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au:Costa, Ana Paula Ferreira
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Systemic inflammatory response syndrome: a risk factor associated with poor prognosis of dogs infected with canine parvovirus 2 syndrome
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Melo, Tuane Ferreira
; Rodrigues, Carine Pereira
; Abreu, Claudine Botelho de
; Hirsch, Christian
; Galinari, Grazielle Conssenzo Floretino
; Costa, Érica Azevedo
; Dorneles, Elaine Maria Seles
; Muzzi, Ruthnéa Aparecida Lázaro
; Peconick, Ana Paula
RESUMO: O parvovírus canino 2 (CPV-2) é um vírus entérico altamente contagioso que causa alta morbidade e mortalidade, principalmente em cães com menos de seis meses de idade. A recuperação desta doença é dependente de vários fatores, incluindo a determinação do prognóstico do paciente para terapia adequada. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os fatores de risco associados ao desfecho óbito em cães com CPV-2 em um estudo de caso-controle realizado no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal de Lavras (HV-UFLA), em Lavras, Minas Gerais. Vinte e seis cães com sintomas de CPV-2 que chegaram entre 2017 e 2018 ao HV-UFLA foram avaliados para inclusão no estudo. Dados sobre histórico médico, sinais clínicos, hemograma e teste rápido de parvovirose e fezes para reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) foram coletados para todos os animais. Todos os cães receberam tratamento estabelecido pelo HV-UFLA e a taxa geral de letalidade por parvovirose canina foi de 30,77%. Análise descritiva e análise estatística univariada e multivariada (regressão logística) foram utilizadas para avaliar variáveis possivelmente associadas a um prognóstico desfavorável (óbito). Na análise univariada e multivariada, a Síndrome da Resposta Inflamatória Sistêmica (SIRS) foi observada como fator de risco significativo para prognóstico desfavorável na parvovirose canina, pois aumentou 12,96 vezes o risco de morte (95% IC 1,85-133,70; P < 0,01) em comparação com aqueles pacientes que não apresentaram SIRS. Assim, a SIRS foi fortemente associada com um prognóstico desfavorável, sugerindo que pode ser utilizada como indicador prognóstico na parvovirose canina na prática veterinária. RESUMO CPV2 CPV (CPV-2 mortalidade idade adequada CPV- casocontrole caso controle HVUFLA, HVUFLA HV UFLA , (HV-UFLA) Gerais 201 médico clínicos PCR (PCR animais 3077 30 77 30,77% regressão logística óbito. . (óbito) (SIRS 1296 12 96 12,9 95% 95 (95 1,85133,70 18513370 1,85 133,70 1 85 133 70 1,85-133,70 0,01 001 0 01 Assim veterinária (CPV- (HV-UFLA 20 307 3 7 30,77 (óbito 129 9 12, (9 85133 1,85133,7 1851337 185 1,8 13370 133,7 8 13 1,85-133,7 0,0 00 (CPV 30,7 ( 8513 1,85133, 185133 18 1, 1337 133, 1,85-133, 0, 30, 851 1,85133 18513 1,85-133 1,8513 1851 1,85-13 1,851 1,85-1 1,85-
ABSTRACT: Canine parvovirus 2 (CPV-2) is a highly contagious enteric virus that causes high morbidity and mortality, especially in dogs under six months of age. Recovery from this illness is dependent on several factors, including the patient’s prognosis for adequate therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk factors associated with the death outcome in CPV-2 positive dogs in a case-control study conducted at the Veterinary Hospital of the Universidade Federal de Lavras (HV-UFLA) in Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Twenty-six dogs with CPV-2 symptoms that arrived at the HV-UFLA between 2017 and 2018 were evaluated for inclusion in the study. Data on medical history, clinical signs, blood count and rapid test of parvovirus and faecal test for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were collected for all the animals. All the dogs received treatment at the HV-UFLA, and the overall fatality rate due to canine parvovirus was 30.77%. Descriptive analysis and univariate and multivariate statistical analyses (logistic regression) were performed to assess the variables that were possibly associated with an unfavourable prognosis (death). In the univariate and multivariate analyses, Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) was observed to be a significant risk factor for an unfavourable prognosis in canine parvovirus, as it increased the risk of death by 12.96 times (95% CI 1.85-133.70; P < 0.01) compared with patients who did not exhibit SIRS. Thus, SIRS was strongly associated with an unfavourable prognosis, suggesting that it can be used as a prognostic indicator for canine parvovirus in veterinary practice. ABSTRACT CPV2 CPV (CPV-2 mortality age patient s therapy CPV- casecontrol case control HVUFLA HV UFLA (HV-UFLA Gerais Brazil Twentysix Twenty 201 history signs PCR (PCR animals HVUFLA, UFLA, 3077 30 77 30.77% logistic regression death. . (death) (SIRS 1296 12 96 12.9 95% 95 (95 1.85133.70 18513370 1.85 133.70 1 85 133 70 1.85-133.70 0.01 001 0 01 Thus practice (CPV- 20 307 3 7 30.77 (death 129 9 12. (9 85133 1.85133.7 1851337 185 1.8 13370 133.7 8 13 1.85-133.7 0.0 00 (CPV 30.7 ( 8513 1.85133. 185133 18 1. 1337 133. 1.85-133. 0. 30. 851 1.85133 18513 1.85-133 1.8513 1851 1.85-13 1.851 1.85-1 1.85-
Recomendações para educação em saúde de gestantes e puérperas no contexto da Covid-19
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Silva, Michelle Leane Santana da
; Monteiro, Claudete Ferreira de Sousa
; Costa, Ana Paula Cardoso
; Silva Júnior, Fernando José Guedes da
Resumo Este artigo objetivou analisar recomendações para educação em saúde de gestantes e puérperas em tempos de pandemia de Covid-19. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa que ocorreu no período setembro de 2021 a fevereiro de 2022, nas bases de dados MEDLINE via PubMed, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Scientific Electronic Library Online e na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde. Utilizou-se o software online Endnote Web para armazenar as referências obtidas na busca e retirar duplicações. A amostra final foi composta por 17 estudos. Após análise, os achados foram distribuídos em duas categorias: educação em saúde para assistência pré-natal de gestantes e educação em saúde para bem-estar físico e mental de gestantes e puérperas. O estudo mostrou que as recomendações para gestantes e puérperas, no cenário pandêmico, tem ênfase na educação em saúde associada a ferramentas tecnológicas durante todo o processo gravídico-puerperal, baseadas em informações e estratégias que favoreçam a promoção da saúde e a prevenção de agravos.
Abstract This article aimed to analyze recommendations for health education for pregnant and postpartum women in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is an integrative review that took place from September 2021 to February 2022, in the MEDLINE databases via PubMed, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, Scientific Electronic Library Online and the Virtual Health Library. The online software Endnote Web was used to store the references obtained in the search and to remove duplications. The final sample consisted of 17 studies. After analysis, the findings were divided into two categories: health education for prenatal care of pregnant women and health education for the physical and mental well-being of pregnant and postpartum women. The study showed that the recommendations for pregnant and puerperal women, in the pandemic scenario, emphasize health education associated with technological tools throughout the pregnancy-puerperal process, based on information and strategies that favor health promotion and disease prevention.
Vaccination coverage, barriers and vaccine hesitancy in children up to 24 months old: a population survey in a state capital in the Western Amazon
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Macedo, Thaiane Rodrigues de Oliveira
; Borges, Maria Fernanda de Sousa Oliveira
; Silva, Ilce Ferreira da
; França, Ana Paula
; Moraes, José Cássio de
; Silva, Adriana Ilha da
; Ramos Jr., Alberto Novaes
; França, Ana Paula
; Oliveira, Andrea de Nazaré Marvão
; Boing, Antonio Fernando
; Domingues, Carla Magda Allan Santos
; Oliveira, Consuelo Silva de
; Maciel, Ethel Leonor Noia
; Guibu, Ione Aquemi
; Mirabal, Isabelle Ribeiro Barbosa
; Barbosa, Jaqueline Caracas
; Lima, Jaqueline Costa
; Moraes, José Cássio de
; Luhm, Karin Regina
; Caetano, Karlla Antonieta Amorim
; Lima, Luisa Helena de Oliveira
; Antunes, Maria Bernadete de Cerqueira
; Teixeira, Maria da Gloria
; Teixeira, Maria Denise de Castro
; Borges, Maria Fernanda de Sousa Oliveira
; Queiroz, Rejane Christine de Sousa
; Gurgel, Ricardo Queiroz
; Barata, Rita Barradas
; Azevedo, Roberta Nogueira Calandrini de
; Oliveira, Sandra Maria do Valle Leone de
; Teles, Sheila Araújo
; Gama, Silvana Granado Nogueira da
; Mengue, Sotero Serrate
; Simões, Taynãna César
; Nascimento, Valdir
; Araújo, Wildo Navegantes de
ABSTRACT Objective To estimate vaccination coverage, identify barriers and hesitancy to vaccinating children up to 24 months, born between 2017-2018, living in the urban area of Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. Methods Population survey carried out from 2020 to 2021, which assessed sociodemographic characteristics and vaccination status among children. Results Among 451 included children, vaccination coverage was below 80%. Meningococcal C vaccine had the lowest coverage for administered doses (76.3%; 95%CI 70.5;81.3) and doses on time (27.4%; 95%CI 23.1;32.1). The statements “vaccines cause serious adverse reactions” (26.4%; 95%CI 18.1;36.8) and “you don’t need vaccination for diseases that no longer exist” (22%; 95%CI 15.7;29.8) were the most frequent regarding vaccination hesitancy. Lack of vaccines was the main barrier to care (86.6%; 95%CI 71.8;94.3). Conclusion Vaccination coverage in children born in 2017-2018 was below the target recommended for the full schedule of administered doses, both valid and timely administered.
RESUMO Objetivo Estimar a cobertura vacinal, identificar barreiras e hesitação à vacinação em crianças com até 24 meses, nascidas em 2017 e 2018, residentes na área urbana de Rio Branco-AC. Métodos Inquérito populacional realizado de 2020 a 2021, que avaliou as características sociodemográficas e a situação vacinal em crianças nascidas entre 2017 e 2018. Resultados Entre as 451 crianças estudadas, as coberturas vacinais foram inferiores a 80%. A menor cobertura para doses aplicadas (76,3%; IC95% 70,5;81,3) e oportunas (27,4%; IC95% 23,1;32,1) foi para o reforço da meningocócica C. As afirmações “vacinas causam reações adversas graves” (26,4%; IC95% 18,1;36,8) e “não precisa da vacina para doenças que não existem mais” (22%; IC95% 15,7;29,8) foram as mais frequentes quanto à hesitação vacinal. A falta da vacina foi a principal barreira assistencial (86,6%; IC95% 71,8;94,3). Conclusão As coberturas vacinais em crianças nascidas em 2017 e 2018 ficaram abaixo da meta preconizada nos esquemas completos de doses aplicadas, válidas e oportunas.
resumen está disponible en el texto completo
COVID-19 pandemic and suicidal behavior in adults: systematic review of observational studies COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 adults COVID1 1 COVID-
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Miranda, Priscilla Ingrid Gomes
; Silva Júnior, Fernando José Guedes da
; Sales, Jaqueline Carvalho e Silva
; Parente, Adriana da Cunha Menezes
; Costa, Ana Paula Cardoso
; Monteiro, Claudete Ferreira de Souza
RESUMEN Objetivo: Analizar la evidencia científica sobre el impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en la conducta suicida en adultos. Método: Revisión sistemática, realizada de junio a octubre de 2022, en las siguientes bases de datos: MEDLINE/PubMed, Virtual Health Library, Excerpta Medica database, CumulativeIndex to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct y Google Scholar. Los datos fueron seleccionados, extraídos y la calidad metodológica evaluada utilizando la herramienta Methodological Index for Non-randomised Studies. Teniendo en cuenta que la mayoría de los estudios evaluados presentaban diferencias metodológicas significativas, se decidió realizar una síntesis cualitativa de los datos. Resultados: Se encontraron 2112 artículos, de los cuales se seleccionaron 8 artículos que analizaban el impacto de la pandemia COVID-19 sobre el comportamiento suicida en adultos. Conclusión: La pandemia del COVID-19 ha influido en el comportamiento suicida de adultos de todo el mundo, especialmente cuando se relaciona con la raza, el sexo, la edad, la religión, los problemas socioeconómicos, familiares y legales y los trastornos mentales preexistentes, lo que ha provocado una mayor propensión al suicidio. Objetivo COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 Método sistemática 2022 MEDLINEPubMed MEDLINE PubMed MEDLINE/PubMed Library database Literature PsycINFO Scopus Scholar seleccionados Nonrandomised Non randomised Studies significativas Resultados 211 Conclusión mundo raza sexo edad religión socioeconómicos preexistentes suicidio COVID1 1 COVID- 202 21 20 2
ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidal behavior in adults. Method: Systematic review, conducted from June to October 2022, in the following databases: MEDLINE/PubMed, Virtual Health Library, Excerpta Medica database, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct and Google Scholar. The selection, data extraction and assessment of methodological quality were carried out using the Methodological Index for Non-randomized Studies tool. Considering that most of the studies evaluated had significant methodological differences, it was decided to carry out a qualitative synthesis of the data. Results: A total of 2112 articles were found, from which eight articles were selected that analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on suicidal behavior in adults. Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the suicidal behavior in adults worldwide, especially when related to race, gender, age, religion, socioeconomic, family and legal issues, and pre-existing mental disorders, leading to a greater propensity for suicidal act. Objective COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 Method review 2022 databases MEDLINEPubMed MEDLINE PubMed MEDLINE/PubMed Library database Literature PsycINFO Scopus Scholar selection Nonrandomized Non randomized tool differences Results 211 found Conclusion worldwide race gender age religion socioeconomic issues preexisting pre existing disorders act COVID1 1 COVID- 202 21 20 2
RESUMO Objetivo: Analisar as evidências científicas sobre impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 no comportamento suicida de pessoas adultas. Método: Revisão sistemática, realizada de junho a outubro de 2022, nas bases de dados: MEDLINE/PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Excerpta Medica database, Cumulative Index to Nursingand Allied Health Literature, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, PsycINFO, Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct e Google Scholar. A seleção, a extração dos dados e a avaliação da qualidade metodológica, por meio da ferramenta Methodological Index for Non-randomized Studies, foram realizadas. Considerando que a maioria dos estudos avaliados apresentaram diferenças metodológicas significativas, optou-se por realizar síntese qualitativa dos dados. Resultados: Foram encontrados 2112 artigos, dos quais foram selecionados oito artigos que analisaram o impacto da pandemia da COVID-19 no comportamento suicida de pessoas adultas. Conclusão: A pandemia da COVID-19 influenciou no comportamento suicida de pessoas adultas no mundo, em especial, quando relacionada a raça, gênero, idade, religião, problemas socioeconômicos, familiares, legais e a transtornos mentais pré-existentes, o que ocasionava maior propensão ao ato. Objetivo COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 Método sistemática 2022 MEDLINEPubMed MEDLINE PubMed MEDLINE/PubMed Saúde database Literature LatinoAmericana Latino Americana PsycINFO Scopus Scholar seleção metodológica Nonrandomized Non randomized Studies realizadas significativas optouse optou se Resultados 211 Conclusão mundo especial raça gênero idade religião socioeconômicos familiares préexistentes, préexistentes pré existentes, existentes pré-existentes ato COVID1 1 COVID- 202 21 20 2
Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: Setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil Brasil
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Boeger, Walter A.
; Valim, Michel P.
; Zaher, Hussam
; Rafael, José A.
; Forzza, Rafaela C.
; Percequillo, Alexandre R.
; Serejo, Cristiana S.
; Garraffoni, André R.S.
; Santos, Adalberto J.
; Slipinski, Adam
; Linzmeier, Adelita M.
; Calor, Adolfo R.
; Garda, Adrian A.
; Kury, Adriano B.
; Fernandes, Agatha C.S.
; Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I.
; Akama, Alberto
; Silva Neto, Alberto M. da
; Burbano, Alejandro L.
; Menezes, Aleksandra
; Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre
; Anichtchenko, Alexander
; Lees, Alexander C.
; Bezerra, Alexandra M.R.
; Domahovski, Alexandre C.
; Pimenta, Alexandre D.
; Aleixo, Alexandre L.P.
; Marceniuk, Alexandre P.
; Paula, Alexandre S. de
; Somavilla, Alexandre
; Specht, Alexandre
; Camargo, Alexssandro
; Newton, Alfred F.
; Silva, Aline A.S. da
; Santos, Aline B. dos
; Tassi, Aline D.
; Aragão, Allan C.
; Santos, Allan P.M.
; Migotto, Alvaro E.
; Mendes, Amanda C.
; Cunha, Amanda
; Chagas Júnior, Amazonas
; Sousa, Ana A.T. de
; Pavan, Ana C.
; Almeida, Ana C.S.
; Peronti, Ana L.B.G.
; Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L.
; Prudente, Ana L.
; Tourinho, Ana L.
; Pes, Ana M.O.
; Carmignotto, Ana P.
; Wengrat, Ana P.G. da Silva
; Dornellas, Ana P.S.
; Molin, Anamaria Dal
; Puker, Anderson
; Morandini, André C.
; Ferreira, André da S.
; Martins, André L.
; Esteves, André M.
; Fernandes, André S.
; Roza, André S.
; Köhler, Andreas
; Paladini, Andressa
; Andrade, Andrey J. de
; Pinto, Ângelo P.
; Salles, Anna C. de A.
; Gondim, Anne I.
; Amaral, Antonia C.Z.
; Rondón, Antonio A.A.
; Brescovit, Antonio
; Lofego, Antônio C.
; Marques, Antonio C.
; Macedo, Antonio
; Andriolo, Artur
; Henriques, Augusto L.
; Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L.
; Lima, Aurino F. de
; Barros, Ávyla R. de A.
; Brito, Ayrton do R.
; Romera, Bárbara L.V.
; Vasconcelos, Beatriz M.C. de
; Frable, Benjamin W.
; Santos, Bernardo F.
; Ferraz, Bernardo R.
; Rosa, Brunno B.
; Sampaio, Brunno H.L.
; Bellini, Bruno C.
; Clarkson, Bruno
; Oliveira, Bruno G. de
; Corrêa, Caio C.D.
; Martins, Caleb C.
; Castro-Guedes, Camila F. de
; Souto, Camilla
; Bicho, Carla de L.
; Cunha, Carlo M.
; Barboza, Carlos A. de M.
; Lucena, Carlos A.S. de
; Barreto, Carlos
; Santana, Carlos D.C.M. de
; Agne, Carlos E.Q.
; Mielke, Carlos G.C.
; Caetano, Carlos H.S.
; Flechtmann, Carlos H.W.
; Lamas, Carlos J.E.
; Rocha, Carlos
; Mascarenhas, Carolina S.
; Margaría, Cecilia B.
; Waichert, Cecilia
; Digiani, Celina
; Haddad, Célio F.B.
; Azevedo, Celso O.
; Benetti, Cesar J.
; Santos, Charles M.D. dos
; Bartlett, Charles R.
; Bonvicino, Cibele
; Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S.
; Santos, Cinthya S.G.
; Justino, Cíntia E.L.
; Canedo, Clarissa
; Bonecker, Claudia C.
; Santos, Cláudia P.
; Carvalho, Claudio J.B. de
; Gonçalves, Clayton C.
; Galvão, Cleber
; Costa, Cleide
; Oliveira, Cléo D.C. de
; Schwertner, Cristiano F.
; Andrade, Cristiano L.
; Pereira, Cristiano M.
; Sampaio, Cristiano
; Dias, Cristina de O.
; Lucena, Daercio A. de A.
; Manfio, Daiara
; Amorim, Dalton de S.
; Queiroz, Dalva L. de
; Queiroz, Dalva L. de
; Colpani, Daniara
; Abbate, Daniel
; Aquino, Daniel A.
; Burckhardt, Daniel
; Cavallari, Daniel C.
; Prado, Daniel de C. Schelesky
; Praciano, Daniel L.
; Basílio, Daniel S.
; Bená, Daniela de C.
; Toledo, Daniela G.P. de
; Takiya, Daniela M.
; Fernandes, Daniell R.R.
; Ament, Danilo C.
; Cordeiro, Danilo P.
; Silva, Darliane E.
; Pollock, Darren A.
; Muniz, David B.
; Gibson, David I.
; Nogueira, David S.
; Marques, Dayse W.A.
; Lucatelli, Débora
; Garcia, Deivys M.A.
; Baêta, Délio
; Ferreira, Denise N.M.
; Rueda-Ramírez, Diana
; Fachin, Diego A.
; Souza, Diego de S.
; Rodrigues, Diego F.
; Pádua, Diego G. de
; Barbosa, Diego N.
; Dolibaina, Diego R.
; Amaral, Diogo C.
; Chandler, Donald S.
; Maccagnan, Douglas H.B.
; Caron, Edilson
; Carvalho, Edrielly
; Adriano, Edson A.
; Abreu Júnior, Edson F. de
; Pereira, Edson H.L.
; Viegas, Eduarda F.G.
; Carneiro, Eduardo
; Colley, Eduardo
; Eizirik, Eduardo
; Santos, Eduardo F. dos
; Shimbori, Eduardo M.
; Suárez-Morales, Eduardo
; Arruda, Eliane P. de
; Chiquito, Elisandra A.
; Lima, Élison F.B.
; Castro, Elizeu B. de
; Orlandin, Elton
; Nascimento, Elynton A. do
; Razzolini, Emanuel
; Gama, Emanuel R.R.
; Araujo, Enilma M. de
; Nishiyama, Eric Y.
; Spiessberger, Erich L.
; Santos, Érika C.L. dos
; Contreras, Eugenia F.
; Galati, Eunice A.B.
; Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C. de
; Gallardo, Fabiana
; Hernandes, Fabio A.
; Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A.
; Pitombo, Fabio B.
; Dario, Fabio Di
; Santos, Fábio L. dos
; Mauro, Fabio
; Nascimento, Fabio O. do
; Olmos, Fabio
; Amaral, Fabio R.
; Schunck, Fabio
; Godoi, Fábio S. P. de
; Machado, Fabrizio M.
; Barbo, Fausto E.
; Agrain, Federico A.
; Ribeiro, Felipe B.
; Moreira, Felipe F.F.
; Barbosa, Felipe F.
; Silva, Fenanda S.
; Cavalcanti, Fernanda F.
; Straube, Fernando C.
; Carbayo, Fernando
; Carvalho Filho, Fernando
; Zanella, Fernando C.V.
; Jacinavicius, Fernando de C.
; Farache, Fernando H.A.
; Leivas, Fernando
; Dias, Fernando M.S.
; Mantellato, Fernando
; Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z.
; Gudin, Filipe M.
; Albuquerque, Flávio
; Molina, Flavio B.
; Passos, Flávio D.
; Shockley, Floyd W.
; Pinheiro, Francielly F.
; Mello, Francisco de A.G. de
; Nascimento, Francisco E. de L.
; Franco, Francisco L.
; Oliveira, Francisco L. de
; Melo, Francisco T. de V.
; Quijano, Freddy R.B.
; Salles, Frederico F.
; Biffi, Gabriel
; Queiroz, Gabriel C.
; Bizarro, Gabriel L.
; Hrycyna, Gabriela
; Leviski, Gabriela
; Powell, Gareth S.
; Santos, Geane B. dos
; Morse, Geoffrey E.
; Brown, George
; Mattox, George M.T.
; Zimbrão, Geraldo
; Carvalho, Gervásio S.
; Miranda, Gil F.G.
; Moraes, Gilberto J. de
; Lourido, Gilcélia M.
; Neves, Gilmar P.
; Moreira, Gilson R.P.
; Montingelli, Giovanna G.
; Maurício, Giovanni N.
; Marconato, Gláucia
; Lopez, Guilherme E.L.
; Silva, Guilherme L. da
; Muricy, Guilherme
; Brito, Guilherme R.R.
; Garbino, Guilherme S.T.
; Flores, Gustavo E.
; Graciolli, Gustavo
; Libardi, Gustavo S.
; Proctor, Heather C.
; Gil-Santana, Helcio R.
; Varella, Henrique R.
; Escalona, Hermes E.
; Schmitz, Hermes J.
; Rodrigues, Higor D.D.
; Galvão Filho, Hilton de C.
; Quintino, Hingrid Y.S.
; Pinto, Hudson A.
; Rainho, Hugo L.
; Miyahira, Igor C.
; Gonçalves, Igor de S.
; Martins, Inês X.
; Cardoso, Irene A.
; Oliveira, Ismael B. de
; Franz, Ismael
; Fernandes, Itanna O.
; Golfetti, Ivan F.
; S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin
; Oliveira, Ivo de S.
; Delabie, Jacques H.C.
; Oliveira, Jader de
; Prando, Jadila S.
; Patton, James L.
; Bitencourt, Jamille de A.
; Silva, Janaina M.
; Santos, Jandir C.
; Arruda, Janine O.
; Valderrama, Jefferson S.
; Dalapicolla, Jeronymo
; Oliveira, Jéssica P.
; Hájek, Jiri
; Morselli, João P.
; Narita, João P.
; Martin, João P.I.
; Grazia, Jocélia
; McHugh, Joe
; Cherem, Jorge J.
; Farias Júnior, José A.S.
; Fernandes, Jose A.M.
; Pacheco, José F.
; Birindelli, José L.O.
; Rezende, José M.
; Avendaño, Jose M.
; Duarte, José M. Barbanti
; Ribeiro, José R. Inácio
; Mermudes, José R.M.
; Pujol-Luz, José R.
; Santos, Josenilson R. dos
; Câmara, Josenir T.
; Teixeira, Joyce A.
; Prado, Joyce R. do
; Botero, Juan P.
; Almeida, Julia C.
; Kohler, Julia
; Gonçalves, Julia P.
; Beneti, Julia S.
; Donahue, Julian P.
; Alvim, Juliana
; Almeida, Juliana C.
; Segadilha, Juliana L.
; Wingert, Juliana M.
; Barbosa, Julianna F.
; Ferrer, Juliano
; Santos, Juliano F. dos
; Kuabara, Kamila M.D.
; Nascimento, Karine B.
; Schoeninger, Karine
; Campião, Karla M.
; Soares, Karla
; Zilch, Kássia
; Barão, Kim R.
; Teixeira, Larissa
; Sousa, Laura D. do N.M. de
; Dumas, Leandro L.
; Vieira, Leandro M.
; Azevedo, Leonardo H.G.
; Carvalho, Leonardo S.
; Souza, Leonardo S. de
; Rocha, Leonardo S.G.
; Bernardi, Leopoldo F.O.
; Vieira, Letícia M.
; Johann, Liana
; Salvatierra, Lidianne
; Oliveira, Livia de M.
; Loureiro, Lourdes M.A. El-moor
; Barreto, Luana B.
; Barros, Luana M.
; Lecci, Lucas
; Camargos, Lucas M. de
; Lima, Lucas R.C.
; Almeida, Lucia M.
; Martins, Luciana R.
; Marinoni, Luciane
; Moura, Luciano de A.
; Lima, Luciano
; Naka, Luciano N.
; Miranda, Lucília S.
; Salik, Lucy M.
; Bezerra, Luis E.A.
; Silveira, Luis F.
; Campos, Luiz A.
; Castro, Luiz A.S. de
; Pinho, Luiz C.
; Silveira, Luiz F.L.
; Iniesta, Luiz F.M.
; Tencatt, Luiz F.C.
; Simone, Luiz R.L.
; Malabarba, Luiz R.
; Cruz, Luiza S. da
; Sekerka, Lukas
; Barros, Lurdiana D.
; Santos, Luziany Q.
; Skoracki, Maciej
; Correia, Maira A.
; Uchoa, Manoel A.
; Andrade, Manuella F.G.
; Hermes, Marcel G.
; Miranda, Marcel S.
; Araújo, Marcel S. de
; Monné, Marcela L.
; Labruna, Marcelo B.
; Santis, Marcelo D. de
; Duarte, Marcelo
; Knoff, Marcelo
; Nogueira, Marcelo
; Britto, Marcelo R. de
; Melo, Marcelo R.S. de
; Carvalho, Marcelo R. de
; Tavares, Marcelo T.
; Kitahara, Marcelo V.
; Justo, Marcia C.N.
; Botelho, Marcia J.C.
; Couri, Márcia S.
; Borges-Martins, Márcio
; Felix, Márcio
; Oliveira, Marcio L. de
; Bologna, Marco A.
; Gottschalk, Marco S.
; Tavares, Marcos D.S.
; Lhano, Marcos G.
; Bevilaqua, Marcus
; Santos, Marcus T.T.
; Domingues, Marcus V.
; Sallum, Maria A.M.
; Digiani, María C.
; Santarém, Maria C.A.
; Nascimento, Maria C. do
; Becerril, María de los A.M.
; Santos, Maria E.A. dos
; Passos, Maria I. da S. dos
; Felippe-Bauer, Maria L.
; Cherman, Mariana A.
; Terossi, Mariana
; Bartz, Marie L.C.
; Barbosa, Marina F. de C.
; Loeb, Marina V.
; Cohn-Haft, Mario
; Cupello, Mario
; Martins, Marlúcia B.
; Christofersen, Martin L.
; Bento, Matheus
; Rocha, Matheus dos S.
; Martins, Maurício L.
; Segura, Melissa O.
; Cardenas, Melissa Q.
; Duarte, Mércia E.
; Ivie, Michael A.
; Mincarone, Michael M.
; Borges, Michela
; Monné, Miguel A.
; Casagrande, Mirna M.
; Fernandez, Monica A.
; Piovesan, Mônica
; Menezes, Naércio A.
; Benaim, Natalia P.
; Reategui, Natália S.
; Pedro, Natan C.
; Pecly, Nathalia H.
; Ferreira Júnior, Nelson
; Silva Júnior, Nelson J. da
; Perioto, Nelson W.
; Hamada, Neusa
; Degallier, Nicolas
; Chao, Ning L.
; Ferla, Noeli J.
; Mielke, Olaf H.H.
; Evangelista, Olivia
; Shibatta, Oscar A.
; Oliveira, Otto M.P.
; Albornoz, Pablo C.L.
; Dellapé, Pablo M.
; Gonçalves, Pablo R.
; Shimabukuro, Paloma H.F.
; Grossi, Paschoal
; Rodrigues, Patrícia E. da S.
; Lima, Patricia O.V.
; Velazco, Paul
; Santos, Paula B. dos
; Araújo, Paula B.
; Silva, Paula K.R.
; Riccardi, Paula R.
; Garcia, Paulo C. de A.
; Passos, Paulo G.H.
; Corgosinho, Paulo H.C.
; Lucinda, Paulo
; Costa, Paulo M.S.
; Alves, Paulo P.
; Roth, Paulo R. de O.
; Coelho, Paulo R.S.
; Duarte, Paulo R.M.
; Carvalho, Pedro F. de
; Gnaspini, Pedro
; Souza-Dias, Pedro G.B.
; Linardi, Pedro M.
; Bartholomay, Pedro R.
; Demite, Peterson R.
; Bulirsch, Petr
; Boll, Piter K.
; Pereira, Rachel M.M.
; Silva, Rafael A.P.F.
; Moura, Rafael B. de
; Boldrini, Rafael
; Silva, Rafaela A. da
; Falaschi, Rafaela L.
; Cordeiro, Ralf T.S.
; Mello, Ramon J.C.L.
; Singer, Randal A.
; Querino, Ranyse B.
; Heleodoro, Raphael A.
; Castilho, Raphael de C.
; Constantino, Reginaldo
; Guedes, Reinaldo C.
; Carrenho, Renan
; Gomes, Renata S.
; Gregorin, Renato
; Machado, Renato J.P.
; Bérnils, Renato S.
; Capellari, Renato S.
; Silva, Ricardo B.
; Kawada, Ricardo
; Dias, Ricardo M.
; Siewert, Ricardo
; Brugnera, Ricaro
; Leschen, Richard A.B.
; Constantin, Robert
; Robbins, Robert
; Pinto, Roberta R.
; Reis, Roberto E. dos
; Ramos, Robson T. da C.
; Cavichioli, Rodney R.
; Barros, Rodolfo C. de
; Caires, Rodrigo A.
; Salvador, Rodrigo B.
; Marques, Rodrigo C.
; Araújo, Rodrigo C.
; Araujo, Rodrigo de O.
; Dios, Rodrigo de V.P.
; Johnsson, Rodrigo
; Feitosa, Rodrigo M.
; Hutchings, Roger W.
; Lara, Rogéria I.R.
; Rossi, Rogério V.
; Gerstmeier, Roland
; Ochoa, Ronald
; Hutchings, Rosa S.G.
; Ale-Rocha, Rosaly
; Rocha, Rosana M. da
; Tidon, Rosana
; Brito, Rosangela
; Pellens, Roseli
; Santos, Sabrina R. dos
; Santos, Sandra D. dos
; Paiva, Sandra V.
; Santos, Sandro
; Oliveira, Sarah S. de
; Costa, Sávio C.
; Gardner, Scott L.
; Leal, Sebastián A. Muñoz
; Aloquio, Sergio
; Bonecker, Sergio L.C.
; Bueno, Sergio L. de S.
; Almeida, Sérgio M. de
; Stampar, Sérgio N.
; Andena, Sérgio R.
; Posso, Sergio R.
; Lima, Sheila P.
; Gadelha, Sian de S.
; Thiengo, Silvana C.
; Cohen, Simone C.
; Brandão, Simone N.
; Rosa, Simone P.
; Ribeiro, Síria L.B.
; Letana, Sócrates D.
; Santos, Sonia B. dos
; Andrade, Sonia C.S.
; Dávila, Stephane
; Vaz, Stéphanie
; Peck, Stewart B.
; Christo, Susete W.
; Cunha, Suzan B.Z.
; Gomes, Suzete R.
; Duarte, Tácio
; Madeira-Ott, Taís
; Marques, Taísa
; Roell, Talita
; Lima, Tarcilla C. de
; Sepulveda, Tatiana A.
; Maria, Tatiana F.
; Ruschel, Tatiana P.
; Rodrigues, Thaiana
; Marinho, Thais A.
; Almeida, Thaís M. de
; Miranda, Thaís P.
; Freitas, Thales R.O.
; Pereira, Thalles P.L.
; Zacca, Thamara
; Pacheco, Thaynara L.
; Martins, Thiago F.
; Alvarenga, Thiago M.
; Carvalho, Thiago R. de
; Polizei, Thiago T.S.
; McElrath, Thomas C.
; Henry, Thomas
; Pikart, Tiago G.
; Porto, Tiago J.
; Krolow, Tiago K.
; Carvalho, Tiago P.
; Lotufo, Tito M. da C.
; Caramaschi, Ulisses
; Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S.
; Pardiñas, Ulyses F.J.
; Maia, Valéria C.
; Tavares, Valeria
; Costa, Valmir A.
; Amaral, Vanessa S. do
; Silva, Vera C.
; Wolff, Vera R. dos S.
; Slobodian, Verônica
; Silva, Vinícius B. da
; Espíndola, Vinicius C.
; Costa-Silva, Vinicius da
; Bertaco, Vinicius de A.
; Padula, Vinícius
; Ferreira, Vinicius S.
; Silva, Vitor C.P. da
; Piacentini, Vítor de Q.
; Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E.
; Trevine, Vivian
; Sousa, Viviane R.
; Sant’Anna, Vivianne B. de
; Mathis, Wayne N.
; Souza, Wesley de O.
; Colombo, Wesley D.
; Tomaszewska, Wioletta
; Wosiacki, Wolmar B.
; Ovando, Ximena M.C.
; Leite, Yuri L.R.
ABSTRACT The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (, made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others. publications problem uptodate up date classifications context exception (CTFB http//, httpfaunajbrjgovbr http // , jbrj gov br ( 2015 Brazil 80 specialists 1 2024 133691 133 691 133,69 125138 125 138 125,13 82.3%, 823 82 3 (82.3% 102000 102 000 102,00 7.69%, 769 7 69 (7.69% 11000 11 11,00 . 3,567 3567 567 (3,56 2,292 2292 2 292 (2,29 1,833 1833 833 (1,83 1,447 1447 447 (1,44 1000 1,00 831 (83 628 (62 606 (60 520 (52 50 users science health biology law anthropology education others http// faunajbrjgovbr // ( 201 8 202 13369 13 133,6 12513 12 125,1 82.3% (82.3 10200 10 00 102,0 7.69% 76 6 (7.69 1100 11,0 3,56 356 56 (3,5 2,29 229 29 (2,2 1,83 183 83 (1,8 1,44 144 44 (1,4 100 1,0 (8 62 (6 60 52 (5 5 http// ( 20 1336 133, 1251 125, 82.3 (82. 1020 0 102, 7.69 (7.6 110 11, 3,5 35 (3, 2,2 22 (2, 1,8 18 (1, 1,4 14 4 ( 82. (82 7.6 (7. 3, (3 2, (2 (1 7. (7
Recomendações para educação em saúde de gestantes e puérperas no contexto da Covid-19 Covid19 Covid 19 Covid-1 Covid1 1 Covid-
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Silva, Michelle Leane Santana da
; Monteiro, Claudete Ferreira de Sousa
; Costa, Ana Paula Cardoso
; Silva Júnior, Fernando José Guedes da
Abstract This article aimed to analyze recommendations for health education for pregnant and postpartum women in times of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is an integrative review that took place from September 2021 to February 2022, in the MEDLINE databases via PubMed, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature, Scientific Electronic Library Online and the Virtual Health Library. The online software Endnote Web was used to store the references obtained in the search and to remove duplications. The final sample consisted of 17 studies. After analysis, the findings were divided into two categories: health education for prenatal care of pregnant women and health education for the physical and mental well-being of pregnant and postpartum women. The study showed that the recommendations for pregnant and puerperal women, in the pandemic scenario, emphasize health education associated with technological tools throughout the pregnancy-puerperal process, based on information and strategies that favor health promotion and disease prevention. Covid19 Covid 19 Covid-1 202 2022 PubMed Literature duplications 1 studies analysis categories wellbeing well being scenario pregnancypuerperal pregnancy process prevention Covid1 Covid- 20 2
Resumo Este artigo objetivou analisar recomendações para educação em saúde de gestantes e puérperas em tempos de pandemia de Covid-19. Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa que ocorreu no período setembro de 2021 a fevereiro de 2022, nas bases de dados MEDLINE via PubMed, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, Scientific Electronic Library Online e na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde. Utilizou-se o software online Endnote Web para armazenar as referências obtidas na busca e retirar duplicações. A amostra final foi composta por 17 estudos. Após análise, os achados foram distribuídos em duas categorias: educação em saúde para assistência pré-natal de gestantes e educação em saúde para bem-estar físico e mental de gestantes e puérperas. O estudo mostrou que as recomendações para gestantes e puérperas, no cenário pandêmico, tem ênfase na educação em saúde associada a ferramentas tecnológicas durante todo o processo gravídico-puerperal, baseadas em informações e estratégias que favoreçam a promoção da saúde e a prevenção de agravos. Covid19. Covid19 Covid 19. 19 Covid-19 Tratase Trata se 202 2022 PubMed LatinoAmericana Latino Americana Saúde Utilizouse Utilizou duplicações 1 estudos análise categorias prénatal pré natal bemestar bem estar pandêmico gravídicopuerperal, gravídicopuerperal gravídico puerperal, puerperal gravídico-puerperal agravos Covid1 Covid-1 20 Covid- 2
Leishmania (Sauroleishmania) tarentolae versus pathogenic species: comparative evaluation of protease activity, glycoconjugates, resistance to complement and metabolome composition Sauroleishmania (Sauroleishmania species activity glycoconjugates
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Andrade, Filipe Fideles Duarte
; Vitório, Jéssica Gardone
; Canuto, Gisele André Baptista
; Nunes, Fernanda Freire Campos
; Rodrigues, Isabela Aurora
; Almeida, Ana Paula Martins Morais
; Nascimento, Frederico Crepaldi
; Costa, Adriana Oliveira
; Vieira, Tamara da Silva
; Silva, Ana Carolina Carvalho
; André, Leiliane Coelho
; Gontijo, Célia Maria Ferreira
; Junqueira, Caroline
; Toledo, Juliano Simões de
; Fernandes, Ana Paula
; Soares, Rodrigo Pedro
BACKGROUND Leishmania tarentolae is a non-pathogenic species found in lizards representing an important model for Leishmania biology. However, several aspects of this Sauroleishmania remain unknown to explain its low level of virulence. OBJECTIVES We reported several aspects of L. tarentolae biology including glycoconjugates, proteolytic activities and metabolome composition in comparison to pathogenic species (Leishmania amazonensis, Leishmania braziliensis, Leishmania infantum and Leishmania major). METHODS Parasites were cultured for extraction and purification of lipophosphoglycan (LPG), immunofluorescence probing with anti-gp63 and resistance against complement. Parasite extracts were also tested for proteases activity and metabolome composition. FINDINGS Leishmania tarentolae does not express LPG on its surface. It expresses gp63 at lower levels compared to pathogenic species and, is highly sensitive to complement-mediated lysis. This species also lacks intracellular/extracellular activities of proteolytic enzymes. It has metabolic differences with pathogenic species, exhibiting a lower abundance of metabolites including ABC transporters, biosynthesis of unsaturated fatty acids and steroids, TCA cycle, glycine/serine/threonine metabolism, glyoxylate/dicarboxylate metabolism and pentose-phosphate pathways. MAIN CONCLUSIONS The non-pathogenic phenotype of L. tarentolae is associated with alterations in several biochemical and molecular features. This reinforces the need of comparative studies between pathogenic and non-pathogenic species to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of virulence during host-parasite interactions. nonpathogenic non However L glycoconjugates amazonensis braziliensis major. major . major) LPG, , (LPG) antigp63 antigp anti gp anti-gp6 complement surface gp6 complementmediated mediated lysis intracellularextracellular intracellular extracellular enzymes transporters steroids cycle glycineserinethreonine glycine serine threonine glyoxylatedicarboxylate glyoxylate dicarboxylate pentosephosphate pentose phosphate pathways features hostparasite host parasite interactions (LPG antigp6 anti-gp
Effect of palm kernel cake inclusion on intake, digestibility, nitrogen balance, feeding behavior, and weight gain of feedlot heifers intake digestibility balance behavior
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Abreu Filho, George
; Silva, Fabiano Ferreira da
; Azevêdo, José Augusto Gomes
; Silva, João Wilian Dias
; Paixão, Tarcísio Ribeiro
; Costa, Gabriel Dallapicola da
; Santos, Laize Vieira
; Silva, Ana Paula Gomes da
; Carvalho, Gleidson Giordano Pinto de
; Lima Júnior, Dorgival Morais de
; Silva, Robério Rodrigues
ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to examine the effect of the increasing levels of inclusion of palm kernel cake (PKC) in the diet on the performance of feedlot heifers. Forty-eight Nelore heifers with an initial weight of 274 ± 4.58 kg, at 24 months of age, were confined for 98 days in a feedlot. The animals were allocated to the four treatments in a completely randomized design. Treatments consisted of PKC levels of 0 (control), 10, 20, and 30% in the total dry matter of the diet. The roughage:concentrate ratio in the diets was 30:70. Ether extract intake increased, whereas the intakes of non-fiber carbohydrates and total digestible nutrients decreased with the inclusion of PKC. The apparent digestibility of all nutrients decreased, as well as the amounts of nitrogen digested and retained. Microbial protein synthesis and its efficiency also declined. The inclusion of up to 20% PKC increased feeding time and reduced rumination time of heifers. Intake and rumination efficiencies decreased with the inclusion of PKC in the diet. Final weight and average daily gain did not change, but feed efficiency increased with the inclusion of PKC. The inclusion of up to 30% PKC in the diet of feedlot heifers is recommended. (PKC Fortyeight Forty eight 27 458 4 58 4.5 kg 2 age 9 design control, control , (control) 10 20 30 roughageconcentrate roughage concentrate 3070. 3070 70. 70 30:70 nonfiber non fiber retained declined change recommended 45 5 4. (control 1 3 307 7 30:7 30:
Laser therapy for genitourinary syndrome of menopause: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trial menopause metaanalysis meta analysis
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Pessoa, Lisieux de Lourdes Martins Nóbrega
; Souza, Amaxsell Thiago Barros de
; Sarmento, Ayane Cristine Alves
; Ferreira Costa, Ana Paula
; Kelly dos Santos, Isis
; Pereira de Azevedo, Eduardo
; Medeiros, Kleyton Santos de
; Gonçalves, Ana Katherine
; Cobucci, Ricardo Ney
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
- Métricas do periódico
Abstract Objective: This meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) aimed to update evidence on the effectiveness and safety of laser therapy for treating genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM). Data sources: Manuscripts published until May 2023 were systematically searched in PubMed; Embase; Scopus; Web of Science; CENTRAL; CINAHL; and clinical trial databases (,, and, with no language and year of publication restriction. Studies selection: RCTs with women diagnosed with GSM, and the intervention was vaginal laser therapy (CO2-laser or Er: YAG-laser) comparing with placebo (sham therapy), no treatment or vaginal estrogen therapy. Data collection: Two authors evaluated the publications for inclusion based on the title and abstract, followed by reviewing the relevant full-text articles. Disagreements during the review process were addressed by consensus, with the involvement of a third author. Data synthesis: Twelve RCTs, representing a total of 5147 participants, were included in this review. Vaginal health index (VHI) significantly improved in the carbon dioxide laser (CO2-laser) therapy group (MD=2.21; 95% CI=1.25 to 3.16), while dyspareunia (MD=−0.85; 95% CI=−1.59 to −0.10), dryness (MD=−0.62; 95% CI=−1.12 to −0.12) and burning (MD= −0.64; 95% CI=−1.28 to −0.01) decreased. No serious adverse effects were reported. Conclusion: CO2-laser increases VHI score and decreases dyspareunia, dryness and burning, especially when compared to sham-laser. However, the certainty of the evidence is low, thus preventing the recommendation of laser therapy for GSM management. Objective metaanalysis meta analysis (RCTs GSM. . (GSM) sources 202 PubMed Embase Scopus Science CENTRAL CINAHL, wwwtrialscentralorg www trialscentral org (, wwwcontrolledtrialscom www.controlled, com, clinicaltrialsgov , clinicaltrials gov restriction selection CO2laser COlaser CO2 CO Er YAGlaser YAG YAG-laser sham therapy, therapy) collection abstract fulltext full text articles consensus author synthesis 514 participants (VHI MD=2.21 MD221 MD 2 21 (MD=2.21 95 CI125 CI 1 25 CI=1.2 3.16, 316 3.16 3 16 3.16) MD=−0.85 MD085 0 85 (MD=−0.85 CI159 59 CI=−1.5 −0.10, 010 −0.10 10 −0.10) MD=−0.62 MD062 62 (MD=−0.62 CI112 12 CI=−1.1 −0.12 012 MD= (MD −0.64 064 64 CI128 28 CI=−1.2 −0.01 001 01 decreased reported Conclusion shamlaser. shamlaser laser. sham-laser However low management (GSM 20 controlledtrials wwwcontrolled trialscom 51 MD=2.2 MD22 (MD=2.2 9 CI12 CI=1. 31 3.1 MD=−0.8 MD08 8 (MD=−0.8 CI15 5 CI=−1. −0.1 MD=−0.6 MD06 6 (MD=−0.6 CI11 −0.6 06 −0.0 00 MD=2. MD2 (MD=2. CI1 CI=1 3. MD=−0. MD0 (MD=−0. CI=−1 −0. MD=2 (MD=2 CI= MD=−0 (MD=−0 CI=− −0 MD=− (MD=− −
Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus: an emergent cause of meningoencephalitis in Northeastern Brazil zooepidemicus
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Farias, Luis Arthur Brasil Gadelha
; Sousa, Marcos Maciel
; Cavalcante, Karene Ferreira
; Jucá, Marina Pinheiro Catunda
; Castro, Aldenise de Olinda
; Mello, Liana Perdigão
; Mesquita, Rafael Ferreira
; Bandeira, Silviane Praciano
; Marchi, Ana Paula
; Coelho, Tânia Mara Silva
; Lima Neto, Antônio Silva
; Arruda, Érico Antonio Gomes de
; Costa, Silvia Figueiredo
; Oliveira, Maura Salaroli de
; Perdigão Neto, Lauro Vieira
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
- Métricas do periódico
ABSTRACT This study describes an outbreak of Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus infections that caused meningoencephalitis and bacteremia related to unpasteurized milk consumption in northeastern Brazil. Epidemiological investigations and a brief literature review were conducted. Strains with possible neurotropism had not been identified in Brazil before these cases; however, in 2023, another case of meningoencephalitis caused by Streptococcus equi sp. zooepidemicus was described, revealing the need to maintain surveillance and highlighting that these neurotropic strains continue to circulate in the environment. conducted cases however 2023 sp described environment 202 20 2
Vaccination coverage, barriers and vaccine hesitancy in children up to 24 months old: a population survey in a state capital in the Western Amazon coverage 2 old
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Macedo, Thaiane Rodrigues de Oliveira
; Borges, Maria Fernanda de Sousa Oliveira
; Silva, Ilce Ferreira da
; França, Ana Paula
; Moraes, José Cássio de
; Silva, Adriana Ilha da
; Ramos Jr., Alberto Novaes
; França, Ana Paula
; Oliveira, Andrea de Nazaré Marvão
; Boing, Antonio Fernando
; Domingues, Carla Magda Allan Santos
; Oliveira, Consuelo Silva de
; Maciel, Ethel Leonor Noia
; Guibu, Ione Aquemi
; Mirabal, Isabelle Ribeiro Barbosa
; Barbosa, Jaqueline Caracas
; Lima, Jaqueline Costa
; Moraes, José Cássio de
; Luhm, Karin Regina
; Caetano, Karlla Antonieta Amorim
; Lima, Luisa Helena de Oliveira
; Antunes, Maria Bernadete de Cerqueira
; Teixeira, Maria da Gloria
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; Queiroz, Rejane Christine de Sousa
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ABSTRACT Objective To estimate vaccination coverage, identify barriers and hesitancy to vaccinating children up to 24 months, born between 2017-2018, living in the urban area of Rio Branco, Acre, Brazil. Methods Population survey carried out from 2020 to 2021, which assessed sociodemographic characteristics and vaccination status among children. Results Among 451 included children, vaccination coverage was below 80%. Meningococcal C vaccine had the lowest coverage for administered doses (76.3%; 95%CI 70.5;81.3) and doses on time (27.4%; 95%CI 23.1;32.1). The statements “vaccines cause serious adverse reactions” (26.4%; 95%CI 18.1;36.8) and “you don’t need vaccination for diseases that no longer exist” (22%; 95%CI 15.7;29.8) were the most frequent regarding vaccination hesitancy. Lack of vaccines was the main barrier to care (86.6%; 95%CI 71.8;94.3). Conclusion Vaccination coverage in children born in 2017-2018 was below the target recommended for the full schedule of administered doses, both valid and timely administered. 2 months 20172018, 20172018 2017 2018, 2018 Branco Acre Brazil 202 2021 45 80 80% 76.3% 763 76 3 (76.3% 95CI CI 95 70.581.3 705813 70.5 81.3 70 5 81 70.5;81.3 27.4% 274 27 4 (27.4% 23.132.1. 231321 23.1 32.1 . 23 1 32 23.1;32.1) reactions 26.4% 264 26 (26.4% 18.136.8 181368 18.1 36.8 18 36 8 18.1;36.8 you dont don t exist 22% 22 (22% 15.729.8 157298 15.7 29.8 15 7 29 15.7;29.8 86.6% 866 86 6 (86.6% 71.894.3. 718943 71.8 94.3 71 94 71.8;94.3) 2017-201 2017201 201 20 76.3 (76.3 9 581 70.581. 70581 705 70. 813 81. 70.5;81. 27.4 (27.4 132 23.132.1 23132 231 23. 321 32. 23.1;32.1 26.4 (26.4 136 18.136. 18136 181 18. 368 36. 18.1;36. (22 729 15.729. 15729 157 15. 298 29. 15.7;29. 86.6 (86.6 894 71.894.3 71894 718 71. 943 94. 71.8;94.3 2017-20 201720 76. (76. 58 70.581 7058 70.5;81 27. (27. 13 23.132. 2313 23.1;32. 26. (26. 18.136 1813 18.1;36 (2 72 15.729 1572 15.7;29 86. (86. 89 71.894. 7189 71.8;94. 2017-2 20172 (76 70.58 70.5;8 (27 23.132 23.1;32 (26 18.13 18.1;3 ( 15.72 15.7;2 (86 71.894 71.8;94 2017- (7 70.5; 23.13 23.1;3 18.1; 15.7; (8 71.89 71.8;9 23.1; 71.8;
RESUMO Objetivo Estimar a cobertura vacinal, identificar barreiras e hesitação à vacinação em crianças com até 24 meses, nascidas em 2017 e 2018, residentes na área urbana de Rio Branco-AC. Métodos Inquérito populacional realizado de 2020 a 2021, que avaliou as características sociodemográficas e a situação vacinal em crianças nascidas entre 2017 e 2018. Resultados Entre as 451 crianças estudadas, as coberturas vacinais foram inferiores a 80%. A menor cobertura para doses aplicadas (76,3%; IC95% 70,5;81,3) e oportunas (27,4%; IC95% 23,1;32,1) foi para o reforço da meningocócica C. As afirmações “vacinas causam reações adversas graves” (26,4%; IC95% 18,1;36,8) e “não precisa da vacina para doenças que não existem mais” (22%; IC95% 15,7;29,8) foram as mais frequentes quanto à hesitação vacinal. A falta da vacina foi a principal barreira assistencial (86,6%; IC95% 71,8;94,3). Conclusão As coberturas vacinais em crianças nascidas em 2017 e 2018 ficaram abaixo da meta preconizada nos esquemas completos de doses aplicadas, válidas e oportunas. 2 meses 201 BrancoAC. BrancoAC Branco AC. AC Branco-AC 202 2021 45 estudadas 80 80% 76,3% 763 76 3 (76,3% IC95 IC 70,581,3 705813 70,5 81,3 70 5 81 70,5;81,3 27,4% 274 27 4 (27,4% 23,132,1 231321 23,1 32,1 23 1 32 23,1;32,1 C vacinas graves 26,4% 264 26 (26,4% 18,136,8 181368 18,1 36,8 18 36 8 18,1;36,8 22% 22 (22% 15,729,8 157298 15,7 29,8 15 7 29 15,7;29,8 86,6% 866 86 6 (86,6% 71,894,3. 718943 71,8 94,3 . 71 94 71,8;94,3) 20 76,3 (76,3 IC9 581 70,581, 70581 705 70, 813 81, 70,5;81, 27,4 (27,4 132 23,132, 23132 231 23, 321 32, 23,1;32, 26,4 (26,4 136 18,136, 18136 181 18, 368 36, 18,1;36, (22 729 15,729, 15729 157 15, 298 29, 15,7;29, 86,6 (86,6 894 71,894,3 71894 718 71, 943 94, 9 71,8;94,3 76, (76, 58 70,581 7058 70,5;81 27, (27, 13 23,132 2313 23,1;32 26, (26, 18,136 1813 18,1;36 (2 72 15,729 1572 15,7;29 86, (86, 89 71,894, 7189 71,8;94, (76 70,58 70,5;8 (27 23,13 23,1;3 (26 18,13 18,1;3 ( 15,72 15,7;2 (86 71,894 71,8;94 (7 70,5; 23,1; 18,1; 15,7; (8 71,89 71,8;9 71,8;
Efficacy, Safety, and Acceptability of Misoprostol in the Treatment of Incomplete Miscarriage: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Efficacy Safety Miscarriage Metaanalysis Meta analysis
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Silva, Thiago Menezes da
; Araujo, Moema Alves Guerra de
; Simões, Ana Carolina Zimmermann
; Oliveira, Ronnier de
; Medeiros, Kleyton Santos de
; Sarmento, Ayane Cristine
; Medeiros, Robinson Dias de
; Costa, Ana Paula Ferreira
; Gonçalves, Ana Katherine
Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia
- Métricas do periódico
Resumo Objetivo Avaliar a eficácia, segurança e aceitabilidade do misoprostol no tratamento do aborto incompleto. Fontes de dados Os bancos de dados PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Library e bancos de dados de Ensaios Clínicos ( foram pesquisados para os artigos relevantes, e estratégias de busca foram desenvolvidas usando uma combinação de termos temáticos de Medical Subject Headings e palavras de texto. A última pesquisa foi realizada em 4 de julho de 2022. Nenhuma restrição de idioma foi aplicada. Seleção dos estudos Foram incluídos ensaios clínicos randomizados com pacientes com idade gestacional até 6/7 semanas com diagnóstico de aborto incompleto e que foram manejadas com pelo menos um dos três tipos de tratamento estudados. Um total de 8.087 estudos foram selecionados. Coleta de dados Os dados foram sintetizados usando o pacote estatístico Review Manager V.5.1 (The Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, United Kingdom). Para resultados dicotômicos, o odds ratio (OR, na sigla em inglês) e o intervalo de confiança (IC) de 95% foram derivados para cada estudo. A heterogeneidade entre os resultados do ensaio foi avaliada usando o teste padrão, estatística I2. Síntese dos dados Ao comparar misoprostol com aspiração a vácuo médico (MVA, na sigla em inglês), a taxa de aborto completo foi maior no grupo MVA (OR = 0,16; IC95% = 0,07–0,36). Hemorragia ou sangramento intenso foi mais comum no grupo do misoprostol (OR = 3,00; 95%CI = 1,96–4,59), mas a dor após o tratamento foi mais comum em pacientes tratados com MVA (OR = 0,65; 95%CI = 0,52–0,80). Não foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas na aceitabilidade geral dos tratamentos. Conclusão O misoprostol tem se mostrado uma opção segura e com boa aceitação pelos pacientes. eficácia PubMed Scopus Embase Science clinicaltrialsgov clinicaltrials gov ( relevantes texto 2022 aplicada 67 6 7 6/ estudados 8087 8 087 8.08 selecionados V51 V 5 1 V.5. The Collaboration Oxford Kingdom. Kingdom . Kingdom) dicotômicos OR, OR inglês IC (IC 95 estudo padrão I2 I MVA, (MVA inglês, , 0,16 016 0 16 IC95 0,07–0,36. 007036 0,07–0,36 07 36 0,07–0,36) 3,00 300 3 00 95CI CI 1,96–4,59, 196459 1,96–4,59 96 59 1,96–4,59) 0,65 065 65 0,52–0,80. 052080 0,52–0,80 52 80 0,52–0,80) tratamentos 202 808 08 8.0 V5 V.5 9 0,1 01 IC9 00703 0,07–0,3 3,0 30 19645 1,96–4,5 0,6 06 05208 0,52–0,8 20 8. V. 0, 0070 0,07–0, 3, 1964 1,96–4, 0520 0,52–0, 2 007 0,07–0 196 1,96–4 052 0,52–0 0,07– 19 1,96– 05 0,52– 0,07 1,96 0,52 0,0 1,9 0,5 1,
Abstract Objective To assess the efficacy, safety, and acceptability of misoprostol in the treatment of incomplete miscarriage. Data sources The PubMed, Scopus, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and Clinical Trials databases ( were searched for the relevant articles, and search strategies were developed using a combination of thematic Medical Subject Headings terms and text words. The last search was conducted on July 4, 2022. No language restrictions were applied. Selection of studies Randomized clinical trials with patients of gestational age up to 6/7 weeks with a diagnosis of incomplete abortion and who were managed with at least 1 of the 3 types of treatment studied were included. A total of 8,087 studies were screened. Data collection Data were synthesized using the statistical package Review Manager V.5.1 (The Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, United Kingdom). For dichotomous outcomes, the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were derived for each study. Heterogeneity between the trial results was evaluated using the standard test, I2 statistic. Data synthesis When comparing misoprostol with medical vacuum aspiration (MVA), the rate of complete abortion was higher in the MVA group (OR = 0.16; 95%CI = 0.07–0.36). Hemorrhage or heavy bleeding was more common in the misoprostol group (OR = 3.00; 95%CI = 1.96–4.59), but pain after treatment was more common in patients treated with MVA (OR = 0.65; 95%CI = 0.52–0.80). No statistically significant differences were observed in the general acceptability of the treatments. Conclusion Misoprostol has been determined as a safe option with good acceptance by patients. efficacy safety miscarriage PubMed Scopus Embase Science Library clinicaltrialsgov clinicaltrials gov ( articles words 4 2022 applied 67 6 7 6/ included 8087 8 087 8,08 screened V51 V 5 V.5. Collaboration Oxford Kingdom. Kingdom . Kingdom) outcomes OR 95 CI (CI study test I statistic MVA, , (MVA) 0.16 016 0 16 95CI 0.07–0.36. 007036 0.07–0.36 07 36 0.07–0.36) 3.00 300 00 1.96–4.59, 196459 1.96–4.59 96 59 1.96–4.59) 0.65 065 65 0.52–0.80. 052080 0.52–0.80 52 80 0.52–0.80) treatments 202 808 08 8,0 V5 V.5 9 (MVA 0.1 01 00703 0.07–0.3 3.0 30 19645 1.96–4.5 0.6 06 05208 0.52–0.8 20 8, V. 0. 0070 0.07–0. 3. 1964 1.96–4. 0520 0.52–0. 2 007 0.07–0 196 1.96–4 052 0.52–0 0.07– 19 1.96– 05 0.52– 0.07 1.96 0.52 0.0 1.9 0.5 1.
Maternal-fetal outcomes of women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy Maternalfetal Maternal fetal
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Xavier, Ivete Matias
; Simões, Ana Carolina Zimmermann
; Oliveira, Ronnier de
; Barros, Yasha Emerenciano
; Sarmento, Ayane Cristine Alves
; Medeiros, Kleyton Santos de
; Costa, Ana Paula Ferreira
; Korkes, Henri
; Gonçalves, Ana Katherine
Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira
- Métricas do periódico
SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. METHODS: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted on women admitted with hypertensive disorders of pregnancies to a university maternity hospital from August 2020 to August 2022. Data were collected using a pretested structured questionnaire. Variables associated with adverse maternal and perinatal outcomes were compared using multivariable binomial regression. RESULTS: Of 501 women with pregnancies, 2, 35, 14, and 49% had eclampsia, preeclampsia, chronic hypertension, and gestational hypertension, respectively. Women with preeclampsia/eclampsia had significantly higher risks of cesarean section (79.4 vs. 65%; adjusted RR, 2,139; 95%CI, 1,386–3,302; p=0.001) and preterm delivery at <34 weeks’ gestation (20.5 vs. 6%; adjusted RR, 2.5; 95%CI, 1.19–5.25; p=0.01) than those of women with chronic/gestational hypertension. Risks of prolonged maternal hospitalization (43.9 vs. 27.1%), neonatal intensive care unit admission (30.7 vs. 19.8%), and perinatal mortality (23.5 vs. 11.2%) were higher among women with preeclampsia/eclampsia. CONCLUSIONS: Women with preeclampsia/eclampsia had a higher risk of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes than those with chronic or gestational hypertension. This major maternity care center requires strategies for preventing and managing preeclampsia/eclampsia to improve pregnancy outcomes. OBJECTIVE METHODS crosssectional cross sectional 202 2022 questionnaire regression RESULTS 50 2 35 14 49 eclampsia preeclampsia hypertension respectively preeclampsiaeclampsia 79.4 794 79 4 (79. vs 65% 65 RR 2,139 2139 139 95CI CI 95 95%CI 1,386–3,302 13863302 1 386 3 302 p=0.001 p0001 p 0 001 34 <3 weeks 20.5 205 20 5 (20. 6% 6 2.5 25 1.19–5.25 119525 19 p=0.01 p001 01 chronicgestational 43.9 439 43 9 (43. 27.1%, 271 27.1% , 27 27.1%) 30.7 307 30 7 (30. 19.8%, 198 19.8% 8 19.8%) 23.5 235 23 (23. 11.2% 112 11 CONCLUSIONS 79. (79 2,13 213 13 1,386–3,30 1386330 38 p=0.00 p000 00 < 20. (20 2. 1.19–5.2 11952 p=0.0 p00 43. (43 27.1 30. (30 19.8 23. (23 11.2 (7 2,1 21 1,386–3,3 138633 (2 1.19–5. 1195 p=0. p0 (4 27. (3 19. 11. ( 1,386–3, 13863 1.19–5 119 p=0 1,386–3 1386 1.19– p= 1,386– 138 1.19 1,386 1.1 1,38 1. 1,3 1,
A systematic review and meta-analysis of the clinical performance of implant-supported overdentures retained by CAD-CAM bars metaanalysis meta analysis implantsupported implant supported CADCAM CAD CAM
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Chappuis-Chocano, Ana Paula
; Venante, Helena Sandrini
; Costa, Rodrigo Moreira Bringel da
; Pordeus, Mariana Domingues
; Marcillo-Toala, Oscar Oswaldo
; Santiago Junior, Joel Ferreira
; Porto, Vinícius Carvalho
Abstract Currently, there is no consensus on the indications and clinical performance of implant-supported overdentures (IODs) involving computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD-CAM) bars. Objective: To evaluate the performance of IODs involving CAD-CAM bars. Methodology: A comprehensive search of studies published until May 2023 was conducted in many databases, including PubMed/MEDLINE, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, and SciELO, following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). The population, intervention, comparison, outcome (PICO) question was: “How do IODs retained by bars fabricated by CAD-CAM technology perform in daily clinical practice?” The meta-analysis included clinical studies based on effect size and a two-tailed null test with a 95% confidence interval (CI). Results: Ten studies were included in the meta-analysis. Among them, nine reported a 100% implant survival rate for all CAD-CAM milled bars. Complications were reported in two studies with CAD/CAM-milled titanium bars, and one study reported more fractures in soldered gold bars used in maxillary rehabilitation. However, no fractures were observed in IODs retained by PEEK and zirconia bars. According to six studies, biological complications, including peri-implantitis, were minimal in the BioHPP and PEEK bar groups, while no cases were reported in the titanium or zirconia bar groups. CAD-CAM-milled zirconia bars had higher plaque and bleeding indices compared with titanium bars, as evidenced by findings from five studies. All four studies that evaluated Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP) scores showed a positive effect of IODs retained by CAD-CAM milled titanium bars on quality of life. Patient satisfaction and acceptance by prosthodontists were significantly high, according to the results of five studies. Conclusion: Overdentures retained with CAD-CAM milled titanium bars show great potential for use in daily clinical practice. Moreover, patient and practitioner satisfaction was very high when this method was used. Currently implantsupported supported (IODs computeraided computer aided CADCAM CAD CAM (CAD-CAM Objective Methodology 202 databases PubMedMEDLINE PubMed MEDLINE PubMed/MEDLINE Science Library SciELO MetaAnalyses Meta Analyses PRISMA. PRISMA . (PRISMA) population intervention comparison PICO (PICO How practice practice? metaanalysis meta analysis twotailed tailed 95 CI. CI (CI) Results metaanalysis. analysis. them 100 CAD/CAMmilled CADCAMmilled CAD/CAM rehabilitation However complications periimplantitis, periimplantitis peri implantitis, implantitis peri-implantitis groups OHIP (OHIP life Conclusion Moreover 20 (PRISMA 9 (CI 10 CAMmilled 2 1
Systematization of Nursing Care: how did the concept mature? Care mature
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Souza, Jackeline Felix de
; Zaccaro, Kênia Rocha Leite
; Brandão, Ana Paula da Costa Lacerda
; Primo, Cândida Caniçali
; Santana, Rosimere Ferreira
; Brandão, Marcos Antônio Gomes
RESUMEN Objetivos: analizar la maduración conceptual de la Sistematización de los Cuidados de Enfermería en la perspectiva de la utilidad pragmática. Métodos: estudio de análisis de concepto. Los pasos fueron: seleccionar el concepto; elaborar preguntas analíticas; revisar exhaustivamente la literatura; y determinar componentes estructurales del concepto. Se analizaron 61 documentos luego de una búsqueda realizada hasta octubre de 2019. Resultados: ocurrieron cuatro períodos temporales de cambios contextuales desde el surgimiento de ideas de una sistematización en la década de 1960. Esta primera duró hasta 1990. Le siguieron las de 1990 a 2002, de 2002 a 2009 y de 2009 en adelante. Se identificó madurez conceptual parcial, operacionalización a lo largo de los años, a partir de múltiples definiciones, y, actualmente, un concepto de Sistematización de la Atención de Enfermería con atributos gerenciales y organizativo. Conclusiones: el concepto de Sistematización de la Atención de Enfermería está parcialmente maduro, tiene múltiples definiciones y se operativiza en conexiones inciertas con otros conceptos. Objetivos pragmática Métodos fueron analíticas literatura 6 2019 Resultados 1960 199 200 adelante parcial años actualmente organizativo Conclusiones maduro conceptos 201 196 19 20 1 2
ABSTRACT Objectives: to analyze the Systematization of Nursing Care conceptual maturation from the perspective of pragmatic utility. Methods: a concept analysis study. The stages were: select the concept; elaborate analytical questions; comprehensively review the literature; and determine concept structural components. Sixty-one documents were analyzed after a search carried out until October 2019. Results: four temporal periods of contextual changes have occurred since the emergence of ideas of a systematization in the 1960s. This first lasted until 1990. It was followed by those from 1990 to 2002, from 2002 to 2009 and from 2009 onwards. Partial conceptual maturity was identified, operationalization over the years, based on multiple definitions, and, currently, a concept of Systematization of Nursing Care with managerial and organizational attributes. Conclusions: the concept of Systematization of Nursing Care is partially mature, presents multiple definitions, being operationalized in uncertain connections with other concepts. Objectives utility Methods study questions literature components Sixtyone Sixty one 2019 Results 1960s s 199 200 onwards identified years definitions currently attributes Conclusions mature concepts 201 19 20 1 2
RESUMO Objetivos: analisar o amadurecimento conceitual de Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem na perspectiva da utilidade pragmática. Métodos: estudo de análise de conceito. As etapas foram: selecionar o conceito; elaborar questões analíticas; revisar a literatura de modo abrangente; e determinar componentes estruturais do conceito. Foram analisados 61 documentos após busca realizada até outubro de 2019. Resultados: quatro períodos temporais de mudanças contextuais ocorreram desde o surgimento das ideias de uma sistematização nos anos de 1960. Esse primeiro perdurou até 1990. Foi seguido pelos de 1990 a 2002, de 2002 a 2009 e a partir de 2009. Foi identificada parcial maturidade conceitual, operacionalização ao longo dos anos, com base em múltiplas definições, e, atualmente, um conceito de Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem com atributos gerenciais e organizativos. Conclusões: o conceito de Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem é parcialmente maduro, apresenta múltiplas definições, sendo operacionalizado em ligações incertas com outros conceitos. Objetivos pragmática Métodos foram analíticas abrangente 6 2019 Resultados 1960 199 200 definições atualmente organizativos Conclusões maduro conceitos 201 196 19 20 1 2
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