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Phenotypic plasticity in Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. in different forest fragments in São Paulo state, Brazil Desf state
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Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
- Métricas do periódico
Abstract Forest fragments are susceptible to environmental shifts and this demands high phenotypic plasticity of the species growing in these areas. In this context, the objective of the present work was to study the phenotypic plasticity of copaíba (Copaifera langsdorffii Desf.) based on morphological and anatomical metrics of the leaflets of plants from six forest fragments. The leaflets of C. langsdorffii individuals of the different fragments did not show qualitative differences, nonetheless, they demonstrated quantitative plasticity. Stomatal density (p = 0.017), specific leaf area (p = 0.009), palisade parenchyma (p = 0.008) and relative water content (p = 0.002), indicated a high luminous, water and nutritional influence on the development of leaflets. Based on the dry mass of the leaflets and the thickness of the palisade parenchyma, the principal component analysis explained 57.43% of the differences found between the variables. The data presented here provides evidence of the phenotypic plasticity of C. langsdorffii which, although occurring in similar soils, showed significant quantitative differences in its morphoanatomical characters. areas context Copaifera Desf. Desf C nonetheless p 0.017, 0017 0.017 , 0 017 0.017) 0.009, 0009 0.009 009 0.009) 0.008 0008 008 0.002, 0002 0.002 002 0.002) luminous 5743 57 43 57.43 variables which soils characters 001 0.01 01 000 0.00 00 574 5 4 57.4 0.0 57. 0.
Morfoanatomia de órgãos vegetativos de duas espécies de Cattleya (Orchidaceae) nativas do Brasil
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Resumo Orchidaceae é a maior família de plantas vasculares, e constitui-se num grupo sob intensa ameaça devido à ação antrópica. Cattleya caulescens e C. endsfeldzii são espécies rupícolas endêmicas de Minas Gerais, Brasil, e figuram em listas vermelhas de espécies ameaçadas de âmbito estadual e nacional. Sendo assim, foram conduzidos estudos morfoanatômicos com o objetivo de incrementar os conhecimentos desses táxons, tendo em vista o potencial que esses estudos representam no manejo de espécies. Cattleya caulescens e C. endsfeldzii apresentam fortes similaridades morfoanatômicas, o que apoia estudos anteriores, que incluem ambas numa mesma seção do gênero. Diversas características anatômicas aqui descritas (epiderme unisseriada, folha hipoestomática, grandes campos de pontuações primárias no parênquima clorofiliano e a anatomia da raiz) são comuns a várias outras espécies de Orchidaceae. Os caracteres xeromórficos observados estão relacionados às condições edafoclimáticas, já que ocorrem em substrato rochoso, em constante exposição aos raios solares e restrição hídrica severa durante a maior parte do ano. Este trabalho contribui para se ampliar o conhecimento do gênero Cattleya e auxiliar na delimitação taxonômica destas espécies ameaçadas, ocorrentes em áreas de intensa atividade antrópica.
Abstract Orchidaceae is the largest family of vascular plants and is a group under intense threat due to anthropic activities. Cattleya caulescens and C. endsfeldzii are endemic rupiculous species of Minas Gerais state, Brazil, and listed on Red Lists of endangered species at state and national levels. We conducted morphoanatomical studies with the vegetative organs of the two species, with the objective of increasing knowledge of these taxa, considering the potential that these studies represent in the management of species. Cattleya caulescens and C. endsfeldzii show strong morphoanatomical similarities, which corroborates with previous studies that include both species in the same section of the genus. Many anatomical features described here (presence of single-layered epidermis, stomata only on the abaxial side of the leaf, large primary pit fields in the chlorophyll parenchyma and root anatomy) are common to several other species of Orchidaceae. The xeromorphic features observed in C. caulescens and C. endsfeldzii are related to edaphoclimatic conditions, since they grow on rocky substrate, in constant exposure to solar light and severe water restriction during most of the year. This work contributes to increase the knowledge about Cattleya genus and to support in the taxonomic delimitation of these endangered species occurring in areas of intense antropic activity.
Plants from the Brazilian Traditional Medicine: species from the books of the Polish physician Piotr Czerniewicz (Pedro Luiz Napoleão Chernoviz, 1812–1881)
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Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia
- Métricas do periódico
Abstract The Brazilian flora is very rich in medicinal plants, and much information about the traditional use of the Brazilian plants is only available from early literature and we are facing a rapid process of loss of biodiversity. To retrieve data about useful plants registered in the books of the Polish physicist P.L.N. Chernoviz, who lived in Brazil for 15 years in the 19th century. The aim is to improve our knowledge about Brazilian plants, and to ensure the benefits of sharing it with potential users. Data about Brazilian plants were obtained from six editions of the book Formulary and Medical Guide (Formulário e Guia Médico), published in 1864, 1874, 1888, 1892, 1897 and 1920. All this information was then organized in boxes, and correlated with pharmacological studies from PubMed and Lilacs. A total of 238 species were recorded and 117 different traditional uses were registered for the plants. The most common uses were to treat general skin diseases and intermittent fevers, as purgative, diuretics and andidiarrheal. From the total, only 61 species (25.6%) have been to date subject to pharmacological studies and had their activities confirmed. Chernoviz books represent an important source of data about plants used in traditional medicine of Brazil. Their records were collected at a time when Brazil's native vegetation was still largely intact, and traditional medicine was practiced based on native plants. We argue that these plants must be prioritized in development of medicines, submitting them to clinical studies or by considering their traditionality, as established by WHO. Strategies for the protection of the traditional knowledge are also necessary.
The vascular flora and vegetation of Queimada Grande Island, São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil
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Kurtz, Bruno Coutinho
; Souza, Vinicius Castro
; Magalhães, Adriana Melo
; Paula-Souza, Juliana de
; Duarte, Alexandre Romariz
; Joaquim-Jr, Gilberto Oliveira
Resumo Estudos sobre a vegetação de ilhas costeiras no sudeste do Brasil ainda são muito escassos, apesar de sua importância para a avaliação, manejo e conservação da biodiversidade insular. Nós apresentamos aqui uma lista da flora vascular da Ilha Queimada Grande (IQG; 24°29′10″ S, 46°40′30″ W, 57 ha, 33,2 km da costa), sudeste do Brasil, e descrevemos suas fitofisionomias. A ilha é recoberta principalmente por Floresta Atlântica (Floresta Ombrófila Densa), bem como por vegetação sobre afloramento rochoso e vegetação antrópica com fisionomias herbáceo-arbustivas. A IQG apresentou riqueza relativamente baixa (S = 125) comparada a de outras ilhas costeiras do Brasil. Espécies herbáceas (52) e trepadeiras (31) predominaram na IQG. As famílias mais ricas foram Fabaceae (11 espécies), Poaceae (9), Apocynaceae, Asteraceae e Orchidaceae (8 espécies cada). A maioria das espécies (S = 112) é autóctone de diferentes fitofisionomias do complexo da Floresta Atlântica do sudeste do Brasil. Muitas espécies associadas a áreas antropicamente alteradas (S = 26) são encontradas na IQG, incluindo a gramínea invasora Melinis minutiflora. Houve ligeira predominância de zoocoria (S = 50). Nós não identificamos espécies endêmicas para a IQG. Uma espécie (Cattleya intermedia, Orchidaceae) encontra-se vulnerável em nível nacional e estadual, e outra (Barrosoa apiculata, Asteraceae) está presumivelmente extinta no estado de São Paulo. A flora vascular da IQG originou-se no complexo da Floresta Atlântica continental, seguindo o padrão de outras ilhas costeiras do sudeste do Brasil. A flora e a vegetação da IQG refletem a combinação da condição insular, tamanho reduzido da ilha, restrição de habitat, topografia acidentada, solos incipientes e o uso pretérito da área com a introdução de várias espécies alóctones. Nós recomendamos o monitoramento permanente da vegetação da IQG e seu manejo, visando garantir a conservação da biota nativa local.
Abstract Studies of the vegetation on islands off the coast of southeastern Brazil are still very scarce, despite their importance for assessing, managing, and conserving insular biodiversity. We present here a list of the vascular flora of Queimada Grande Island (QGI; 24°29′10″ S, 46°40′30″ W, 57 ha, 33.2 km from the coast) in southeastern Brazil and describe its phytophysiognomies. The island is covered mainly by Atlantic Forest (Dense Ombrophilous Forest), as well as with rock outcrop and anthropogenic vegetation with herbaceous-shrub phytophysiognomies. QGI showed relatively low species richness (S = 125) when compared to other Brazilian coastal islands. Herbaceous (52) and climbing species (31) predominated on QGI. The richest families were Fabaceae (11 species), Poaceae (9), and Apocynaceae, Asteraceae and Orchidaceae (8 species each). Most species (S = 112) are autochthonous from different phytophysiognomies of the southeastern Brazilian Atlantic Forest complex. Many species associated with anthropically disturbed areas (S = 26) can be found on QGI, including the invasive grass Melinis minutiflora. There was a slight predominance of zoochory (S = 50). We did not identify any species endemic to QGI. One of its species (Cattleya intermedia, Orchidaceae) is vulnerable at both national and regional levels, and another (Barrosoa apiculata, Asteraceae) is presumably extinct on the mainland in São Paulo State. The vascular flora of QGI originated from the mainland Atlantic Forest complex, following the pattern of other coastal islands in southeastern Brazil. The flora and vegetation of QGI reflect the combination of insular conditions, the small size of the island, habitat restriction, steep topography, incipient soils, and the past use of the area with the introduction of several foreign species. We recommend permanent monitoring of the vegetation cover of QGI and its management, in order to ensure the conservation of the local native biota.
Native plant species with economic value from Minas Gerais and Goiás: a discussion on the currentness of the data recovered by the French naturalist Auguste de Saint-Hilaire
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Resumo Face às crescentes ameaças antrópicas enfrentadas pelos ecossistemas naturais em todo o mundo, este trabalho tem um papel importante, recuperando informações primárias da biodiversidade brasileira. Neste estudo, são discutidas informações coletadas em um tempo em que a vegetação nativa no Brasil ainda estava preservada e o uso das plantas era feito principalmente a partir de espécies da flora autóctone. Estas áreas foram visitadas por naturalistas europeus no século XIX, incluindo o francês Auguste de Saint-Hilaire, que descreveu o uso de numerosas espécies nativas. Neste trabalho, discute-se a possibilidade real de utilização econômica de algumas espécies citadas por ele no século XIX.
ABSTRACT Given the increasing anthropic threats faced by natural ecosystems all around the world, this work holds an important role by recovering primary information of the Brazilian biodiversity. In this study we discuss data collected at a time when the native vegetation in Brazil was still preserved, and the use of plants was primarily made from species of autoctone flora. Those areas were visited by European naturalists in the 19th century, including the French Auguste de Saint-Hilaire, who described the use of numerous native species. The possibility of current economic use of some species cited by him in the 19th century is discussed.
Useful Brazilian plants under the view of the writer-naturalist João Guimarães Rosa
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Chaves, Teresinha Lins
; Ricardo, Letícia
; Paula-Souza, Juliana de
; Brandão, Maria das Graças Lins
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia
- Métricas do periódico
ABSTRACTThis study shows the results of a wide but non-exhaustive review on plants cited in the literacy work of the writer-naturalist João Guimarães Rosa (J.G. Rosa). Information about popular names and use of plants were recovered through a review in seven works of the author. The assignment of the scientific names was based in other previous ethnobotanical studies performed in similar areas of Cerrado in Minas Gerais state. For each species, data about their presence in the Brazilian Official Pharmacopoeia, or use for preparing commercial products were checked. A total of 964 popular names for plants were recovered, 59 of them being more frequently cited. From the total citations, 57 native species have their use described by the author but curiously, only thirteen are referred to as medicinal. It is assumed that the literature from J.G. Rosa is very rich in data about the utility of the plants from the Cerrado; however, the present work shows that his interest was rather the literary (poetic) creation, and we demystify that supposition.
Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil
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; Torres, Roseli B.
; Tozzi, Ana M.G.A.
; Trad, Rafaela J.
; Trevisan, Rafael
; Trovó, Marcelo
; Valls, José F.M.
; Vaz, Angela M.S.F.
; Versieux, Leonardo
; Viana, Pedro L.
; Vianna Filho, Marcelo D.M.
; Vieira, Ana O.S.
; Vieira, Diego D.
; Vignoli-Silva, Márcia
; Vilar, Thaisa
; Vinhos, Franklin
; Wallnöfer, Bruno
; Wanderley, Maria G.L.
; Wasshausen, Dieter
; Watanabe, Maurício T.C.
; Weigend, Maximilian
; Welker, Cassiano A.D.
; Woodgyer, Elizabeth
; Xifreda, Cecilia C.
; Yamamoto, Kikyo
; Zanin, Ana
; Zenni, Rafael D.
; Zickel, Carmem S
Resumo Um levantamento atualizado das plantas com sementes e análises relevantes acerca desta biodiversidade são apresentados. Este trabalho se iniciou em 2010 com a publicação do Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos e, desde então vem sendo atualizado por mais de 430 especialistas trabalhando online. O Brasil abriga atualmente 32.086 espécies nativas de Angiospermas e 23 espécies nativas de Gimnospermas e estes novos dados mostram um aumento de 3% da riqueza em relação a 2010. A Amazônia é o Domínio Fitogeográfico com o maior número de espécies de Gimnospermas, enquanto que a Floresta Atlântica possui a maior riqueza de Angiospermas. Houve um crescimento considerável no número de espécies e nas taxas de endemismo para a maioria dos Domínios (Caatinga, Cerrado, Floresta Atlântica, Pampa e Pantanal), com exceção da Amazônia que apresentou uma diminuição de 2,5% de endemicidade. Entretanto, a maior parte das plantas com sementes que ocorrem no Brasil (57,4%) é endêmica deste território. A proporção de formas de vida varia de acordo com os diferentes Domínios: árvores são mais expressivas na Amazônia e Floresta Atlântica do que nos outros biomas, ervas são dominantes no Pampa e as lianas apresentam riqueza expressiva na Amazônia, Floresta Atlântica e Pantanal. Este trabalho não só quantifica a biodiversidade brasileira, mas também indica as lacunas de conhecimento e o desafio a ser enfrentado para a conservação desta flora.
Abstract An updated inventory of Brazilian seed plants is presented and offers important insights into the country's biodiversity. This work started in 2010, with the publication of the Plants and Fungi Catalogue, and has been updated since by more than 430 specialists working online. Brazil is home to 32,086 native Angiosperms and 23 native Gymnosperms, showing an increase of 3% in its species richness in relation to 2010. The Amazon Rainforest is the richest Brazilian biome for Gymnosperms, while the Atlantic Rainforest is the richest one for Angiosperms. There was a considerable increment in the number of species and endemism rates for biomes, except for the Amazon that showed a decrease of 2.5% of recorded endemics. However, well over half of Brazillian seed plant species (57.4%) is endemic to this territory. The proportion of life-forms varies among different biomes: trees are more expressive in the Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest biomes while herbs predominate in the Pampa, and lianas are more expressive in the Amazon, Atlantic Rainforest, and Pantanal. This compilation serves not only to quantify Brazilian biodiversity, but also to highlight areas where there information is lacking and to provide a framework for the challenge faced in conserving Brazil's unique and diverse flora.
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