Resumo Objetivos: avaliar a associação entre o consumo de álcool e de tabaco durante a gravidez com condições de saúde maternas e da criança. Métodos: estudo transversal com amostra probabilística de gestantes residentes em Santa Catarina que realizaram o pré-natal e o parto na rede pública do estado em 2019. Foi aplicado questionário face-a-face com 3.580 gestantes incluindo questões de saúde maternas durante a gestação e saúde perinatal do recém-nascido. Foram realizadas análises de regressão logística brutas e ajustadas para condições sócio-demográficas e de saúde maternas. Resultados: as prevalências de consumo de bebidas alcoólicas e de tabaco durante a gestação foram de 7,2% e 9,3%, respectivamente. O consumo de álcool durante a gestação aumentou em 45% a chance de anemia materna (IC95%=1,09-1,91) e em 73% a de diabetes gestacional (IC95%=1,14-2,63) e reduziu a chance de hipertensão (OR=0,59; IC95%=0,37-0,94). O consumo de tabaco dobrou a chance de baixo peso gestacional ao nascer (OR=2,16; IC95%=1,33-3,51). Conclusão: o consumo de bebidas alcoólicas durante a gestação aumentou a chance de intercorrências de saúde maternas, como anemia e diabetes gestacional, enquanto o tabaco aumentou a chance de baixo peso ao nascer. Objetivos criança Métodos prénatal pré natal 2019 faceaface face 3580 3 580 3.58 recémnascido. recémnascido recém nascido. nascido recém-nascido sóciodemográficas sócio demográficas Resultados 72 7 2 7,2 93 9 9,3% respectivamente 45 IC95%=1,091,91 IC95109191 IC IC95%=1,09 1,91 IC95 1 09 91 (IC95%=1,09-1,91 73 IC95%=1,142,63 IC95114263 IC95%=1,14 2,63 14 63 (IC95%=1,14-2,63 OR=0,59 OR059 OR 0 59 (OR=0,59 IC95%=0,370,94. IC95037094 IC95%=0,37 0,94 . 37 94 IC95%=0,37-0,94) OR=2,16 OR216 16 (OR=2,16 IC95%=1,333,51. IC95133351 IC95%=1,33 3,51 33 51 IC95%=1,33-3,51) Conclusão 201 358 58 3.5 7, 9,3 4 091 IC95%=1,091,9 IC9510919 IC95109 IC95%=1,0 191 1,9 IC9 (IC95%=1,09-1,9 142 IC95%=1,142,6 IC9511426 IC95114 IC95%=1,1 263 2,6 6 (IC95%=1,14-2,6 OR=0,5 OR05 5 (OR=0,5 370 IC95%=0,370,94 IC9503709 IC95037 IC95%=0,3 094 0,9 IC95%=0,37-0,94 OR=2,1 OR21 (OR=2,1 333 IC95%=1,333,51 IC9513335 IC95133 IC95%=1,3 351 3,5 IC95%=1,33-3,51 20 35 3. 9, IC95%=1,091, IC951091 IC9510 IC95%=1, 19 1, (IC95%=1,09-1, IC95%=1,142, IC951142 IC9511 26 2, (IC95%=1,14-2, OR=0, OR0 (OR=0, IC95%=0,370,9 IC950370 IC9503 IC95%=0, 0, IC95%=0,37-0,9 OR=2, OR2 (OR=2, IC95%=1,333,5 IC951333 IC9513 3, IC95%=1,33-3,5 IC95%=1,091 IC951 IC95%=1 (IC95%=1,09-1 IC95%=1,142 (IC95%=1,14-2 OR=0 (OR=0 IC95%=0,370, IC950 IC95%=0 IC95%=0,37-0, OR=2 (OR=2 IC95%=1,333, IC95%=1,33-3, IC95%= (IC95%=1,09- (IC95%=1,14- OR= (OR= IC95%=0,370 IC95%=0,37-0 IC95%=1,333 IC95%=1,33-3 IC95% (IC95%=1,09 (IC95%=1,14 (OR IC95%=0,37- IC95%=1,33- (IC95%=1,0 (IC95%=1,1 (IC95%=1, (IC95%=1 (IC95%= (IC95% (IC95 (IC9 (IC
Abstract Objectives: to evaluate the association between alcohol and tobacco consumption during pregnancy with maternal and child health conditions. Methods: cross-sectional study with a probabilistic sample of pregnant women living in Santa Catarina who conducted prenatal care and childbirth in the public national health service in 2019. A face-to-face survey questionnaire was applied to 3,580 pregnant women including maternal health issues during pregnancy and perinatal health of the newborn. Crude logistic regression analyzes were performed and adjusted for socio-demographic and maternal health conditions. Results: the prevalence of alcohol and tobacco consumption during pregnancy was 7.2% and 9.3%, respectively. Alcohol consumption during pregnancy increased the chance of maternal anemia by 45% (CI95%=1.09-1.91), increased the chance of gestational diabetes by 73% (CI95%=1.14-2.63) and reduced the chance of hypertension (OR=0.59; CI95%=0.37-0.94). Tobacco consumption doubled the chance of low birth weight (OR=2.16; CI95%=1.33-3.51). Conclusion: the consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy increased the chance of maternal health complications, such as anemia and gestational diabetes, while tobacco increased the chance of low birth weight. Objectives conditions Methods crosssectional cross sectional 2019 facetoface face 3580 3 580 3,58 newborn sociodemographic socio demographic Results 72 7 2 7.2 93 9 9.3% respectively 45 CI95%=1.091.91, CI95109191 CI CI95%=1.09 1.91 , CI95 1 09 91 (CI95%=1.09-1.91) 73 CI95%=1.142.63 CI95114263 CI95%=1.14 2.63 14 63 (CI95%=1.14-2.63 OR=0.59 OR059 OR 0 59 (OR=0.59 CI95%=0.370.94. CI95037094 CI95%=0.37 0.94 . 37 94 CI95%=0.37-0.94) OR=2.16 OR216 16 (OR=2.16 CI95%=1.333.51. CI95133351 CI95%=1.33 3.51 33 51 CI95%=1.33-3.51) Conclusion complications 201 358 58 3,5 7. 9.3 4 091 CI95%=1.091.91 CI9510919 CI95109 CI95%=1.0 191 1.9 CI9 (CI95%=1.09-1.91 142 CI95%=1.142.6 CI9511426 CI95114 CI95%=1.1 263 2.6 6 (CI95%=1.14-2.6 OR=0.5 OR05 5 (OR=0.5 370 CI95%=0.370.94 CI9503709 CI95037 CI95%=0.3 094 0.9 CI95%=0.37-0.94 OR=2.1 OR21 (OR=2.1 333 CI95%=1.333.51 CI9513335 CI95133 CI95%=1.3 351 3.5 CI95%=1.33-3.51 20 35 3, 9. CI95%=1.091.9 CI951091 CI9510 CI95%=1. 19 1. (CI95%=1.09-1.9 CI95%=1.142. CI951142 CI9511 26 2. (CI95%=1.14-2. OR=0. OR0 (OR=0. CI95%=0.370.9 CI950370 CI9503 CI95%=0. 0. CI95%=0.37-0.9 OR=2. OR2 (OR=2. CI95%=1.333.5 CI951333 CI9513 3. CI95%=1.33-3.5 CI95%=1.091. CI951 CI95%=1 (CI95%=1.09-1. CI95%=1.142 (CI95%=1.14-2 OR=0 (OR=0 CI95%=0.370. CI950 CI95%=0 CI95%=0.37-0. OR=2 (OR=2 CI95%=1.333. CI95%=1.33-3. CI95%=1.091 CI95%= (CI95%=1.09-1 (CI95%=1.14- OR= (OR= CI95%=0.370 CI95%=0.37-0 CI95%=1.333 CI95%=1.33-3 CI95% (CI95%=1.09- (CI95%=1.14 (OR CI95%=0.37- CI95%=1.33- (CI95%=1.09 (CI95%=1.1 (CI95%=1.0 (CI95%=1. (CI95%=1 (CI95%= (CI95% (CI95 (CI9 (CI