Resumo Antecedentes A estimulação cerebral profunda (ECP) é um tratamento estabelecido para distonias refratárias. Porém, a melhora dos pacientes é variável. Objetivo O objetivo do estudo foi descrever os desfechos da ECP da região do núcleo subtalâmico (NST) e determinar se o volume de tecido ativado (VTA) dentro do NST ou se a conectividade estrutural entre a área estimulada e diferentes regiões cerebrais estão associadas a melhora da distonia. Métodos A resposta da ECP em pacientes com distonia generalizada isolada de etiologia hereditária/idiopática foi mensurada pela escala de Burke-Fahr-Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale (BFM) antes e 7 meses após a cirurgia. A soma dos volumes do NST nos dois hemisférios foi correlacionada com a melhora nos escores do BFM para avaliar se a área estimulada dentro do NST afeta o desfecho clínico. A conectividade estrutural estimada entre o VTA de cada paciente e as diferentes regiões cerebrais foram computadas usando um conectoma normativo retirado de indivíduos saudáveis. Resultados Cinco pacientes com idade de 40,00 ± 7,30 anos foram incluídos. O BFM motor e de incapacidade basal eram de 78,30 ± 13,55 (62,00-98,00) e 20,60 ± 7,80 (13,00-32,00), respectivamente. Os pacientes melhoraram com a cirurgia, mas com variabilidade. Não houve relação entre o VTA dentro do NST e a melhora do BFM após a cirurgia (p = 0.463). Entretanto, a conectividade estrutural entre o VTA e o cerebelo correlacionaram com a melhora da distonia (p = 0.003). Conclusão Os dados sugerem que o VTA dentro do NST não explica a variabilidade do desfecho clínico na distonia. Porém, o padrão de conectividade entre a região estimulada e o cerebelo foi relacionada com o desfecho dos pacientes. (ECP refratárias Porém variável (NST (VTA hereditáriaidiopática hereditária idiopática BurkeFahrMarsden Burke Fahr Marsden (BFM saudáveis 4000 40 00 40,0 730 30 7,3 incluídos 7830 78 78,3 1355 13 55 13,5 62,0098,00 62009800 62,00 98,00 62 98 (62,00-98,00 2060 20 60 20,6 780 80 7,8 13,0032,00, 13003200 13,00 32,00 , 32 (13,00-32,00) respectivamente p 0.463. 0463 0.463 . 0 463 0.463) Entretanto 0.003. 0003 0.003 003 0.003) 400 4 40, 73 3 7, 783 78, 135 1 5 13, 0098 62,0098,0 6200980 6200 62,0 9800 98,0 6 9 (62,00-98,0 206 2 20, 8 0032 13,0032,00 1300320 1300 13,0 3200 32,0 (13,00-32,00 046 0.46 46 000 0.00 009 62,0098, 620098 620 62, 980 98, (62,00-98, 13,0032,0 130032 130 320 32, (13,00-32,0 04 0.4 0.0 62,0098 62009 (62,00-98 13,0032, 13003 (13,00-32, 0. 62,009 (62,00-9 13,0032 (13,00-32 (62,00- 13,003 (13,00-3 (62,00 (13,00- (62,0 (13,00 (62, (13,0 (62 (13, (6 (13 ( (1
Abstract Background Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is an established treatment option for refractory dystonia, but the improvement among the patients is variable. Objective To describe the outcomes of DBS of the subthalamic region (STN) in dystonic patients and to determine whether the volume of tissue activated (VTA) inside the STN or the structural connectivity between the area stimulated and different regions of the brain are associated with dystonia improvement. Methods The response to DBS was measured by the Burke-Fahn-Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale (BFM) before and 7 months after surgery in patients with generalized isolated dystonia of inherited/idiopathic etiology. The sum of the two overlapping STN volumes from both hemispheres was correlated with the change in BFM scores to assess whether the area stimulated inside the STN affects the clinical outcome. Structural connectivity estimates between the VTA (of each patient) and different brain regions were computed using a normative connectome taken from healthy subjects. Results Five patients were included. The baseline BFM motor and disability subscores were 78.30 ± 13.55 (62.00-98.00) and 20.60 ± 7.80 (13.00-32.00), respectively. Patients improved dystonic symptoms, though differently. No relationships were found between the VTA inside the STN and the BFM improvement after surgery (p = 0.463). However, the connectivity between the VTA and the cerebellum structurally correlated with dystonia improvement (p = 0.003). Conclusions These data suggest that the volume of the stimulated STN does not explain the variance in outcomes in dystonia. Still, the connectivity pattern between the region stimulated and the cerebellum is linked to outcomes of patients. (DBS variable (STN (VTA BurkeFahnMarsden Burke Fahn Marsden (BFM inheritedidiopathic inherited idiopathic etiology outcome patient subjects included 7830 78 30 78.3 1355 13 55 13.5 62.0098.00 62009800 62.00 98.00 62 00 98 (62.00-98.00 2060 20 60 20.6 780 80 7.8 13.0032.00, 13003200 13.00 32.00 , 32 (13.00-32.00) respectively symptoms differently p 0.463. 0463 0.463 . 0 463 0.463) However 0.003. 0003 0.003 003 0.003) Still 783 3 78. 135 1 5 13. 0098 62.0098.0 6200980 6200 62.0 9800 98.0 6 9 (62.00-98.0 206 2 20. 8 7. 0032 13.0032.00 1300320 1300 13.0 3200 32.0 (13.00-32.00 046 0.46 46 000 0.00 009 62.0098. 620098 620 62. 980 98. (62.00-98. 13.0032.0 130032 130 320 32. (13.00-32.0 04 0.4 4 0.0 62.0098 62009 (62.00-98 13.0032. 13003 (13.00-32. 0. 62.009 (62.00-9 13.0032 (13.00-32 (62.00- 13.003 (13.00-3 (62.00 (13.00- (62.0 (13.00 (62. (13.0 (62 (13. (6 (13 ( (1