: A total of 125,463 HAA were released with HC of 552,218,181.04 BRL in the evaluated period. The average LOS was of 6.8 days. MR was 1.62%. Conclusion: The regional distribution of HAA was 65,756 (52%) in the Southeast; 33,837 (27%) in the South; 14,882 (12%) in the Northeast; 9,364 (8%) in Midwest; and 1,624 (1%) in North - in 2020 there was a sharp decrease of the released HAA, probably due to the COVID-19 pandemic. HC was 293,474,673.20 BRL in the Southeast; 144,794,843.11 BRL in the South; 61,751,644.36 BRL in the Northeast; 45,724,353.80 BRL in the Midwest; and 6,472,666.57 BRL in the North. The average LOS was 6.7 in the Southeast; 5.3 in the South; 9.2 in the Northeast; 7.6 in the Midwest; and, 13.6 in the North. MR was as follows: Southeast=1.88%; South=1.07%; Northeast=1.83%; Midwest=1.44%; and North=1.47%. Evidence Level III; Retrospective Comparative Study . Objectives , (HAA) HC, (HC) LOS, (LOS) (MR THA (THA (SUS 201 2021 Methods crosssectional cross sectional DATASUS (DATASUS website Results 125463 125 463 125,46 55221818104 552 218 181 04 552,218,181.0 period 68 6 8 6. days 162 1 62 1.62% Conclusion 65756 65 756 65,75 52% 52 (52% Southeast 33837 33 837 33,83 27% 27 (27% South 14882 14 882 14,88 12% 12 (12% Northeast 9364 9 364 9,36 8% (8% Midwest 1624 624 1,62 1% (1% 202 COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 pandemic 29347467320 293 474 673 20 293,474,673.2 14479484311 144 794 843 11 144,794,843.1 6175164436 61 751 644 36 61,751,644.3 4572435380 45 724 353 80 45,724,353.8 647266657 472 666 57 6,472,666.5 67 7 53 5 3 5. 92 2 9. 76 7. 136 13 13. follows Southeast=1.88% Southeast188 88 South=1.07% South107 07 Northeast=1.83% Northeast183 83 Midwest=1.44% Midwest144 44 North147 47 North=1.47% III (HAA (HC (LOS 12546 46 125,4 5522181810 55 21 18 0 552,218,181. 16 1.62 6575 75 65,7 (52 3383 33,8 (27 1488 14,8 (12 936 9,3 (8 1,6 (1 COVID1 COVID- 2934746732 29 293,474,673. 1447948431 79 84 144,794,843. 617516443 64 61,751,644. 457243538 4 72 35 45,724,353. 64726665 66 6,472,666. Southeast=1.88 Southeast18 South=1.07 South10 Northeast=1.83 Northeast18 Midwest=1.44 Midwest14 North14 North=1.47 1254 125, 552218181 552,218,181 1.6 657 65, (5 338 33, (2 148 14, 93 9, ( 1, 293474673 293,474,673 144794843 144,794,843 61751644 61,751,644 45724353 45,724,353 6472666 6,472,666 Southeast=1.8 Southeast1 South=1.0 South1 Northeast=1.8 Northeast1 Midwest=1.4 Midwest1 North1 North=1.4 55221818 552,218,18 1. 29347467 293,474,67 14479484 144,794,84 6175164 61,751,64 4572435 45,724,35 647266 6,472,66 Southeast=1. South=1. Northeast=1. Midwest=1. North=1. 5522181 552,218,1 2934746 293,474,6 1447948 144,794,8 617516 61,751,6 457243 45,724,3 64726 6,472,6 Southeast=1 South=1 Northeast=1 Midwest=1 North=1 552218 552,218, 293474 293,474, 144794 144,794, 61751 61,751, 45724 45,724, 6472 6,472, Southeast= South= Northeast= Midwest= North= 55221 552,218 29347 293,474 14479 144,794 6175 61,751 4572 45,724 647 6,472 5522 552,21 2934 293,47 1447 144,79 617 61,75 457 45,72 6,47 552,2 293,4 144,7 61,7 45,7 6,4 552, 293, 144, 61, 45, 6,