RESUMO Frente ao crescente interesse em ecologia e conservação da fauna silvestre, o diagnóstico e tratamento de entidades nosológicas pertinentes aos animais não domésticos, mantidos em cativeiro, tem sido solicitado aos médicos veterinários e apesar disso, raros são os trabalhos publicados enfocando a microbiota de animais silvestres. É sabido que várias espécies fúngicas sapróbias são isoladas de pele, pêlos e conduto auditivo de animais domésticos, podendo em situações específicas serem potêncialmente patogênicos. Objetivou-se neste trabalho identificar as espécies de fungos em pele, pêlos e conduto auditivo de macacos bugio (Alouatta caraya), sagüis (Callithrix sp.) e macacos prego (Cebus apella) clinicamente saudáveis. As amostras foram obtidas por retirada de pêlos e descamação cutânea. E, ainda, realização de impressão em lâmina de vidro no pavilhão auricular de 16 bugios, 12 sagüis e 27 macacos prego apreendidos pelo Centro de Triagem e Quarentena do Reservatório de Manso, MT. No Laboratório de Microbiologia do Hospital Veterinário da Universidade de Cuiabá, o material foi processado visando a identificação fúngica. Evidenciou-se o desenvolvimento fúngico em 7 (43,75%) amostras provenientes de bugio, sendo, respectivamente, Curvularia sp.(12,5%), Drechslera sp. (6,25%), Penicillium sp. (6,25%), Cladosporium sp. (6,25%), Aspergillus sp. (6,25%), Fusarium sp.(6,25%). Das amostras provenientes de sagüi, 5 (41,67%) resultaram positivas, respectivamente, para Aspergillus sp.(16,65%), Drechslera sp. (8,34%), Rhodotorula sp. (8,34%), Curvularia sp. (8,34%). Em macacos prego, 7 (25,92%) amostras foram positivas, respectivamente, para Curvularia sp. (14,82%), Aspergillus sp. (7,4%) e Cladosporium sp. (3,7%). Na citologia para diagnóstico de Malassezia pachydermatis, encontrou-se células leveduriformes características em 1 (8,3%) sagüi, 3 (18,74%) bugios e 6 (22,23%) macacos prego. Frente aos resultados obtidos concluiu-se que os fungos isolados provavelmente são integrantes da microbiota normal dos animais, bem como ficou evidente a ocorrência de leveduras em grande número de animais. silvestre domésticos cativeiro disso silvestres pele patogênicos Objetivouse Objetivou se Alouatta caraya, caraya , caraya) Callithrix sp Cebus apella saudáveis cutânea E ainda 2 Manso MT Cuiabá fúngica Evidenciouse Evidenciou 43,75% 4375 43 75 (43,75% sendo respectivamente sp.12,5%, sp125 12,5% sp.(12,5%) 6,25%, 625 6,25% 25 (6,25%) sp.6,25%. sp625 . sp.(6,25%) sagüi 41,67% 4167 41 67 (41,67% positivas sp.16,65%, sp1665 16,65% 65 sp.(16,65%) 8,34%, 834 8,34% 8 34 (8,34%) 8,34%. 25,92% 2592 92 (25,92% 14,82%, 1482 14,82% 14 82 (14,82%) 7,4% 74 4 (7,4% 3,7%. 37 3,7% (3,7%) pachydermatis encontrouse encontrou 8,3% 83 (8,3% 18,74% 1874 18 (18,74% 22,23% 2223 22 23 (22,23% concluiuse concluiu 43,75 437 (43,75 sp.12,5% sp12 125 12,5 sp.(12,5% 62 6,25 (6,25% sp.6,25% sp62 sp.(6,25% 41,67 416 (41,67 sp.16,65% sp166 1665 16,65 sp.(16,65% 8,34 (8,34% 25,92 259 9 (25,92 148 14,82 (14,82% 7,4 (7,4 3,7 (3,7% 8,3 (8,3 18,74 187 (18,74 22,23 222 (22,23 43,7 (43,7 sp.12,5 sp1 12, sp.(12,5 6,2 (6,25 sp.6,25 sp6 sp.(6,25 41,6 (41,6 sp.16,65 sp16 166 16,6 sp.(16,65 (8,34 25,9 (25,9 14,8 (14,82 7, (7, 3, (3,7 8, (8, 18,7 (18,7 22,2 (22,2 43, (43, sp.12, sp.(12, 6, (6,2 sp.6,2 sp.(6,2 41, (41, sp.16,6 16, sp.(16,6 25, (25, 14, (14,8 (7 (3, (8 18, (18, 22, (22, (43 sp.12 sp.(12 (6, sp.6, sp.(6, (41 sp.16, sp.(16, (25 (14, ( (3 (18 (22 (4 sp.1 sp.(1 (6 sp.6 sp.(6 sp.16 sp.(16 (2 (14 (1 sp.(
ABSTRACT Due to the growing interest in ecology and preservation of wild animals, veterinary doctors have been asked to diagnose and treat nosologic entities pertaining to non-domestic animals that are kept in captivity. In spite of this, very few studies have been published focusing on the microbiota of wild animals. It is known that several saprobic fungus species are isolated from the hide, hair and auditory canal and these can, in specific situations, be potentially pathogenic. This study was aimed at identifying the species of fungus on the hide, hair and auditory canal of clinically healthy howling monkeys (Alouatta caraya), marmosets (Callithrix sp.), and capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). The samples were obtained by extraction of hair and cutaneous exfoliation and glass lamina impression on the auricular pavilion of 16 howling monkeys, 12 marmosets, and 27 capuchin monkeys, captured by the Screening and Quarantine Center of the Manso Reservoir in Mato Grosso. At the Microbiology Laboratory of the University of Cuiabá Veterinary Hospital the material was processed for fungus identification. There was fungus development in 7 (43.74%) samples taken from howling monkeys, being, respectively, Curvularia sp. (12.5%), Drechslera sp. (6.25%), Penicillium sp. (6.25%), Cladosporium sp. (6.25), Aspergillus sp. (6.25%) and Fusarium sp. (6.25%). From the samples taken from marmosets, 5 (41.67%) were positive for > Aspergillus sp. (16.65%), Drechslera sp. (8.34%), Rhodotorula sp. (8.34%), > and Curvularia sp. (8.34%). In capuchin monkeys, 7 (25.92%) samples were > positive for Curvularia sp. (14.82%), Aspergillus sp. (7.4%), and > Cladosporium sp. (3.7%). In the cytology for diagnosis of Malassezia > pachydermatis, characteristic yeast cells were found in 1 (8.3%) marmoset, > 3 (18.74%) howling monkeys and 6 (22.23%) capuchin monkeys. Considering > these results, it can be concluded that the fungi isolated are probably > part of the normal biota of the animals. Another finding was the > occurrence of yeast in a large number of the animals. nondomestic non domestic captivity this hide situations pathogenic Alouatta caraya, caraya , caraya) Callithrix sp., sp sp.) Cebus apella. apella . apella) 2 Grosso identification 43.74% 4374 43 74 (43.74% being respectively 12.5%, 125 12.5% (12.5%) 6.25%, 625 6.25% 25 6.25, 6.25 (6.25) (6.25% 6.25%. 41.67% 4167 41 67 (41.67% 16.65%, 1665 16.65% 65 (16.65%) 8.34%, 834 8.34% 8 34 (8.34%) 8.34%. 25.92% 2592 92 (25.92% 14.82%, 1482 14.82% 14 82 (14.82%) 7.4%, 7.4% 4 (7.4%) 3.7%. 37 3.7% (3.7%) pachydermatis 8.3% 83 (8.3% marmoset 18.74% 1874 18 (18.74% 22.23% 2223 22 23 (22.23% results 43.74 437 (43.74 12.5 (12.5% 62 6.2 (6.25 41.67 416 (41.67 166 16.65 (16.65% 8.34 (8.34% 25.92 259 9 (25.92 148 14.82 (14.82% 7.4 (7.4% 3.7 (3.7% 8.3 (8.3 18.74 187 (18.74 22.23 222 (22.23 43.7 (43.7 12. (12.5 6. (6.2 41.6 (41.6 16.6 (16.65 (8.34 25.9 (25.9 14.8 (14.82 7. (7.4 3. (3.7 8. (8. 18.7 (18.7 22.2 (22.2 43. (43. (12. (6. 41. (41. 16. (16.6 25. (25. 14. (14.8 (7. (3. (8 18. (18. 22. (22. (43 (12 (6 (41 (16. (25 (14. (7 (3 ( (18 (22 (4 (1 (16 (2 (14