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au:Falcão, Luiz Fernando
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Scalable policy adoption and sustainable implementation of surgical care in the Americas
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Kumar, Nikathan
; Hyman, Gabriella Y.
; Gerk, Ayla
; Wurdeman, Taylor
; Uribe-Leitz, Tarsicio
; Corlew, Scott
; Park, Kee B.
; Meara, John G.
; Riviello, Robert
; Makasa, Emmanuel M.
; Kolker, Jimmy
; Manrique, Joanne
; Ayala, Rubén E.
; Ibbotson, Geoffrey C.
; Mejia, Alex
; Falcão, Luiz Fernando
; Fuentes, Maria Jose Garcia
; Montalvo-Samaniego, Mauricio
; Baki, Ivonne A.
; Bascolo, Ernesto
; Vega, Alfredo Borrero
RESUMO Em 29 de setembro de 2023, a República do Equador convocou uma reunião para tratar do fortalecimento do sistema de atenção cirúrgica e exortar as lideranças políticas a investir em infraestrutura. Participaram da reunião especialistas em diplomacia da saúde, financiamento inovador, estratégia de implementação e planos nacionais de atenção cirúrgica. O evento ocorreu em paralelo ao 60º Conselho Diretor da Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde, 75a Sessão do Comitê Regional da Organização Mundial da Saúde para as Américas. A reunião abordou quatro áreas centrais: (i) capacitação cirúrgica como forma de fazer avançar a atenção universal à saúde e a preparação para emergências; (ii) elaboração de políticas e estratégias para fortalecer os sistemas de atenção cirúrgica; (iii) criação de modelos para financiar, sustentar e melhorar os sistemas de atenção cirúrgica nos países de baixa e média renda; e (iv) avaliação de estratégias de implementação para financiar esses esforços. Ao estabelecer políticas integrais e sustentáveis, os planos nacionais de atenção cirúrgica representam uma oportunidade fundamental para criar sistemas de saúde resilientes. Este artigo destaca as principais mensagens desse evento voltado à América Latina, a fim de informar a comunidade mundial de saúde.
RESUMEN El 29 de septiembre del 2023, República de Ecuador convocó una reunión para abordar el fortalecimiento del sistema quirúrgico e instar a las autoridades políticas a realizar inversiones en infraestructura quirúrgica. En la reunión participaron expertos en diplomacia de la salud, financiamiento innovador, estrategias de implementación y planes quirúrgicos nacionales. El evento se celebró en paralelo con el 60.o Consejo Directivo de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud y la 75.a Sesión del Comité Regional de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para las Américas La reunión se centró en cuatro áreas principales: i) el aumento de la capacidad quirúrgica como medio para avanzar en la atención universal de salud y la preparación para emergencias; ii) la formulación de políticas y estrategias para fortalecer los sistemas quirúrgicos; iii) la elaboración de modelos para financiar, sostener y mejorar los sistemas quirúrgicos en países de ingresos bajos y medianos; y iv) la evaluación de las estrategias de implementación para el financiamiento de estas iniciativas. Los planes quirúrgicos nacionales brindan una oportunidad crucial para la creación de sistemas de atención de salud resilientes mediante el establecimiento de políticas integrales y sostenibles. En este artículo se resaltan los mensajes más destacados del evento, que estuvo centrado en América Latina, a fin de proporcionar información a la comunidad de la salud más amplia a nivel mundial.
ABSTRACT On September 29, 2023, the Republic of Ecuador convened a meeting to address surgical system strengthening and urge political leaders to invest in surgical infrastructure. The meeting included experts in health diplomacy, innovative financing, implementation strategy and national surgical plans. The event occurred in parallel with the Sixtieth Directing Council of the Pan American Health Organization, Seventy-fifth session of the World Health Organization Regional Committee for the Americas. The meeting centered around four major areas: (i) building surgical capacity as a means to develop universal health care and emergency preparedness; (ii) developing policies and strategies for strengthening surgical systems; (iii) developing models for financing, sustaining, and improving surgical systems in low- and middle-income countries; and (iv) evaluating implementation strategies for funding these endeavors. National surgical plans represent a critical opportunity to build resilient health care systems by establishing comprehensive and sustainable policies. This article highlights the key messages from the event, which focused on Latin America, to inform the broader global health community.
Panorama das Intervenções Coronárias Percutâneas em Oclusões Totais Crônicas em Centros Participantes do LATAM CTO Registry no Brasil
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Silva, Antonio Carlos Botelho da
; Paula, João Eduardo Tinoco de
; Campos, Carlos M.
; Ribeiro, Marcelo Harada
; Martins Filho, Evandro
; Oliveira, Marcos Danillo Peixoto
; Côrtes, Leandro Assumpção
; Abelin, Aníbal Pereira
; Zukowski, Cleverson Neves
; Martinelli, Gustavo Cervino
; Brito, Fábio Sândoli de
; Muniz, Antônio José
; Cantarelli, Marcelo José de Carvalho
; Andrade, Pedro Beraldo de
; Medeiros, César Rocha
; Falcão, Breno de Alencar Araripe
; Fuchs, Felipe Costa
; Silva, Leonardo Sinnott
; Fattah, Tammuz
; Degrazia, Ramiro Caldas
; Mangione, José Armando
; Bezerra, Cristiano Guedes
; Baradel, Sandra
; Silveira, João Brum
; Ybarra, Luiz Fernando
; Weillenmann, Daniel
; Gottschall, Carlos
; Lemke, Viviana
; Silva, Franciele Rosa da
; Schmidt, Marcia Moura
; Belli, Karlyse Claudino
; Oliveira, Pedro Piccaro de
; Quadros, Alexandre Schaan de
Resumo Fundamento Tem sido observado um grande avanço nas técnicas e nos dispositivos para a realização de intervenções coronárias percutâneas (ICP) em oclusões totais coronarianas crônicas (OTC), mas existem poucos dados da prática do mundo real em países em desenvolvimento. Objetivos Relatar as características clínicas e angiográficas, os aspectos dos procedimentos e os resultados clínicos da ICP de OTC em centros dedicados a esse procedimento no Brasil. Métodos Os pacientes incluídos foram submetidos à ICP de OTC em centros participantes do LATAM CTO Registry, um registro multicêntrico latino-americano dedicado à coleta prospectiva desses dados. Os critérios de inclusão foram procedimentos realizados no Brasil, idade acima de 18 anos e presença de OTC com tentativa de ICP. A definição de OTC foi lesão de 100% em uma artéria coronária epicárdica, conhecida ou estimada como tendo pelo menos 3 meses de evolução. Resultados Foram incluídos dados de 1.196 ICPs de OTC. Os procedimentos foram realizados principalmente para controle da angina (85%) e/ou tratamento de uma grande área isquêmica (24%). A taxa de sucesso técnico foi de 84% e foi alcançada com técnicas de fios anterógrados em 81%, dissecção/reentrada anterógrada em 9% e retrógrada em 10% dos procedimentos. Os eventos cardiovasculares adversos intra-hospitalares ocorreram em 2,3% dos casos, sendo a mortalidade de 0,75%. Conclusões As OTC podem ser tratadas no Brasil por intervenção coronária percutânea de forma efetiva e com baixas taxas de complicações. O desenvolvimento científico e tecnológico observado nessa área na última década reflete-se na prática clínica de centros brasileiros dedicados a essa técnica. (ICP OTC, , (OTC) angiográficas Registry latinoamericano latino americano 1 100 epicárdica evolução 1196 196 1.19 85% 85 (85% eou 24%. 24 24% . (24%) 84 81 81% dissecçãoreentrada dissecção reentrada 9 10 intrahospitalares intra hospitalares 23 2 2,3 casos 075 0 75 0,75% complicações refletese reflete se técnica (OTC 119 19 1.1 8 (85 (24% 2, 07 7 0,75 11 1. (8 (24 0,7 ( (2 0,
Abstract Background Major advances have been seen in techniques and devices for performing percutaneous coronary interventions (PCIs) for chronic total occlusions (CTOs), but there are limited real-world practice data from developing countries. Objectives To report clinical and angiographic characteristics, procedural aspects, and clinical outcomes of CTO PCI performed at dedicated centers in Brazil. Methods Included patients underwent CTO PCI at centers participating in the LATAM CTO Registry, a Latin American multicenter registry dedicated to prospective collection of these data. Inclusion criteria were procedures performed in Brazil, age 18 years or over, and presence of CTO with PCI attempt. CTO was defined as a 100% lesion in an epicardial coronary artery, known or estimated to have lasted at least 3 months. Results Data on 1196 CTO PCIs were included. Procedures were performed primarily for angina control (85%) and/or treatment of moderate/severe ischemia (24%). Technical success rate was 84%, being achieved with antegrade wire approaches in 81% of procedures, antegrade dissection and re-entry in 9%, and retrograde approaches in 10%. In-hospital adverse cardiovascular events occurred in 2.3% of cases, with a mortality rate of 0.75%. Conclusions CTOs can be treated effectively in Brazil by using PCI, with low complication rates. The scientific and technological development observed in this area in the past decade is reflected in the clinical practice of dedicated Brazilian centers. (PCIs CTOs, , (CTOs) realworld real world countries characteristics aspects Registry 1 over attempt 100 artery months 119 included 85% 85 (85% andor moderatesevere moderate severe 24%. 24 24% . (24%) 84 84% 81 reentry re entry 9 9% 10 10% Inhospital In hospital 23 2 2.3 cases 075 0 75 0.75% rates (CTOs 11 8 (85 (24% 2. 07 7 0.75 (8 (24 0.7 ( (2 0.
Point-Of-Care Cardiac Ultrasound:is it time for anesthesiologists to embrace and achieve competence? PointOfCare Point Of Care Ultrasoundis Ultrasound is competence
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Papa, Fabio de V.
; Galhardo Jr, Carlos
; Pontes, João Paulo Jordão
; Alves, Rodrigo Leal
; Zamper, Raffael
; Salgado, Marcello
; da Costa, Luiz Guilherme Villares
; Lineburger, Eric Benedet
; dos Reis Falcão, Luiz Fernando
An alternative approach for blocking the superior trunk of the brachial plexus evaluated by a single arm clinical trial
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Frederico, Thiago Nouer
; Sakata, Rioko Kimiko
; Falcão, Luiz Fernando dos Reis
; Sousa, Paulo Cesár Castello Branco de
; Melhmann, Fernanda
; Simões, Cesar Augusto
; Ferraro, Leonardo Henrique Cunha
Abstract Background Interscalene brachial plexus block is associated with phrenic nerve paralysis. The objective of this study was to evaluate an alternative approach to interscalene brachial plexus blocks in terms of efficacy, grade of motor and sensory blockade, and phrenic nerve blockade. Methods The study was prospective and interventional. The ten living patients studied were 18 to 65 years old, ASA physical status I or II, and submitted to correction of rotator cuff injury. A superior trunk blockade was performed at the superior trunk below the omohyoid muscle, without blocking the phrenic nerve. The needle was advanced below the prevertebral layer until contacting the superior trunk. In order to guarantee the correct positioning of the needle tip, an intracluster pattern of the spread was visualized. The block was performed with 5 mL of 0.5% bupivacaine in ten patients. In the six cadavers, 5 mL of methylene blue was injected. Diaphragmatic excursion was assessed by ultrasonography of the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm. In three patients, pulmonary ventilation was evaluated with impedance tomography. Pain scores and analgesic consumption were assessed in the recovery room for 6 hours after the blockade. Results In the six cadavers, methylene blue didn’t reach the phrenic nerve. Ten patients underwent arthroscopic surgery, and no clinically phrenic nerve paralysis was observed. No patient reported pain during the first 6 hours. Conclusions This study suggests that this new superior trunk approach to block the superior trunk may be an alternative technique to promote analgesia for shoulder surgery in patients with impaired respiratory function.
Evaluation of dexmedetomidine anesthesia-related temperature changes: preliminary retrospective observational study
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Cruz, Felipe Aparecido Ferreira da
; Falcão, Luiz Fernando dos Reis
; Amaral, José Luiz Gomes do
; Silva, Helga Cristina Almeida da
Abstract Introduction and objective: Dexmedetomidine is a potent adrenergic alpha-2 agonist, and analgesic, sedative, anxiolytic and sympatholytic. Given there have been reports of dexmedetomidine associated temperature changes, in which these events have been associated with complications, our objective was to describe both temperature increase and decrease, during the intra and postoperative period (initial 24 hours), and factors associated, in patients who received dexmedetomidine for anesthesia/sedation in the surgical suite. Method: Retrospective observational study, analyzing charts of patients ≥ 18 years submitted to anesthesia/sedation with dexmedetomidine, between 1/1/2017 and 31/12/2017. Upper temperature threshold was considered ≥ 37.8°C, and lower, < 35°C. The association with dexmedetomidine was assessed by the OMS/UMC causality system and by the Naranjo algorithm. Results: The sample included 42 patients who received dexmedetomidine and whose temperature data were available, with predominance of men 26 (62%), 49.4/16.5 years old (mean/standard deviation), and weight 65/35.8 kg. None of the patients presented intraoperative temperature equal to or above 37.8°C or below 35°C. During the postoperative period, one patient presented an increase ≥ 37.8°C (2.4%) and three, temperature decrease < 35°C (7%). Surgery/anesthesia time and exposure time to dexmedetomidine were not appropriate linear predictors of maximum temperature. Older age (p < 0.01), longer exposure to dexmedetomidine (p < 0.05) and shorter surgery time (p < 0.01) were significant linear predictors for lower minimum temperature. Abbreviations: MH, malignant hyperthermia; UMC, Uppsala Monitoring Centre; ICU, Intensive Care Unit; WHO, World Health Organization. Conclusions: Increase ≥ 37.8°C/decrease < 35°C of temperature possibly associated with dexmedetomidine did not occur in the intraoperative period and had a low frequency during the postoperative period.
Incidence and risk factors of postoperative visual function impairment in elderly patients undergoing nonocular surgery: a prospective cohort study
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Badessa, Guinther G.
; Almeida, Juliano Pinheiro
; Fukushima, Julia Tizue
; Badessa, Marianne
; Colella, Felipe
; Torres, Marcelo L.
; Alves, Milton Ruiz
; Falcão, Luiz Fernando R.
; Silveira, Cirilo Haddad
; Alfano, Adeli Mariane Vieira Lino
; Amaral Neto, Mauricio
; Nakashima, Aloísio Fumio
; Carmona, Maria José C.
Abstract Background: Elderly patients may present with visual function impairment after surgery, which may increase the incidence of postoperative delirium and falls and decrease their quality of life. The aim of this study was to assess visual function in elderly patients after long-duration nonocular surgery to determine the incidence and risk factors for visual function impairment after surgery. Methods: This prospective and observational study included patients aged between 60 and 80 years who had been scheduled for elective non-ocular surgery expected to last longer than 120 minutes under general anaesthesia. Ocular examinations were performed before surgery, on post-operative day 3 and on post-operative day 21 and consisted of a LogMAR-Snellen chart test, a Jager chart test, biomicroscopy, optical tonometry, ocular motility assessment and fundoscopy. Baseline characteristics of all patients as well as intraoperative and postoperative data were collected. Results: A total of 107 patients were included in the final analysis. Visual function impairment was diagnosed in 21 patients (19.6%) at POD 3. Of those, 7 patients (6.5%) still presented with visual changes at POD 21. On POD 3, compared with that at baseline, visual acuity assessed by the Snellen chart test had decreased in these patients. Significant differences regarding refraction tests and intraocular pressure measures were also found. Multivariable analysis identified diabetes mellitus, duration of surgery, hypotension during anaesthesia induction, lower peripheral oxygen saturation at the end of the procedure and body mass index as independent risk factors for postoperative visual impairment. Conclusion: In elderly patients undergoing long-duration non-ocular procedures under general anaesthesia, the incidence of visual function impairment was considerably high. Most patients recovered to baseline visual function, but clinically significant visual changes may still be present 3 weeks after surgery. Obesity, diabetes mellitus, and the duration of surgical and anaesthetic techniques appear to increase the risk of visual impairment after surgery.
Diretrizes da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia sobre Angina Instável e Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio sem Supradesnível do Segmento ST – 2021
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Nicolau, José Carlos
; Feitosa Filho, Gilson Soares
; Petriz, João Luiz
; Furtado, Remo Holanda de Mendonça
; Précoma, Dalton Bertolim
; Lemke, Walmor
; Lopes, Renato Delascio
; Timerman, Ari
; Marin Neto, José A.
; Bezerra Neto, Luiz
; Gomes, Bruno Ferraz de Oliveira
; Santos, Eduardo Cavalcanti Lapa
; Piegas, Leopoldo Soares
; Soeiro, Alexandre de Matos
; Negri, Alexandre Jorge de Andrade
; Franci, Andre
; Markman Filho, Brivaldo
; Baccaro, Bruno Mendonça
; Montenegro, Carlos Eduardo Lucena
; Rochitte, Carlos Eduardo
; Barbosa, Carlos José Dornas Gonçalves
; Virgens, Cláudio Marcelo Bittencourt das
; Stefanini, Edson
; Manenti, Euler Roberto Fernandes
; Lima, Felipe Gallego
; Monteiro Júnior, Francisco das Chagas
; Correa Filho, Harry
; Pena, Henrique Patrus Mundim
; Pinto, Ibraim Masciarelli Francisco
; Falcão, João Luiz de Alencar Araripe
; Sena, Joberto Pinheiro
; Peixoto, José Maria
; Souza, Juliana Ascenção de
; Silva, Leonardo Sara da
; Maia, Lilia Nigro
; Ohe, Louis Nakayama
; Baracioli, Luciano Moreira
; Dallan, Luís Alberto de Oliveira
; Dallan, Luis Augusto Palma
; Mattos, Luiz Alberto Piva e
; Bodanese, Luiz Carlos
; Ritt, Luiz Eduardo Fonteles
; Canesin, Manoel Fernandes
; Rivas, Marcelo Bueno da Silva
; Franken, Marcelo
; Magalhães, Marcos José Gomes
; Oliveira Júnior, Múcio Tavares de
; Filgueiras Filho, Nivaldo Menezes
; Dutra, Oscar Pereira
; Coelho, Otávio Rizzi
; Leães, Paulo Ernesto
; Rossi, Paulo Roberto Ferreira
; Soares, Paulo Rogério
; Lemos Neto, Pedro Alves
; Farsky, Pedro Silvio
; Cavalcanti, Rafael Rebêlo C.
; Alves, Renato Jorge
; Kalil, Renato Abdala Karam
; Esporcatte, Roberto
; Marino, Roberto Luiz
; Giraldez, Roberto Rocha Corrêa Veiga
; Meneghelo, Romeu Sérgio
; Lima, Ronaldo de Souza Leão
; Ramos, Rui Fernando
; Falcão, Sandra Nivea dos Reis Saraiva
; Dalçóquio, Talia Falcão
; Lemke, Viviana de Mello Guzzo
; Chalela, William Azem
; Mathias Júnior, Wilson
The History of ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery) Society and its development in Latin America
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The shortage of hospital beds and changes in the payment model have promoted an increased attention and financing of programs that focus on perioperative care efficiency in. Latin America. In this paper, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) programs developed by the ERAS® Society will be discussed. The implementation and use of ERAS®Society Guidelines consistently demonstrated a reduction in postoperative complications, hospital stay and costs. In the current paper, the definition of ERAS programs, their core elements, and the results of their implementation and regional developments are presented with special focus on Latin America.
Atualização da Diretriz de Ressuscitação Cardiopulmonar e Cuidados Cardiovasculares de Emergência da Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia - 2019
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Bernoche, Claudia
; Timerman, Sergio
; Polastri, Thatiane Facholi
; Giannetti, Natali Schiavo
; Siqueira, Adailson Wagner da Silva
; Piscopo, Agnaldo
; Soeiro, Alexandre de Matos
; Reis, Amélia Gorete Afonso da Costa
; Tanaka, Ana Cristina Sayuri
; Thomaz, Ana Maria
; Quilici, Ana Paula
; Catarino, Andrei Hilário
; Ribeiro, Anna Christina de Lima
; Barreto, Antonio Carlos Pereira
; Azevedo Filho, Antonio Fernando Barros de
; Pazin Filho, Antonio
; Timerman, Ari
; Scarpa, Bruna Romanelli
; Timerman, Bruno
; Tavares, Caio de Assis Moura
; Martins, Cantidio Soares Lemos
; Serrano Junior, Carlos Vicente
; Malaque, Ceila Maria Sant’Ana
; Pisani, Cristiano Faria
; Batista, Daniel Valente
; Leandro, Daniela Luana Fernandes
; Szpilman, David
; Gonçalves, Diego Manoel
; Paiva, Edison Ferreira de
; Osawa, Eduardo Atsushi
; Lima, Eduardo Gomes
; Adam, Eduardo Leal
; Peixoto, Elaine
; Evaristo, Eli Faria
; Azeka, Estela
; Silva, Fabio Bruno da
; Wen, Fan Hui
; Ferreira, Fatima Gil
; Lima, Felipe Gallego
; Fernandes, Felipe Lourenço
; Ganem, Fernando
; Galas, Filomena Regina Barbosa Gomes
; Tarasoutchi, Flavio
; Souza, Germano Emilio Conceição
; Feitosa Filho, Gilson Soares
; Foronda, Gustavo
; Guimarães, Helio Penna
; Abud, Isabela Cristina Kirnew
; Leite, Ivanhoé Stuart Lima
; Linhares Filho, Jaime Paula Pessoa
; Moraes Junior, João Batista de Moura Xavier
; Falcão, João Luiz Alencar de Araripe
; Ramires, Jose Antônio Franchini
; Cavalini, José Fernando
; Saraiva, José Francisco Kerr
; Abrão, Karen Cristine
; Pinto, Lecio Figueira
; Bianchi, Leonardo Luís Torres
; Lopes, Leonardo Nícolau Geisler Daud
; Piegas, Leopoldo Soares
; Kopel, Liliane
; Godoy, Lucas Colombo
; Tobase, Lucia
; Hajjar, Ludhmila Abrahão
; Dallan, Luís Augusto Palma
; Caneo, Luiz Fernando
; Cardoso, Luiz Francisco
; Canesin, Manoel Fernandes
; Park, Marcelo
; Rabelo, Marcia Maria Noya
; Malachias, Marcus Vinícius Bolívar
; Gonçalves, Maria Aparecida Batistão
; Almeida, Maria Fernanda Branco de
; Souza, Maria Francilene Silva
; Favarato, Maria Helena Sampaio
; Carrion, Maria Julia Machline
; Gonzalez, Maria Margarita
; Bortolotto, Maria Rita de Figueiredo Lemos
; Macatrão-Costa, Milena Frota
; Shimoda, Mônica Satsuki
; Oliveira-Junior, Mucio Tavares de
; Ikari, Nana Miura
; Dutra, Oscar Pereira
; Berwanger, Otávio
; Pinheiro, Patricia Ana Paiva Corrêa
; Reis, Patrícia Feitosa Frota dos
; Cellia, Pedro Henrique Moraes
; Santos Filho, Raul Dias dos
; Gianotto-Oliveira, Renan
; Kalil Filho, Roberto
; Guinsburg, Ruth
; Managini, Sandrigo
; Lage, Silvia Helena Gelas
; Yeu, So Pei
; Franchi, Sonia Meiken
; Shimoda-Sakano, Tania
; Accorsi, Tarso Duenhas
; Leal, Tatiana de Carvalho Andreucci
; Guimarães, Vanessa
; Sallai, Vanessa Santos
; Ávila, Walkiria Samuel
; Sako, Yara Kimiko
Pulmonary function alteration in laparoscopic surgery with pneumoperitoneum and abdominal wall elevation
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Falcão, Luiz Fernando dos Reis
; Battisti, Fabrício de Paula Leite
; Oliveira Júnior, Itamar Souza de
; Ferez, David
Randomized prospective study of three different techniques for ultrasound-guided axillary brachial plexus block
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Ferraro, Leonardo Henirque Cunha
; Takeda, Alexandre
; Sousa, Paulo César Castello Branco de
; Mehlmann, Fernanda Moreira Gomes
; Mitsunaga Junior, Jorge Kiyoshi
; Falcão, Luiz Fernando dos Reis
Resumo Introdução Estudo prospectivo randomizado, compara duas técnicas perivasculares com a técnica perineural para o bloqueio do plexo braquial via axilar guiado por ultrassom (BPVA-USG). Objetivo primário foi verificar se essas técnicas perivasculares são não inferiores à técnica perineural. Método Foram randomizados 240 pacientes para receber as técnicas: abaixo da artéria (TA), ao redor da artéria (TR) ou perineural (PN). O volume de anestésico usado foi 40 ml de bupivacaína 0,375%. Em todos os pacientes, fez-se o bloqueio do nervo musculocutâneo com 10 ml. Na técnica TA, injetaram-se 30 ml abaixo da artéria axilar. Na técnica TR, injetaram-se 7,5 ml em quatro pontos ao redor da artéria. Na técnica PN, os nervos mediano, ulnar e radial foram anestesiados com 10 ml por nervo. Resultados Análise dos intervalos de confiança mostrou que as técnicas perivasculares estudadas não são inferiores à técnica perineural. A técnica TA apresentou menor tempo para o bloqueio (300,4 ± 78,4 seg; 396,5 ± 117,1 seg; 487,6 ± 172,6 seg; respectivamente). A técnica PN apresentou menor tempo de latência (PN - 655,3 ± 348,9 seg; TA - 1044 ± 389,5 seg; TR - 932,9 ± 314,5 seg) e menor tempo total de procedimento (PN - 1132 ± 395,8 seg; TA -1346,2 ± 413,4 seg; TR 1329,5 ± 344,4 seg). A técnica TA apresentou maior incidência de punção vascular (TA - 22,5%, TR - 16,3%; PN - 5%). Conclusão As técnicas perivasculares são opções viáveis à técnica perineural para o BPVA-USG. Ressalta-se maior incidência de punção vascular associada à técnica TA.
Abstract Introduction Randomized prospective study comparing two perivascular techniques with the perineural technique for ultrasound-guided axillary brachial plexus block (US-ABPB). The primary objective was to verify if these perivascular techniques are noninferior to the perineural technique. Method 240 patients were randomized to receive the techniques: below the artery (BA), around the artery (AA) or perineural (PN). The anesthetic volume used was 40 mL of 0.375% bupivacaine. All patients received a musculocutaneous nerve blockade with 10 mL. In BA technique, 30 mL were injected below the axillary artery. In AA technique, 7.5 mL were injected at 4 points around the artery. In PN technique, the median, ulnar, and radial nerves were anesthetized with 10 mL per nerve. Results Confidence interval analysis showed that the perivascular techniques studied were not inferior to the perineural technique. The time to perform the blockade was shorter for the BA technique (300.4 ± 78.4 s, 396.5 ± 117.1 s, 487.6 ± 172.6 s, respectively). The PN technique showed a lower latency time (PN - 655.3 ± 348.9 s; BA - 1044 ± 389.5 s; AA - 932.9 ± 314.5 s), and less total time for the procedure (PN - 1132 ± 395.8 s; BA - 1346.2 ± 413.4 s; AA - 1329.5 ± 344.4 s). BA technique had a higher incidence of vascular puncture (BA - 22.5%; AA - 16.3%; PN - 5%). Conclusion The perivascular techniques are viable alternatives to perineural technique for US-ABPB. There is a higher incidence of vascular puncture associated with the BA technique.
Effect of atenolol pre-treatment in heart damage in a model of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion
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Okada, Mieko
; Falcão, Luiz Fernando Reis
; Ferez, David
; Martins, José Luiz
; Errante, Paolo Ruggero
; Rodrigues, Francisco Sandro Menezes
; Caricati-Neto, Afonso
; Marinho, Márcia
; Fenelon, Guilherme
; Oliveira-Júnior, Itamar Souza
Abstract Purpose: To investigate the effects of atenolol in inflammatory mediator and oxidative stress in a myocardial injury by intestinal ischemia/reperfusion in rat model. Methods: Adult Wistar male rats were randomly (n=8), anesthetized and divided in: Sham: submitted to operation only; group SS+IR: intravenous saline infusion following superior mesenteric artery occlusion during 60 minutes (ischemia) and open for 120 minutes (reperfusion); group AT+IR: intravenous atenolol infusion (2 mg/kg) following superior mesenteric artery occlusion during 60 minutes (ischemia) and open for 120 minutes (reperfusion); and group AT+I+AT+R: intravenous atenolol infusion following superior mesenteric artery occlusion during 60 minutes (ischemia) and in the time 45 minutes other atenolol doses were administrated and the artery was open for 120 minutes (reperfusion), all animals were submitted to muscular relaxation for mechanical ventilation. In the end of experiment the animals were euthanized and the hearts tissue were morphology analyzed by histology and malondialdehyde by ELISA, and the plasma were analyzed for tumor necrosis factor-alpha by ELISA. Results: The group SS+IR demonstrated the higher malondialdehyde levels when compared with the atenolol treated-groups (p=0.001) in the heart tissue. The tumor necrosis factor-alpha level in plasma decrease in the treated groups when compared with SS+IR group (p=0.001). Histology analyses demonstrate pyknosis, edema, cellular vacuolization, presence of inflammatory infiltrate and band contraction in the heart tissue of the rats. Conclusion: Atenolol significantly reduce the degree of cardiac damage after intestinal ischemia-reperfusion.
Minimum effective concentration of bupivacaine for axillary brachial plexus block guided by ultrasound
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Takeda, Alexandre
; Ferraro, Leonardo Henrique Cunha
; Rezende, André Hosoi
; Sadatsune, Eduardo Jun
; Falcão, Luiz Fernando dos Reis
; Tardelli, Maria Angela
INTRODUÇÃO: O uso do ultrassom na anestesia regional permite a redução da dose de anestésico local utilizada para o bloqueio de nervos periféricos. O presente estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de determinar a concentração mínima efetiva (CME90) de bupivacaína para o bloqueio do plexo braquial via axilar (BPVA). MÉTODOS: Pacientes submetidos a cirurgias da mão foram recrutados. Foi usado um método de alocação "biased coin" seqüencial "up-down" para estimar a CME90. A dose de bupivacaína foi de 5 mL para cada nervo (radial, ulnar, mediano e musculocutâneo). A concentração inicial de era 0,35%. Essa concentração era alterada em 0,05% dependendo do bloqueio anterior: a falha do bloqueio resultava em aumento da concentração para o próximo paciente; no caso de sucesso, o próximo paciente poderia receber ou redução (probabilidade de 0,1) ou mesma concentração (probabilidade 0,9). A anestesia cirúrgica foi definida como força motora ≤ 2 segundo a escala de Bromage modificada, ausência de sensibilidade térmica e de resposta ao pinprick. A analgesia pós-operatória foi verificada na sala de recuperação anestésica com escala numérica de dor e a quantidade de analgésicos utilizados até 4 horas após o bloqueio. RESULTADOS: A CME90 foi de 0,241% [R2: 0,978, Intervalo de Confiança: 0,20%-0,34%]. Além disso, nenhum paciente com sucesso do bloqueio apresentou dor após 4 horas. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo demonstrou que pode-se realizar o BPVA guiado por ultrassom utilizando-se baixas concentrações de anestésico local, aumentando a segurança do procedimento. Novos estudos devem ser realizados para avaliar a duração de bloqueios com baixas concentrações.
INTRODUCTION: The use of ultrasound in regional anesthesia allows reducing the dose of local anesthetic used for peripheral nerve block. The present study was performed to determine the minimum effective concentration (MEC90) of bupivacaine for axillary brachial plexus block. METHODS: Patients undergoing hand surgery were recruited. To estimate the MEC90, a sequential up-down biased coin method of allocation was used. The bupivacaine dose was 5 mL for each nerve (radial, ulnar, median, and musculocutaneous). The initial concentration was 0.35%. This concentration was changed by 0.05% depending on the previous block; a blockade failure resulted in increased concentration for the next patient; in case of success, the next patient could receive or reduction (0.1 probability) or the same concentration (0.9 probability). Surgical anesthesia was defined as driving force ≤2 according to the modified Bromage scale, lack of thermal sensitivity and response to pinprick. Postoperative analgesia was assessed in the recovery room with numeric pain scale and the amount of drugs used within 4 h after the blockade. RESULTS: MEC90 was 0.241% [R 2: 0.978, confidence interval: 0.20-0.34%]. No patient, with successful block, reported pain after 4 h. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that ultrasound guided axillary brachial plexus block can be performed with the use of low concentration of local anesthetics, increasing the safety of the procedure. Further studies should be conducted to assess blockade duration at low concentrations.
INTRODUCCIÓN: El uso de la ecografía en la anestesia regional permite la reducción de la dosis de anestésico local utilizada para el bloqueo de nervios periféricos. El presente estudio fue llevado a cabo con el objetivo de determinar la concentración mínima efectiva (CME90) de bupivacaína para el bloqueo del plexo braquial vía axilar. MÉTODOS: Fueron reclutados pacientes sometidos a cirugías de la mano. Se usó un método de ubicación "biased coin" secuencial "up-down" para estimar la CME90. La dosis de bupivacaína fue de 5 mL para cada nervio (radial, cubital, mediano y musculocutáneo). La concentración inicial era de un 0,35%. Esa concentración era alterada en un 0,05% dependiendo del bloqueo anterior: El fallo del bloqueo revertía en un aumento de la concentración al próximo paciente; en caso de éxito, el próximo paciente podría recibir o una reducción (probabilidad de 0,1) o la misma concentración (probabilidad 0,9). La anestesia quirúrgica fue definida como fuerza motora ≤ 2 según la escala de Bromage modificada, ausencia de sensibilidad térmica y de respuesta al pinprick (test del pinchazo de la aguja). La analgesia postoperatoria fue verificada en la sala de recuperación anestésica con la escala numérica de dolor y la cantidad de analgésicos utilizados hasta 4 h después del bloqueo. RESULTADOS: La CME90 fue del 0,241% [R2: 0,978, intervalo de confianza: 0,20-0,34%]. Además, ningún paciente con éxito en el bloqueo tuvo dolor después de 4 h. CONCLUSIÓN: Este estudio demostró que se puede realizar el bloqueo del plexo braquial vía axilar guiado por ecografía utilizando bajas concentraciones de anestésico local, aumentando la seguridad del procedimiento. Nuevos estudios deben ser realizados para calcular la duración de bloqueos con bajas concentraciones.
Growing knowledge: an overview of Seed Plant diversity in Brazil
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; Zickel, Carmem S
Resumo Um levantamento atualizado das plantas com sementes e análises relevantes acerca desta biodiversidade são apresentados. Este trabalho se iniciou em 2010 com a publicação do Catálogo de Plantas e Fungos e, desde então vem sendo atualizado por mais de 430 especialistas trabalhando online. O Brasil abriga atualmente 32.086 espécies nativas de Angiospermas e 23 espécies nativas de Gimnospermas e estes novos dados mostram um aumento de 3% da riqueza em relação a 2010. A Amazônia é o Domínio Fitogeográfico com o maior número de espécies de Gimnospermas, enquanto que a Floresta Atlântica possui a maior riqueza de Angiospermas. Houve um crescimento considerável no número de espécies e nas taxas de endemismo para a maioria dos Domínios (Caatinga, Cerrado, Floresta Atlântica, Pampa e Pantanal), com exceção da Amazônia que apresentou uma diminuição de 2,5% de endemicidade. Entretanto, a maior parte das plantas com sementes que ocorrem no Brasil (57,4%) é endêmica deste território. A proporção de formas de vida varia de acordo com os diferentes Domínios: árvores são mais expressivas na Amazônia e Floresta Atlântica do que nos outros biomas, ervas são dominantes no Pampa e as lianas apresentam riqueza expressiva na Amazônia, Floresta Atlântica e Pantanal. Este trabalho não só quantifica a biodiversidade brasileira, mas também indica as lacunas de conhecimento e o desafio a ser enfrentado para a conservação desta flora.
Abstract An updated inventory of Brazilian seed plants is presented and offers important insights into the country's biodiversity. This work started in 2010, with the publication of the Plants and Fungi Catalogue, and has been updated since by more than 430 specialists working online. Brazil is home to 32,086 native Angiosperms and 23 native Gymnosperms, showing an increase of 3% in its species richness in relation to 2010. The Amazon Rainforest is the richest Brazilian biome for Gymnosperms, while the Atlantic Rainforest is the richest one for Angiosperms. There was a considerable increment in the number of species and endemism rates for biomes, except for the Amazon that showed a decrease of 2.5% of recorded endemics. However, well over half of Brazillian seed plant species (57.4%) is endemic to this territory. The proportion of life-forms varies among different biomes: trees are more expressive in the Amazon and Atlantic Rainforest biomes while herbs predominate in the Pampa, and lianas are more expressive in the Amazon, Atlantic Rainforest, and Pantanal. This compilation serves not only to quantify Brazilian biodiversity, but also to highlight areas where there information is lacking and to provide a framework for the challenge faced in conserving Brazil's unique and diverse flora.
Transfusional profile in different types of intensive care units
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Paula, Ilusca Cardoso de
; Azevedo, Luciano Cesar Pontes
; Falcão, Luiz Fernando dos Reis
; Mazza, Bruno Franco
; Barros, Melca Maria Oliveira
; Freitas, Flavio Geraldo Rezende
; Machado, Flávia Ribeiro
Justificativa e objetivos: Anemia é um achado clínico frequente nas UTIs. A transfusão de hemácias é a principal forma de tratamento, apesar dos riscos a ela associados. Dessa forma, propusemos avaliar o perfil transfusional dos pacientes em diferentes UTIs. Métodos: Análise prospectiva dos pacientes internados nas UTIs de um hospital universitário terciário com indicação de transfusão de concentrado de hemácias. Foram coletados características demográficas e o perfil transfusional, foi feita análise univariada e foram considerados significativos resultados com p = 0,05. Resultados: Foram analisadas 408 transfusões em 71 pacientes. A concentração média de hemoglobina na internação foi 9,7 ± 2,3 g/dL e a concentração pré-transfusional 6,9 ± 1,1 g/dL. As principais indicações de transfusão foram a concentração de hemoglobina (49%) e o sangramento ativo (32%). O número mediano de unidades transfundidas por episódio foi 2 (1-2) e a mediana do tempo de estocagem foi 14 (7-21) dias. O número de pacientes transfundidos com hemoglobina acima de 7 g/dL e o número de bolsas transfundidas por episódio foram significativamente diferentes entre as UTIs. Pacientes que receberam três ou mais transfusões tiveram maior tempo de ventilação mecânica e de permanência na UTI e maior mortalidade em 60 dias. Houve associação da mortalidade com gravidade da doença, mas não com as características transfusionais. Conclusões: A prática transfusional de hemocomponentes esteve parcialmente de acordo com as diretrizes preconizadas, embora haja diferença de conduta entre os diferentes perfis de UTIs. Pacientes transfundidos evoluíram com desfechos desfavoráveis. Apesar da escassez de sangue nos bancos de sangue, o tempo médio de estocagem das bolsas foi elevado.
Background and objectives: anemia is a common clinical finding in intensive care units. The red blood cell transfusion is the main form of treatment, despite the associated risks. Thus, we proposed to evaluate the profile of transfusional patients in different intensive care units. Methods: prospective analysis of patients admitted in the intensive care units of a tertiary university hospital with an indication for transfusion of packed red blood cells. Demographic profile and transfusional profile were collected, a univariate analysis was done, and the results were considered significant at p = 0.05. Results: 408 transfusions were analyzed in 71 patients. The mean hemoglobin concentration on admission was 9.7 ± 2.3 g/dL and the pre-transfusional concentration was 6.9 ± 1.1 g/dL. The main indications for transfusion were hemoglobin concentration (49%) and active bleeding (32%). The median number of units transfused per episode was 2 (1-2) and the median storage time was 14 (7-21) days. The number of patients transfused with hemoglobin levels greater than 7 g/dL and the number of bags transfused per episode were significantly different among intensive care units. Patients who received three or more transfusions had longer mechanical ventilation time and intensive care unit stay and higher mortality after 60 days. There was an association of mortality with disease severity but not with transfusional characteristics. Conclusions: the practice of blood products transfusion was partially in agreement with the guidelines recommended, although there are differences in behavior between the different profiles of intensive care units. Transfused patients evolved with unfavorable outcomes. Despite the scarcity of blood in blood banks, the mean storage time of the bags was high.
Justificación y objetivos: la anemia es un hallazgo clínico común en las UCI. La transfusión de hematíes es la principal forma de tratamiento, a pesar de los riesgos que están asociados a ella. Así, nos propusimos evaluar el perfil transfusional de los pacientes en diferentes UCI. Métodos: análisis prospectivo de los pacientes ingresados en las UCI de un hospital universitario terciario con indicación de transfusión de concentrado de hematíes. Se recolectaron características demográficas y el perfil transfusional, haciéndose el análisis univariado considerando como significativos los resultados con p = 0,05. Resultados: se analizaron 408 transfusiones en 71 pacientes. La concentración promedio de hemoglobina en el ingreso fue de 9,7 ± 2,3 g/dL y la concentración pretransfusional de 6,9 ± 1,1 g/dL. Las principales indicaciones de transfusión fueron la concentración de hemoglobina (49%) y el sangrado activo (32%). El número intermedio de unidades transfundidas por episodio fue 2 (1-2) y la mediana del tiempo de almacenaje fue de 14 (7-21) días. El número de pacientes transfundidos con hemoglobina por encima de 7 g/dL y el número de bolsas transfundidas por episodio fueron significativamente diferentes entre las UCI. Los pacientes que recibieron 3 o más transfusiones tuvieron más tiempo de ventilación mecánica y de permanencia en la UCI y una mayor mortalidad en 60 días. Hubo una asociación de la mortalidad con la gravedad de la enfermedad, pero no así con las características transfusionales. Conclusiones: la práctica transfusional de hemocomponentes estuvo parcialmente a tono con las directrices preconizadas, aunque exista una diferencia de conducta entre los diferentes perfiles de UCI. Pacientes transfundidos evolucionaron con resultados desfavorables. Pese a la escasez de sangre en los bancos de sangre, el tiempo promedio de almacenaje de las bolsas fue alto.
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