OBJECTIVE: To understand social representations of oral health-disease among pregnant mothers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A qualitative study was conducted for which 28 pregnant adult women were interviewed who attended a prenatal program at a health institution in the city of Medellín, Colombia between 2006 and 2007. Interviews were recorded and transcribed and analyses were performed using open, axial and selective coding. RESULTS: Mothers would like to provide their children good oral health and consider it their responsibility; associated guilt is also experienced. To fulfill this responsibility, mothers request support from health personnel, which at times does not meet their needs and expectations. CONCLUSIONS: Professionals are needed who, beginning with their education, integrate the social dimension with technical-scientific knowledge, who recognize the coexistence of different rationalities in the educational setting and put them into perspective, venturing into educational proposals that break with paradigms in order to achieve the support required, while respecting the autonomy of the mothers without blaming them.
OBJETIVO: Comprender las representaciones sociales del proceso salud-enfermedad bucal en madres gestantes. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó una investigación cualitativa. Fueron entrevistadas 28 mujeres adultas, en periodo de gestación, asistentes a un programa prenatal en la ciudad de Medellín, Colombia, durante los años 2006-2007. Las entrevistas, grabadas y transcritas, se analizaron mediante codificación abierta, axial y selectiva. RESULTADOS: Las madres se manifiestan dispuestas a dar a sus hijos una buena salud bucal; la consideran su responsabilidad-culpa, y para lograrlo, reclaman apoyo del personal de salud, apoyo que en ocasiones no copa sus expectativas y necesidades. CONCLUSIONES: Se requieren profesionales que integren, desde su formación, tanto la dimensión social como conocimientos técnico-científicos, que reconozcan la coexistencia de diferentes racionalidades en el encuentro educativo y relativicen sus conceptos propios, dando propuestas educativas que supongan rupturas paradigmáticas para lograr el apoyo requerido, respetando la autonomía de las madres, sin culpabilizarlas.