Abstract Objectives: to determine the prevalence of breastfeeding interruption and associated factors in children under two years old living in Pernambuco. Methods: cross-sectional study using data from the IV Pesquisa Estadual de Saúde e Nutrição (IV State Health and Nutrition Survey), a household-based survey, carried out in 2015/2016. The information was obtained through standardized forms applied to the children’s mothers and/or guardians. In a subsample of 358 children under two years old. Results: the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) interruption was 76.2% and of breastfeeding 61.7%. In the multivariate regression analysis, the following remained associated with EBF interruption: age range from three to six months (RP= 1.10; CI95%=1.01-1.21) and current or previous use of a pacifier (RP = 1.18; CI95%= 1.07-1.30). For breastfeeding between six and 24 months: economic class D or E (RP=1.08; CI95%=1.01-1.16); maternal work (PR=1.10; CI95%=1.02-1.18); black/mixed color mother (PR=1.07; CI95%=1.00-1.14); not having had a puerperal consultation (PR=1.08; CI95%=1.00-1.16); age group from 19 to 24 months (RP=1.09; CI95%=1.01-1.17) and among those who currently or previously used a pacifier (RP=1.40; CI95%=1.31-1.50). Conclusions: the high prevalence of early weaning reveals the need to implement policies to support and encourage breastfeeding, considering the main associated factors. Objectives Pernambuco Methods crosssectional cross sectional Survey, Survey , Survey) householdbased household based survey 20152016 2015 2016 2015/2016 childrens s andor guardians 35 Results (EBF 762 76 2 76.2 617 61 7 61.7% analysis RP= RP 1.10 110 1 10 CI95%=1.011.21 CI95101121 CI CI95%=1.01 1.21 CI95 01 21 CI95%=1.01-1.21 1.18 118 18 CI95% 1.071.30. 107130 1.07 1.30 . 07 30 1.07-1.30) RP=1.08 RP108 08 (RP=1.08 CI95%=1.011.16 CI95101116 1.16 16 CI95%=1.01-1.16) PR=1.10 PR110 PR (PR=1.10 CI95%=1.021.18 CI95102118 CI95%=1.02 02 CI95%=1.02-1.18) blackmixed black mixed PR=1.07 PR107 (PR=1.07 CI95%=1.001.14 CI95100114 CI95%=1.00 1.14 00 14 CI95%=1.00-1.14) PR=1.08 PR108 (PR=1.08 CI95%=1.001.16 CI95100116 CI95%=1.00-1.16) RP=1.09 RP109 09 (RP=1.09 CI95%=1.011.17 CI95101117 1.17 17 CI95%=1.01-1.17 RP=1.40 RP140 40 (RP=1.40 CI95%=1.311.50. CI95131150 CI95%=1.31 1.50 31 50 CI95%=1.31-1.50) Conclusions 2015201 201 2015/201 3 76. 6 61.7 1.1 11 011 CI95%=1.011.2 CI9510112 CI95101 CI95%=1.0 121 1.2 CI9 0 CI95%=1.01-1.2 071 1.071.30 10713 107 1.0 130 1.3 1.07-1.30 RP=1.0 RP10 (RP=1.0 CI95%=1.011.1 CI9510111 116 CI95%=1.01-1.16 PR=1.1 PR11 (PR=1.1 021 CI95%=1.021.1 CI9510211 CI95102 CI95%=1.02-1.18 PR=1.0 PR10 (PR=1.0 001 CI95%=1.001.1 CI9510011 CI95100 114 CI95%=1.00-1.14 CI95%=1.00-1.16 117 CI95%=1.01-1.1 RP=1.4 RP14 4 (RP=1.4 311 CI95%=1.311.50 CI9513115 CI95131 CI95%=1.3 150 1.5 5 CI95%=1.31-1.50 201520 20 2015/20 61. 1. CI95%=1.011. CI951011 CI9510 CI95%=1. 12 CI95%=1.01-1. 1.071.3 1071 13 1.07-1.3 RP=1. RP1 (RP=1. PR=1. PR1 (PR=1. CI95%=1.021. CI951021 CI95%=1.02-1.1 CI95%=1.001. CI951001 CI95%=1.00-1.1 CI95%=1.311.5 CI951311 CI9513 15 CI95%=1.31-1.5 20152 2015/2 CI95%=1.011 CI951 CI95%=1 CI95%=1.01-1 1.071. 1.07-1. RP=1 (RP=1 PR=1 (PR=1 CI95%=1.021 CI95%=1.02-1. CI95%=1.001 CI95%=1.00-1. CI95%=1.311. CI95%=1.31-1. 2015/ CI95%=1.01- 1.071 1.07-1 PR= (PR= CI95%=1.02-1 CI95%=1.00-1 CI95%=1.311 CI95%=1.31-1 1.07- (PR CI95%=1.02- CI95%=1.00- CI95%=1.31-
Resumo Objetivos: determinar a prevalência da interrupção do aleitamento materno e os fatores associados em menores de dois anos residentes em Pernambuco. Métodos: estudo transversal utilizando dados da IV Pesquisa Estadual de Saúde e Nutrição, inquérito de base domiciliar, realizada em 2015/2016. As informações foram obtidas através de formulários padronizados aplicados com as mães e/ou responsáveis pelas crianças. Em uma subamostra de 358 menores de dois anos. Resultados: a prevalência da interrupção do aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) foi 76,2% e do aleitamento materno 61,7%. Na análise de regressão multivariada permaneceram associados a interrupção do AME: faixa etária de três a seis meses (RP = 1,10; IC95% = 1,01-1,21) e o uso atual ou pregresso de chupeta (RP = 1,18; IC95% = 1,07-1,30). Para o aleitamento materno entre seis e 24 meses: classe econômica D ou E (RP=1,08; IC95%=1,01-1,16); trabalho materno (RP=1,10; IC95%=1,02-1,18); mãe preta/parda (RP=1,07; IC95%=1,00-1,14); não ter realizado consulta puerperal (RP=1,08; IC95%=1,00-1,16); faixa etária de 19 a 24 meses (RP=1,09; IC95%=1,01-1,17) e entre aquelas que faziam uso atual ou pregresso de chupeta (RP=1,40; IC95%=1,31-1,50). Conclusões: a alta prevalência do desmame precoce revela a necessidade de implementar políticas de apoio e incentivo ao aleitamento materno considerando os principais fatores associados. Objetivos Pernambuco Métodos Nutrição domiciliar 20152016 2015 2016 2015/2016 eou crianças 35 Resultados AME (AME 762 76 2 76,2 617 61 7 61,7% RP 1,10 110 1 10 IC95 IC 1,011,21 101121 1,01 1,21 01 21 1,01-1,21 1,18 118 18 1,071,30. 107130 1,07 1,30 . 07 30 1,07-1,30) RP=1,08 RP108 08 (RP=1,08 IC95%=1,011,16 IC95101116 IC95%=1,01 1,16 16 IC95%=1,01-1,16) RP=1,10 RP110 (RP=1,10 IC95%=1,021,18 IC95102118 IC95%=1,02 02 IC95%=1,02-1,18) pretaparda preta parda RP=1,07 RP107 (RP=1,07 IC95%=1,001,14 IC95100114 IC95%=1,00 1,14 00 14 IC95%=1,00-1,14) IC95%=1,001,16 IC95100116 IC95%=1,00-1,16) RP=1,09 RP109 09 (RP=1,09 IC95%=1,011,17 IC95101117 1,17 17 IC95%=1,01-1,17 RP=1,40 RP140 40 (RP=1,40 IC95%=1,311,50. IC95131150 IC95%=1,31 1,50 31 50 IC95%=1,31-1,50) Conclusões 2015201 201 2015/201 3 76, 6 61,7 1,1 11 IC9 011 1,011,2 10112 101 1,0 121 1,2 0 1,01-1,2 071 1,071,30 10713 107 130 1,3 1,07-1,30 RP=1,0 RP10 (RP=1,0 IC95%=1,011,1 IC9510111 IC95101 IC95%=1,0 116 IC95%=1,01-1,16 RP=1,1 RP11 (RP=1,1 021 IC95%=1,021,1 IC9510211 IC95102 IC95%=1,02-1,18 001 IC95%=1,001,1 IC9510011 IC95100 114 IC95%=1,00-1,14 IC95%=1,00-1,16 117 IC95%=1,01-1,1 RP=1,4 RP14 4 (RP=1,4 311 IC95%=1,311,50 IC9513115 IC95131 IC95%=1,3 150 1,5 5 IC95%=1,31-1,50 201520 20 2015/20 61, 1, 1,011, 1011 12 1,01-1, 1,071,3 1071 13 1,07-1,3 RP=1, RP1 (RP=1, IC95%=1,011, IC951011 IC9510 IC95%=1, IC95%=1,021, IC951021 IC95%=1,02-1,1 IC95%=1,001, IC951001 IC95%=1,00-1,1 IC95%=1,01-1, IC95%=1,311,5 IC951311 IC9513 15 IC95%=1,31-1,5 20152 2015/2 1,011 1,01-1 1,071, 1,07-1, RP=1 (RP=1 IC95%=1,011 IC951 IC95%=1 IC95%=1,021 IC95%=1,02-1, IC95%=1,001 IC95%=1,00-1, IC95%=1,01-1 IC95%=1,311, IC95%=1,31-1, 2015/ 1,01- 1,071 1,07-1 RP= (RP= IC95%= IC95%=1,02-1 IC95%=1,00-1 IC95%=1,01- IC95%=1,311 IC95%=1,31-1 1,07- IC95%=1,02- IC95%=1,00- IC95%=1,31-