OBJETIVO: Analisou-se a etiologia e a morbi-mortalidade de 104 crianças em coma agudo, ou seja, com uma pontuação menor ou igual a 8 da escala de Glasgow, internadas na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva do Hospital Infantil Pequeno Príncipe(UTI-HIPP) no período entre março/98 e janeiro/2001. RESULTADOS: A idade variou de 2 meses a 13 anos, com média de 30,3 ± 27,4 meses e mediana de 20 meses, sendo 57 (54,8%) do sexo masculino. O tempo de permanência hospitalar variou de 1 a 114 dias, e 3 casos permaneceram em estado vegetativo persistente. Com relação à etiologia: 31 (29,8%) dos casos foram devidos a meningoencefalite, 24 (23,1%) estado de mal epiléptico, 19 (18,3%) causa tóxico-metabólica, 16 (15,4%) hipertensão intracraniana, 7 (6,7%) choque/anóxia, 4 (3,8%) etiologia indeterminada, 3 (2,9%) miscelânea. Com relação à evolução das crianças, 23 (22,1%) foram a óbito, 32 (30,8%) evoluíram sem seqüelas, 39 (37,5%) tiveram alta com seqüelas neurológicas e10 (9,6%) não informado. CONCLUSÃO: De acordo com a análise do presente estudo conclui-se que cerca de um terço dos pacientes em coma agudo falece, um terço apresenta seqüelas neurológicas na alta hospitalar e um terço evoluim sem seqüelas.
OBJECTIVE: An analysis was conducted on the etiology and the morbi-mortality of pediatric patients in acute coma, hospitalized at the Intensive Care Unit of Hospital Infantil Pequeno Príncipe (UTI-HIPP). METHOD: One hundred and four control sheets of children hospitalized at the UTI-HIPP and diagnosed as being in acute coma were analyzed. The Glasgow coma scale duly modified for children was used, with a score count equal to or lower than 8 points. The observation period was from March/98 to January/2001. All the supplementary exams as well as the neurological conditions of the patients when discharged were analyzed. RESULTS: The study comprised 104 children whose ages varied from 2 months to 13 years, with 57 (54.8%) of them being males. Hospital - stay time varied from 1 to 114 days, plus 3 cases in a persistent vegetative condition. As regards to etiology, 31 (29.8%) of the cases were due to meningo-encephalitis, 24 (23.1%) to an epileptic condition, 19 (18.3%) were toxic-metabolic, 16 (15.4%) to intra-cranial hypertension, 7 (6.7%) to shock/anoxia, 4 (3.8%) to an indeterminate etiology and 3(2.9%) were miscellaneous. Insofar as the clinical evolution of the children is concerned, 23 (22.1%) died, 32 (30.8%) evolved without any sequelae, 39 (37.5%) were discharged with neurological sequelae and for 10 (9.6%), no information is available. CONCLUSION: According to this study, one third of the children has died, one third presented neurological sequelae, and one third presented no further complications.