ABSTRACT Objective: The study aimed to investigate the relationships between body mass index, reasons for consuming palatable foods, emotional eating, cognitive dietary restraint, and disordered eating behaviors in young adults. Methods: This study was conducted with 800 young adults, in Ankara, Türkiye. A questionnaire consisting of questions about socio-demographic characteristics, health status, and instruments including Eating Attitudes Test-26, Emotional Appetite Questionnaire, Palatable Eating Motives Scale, and The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire were applied through face-to-face interviews. Results: According to the Eating Attitudes Test-26, 17.2% of males and 27.7% of females were at risk for disordered eating behaviors (χ2=9.750, p=0.002). The mean scores of the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire-emotional eating, cognitive restraint subscales, and the positive and negative scores of the Emotional Appetite Questionnaire were higher in males than in females (p<0.05). The mean scores of the Palatable Eating Motives Scale-coping and reward enhancement motives were higher in females, while the mean score for the conformity motives was significantly higher in males. Body mass index, Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire-cognitive restraint subscale, Emotional Appetite Questionnaire-negative, and PEMS-conformity motives were found for predictors for Eating Attitudes Test-26 (all p<0.05). Conclusion: The results showed a high tendency for emotional eating, consumption of palatable foods, and cognitive dietary restraint in young adults, and these factors were considered determinants for eating disorders. Objective index foods adults Methods 80 Ankara Türkiye sociodemographic socio demographic characteristics status Test26, Test26 Test 26, 26 Scale ThreeFactor Three Factor facetoface face interviews Results 172 17 2 17.2 277 27 7 27.7 χ2=9.750, χ29750 χ χ2 9 750 (χ2=9.750 p=0.002. p0002 p p=0.002 . 0 002 p=0.002) Questionnaireemotional subscales p<0.05. p005 p<0.05 05 (p<0.05) Scalecoping coping Questionnairecognitive subscale Questionnairenegative, Questionnairenegative negative, Questionnaire-negative PEMSconformity PEMS Test-2 all p<0.05) Conclusion disorders 8 Test2 1 17. 27. χ2=9.750 χ2975 75 (χ2=9.75 p000 p=0.00 00 p00 p<0.0 (p<0.05 Test- χ2=9.75 χ297 (χ2=9.7 p=0.0 p0 p<0. (p<0.0 χ2=9.7 χ29 (χ2=9. p=0. p<0 (p<0. χ2=9. (χ2=9 p=0 p< (p<0 χ2=9 (χ2= p= (p< χ2= (χ2 (p (χ
RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi investigar as relações entre o índice de massa corporal, as razões para consumir alimentos palatáveis, o comer emocional, a restrição alimentar cognitiva e os comportamentos de desordem alimentar em jovens adultos. Métodos: Este estudo foi realizado com 800 jovens adultos, em Ancara, na Turquia. Foi aplicado um questionário composto por perguntas sobre características sociodemográficas, estado de saúde e instrumentos, incluindo o Eating Attitudes Test-26, o Emotional Appetite Questionnaire, a Palatable Eating Motives Scale e o The Three-Fator Eating Questionnaire, através de entrevistas presenciais. Resultados: De acordo com o Eating Attitudes Test-26, 17,2% dos homens e 27,7% das mulheres estavam em risco de desenvolver comportamentos alimentares desordenados (χ2=9,750, p=0,002). As pontuações médias do Three-Fator Eating Questionnaire-emotional eating, as subescalas de restrição cognitiva e as pontuações positivas e negativas do Emotional Appetite Questionnaire foram mais elevadas no sexo masculino do que no feminino (p<0,05). As pontuações médias da Palatable Eating Motives Scale - motivos de coping e de aumento da recompensa - foram mais elevadas no sexo feminino, enquanto a pontuação média para os motivos de conformidade foi significativamente mais elevada no sexo masculino. O índice de massa corporal, o Three-Fator Eating Questionnaire-subescala de contenção cognitiva, o Emotional Appetite Questionnaire-negativo e o PEMS-motores de conformidade foram encontrados como preditores do Eating Attitudes Test-26 (todos p<0,05). Conclusão: Os resultados mostraram uma elevada tendência para a alimentação emocional, o consumo de alimentos palatáveis e a restrição alimentar cognitiva em adultos jovens, sendo estes factores considerados determinantes para as perturbações alimentares. Objetivo corporal emocional Métodos 80 Ancara Turquia sociodemográficas instrumentos Test26, Test26 Test 26, 26 ThreeFator Three Fator presenciais Resultados 172 17 2 17,2 277 27 7 27,7 χ2=9,750, χ29750 χ χ2 9 750 (χ2=9,750 p=0,002. p0002 p p=0,002 . 0 002 p=0,002) Questionnaireemotional emotional eating p<0,05. p005 p<0,05 05 (p<0,05) Questionnairesubescala subescala Questionnairenegativo negativo PEMSmotores PEMS motores Test-2 todos p<0,05) Conclusão 8 Test2 1 17, 27, χ2=9,750 χ2975 75 (χ2=9,75 p000 p=0,00 00 p00 p<0,0 (p<0,05 Test- χ2=9,75 χ297 (χ2=9,7 p=0,0 p0 p<0, (p<0,0 χ2=9,7 χ29 (χ2=9, p=0, p<0 (p<0, χ2=9, (χ2=9 p=0 p< (p<0 χ2=9 (χ2= p= (p< χ2= (χ2 (p (χ