RESUMO:O artigo apresenta as novas diretrizes curriculares nacionais para a formação inicial e continuada dos profissionais do magistério da educação básica, tendo por base o Parecer CNE/CP 02/2015, aprovado pelo Conselho Pleno do Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE), em 9 de junho de 2015, e homologado pelo MEC em 24 de junho de 2015. Situa que o processo de construção dessas novas DCNs - objeto de discussões e debates a mais de uma década no CNE, por meio de Comissão Bicameral, ao considerar as diferentes concepções em disputas no campo, estudos e pesquisas sobre a temática, os marcos legais com destaque para a CF 1988, a LDB e o Plano Nacional de Educação (2014/214), bem como as deliberações das Conferências Nacionais de Educação (Conae, 2010 e 2014) - objetivou garantir maior organicidade para a formação inicial e continuada dos profissionais para o magistério da educação básica.
ABSTRACT:The article presents the new national curriculum guidelines for initial and continuing training for teaching professionals in Basic Education, based on the National Council for Education (CNE) decision (CNE/CP 02/2015), as approved by the Plenary Board of the National Education Council, on June 9th, 2015, and approved by MEC (Ministry of Education) on June 24th, 2015. It considers the process of building these new National Curriculum Guidelines - objects of discussion and debate for more than a decade in the National Education Council. This was carried out by a Bicameral Commission which considered the different conceptions and disputes in the field, studies and research on the subject, the legal frameworks highlighting the CF 1988, the LDB and the National Education Plan (2014/214) as well as the resolutions of the National Conference on Education (Conae, 2010 and 2014) - aiming to ensure greater organic structure to the initial and continuing education of basic education teaching professionals.
RÉSUMÉ:L'article présente les nouvelles directives des programmes nationaux de la formation initiale et continue des professionnels de l'éducation basique, en se basant sur le Rapport CNE/CP 02/2015, approuvé par le Conseil Plénier du Conseil National d'Education (CNE), le 9 juin 2015 et homologué par le MEC le 24 juin 2015. Il rend compte du fait que le processus de construction DCN's, objet de discussions et de débats il y a plus d'une décennie, via une Commission à deux chambres, considérant les différentes conceptions en dispute dans le domaine, les études et les recherches sur ce théme, les aspects légaux, en particulier la CF 1988, la LDB et le Plan National d'Education (2014/214), tout comme les délibérations des Conférences Nationales d'Education (Conae, 2010 e 2014) - a eu pour obectif de garantir une meilleure organisation de la formation initiale et continue des professionnels enseignants de l'éducation de base.