RESUMEN Objetivos Determinar la prevalencia y factores asociados al sobrepeso y obesidad en escolares peruanos. Métodos Estudio transversal durante el 2013-2014. El muestreo probabilístico, estratificado multietápico, se incluyó 1 191 conglomerados con 7 914 viviendas (área urbana: 4 842 y rural: 3 072) en Perú. Se evalúo 2 801 escolares entre 5 a 13 años. Se empleó el Z score del índice de masa corporal para la edad (ZIMC) según OMS. Se consideró sobrepeso (ZIMC>1 y ≤2) y obesidad (ZIMC>2). Resultados El 18,1% tuvieron sobrepeso y 14,1% obesidad. El sobrepeso predominó en varones (18,7%), escolares de 8 a 10 años (19,6%), no pobres (21,2%), área urbana (21,6%), Lima Metropolitana (22,8%) y Costa (22,7%). La obesidad predominó en varones (19,1%), escolares de 8 a 10 años (17,9%), no pobres (18,5%), área urbana (20,2%), Lima Metropolitana (28,0%) y Costa (18,2%). Los factores asociados al sobrepeso fueron la no pobreza (OR=1,9), vivir en área urbana (OR=1,7), Lima Metropolitana (OR=1,9) y Costa (OR=1,6); mientras que ser hombre (OR=3,1), nivel educativo secundario del jefe del hogar (OR=1, 8), superior (OR=2,5), no pobre (OR=9,2), residir en área urbana (OR=3,4), Lima Metropolitana (OR=4,8) y Costa (OR=2,9) se asociaron con la obesidad. Conclusiones La prevalencia de obesidad o sobrepeso de los escolares es alta. La condición de no pobreza, vivir en área urbana, Lima Metropolitana y Costa se asocian al sobrepeso. Ser hombre, no pobre, el mayor nivel educativo del jefe del hogar, vivir en el área urbana, Lima Metropolitana y Costa se asocia a la obesidad.
ABSTRACT Objectives To determine the prevalence and factors associated with overweight and obesity in Peruvian schoolchildren. Materials and Methods Cross-sectional study carried out between 2013 and 2014. The probabilistic, multistage stratified sampling included 1 191 conglomerates with 7 914 dwellings (4 842 in the urban area and 3 072 in the rural area) of Peru. A total of 2 801 schoolchildren aged between 5 and 13 years were evaluated. The Z score of the body mass index by age (ZBMI) was used according to the WHO. Overweight was considered (ZBMI> 1 and ≤2) and obesity (ZBMI >2). Results 18.1% of the sample was overweight and 14.1% were obese. Overweight predominated in males (18.7%), schoolchildren aged 8 to 10 years (19.6%), non-poor (21.2%), residing in the urban area (21.6%), from Metropolitan Lima (22.8%) and Costa (22.7%). The factors associated with overweight included non-poverty (OR=1.9), living in urban areas (OR=1.7), Metropolitan Lima (OR=1.9) and Costa (OR=1.6). On the other hand, factors associated with obesity included male sex (OR=3.1), secondary education level of the head of the household (OR=1.8), higher education (OR=2.5), non-poor (OR=9.2), residing in an urban area (OR=3.4), Metropolitan Lima (OR=4.8) and Costa (OR=2.9). Conclusions The prevalence of obesity or overweight in schoolchildren is high. Non-poverty, living in urban areas, Metropolitan Lima and Costa are associated with overweight. Being a man, non-poor, the highest educational level of the head of the household, living in the urban area, Metropolitan Lima and Costa were associated with obesity.