Antipsicóticos típicos apresentam alta afinidade pelos receptores dopaminérgicos, que são, portanto, regiões de interesse para os estudos de farmacogenética das psicoses. No presente estudo, investigamos a hipótese de que o polimorfismo Ser9Gly do gene do DRD3 possa exercer um papel na diferença de resposta inter-individual ao uso de antipsicóticos típicos em pacientes com esquizofrenia. Nossa amostra foi composta por 53 pacientes bons respondedores e 59 maus respondedores. Não houve diferenças nas distribuições alélicas (bons respondedores: Ser9 61,32%, Gly9 38,67%; maus respondedores: Ser9 64,40%, Gly9 35,59%; odds ratio, OR = 0,88, 0,49 < OR < 1,56; chi2 = 0,23, 1 degree of freedom, d.f., p = 0,63) e genotípica (bons respondedores: Ser9/Ser9 37,73%, Ser9/Gly9 47,16%, Gly9/Gly9 15,09%; maus repondedores: Ser9/Ser9 42,37%, Ser9/Gly9 44,06%, Gly9/Gly9 13,55%; chi2 = 0,25, 2 d.f., p = 0,88) entre os grupos. Não houve também associação com homozigosidade (bons respondedores: homozigotos: 52,82%, heterozigotos: 47,16%; maus repondedores: homozigotos: 55,92%, heterozigotos: 44,06%; odds ratio, OR = 0,88, 0,39 < OR < 1,99); chi2 = 0,11, 1 d.f., p = 0,74). Os resultados não dão suporte à hipótese de que o polimorfismo Ser9Gly do gene do DRD3 possa influenciar a resposta terapêutica aos antipsicóticos típicos na nossa amostra de pacientes com esquizofrenia.
Typical antipsychotics have a high affinity for dopamine receptors. It is therefore of interest to investigate such loci in pharmacogenetic studies on psychosis. We investigated the hypothesis that Ser9Gly polymorphism of the DRD3 gene may play a role in the differences in individual response to typical antipsychotics between schizophrenic patients. The sample was composed of 53 good responders and 59 poor ones. No significant differences between the good and poor responders were found in the allelic distribution (good responders: Ser9 61.32%, Gly9 38.67%; poor responders: Ser9 64.40%, Gly9 35.59%; odds ratio, OR = 0.88, 0.49 < OR < 1.56; chi2 = 0.23, 1 degree of freedom, df, p = 0.63) and genotype distribution (good responders: Ser9/Ser9 37.73%, Ser9/Gly9 47.16%, Gly9/Gly9 15.09%; poor responders: Ser9/Ser9 42.37%, Ser9/Gly9 44.06%, Gly9/Gly9 13.55%; chi2 = 0.25, 2 df, p = 0.88). Nor was there any association with homozygosity (good responders: homozygous: 52.82%, heterozygous: 47.16%; poor responders: homozygous: 55.92%, heterozygous: 44.06%; odds ratio, OR = 0.88, 0.39 < OR < 1.99; chi2 = 0.11, 1 df, p = 0.74). The results did not support the hypothesis that Ser9Gly polymorphism of the DRD3 gene influences the response to typical antipsychotics in our sample of schizophrenics.