Determinou-se o teor de sólidos solúveis totais (TSST) em frutos do meloeiro amarelo (Cucumis melo L.). Dois experimentos foram realizados com as mesmas cultivares (AF-646, Gold Mine, Gold Pride, Rochedo, Goldex), em duas épocas. No primeiro, determinou-se o TSST nas porções basal (próxima ao pedúnculo), mediana e apical e no segundo, nas porções ventral (porção do fruto em contato com o solo), lateral e dorsal. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subdivididas e três repetições. As cultivares constituíram as parcelas e as porções do fruto, as subparcelas. Três frutos de cada parcela foram divididos nas porções mencionadas, descascados e a polpa triturada em processador doméstico. O material foi filtrado em tecido de nylon e três determinações do TSST, em refratômetro digital, foram feitas no suco obtido. No primeiro experimento, houve efeito apenas do fator porção, sendo que os TSST das porções mediana (9,53ºB) e apical (9,48ºB) não diferiram entre si e foram superiores ao da porção basal (8,66ºB). No segundo experimento, houve efeito de cultivares (C) e de porções (P), mas não da interação C x P. A cultivar Goldex apresentou o maior teor (10,03ºB) e a cultivar AF-646, o menor (8,11ºB). As porções ventral (8,94ºB) e dorsal (9,07ºB) não diferiram entre si e foram superiores à lateral (8,69ºB).
The total soluble solids content (TSSC) in different portions of the fruit of yellow melon (Cucumis melo L.) cultivars. Two experiments were carried out with cultivars (AF-646, Gold Mine, Gold Pride, Rochedo and Goldex), in two periods. In the first experiment, the TSSC was determined in the basal (near the peduncle), median and apical portions. In the second experiment, the TSSC was evaluated in the ventral (facing and touching soil), lateral, and dorsal portions. The experimental design was of randomized complete blocks in a splitplot scheme with three replications. The cultivars were assigned to plots and fruit fractions assigned to sub-plots. Three fruits of each plot were fractioned in the mentioned portions, peeled, and the pulp was homogenized in a blender, filtered in nylon and three readings in the digital refractometer were made. In the first experiment, there was only the effect of different portions. TSSC in basal portion (8.66ºB) was lower than in the median (9.53ºB) and in the apical (9.48ºB) portion, which did not differ from each other. In the second experiment, there was the effect for cultivars (C) and portions (P), without interaction for C x P. The Goldex cultivar presented the highest TSSC (10.03ºB) and the AF-646 the lowest (8.11ºB). TSSC in ventral (8.94ºB) and dorsal (9.07ºB) portions did not differ from each other and was higher than in lateral fractions (8.69ºB).