Abstract Background: Low-dose alteplase (LrtPA) has been shown not to be inferior to the standard-dose (SrtPA) with respect to death/disability. Objective: We aim to evaluate the percentage of patients treated with LrtPA at our center after the ENCHANTED trial and the factors associated with the use of this dosage. Methods: Prospective study in consecutive patients with an acute stroke admitted between June 2016 and November 2018. Results: 160 patients were treated with intravenous thrombolysis, 50% female; mean age 65.4±18.5 years. Of these, 48 patients (30%) received LrtPA. In univariate analysis, LrtPA was associated with patient's age (p=0.000), previous modified Rankin scale scores (mRS) (p<0.000), hypertension (p=0.076), diabetes mellitus (p=0.021), hypercholesterolemia (p=0.19), smoking (p=0.06), atrial fibrillation (p=0.10), history of coronary artery disease (p=0.06), previous treatment with antiplatelet agents (p<0.000), admission International Normalized Ratio-INR (p=0.18), platelet count (p=0.045), leukoaraiosis on neuroimaging (p<0.003), contraindications for thrombolytic treatment (p=0.000) and endovascular treatment (p=0.027). Previous relevant bleedings were determinants for treatment with LrtPA. Final diagnosis on discharge of stroke mimic was significant (p=0.02) for treatment with SrtPA. In multivariate analysis, mRS (OR: 2.21; 95%CI 1.37‒14.19), previous antiplatelet therapy (OR: 11.41; 95%CI 3.98‒32.70), contraindications for thrombolysis (OR: 56.10; 95%CI 8.81‒357.80), leukoaraiosis (OR: 4.41; 95%CI 1.37‒14.10) and diagnosis of SM (OR: 0.22; 95%CI 0.10‒0.40) remained independently associated. Conclusions: Following the ENCHANTED trial, LrtPA was restricted to 30% of our patients. The criteria that clinicians apply are based mostly on clinical variables that may increase the risk of brain or systemic hemorrhage or exclude the patient from treatment with lytic drugs. Background Lowdose Low dose (LrtPA standarddose standard SrtPA (SrtPA deathdisability death disability death/disability Objective dosage Methods 201 2018 Results 16 50 female 654185 65 4 18 5 65.4±18. years these 30 (30% analysis s p=0.000, p0000 p p=0.000 , 0 000 (mRS p<0.000, p<0.000 (p<0.000) p=0.076, p0076 p=0.076 076 (p=0.076) p=0.021, p0021 p=0.021 021 (p=0.021) p=0.19, p019 p=0.19 19 (p=0.19) p=0.06, p006 p=0.06 06 (p=0.06) p=0.10, p010 p=0.10 10 (p=0.10) RatioINR Ratio INR p=0.18, p018 p=0.18 (p=0.18) p=0.045, p0045 p=0.045 045 (p=0.045) p<0.003, p0003 p<0.003 003 (p<0.003) (p=0.000 p=0.027. p0027 p=0.027 . 027 (p=0.027) p=0.02 p002 02 (p=0.02 OR (OR 2.21 221 2 21 95CI CI 95 1.37‒14.19, 1371419 1.37‒14.19 1 37 14 1.37‒14.19) 11.41 1141 11 41 3.98‒32.70, 3983270 3.98‒32.70 3 98 32 70 3.98‒32.70) 56.10 5610 56 8.81‒357.80, 88135780 8.81‒357.80 8 81 357 80 8.81‒357.80) 4.41 441 1.37‒14.10 1371410 0.22 022 22 0.10‒0.40 010040 40 Conclusions drugs 20 65418 6 65.4±18 (30 p000 p=0.00 00 p<0.00 (p<0.000 p007 p=0.07 07 (p=0.076 (p=0.021 p01 p=0.1 (p=0.19 p00 p=0.0 (p=0.06 (p=0.10 (p=0.18 p004 p=0.04 04 (p=0.045 (p<0.003 (p=0.00 (p=0.027 (p=0.0 2.2 9 137141 1.37‒14.1 11.4 114 398327 3.98‒32.7 7 56.1 561 8813578 8.81‒357.8 35 4.4 44 0.2 0.10‒0.4 01004 6541 65.4±1 (3 p<0.0 (p<0.00 (p=0.07 p0 p=0. (p=0.1 (p=0.04 (p=0. 2. 13714 1.37‒14. 11. 39832 3.98‒32. 56. 881357 8.81‒357. 4. 0. 0.10‒0. 0100 654 65.4± ( p<0. (p<0.0 p=0 (p=0 1371 1.37‒14 3983 3.98‒32 88135 8.81‒357 0.10‒0 010 65.4 p<0 (p<0. p= (p= 137 1.37‒1 398 3.98‒3 8813 8.81‒35 0.10‒ 01 65. p< (p<0 (p 13 1.37‒ 39 3.98‒ 881 8.81‒3 0.10 (p< 1.37 3.98 88 8.81‒ 0.1 1.3 3.9 8.81 1. 3. 8.8 8.
RESUMEN Introducción: Dosis reducidas de trombolitico (LrtPA) podrían no ser inferiores en muerte/discapacidad. Objetivo: Evaluar el porcentaje de pacientes tratados con LrtPA en nuestro centro después del ensayo ENCHANTED, y los factores asociados con el uso de esta dosis. Métodos: Estudio prospectivo de pacientes consecutivos con infarto cerebral ingresados entre junio de 2016 y noviembre de 2018. Resultados: 160 pacientes fueron tratados con trombólisis intravenosa, 50% mujeres; edad media 65,4±18,5 años. 48 casos (30%) recibieron LrtPA. En el análisis univariado, LrtPA se asoció con la edad del paciente (p=0,000), escala de Rankin modificadas (mRS) (p<0,000), hipertensión arterial (p=0,076), diabetes mellitus (p=0,021), hipercolesterolemia (p=0,19), tabaquismo (p=0,06), fibrilación auricular (p=0,10), antecedentes de enfermedad coronaria (p=0,06), tratamiento previo con antiplaquetarios (p<0,000), International Normalized Ratio-INR (p=0,18), recuento de plaquetario (p=0,045), leucoaraiosis en neuroimagen (p<0,003), contraindicaciones para el tratamiento trombolítico (p=0,000) y tratamiento endovascular (p=0,027). Las hemorragias previas relevantes fueron determinantes para el tratamiento con LrtPA. El diagnóstico al alta de imitador de accidente cerebrovascular fue significativo (p=0,02) para el tratamiento con dosis estándar. El análisis multivariado demostró que mRS (OR: 2,21; IC95% 1,37‒14,19), tratamiento antiplaquetario previo (OR: 11,41; IC95% 3,98‒32,7), contraindicaciones para trombólisis (OR: 56,1; IC95% 8,81‒357,8), leucoaraiosis (OR: 4,41; IC95% 1,37‒14,1) y un diagnóstico de imitador de accidente cerebrovascular (OR: 0,22; IC95% 0,1‒0,40) fueron asociados con la dosis recibida. Conclusiones: LrtPA está restringido al 30% de nuestros pacientes. Los criterios para tomar esta decisión se basan en variables que podrían aumentar el riesgo de hemorragia cerebral/sistémica o excluir al paciente del tratamiento con fármacos líticos. Introducción (LrtPA muertediscapacidad muerte discapacidad muerte/discapacidad Objetivo ENCHANTED Métodos 201 2018 Resultados 16 intravenosa 50 mujeres 654185 65 4 18 5 65,4±18, años 30 (30% univariado p=0,000, p0000 p p=0,000 , 0 000 (mRS p<0,000, p<0,000 (p<0,000) p=0,076, p0076 p=0,076 076 (p=0,076) p=0,021, p0021 p=0,021 021 (p=0,021) p=0,19, p019 p=0,19 19 (p=0,19) p=0,06, p006 p=0,06 06 (p=0,06) p=0,10, p010 p=0,10 10 (p=0,10) RatioINR Ratio INR p=0,18, p018 p=0,18 (p=0,18) p=0,045, p0045 p=0,045 045 (p=0,045) p<0,003, p0003 p<0,003 003 (p<0,003) (p=0,000 p=0,027. p0027 p=0,027 . 027 (p=0,027) p=0,02 p002 02 (p=0,02 estándar OR (OR 2,21 221 2 21 IC95 IC 1,37‒14,19, 1371419 1,37‒14,19 1 37 14 1,37‒14,19) 11,41 1141 11 41 3,98‒32,7, 398327 3,98‒32,7 3 98 32 7 3,98‒32,7) 56,1 561 56 8,81‒357,8, 8813578 8,81‒357,8 8 81 357 8,81‒357,8) 4,41 441 1,37‒14,1 137141 0,22 022 22 0,1‒0,40 01040 40 recibida Conclusiones cerebralsistémica sistémica líticos 20 65418 6 65,4±18 (30 p000 p=0,00 00 p<0,00 (p<0,000 p007 p=0,07 07 (p=0,076 (p=0,021 p01 p=0,1 (p=0,19 p00 p=0,0 (p=0,06 (p=0,10 (p=0,18 p004 p=0,04 04 (p=0,045 (p<0,003 (p=0,00 (p=0,027 (p=0,0 2,2 IC9 11,4 114 39832 3,98‒32, 9 56, 881357 8,81‒357, 35 4,4 44 1,37‒14, 13714 0,2 0,1‒0,4 0104 6541 65,4±1 (3 p<0,0 (p<0,00 (p=0,07 p0 p=0, (p=0,1 (p=0,04 (p=0, 2, 11, 3983 3,98‒32 88135 8,81‒357 4, 1,37‒14 1371 0, 0,1‒0, 010 654 65,4± ( p<0, (p<0,0 p=0 (p=0 398 3,98‒3 8813 8,81‒35 1,37‒1 137 0,1‒0 01 65,4 p<0 (p<0, p= (p= 39 3,98‒ 881 8,81‒3 1,37‒ 13 0,1‒ 65, p< (p<0 (p 3,98 88 8,81‒ 1,37 0,1 (p< 3,9 8,81 1,3 3, 8,8 1, 8,