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Impact of the use of unmalted adjuncts on the rheological properties of beer wort
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Abstract Understanding the behavior of fluids is important in industrial processes of the most varied types. Changes in the composition of the brewing wort can have an impact on the phenomenon of transport of matter, important in the manufacturing as well as in the sensory perception of palatability and dietary characteristics. Changes in viscosity are also of interest to the industry, as this parameter plays an important role in the filtration theory. The present study intended to analize the impact of different brewing inputs on rheological parameters, using the same beer formulation as the basis, the variations being compared to the control. The adjuncts tested were rye, unmalted barley, and sorghum. The analizes were performed in an oscillatory and rotational rheometer, obtaining measurements from three moments of the beer production process. The main results are the differences in the flow curve profiles, showing greater pseudoplasticity when using rye, and that the formation of gel at high shear rates can be a frequent cause of problems in the brewery. This work can contribute to the creation of a methodology that allows maximizing the contents of dietary fibers without compromising the smooth running of the production process.
Diagnósticos de enfermería para pacientes con traumatismo craneoencefálico: revisión integradora
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Caetano da Silva, Maria Isabel
; Gomes da Silva, Raul Roriston
; Santos Nogueira, Sandy Hellen
; Lopes, Simone Marcelino
; Moreira de Alencar, Rayane
; Rodrigues Pinheiro, Woneska
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is any impact that affects the head region involving the scalp, skull, brain and blood vessels, affecting these structures. Nursing professionals play a fundamental role during the care of these patients. Objective: To list the Nursing Diagnoses (ND) of NANDA I that can be proposed for patients hospitalized with TBI. Method: Integrative literature review, performed at the following databases: LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, MEDLINE, CINAHL, SCOPUS and WEB OF SCIENCE, using the search terms: “Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/Craniocerebral Trauma”, “Diagnóstico de Enfermagem/Nursing Diagnosis” and “Enfermagem/Nursing”. Articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish were included. Results: The selection included 12 articles. From the reading of the studies, based on the clinical characteristics and the basic needs affected by patients with TBI, 18 ND were listed, organized alphabetically and according to their domain in NANDA I. Final considerations: The findings of this research allowed characterizing important aspects related to the patient with TBI and bringing the literature approach on nursing diagnoses to this population. There is a gap in the investigations that address ND for patients with TBI, taking into account that a significant part of the studies report on the clinical manifestations perceived during nursing care and do not bring the elaborated diagnoses.
RESUMO: Introdução: Traumatismo Cranioencefálico (TCE) é qualquer impacto que atinge a região da cabeça envolvendo couro cabeludo, crânio, cérebro e vasos sanguíneos, afetando essas estruturas. Os profissionais de Enfermagem desempenham um papel fundamental durante a assistência a esses pacientes. Objetivo: Elencar os Diagnósticos de Enfermagem (DE) da NANDA I que podem ser propostos para pacientes internados com TCE. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada nas bases de dados: LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, MEDLINE, CINAHL, SCOPUS e WEB OF SCIENCE, utilizando os termos de busca: “Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/Craniocerebral Trauma”, “Diagnóstico de Enfermagem/ Nursing Diagnosis” e “Enfermagem/Nursing”. Foram incluídos artigos nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Resultados: Foram selecionados 12 artigos. A partir da leitura dos estudos, com base nas características clínicas e nas necessidades básicas afetadas dos pacientes com TCE foram elencados 18 DE, estão organizados em ordem alfabética e de acordo com o domínio em que se encontra na NANDA I. Considerações finais: Os achados dessa pesquisa possibilitaram caracterizar aspectos importantes relacionados ao paciente com TCE e trazer a abordagem da literatura sobre os diagnósticos de enfermagem a esse público. Percebe-se uma lacuna nas investigações que abordem os DE para pacientes com TCE, levando em consideração que uma parte significativa das pesquisas relatam sobre as manifestações clínicas percebidas durante o cuidado de enfermagem e não trazem os diagnósticos elaborados.
RESUMEN: Introducción: El trauma craneoencefálico (LCT) es cualquier impacto que afecta la región de la cabeza que involucra el cuero cabelludo, el cráneo, el cerebro y los vasos sanguíneos, afectando estas estructuras. Los profesionales de enfermería desempeñan un papel fundamental al ayudar a estos pacientes. Objetivo: Enumerar los diagnósticos de enfermería (DE) de NANDA I que se pueden proponer para pacientes hospitalizados con LCT. Método: Revisión integral de la literatura, realizada en las bases de datos: LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, MEDLINE, CINAHL, SCOPUS y WEB OF SCIENCE, utilizando los términos de búsqueda: “Traumatismo craneocerebral / craneocerebral”, “Diagnóstico de enfermería / Diagnóstico de enfermería " y " Enfermagem / Enfermería ". Se incluyeron artículos en portugués, inglés y español. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 12 artículos. A partir de la lectura de los estudios, en función de las características clínicas y las necesidades básicas afectadas de los pacientes con LCT, 18 ED se enumeran, organizan en orden alfabético y de acuerdo con el dominio en el que se encuentran en NANDA YO. Consideraciones finales: Los resultados de esta investigación permitieron caracterizar aspectos importantes relacionados con el paciente con LCT y llevar el enfoque de la literatura sobre diagnósticos de enfermería a esta audiencia. Hay una brecha en las investigaciones que abordan las DE para pacientes con LCT, teniendo en cuenta que una parte importante de la investigación informa sobre las manifestaciones clínicas percibidas durante la atención de enfermería y no aporta los diagnósticos elaborados.
Substituting corn grain for passion fruit peels in feed for confined sheep
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PAZDIORA, Raul Dirceu
; PAZDIORA, Bruna Rafaela Caetano Nunes
; QUEIROZ, Edicarlos Oliveira
; MENDONÇA, Talita Oliveira
; CÂNDIDO, Fernanda dos Santos
; ANJOS, Mariana Moreira dos
; MATOS, Islan Junior Rodrigues de
; ANDRELINO, André Luiz Silva
Revista Brasileira de Saúde e Produção Animal
- Métricas do periódico
RESUMO Objetivou-se avaliar dietas com substituição do grão de milho pela casca de maracujá sobre o consumo, comportamento ingestivo, digestibilidade das dietas e desempenho de ovinos. Foram utilizados 20 ovinos, confinados em baias individuais, alimentados duas vezes ao dia, com dietas que receberam a inclusão da casca de maracujá nas proporções de 0; 25; 50; 75 e 100% em substituição ao grão de milho. O grão de milho representou 70% da matéria seca da dieta e a casca de maracujá foi fornecida na forma desidratada. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos e quatro repetições. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e análise de regressão, ao nível de 5%. Observou-se um aumento linear do consumo de matéria seca, com acréscimo de 3,89 g para cada nível de inclusão de casca de maracujá. A digestibilidade aparente da matéria seca reduziu e a fibra detergente neutro aumentou linearmente com a substituição ao grão de milho pela casca de maracujá. O tempo de alimentação, ruminação, ócio e ingestão de água, com médias de 3,74; 2,92; 16,92 e 0,42 horas, não foram influenciados pelas dietas (P>0,05). O ganho de peso médio diário foi semelhante para os animais nas diferentes dietas e por consequência o peso final, apresentando valores médios de 0,226 kg dia-1 e 32,1 kg, respectivamente. A inclusão de casca de maracujá na dieta de ovinos é uma alternativa interessante, pois mesmo com a redução da digestibilidade da matéria seca, aumentou o consumo e promoveu semelhante ganho de peso.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to evaluate diets substituting corn grain with passion fruit peels on the consumption, ingestive behavior, digestibility of diets and sheep performance. A total of 20 sheep were used, confined in individual pens, fed twice a day, with diets which included passion fruit peels in the proportions of 0; 25; 50; 75 and 100% replacing corn grain. The corn grain represented 70% of the dry matter of the diet and the passion fruit peels were supplied in dehydrated form. The experimental design was completely randomized with five treatments and four replicates. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and regression analysis at the significance level of 5%. There was a linear increase in dry matter consumption with an increase of 3.89 g for each inclusion level of passion fruit peel. The apparent digestibility of dry matter decreased and neutral detergent fiber increased linearly with the substitution of corn grain with passion fruit peels. The feeding, rumination, leisure and water intake times presented averages of 3.74; 2.92; 16.92 and 0.42 hours, and were not influenced by the diets (P>0.05). The average daily weight gain was similar for the animals in the different diets and consequently the final weight presented average values of 0.226 kg day-1 and 32.1 kg, respectively. The inclusion of passion fruit peels in the sheep diet is an interesting alternative because even with the reduced dry matter digestibility, it increased the consumption and promoted similar weight gains.
Suicidal behavior among substance users: data from the Second Brazilian National Alcohol and Drug Survey (II BNADS)
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Abdalla, Renata R.
; Miguel, André C.
; Brietzke, Elisa
; Caetano, Raul
; Laranjeira, Ronaldo
; Madruga, Clarice S.
Objective: To investigate the prevalence rates of suicidal ideation (SI) and suicide attempts (SA) and their association with substance use in a nationally representative sample of Brazilians. Methods: The Second Brazilian National Alcohol and Drug Survey (II BNADS) is a household cross-sectional survey that investigated the consumption of psychotropic drugs and associated risk factors. This national probability sample survey used a multistage cluster design to select 4,607 participants aged 14 or older and had a total response rate of 77%. Illegal drug use, SI and SA were obtained by confidential self-report assessment. Results: SI and SA were reported by 9.9 and 5.4% of the sample, respectively. This prevalence was 20.8 and 12.4% among individuals with alcohol use disorders (AUD), 31.5 and 16.5% among cannabis users and 40.0 and 20.8% among cocaine users. After adjusting for demographic characteristics, tobacco use, family history of suicide and depression, both SI and SA were positively associated with AUD, cannabis and cocaine use. Conclusion: AUD, cannabis and cocaine use were significantly associated with SI and SA, even after the adjustments. Public health initiatives targeting suicide prevention should consider including assessment and management of substance misuse, and therapeutic approaches to substance misuse should include assessment of suicidality.
Alcohol misuse among women in Brazil: recent trends and associations with unprotected sex, early pregnancy, and abortion
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Massaro, Luciana T.S.
; Abdalla, Renata R.
; Laranjeira, Ronaldo
; Caetano, Raul
; Pinsky, Ilana
; Madruga, Clarice S.
Objective: This study compared the rates of binge drinking (BD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) reported for 2006 with those reported for 2012, exploring their associations with unprotected sex, early pregnancy, and abortion in a representative sample of women in Brazilian households. Methods: This was a descriptive analysis of data from a cross-sectional study involving randomized multistage cluster sampling of the population ≥ 14 years of age. Weighted prevalence rates and odds ratios were estimated, and serial mediation analysis was performed. Results: A total of 4,256 women were analyzed. The BD prevalence was 35.1% and 47.1% in 2006 and 2012, respectively, a significant increase, especially among women 40-59 years of age. There was no significant difference in AUD prevalence. BD (without AUD) was found to increase the odds of unprotected sex and abortion. The path analysis showed that early pregnancy was a mediator of the relationship between alcohol consumption and abortion. Conclusion: Among women in Brazil, the harmful use of alcohol is increasing, which has an impact on female reproductive health and exposure to risks. There is a need for specific prevention initiatives focusing on alcohol-related behaviors in women.
Prevalence of and pathways to benzodiazepine use in Brazil: the role of depression, sleep, and sedentary lifestyle
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Madruga, Clarice S.
; Paim, Thales L.
; Palhares, Hamer N.
; Miguel, Andre C.
; Massaro, Luciana T.S.
; Caetano, Raul
; Laranjeira, Ronaldo R.
Objective: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of benzodiazepine (BZD) use in Brazil and to investigate the direct and indirect effects of alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle (SL), depressive symptoms (DS), and sleep dissatisfaction (SD) on BZD use. Methods: The Second Brazilian Alcohol and Drugs Survey (II BNADS) used stratified cluster probabilistic sampling to select 4,607 individuals aged 14 years and older from the Brazilian household population. Results: The lifetime and 12-month prevalence of BZD use was 9.8 and 6.1%, respectively. Older participants (age 40 and older) and women had higher rates. Alcohol use disorder, DS, and SD were significantly more prevalent in BZD users. The parallel multiple mediator model showed a positive direct effect of alcohol consumption on BZD use, with significant positive indirect effects of SL, SD, and DS as simultaneous mediators leading to higher BZD intake. Other statistically significant indirect pathways were DS alone, SD alone, and all of the above except SL. Conclusion: The prevalence of BZD use in Brazil is high compared to that of other countries. Knowledge of the main risk factors and pathways to consumption can guide prevention initiatives and underlie the development of better tailored and effective treatment strategies.
Estupros no Brasil e relações com o consumo de álcool: estimativas baseadas em autorrelato sigiloso
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Massaro, Luciana Teixeira dos Santos
; Adesse, Leila
; Laranjeira, Ronaldo
; Caetano, Raul
; Madruga, Clarice S.
Com base na análise dos dados de corte transversal provenientes do Segundo Levantamento Nacional de Álcool e Drogas realizado em 2012, utilizando-se uma amostra probabilística estratificada por conglomerado representativa da população brasileira, este estudo apresenta as prevalências de estupro e analisa a relação deste evento com o consumo de álcool. Foram considerados 1.918 homens e 2.365 mulheres, totalizando uma amostra de 4.283 indivíduos. Nossos resultados estimam a prevalência de estupro na vida em 2,6% da população geral, sendo 1,7% entre os homens e 3,5% entre as mulheres. Para ambos os sexos, as maiores prevalências se concentraram entre indivíduos com idades entre 26 e 59 anos (3,3%), com baixa escolaridade (3,8%), solteiros, divorciados ou viúvos (3,1%). Entre os indivíduos com diagnóstico para transtorno por uso de álcool de acordo com o DSM-5 (Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais), 6% relataram ser vítimas de estupro, bem como, 3,3% daqueles que disseram beber pesado episódico (binge). Análises de regressão logística e multifatorial indicaram que tanto para mulheres quanto para homens a idade (aqueles entre 26 e 59 anos), o estado civil (solteiro), o diagnóstico de transtorno por uso de álcool e o beber pesado episódico são fatores associados ao aumento da probabilidade de vitimização por estupro, enquanto maior nível de educação (mais do que 9 anos de estudos) revelou-se um fator capaz de diminuir as chances de ocorrência. A identificação da amplitude desse problema de saúde pública, bem como a avaliação da urgência na implantação de medidas preventivas e assistenciais, partem do conhecimento das prevalências e do perfil sociodemográfico das vítimas.
This study presents the rape prevalence and its relationship with alcohol consumption based on the analysis of cross-sectional data from the 2012 Second National Alcohol and Drugs Survey, which used a cluster-stratified probabilistic sample of the Brazilian population. We included 1,918 men and 2,365 women, for a total sample of 4,283 individuals. Our results estimate the over-lifetime rape prevalence at 2.6% for the entire population, 1.7% for men and 3.5% for women. For both sexes, the highest prevalences were concentrated among those aged between 26 and 59 years (3.3%), those with low educational levels (3.8%), and those who were single, divorced or widowed (3.1%). Among individuals who were diagnosed with alcohol use disorder, according to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), 6% reported having been raped, as did 3.3% of those who reported binge drinking. Logistical and multivariate regression analyses showed that, for both women and men, age (those between 26 and 59 years), marital status (single), alcohol use disorder and binge drinking are factors associated with an increased probability of being raped, whereas a higher educational level (more than 9 years of schooling) was shown to be capable of reducing the odds of being raped. Awareness of prevalences and of victims’ sociodemographic profiles is necessary in order to identify the scope of this public health problem as well as to evaluate the urgency of implementing preventative and supportive measures.
En base a un análisis de datos de corte transversal, procedente del Segundo Estudio Nacional sobre Alcohol y Drogas, realizado en 2012, utilizando un muestreo probabilístico estratificado por conglomerados -representativo de la población brasileña-, este estudio presenta las prevalencias de violación y analiza su relación con el consumo de alcohol. Se consideraron a 1.918 hombres y 2.365 mujeres, totalizando una muestra de 4.283 individuos. Nuestros resultados estiman la prevalencia de violación durante la vida en un 2,6% de la población general, siendo 1,7% en el caso de los hombres y 3,5% en las mujeres. Para ambos sexos, las mayores prevalencias se concentraron entre individuos con edades entre 26 y 59 años (3,3%), con baja escolaridad (3,8%), solteros, divorciados o viudos (3,1%). Entre los individuos diagnosticados con trastorno, debido al consumo de alcohol, de acuerdo con el DSM- 5 (Manual Diagnśotico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales), un 6% informaron ser víctimas de violación, asimismo, un 3,3% de ellos dijeron beber en grandes cantidades episódicamente (binge). Los análisis de regresión logística y multifactorial indicaron que tanto para mujeres, como para hombres, la edad (quienes tenían entre 26 y 59 años), estado civil (soltero), diagnóstico de trastorno por consumo de alcohol, y beber en grandes cantidades episódicamente, son factores asociados al aumento de la probabilidad de victimización por violación, sin embargo, cuanto mayor era el nivel de educación (más de 9 años de estudios), mayor era la capacidad de disminuir las oportunidades de ocurrencia. La identificación de la dimensión de este problema de salud pública, así como la evaluación de la urgencia en la implantación de medidas preventivas y asistenciales, parten del conocimiento de las prevalencias y del perfil sociodemográfico de las víctimas.
Estupros no Brasil e relações com o consumo de álcool: estimativas baseadas em autorrelato sigiloso
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Massaro, Luciana Teixeira dos Santos
; Adesse, Leila
; Laranjeira, Ronaldo
; Caetano, Raul
; Madruga, Clarice S.
Com base na análise dos dados de corte transversal provenientes do Segundo Levantamento Nacional de Álcool e Drogas realizado em 2012, utilizando-se uma amostra probabilística estratificada por conglomerado representativa da população brasileira, este estudo apresenta as prevalências de estupro e analisa a relação deste evento com o consumo de álcool. Foram considerados 1.918 homens e 2.365 mulheres, totalizando uma amostra de 4.283 indivíduos. Nossos resultados estimam a prevalência de estupro na vida em 2,6% da população geral, sendo 1,7% entre os homens e 3,5% entre as mulheres. Para ambos os sexos, as maiores prevalências se concentraram entre indivíduos com idades entre 26 e 59 anos (3,3%), com baixa escolaridade (3,8%), solteiros, divorciados ou viúvos (3,1%). Entre os indivíduos com diagnóstico para transtorno por uso de álcool de acordo com o DSM-5 (Manual Diagnóstico e Estatístico de Transtornos Mentais), 6% relataram ser vítimas de estupro, bem como, 3,3% daqueles que disseram beber pesado episódico (binge). Análises de regressão logística e multifatorial indicaram que tanto para mulheres quanto para homens a idade (aqueles entre 26 e 59 anos), o estado civil (solteiro), o diagnóstico de transtorno por uso de álcool e o beber pesado episódico são fatores associados ao aumento da probabilidade de vitimização por estupro, enquanto maior nível de educação (mais do que 9 anos de estudos) revelou-se um fator capaz de diminuir as chances de ocorrência. A identificação da amplitude desse problema de saúde pública, bem como a avaliação da urgência na implantação de medidas preventivas e assistenciais, partem do conhecimento das prevalências e do perfil sociodemográfico das vítimas.
This study presents the rape prevalence and its relationship with alcohol consumption based on the analysis of cross-sectional data from the 2012 Second National Alcohol and Drugs Survey, which used a cluster-stratified probabilistic sample of the Brazilian population. We included 1,918 men and 2,365 women, for a total sample of 4,283 individuals. Our results estimate the over-lifetime rape prevalence at 2.6% for the entire population, 1.7% for men and 3.5% for women. For both sexes, the highest prevalences were concentrated among those aged between 26 and 59 years (3.3%), those with low educational levels (3.8%), and those who were single, divorced or widowed (3.1%). Among individuals who were diagnosed with alcohol use disorder, according to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), 6% reported having been raped, as did 3.3% of those who reported binge drinking. Logistical and multivariate regression analyses showed that, for both women and men, age (those between 26 and 59 years), marital status (single), alcohol use disorder and binge drinking are factors associated with an increased probability of being raped, whereas a higher educational level (more than 9 years of schooling) was shown to be capable of reducing the odds of being raped. Awareness of prevalences and of victims’ sociodemographic profiles is necessary in order to identify the scope of this public health problem as well as to evaluate the urgency of implementing preventative and supportive measures.
En base a un análisis de datos de corte transversal, procedente del Segundo Estudio Nacional sobre Alcohol y Drogas, realizado en 2012, utilizando un muestreo probabilístico estratificado por conglomerados -representativo de la población brasileña-, este estudio presenta las prevalencias de violación y analiza su relación con el consumo de alcohol. Se consideraron a 1.918 hombres y 2.365 mujeres, totalizando una muestra de 4.283 individuos. Nuestros resultados estiman la prevalencia de violación durante la vida en un 2,6% de la población general, siendo 1,7% en el caso de los hombres y 3,5% en las mujeres. Para ambos sexos, las mayores prevalencias se concentraron entre individuos con edades entre 26 y 59 años (3,3%), con baja escolaridad (3,8%), solteros, divorciados o viudos (3,1%). Entre los individuos diagnosticados con trastorno, debido al consumo de alcohol, de acuerdo con el DSM- 5 (Manual Diagnśotico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales), un 6% informaron ser víctimas de violación, asimismo, un 3,3% de ellos dijeron beber en grandes cantidades episódicamente (binge). Los análisis de regresión logística y multifactorial indicaron que tanto para mujeres, como para hombres, la edad (quienes tenían entre 26 y 59 años), estado civil (soltero), diagnóstico de trastorno por consumo de alcohol, y beber en grandes cantidades episódicamente, son factores asociados al aumento de la probabilidad de victimización por violación, sin embargo, cuanto mayor era el nivel de educación (más de 9 años de estudios), mayor era la capacidad de disminuir las oportunidades de ocurrencia. La identificación de la dimensión de este problema de salud pública, así como la evaluación de la urgencia en la implantación de medidas preventivas y asistenciales, parten del conocimiento de las prevalencias y del perfil sociodemográfico de las víctimas.
Boneless yield of carcass of feedlot-finished young Bos indicus L. bulls
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Dirceu-Pazdiora, Raul
; Resende, Flávio Dutra-de
; Faria, Marcelo Henrique de
; Rezende-Siqueira, Gustavo
; Linhares-Sampaio, Ricardo
; Souza-Almeida, Geraldo Benedito de
; Caetano-Nunes-Pazdiora, Bruna Rafaela
Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el rendimiento deshuesado en canal de 64 toros jóvenes Nellore alimentados en corral con dietas que contienen urea recubierta o sin recubrir y sacrificados a cinco pesos corporales (350, 455, 485, 555 y 580 kg). Se utilizó un diseño completamente aleatorizado con un arreglo factorial de 5 χ 2. No se detectó ningún efecto significativo para la interacción entre el peso de sacrificio y la dieta; por lo tanto, las variables se analizaron por separado, en comparación con los contrastes polinómicos y la prueba F, respectivamente. Los pesos absolutos de los cortes primarios del cuarto anterior y posterior aumentaron linealmente a medida que aumentaba el peso del sacrificio de los animales. El aumento de los pesos de sacrificio elevó el porcentaje de la tapa de la grupa en el cuarto trasero de la pistola, así como su rendimiento. Los porcentajes de la gorguera y la falda de la rabadilla aumentaron linealmente, mientras que los de nudillo, lomo, filete de flanco, grupa y plano exterior disminuyeron y la suma de los cortes primarios tuvo un efecto cuadrático en relación con el peso de la mitad de la carcasa. El aumento de los pesos de matanza condujo a un mayor porcentaje de grasa del recorte de los cortes del cuarto trasero en relación con el peso de la carcasa 1/2. El peso de los cortes de carne fue similar entre los grupos de animales alimentados con urea recubierta y no recubierta. Los pesos de sacrificio más altos generan cortes de carne más pesados pero porcentajes más bajos de cortes primarios del cuarto trasero de la pistola en relación con el peso de la carcasa.
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the boneless yield of the carcass of 64 feedlot-finished young Nellore bulls fed diets containing coated or uncoated urea and slaughtered at five body weights (350, 455, 485, 555, and 580 kg). A completely randomized design with a 5 χ 2 factorial arrangement was used. No significant effect was detected for the interaction between slaughter weight and diet; therefore, the variables were analyzed separately, compared by polynomial contrasts and the F test, respectively. The absolute weights of the primal cuts from the fore- and hind-quarter increased linearly as the slaughter weight of the animals increased. Increasing slaughter weights elevated the percentage of rump cap in the pistola hindquarter as well as its yield. The percentages of the rump cap and rump skirt increased linearly, whereas those of knuckle, tenderloin, flank steak, rump, and outside flat decreased and the sum of prime cuts had a quadratic effect in relation to the weight of the right 1/2 carcass. Increasing slaughter weights led to a higher percentage of fat from the trimming of the hindquarter cuts relative to the weight of the 1/2 carcass. The weight of meat cuts was similar between the groups of animals fed coated and uncoated urea. Higher slaughter weights generate heavier meat cuts but lower percentages of primal cuts from the pistola hindquarter relative to the carcass weight.
Quality parameters and thermogravimetric and oxidative profile of Muruci oil ( Byrsonima crassifolia L.) obtained by supercritical CO2
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SANTOS, Orquidea Vasconcelos
; CORREA, Nádia Cristina Fernandes
; COSTA, Carlos Emmerson Ferreira da
; MORAES, Jaqueline de Fátima Cabral
; LANNES, Suzana Caetano da Silva
Abstract These researches aimed determine the quality parameters, the nutritional profile, and the thermogravimetric and oxidative behavior of Muruci (Byrsonima crassifolia L .) oil obtained by supercritical CO2 extraction. The results showed an average oil yield of 5.50%. The acidity and peroxide values show good quality and conservation standards, according to the Brazilian legislation. The fatty acid profile indicates a predominance of unsaturated fatty acids with levels above 60%, highlighting the presence of fatty acids omega-6 and omega-9. The thermogravimetric curves showed oil stability at temperatures around 200 °C and exothermic peaks characteristic of mass loss close to 250 °C. The data of oxidative induction time determined by the Rancimat method showed thermal oxidative stability of 20.85 h for the oil obtained. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopic profile evidenced chemical compounds with predominantly unsaturated structures, confirming its fatty acid profile. Based on the results of the oil analysis, it is possible to recognize the potential of this species in terms of nutritional, functional, and thermo-oxidative stability aspects.
Brazilian cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the List of Threatening Events Questionnaire (LTE-Q)
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Abreu, Patrícia B. de
; Cogo-Moreira, Hugo
; Pose, Regina A.
; Laranjeira, Ronaldo
; Caetano, Raul
; Gaya, Carolina M.
; Madruga, Clarice S.
Objective: To perform a construct validation of the List of Threatening Events Questionnaire (LTE-Q), as well as convergence validation by identifying its association with drug use in a sample of the Brazilian population. Methods: This is a secondary analysis of the Second Brazilian National Alcohol and Drugs Survey (II BNADS), which used a cross-cultural adaptation of the LTE-Q in a probabilistic sample of 4,607 participants aged 14 years and older. Latent class analysis was used to validate the latent trait adversity (which considered the number of events from the list of 12 item in the LTE experienced by the respondent in the previous year) and logistic regression was performed to find its association with binge drinking and cocaine use. Results: The confirmatory factor analysis returned a chi-square of 108.341, weighted root mean square residual (WRMR) of 1.240, confirmatory fit indices (CFI) of 0.970, Tucker-Lewis index (TLI) of 0.962, and root mean square error approximation (RMSEA) score of 1.000. LTE-Q convergence validation showed that the adversity latent trait increased the chances of binge drinking by 1.31 time and doubled the chances of previous year cocaine use (adjusted by sociodemographic variables). Conclusion: The use of the LTE-Q in Brazil should be encouraged in different research fields, including large epidemiological surveys, as it is also appropriate when time and budget are limited. The LTE-Q can be a useful tool in the development of targeted and more efficient prevention strategies.
Amphetamine-type stimulant use and conditional paths of consumption: data from the Second Brazilian National Alcohol and Drugs Survey
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Massaro, Luciana T.S.
; Abdalla, Renata R.
; Laranjeira, Ronaldo
; Caetano, Raul
; Pinsky, Ilana
; Madruga, Clarice S.
Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate nationally representative prevalence rates of amphetamine-type stimulant (ATS) use and to identify consumption-associated factors, proposing a conditional model of direct and indirect consumption paths. Method: Using data from the Second Brazilian National Alcohol and Drugs Survey, this cross-sectional study analyzed a subsample of 3,828 participants between 15 and 64 years old, gathering information on the use of psychoactive substances in a probabilistic sample of the Brazilian household population. Results: Rates of lifetime and last-year ATS use were, respectively, 4.1 and 1.6%. Economically privileged individuals and users of other substances were more at risk for using ATS. The results suggest that higher education decreases the chances of ATS consumption. The conditional model showed that higher income increased ATS use, higher education lowered the odds of such an increase, and cocaine use cancelled that associative effect. Conclusion: Brazil presents high rates of ATS use. Prevention and treatment strategies should focus on the protective effect of higher education levels and should target polydrug use. Knowledge of ATS-associated factors and user profiles is the starting point for developing effective treatments and tailored prevention strategies.
Intimate partner violence trends in Brazil: data from two waves of the Brazilian National Alcohol and Drugs Survey
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Ally, Elizabeth Z.
; Laranjeira, Ronaldo
; Viana, Maria C.
; Pinsky, Ilana
; Caetano, Raul
; Mitsuhiro, Sandro
; Madruga, Clarice S.
Objective: To compare intimate partner violence (IPV) prevalence rates in 2006 and 2012 in a nationally representative household sample in Brazil. The associations between IPV and substance use were also investigated. Methods: IPV was assessed using the Conflict Tactic Scale-R in two waves (2006/2012) of the Brazilian Alcohol and Drugs Survey. Weighted prevalence rates and adjusted logistic regression models were calculated. Results: Prevalence rates of IPV victimization decreased significantly, especially among women (8.8 to 6.3%). The rates of IPV perpetration also decreased significantly (10.6 to 8.4% for the overall sample and 9.2 to 6.1% in men), as well as the rates of bidirectional violence (by individuals who were simultaneously victims and perpetrators of violence) (3.2 to 2.4% for the overall sample). Alcohol increased the likelihood of being a victim (odds ratio [OR] = 1.6) and perpetrator (OR = 2.4) of IPV. Use of illicit drugs increased up to 4.5 times the likelihood of being a perpetrator. Conclusions: In spite of the significant reduction in most types of IPV between 2006 and 2012, violence perpetrated by women was not significantly reduced, and the current national rates are still high. Further, this study suggests that use of alcohol and other psychoactive drugs plays a major role in IPV. Prevention initiatives must take drug misuse into consideration.
Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil
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Zappi, Daniela C.
; Filardi, Fabiana L. Ranzato
; Leitman, Paula
; Souza, Vinícius C.
; Walter, Bruno M.T.
; Pirani, José R.
; Morim, Marli P.
; Queiroz, Luciano P.
; Cavalcanti, Taciana B.
; Mansano, Vidal F.
; Forzza, Rafaela C.
; Abreu, Maria C.
; Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro
; Agra, Maria F.
; Almeida Jr., Eduardo B.
; Almeida, Gracineide S.S.
; Almeida, Rafael F.
; Alves, Flávio M.
; Alves, Marccus
; Alves-Araujo, Anderson
; Amaral, Maria C.E.
; Amorim, André M.
; Amorim, Bruno
; Andrade, Ivanilza M.
; Andreata, Regina H.P.
; Andrino, Caroline O.
; Anunciação, Elisete A.
; Aona, Lidyanne Y.S.
; Aranguren, Yani
; Aranha Filho, João L.M.
; Araújo, Andrea O.
; Araújo, Ariclenes A.M.
; Araújo, Diogo
; Arbo, María M.
; Assis, Leandro
; Assis, Marta C.
; Assunção, Vivian A.
; Athiê-Souza, Sarah M.
; Azevedo, Cecilia O.
; Baitello, João B.
; Barberena, Felipe F.V.A.
; Barbosa, Maria R.V.
; Barros, Fábio
; Barros, Lucas A.V.
; Barros, Michel J.F.
; Baumgratz, José F.A.
; Bernacci, Luis C.
; Berry, Paul E.
; Bigio, Narcísio C.
; Biral, Leonardo
; Bittrich, Volker
; Borges, Rafael A.X.
; Bortoluzzi, Roseli L.C.
; Bove, Cláudia P.
; Bovini, Massimo G.
; Braga, João M.A.
; Braz, Denise M.
; Bringel Jr., João B.A.
; Bruniera, Carla P.
; Buturi, Camila V.
; Cabral, Elza
; Cabral, Fernanda N.
; Caddah, Mayara K.
; Caires, Claudenir S.
; Calazans, Luana S.B.
; Calió, Maria F.
; Camargo, Rodrigo A.
; Campbell, Lisa
; Canto-Dorow, Thais S.
; Carauta, Jorge P.P.
; Cardiel, José M.
; Cardoso, Domingos B.O.S.
; Cardoso, Leandro J.T.
; Carneiro, Camila R.
; Carneiro, Cláudia E.
; Carneiro-Torres, Daniela S.
; Carrijo, Tatiana T.
; Caruzo, Maria B.R.
; Carvalho, Maria L.S.
; Carvalho-Silva, Micheline
; Castello, Ana C.D.
; Cavalheiro, Larissa
; Cervi, Armando C.
; Chacon, Roberta G.
; Chautems, Alain
; Chiavegatto, Berenice
; Chukr, Nádia S.
; Coelho, Alexa A.O.P.
; Coelho, Marcus A.N.
; Coelho, Rubens L.G.
; Cordeiro, Inês
; Cordula, Elizabeth
; Cornejo, Xavier
; Côrtes, Ana L.A.
; Costa, Andrea F.
; Costa, Fabiane N.
; Costa, Jorge A.S.
; Costa, Leila C.
; Costa-e-Silva, Maria B.
; Costa-Lima, James L.
; Cota, Maria R.C.
; Couto, Ricardo S.
; Daly, Douglas C.
; De Stefano, Rodrigo D.
; De Toni, Karen
; Dematteis, Massimiliano
; Dettke, Greta A.
; Di Maio, Fernando R.
; Dórea, Marcos C.
; Duarte, Marília C.
; Dutilh, Julie H.A.
; Dutra, Valquíria F.
; Echternacht, Lívia
; Eggers, Lilian
; Esteves, Gerleni
; Ezcurra, Cecilia
; Falcão Junior, Marcus J.A.
; Feres, Fabíola
; Fernandes, José M.
; Ferreira, D.M.C.
; Ferreira, Fabrício M.
; Ferreira, Gabriel E.
; Ferreira, Priscila P.A.
; Ferreira, Silvana C.
; Ferrucci, Maria S.
; Fiaschi, Pedro
; Filgueiras, Tarciso S.
; Firens, Marcela
; Flores, Andreia S.
; Forero, Enrique
; Forster, Wellington
; Fortuna-Perez, Ana P.
; Fortunato, Reneé H.
; Fraga, Cléudio N.
; França, Flávio
; Francener, Augusto
; Freitas, Joelcio
; Freitas, Maria F.
; Fritsch, Peter W.
; Furtado, Samyra G.
; Gaglioti, André L.
; Garcia, Flávia C.P.
; Germano Filho, Pedro
; Giacomin, Leandro
; Gil, André S.B.
; Giulietti, Ana M.
; A.P.Godoy, Silvana
; Goldenberg, Renato
; Gomes da Costa, Géssica A.
; Gomes, Mário
; Gomes-Klein, Vera L.
; Gonçalves, Eduardo Gomes
; Graham, Shirley
; Groppo, Milton
; Guedes, Juliana S.
; Guimarães, Leonardo R.S.
; Guimarães, Paulo J.F.
; Guimarães, Elsie F.
; Gutierrez, Raul
; Harley, Raymond
; Hassemer, Gustavo
; Hattori, Eric K.O.
; Hefler, Sonia M.
; Heiden, Gustavo
; Henderson, Andrew
; Hensold, Nancy
; Hiepko, Paul
; Holanda, Ana S.S.
; Iganci, João R.V.
; Imig, Daniela C.
; Indriunas, Alexandre
; Jacques, Eliane L.
; Jardim, Jomar G.
; Kamer, Hiltje M.
; Kameyama, Cíntia
; Kinoshita, Luiza S.
; Kirizawa, Mizué
; Klitgaard, Bente B.
; Koch, Ingrid
; Koschnitzke, Cristiana
; Krauss, Nathália P.
; Kriebel, Ricardo
; Kuntz, Juliana
; Larocca, João
; Leal, Eduardo S.
; Lewis, Gwilym P.
; Lima, Carla T.
; Lima, Haroldo C.
; Lima, Itamar B.
; Lima, Laíce F.G.
; Lima, Laura C.P.
; Lima, Leticia R.
; Lima, Luís F.P.
; Lima, Rita B.
; Lírio, Elton J.
; Liro, Renata M.
; Lleras, Eduardo
; Lobão, Adriana
; Loeuille, Benoit
; Lohmann, Lúcia G.
; Loiola, Maria I.B.
; Lombardi, Julio A.
; Longhi-Wagner, Hilda M.
; Lopes, Rosana C.
; Lorencini, Tiago S.
; Louzada, Rafael B.
; Lovo, Juliana
; Lozano, Eduardo D.
; Lucas, Eve
; Ludtke, Raquel
; Luz, Christian L.
; Maas, Paul
; Machado, Anderson F.P.
; Macias, Leila
; Maciel, Jefferson R.
; Magenta, Mara A.G.
; Mamede, Maria C.H.
; Manoel, Evelin A.
; Marchioretto, Maria S.
; Marques, Juliana S.
; Marquete, Nilda
; Marquete, Ronaldo
; Martinelli, Gustavo
; Martins da Silva, Regina C.V.
; Martins, Ângela B.
; Martins, Erika R.
; Martins, Márcio L.L.
; Martins, Milena V.
; Martins, Renata C.
; Matias, Ligia Q.
; Maya-L., Carlos A.
; Mayo, Simon
; Mazine, Fiorella
; Medeiros, Debora
; Medeiros, Erika S.
; Medeiros, Herison
; Medeiros, João D.
; Meireles, José E.
; Mello-Silva, Renato
; Melo, Aline
; Melo, André L.
; Melo, Efigênia
; Melo, José I.M.
; Menezes, Cristine G.
; Menini Neto, Luiz
; Mentz, Lilian A.
; Mezzonato, A.C.
; Michelangeli, Fabián A.
; Milward-de-Azevedo, Michaele A.
; Miotto, Silvia T.S.
; Miranda, Vitor F.O.
; Mondin, Cláudio A.
; Monge, Marcelo
; Monteiro, Daniele
; Monteiro, Raquel F.
; Moraes, Marta D.
; Moraes, Pedro L.R.
; Mori, Scott A.
; Mota, Aline C.
; Mota, Nara F.O.
; Moura, Tania M.
; Mulgura, Maria
; Nakajima, Jimi N.
; Nardy, Camila
; Nascimento Júnior, José E.
; Noblick, Larry
; Nunes, Teonildes S.
; O'Leary, Nataly
; Oliveira, Arline S.
; Oliveira, Caetano T.
; Oliveira, Juliana A.
; Oliveira, Luciana S.D.
; Oliveira, Maria L.A.A.
; Oliveira, Regina C.
; Oliveira, Renata S.
; Oliveira, Reyjane P.
; Paixão-Souza, Bruno
; Parra, Lara R.
; Pasini, Eduardo
; Pastore, José F.B.
; Pastore, Mayara
; Paula-Souza, Juliana
; Pederneiras, Leandro C.
; Peixoto, Ariane L.
; Pelissari, Gisela
; Pellegrini, Marco O.O.
; Pennington, Toby
; Perdiz, Ricardo O.
; Pereira, Anna C.M.
; Pereira, Maria S.
; Pereira, Rodrigo A.S.
; Pessoa, Clenia
; Pessoa, Edlley M.
; Pessoa, Maria C.R.
; Pinto, Luiz J.S.
; Pinto, Rafael B.
; Pontes, Tiago A.
; Prance, Ghillean T.
; Proença, Carolyn
; Profice, Sheila R.
; Pscheidt, Allan C.
; Queiroz, George A.
; Queiroz, Rubens T.
; Quinet, Alexandre
; Rainer, Heimo
; Ramos, Eliana
; Rando, Juliana G.
; Rapini, Alessandro
; Reginato, Marcelo
; Reis, Ilka P.
; Reis, Priscila A.
; Ribeiro, André R.O.
; Ribeiro, José E.L.S.
; Riina, Ricarda
; Ritter, Mara R.
; Rivadavia, Fernando
; Rocha, Antônio E.S.
; Rocha, Maria J.R.
; Rodrigues, Izabella M.C.
; Rodrigues, Karina F.
; Rodrigues, Rodrigo S.
; Rodrigues, Rodrigo S.
; Rodrigues, Vinícius T.
; Rodrigues, William
; Romaniuc Neto, Sérgio
; Romão, Gerson O.
; Romero, Rosana
; Roque, Nádia
; Rosa, Patrícia
; Rossi, Lúcia
; Sá, Cyl F.C.
; Saavedra, Mariana M.
; Saka, Mariana
; Sakuragui, Cássia M.
; Salas, Roberto M.
; Sales, Margareth F.
; Salimena, Fatima R.G.
; Sampaio, Daniela
; Sancho, Gisela
; Sano, Paulo T.
; Santos, Alessandra
; Santos, Élide P.
; Santos, Juliana S.
; Santos, Marianna R.
; Santos-Gonçalves, Ana P.
; Santos-Silva, Fernanda
; São-Mateus, Wallace
; Saraiva, Deisy P.
; Saridakis, Dennis P.
; Sartori, Ângela L.B.
; Scalon, Viviane R.
; Schneider, Ângelo
; Sebastiani, Renata
; Secco, Ricardo S.
; Senna, Luisa
; Senna-Valle, Luci
; Shirasuna, Regina T.
; Silva Filho, Pedro J.S.
; Silva, Anádria S.
; Silva, Christian
; Silva, Genilson A.R.
; Silva, Gisele O.
; Silva, Márcia C.R.
; Silva, Marcos J.
; Silva, Marcos J.
; Silva, Otávio L.M.
; Silva, Rafaela A.P.
; Silva, Saura R.
; Silva, Tania R.S.
; Silva-Gonçalves, Kelly C.
; Silva-Luz, Cíntia L.
; Simão-Bianchini, Rosângela
; Simões, André O.
; Simpson, Beryl
; Siniscalchi, Carolina M.
; Siqueira Filho, José A.
; Siqueira, Carlos E.
; Siqueira, Josafá C.
; Smith, Nathan P.
; Snak, Cristiane
; Soares Neto, Raimundo L.
; Soares, Kelen P.
; Soares, Marcos V.B.
; Soares, Maria L.
; Soares, Polyana N.
; Sobral, Marcos
; Sodré, Rodolfo C.
; Somner, Genise V.
; Sothers, Cynthia A.
; Sousa, Danilo J.L.
; Souza, Elnatan B.
; Souza, Élvia R.
; Souza, Marcelo
; Souza, Maria L.D.R.
; Souza-Buturi, Fátima O.
; Spina, Andréa P.
; Stapf, María N.S.
; Stefano, Marina V.
; Stehmann, João R.
; Steinmann, Victor
; Takeuchi, Cátia
; Taylor, Charlotte M.
; Taylor, Nigel P.
; Teles, Aristônio M.
; Temponi, Lívia G.
; Terra-Araujo, Mário H.
; Thode, Veronica
; Thomas, W.Wayt
; Tissot-Squalli, Mara L.
; Torke, Benjamin M.
; Torres, Roseli B.
; Tozzi, Ana M.G.A.
; Trad, Rafaela J.
; Trevisan, Rafael
; Trovó, Marcelo
; Valls, José F.M.
; Vaz, Angela M.S.F.
; Versieux, Leonardo
; Viana, Pedro L.
; Vianna Filho, Marcelo D.M.
; Vieira, Ana O.S.
; Vieira, Diego D.
; Vignoli-Silva, Márcia
; Vilar, Thaisa
; Vinhos, Franklin
; Wallnöfer, Bruno
; Wanderley, Maria G.L.
; Wasshausen, Dieter
; Watanabe, Maurício T.C.
; Weigend, Maximilian
; Welker, Cassiano A.D.
; Woodgyer, Elizabeth
; Xifreda, Cecilia C.
; Yamamoto, Kikyo
; Zanin, Ana
; Zenni, Rafael D.
; Zickel, Carmem S
Resumo Um levantamento atualizado das plantas com sementes e análises relevantes acerca desta biodiversidade são apresentados. Este trabalho se iniciou em 2010 com a publicação do Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos e, desde então vem sendo atualizado por mais de 430 especialistas trabalhando online. O Brasil abriga atualmente 32.086 espécies nativas de Angiospermas e 23 espécies nativas de Gimnospermas e estes novos dados mostram um aumento de 3% da riqueza em relação a 2010. A Amazônia é o Domínio Fitogeográfico com o maior número de espécies de Gimnospermas, enquanto que a Floresta Atlântica possui a maior riqueza de Angiospermas. Houve um crescimento considerável no número de espécies e nas taxas de endemismo para a maioria dos Domínios (Caatinga, Cerrado, Floresta Atlântica, Pampa e Pantanal), com exceção da Amazônia que apresentou uma diminuição de 2,5% de endemicidade. Entretanto, a maior parte das plantas com sementes que ocorrem no Brasil (57,4%) é endêmica deste território. A proporção de formas de vida varia de acordo com os diferentes Domínios: árvores são mais expressivas na Amazônia e Floresta Atlântica do que nos outros biomas, ervas são dominantes no Pampa e as lianas apresentam riqueza expressiva na Amazônia, Floresta Atlântica e Pantanal. Este trabalho não só quantifica a biodiversidade brasileira, mas também indica as lacunas de conhecimento e o desafio a ser enfrentado para a conservação desta flora.
Abstract An updated inventory of Brazilian seed plants is presented and offers important insights into the country's biodiversity. This work started in 2010, with the publication of the Plants and Fungi Catalogue, and has been updated since by more than 430 specialists working online. Brazil is home to 32,086 native Angiosperms and 23 native Gymnosperms, showing an increase of 3% in its species richness in relation to 2010. The Amazon Rainforest is the richest Brazilian biome for Gymnosperms, while the Atlantic Rainforest is the richest one for Angiosperms. There was a considerable increment in the number of species and endemism rates for biomes, except for the Amazon that showed a decrease of 2.5% of recorded endemics. However, well over half of Brazillian seed plant species (57.4%) is endemic to this territory. The proportion of life-forms varies among different biomes: trees are more expressive in the Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest biomes while herbs predominate in the Pampa, and lianas are more expressive in the Amazon, Atlantic Rainforest, and Pantanal. This compilation serves not only to quantify Brazilian biodiversity, but also to highlight areas where there information is lacking and to provide a framework for the challenge faced in conserving Brazil's unique and diverse flora.
Previsão de tempos de internamento num hospital português: aplicação da metodologia CRISP-DM
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RISTI - Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
- Métricas do periódico
Com base nos dados disponíveis num hospital português relativos aos processos de internamento, ocorridos no período de 2000 a 2013, e seguindo a metodologia de data mining CRISP-DM, obteve-se um modelo de previsão dos tempos de internamento baseado no algoritmo random forest que apresentou uma elevada qualidade, e superior à obtida com outras técnicas de data mining, e que permitiu identificar os atributos clínicos do paciente como os mais importantes para a explicação dos tempos de internamento.
Using data collected from a Portuguese hospital, within the period 2000 to 2013, we adopted the CRISP-DM methodology to predict inpatient length of stay. The best method (random forest algorithm) achieved a high quality prediction. Such model allowed the identification of the most relevant input features, which are related with the patients' clinical attributes.
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