ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate inequalities related to race/ethnicity and socioeconomic status in self-reported positive diagnosis for COVID-19 in Brazilian adults. Methods: Data available from the National Household Sample Survey COVID-19 (PNAD COVID 19) (July/September/November, 2020) were used in this retrospective investigation. The analyses considered the sampling design, primary sampling units, strata and sample weights. Poisson regression with robust variance was used to estimate prevalence ratio (PR) and the 95% confidence interval (95%CI) of the associations. Results: In July, September and November 2020, with regard to the rapid test, indigenous people were 2.45 (95%CI 1.48–4.08), 2.53 (95%CI 1.74–4.41) and 1.23 (95%CI 1.11–1.86) times more likely to report a positive history of SARS-CoV-2 infection, respectively. With regard to the RT-PCR test in November, indigenous people were more likely to test positive for COVID-19 (PR: 1.90; 95%CI 1.07–3.38). It was observed that the indigenous group was 1.86 (95%CI 1.05–3.29) and 2.11 (95%CI 1.12–3.59) times more likely to test positive for COVID-19 in September and November (2020). Income was associated with testing positive for COVID-19: in November, individuals whose income ranged from R$0.00–R$1.044 were more likely (PR: 1.69; 95%CI 1.16–23.06) to test positive using the RT-PCR test; participants whose income was in this range were also more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19 using blood tests (PR: 1.72; 95%CI 1.43–2.07). Conclusion: The data presented show an association between race/ethnicity and economic status with a positive diagnosis of COVID-19. Objective raceethnicity race ethnicity selfreported self reported COVID19 19 COVID-1 adults Methods PNAD July/September/November, JulySeptemberNovember July (July/September/November 2020 investigation design units weights PR (PR 95 95CI CI associations Results 245 2 45 2.4 1.48–4.08, 148408 1.48–4.08 , 1 48 4 08 1.48–4.08) 253 53 2.5 1.74–4.41 174441 74 41 123 23 1.2 1.11–1.86 111186 11 86 SARSCoV2 SARSCoV SARS CoV SARS-CoV- infection respectively RTPCR RT PCR 1.90 190 90 1.07–3.38. 107338 1.07–3.38 . 07 3 38 1.07–3.38) 186 1.8 1.05–3.29 105329 05 29 211 2.1 1.12–3.59 112359 12 59 2020. (2020) R000R1044 RR R 0 00 044 R$0.00–R$1.04 1.69 169 69 1.16–23.06 1162306 16 06 1.72 172 72 1.43–2.07. 143207 1.43–2.07 43 1.43–2.07) Conclusion COVID19. 19. COVID1 COVID- July/September/November 202 9 24 2. 14840 1.48–4.0 25 5 1.74–4.4 17444 7 1. 1.11–1.8 11118 8 SARS-CoV 1.9 10733 1.07–3.3 18 1.05–3.2 10532 21 1.12–3.5 11235 (2020 R000R104 04 R$0.00–R$1.0 1.6 6 1.16–23.0 116230 1.7 17 14320 1.43–2.0 20 1484 1.48–4. 1.74–4. 1744 1.11–1. 1111 1073 1.07–3. 1.05–3. 1053 1.12–3. 1123 (202 R000R10 R$0.00–R$1. 1.16–23. 11623 1432 1.43–2. 148 1.48–4 1.74–4 174 1.11–1 111 107 1.07–3 1.05–3 105 1.12–3 112 (20 R000R1 R$0.00–R$1 1.16–23 1162 143 1.43–2 14 1.48– 1.74– 1.11– 10 1.07– 1.05– 1.12– (2 R000R R$0.00–R$ 1.16–2 116 1.43– 1.48 1.74 1.11 1.07 1.05 1.12 ( R$0.00–R 1.16– 1.43 1.4 1.1 1.0 1.16
RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar as desigualdades relacionadas a raça/etnia e condição socioeconômica no autorrelato de resultado positivo para COVID-19 em adultos brasileiros. Métodos: Os dados disponibilizados pela Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (Pnad) COVID-19 (julho/setembro/novembro, 2020) foram utilizados nesta investigação retrospectiva. As análises consideraram o desenho amostral, unidades primárias de amostragem, estratos e pesos amostrais. Regressão de Poisson com variância robusta foi utilizada para estimar as razões de prevalência (RP) e o intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) das associações. Resultados: Nos meses de julho, setembro e novembro de 2020, referente ao teste rápido, os indígenas tinham 2,45 (IC95% 1,48–4,08), 2,53 (IC95% 1,74–4,41) e 1,23 (IC95% 1,11–1,86) vezes maior probabilidade de reportar o histórico positivo de infecção por SARS-CoV-2, respectivamente. Com relação ao teste RT-PCR no mês de novembro, os indígenas apresentaram mais chance de testarem positivo para COVID-19 (RP: 1,90; IC95% 1,07–3,38). Foi observado que o grupo de indígenas apresentou 1,86 (IC95% 1,05–3,29) e 2,11 (IC95% 1,12–3,59) vezes mais chances de positivarem para COVID-19 em setembro e novembro (2020). A renda esteve associada com a testagem positiva para a COVID-19: no mês de novembro, indivíduos com renda variando entre R$ 0,00–R$ 1,044 tiveram maior probabilidade (RP: 1,69; IC95% 1,16–23,06) de testarem positivo através do teste RT-PCR; participantes com renda variando na referida faixa de valor também apresentaram maior chance de serem diagnosticados com COVID-19 através de testes sanguíneos (RP: 1,72; IC95% 1,43–2,07). Conclusão: Os dados apresentados evidenciam a associação entre a raça/etnia e o status econômico com o resultado positivo para COVID-19. Objetivo raçaetnia raça etnia COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 brasileiros Métodos Pnad (Pnad julho/setembro/novembro, julhosetembronovembro julho (julho/setembro/novembro 2020 retrospectiva amostral amostragem amostrais RP (RP 95 IC95 IC associações Resultados rápido 245 2 45 2,4 (IC95 1,48–4,08, 148408 1,48–4,08 , 1 48 4 08 1,48–4,08) 253 53 2,5 1,74–4,41 174441 74 41 123 23 1,2 1,11–1,86 111186 11 86 SARSCoV2, SARSCoV2 SARSCoV SARS CoV 2, SARS-CoV-2 respectivamente RTPCR RT PCR 1,90 190 90 1,07–3,38. 107338 1,07–3,38 . 07 3 38 1,07–3,38) 186 1,8 1,05–3,29 105329 05 29 211 2,1 1,12–3,59 112359 12 59 2020. (2020) R 000R 0 00 0,00–R 1044 044 1,04 1,69 169 69 1,16–23,06 1162306 16 06 1,72 172 72 1,43–2,07. 143207 1,43–2,07 43 1,43–2,07) Conclusão COVID19. 19. COVID1 COVID- julho/setembro/novembro 202 9 IC9 24 (IC9 14840 1,48–4,0 25 5 1,74–4,4 17444 7 1, 1,11–1,8 11118 8 SARS-CoV- 1,9 10733 1,07–3,3 18 1,05–3,2 10532 21 1,12–3,5 11235 (2020 104 04 1,0 1,6 6 1,16–23,0 116230 1,7 17 14320 1,43–2,0 20 (IC 1484 1,48–4, 1,74–4, 1744 1,11–1, 1111 SARS-CoV 1073 1,07–3, 1,05–3, 1053 1,12–3, 1123 (202 10 1,16–23, 11623 1432 1,43–2, 148 1,48–4 1,74–4 174 1,11–1 111 107 1,07–3 1,05–3 105 1,12–3 112 (20 1,16–23 1162 143 1,43–2 14 1,48– 1,74– 1,11– 1,07– 1,05– 1,12– (2 1,16–2 116 1,43– 1,48 1,74 1,11 1,07 1,05 1,12 ( 1,16– 1,43 1,4 1,1 1,16