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Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in schoolchildren in the city of São Paulo, 2020 SARSCoV2 SARSCoV SARS CoV 2 SARS-CoV- Paulo 202 SARS-CoV 20
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Kamioka, Gabriela Akemi
; Madalosso, Geraldine
; Albuquerque, José Olimpio Moura de
; Costa, Selma Anequini
; Ferreira, Paula Bisordi
; Sato, Ana Paula Sayuri
; Glasser, Paula Regina
; Pino, Francisco Alberto
; Burihan, Patrícia Carla Piragibe Ramos
; Carvalho, Ana Carolina Aguiar de
; Amorim, Ana Beatriz Pagliaro
; Cavazzana, Cinthya Luzia
; Aires, Caroline Cotrim
; Kataoka, Ana Paula Arruda Geraldes
; Savani, Elisa San Martin Mouriz
; Bessa, Thirsa Alvares Franco
; Aguiar, Breno Souza de
; Failla, Marcelo Antunes
; Santos, Edson Aparecido dos
; Brito, Edjane Maria Torreão
; Santos, Maria Cristina Honório dos
; Caldeira, Luiz Artur Vieira
; Silva, Solange Maria Saboia e
; Zamarco, Luiz Carlos
; Fonseca, Sandra Maria Sabino
; Lima, Marcia Maria de Cerqueira
; Marques, Ivanilda Argenau
; Mauro, Athenê Maria de Marco França
; Masi, Eduardo de

RESUMO OBJETIVO Estimar a soroprevalência de anticorpos do vírus SARS-CoV-2 em escolares de quatro a 14 anos de idade residentes no município de São Paulo, segundo variáveis clínicas, demográficas, epidemiológicas e sociais, durante o período de fechamento das escolas como medida de controle da covid-19. MÉTODOS Realizou-se um inquérito sorológico em setembro de 2020 com amostra aleatória estratificada por tipo de rede de ensino (pública municipal, pública estadual e privada). Foi coletada amostra de sangue venoso utilizando-se o teste de imunoensaio de fluxo lateral da fabricante Wondfo para detecção de anticorpos totais contra o vírus SARS-CoV-2. Aplicaram-se questionários semiestruturados para o levantamento de dados clínicos, demográficos, sociais e epidemiológicos. RESULTADOS A soroprevalência de anticorpos do vírus SARS-CoV-2 em escolares foi de 16,6% (IC95% 15,4–17,8). O estudo encontrou soroprevalências mais elevadas na rede pública municipal (18,5%; IC95% 16,6–20,6) e estadual (16,2%; IC95% 14,4–18,2) em relação à rede privada (11,7; IC95% 10,0–13,7) e entre escolares da raça/cor preta e parda (18,4%; IC95% 16,8–20,2) e no estrato social mais vulnerável (18,5%; IC95% 16,9–20,2). A pesquisa identificou menores soroprevalências nos escolares que relataram seguir as medidas recomendadas de proteção contra a covid-19. CONCLUSÃO A soroprevalência de anticorpos contra o vírus SARS-CoV-2 atinge principalmente os escolares socialmente mais vulneráveis. Este estudo pode contribuir para embasar políticas públicas que reforcem a importância da suspensão das aulas presenciais e da necessidade de estratégias de medidas de proteção e acompanhamento do status sorológico daqueles que ainda não foram contemplados no calendário vacinal. SARSCoV2 SARSCoV SARS CoV 2 SARS-CoV- 1 Paulo clínicas demográficas covid19. covid19 covid 19. 19 covid-19 Realizouse Realizou se 202 privada. . privada) utilizandose utilizando SARSCoV2. 2. Aplicaramse Aplicaram clínicos demográficos epidemiológicos 166 16 6 16,6 IC95 IC (IC95 15,4–17,8. 154178 15,4–17,8 15 4 17 8 15,4–17,8) 18,5% 185 18 5 (18,5% 16,6–20,6 166206 20 16,2% 162 (16,2% 14,4–18,2 144182 11,7 117 11 7 (11,7 10,0–13,7 100137 10 0 13 raçacor raça cor 18,4% 184 (18,4% 16,8–20,2 168202 16,9–20,2. 169202 16,9–20,2 9 16,9–20,2) vulneráveis vacinal SARS-CoV covid1 covid-1 16, IC9 (IC9 15417 15,4–17, 18,5 (18,5 16,6–20, 16620 16,2 (16,2 14,4–18, 14418 11, (11, 10,0–13, 10013 18,4 (18,4 16,8–20, 16820 16920 16,9–20, covid- (IC 1541 15,4–17 18, (18, 16,6–20 1662 (16, 14,4–18 1441 (11 10,0–13 1001 16,8–20 1682 1692 16,9–20 154 15,4–1 (18 16,6–2 (16 14,4–1 144 (1 10,0–1 100 16,8–2 168 169 16,9–2 15,4– 16,6– 14,4– ( 10,0– 16,8– 16,9– 15,4 14,4 10,0 16,8 16,9 15, 14, 10,
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in schoolchildren aged 4 to 14 years living in the city of São Paulo, according to clinical, demographic, epidemiological, and social variables, during the school closure period as a measure against covid-19 spread. METHODS A serological survey was made in September 2020 with a random sample stratified by school system (municipal public, state public and private) type. A venous blood sample was collected using the Wondfo SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test (lateral flow method) for detection of total SARS-CoV-2 virus antibodies. Semi-structured questionnaires were applied to collect clinical, demographic, social, and epidemiological data. RESULTS Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in schoolchildren was of 16.6% (95%CI 15.4–17.8). The study found higher seroprevalence in the municipal (18.5%; 95%CI 16.6–20.6) and state (16.2%; 95%CI 14.4–18.2) public school systems compared to the private school system (11.7; 95%CI 10.0–13.7), among black and brown students (18.4%; 95%CI 16.8–20.2) and in the most vulnerable social stratum (18.5 %;95%CI 16.9–20.2). Lower seroprevalence was identified in schoolchildren who reported following the recommended protective measures against covid-19. CONCLUSION Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies is found mainly in the most socially vulnerable schoolchildren. This study can contribute to support public policies that reinforce the importance of suspending face-to-face classes and developing strategies aimed at protective measures and monitoring of the serological status of those who have not yet been included in the vaccination schedule. SARSCoV2 SARSCoV SARS CoV 2 SARS-CoV- 1 Paulo clinical demographic variables covid19 covid 19 covid-1 spread 202 type lateral method Semistructured Semi structured data 166 16 6 16.6 95CI CI 95 15.4–17.8. 154178 15.4–17.8 . 15 17 8 15.4–17.8) 18.5% 185 18 5 (18.5% 16.6–20.6 166206 20 16.2% 162 (16.2% 14.4–18.2 144182 11.7 117 11 7 (11.7 10.0–13.7, 100137 10.0–13.7 , 10 0 13 10.0–13.7) 18.4% 184 (18.4% 16.8–20.2 168202 18.5 (18. %95%CI % 16.9–20.2. 169202 16.9–20.2 9 16.9–20.2) covid19. 19. facetoface face schedule SARS-CoV covid1 covid- 16. 15417 15.4–17. 16.6–20. 16620 16.2 (16.2 14.4–18. 14418 11. (11. 10013 10.0–13. 18.4 (18.4 16.8–20. 16820 18. (18 16920 16.9–20. 1541 15.4–17 16.6–20 1662 (16. 14.4–18 1441 (11 1001 10.0–13 16.8–20 1682 (1 1692 16.9–20 154 15.4–1 16.6–2 (16 14.4–1 144 100 10.0–1 16.8–2 168 ( 169 16.9–2 15.4– 16.6– 14.4– 10.0– 16.8– 16.9– 15.4 14.4 10.0 16.8 16.9 15. 14. 10.
Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in schoolchildren in the city of São Paulo, 2020
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Kamioka, Gabriela Akemi
; Madalosso, Geraldine
; Albuquerque, José Olimpio Moura de
; Costa, Selma Anequini
; Ferreira, Paula Bisordi
; Sato, Ana Paula Sayuri
; Glasser, Paula Regina
; Pino, Francisco Alberto
; Burihan, Patrícia Carla Piragibe Ramos
; Carvalho, Ana Carolina Aguiar de
; Amorim, Ana Beatriz Pagliaro
; Cavazzana, Cinthya Luzia
; Aires, Caroline Cotrim
; Kataoka, Ana Paula Arruda Geraldes
; Savani, Elisa San Martin Mouriz
; Bessa, Thirsa Alvares Franco
; Aguiar, Breno Souza de
; Failla, Marcelo Antunes
; Santos, Edson Aparecido dos
; Brito, Edjane Maria Torreão
; Santos, Maria Cristina Honório dos
; Caldeira, Luiz Artur Vieira
; Silva, Solange Maria Saboia e
; Zamarco, Luiz Carlos
; Fonseca, Sandra Maria Sabino
; Lima, Marcia Maria de Cerqueira
; Marques, Ivanilda Argenau
; Mauro, Athenê Maria de Marco França
; Masi, Eduardo de

RESUMO OBJETIVO Estimar a soroprevalência de anticorpos do vírus SARS-CoV-2 em escolares de quatro a 14 anos de idade residentes no município de São Paulo, segundo variáveis clínicas, demográficas, epidemiológicas e sociais, durante o período de fechamento das escolas como medida de controle da covid-19. MÉTODOS Realizou-se um inquérito sorológico em setembro de 2020 com amostra aleatória estratificada por tipo de rede de ensino (pública municipal, pública estadual e privada). Foi coletada amostra de sangue venoso utilizando-se o teste de imunoensaio de fluxo lateral da fabricante Wondfo para detecção de anticorpos totais contra o vírus SARS-CoV-2. Aplicaram-se questionários semiestruturados para o levantamento de dados clínicos, demográficos, sociais e epidemiológicos. RESULTADOS A soroprevalência de anticorpos do vírus SARS-CoV-2 em escolares foi de 16,6% (IC95% 15,4–17,8). O estudo encontrou soroprevalências mais elevadas na rede pública municipal (18,5%; IC95% 16,6–20,6) e estadual (16,2%; IC95% 14,4–18,2) em relação à rede privada (11,7; IC95% 10,0–13,7) e entre escolares da raça/cor preta e parda (18,4%; IC95% 16,8–20,2) e no estrato social mais vulnerável (18,5%; IC95% 16,9–20,2). A pesquisa identificou menores soroprevalências nos escolares que relataram seguir as medidas recomendadas de proteção contra a covid-19. CONCLUSÃO A soroprevalência de anticorpos contra o vírus SARS-CoV-2 atinge principalmente os escolares socialmente mais vulneráveis. Este estudo pode contribuir para embasar políticas públicas que reforcem a importância da suspensão das aulas presenciais e da necessidade de estratégias de medidas de proteção e acompanhamento do status sorológico daqueles que ainda não foram contemplados no calendário vacinal.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in schoolchildren aged 4 to 14 years living in the city of São Paulo, according to clinical, demographic, epidemiological, and social variables, during the school closure period as a measure against covid-19 spread. METHODS A serological survey was made in September 2020 with a random sample stratified by school system (municipal public, state public and private) type. A venous blood sample was collected using the Wondfo SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test (lateral flow method) for detection of total SARS-CoV-2 virus antibodies. Semi-structured questionnaires were applied to collect clinical, demographic, social, and epidemiological data. RESULTS Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in schoolchildren was of 16.6% (95%CI 15.4–17.8). The study found higher seroprevalence in the municipal (18.5%; 95%CI 16.6–20.6) and state (16.2%; 95%CI 14.4–18.2) public school systems compared to the private school system (11.7; 95%CI 10.0–13.7), among black and brown students (18.4%; 95%CI 16.8–20.2) and in the most vulnerable social stratum (18.5 %;95%CI 16.9–20.2). Lower seroprevalence was identified in schoolchildren who reported following the recommended protective measures against covid-19. CONCLUSION Seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies is found mainly in the most socially vulnerable schoolchildren. This study can contribute to support public policies that reinforce the importance of suspending face-to-face classes and developing strategies aimed at protective measures and monitoring of the serological status of those who have not yet been included in the vaccination schedule.
Prevalence evolution of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the city of São Paulo, 2020–2021
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Albuquerque, José Olimpio Moura de
; Kamioka, Gabriela Akemi
; Madalosso, Geraldine
; Costa, Selma Anequini
; Ferreira, Paula Bisordi
; Pino, Francisco Alberto
; Sato, Ana Paula Sayuri
; Carvalho, Ana Carolina Aguiar de
; Amorim, Ana Beatriz Pagliaro
; Aires, Caroline Cotrim
; Kataoka, Ana Paula Arruda Geraldes
; Savani, Elisa San Martin Mouriz
; Bessa, Thirsa Alvares Franco
; Aguiar, Breno Souza de
; Failla, Marcelo Antunes
; Santos, Edson Aparecido dos
; Brito, Edjane Maria Torreão
; Santos, Maria Cristina Honório dos
; Silva, Solange Maria Saboia e
; Caldeira, Luiz Artur Vieira
; Zamarco, Luiz Carlos
; Fonseca, Sandra Maria Sabino
; Lima, Marcia Maria de Cerqueira
; Marques, Ivanilda Argenau
; Silva, Fabiana Érica Vilanova da
; Glasser, Paula Regina
; Burihan, Patrícia Carla Piragibe Ramos
; Cavazzana, Cinthya Luzia
; Mello, Debora Silva de
; Pellini, Alessandra Cristina Guedes
; Nishio, Fernando Yoshiki
; Kian, Fernanda Miyashiro
; Braga, Elza de Santana
; Bertelli, Nilza Maria Piassi
; Fracini, Wagner
; Gonçalves, Marcelo Dell Áquila
; Zular, Paulete Secco
; Piva, Regiane de Santana
; Masi, Eduardo

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the evolution of the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection among residents aged 18 years or over in the municipality of São Paulo. METHODS This is a population-based household survey conducted every 15 days, between June and September 2020, and January and February 2021. In total, the study comprised 11 phases. The presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 was identified in venous blood using a lateral flow test, Wondfo Biotech. In the last phase, the researchers combined it with an immunoenzymatic test, Euroimmun. The participants also answered a semi-structured questionnaire on sociodemographic and economic factors, and on social distancing measures. Prevalence estimates and the 95% confidence interval were estimated according to regions, Human Development Index, sex, age group, ethnicity, education, income, and variables associated with risk or prevention of infection. To compare the frequencies among the categories of each variable, the chi-square test with Rao-Scott correction was used, considering a significance level of 5%. RESULTS In total, 23,397 individuals were interviewed and had their samples collected. The estimated prevalence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 ranged from 9.7% (95%CI: 7.9–11.8%) to 25.0% (95%CI: 21.7–28.7). The prevalence of individuals with antibodies against the virus was higher among black and brown people, people with lower schooling and income, and among residents of regions with lower Human Development Index. The lowest prevalences were associated with recommended measures of disease protection. The proportion of asymptomatic infection was 45.1%. CONCLUSION The estimated prevalence of the infection was lower than the cumulative incidence variation, except for the last phase of the study. The differences in prevalence estimates observed among subpopulations showed social inequality as a risk of infection. The lower prevalence observed among those who could follow prevention measures reinforce the need to maintain social distancing measures as a way to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection.
Prevalence evolution of SARS-CoV-2 infection in the city of São Paulo, 2020–2021
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Albuquerque, José Olimpio Moura de
; Kamioka, Gabriela Akemi
; Madalosso, Geraldine
; Costa, Selma Anequini
; Ferreira, Paula Bisordi
; Pino, Francisco Alberto
; Sato, Ana Paula Sayuri
; Carvalho, Ana Carolina Aguiar de
; Amorim, Ana Beatriz Pagliaro
; Aires, Caroline Cotrim
; Kataoka, Ana Paula Arruda Geraldes
; Savani, Elisa San Martin Mouriz
; Bessa, Thirsa Alvares Franco
; Aguiar, Breno Souza de
; Failla, Marcelo Antunes
; Santos, Edson Aparecido dos
; Brito, Edjane Maria Torreão
; Santos, Maria Cristina Honório dos
; Silva, Solange Maria Saboia e
; Caldeira, Luiz Artur Vieira
; Zamarco, Luiz Carlos
; Fonseca, Sandra Maria Sabino
; Lima, Marcia Maria de Cerqueira
; Marques, Ivanilda Argenau
; Silva, Fabiana Érica Vilanova da
; Glasser, Paula Regina
; Burihan, Patrícia Carla Piragibe Ramos
; Cavazzana, Cinthya Luzia
; Mello, Debora Silva de
; Pellini, Alessandra Cristina Guedes
; Nishio, Fernando Yoshiki
; Kian, Fernanda Miyashiro
; Braga, Elza de Santana
; Bertelli, Nilza Maria Piassi
; Fracini, Wagner
; Gonçalves, Marcelo Dell Áquila
; Zular, Paulete Secco
; Piva, Regiane de Santana
; Masi, Eduardo

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the evolution of the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection among residents aged 18 years or over in the municipality of São Paulo. METHODS This is a population-based household survey conducted every 15 days, between June and September 2020, and January and February 2021. In total, the study comprised 11 phases. The presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 was identified in venous blood using a lateral flow test, Wondfo Biotech. In the last phase, the researchers combined it with an immunoenzymatic test, Euroimmun. The participants also answered a semi-structured questionnaire on sociodemographic and economic factors, and on social distancing measures. Prevalence estimates and the 95% confidence interval were estimated according to regions, Human Development Index, sex, age group, ethnicity, education, income, and variables associated with risk or prevention of infection. To compare the frequencies among the categories of each variable, the chi-square test with Rao-Scott correction was used, considering a significance level of 5%. RESULTS In total, 23,397 individuals were interviewed and had their samples collected. The estimated prevalence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 ranged from 9.7% (95%CI: 7.9–11.8%) to 25.0% (95%CI: 21.7–28.7). The prevalence of individuals with antibodies against the virus was higher among black and brown people, people with lower schooling and income, and among residents of regions with lower Human Development Index. The lowest prevalences were associated with recommended measures of disease protection. The proportion of asymptomatic infection was 45.1%. CONCLUSION The estimated prevalence of the infection was lower than the cumulative incidence variation, except for the last phase of the study. The differences in prevalence estimates observed among subpopulations showed social inequality as a risk of infection. The lower prevalence observed among those who could follow prevention measures reinforce the need to maintain social distancing measures as a way to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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