Objetivou-se realizar um estudo retrospectivo dos principais achados epidemiológicos, clínicos, patológicos e laboratoriais de ovinos acometidos por urolitíase obstrutiva, atendidos na Clínica de Bovinos, Campus Garanhuns/ UFRPE. Para isso, foram analisadas 66 fichas clínicas de ovinos, todos machos não castrados, com idade entre dois meses e cinco anos. A maioria dos casos (79,63%) ocorreu na época chuvosa. A maioria dos animais (87,88%) era criada intensivamente e todos eram alimentados com concentrados. Os sinais clínicos mais importantes foram as manifestações de dor, congestão de mucosas, hipertermia e aumento da tensão abdominal associados a obstrução do trato urinário. Metade dos animais apresentou obstrução total da uretra. Destes, 69,70% morreram, enquanto nos casos de obstrução parcial, 30,30% morreram. Nos exames laboratoriais verificou-se neutrofilia e desvio à esquerda regenerativo, hiperfibrinogenemia e azotemia. Na urinálise constatou-se hematúria em 89,29% dos casos e pH ácido em 46,43%. Na sedimentoscopia predominaram hemácias, leucócitos, células de descamação do epitélio uretral e cristais de urato amorfo. Os achados necroscópicos renais mais frequentes foram pielonefrite (61,54% dos casos) e hidronefrose (50%). Nos ureteres foram visualizados ureterite e hidroureter. Na bexiga foi mais evidente a cistite hemorrágica difusa (50%) e a presença de urólitos (57,69%). Na uretra observaram-se urólitos (61,54%) e uretrite hemorrágica difusa (57,69%). Quanto à composição dos urólitos predominaram os compostos por oxalato de cálcio hidratado. Conclui-se que no Agreste de Pernambuco a urolitiase é uma doença importante de ovinos, com alta letalidade, estando associada à alimentação rica em concentrados e sal mineral.
The aim was to conduct a retrospective study of the main epidemiological, clinical, pathological and laboratory findings from sheep suffering from obstructive urolithiasis, in the Agreste region of Pernambuco, Brazil. Thus, 66 medical records of non-castrated male sheep with age from 2 months and 5 years were analyzed. Most cases (79.63%) occurred during the rainy season. Most sheep were raised intensively (87.88%) and all were fed with concentrated ration. Main clinical signs were manifestation of pain, congestion of the mucosae, hyperthermia, and increased abdominal tension associated with urinary tract obstruction. Half of the animals showed total obstruction of the urethra, 69.7% of which died, whilst in cases of partial obstruction only 30.3% died. Laboratorial exams revealed neutrophilia and regenerative left turn, hyperfibrinogenemia, and azotemia. Urinalysis showed hematuria in 89.29% of the cases, and acidic pH in 46.43%. Erythrocytes, leukocytes, cell desquamation of urethral epithelium, and crystals of amorphous urate predominated in the examination of the sediment. Most frequent gross findings were pyelonephritis (61.54% of cases) and hydronephrosis (50%). In the ureter, ureteritis and hydroureter was observed. The bladder showed diffuse hemorrhagic cystitis (50%) and uroliths (57.69%). In the urethra, uroliths (61.54%) and diffuse hemorrhagic urethritis (57.69%) was found. The uroliths were composed mainly by hydrated calcium oxalate. It is concluded that in the Agreste region of Pernambuco, urolithiasis is an important disease of sheep with high mortality, associated with the ingestion of large amounts of concentrates and mineral supplements.