RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a cobertura vacinal contra sarampo, caxumba e rubéola em crianças até 24 meses de idade e os fatores associados à não vacinação em coorte de nascidos-vivos em 2017-2018, em capitais e municípios de grande porte populacional do interior do Nordeste brasileiro. Métodos Inquérito domiciliar populacional com análise de cobertura vacinal e fatores sociodemográficos por regressão logística. Resultados Em 12.137 crianças, cobertura vacinal de 79,3% (IC95% 76,5;81,8) e taxa de abandono de 10,6%. Associação à não vacinação: estrato socioeconômico A (OR-a 1,29; IC95% 1,10;1,50), residir no interior (OR-a 1,22; IC95% 1,07;1,39), não acesso ao Programa Bolsa Família (OR-a 1,19; IC95% 1,05;1,34), renda familiar ≤ R$ 1.000,00 (OR-a 1,17; IC95% 1,03;1,31), mãe sem trabalho remunerado (OR-a 1,28; IC95% 1,15;1,42), > 1 filho por mãe (OR-a 1,12; IC95% 1,08;1,17), sem caderneta de vacinação (OR-a 10,69; IC95% 6,27;18,20). Conclusão Baixa cobertura e alta taxa de abandono vacinal em capitais e municípios do interior do Nordeste. sarampo 2 nascidosvivos nascidos vivos 20172018, 20172018 2017 2018, 2018 2017-2018 brasileiro logística 12137 12 137 12.13 793 79 3 79,3 IC95 IC (IC95 76,581,8 765818 76,5 81,8 76 5 81 8 76,5;81,8 106 10 6 10,6% ORa OR 1,29 129 29 1,101,50, 110150 1,10 1,50 , 50 1,10;1,50) 1,22 122 22 1,071,39, 107139 1,07 1,39 07 39 1,07;1,39) 1,19 119 19 1,051,34, 105134 1,05 1,34 05 34 1,05;1,34) R 100000 000 00 1.000,0 1,17 117 17 1,031,31, 103131 1,03 1,31 03 31 1,03;1,31) 1,28 128 28 1,151,42, 115142 1,15 1,42 15 42 1,15;1,42) 1,12 112 1,081,17, 108117 1,08 08 1,08;1,17) 10,69 1069 69 6,2718,20. 6271820 6,27 18,20 . 27 18 20 6,27;18,20) 2017201 201 2017-201 1213 13 12.1 7 79, IC9 (IC9 581 76,581, 76581 765 76, 818 81, 76,5;81, 10,6 1,2 101 1,101,50 11015 110 1,1 150 1,5 1,10;1,50 071 1,071,39 10713 107 1,0 139 1,3 0 1,07;1,39 11 051 1,051,34 10513 105 134 1,05;1,34 10000 1.000, 031 1,031,31 10313 103 131 1,03;1,31 151 1,151,42 11514 115 142 1,4 4 1,15;1,42 081 1,081,17 10811 108 1,08;1,17 2718 6,2718,20 627182 627 6,2 1820 18,2 6,27;18,20 201720 2017-20 121 12. (IC 58 76,581 7658 76,5;81 10, 1, 1,101,5 1101 1,10;1,5 1,071,3 1071 1,07;1,3 1,051,3 1051 1,05;1,3 1000 1.000 1,031,3 1031 1,03;1,3 1,151,4 1151 14 1,15;1,4 1,081,1 1081 1,08;1,1 271 6,2718,2 62718 62 6, 182 18, 6,27;18,2 20172 2017-2 76,58 76,5;8 1,101, 1,10;1, 1,071, 1,07;1, 1,051, 1,05;1, 100 1.00 1,031, 1,03;1, 1,151, 1,15;1, 1,081, 1,08;1, 6,2718, 6271 6,27;18, 2017- 76,5; 1,101 1,10;1 1,071 1,07;1 1,051 1,05;1 1.0 1,031 1,03;1 1,151 1,15;1 1,081 1,08;1 6,2718 6,27;18 1,10; 1,07; 1,05; 1. 1,03; 1,15; 1,08; 6,271 6,27;1 6,27;
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ABSTRACT Objective To analyze measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination coverage among children up to 24 months old and factors associated with non-vaccination in a 2017−2018 live birth cohort, in state capitals and large interior region cities in Northeast Brazil. Methods Population-based survey analyzing vaccination coverage and sociodemographic factors through logistic regression. Results For 12,137 children, vaccination coverage was 79.3% (95%CI 76.5;81.8), and the dropout rate was 10.6%. Association with non-vaccination: socioeconomic stratum A (OR-a 1.29; 95%CI 1.10;1.50), living in the interior region (OR-a 1.22; 95%CI 1.07;1.39), no access to the Bolsa Família Program (OR-a 1.19, 95%CI 1.05;1.34), family income ≤BRL 1,000 (OR-a 1.17, 95%CI 1.03;1.31), mother not working (OR-a 1.28, 95%CI 1.15;1.42), >1 child per mother (OR-a 1.12, 95%CI 1.08;1.17), and no vaccination card (OR-a 10.69, 95%CI 6.27;18.20). Conclusion Low vaccination coverage and a high dropout rate in state capitals and municipalities in the interior region of Northeast Brazil. measles mumps 2 nonvaccination non 20172018 2017 2018 2017−201 cohort Brazil Populationbased Population based regression 12137 12 137 12,13 793 79 3 79.3 95CI CI 95 76.581.8, 765818 76.5 81.8 , 76 5 81 8 76.5;81.8) 106 10 6 10.6% ORa OR 1.29 129 1 29 1.101.50, 110150 1.10 1.50 50 1.10;1.50) 1.22 122 22 1.071.39, 107139 1.07 1.39 07 39 1.07;1.39) 119 19 1.19 1.051.34, 105134 1.05 1.34 05 34 1.05;1.34) BRL 1000 000 1,00 117 17 1.17 1.031.31, 103131 1.03 1.31 03 31 1.03;1.31) 128 28 1.28 1.151.42, 115142 1.15 1.42 15 42 1.15;1.42) > 112 1.12 1.081.17, 108117 1.08 08 1.08;1.17) 1069 69 10.69 6.2718.20. 6271820 6.27 18.20 . 27 18 20 6.27;18.20) 2017201 201 2017−20 1213 13 12,1 7 79. 9 581 76.581.8 76581 765 76. 818 81. 76.5;81.8 10.6 1.2 101 1.101.50 11015 110 1.1 150 1.5 1.10;1.50 071 1.071.39 10713 107 1.0 139 1.3 0 1.07;1.39 11 051 1.051.34 10513 105 134 1.05;1.34 100 00 1,0 031 1.031.31 10313 103 131 1.03;1.31 151 1.151.42 11514 115 142 1.4 4 1.15;1.42 081 1.081.17 10811 108 1.08;1.17 2718 6.2718.20 627182 627 6.2 1820 18.2 6.27;18.20 201720 2017−2 121 12, 58 76.581. 7658 76.5;81. 10. 1. 1.101.5 1101 1.10;1.5 1.071.3 1071 1.07;1.3 1.051.3 1051 1.05;1.3 1, 1.031.3 1031 1.03;1.3 1.151.4 1151 14 1.15;1.4 1.081.1 1081 1.08;1.1 271 6.2718.2 62718 62 6. 182 18. 6.27;18.2 20172 2017− 76.581 76.5;81 1.101. 1.10;1. 1.071. 1.07;1. 1.051. 1.05;1. 1.031. 1.03;1. 1.151. 1.15;1. 1.081. 1.08;1. 6.2718. 6271 6.27;18. 76.58 76.5;8 1.101 1.10;1 1.071 1.07;1 1.051 1.05;1 1.031 1.03;1 1.151 1.15;1 1.081 1.08;1 6.2718 6.27;18 76.5; 1.10; 1.07; 1.05; 1.03; 1.15; 1.08; 6.271 6.27;1 6.27;