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Characterization of the patterns of care, access, and direct cost of systemic lupus erythematosus in Brazil: findings from the Macunaíma study care access Brazil
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de Abreu, Mirhelen Mendes
; Monticielo, Odirlei Andre
; Fernandes, Vander
; Rodrigues, Dalianna Luise Andrade Souto
; da Silva, Cristhiane Almeida Leite
; Maiorano, Alexandre Cristovão
; Beserra, Fernando dos Santos
; Lamarão, Flavia Rachel Moreira
; de Veras, Bruna Medeiros Gonçalves
; David, Nathalie
; Araújo, Magda
; Alves, Marcelly Cristinny Ribeiro
; Stocco, Matheus Amaral
; Lima, Fernando Mello
; Borret, Emilly
; Gasparin, Andrese Aline
; Chapacais, Gustavo Flores
; Bulbol, Guilherme Andrade
; Lima, Diogo da Silva
; da Silva, Natália Jardim Martins
; Freitas, Marta Maria Costa
; Bica, Blanca Elena Rios Gomes
; de Lima, Domingos Sávio Nunes
; Medeiros, Marta Maria das Chagas
Abstract Background A cost of illness (COI) study aims to evaluate the socioeconomic burden that an illness imposes on society as a whole. This study aimed to describe the resources used, patterns of care, direct cost, and loss of productivity due to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in Brazil. Methods This 12-month, cross-sectional, COI study of patients with SLE (ACR 1997 Classification Criteria) collected data using patient interviews (questionnaires) and medical records, covering: SLE profile, resources used, morbidities, quality of life (12-Item Short Form Survey, SF-12), and loss of productivity. Patients were excluded if they were retired or on sick leave for another illness. Direct resources included health-related (consultations, tests, medications, hospitalization) or non-health-related (transportation, home adaptation, expenditure on caregivers) hospital resources. Costs were calculated using the unit value of each resource and the quantity consumed. A gamma regression model explored cost predictors for patients with SLE. Results Overall, 300 patients with SLE were included (92.3% female, mean [standard deviation (SD)] disease duration 11.8 [7.9] years), of which 100 patients (33.3%) were on SLE-related sick leave and 46 patients (15.3%) had stopped schooling. Mean (SD) travel time from home to a care facility was 4.4 (12.6) hours. Antimalarials were the most commonly used drugs (222 [74.0%]). A negative correlation was observed between SF-12 physical component and SLE Disease Activity Index (- 0.117, p = 0.042), Systemic Lupus International CollaboratingClinics/AmericanCollegeofRheumatology Damage Index (- 0.115, p = 0.046), medications/day for multiple co-morbidities (- 0.272, p < 0.001), SLE-specific drugs/day (- 0.113, p = 0.051), and lost productivity (- 0.570, p < 0.001). For the mental component, a negative correlation was observed with medications/day for multiple co-morbidities (- 0.272, p < 0.001), SLE-specific medications/day (- 0.113, p = 0.051), and missed appointments (- 0.232, p < 0.001). Mean total SLE cost was US$3,123.53/patient/year (median [interquartile range (IQR)] US$1,618.51 [$678.66, $4,601.29]). Main expenditure was medication, with a median (IQR) cost of US$910.62 ($460, $4,033.51). Mycophenolate increased costs by 3.664 times (p < 0.001), and inflammatory monitoring (erythrocyte sedimentation rate or C-reactive protein) reduced expenditure by 0.381 times (p < 0.001). Conclusion These results allowed access to care patterns, the median cost for patients with SLE in Brazil, and the differences across regions driven by biological, social, and behavioral factors. The cost of SLE provides an updated setting to support the decision-making process across the country. (COI whole (SLE Brazil 12month, 12month month 12 month, 12-month crosssectional, crosssectional cross sectional, sectional cross-sectional ACR 199 Criteria questionnaires (questionnaires records covering profile morbidities 12Item Item Survey SF12, SF12 SF , SF-12) healthrelated health related consultations, consultations (consultations tests medications hospitalization nonhealthrelated non transportation, transportation (transportation adaptation caregivers consumed Overall 30 92.3% 923 92 3 (92.3 female standard SD 118 11 8 11. 7.9 79 7 9 [7.9 years, years years) 10 33.3% 333 33 (33.3% SLErelated 4 15.3% 153 15 (15.3% schooling (SD 44 4. 12.6 126 6 (12.6 hours 222 (22 74.0%. 740 74.0% . 74 0 [74.0%]) SF-1 ( 0117 117 0.117 0.042, 0042 0.042 042 0.042) CollaboratingClinicsAmericanCollegeofRheumatology CollaboratingClinics AmericanCollegeofRheumatology 0115 115 0.115 0.046, 0046 0.046 046 0.046) medicationsday day comorbidities co 0272 272 0.272 0.001, 0001 0.001 001 0.001) SLEspecific specific drugsday 0113 113 0.113 0.051, 0051 0.051 051 0.051) 0570 570 0.570 0.001. 0232 232 0.232 US312353patientyear USpatientyear US 123 53 year interquartile IQR US161851 1 618 51 US$1,618.5 $678.66, 67866 678 66 [$678.66 $4,601.29. 460129 $4,601.29 601 29 $4,601.29]) medication (IQR US91062 910 62 US$910.6 $460, 460 ($460 $4,033.51. 403351 $4,033.51 033 $4,033.51) 3664 664 3.66 erythrocyte Creactive C reactive protein 0381 381 0.38 biological social factors decisionmaking decision making country 19 SF1 92.3 (92. 7. [7. 33.3 (33.3 15.3 (15.3 12. (12. 22 (2 74.0 [74.0%] SF- 011 0.11 004 0.04 04 027 27 0.27 000 0.00 00 005 0.05 05 057 57 0.57 023 23 0.23 patientyear 5 US16185 61 US$1,618. $678.66 6786 67 [$678.6 46012 $4,601.2 60 2 $4,601.29] US9106 91 US$910. $460 ($46 40335 $4,033.5 03 366 3.6 038 38 0.3 92. (92 [7 33. (33. 15. (15. (12 74. [74.0% 01 0.1 0.0 02 0.2 0.5 US1618 US$1,618 $678.6 [$678. 4601 $4,601. US910 US$910 $46 ($4 4033 $4,033. 36 3. 0. (9 [ (33 (15 (1 [74.0 US161 US$1,61 $678. [$678 $4,601 US91 US$91 $4 ($ 403 $4,033 (3 [74. US16 US$1,6 $678 [$67 $4,60 US9 US$9 $ 40 $4,03 [74 US1 US$1, $67 [$6 $4,6 US$ $4,0 US$1 $6 [$ $4,
Thyroid surgery volume – A statement issued by the Brazilian Head and Neck Surgery Society (SBCCP) SBCCP (SBCCP
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Matos, Fatima Cristina Mendes de
; Vartanian, José Guilherme
; Barauna Neto, José Carlos
; Santos, Ary Serrano
; Machado, Achilles Alves de Levy
; Pedruzzi, Paola Andrea Galbiatti
; Neves, Murilo Catafesta das
; Hojaij, Flavio Carneiro
; Nakai, Marianne Yumi
; Viana, Aline de Oliveira Ribeiro
; Santos, Izabella Costa
; de Cicco, Rafael
; Capuzzo, Renato de Castro
; Capelli, Fábio de Aquino
; De Carlucci Junior, Dorival
; Teixeira, Gilberto Vaz
; Cavalheiro, Beatriz
; Brodskin, Fabio
; Agra, Ivan
; Dias, Fernando Luiz
; Kulcsar, Marco Aurélio
; de Melo, Giulianno Molina
Combining ability of common bean in a complete diallel cross under water deficit
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Gonçalves, João Guilherme Ribeiro
; Silva, Daiana Alves da
; Chiorato, Alisson Fernando
; Rovaris, Sara Regina Silvestrin
; Gonçalves, Gabriel de Morais Cunha
; Carbonell, Sérgio Augusto Morais
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to identify drought-tolerant parents and combinations of common bean based on general and specific combining abilities. A complete diallel was conducted, including the reciprocals, among 12 parents, obtaining 132 populations. These populations and respective parents were evaluated in pots in a greenhouse in a randomized block experimental design with three replications and placed under intermittent water deficit applied in the pre-flowering. Physiological, morphological, and agronomic traits were evaluated, and general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA), and reciprocal effect (RE) were estimated. Significant effects were found among the genotypes for most of the traits confirming genetic variability among populations. The additive effects were more expressive than the non-additive effects, with reciprocal effect for some traits. The Carioca Precoce and SER 16 parents exhibited significant GCA, contributing alleles favorable to additive effects for increasing grain yield and harvest index. Significance of SCA and RE was not observed for grain yield. However, the SEA 5 (pollen receptor) × SER 16, Carioca Precoce (pollen receptor) × BRS FP403, and the reciprocal Carioca Precoce (pollen donor) × BRS FP403 hybrid combinations achieved positive estimates for harvest index, which is an indirect selection trait for grain yield. This study allowed selection of progenies coming from the parents Carioca Precoce and SER 16, as manifested favorable traits related to grain yield. droughttolerant drought tolerant abilities conducted reciprocals 1 13 preflowering. preflowering pre flowering. flowering pre-flowering Physiological morphological GCA , (GCA) SCA, (SCA) (RE estimated nonadditive non index However pollen receptor FP donor FP40 (GCA (SCA FP4
Inflamação Coronária Avaliada pela Atenuação de Gordura Pericoronária na Tomografia Computadorizada e Elevação de Citocinas em Usuários Jovens de Esteroides Anabólicos Androgênicos
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Souza, Francis Ribeiro de
; Rochitte, Carlos E.
; Silva, Douglas Carli
; Sampaio, Barbara
; Passarelli, Marisa
; Santos, Marcelo R. dos
; Fonseca, Guilherme W.
; Battaglia Filho, Antonio Carlos
; Correa, Kelly
; do Val, Renata Margarida
; Yonamine, Maurício
; Pereira, Rosa Maria R.
; Negrão, Carlos Eduardo
; Kalil-Filho, Roberto
; Alves, Maria Janieire de Nazaré Nunes
Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia
- Métricas do periódico
Resumo Fundamento O uso abusivo de esteroides anabólicos androgênicos (EAA) tem sido associado à doença arterial coronariana (DAC). A atenuação de gordura pericoronária (AGp) é um marcador de inflamação coronária, a qual exerce um papel chave no processo aterosclerótico. Objetivo Avaliar AGp e perfil inflamatório em usuários de EAA. Método Vinte indivíduos que realizavam treinamento de força, usuários de EAA (UEAA), 20 não usuários de EAA (NUEAA), e 10 indivíduos sedentários controle (SC) foram avaliados. Inflamação coronária foi avaliada por atenuação de gordura pericoronária média (AGPm) artéria coronária direita (ACD), artéria descendente anterior esquerda (ADA) e artéria circunflexa (ACX). Interleucina (IL)-1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-10, e TNF-alfa foram avaliados por densidade ótica (DO) em um espectrofotômetro com um filtro de 450 nm. Um p<0,05 indicou significância estatística. Resultados Os UEAA apresentaram maior AGPm na ACD [-65,87 (70,51-60,70) vs. -78,07 (83,66-72,87) vs.-78,46 (85,41-71,99] unidades Hounsfield (HU), respectivamente, p<0,001) e AGPm na ADA [-71,47 (76,40-66,610 vs. -79,32 (84,37-74,59) vs. -82,52 (88,44-75,81) HU, respectivamente, p=0,006) em comparação aos NUEAA e CS. A AGPm na ACX não foi diferente entre os grupos UEAA, NUEAA e CS [-72,41 (77,17-70,37) vs. -80,13 (86,22-72,23) vs. -78,29 (80,63-72,29) HU, respectivamente, p=0,163). Em comparação aos NUEAA e aos CS, o grupo UEAA apresentaram maiores níveis de IL-1 [0,975 (0,847-1,250) vs. 0,437 (0,311-0,565) vs. 0,530 (0,402-0,780) DO, respectivamente, p=0,002), IL-6 [1,195 (0,947-1,405) vs. 0,427 (0,377-0,577) vs. 0,605 (0,332-0,950) DO, p=0,005) e IL-10 [1,145 (0,920-1,292) vs. 0,477 (0,382-0,591) vs. 0,340 (0,316-0,560) DO, p<0,001]. TNF-α não foi diferente entre os grupos UEAA, NUEAA e CS [0,520 (0,250-0,610) vs. 0,377 (0.261-0,548) vs. 0,350 (0,182-430)]. Conclusão Em comparação aos NUEAA e controles, os UEAA apresentam maior AGPm e maior perfil de citocinas inflamatórias sistêmicas, sugerindo que os EAA podem induzir aterosclerose por inflamação coronária e sistêmica. (EAA DAC. DAC . (DAC) (AGp aterosclerótico força , (UEAA) 2 NUEAA, (NUEAA) 1 SC (SC (AGPm ACD, (ACD) (ADA ACX. (ACX) IL1 IL (IL)- IL1, (IL-1) IL6, IL6 6, 6 IL10, IL10 10, TNFalfa TNF alfa DO (DO 45 nm p005 p 0 05 p<0,0 estatística 65,87 6587 65 87 [-65,8 70,5160,70 70516070 70,51 60,70 70 51 60 (70,51-60,70 vs 78,07 7807 78 07 -78,0 83,6672,87 83667287 83,66 72,87 83 66 72 (83,66-72,87 vs.78,46 vs7846 78,46 46 vs.-78,4 85,4171,99 85417199 85,41 71,99 85 41 71 99 (85,41-71,99 HU (HU) respectivamente p<0,001 p0001 001 71,47 7147 47 [-71,4 76,4066,610 764066610 76,40 66,610 76 40 610 (76,40-66,61 79,32 7932 79 32 -79,3 84,3774,59 84377459 84,37 74,59 84 37 74 59 (84,37-74,59 82,52 8252 82 52 -82,5 88,4475,81 88447581 88,44 75,81 88 44 75 81 (88,44-75,81 p=0,006 p0006 006 72,41 7241 [-72,4 77,1770,37 77177037 77,17 70,37 77 17 (77,17-70,37 80,13 8013 80 13 -80,1 86,2272,23 86227223 86,22 72,23 86 22 23 (86,22-72,23 78,29 7829 29 -78,2 80,6372,29 80637229 80,63 72,29 63 (80,63-72,29 p=0,163. p0163 p=0,163 163 p=0,163) IL- 0,975 0975 975 [0,97 0,8471,250 08471250 0,847 1,250 847 250 (0,847-1,250 0437 437 0,43 0,3110,565 03110565 0,311 0,565 311 565 (0,311-0,565 0530 530 0,53 0,4020,780 04020780 0,402 0,780 402 780 (0,402-0,780 p=0,002, p0002 p=0,002 002 p=0,002) 1,195 1195 195 [1,19 0,9471,405 09471405 0,947 1,405 947 405 (0,947-1,405 0427 427 0,42 0,3770,577 03770577 0,577 377 577 (0,377-0,577 0605 605 0,60 0,3320,950 03320950 0,332 0,950 332 950 (0,332-0,950 p=0,005 p0005 005 1,145 1145 145 [1,14 0,9201,292 09201292 0,920 1,292 920 292 (0,920-1,292 0477 477 0,47 0,3820,591 03820591 0,382 0,591 382 591 (0,382-0,591 0340 340 0,34 0,3160,560 03160560 0,316 0,560 316 560 (0,316-0,560 p<0,001. p<0,001] TNFα α 0,520 0520 520 [0,52 0,2500,610 02500610 0,250 0,610 (0,250-0,610 0377 0,37 0.2610,548 02610548 0.261 0,548 261 548 (0.261-0,548 0350 350 0,35 0,182430. 0182430 0,182 430 182 (0,182-430)] controles sistêmicas sistêmica (DAC (UEAA (NUEAA (ACD (ACX (IL) (IL-1 4 p00 p<0, 65,8 658 8 [-65, 5160 70,5160,7 7051607 7051 70,5 6070 60,7 7 5 (70,51-60,7 78,0 -78, 6672 83,6672,8 8366728 8366 83,6 7287 72,8 (83,66-72,8 vs.78,4 vs784 7846 78,4 vs.-78, 4171 85,4171,9 8541719 8541 85,4 7199 71,9 9 (85,41-71,9 (HU p<0,00 p000 00 71,4 714 [-71, 4066 76,4066,61 76406661 7640 76,4 66610 66,61 61 (76,40-66,6 79,3 793 3 -79, 3774 84,3774,5 8437745 8437 84,3 7459 74,5 (84,37-74,5 82,5 825 -82, 4475 88,4475,8 8844758 8844 88,4 7581 75,8 (88,44-75,8 p=0,00 72,4 724 [-72, 1770 77,1770,3 7717703 7717 77,1 7037 70,3 (77,17-70,3 80,1 801 -80, 2272 86,2272,2 8622722 8622 86,2 7223 72,2 (86,22-72,2 78,2 782 6372 80,6372,2 8063722 8063 80,6 7229 (80,63-72,2 p016 p=0,16 16 0,97 097 97 [0,9 8471 0,8471,25 0847125 0847 0,84 1250 1,25 25 (0,847-1,25 043 43 0,4 3110 0,3110,56 0311056 0311 0,31 0565 0,56 31 56 (0,311-0,56 053 53 0,5 4020 0,4020,78 0402078 0402 0,40 0780 0,78 (0,402-0,78 1,19 119 19 [1,1 9471 0,9471,40 0947140 0947 0,94 1405 1,40 94 (0,947-1,40 042 42 3770 0,3770,57 0377057 0577 0,57 57 (0,377-0,57 060 0,6 3320 0,3320,95 0332095 0332 0,33 0950 0,95 33 95 (0,332-0,95 1,14 114 14 9201 0,9201,29 0920129 0920 0,92 1292 1,29 92 (0,920-1,29 047 3820 0,3820,59 0382059 0382 0,38 0591 0,59 38 (0,382-0,59 034 34 0,3 3160 0,3160,56 0316056 0316 0560 (0,316-0,56 0,52 052 [0,5 2500 0,2500,61 0250061 0250 0,25 0610 0,61 (0,250-0,61 037 2610 0.2610,54 0261054 0261 0.26 0548 0,54 26 54 (0.261-0,54 035 35 182430 0,182430 018243 0182 0,18 18 (0,182-430) (IL (IL- p0 p<0 65, [-65 516 70,5160, 705160 705 70, 607 60, (70,51-60, 78, -78 667 83,6672, 836672 836 83, 728 72, (83,66-72, vs.78, vs78 784 vs.-78 417 85,4171, 854171 854 85, 719 71, (85,41-71, [-71 406 76,4066,6 7640666 764 76, 6661 66,6 (76,40-66, 79, -79 84,3774, 843774 843 84, 745 74, (84,37-74, 82, -82 447 88,4475, 884475 884 88, 758 75, (88,44-75, p=0,0 [-72 177 77,1770, 771770 771 77, 703 (77,17-70, 80, -80 227 86,2272, 862272 862 86, 722 (86,22-72, 637 80,6372, 806372 806 (80,63-72, p01 p=0,1 0,9 09 [0, 0,8471,2 084712 084 0,8 125 1,2 (0,847-1,2 04 0, 0,3110,5 031105 031 056 (0,311-0,5 0,4020,7 040207 040 078 0,7 (0,402-0,7 1,1 11 [1, 0,9471,4 094714 094 140 1,4 (0,947-1,4 0,3770,5 037705 057 (0,377-0,5 06 0,3320,9 033209 033 095 (0,332-0,9 0,9201,2 092012 092 129 (0,920-1,2 0,3820,5 038205 038 059 (0,382-0,5 03 0,3160,5 031605 (0,316-0,5 0,2500,6 025006 025 0,2 061 (0,250-0,6 0.2610,5 026105 026 0.2 054 (0.261-0,5 18243 0,18243 01824 018 0,1 (0,182-430 p< [-6 70,5160 70516 (70,51-60 -7 83,6672 83667 (83,66-72 vs.78 vs7 vs.-7 85,4171 85417 (85,41-71 [-7 76,4066, 764066 666 66, (76,40-66 84,3774 84377 (84,37-74 -8 88,4475 88447 (88,44-75 p=0, 77,1770 77177 (77,17-70 86,2272 86227 (86,22-72 80,6372 80637 (80,63-72 [0 0,8471, 08471 08 12 1, (0,847-1, 0,3110, 03110 (0,311-0, 0,4020, 04020 (0,402-0, [1 0,9471, 09471 (0,947-1, 0,3770, 03770 (0,377-0, 0,3320, 03320 (0,332-0, 0,9201, 09201 (0,920-1, 0,3820, 03820 (0,382-0, 0,3160, 03160 (0,316-0, 0,2500, 02500 02 (0,250-0, 0.2610, 02610 0. (0.261-0, 1824 0,1824 01 (0,182-43 [- 70,516 (70,51-6 - 83,667 (83,66-7 vs.7 vs.- 85,417 (85,41-7 76,4066 76406 (76,40-6 84,377 (84,37-7 88,447 (88,44-7 p=0 77,177 (77,17-7 86,227 (86,22-7 80,637 (80,63-7 [ 0,8471 (0,847-1 0,3110 (0,311-0 0,4020 (0,402-0 0,9471 (0,947-1 0,3770 (0,377-0 0,3320 (0,332-0 0,9201 (0,920-1 0,3820 (0,382-0 0,3160 (0,316-0 0,2500 (0,250-0 0.2610 (0.261-0 (0,182-4 (70,51- (83,66- (85,41- 76,406 (76,40- (84,37- (88,44- p= (77,17- (86,22- (80,63- (0,847- (0,311- (0,402- (0,947- (0,377- (0,332- (0,920- (0,382- (0,316- (0,250- (0.261- (0,182- (70,51 (83,66 (85,41 (76,40 (84,37 (88,44 (77,17 (86,22 (80,63 (0,847 (0,311 (0,402 (0,947 (0,377 (0,332 (0,920 (0,382 (0,316 (0,250 (0.261 (0,182 (70,5 (83,6 (85,4 (76,4 (84,3 (88,4 (77,1 (86,2 (80,6 (0,84 (0,31 (0,40 (0,94 (0,37 (0,33 (0,92 (0,38 (0,25 (0.26 (0,18 (70, (83, (85, (76, (84, (88, (77, (86, (80, (0,8 (0,3 (0,4 (0,9 (0,2 (0.2 (0,1 (70 (83 (85 (76 (84 (88 (77 (86 (80 (0, (0. (7 (8 (0 (
Abstract Background Anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) abuse has been associated with coronary artery disease (CAD). Pericoronary fat attenuation (pFA) is a marker of coronary inflammation, which is key in the atherosclerotic process. Objective To evaluate pFA and inflammatory profile in AAS users. Methods Twenty strength-trained AAS users (AASU), 20 AAS nonusers (AASNU), and 10 sedentary controls (SC) were evaluated. Coronary inflammation was evaluated by mean pericoronary fat attenuation (mPFA) in the right coronary artery (RCA), left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD), and left circumflex (LCx). Interleukin (IL)-1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-10, and TNF-alpha were evaluated by optical density (OD) in a spectrophotometer with a 450 nm filter. P<0.05 indicated statistical significance. Results AASU had higher mPFA in the RCA (-65.87 [70.51-60.70] vs. -78.07 [83.66-72.87] vs.-78.46 [85.41-71.99] Hounsfield Units (HU), respectively, p<0.001) and mPFA in the LAD (-71.47 [76.40-66.61] vs. -79.32 [84.37-74.59] vs. -82.52 [88.44-75.81] HU, respectively, p=0.006) compared with AASNU and SC. mPFA in the LCx was not different between AASU, AASNU, and SC (-72.41 [77.17-70.37] vs. -80.13 [86.22-72.23] vs. -78.29 [80.63-72.29] HU, respectively, p=0.163). AASU compared with AASNU and SC, had higher IL-1, (0.975 [0.847-1.250] vs. 0.437 [0.311-0.565] vs. 0.530 [0.402-0.780] OD, respectively, p=0.002), IL-6 (1.195 [0.947-1.405] vs. 0.427 [0.377-0.577] vs. 0.605 [0.332-0.950] OD, p=0.005) and IL-10 (1.145 [0.920-1.292] vs. 0.477 [0.382-0.591] vs. 0.340 [0.316-0.560] OD, p<0.001). TNF-α was not different between the AASU, AASNU, and SC groups (0.520 [0.250-0.610] vs. 0.377 [0.261-0.548] vs. 0.350 [0.182-430]), respectively. Conclusion Compared with ASSNU and controls, AASU have higher mPFA and higher systemic inflammatory cytokines profile suggesting that AAS may induce coronary atherosclerosis through coronary and systemic inflammation. (AAS CAD. CAD . (CAD) (pFA process strengthtrained strength trained , (AASU) 2 (AASNU) 1 (SC (mPFA RCA, (RCA) LAD, (LAD) LCx. (LCx) IL1 IL (IL)- IL1, (IL-1) IL6, IL6 6, 6 IL10, IL10 10, TNFalpha TNF alpha OD (OD 45 filter P005 P 0 05 P<0.0 significance 65.87 6587 65 87 (-65.8 70.5160.70 70516070 70.51 60.70 70 51 60 [70.51-60.70 vs 78.07 7807 78 07 -78.0 83.6672.87 83667287 83.66 72.87 83 66 72 [83.66-72.87 vs.78.46 vs7846 78.46 46 vs.-78.4 85.4171.99 85417199 85.41 71.99 85 41 71 99 [85.41-71.99 HU (HU) respectively p<0.001 p0001 p 001 71.47 7147 47 (-71.4 76.4066.61 76406661 76.40 66.61 76 40 61 [76.40-66.61 79.32 7932 79 32 -79.3 84.3774.59 84377459 84.37 74.59 84 37 74 59 [84.37-74.59 82.52 8252 82 52 -82.5 88.4475.81 88447581 88.44 75.81 88 44 75 81 [88.44-75.81 p=0.006 p0006 006 72.41 7241 (-72.4 77.1770.37 77177037 77.17 70.37 77 17 [77.17-70.37 80.13 8013 80 13 -80.1 86.2272.23 86227223 86.22 72.23 86 22 23 [86.22-72.23 78.29 7829 29 -78.2 80.6372.29 80637229 80.63 72.29 63 [80.63-72.29 p=0.163. p0163 p=0.163 163 p=0.163) 1, IL-1 0.975 0975 975 (0.97 0.8471.250 08471250 0.847 1.250 847 250 [0.847-1.250 0437 437 0.43 0.3110.565 03110565 0.311 0.565 311 565 [0.311-0.565 0530 530 0.53 0.4020.780 04020780 0.402 0.780 402 780 [0.402-0.780 p=0.002, p0002 p=0.002 002 p=0.002) IL- 1.195 1195 195 (1.19 0.9471.405 09471405 0.947 1.405 947 405 [0.947-1.405 0427 427 0.42 0.3770.577 03770577 0.577 377 577 [0.377-0.577 0605 605 0.60 0.3320.950 03320950 0.332 0.950 332 950 [0.332-0.950 p=0.005 p0005 005 1.145 1145 145 (1.14 0.9201.292 09201292 0.920 1.292 920 292 [0.920-1.292 0477 477 0.47 0.3820.591 03820591 0.382 0.591 382 591 [0.382-0.591 0340 340 0.34 0.3160.560 03160560 0.316 0.560 316 560 [0.316-0.560 p<0.001. TNFα α 0.520 0520 520 (0.52 0.2500.610 02500610 0.250 0.610 610 [0.250-0.610 0377 0.37 0.2610.548 02610548 0.261 0.548 261 548 [0.261-0.548 0350 350 0.35 0.182430, 0182430 0.182 430 182 [0.182-430]) (CAD (AASU (AASNU (RCA (LAD (LCx (IL) (IL-1 4 P00 P<0. 65.8 658 8 (-65. 5160 70.5160.7 7051607 7051 70.5 6070 60.7 7 5 [70.51-60.7 78.0 -78. 6672 83.6672.8 8366728 8366 83.6 7287 72.8 [83.66-72.8 vs.78.4 vs784 7846 78.4 vs.-78. 4171 85.4171.9 8541719 8541 85.4 7199 71.9 9 [85.41-71.9 (HU p<0.00 p000 00 71.4 714 (-71. 4066 76.4066.6 7640666 7640 76.4 6661 66.6 [76.40-66.6 79.3 793 3 -79. 3774 84.3774.5 8437745 8437 84.3 7459 74.5 [84.37-74.5 82.5 825 -82. 4475 88.4475.8 8844758 8844 88.4 7581 75.8 [88.44-75.8 p=0.00 72.4 724 (-72. 1770 77.1770.3 7717703 7717 77.1 7037 70.3 [77.17-70.3 80.1 801 -80. 2272 86.2272.2 8622722 8622 86.2 7223 72.2 [86.22-72.2 78.2 782 6372 80.6372.2 8063722 8063 80.6 7229 [80.63-72.2 p016 p=0.16 16 0.97 097 97 (0.9 8471 0.8471.25 0847125 0847 0.84 1250 1.25 25 [0.847-1.25 043 43 0.4 3110 0.3110.56 0311056 0311 0.31 0565 0.56 31 56 [0.311-0.56 053 53 0.5 4020 0.4020.78 0402078 0402 0.40 0780 0.78 [0.402-0.78 1.19 119 19 (1.1 9471 0.9471.40 0947140 0947 0.94 1405 1.40 94 [0.947-1.40 042 42 3770 0.3770.57 0377057 0577 0.57 57 [0.377-0.57 060 0.6 3320 0.3320.95 0332095 0332 0.33 0950 0.95 33 95 [0.332-0.95 1.14 114 14 9201 0.9201.29 0920129 0920 0.92 1292 1.29 92 [0.920-1.29 047 3820 0.3820.59 0382059 0382 0.38 0591 0.59 38 [0.382-0.59 034 34 0.3 3160 0.3160.56 0316056 0316 0560 [0.316-0.56 0.52 052 (0.5 2500 0.2500.61 0250061 0250 0.25 0610 0.61 [0.250-0.61 037 2610 0.2610.54 0261054 0261 0.26 0548 0.54 26 54 [0.261-0.54 035 35 182430 0.182430 018243 0182 0.18 18 [0.182-430] (IL (IL- P0 P<0 65. (-65 516 70.5160. 705160 705 70. 607 60. [70.51-60. 78. -78 667 83.6672. 836672 836 83. 728 72. [83.66-72. vs.78. vs78 784 vs.-78 417 85.4171. 854171 854 85. 719 71. [85.41-71. p<0.0 p00 (-71 406 76.4066. 764066 764 76. 666 66. [76.40-66. 79. -79 84.3774. 843774 843 84. 745 74. [84.37-74. 82. -82 447 88.4475. 884475 884 88. 758 75. [88.44-75. p=0.0 (-72 177 77.1770. 771770 771 77. 703 [77.17-70. 80. -80 227 86.2272. 862272 862 86. 722 [86.22-72. 637 80.6372. 806372 806 [80.63-72. p01 p=0.1 0.9 09 (0. 0.8471.2 084712 084 0.8 125 1.2 [0.847-1.2 04 0. 0.3110.5 031105 031 056 [0.311-0.5 0.4020.7 040207 040 078 0.7 [0.402-0.7 1.1 11 (1. 0.9471.4 094714 094 140 1.4 [0.947-1.4 0.3770.5 037705 057 [0.377-0.5 06 0.3320.9 033209 033 095 [0.332-0.9 0.9201.2 092012 092 129 [0.920-1.2 0.3820.5 038205 038 059 [0.382-0.5 03 0.3160.5 031605 [0.316-0.5 0.2500.6 025006 025 0.2 061 [0.250-0.6 0.2610.5 026105 026 054 [0.261-0.5 18243 0.18243 01824 018 0.1 [0.182-430 P< (-6 70.5160 70516 [70.51-60 -7 83.6672 83667 [83.66-72 vs.78 vs7 vs.-7 85.4171 85417 [85.41-71 p<0. p0 (-7 76.4066 76406 [76.40-66 84.3774 84377 [84.37-74 -8 88.4475 88447 [88.44-75 p=0. 77.1770 77177 [77.17-70 86.2272 86227 [86.22-72 80.6372 80637 [80.63-72 (0 0.8471. 08471 08 12 1. [0.847-1. 0.3110. 03110 [0.311-0. 0.4020. 04020 [0.402-0. (1 0.9471. 09471 [0.947-1. 0.3770. 03770 [0.377-0. 0.3320. 03320 [0.332-0. 0.9201. 09201 [0.920-1. 0.3820. 03820 [0.382-0. 0.3160. 03160 [0.316-0. 0.2500. 02500 02 [0.250-0. 0.2610. 02610 [0.261-0. 1824 0.1824 01 [0.182-43 (- 70.516 [70.51-6 - 83.667 [83.66-7 vs.7 vs.- 85.417 [85.41-7 p<0 76.406 [76.40-6 84.377 [84.37-7 88.447 [88.44-7 p=0 77.177 [77.17-7 86.227 [86.22-7 80.637 [80.63-7 ( 0.8471 [0.847-1 0.3110 [0.311-0 0.4020 [0.402-0 0.9471 [0.947-1 0.3770 [0.377-0 0.3320 [0.332-0 0.9201 [0.920-1 0.3820 [0.382-0 0.3160 [0.316-0 0.2500 [0.250-0 0.2610 [0.261-0 [0.182-4 [70.51- [83.66- [85.41- p< [76.40- [84.37- [88.44- p= [77.17- [86.22- [80.63- [0.847- [0.311- [0.402- [0.947- [0.377- [0.332- [0.920- [0.382- [0.316- [0.250- [0.261- [0.182- [70.51 [83.66 [85.41 [76.40 [84.37 [88.44 [77.17 [86.22 [80.63 [0.847 [0.311 [0.402 [0.947 [0.377 [0.332 [0.920 [0.382 [0.316 [0.250 [0.261 [0.182 [70.5 [83.6 [85.4 [76.4 [84.3 [88.4 [77.1 [86.2 [80.6 [0.84 [0.31 [0.40 [0.94 [0.37 [0.33 [0.92 [0.38 [0.25 [0.26 [0.18 [70. [83. [85. [76. [84. [88. [77. [86. [80. [0.8 [0.3 [0.4 [0.9 [0.2 [0.1 [70 [83 [85 [76 [84 [88 [77 [86 [80 [0. [7 [8 [0 [
Energy supplementation as strategy of pasture management
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Santos, Alyce Raiana Monteiro
; Cabral, Carla Heloísa Avelino
; Cabral, Carlos Eduardo Avelino
; Barros, Lívia Vieira de
; Pires, Deborah França
; Rosa, Altieres dos Santos
; Alves, Guilherme Ribeiro
; Coutinho, Marina Pereira Souza
ABSTRACT. This study evaluated the effect of increased energy via supplementation on the performance, ingestive behavior, nutrient digestibility, and nitrogen metabolism of grazing heifers fed tropical forage in the rainy-dry transition season. Treatments consisted of mineral supplementation ad libitum (control) and multiple supplements formulated to provide different energy levels and the same amount of protein (300 g CP animal d-1) and were denominated as low (LE; 340 g TDN animal d-1), medium (ME; 780 g TDN animal d-1) and high (HE; 1220 g TDN animal d-1) energy. Animals supplemented with ME, and HE had a greater average daily gain in relation to the control treatment, with an increase of 41 and 46%, respectively. Greater values for total apparent digestibility of neutral detergent fiber were observed for the treatment HE. Lesser values of urinary urea N were observed for the control and HE treatments. Our results define the use of energy levels in the supplement as a tool for pasture management. If the purpose of the production system is to enhance forage intake, the option is to supply supplements with less energy levels. In contrast, if the purpose is to increase the stocking rate, supplements with greater energy levels should be used.
Genotypic variation of sugarcane for salinity tolerance: Morphological and physiological responses
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Silva, Antonia Almeida da
; Rubio, Zulma Catherine Cardenal
; Linhares, Paulo Cássio Alves
; Silva, Ketlen Rocha e
; Pimentel, Guilherme Vieira
; Marchiori, Paulo Eduardo Ribeiro
RESUMO A cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) é uma cultura importante devido à produção de açúcar, etanol e bioenergia. Seu cultivo ocorre em regiões tropicais, sendo muitas vezes exposta a alta salinidade. O objetivo foi identificar cultivares tolerantes à salinidade para permitir o cultivo da cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp.) em solos salinos. Para testar a hipótese de que a cana-de-açúcar apresenta variação genotípica natural para tolerância à salinidade, testamos dez cultivares (SP80-3280, RB855453 RB966928, RB855156, SP80-1842, SP80-1816, RB928064, RB867515, RB92579, RB855536) e duas espécies de cana-de-açúcar: IM76-228 (S. robustum) e IN84-82 (S. spontaneum) sob duas concentrações de sódio: controle [concentração encontrada naturalmente no solo utilizado: condutividade elétrica de 0,083 dS m-1] e solo enriquecido com NaCl: CE de 7,2 dS m-1. Características de biometria e fotossíntese foram avaliadas. As plantas foram coletadas, separadas em folha (MSF), caule (MSC), raiz para determinação da matéria seca total da planta e assim estimar o índice de tolerância (IT). Uma análise de cluster foi feita para identificar a dissimilaridade fenotípica. Três grupos distintos em relação à tolerância à salinidade com base na biomassa foram formados. As cultivares RB855156, SP80-1842, SP80-1816 e espécies IM76-228 não apresentaram redução em MSF e MSC. No entanto, as cultivares SP80-3280, RB928064, RB92579 e as espécies IN84-82 foram prejudicadas pela salinidade. O genótipo SP80-1816 apresentou o maior acúmulo de biomassa e o maior IT. Portanto, encontramos uma grande variação genotípica quanto à tolerância à salinidade em cana-de-açúcar, que pode ser explorada pelos produtores para cultivo em solos salinos. Também podem ser utilizadas pelos Programas de Melhoramento da Cana-de-Açúcar para melhorar a tolerância à salinidade.
ABSTRACT Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) is an important crop due to sugar, ethanol and bioenergy production. Its cultivation may occur in tropical regions exposed to high salinity. The aim was to identify cultivars tolerant to salinity to allow the cultivation of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) in saline soils. To test the hypothesis that sugarcane show natural genotypic variation to salinity tolerance, we tested ten cultivars (SP80-3280, RB855453 RB966928, RB855156, SP80-1842, SP80-1816, RB928064, RB867515, RB92579, RB855536) and two sugarcane species: IM76-228 (S. robustum) and IN84-82 (S. spontaneum) under two concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl): control (concentration found naturally in the soil used: electrical conductivity of 0.083 dS m-1) and soil enriched with NaCl: EC of 7.2 dS m-1. Biometry and photosynthesis traits were evaluated. The plants were collected and leaf (LDM), stem (SDM), root and total dry matter were used to estimate the tolerance index (TI). A cluster analysis was done to identify phenotypic dissimilarity. Three distinct groups regarding salinity tolerance on biomass-basis were formed. The cultivars RB855156, SP80-1842, SP80-1816 and species IM76-228 showed no reduction in LDM and SDM. Nonetheless, the cultivars SP80-3280, RB928064, RB92579 and species IN84-82 were impaired by salinity. The cultivar SP80-1816 showed the highest biomass accumulation and the highest TI. Therefore, we found a great genotypic variation regarding salinity tolerance in sugarcane, which can be explored by growers to cultivate in saline soils. Also can be used by the Sugarcane Breeding Programs to improve the salinity tolerance.
Recommendations by the Scientific Department of Neuroimmunology of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology (DCNI/ABN) and the Brazilian Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunological Diseases (BCTRIMS) on vaccination in general and specifically against SARS-CoV-2 for patients with demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system
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Becker, Jefferson
; Ferreira, Lis Campos
; Damasceno, Alfredo
; Bichuetti, Denis Bernardi
; Christo, Paulo Pereira
; Callegaro, Dagoberto
; Peixoto, Marco Aurélio Lana
; Sousa, Nise Alessandra De Carvalho
; Almeida, Sérgio Monteiro De
; Adoni, Tarso
; Santiago-Amaral, Juliana
; Junqueira, Thiago
; Pereira, Samira Luisa Apóstolos
; Gomes, Ana Beatriz Ayroza Galvão Ribeiro
; Pitombeira, Milena
; Paolilo, Renata Barbosa
; Grzesiuk, Anderson Kuntz
; Piccolo, Ana Claudia
; D´Almeida, José Arthur Costa
; Gomes Neto, Antonio Pereira
; Oliveira, Augusto Cesar Penalva De
; Oliveira, Bianca Santos De
; Tauil, Carlos Bernardo
; Vasconcelos, Claudia Ferreira
; Kaimen-Maciel, Damacio
; Varela, Daniel
; Diniz, Denise Sisterolli
; Oliveira, Enedina Maria Lobato De
; Malfetano, Fabiola Rachid
; Borges, Fernando Elias
; Figueira, Fernando Faria Andrade
; Gondim, Francisco De Assis Aquino
; Passos, Giordani Rodrigues Dos
; Silva, Guilherme Diogo
; Olival, Guilherme Sciascia Do
; Santos, Gutemberg Augusto Cruz Dos
; Ruocco, Heloisa Helena
; Sato, Henry Koiti
; Soares Neto, Herval Ribeiro
; Cortoni Calia, Leandro
; Gonçalves, Marcus Vinícius Magno
; Vecino, Maria Cecilia Aragón De
; Pimentel, Maria Lucia Vellutini
; Ribeiro, Marlise De Castro
; Boaventura, Mateus
; Parolin, Mônica Koncke Fiuza
; Melo, Renata Brant De Souza
; Lázaro, Robson
; Thomaz, Rodrigo Barbosa
; Kleinpaul, Rodrigo
; Dias, Ronaldo Maciel
; Gomes, Sidney
; Lucatto, Simone Abrante
; Alves-Leon, Soniza Vieira
; Fukuda, Thiago
; Ribeiro, Taysa Alexandrino Gonsalves Jubé
; Winckler, Thereza Cristina D’ávila
; Fragoso, Yara Dadalti
; Nascimento, Osvaldo José Moreira Do
; Ferreira, Maria Lucia Brito
; Mendes, Maria Fernanda
; Brum, Doralina Guimarães
; Glehn, Felipe Von
RESUMO O DC de Neuroimunologia da ABN e o BCTRIMS trazem, nesse documento, as recomendações sobre vacinação da população com doenças desmielinizantes do sistema nervoso central (SNC) contra infecções em geral e contra o coronavírus da síndrome respiratória aguda grave 2 (SARS-CoV-2), causador da COVID-19. Destaca-se a gravidade do atual momento frente ao avanço da COVID-19 em nosso País, o que torna mais evidente e importante a criação de guia de referência para orientação aos médicos, pacientes e autoridades de saúde pública quanto à vacinação, meio efetivo e seguro no controle de determinadas doenças infecciosa. O DCNI/ABN e o BCTRIMS recomendam que os pacientes com doenças desmielinizantes do SNC (ex., EM e NMOSD) sejam constantemente monitorados, quanto a atualização do seu calendário vacinal, especialmente, no início ou antes da mudança do tratamento com uma droga modificadora de doença (DMD). É importante também salientar que as vacinas são seguras e os médicos devem estimular o seu uso em todos os pacientes. Evidentemente, deve ser dada especial atenção às vacinas com vírus vivos atenuados. Por fim, é importante que os médicos verifiquem qual DMD o paciente está em uso e quando foi feita a sua última dose, pois cada fármaco pode interagir de forma diferente com a indução da resposta imune.
ABSTRACT The Scientific Department of Neuroimmunology of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology (DCNI/ABN) and Brazilian Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunological Diseases (BCTRIMS) provide recommendations in this document for vaccination of the population with demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) against infections in general and against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which causes COVID-19. We emphasize the seriousness of the current situation in view of the spread of COVID-19 in our country. Therefore, reference guides on vaccination for clinicians, patients, and public health authorities are particularly important to prevent some infectious diseases. The DCNI/ABN and BCTRIMS recommend that patients with CNS demyelinating diseases (e.g., MS and NMOSD) be continually monitored for updates to their vaccination schedule, especially at the beginning or before a change in treatment with a disease modifying drug (DMD). It is also important to note that vaccines are safe, and physicians should encourage their use in all patients. Clearly, special care should be taken when live attenuated viruses are involved. Finally, it is important for physicians to verify which DMD the patient is receiving and when the last dose was taken, as each drug may affect the induction of immune response differently.
Práticas de ressuscitação volêmica em unidades de terapia intensiva brasileiras: uma análise secundária do estudo Fluid-TRIPS
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- Métricas
Freitas, Flavio Geraldo Rezende de
; Hammond, Naomi
; Li, Yang
; Azevedo, Luciano Cesar Pontes de
; Cavalcanti, Alexandre Biasi
; Taniguchi, Leandro
; Gobatto, André
; Japiassú, André Miguel
; Bafi, Antonio Tonete
; Mazza, Bruno Franco
; Noritomi, Danilo Teixeira
; Dal-Pizzol, Felipe
; Bozza, Fernando
; Salluh, Jorge Ibrahin Figueira
; Westphal, Glauco Adrieno
; Soares, Márcio
; Assunção, Murillo Santucci César de
; Lisboa, Thiago
; Lobo, Suzana Margarete Ajeje
; Barbosa, Achilles Rohlfs
; Ventura, Adriana Fonseca
; Souza, Ailson Faria de
; Silva, Alexandre Francisco
; Toledo, Alexandre
; Reis, Aline
; Cembranel, Allan
; Rea Neto, Alvaro
; Gut, Ana Lúcia
; Justo, Ana Patricia Pierre
; Santos, Ana Paula
; Albuquerque, André Campos D. de
; Scazufka, André
; Rodrigues, Antonio Babo
; Fernandino, Bruno Bonaccorsi
; Silva, Bruno Goncalves
; Vidal, Bruno Sarno
; Pinheiro, Bruno Valle
; Pinto, Bruno Vilela Costa
; Feijo, Carlos Augusto Ramos
; Abreu Filho, Carlos de
; Bosso, Carlos Eduardo da Costa Nunes
; Moreira, Carlos Eduardo Nassif
; Ramos, Carlos Henrique Ferreira
; Tavares, Carmen
; Arantes, Cidamaiá
; Grion, Cintia
; Mendes, Ciro Leite
; Kmohan, Claudio
; Piras, Claudio
; Castro, Cristine Pilati Pileggi
; Lins, Cyntia
; Beraldo, Daniel
; Fontes, Daniel
; Boni, Daniela
; Castiglioni, Débora
; Paisani, Denise de Moraes
; Pedroso, Durval Ferreira Fonseca
; Mattos, Ederson Roberto
; Brito Sobrinho, Edgar de
; Troncoso, Edgar M. V.
; Rodrigues Filho, Edison Moraes
; Nogueira, Eduardo Enrico Ferrari
; Ferreira, Eduardo Leme
; Pacheco, Eduardo Souza
; Jodar, Euzebio
; Ferreira, Evandro L. A.
; Araujo, Fabiana Fernandes de
; Trevisol, Fabiana Schuelter
; Amorim, Fábio Ferreira
; Giannini, Fabio Poianas
; Santos, Fabrício Primitivo Matos
; Buarque, Fátima
; Lima, Felipe Gallego
; Costa, Fernando Antonio Alvares da
; Sad, Fernando Cesar dos Anjos
; Aranha, Fernando G.
; Ganem, Fernando
; Callil, Flavio
; Costa Filho, Francisco Flávio
; Dall´Arto, Frederico Toledo Campo
; Moreno, Geovani
; Friedman, Gilberto
; Moralez, Giulliana Martines
; Silva, Guilherme Abdalla da
; Costa, Guilherme
; Cavalcanti, Guilherme Silva
; Cavalcanti, Guilherme Silva
; Betônico, Gustavo Navarro
; Betônico, Gustavo Navarro
; Reis, Hélder
; Araujo, Helia Beatriz N.
; Hortiz Júnior, Helio Anjos
; Guimaraes, Helio Penna
; Urbano, Hugo
; Maia, Israel
; Santiago Filho, Ivan Lopes
; Farhat Júnior, Jamil
; Alvarez, Janu Rangel
; Passos, Joel Tavares
; Paranhos, Jorge Eduardo da Rocha
; Marques, José Aurelio
; Moreira Filho, José Gonçalves
; Andrade, Jose Neto
; Sobrinho, José Onofre de C
; Bezerra, Jose Terceiro de Paiva
; Alves, Juliana Apolônio
; Ferreira, Juliana
; Gomes, Jussara
; Sato, Karina Midori
; Gerent, Karine
; Teixeira, Kathia Margarida Costa
; Conde, Katia Aparecida Pessoa
; Martins, Laércia Ferreira
; Figueirêdo, Lanese
; Rezegue, Leila
; Tcherniacovsk, Leonardo
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; Alves, Maria Angela Pangoni
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; Oliveira, Mirella de
; Moretti, Miriane Melo Silveira
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; Messender, Octavio
; Santarém, Orlando Luís de Andrade
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; Vassallo, Paula Frizera
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Revista Brasileira de Terapia Intensiva
- Métricas do periódico
RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever as práticas de ressuscitação volêmica em unidades de terapia intensiva brasileiras e compará-las com as de outros países participantes do estudo Fluid-TRIPS. Métodos: Este foi um estudo observacional transversal, prospectivo e internacional, de uma amostra de conveniência de unidades de terapia intensiva de 27 países (inclusive o Brasil), com utilização da base de dados Fluid-TRIPS compilada em 2014. Descrevemos os padrões de ressuscitação volêmica utilizados no Brasil em comparação com os de outros países e identificamos os fatores associados com a escolha dos fluidos. Resultados: No dia do estudo, foram incluídos 3.214 pacientes do Brasil e 3.493 pacientes de outros países, dos quais, respectivamente, 16,1% e 26,8% (p < 0,001) receberam fluidos. A principal indicação para ressuscitação volêmica foi comprometimento da perfusão e/ou baixo débito cardíaco (Brasil 71,7% versus outros países 56,4%; p < 0,001). No Brasil, a percentagem de pacientes que receberam soluções cristaloides foi mais elevada (97,7% versus 76,8%; p < 0,001), e solução de cloreto de sódio a 0,9% foi o cristaloide mais comumente utilizado (62,5% versus 27,1%; p < 0,001). A análise multivariada sugeriu que os níveis de albumina se associaram com o uso tanto de cristaloides quanto de coloides, enquanto o tipo de prescritor dos fluidos se associou apenas com o uso de cristaloides. Conclusão: Nossos resultados sugerem que cristaloides são usados mais frequentemente do que coloides para ressuscitação no Brasil, e essa discrepância, em termos de frequências, é mais elevada do que em outros países. A solução de cloreto de sódio 0,9% foi o cristaloide mais frequentemente prescrito. Os níveis de albumina sérica e o tipo de prescritor de fluidos foram os fatores associados com a escolha de cristaloides ou coloides para a prescrição de fluidos.
Abstract Objective: To describe fluid resuscitation practices in Brazilian intensive care units and to compare them with those of other countries participating in the Fluid-TRIPS. Methods: This was a prospective, international, cross-sectional, observational study in a convenience sample of intensive care units in 27 countries (including Brazil) using the Fluid-TRIPS database compiled in 2014. We described the patterns of fluid resuscitation use in Brazil compared with those in other countries and identified the factors associated with fluid choice. Results: On the study day, 3,214 patients in Brazil and 3,493 patients in other countries were included, of whom 16.1% and 26.8% (p < 0.001) received fluids, respectively. The main indication for fluid resuscitation was impaired perfusion and/or low cardiac output (Brazil: 71.7% versus other countries: 56.4%, p < 0.001). In Brazil, the percentage of patients receiving crystalloid solutions was higher (97.7% versus 76.8%, p < 0.001), and 0.9% sodium chloride was the most commonly used crystalloid (62.5% versus 27.1%, p < 0.001). The multivariable analysis suggested that the albumin levels were associated with the use of both crystalloids and colloids, whereas the type of fluid prescriber was associated with crystalloid use only. Conclusion: Our results suggest that crystalloids are more frequently used than colloids for fluid resuscitation in Brazil, and this discrepancy in frequencies is higher than that in other countries. Sodium chloride (0.9%) was the crystalloid most commonly prescribed. Serum albumin levels and the type of fluid prescriber were the factors associated with the choice of crystalloids or colloids for fluid resuscitation.
COVID-19 diagnosis by RT-qPCR in alternative specimens
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Gonçalves, Cássia Cristina Alves
; Barroso, Shana Priscila Coutinho
; Herlinger, Alice Laschuk
; Galliez, Rafael de Mello
; de Almeida, Tailah Bernardo
; Boullosa, Lidia Theodoro
; Nascimento, Erica Ramos dos Santos
; de Almeida, Jessica M
; da Costa, Raissa Mirella dos Santos Cunha
; da Paixão, Tatiana Monteiro
; Couceiro, José Nelson dos Santos Silva
; Frauches, Thiago Silva
; de Souza Jr, Wilson Rodrigues
; Costa, Andréa Ribeiro
; Faffe, Débora Souza
; Leitão, Isabela de Carvalho
; da Silva, Bianca Ortiz
; de Lira, Guilherme Sant’Anna
; de Almeida, Isabela Labarba Carvalho
; Ferreira Jr, Orlando da Costa
; Castiñeiras, Terezinha Marta Pereira Pinto
; Mariani, Diana
; Tanuri, Amilcar
BACKGROUND The high demand for adequate material for the gold standard reverse transcription real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR)-based diagnosis imposed by the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, combined with the inherent contamination risks for healthcare workers during nasopharyngeal swab (NP) sample collection and the discomfort it causes patients, brought the need to identify alternative specimens suitable for the diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). OBJECTIVES The aim of this work was to compare saliva and gingival fluid swabs to NP swabs as specimens for RT-qPCR-based SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis. METHODS We compared gingival fluid swabs (n = 158) and saliva (n = 207) to the rayon-tipped NP swabs obtained from mild-symptomatic and asymptomatic subjects as specimens for RT-qPCR for SARS-CoV-2 detection. FINDINGS When compared to NP swabs, gingival fluid swabs had a concordance rate of 15.4% among positive samples, zero among inconclusive, and 100% among negative ones. For saliva samples, the concordance rate was 67.6% among positive samples, 42.9% among inconclusive, and 96.8% among negative ones. However, the concordance rate between saliva and NP swabs was higher (96.9%) within samples with lower cycle threshold (Ct) values (Ct > 10 ≤ 25). MAIN CONCLUSIONS Our data suggests that whereas gingival fluid swabs are not substitutes for NP swabs, saliva might be considered whenever NP swabs are not available or recommended.
Lactofen and kinetin in soybean yield
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Martins, Inara Alves
; Moreira, Silvino Guimarães
; Bruzi, Adriano Teodoro
; Pimentel, Guilherme Vieira
; Marchiori, Paulo Eduardo Ribeiro
RESUMO O herbicida lactofen vem sendo utilizado por produtores nas mais diversas condições, visando aumentar a produtividade da soja. Objetivou-se estudar a influência de lactofen e do fito-hormônio cinetina nos caracteres morfoagronômicos, partição de carboidratos e produtividade, em cultivares de soja. Foram conduzidos três experimentos em campo, além de um experimento em casa-de-vegetação. Utilizou-se delineamento em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Os tratamentos foram: lactofen [144 g ha-1 de ingrediente ativo (i.a.)], lactofen + cinetina (144 g ha-1 de i.a. + 0,5 g ha-1), cinetina (0,5 g ha-1), corte manual das gemas apicais e controle. Na subparcela, foram utilizadas seis cultivares de soja (M 6410 IPRO, M 5917 IPRO, NS 7670 RR, NS 6909 IPRO, BMX Lança IPRO e Produza IPRO). Em campo, foram avaliados o índice de acamamento, altura de plantas, número de nós e ramos, vagens e grãos por planta, massa de 100 grãos e produtividade. Em casa-de-vegetação, foram quantificados o amido, açúcares redutores, sacarose e açúcares totais nas folhas, caules e raízes de três cultivares de soja. A aplicação de lactofen em V6 influenciou nas características morfoagronômicas das cultivares no campo e incrementou a produtividade em 312 kg ha-1 de soja, considerando-se todas as cultivares. O fito-hormônio não influenciou nas características morfoagronômicas e produtividade. Os tratamentos não induziram alteração na partição de carboidratos destinados às raízes.
ABSTRACT The herbicide lactofen has been used by producers in many conditions, in order to increase the soybean yield. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of lactofen and the phytohormone kinetin on the morpho-agronomic traits, carbohydrate partitioning and yield, in soybean cultivars. Three experiments were carried out in the field, in addition to one experiment in a greenhouse. A randomized block design, with four replications, was used. The treatments were: lactofen [144 g ha-1 of active ingredient (a.i.)], lactofen + kinetin (144 g ha-1 of a.i. + 0.5 g ha-1), kinetin (0.5 g ha-1), manual cutting of apical buds and control. In the subplots, six soybean cultivars (M 6410 IPRO, M 5917 IPRO, NS 7670 RR, NS 6909 IPRO, BMX Lança IPRO and Produza IPRO) were used. In the field, the plant lodging index, plant height, number of nodes and branches, pods and grains per plant, mass of 100 grains and grain yield were evaluated. In the greenhouse, the starch, reducing sugars, sucrose and total sugars in the leaves, stems and roots of three soybean cultivars were quantified. The application of lactofen in the V6 stage influenced the morpho-agronomic traits of the cultivars in the field and increased the soybean yield by 312 kg ha-1, considering all the cultivars. The phytohormone did not influence the morpho-agronomic traits neither the grain yield. The treatments did not induce modification in the partitioning of carbohydrates destined to the roots.
IAC Nuance and IAC Tigre: common bean cultivars for special markets
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Carbonell, Sérgio Augusto Morais
; Chiorato, Alisson Fernando
; Bezerra, Luiza Maria Capanema
; Gonçalves, João Guilherme Ribeiro
; Silva, Daiana Alves da
; Esteves, José Antônio de Fátima
; Reis, Luciana Lasry Benchimol
; Carvalho, Cássia Regina Limonta
; Barros, Vera Lúcia Nishijima Paes de
; Freitas, Rogério Soares de
; Ticelli, Marcelo
; Gallo, Paulo Boller
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
- Métricas do periódico
Abstract IAC Nuance and IAC Tigre are special common bean cultivars for consumption in Brazil and for international markets. IAC Nuance has a 75-day cycle, with cranberry type rajado (streaked/dappled) bean seeds. IAC Tigre has 85-day cycle, a cream-colored seed coat with brown specks (pinto bean type). These cultivars are moderately resistant to anthracnose, angular leaf spot, fusarium wilt, common bacterial blight, and bacterial wilt.
IAC 1849 Polaco: carioca common bean cultivar with an early maturity and tolerance to seed darkening
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Chiorato, Alisson Fernando
; Carbonell, Sérgio Augusto Morais
; Bezerra, Luiza Maria Capanema
; Esteves, José Antônio de Fátima
; Gonçalves, João Guilherme Ribeiro
; Silva, Daiana Alves da
; Rovaris, Sara Regina Silvestrin
; Spitti, Acácia Mecejana Diniz Souza
; Benchimol-Reis, Luciana Lasry
; Carvalho, Cássia Regina Limonta
; Barros, Vera Lúcia Nishijima Paes de
; Freitas, Rogério Soares de
; Ticelli, Marcelo
; Gallo, Paulo Boller
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
- Métricas do periódico
Abstract IAC 1849 Polaco is a common bean cultivar with a carioca (beige/cream-colored with brown stripes) seed coat, 75-day mean maturity , semi-upright plant architecture, tolerance to seed darkening, mean 1000-seed weight of 240 grams, resistance to the main diseases in common bean, and mean seed yield of 2464 kg ha-1 obtained in 18 experiments.
IAC Netuno: A new black bean cultivar resistant to anthracnose and Fusarium wilt
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Chiorato, Alisson Fernando
; Carbonell, Sérgio Augusto Morais
; Bezerra, Luiza Maria Capanema
; Silva, Daiana Alves
; Gonçalves, João Guilherme Ribeiro
; Benchimol-Reis, Luciana Lasry
; Carvalho, Cássia Regina Limonta
; Esteves, José Antônio de Fátima
; Santos, Neli Cristina Belmiro dos
; Barros, Vera Nishigima Paes de
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
- Métricas do periódico
Abstract IAC Netuno, a black common bean cultivar with high grain yield potential, 2968.20 kg ha-¹, upright plant architecture and Type II indeterminate growth habit, about a 90-day cycle, and 1000-seed weight of 230 grams, recommended for all common bean crop seasons in the state of São Paulo.
IAC Veloz: a new early-cycle black bean cultivar
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Chiorato, Alisson Fernando
; Gonçalves, João Guilherme Ribeiro
; Silva, Daiana Alves da
; Carvalho, Cássia Regina Limonta
; Esteves, José Antônio de Fátima
; Reis, Luciana Larcy Benchimol
; Capanema, Luiza Maria Bezerra
; Carbonell, Sérgio Augusto Morais
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
- Métricas do periódico
Abstract The black bean cultivar IAC Veloz developed by the dry edible bean (or common bean) breeding program of the Instituto Agronômico-IAC stands out because of its early cycle, upright plant type, 1000 seed weight of 220 grams, and mean yield potential of 3770 kg ha-1 in a total of 18 environments.
IAC 1850: High yielding carioca common bean cultivar
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Carbonell, Sérgio Augusto Morais
; Chiorato, Alisson Fernando
; Bezerra, Luiza Maria Capanema
; Gonçalves, João Guilherme Ribeiro
; Silva, Daiana Alves da
; Esteves, Jose Antonio de Fatima
; Benchimol-Reis, Luciana Lasry
; Carvalho, Cassia Regina Limonta
; Barros, Vera Lúcia Nishijima Paes de
; Freitas, Rogério Soares de
; Ticelli, Marcelo
; Gallo, Paulo Boller
Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology
- Métricas do periódico
Abstract IAC 1850 is a common bean cultivar with a carioca (beige-colored with brown stripes) seed coat, average cycle of 88 days, semi-upright plant architecture, tolerance to seed coat darkening, 1000 seed weight of 280 grams, resistance to the main diseases in common bean, and a high average yield (2,857 kg ha-1) obtained in 36 experiments conducted in different regions in Brazil.
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