O A. apresenta nêste artigo os resultados obtidos em uma experiência de corte das folhas do sisal (Agave sisalana Perrine), na qual se procurou comparar os efeitos da combinação de diversas freqüências e severidades de corte sobre o desenvolvimento, produção e longevidade da planta, assim como sôbre as características tecnológicas da fibra. Ficou provado que, com cortes freqüentes e severos, o ciclo de vida das plantas fica bastante prolongado, ao mesmo tempo que a produção de fibras por unidade de área decai sensivelmente, em conseqüência da redução de tamanho das fôlhas e menor conteúdo de fibras nas fôlhas das plantas submetidas a êsse sistema de corte. Os exames de laboratório demonstraram que, enquanto as características químicas das fibras não eram afetadas pelos sistemas de corte estudados, as características físicas eram, pelo contrário, sensivelmente afetados pelo corte freqüente e severo.
This paper describes the results obtained with the sisal plant (Agave sisalana Perrine) in a cutting trial located in the "Estação Experimental Central do Instituto Agronômico", at Campinas. This trial was designed to compare the effects of four cutting cycles, combined with three levels of severity of cutting, upon growth, longevity, and yield of the sisal plant, and on the quality of its fiber. The experiment was laid out in 4 randomized blocks of 4 plots, each plot having 3 sub-plots. Sub-plot size was of twelve plants spaced 2.5 x 1.5 m and arranged in two rows of 6 plants each. The results can be summarized as follows : (a) The life cycle of the sisal plant was greatly influenced by the cutting method used. The greater the frequency and severity of cutting the slower was the growth of the plant and the longer it took to pole. (b) Light cutting at six to twelve-month cycles was conducive to early poling, and the plant yielded fewer, though heavier, leaves. (c) Heavy cutting at a three-month cycle reduced plant size considerably and induced the formation of short leaves containing less fiber weight per leaf. There was. therefore, a significant decrease in total fiber yield per area. (d) The final fiber yields indicated that a light cutting (30%) at three or six-month intervals gave higher yields per area than any of the other treatments. Life cycle was slightly prolonged by this treatment and significantly more leaves were produced per plant without adverse effects upon leaf weight and actual fiber content. (e) Fiber analysis showed that its chemical characteristics were not affected by the treatments, even by heavy and frequent cuttings. Heavy cuttings, especially at a three--month cycle, had a marked effect on the physical fiber characteristics.