RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar la distribución de casos de tuberculosis en Paraná de 2018 a 2021. Métodos: estudio ecológico utilizando datos secundarios de notificaciones obligatorias. Se describieron las tasas de detección por 100.000 habitantes según las regiones de salud de Paraná. Se calcularon los cambios porcentuales entre 2018-2019 y 2020-2021. Resultados: se registraron 7.099 casos, observándose tasas más altas en las regiones de Paranaguá (52,4/100.000 en 2018-2019 y 38,2/100.000 en 2020-2021) y Foz do Iguaçu (34,4/100.000 en 2018-2019 y 20,5/100.000 en 2020-2021) y menor en Irati (6,3/100.000 en 2018-2019 y 8,8/100.000 en 2020-2021) y Francisco Beltrão (8,5/100.000 en 2018-2019 y 7,6/100.000 en 2020-2021). En 2020-2021, hubo descenso en 18 regiones y aumento en cuatro, con destaque para Foz do Iguaçu (-40,5%) y Cianorte (+53,6%). Conclusión: se encontraron altas tasas para las regiones de la costa y la triple frontera, además de una disminución en la detección durante el período de pandemia. Objetivo 201 2021 Métodos obligatorias 100000 100 000 100.00 20182019 2019 2018-201 20202021. 20202021 2020 2020-2021 Resultados 7099 7 099 7.09 52,4/100.000 524100000 52 4 (52,4/100.00 382100000 38 2 38,2/100.00 34,4/100.000 344100000 34 (34,4/100.00 205100000 20 5 20,5/100.00 6,3/100.000 63100000 6 3 (6,3/100.00 88100000 8 8,8/100.00 8,5/100.000 85100000 (8,5/100.00 76100000 7,6/100.00 . 20202021, 2021, 1 cuatro 40,5% 405 40 (-40,5% +53,6%. 536 +53,6% 53 (+53,6%) Conclusión frontera pandemia 202 10000 10 00 100.0 2018201 2018-20 2020202 2020-202 709 09 7.0 52,4/100.00 52410000 (52,4/100.0 38210000 38,2/100.0 34,4/100.00 34410000 (34,4/100.0 20510000 20,5/100.0 6,3/100.00 6310000 (6,3/100.0 8810000 8,8/100.0 8,5/100.00 8510000 (8,5/100.0 7610000 7,6/100.0 40,5 (-40,5 +53,6 (+53,6% 1000 0 100. 201820 2018-2 202020 2020-20 70 7. 52,4/100.0 5241000 (52,4/100. 3821000 38,2/100. 34,4/100.0 3441000 (34,4/100. 2051000 20,5/100. 6,3/100.0 631000 (6,3/100. 881000 8,8/100. 8,5/100.0 851000 (8,5/100. 761000 7,6/100. 40, (-40, +53, (+53,6 20182 2018- 20202 2020-2 52,4/100. 524100 (52,4/100 382100 38,2/100 34,4/100. 344100 (34,4/100 205100 20,5/100 6,3/100. 63100 (6,3/100 88100 8,8/100 8,5/100. 85100 (8,5/100 76100 7,6/100 (-40 +53 (+53, 2020- 52,4/100 52410 (52,4/10 38210 38,2/10 34,4/100 34410 (34,4/10 20510 20,5/10 6,3/100 6310 (6,3/10 8810 8,8/10 8,5/100 8510 (8,5/10 7610 7,6/10 (-4 +5 (+53 52,4/10 5241 (52,4/1 3821 38,2/1 34,4/10 3441 (34,4/1 2051 20,5/1 6,3/10 631 (6,3/1 881 8,8/1 8,5/10 851 (8,5/1 761 7,6/1 (- + (+5 52,4/1 524 (52,4/ 382 38,2/ 34,4/1 344 (34,4/ 205 20,5/ 6,3/1 63 (6,3/ 88 8,8/ 8,5/1 85 (8,5/ 76 7,6/ ( (+ 52,4/ (52,4 38,2 34,4/ (34,4 20,5 6,3/ (6,3 8,8 8,5/ (8,5 7,6 52,4 (52, 38, 34,4 (34, 20, 6,3 (6, 8, 8,5 (8, 7, 52, (52 34, (34 6, (6 (8 (5 (3
ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the distribution of tuberculosis cases in the state of Paraná, Brazil, between 2018 and 2021. Methods: this was an ecological study using secondary data obtained from compulsory notifications; detection rates per 100,000 inhabitants were described according to health regions in the state; percentage changes between 2018-2019 and 2020-2021 were calculated. Results: a total of 7,099 cases were registered. The highest rates were observed in the health regions of Paranaguá (52.4/100,000 in 2018-2019; 38.2/100,000 in 2020-2021) and Foz do Iguaçu (34.4/100,000 in 2018-2019; 20.5/100,000 in 2020-2021), and the lowest rates in Irati (6.3/100,000 in 2018-2019; 8.8/100,000 in 2020-2021) and Francisco Beltrão (8.5/100,000 in 2018-2019; 7.6/100,000 in 2020-2021); in 2020-2021, it could be seen a decrease in percentage changes in 18 health regions, while there was an increase in four of them, especially Foz do Iguaçu (-40.5%) and Cianorte (+53.6%). Conclusion: high rates were found in the coastal and triple border regions; and there was a decline in detection rates in the pandemic period. Objective Paraná Brazil 201 2021 Methods notifications 100000 100 000 100,00 20182019 2019 2018-201 20202021 2020 2020-202 calculated Results 7099 7 099 7,09 registered 52.4/100,000 524100000 52 4 (52.4/100,00 382100000 38 2 38.2/100,00 34.4/100,000 344100000 34 (34.4/100,00 205100000 20 5 20.5/100,00 20202021, , 6.3/100,000 63100000 6 3 (6.3/100,00 88100000 8 8.8/100,00 8.5/100,000 85100000 (8.5/100,00 76100000 7.6/100,00 2021, 1 them 40.5% 405 40 (-40.5% +53.6%. 536 +53.6% . 53 (+53.6%) Conclusion period 202 10000 10 00 100,0 2018201 2018-20 2020202 2020-20 709 09 7,0 52.4/100,00 52410000 (52.4/100,0 38210000 38.2/100,0 34.4/100,00 34410000 (34.4/100,0 20510000 20.5/100,0 6.3/100,00 6310000 (6.3/100,0 8810000 8.8/100,0 8.5/100,00 8510000 (8.5/100,0 7610000 7.6/100,0 40.5 (-40.5 +53.6 (+53.6% 1000 0 100, 201820 2018-2 202020 2020-2 70 7, 52.4/100,0 5241000 (52.4/100, 3821000 38.2/100, 34.4/100,0 3441000 (34.4/100, 2051000 20.5/100, 6.3/100,0 631000 (6.3/100, 881000 8.8/100, 8.5/100,0 851000 (8.5/100, 761000 7.6/100, 40. (-40. +53. (+53.6 20182 2018- 20202 2020- 52.4/100, 524100 (52.4/100 382100 38.2/100 34.4/100, 344100 (34.4/100 205100 20.5/100 6.3/100, 63100 (6.3/100 88100 8.8/100 8.5/100, 85100 (8.5/100 76100 7.6/100 (-40 +53 (+53. 52.4/100 52410 (52.4/10 38210 38.2/10 34.4/100 34410 (34.4/10 20510 20.5/10 6.3/100 6310 (6.3/10 8810 8.8/10 8.5/100 8510 (8.5/10 7610 7.6/10 (-4 +5 (+53 52.4/10 5241 (52.4/1 3821 38.2/1 34.4/10 3441 (34.4/1 2051 20.5/1 6.3/10 631 (6.3/1 881 8.8/1 8.5/10 851 (8.5/1 761 7.6/1 (- + (+5 52.4/1 524 (52.4/ 382 38.2/ 34.4/1 344 (34.4/ 205 20.5/ 6.3/1 63 (6.3/ 88 8.8/ 8.5/1 85 (8.5/ 76 7.6/ ( (+ 52.4/ (52.4 38.2 34.4/ (34.4 20.5 6.3/ (6.3 8.8 8.5/ (8.5 7.6 52.4 (52. 38. 34.4 (34. 20. 6.3 (6. 8. 8.5 (8. 7. 52. (52 34. (34 6. (6 (8 (5 (3
RESUMO Objetivo: analisar a distribuição dos casos de tuberculose no Paraná, Brasil, entre 2018 e 2021. Métodos: estudo ecológico e sobre dados secundários oriundos de notificações compulsórias; descrição das taxas de detecção por 100 mil habitantes segundo regiões de saúde do estado; cálculo das variações percentuais entre 2018-2019 e 2020-2021. Resultados: foram registrados 7.099 casos, observando-se maiores taxas nas regionais de Paranaguá (52,4/100 mil em 2018-2019; 38,2/100 mil em 2020-2021) e Foz do Iguaçu (34,4/100 mil em 2018-2019; 20,5/100 mil em 2020-2021), e menores em Irati (6,3/100 mil em 2018-2019; 8,8/100 mil em 2020-2021) e Francisco Beltrão (8,5/100 mil em 2018-2019; 7,6/100 mil em 2020-2021); em 2020-2021, houve queda nas variações percentuais dessas taxas em 18 regionais e aumento em quatro, destacando-se, respectivamente, Foz do Iguaçu (-40,5%) e Cianorte (+53,6%). Conclusão: foram observadas taxas elevadas nas regionais do litoral e da tríplice fronteira; houve declínio das taxas de detecção no período pandêmico. Objetivo Paraná Brasil 201 2021 Métodos compulsórias 10 estado 20182019 2019 2018-201 20202021. 20202021 2020 2020-2021 Resultados 7099 7 099 7.09 observandose observando se 52,4/100 524100 52 4 (52,4/10 382100 38 2 38,2/10 34,4/100 344100 34 (34,4/10 205100 20 5 20,5/10 20202021, , 6,3/100 63100 6 3 (6,3/10 88100 8 8,8/10 8,5/100 85100 (8,5/10 76100 7,6/10 2021, 1 quatro destacandose, destacandose destacando se, destacando-se respectivamente 40,5% 405 40 (-40,5% +53,6%. 536 +53,6% . 53 (+53,6%) Conclusão fronteira pandêmico 202 2018201 2018-20 2020202 2020-202 709 09 7.0 52,4/10 52410 (52,4/1 38210 38,2/1 34,4/10 34410 (34,4/1 20510 20,5/1 6,3/10 6310 (6,3/1 8810 8,8/1 8,5/10 8510 (8,5/1 7610 7,6/1 40,5 (-40,5 +53,6 (+53,6% 201820 2018-2 202020 2020-20 70 0 7. 52,4/1 5241 (52,4/ 3821 38,2/ 34,4/1 3441 (34,4/ 2051 20,5/ 6,3/1 631 (6,3/ 881 8,8/ 8,5/1 851 (8,5/ 761 7,6/ 40, (-40, +53, (+53,6 20182 2018- 20202 2020-2 52,4/ 524 (52,4 382 38,2 34,4/ 344 (34,4 205 20,5 6,3/ 63 (6,3 88 8,8 8,5/ 85 (8,5 76 7,6 (-40 +53 (+53, 2020- 52,4 (52, 38, 34,4 (34, 20, 6,3 (6, 8, 8,5 (8, 7, (-4 +5 (+53 52, (52 34, (34 6, (6 (8 (- + (+5 (5 (3 ( (+