Abstract Background Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies have compared the efficacy and safety of transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) and surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) in patients with severe aortic stenosis. Objectives Compare TAVR and SAVR in patients with different surgical risks, population characteristics, and different transcatheter prosthetic valves. Methods An overview of systematic reviews (SRs) was conducted following a structured protocol. Results were grouped by surgical risk, population characteristics, and different valves. RCTs in the SRs were reanalyzed through meta-analyses, and the results were summarized using the GRADE method. The adopted level of statistical significance was 5%. Results Compared to SAVR, patients with high surgical risk using TAVR had a lower risk of (odds ratio, 95% confidence interval, absolute risk difference) atrial fibrillation (AF) (0.5, 0.29-0.86, -106/1000) and life-threatening bleeding (0.29, 0.2-0.42, -215/1000). Patients with intermediate surgical risk had a lower risk of AF (0.27, 0.23-0.33, -255/1000), life-threatening bleeding (0.15, 0.12-0.19, -330/1000), and acute renal failure (ARF) (0.4, 0.26-0.62, -21/1000). Patients with low surgical risk had a lower risk of death (0.58, 0.34-0.97, -16/1000), stroke (0.51, 0.28-0.94, -15/1000), AF (0.16, 0.12-0.2, -295/1000), life-threatening bleeding (0.17, 0.05-0.55, -76/1000), and ARF (0.27, 0.13-0.55, -21/1000), and had a higher risk of permanent pacemaker implantation (PPI) (4.22, 1.27-14.02, 141/1000). Newer generation devices had a lower risk of AF than older generations, and patients using balloon-expandable devices did not experience higher risks of PPI. Conclusions This paper provides evidence that patients at low, intermediate, and high surgical risks have better outcomes when treated with TAVR compared with SAVR. (RCTs (TAVR (SAVR stenosis characteristics valves (SRs protocol metaanalyses, metaanalyses meta analyses, analyses meta-analyses method 5 5% odds ratio 95 interval difference (AF 0.5, 05 0 (0.5 0.290.86, 029086 0.29 0.86, 29 86 0.29-0.86 106/1000 1061000 106 1000 -106/1000 lifethreatening life threatening 0.29, 029 (0.29 0.20.42, 02042 0.2 0.42, 2 42 0.2-0.42 215/1000. 2151000 215/1000 . 215 -215/1000) 0.27, 027 27 (0.27 0.230.33, 023033 0.23 0.33, 23 33 0.23-0.33 255/1000, 2551000 255/1000 , 255 -255/1000) 0.15, 015 15 (0.15 0.120.19, 012019 0.12 0.19, 12 19 0.12-0.19 330/1000, 3301000 330/1000 330 -330/1000) (ARF 0.4, 04 4 (0.4 0.260.62, 026062 0.26 0.62, 26 62 0.26-0.62 21/1000. 211000 21/1000 21 -21/1000) 0.58, 058 58 (0.58 0.340.97, 034097 0.34 0.97, 34 97 0.34-0.97 16/1000, 161000 16/1000 16 -16/1000) 0.51, 051 51 (0.51 0.280.94, 028094 0.28 0.94, 28 94 0.28-0.94 15/1000, 151000 15/1000 -15/1000) 0.16, 016 (0.16 0.120.2, 01202 0.2, 0.12-0.2 295/1000, 2951000 295/1000 295 -295/1000) 0.17, 017 17 (0.17 0.050.55, 005055 0.05 0.55, 55 0.05-0.55 76/1000, 761000 76/1000 76 -76/1000) 0.130.55, 013055 0.13 13 0.13-0.55 21/1000, PPI (PPI 4.22, 422 22 (4.22 1.2714.02, 1271402 1.27 14.02, 1 14 02 1.27-14.02 141/1000. 1411000 141/1000 141 141/1000) generations balloonexpandable balloon expandable 9 0.5 (0. 290 0.290.86 02908 086 0.86 8 0.29-0.8 106/100 106100 10 100 -106/100 (0.2 20 0.20.42 0204 0. 042 0.42 0.2-0.4 215100 215/100 -215/1000 0.27 230 0.230.33 02303 023 033 0.33 3 0.23-0.3 255100 255/100 25 -255/1000 0.15 01 (0.1 120 0.120.19 01201 012 0.1 019 0.19 0.12-0.1 330100 330/100 -330/1000 0.4 260 0.260.62 02606 026 062 0.62 6 0.26-0.6 21100 21/100 -21/1000 0.58 340 0.340.97 03409 034 0.3 097 0.97 0.34-0.9 16100 16/100 -16/1000 0.51 280 0.280.94 02809 028 094 0.94 0.28-0.9 15100 15/100 -15/1000 0.16 0.120.2 0120 0.12-0. 295100 295/100 -295/1000 0.17 050 0.050.55 00505 005 0.0 055 0.55 0.05-0.5 76100 76/100 7 -76/1000 130 0.130.55 01305 013 0.13-0.5 4.22 (4.2 2714 1.2714.02 127140 127 1.2 1402 14.02 1.27-14.0 141100 141/100 (0 0.290.8 0290 08 0.8 0.29-0. 106/10 10610 -106/10 0.20.4 020 0.2-0. 21510 215/10 -215/100 0.230.3 0230 03 0.23-0. 25510 255/10 -255/100 0.120.1 33010 330/10 -330/100 0.260.6 0260 06 0.6 0.26-0. 2110 21/10 -21/100 0.340.9 0340 09 0.9 0.34-0. 1610 16/10 -16/100 0.280.9 0280 0.28-0. 1510 15/10 -15/100 0.120. 0.12-0 29510 295/10 -295/100 0.050.5 0050 00 0.05-0. 7610 76/10 -76/100 0.130.5 0130 0.13-0. 4.2 (4. 271 1.2714.0 12714 1. 140 14.0 1.27-14. 14110 141/10 ( 0.290. 0.29-0 106/1 1061 -106/1 0.20. 0.2-0 2151 215/1 -215/10 0.230. 0.23-0 2551 255/1 -255/10 3301 330/1 -330/10 0.260. 0.26-0 211 21/1 -21/10 0.340. 0.34-0 161 16/1 -16/10 0.280. 0.28-0 151 15/1 -15/10 0.120 0.12- 2951 295/1 -295/10 0.050. 0.05-0 761 76/1 -76/10 0.130. 0.13-0 4. (4 1.2714. 1271 14. 1.27-14 1411 141/1 0.290 0.29- 106/ -106/ 0.20 0.2- 215/ -215/1 0.230 0.23- 255/ -255/1 330/ -330/1 0.260 0.26- 21/ -21/1 0.340 0.34- 16/ -16/1 0.280 0.28- 15/ -15/1 295/ -295/1 0.050 0.05- 76/ -76/1 0.130 0.13- 1.2714 1.27-1 141/ -106 -215/ -255/ -330/ -21/ -16/ -15/ -295/ -76/ 1.271 1.27- -10 -215 -255 -330 -21 -16 -15 -295 -76 -1 -25 -33 -2 -29 -7 - -3
Resumo Fundamento Ensaios clínicos randomizados (ECRs) e estudos observacionais compararam a eficácia e a segurança do implante valvar transcateter (TAVR) e da substituição cirúrgica da valva aórtica (SAVR) em pacientes com estenose aórtica grave. Objetivos Comparar TAVR e SAVR em pacientes com diferentes riscos cirúrgicos, características da população e diferentes válvulas protéticas transcateter. Métodos Uma overview das revisões sistemáticas (RSs) foi realizada seguindo um protocolo estruturado. Os resultados foram agrupados por risco cirúrgico, características da população e diferentes válvulas. Os ECRs foram reanalisados por meio de metanálises nas RSs, e os resultados foram resumidos por meio do método GRADE. O nível de significância estatística adotado foi de 5%. Resultados Em comparação com a SAVR, os pacientes com alto risco cirúrgico submetidos à TAVR tiveram um risco menor de ( odds ratio , intervalo de confiança de 95%, diferença absoluta de risco) fibrilação atrial (FA) (0,5, 0,29-0,86, -106/1000) e hemorragia com risco à vida (0,29, 0,2-0,42, -215/1000). Pacientes com risco cirúrgico intermediário apresentaram menor risco de FA (0,27, 0,23-0,33, -255/1.000), hemorragia com risco à vida (0,15, 0,12-0,19, -330/1.000) e insuficiência renal aguda (IRA) (0,4, 0,26-0,62, -21/1000). Pacientes com baixo risco cirúrgico tiveram menor risco de morte (0,58, 0,34-0,97, -16/1000), acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) (0,51, 0,28-0,94, -15/1000), FA (0,16, 0,12-0,2, -295/1000), hemorragia com risco à vida (0,17, 0,05-0,55, -76/1000) e IRA (0,27, 0,13-0,55, -21/1000) e tiveram maior risco de implante de marca-passo definitivo (IMD) (4,22, 1,27 -14.02, 141/1000). Os dispositivos de geração mais recente tiveram um risco menor de FA em comparação com as gerações mais antigas, e pacientes usuários de dispositivos expansíveis por balão não apresentaram riscos maiores de IMD. Conclusões Este artigo apresenta evidências de que pacientes com risco cirúrgico baixo, intermediário e alto apresentam melhores desfechos quando tratados com TAVR em comparação com a SAVR. (ECRs (TAVR (SAVR grave cirúrgicos RSs (RSs estruturado GRADE 5 5% 95 95% (FA 0,5, 05 0 (0,5 0,290,86, 029086 0,29 0,86, 29 86 0,29-0,86 106/1000 1061000 106 1000 -106/1000 0,29, 029 (0,29 0,20,42, 02042 0,2 0,42, 2 42 0,2-0,42 215/1000. 2151000 215/1000 . 215 -215/1000) 0,27, 027 27 (0,27 0,230,33, 023033 0,23 0,33, 23 33 0,23-0,33 255/1.000, 2551000 255/1.000 255 1 000 -255/1.000) 0,15, 015 15 (0,15 0,120,19, 012019 0,12 0,19, 12 19 0,12-0,19 330/1.000 3301000 330 -330/1.000 (IRA 0,4, 04 4 (0,4 0,260,62, 026062 0,26 0,62, 26 62 0,26-0,62 21/1000. 211000 21/1000 21 0,58, 058 58 (0,58 0,340,97, 034097 0,34 0,97, 34 97 0,34-0,97 16/1000, 161000 16/1000 16 -16/1000) AVE (AVE 0,51, 051 51 (0,51 0,280,94, 028094 0,28 0,94, 28 94 0,28-0,94 15/1000, 151000 15/1000 -15/1000) 0,16, 016 (0,16 0,120,2, 01202 0,2, 0,12-0,2 295/1000, 2951000 295/1000 295 -295/1000) 0,17, 017 17 (0,17 0,050,55, 005055 0,05 0,55, 55 0,05-0,55 76/1000 761000 76 -76/1000 0,130,55, 013055 0,13 13 0,13-0,55 -21/1000 marcapasso marca passo IMD (IMD 4,22, 422 22 (4,22 127 1,2 14.02, 1402 14 02 -14.02 141/1000. 1411000 141/1000 141 141/1000) antigas 9 0,5 (0, 290 0,290,86 02908 086 0,86 8 0,29-0,8 106/100 106100 10 100 -106/100 (0,2 20 0,20,42 0204 0, 042 0,42 0,2-0,4 215100 215/100 -215/1000 0,27 230 0,230,33 02303 023 033 0,33 3 0,23-0,3 255100 255/1.00 25 00 -255/1.000 0,15 01 (0,1 120 0,120,19 01201 012 0,1 019 0,19 0,12-0,1 330/1.00 330100 -330/1.00 0,4 260 0,260,62 02606 026 062 0,62 6 0,26-0,6 21100 21/100 0,58 340 0,340,97 03409 034 0,3 097 0,97 0,34-0,9 16100 16/100 -16/1000 0,51 280 0,280,94 02809 028 094 0,94 0,28-0,9 15100 15/100 -15/1000 0,16 0,120,2 0120 0,12-0, 295100 295/100 -295/1000 0,17 050 0,050,55 00505 005 0,0 055 0,55 0,05-0,5 76/100 76100 7 -76/100 130 0,130,55 01305 013 0,13-0,5 -21/100 4,22 (4,2 1, 14.02 140 -14.0 141100 141/100 (0 0,290,8 0290 08 0,8 0,29-0, 106/10 10610 -106/10 0,20,4 020 0,2-0, 21510 215/10 -215/100 0,230,3 0230 03 0,23-0, 25510 255/1.0 -255/1.00 0,120,1 330/1.0 33010 -330/1.0 0,260,6 0260 06 0,6 0,26-0, 2110 21/10 0,340,9 0340 09 0,9 0,34-0, 1610 16/10 -16/100 0,280,9 0280 0,28-0, 1510 15/10 -15/100 0,120, 0,12-0 29510 295/10 -295/100 0,050,5 0050 0,05-0, 76/10 7610 -76/10 0,130,5 0130 0,13-0, -21/10 4,2 (4, 14.0 -14. 14110 141/10 0,290, 0,29-0 106/1 1061 -106/1 0,20, 0,2-0 2151 215/1 -215/10 0,230, 0,23-0 2551 255/1. -255/1.0 330/1. 3301 -330/1. 0,260, 0,26-0 211 21/1 0,340, 0,34-0 161 16/1 -16/10 0,280, 0,28-0 151 15/1 -15/10 0,120 0,12- 2951 295/1 -295/10 0,050, 0,05-0 76/1 761 -76/1 0,130, 0,13-0 -21/1 4, (4 14. -14 1411 141/1 0,290 0,29- 106/ -106/ 0,20 0,2- 215/ -215/1 0,230 0,23- 255/1 -255/1. 330/1 -330/1 0,260 0,26- 21/ 0,340 0,34- 16/ -16/1 0,280 0,28- 15/ -15/1 295/ -295/1 0,050 0,05- 76/ -76/ 0,130 0,13- -21/ -1 141/ -106 -215/ 255/ -255/1 330/ -330/ -16/ -15/ -295/ -76 -21 - -10 -215 -255/ -330 -16 -15 -295 -7 -2 -255 -33 -29 -25 -3