Objective: To determine the association among lifestyle-related risk factors and the occurrence of occupational diseases, accidents and absenteeism in a cohort of formal workers. Method: A retrospective cohort study was carried out by using two information sources: a registry of preventive occupational evaluations and another registry of episodes of occupational accidents and diseases (2009-2012). A descriptive analysis was performed of health variables and risk factors. Logistic regressions were used to calculate the likelihood of occupational accidents and diseases and a zero-inflated Poisson regression was used to model occupational absenteeism. Results: A total of 47.221 workers were included, of which 86,3% were men. The mean follow-up was 1,96 years. Workers aged >60 years had an excess risk of occupational diseases, with an OR of 19.18 compared with workers aged <30 years, while sedentary workers had an OR of 1,75. The likelihood of occupational accidents was higher in workers younger than 30 years (OR 1,38), those with a waist circumference (WC) higher than recommended (OR 1,31) and those who were sedentary (OR 1,23). Women had an OR of 1.99 and those with a WC higher than recommended had an OR of 1,29 for the likelihood of a commuting accident to and from work. Female sex (IRR 1,45), age >60 years (IRR 2,69), and working in the property sector (IRR 2,37) and in mining (IRR 2,38) conferred a higher probability of absenteeism. Conclusions: Unmodifiable factors (age and sex), as well as modifiable factors, such as sedentariness and nutritional status, contribute to undesired occupational events.
Objetivo: Estimar la asociación entre factores de riesgo y la ocurrencia de enfermedades, accidentes y ausentismo laboral en trabajadores formales. Método: Estudio de cohorte retrospectiva usando dos fuentes de información: registro de evaluaciones ocupacionales preventivas y de episodios de accidentes y enfermedades laborales (2009-2012). Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de variables de salud y de factores de riesgo. Regresiones logísticas para la ocurrencia de enfermedades y accidentes. Se usó una regresión Poisson-cero-inflado para el ausentismo laboral. Resultados: los > 60 años tienen un exceso de riesgo de enfermedad laboral (OR-ajustada 19,18 respecto a < 30 años) y los sedentarios una OR-ajustada 1,75. Los < 30 años tienen una OR-ajustada de 1,38, los que tienen circunferencia de cintura (CC) superior a la recomendada una OR-ajustada de 1,31 y los sedentarios 1,23 para la probabilidad de accidentes de trabajo. Las mujeres tienen una OR-ajustada 1,99 y CC-superior 1,29 para la probabilidad de accidente de trayecto. Ser mujer (IRR 1,45), tener > 60 años (IRR 2,69), trabajar en actividades inmobiliarias (IRR 2,37) y en explotación de minas (IRR 2,38), tienen una probabilidad mayor de más días de ausentismo. Conclusiones: Factores no modificables (sexo y edad), junto con factores modificables, como el sedentarismo y el estado nutricional, contribuyen a eventos laborales no deseados.