FUNDAMENTOS: A esclerodermia é uma colagenose relativamente rara, cujo perfil de autoanticorpos está associado a diferentes manifestações clínicas. A prevalência de autoanticorpos na esclerodermia sofre influência racial e genética. OBJETIVO: Estudar a prevalência dos anticorpos anti-Scl-70, anticentrômero e anti-U1-RNP em pacientes com esclerodermia do sul do Brasil e verificar suas associações às manifestações clínicas. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de análise de 66 pacientes com esclerodermia para presença de anti-Scl-70, anticentrômero (ACA) e anti-U1-RNP e de manifestações clínicas como: Raynaud, cicatrizes estelares, necrose digital, telangiectasias, calcinose, fibrose pulmonar, pleurites, pericardites, miocardiopatias, artralgias e artrites, grau de esclerose da pele, contraturas articulares e atritos de tendão, hipertensão pulmonar, manifestações esofágicas e crise renal. RESULTADOS: A prevalência do anti-Scl-70 foi de 17,8%, a do ACA, de 33,3%, e a do U1 RNP foi de 11,8 %. O anti-Scl-70 estava associado à forma difusa da doença (p=0,015), presença de miocardiopatias (p=0,016) e de cicatrizes estelares (p=0,05); o anticentrômero foi mais comum na forma limitada, embora sem significância estatística e mostrou-se protetor para as miocardiopatias (p=0,005). O anti-U1-RNP foi mais comum nas formas de superposição (p=0,0004). CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência e o perfil de associações clínicas dos autoanticorpos em esclerodermia de pacientes brasileiros assemelham-se aos da literatura mundial.
BACKGROUND: Scleroderma is a fairly rare connective tissue disease whose autoantibody profile is associated with different clinical manifestations. The prevalence of autoantibodies in scleroderma is influenced by race and genetics. OBJECTIVE: To study the prevalence of anti-Scl-70, anti-centromere (ACA) and anti-U1-RNP antibodies in patients with scleroderma in southern Brazil and verify their association with clinical manifestations of the disease. METHODS: A retrospective study involving 66 patients with scleroderma for the presence of anti-Scl-70, anti-centromere and anti-U1-RNP and of clinical manifestations such as Raynaud's phenomenon, digital micro scars, digital necrosis, telangiectasias, calcinosis, pulmonary fibrosis, pleuritis, pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, arthralgia and arthritis, skin sclerosis, joint contractures, tendon friction rubs, pulmonary hypertension, esophageal disorders and renal crisis. RESULTS: The prevalence of anti-Scl-70 was 17.8% , that of ACA was 33.3% and the prevalence of U1 RNP was 11.8%. Anti-Scl-70 was associated with the diffuse form of the disease (p = 0.015), presence of cardiomyopathies (p = 0.016) and digital micro scars (p = 0.05). Anti-centromere was more common in the limited form, although it was not statistically significant, and had a protective role associated with cardiomyopathies (p = 0.005). Anti-U1-RNP was more common in the overlap forms (p = 0.0004). CONCLUSION: The prevalence and profile of clinical associations of autoantibodies in Brazilian patients with scleroderma are similar to those found in the literature.