O óleo essencial obtido da destilação por vapor de água das folhas, caule, raíz e frutos de Ocotea duckei teve sua composição química analisada através de CG-EM. A atividade farmacológica desses óleos também foi avaliada, mostrando significantes efeitos cardiovasculares. Quarenta e nove substâncias foram identificadas, constituída por uma mistura complexa de monoterpenos (45%) e sesquiterpenos (55%). Os frutos forneceram (1,9%) mais óleo essencial do que os caules (1,0%), raízes (0,8%) e folhas (0,7%). O principal componente encontrado nas folhas foi o trans-cariofileno (60,54%), nas cascas do caule, beta-eudesmol (27,51%) e nos frutos, dl-limoneno (30,12%). O componente predominante do óleo essencial das raízes foi elemol (24,31%). Em ratos normotensos, não anestesiados, o óleo essencial de diferentes partes de Ocotea duckei (folhas, frutos, caule e raiz) induziu significante (p < 0,05) hipotensão seguido de bradicardia.
The essential oils obtained by steam distillation from the roots, stems, leaves and fruits of Ocotea duckei had their composition analyzed by GC-MS. The pharmacological activity of these oils was also evaluated showing significant cardiovascular effects. Forty-nine substances were identified, consisting of a complex mixture of monoterpenes (45%) and sesquiterpenes (55%). The fruits yielded (1.9%) more essential oil than the stems (1.0%), roots (0.8%) and leaves (0.7%). The main component in the oil of the leaves was trans-caryophyllene (60.54%), in the stem bark beta-eudesmol (27.51%) and in the fruits, dl-limonene (30.12%). The predominant essential oil component in the roots was elemol (24.31%). In non-anaesthetized normotensive rats, the essential oils from different parts of Ocotea duckei (leaves, fruits, stem and roots) induced significant (p < 0.05) hypotension followed by bradycardia.