Abstract: Carp (Cyprinus carpio) is produced in several countries, although its commercial value may be low, and a way of adding value is to generate meat products based on this type of meat. In the preparation of such products, the ingredients may affect their final thermal and physical properties. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of added water, amount of fat, phosphates and carrageenan on the quality and stability of an emulsified sausage produced with carp meat. Two successive experiments were carried out with 12 treatments, each with random designs. With the data, an analysis of variance was carried out, along with a Tukey test (p≤0.05). Sausages were measured for color, texture profile (TPA), firmness when cut with a Warner-Bratzler blade, Kramer shear cell, heat penetration, water activity and losses due to cooking. Results show an increase in firmness, elasticity, and resilience with more fat and phosphates, with a lower inclusion of fat and added water; contrary to cohesiveness. Brightness values (B*) increasing when including phosphates; the use of carrageenan increased the firmness of the product and the values for b*. Thermal diflusivity fluctuated between 7.1 and 9.6X10-4m2 s-1 with the use of carrageenan, fat, and water. This indicates that sausages can be produced with better elasticity, resilience, cohesiveness, firmness, and color when including phosphates, carrageenan, pig fat, and water in their preparation.
Resumen: La carpa (Cyprinus carpio) es producida en varios países, pero su valor comercial puede ser bajo, y una forma de dar valor agregado es obtener productos cárnicos con base a este tipo de carne. En la elaboración de dichos productos, los ingredientes pueden afectar sus propiedades termo físicas finales. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la influencia del agua añadida, cantidad de grasa, fosfatos y carragenina sobre la calidad y estabilidad de un producto cárnico emulsionado tipo salchicha, usando carne de carpa. Se realizaron dos experimentos sucesivos con 12 tratamientos, cada uno con un diseño completamente al azar. Con los datos se realizó un análisis de varianza y la prueba de Tukey (p≤0.05). En las salchichas se midió color, perfil de textura (TPA), fuerza al corte con navaja de Warner-Bratzler, celda de Kramer, penetración de calor, actividad de agua y pérdidas por cocción. Los resultados muestran aumento de dureza, elasticidad y resiliencia con mayor cantidad de grasa y fosfatos, con menor inclusión de carne y agua añadida; contrario a la cohesivid3r34ncorporar en su elaboración fosfatos, carragenina, grasa de cerdo y agua.