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au:Silveira, Maria Beatriz
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Body mass index and abdominal waist values are related to increased cardiometabolic risk in schoolchildren aged five to ten years
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Oliveira, Maria de Fatima de
; Carvalho, Ariana Rodrigues da Silva
; Siqueira, Bruna Schumaker
; Almeida, Bruna Emília Mareco de
; Viera, Claudia Silveira
; Machineski, Gicelle Galvan
; Toso, Beatriz Rosana Gonsalves de Oliveira
; Grassiolli, Sabrina
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a frequência de obesidade e risco cardiometabólico em escolares menores de dez anos de idade. Métodos: Este é um estudo transversal com escolares (n=639) com idade de cinco a dez anos de um município do Sul do Brasil. O risco cardiometabólico foi calculado com base nos valores do índice de massa corpórea (IMC), circunferência da cintura (CC), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD), valores sanguíneos de glicose, triglicerídeos e colesterol total. Odds ratio (OR), correlação de Spearman e análise de componentes principais (PCA) foram obtidos. Resultados: Independentemente do sexo, CC e IMC aumentados foram relacionados com maiores valores de PAS, PAD e colesterol total. A frequência de risco cardiometabólico foi de 6,0% nas meninas e 9,9% nos meninos. Escolares com elevados valores de PAS, triglicerídeos e colesterol total tinham alto OR para risco cardiometabólico. A PCA mostrou que escolares com alta CC (p>80) apresentam mais frequentemente alterações nos níveis sanguíneos de glicose, triglicerídeos e colesterol total. Conclusões: A obesidade, especialmente quando associada a elevados valores de CC, está relacionada com disfunções metabólicas e risco cardiometabólico em escolares menores de dez anos de idade. Estes achados indicam a urgência de estabelecer o risco metabólico para essa faixa etária, possibilitando o diagnóstico precoce, o adequado tratamento para evitar o desenvolvimento de diabetes e disfunções cardiovasculares ao longo da vida. Objetivo Métodos n=639 n639 n 639 (n=639 Brasil IMC, , (IMC) (CC) PAS (PAS PAD, (PAD) glicose OR, (OR) (PCA obtidos Resultados sexo 60 6 0 6,0 99 9 9,9 meninos p>80 p80 p 80 (p>80 Conclusões etária precoce vida n=63 n63 63 (n=63 (IMC (CC (PAD (OR 6, 9, p>8 p8 8 (p>8 n=6 n6 (n=6 p> (p> n= (n= (p (n
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the frequency of obesity and cardiometabolic risk in schoolchildren under ten years old. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with schoolchildren (n=639) aged five to ten years in a municipally of southern of Brazil. The cardiometabolic risk was calculated from values of body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), diastolic (DBP) and systolic blood pressure (SBP), blood glucose levels, triglycerides and total cholesterol (TC). Odds ratio (OR), Spearman correlation and principal component analysis (PCA) were analyzed. Results: Independent of sex, elevated WC and BMI were related to higher values of SBP, DBP, and TC in schoolchildren. The frequency of cardiometabolic risk was 6.0% in girls and 9.9% in boys. Schoolchildren with elevated values of SBP, triglycerides and TC presented high OR for cardiometabolic risk. PCA indicated that schoolchildren with high WC (p>80) presented more frequently altered glucose levels, triglycerides, and TC. Conclusions: Obesity, especially when associated with elevated WC, is related to metabolic dysfunctions and cardiometabolic risk in schoolchildren under ten years of age. These findings indicate the urgency of stablishing metabolic risk for this age group, enabling early diagnosis and adequate treatment, to prevent the development of diabetes and cardiovascular dysfunction throughout life. Objective old Methods crosssectional cross sectional n=639 n639 n 639 (n=639 Brazil BMI, , (BMI) (WC) DBP (DBP SBP (SBP) levels . (TC) OR, (OR) (PCA analyzed Results sex 60 6 0 6.0 99 9 9.9 boys p>80 p80 p 80 (p>80 Conclusions Obesity group treatment life n=63 n63 63 (n=63 (BMI (WC (SBP (TC (OR 6. 9. p>8 p8 8 (p>8 n=6 n6 (n=6 p> (p> n= (n= (p (n
Prevalência de miopia em crianças de escolas públicas do Sul do Brasil
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Gus, Patrícia Ioschpe
; Maman, Raquel Silveira de
; Lengler, Arthur Dementshuk
; Arteche, Maria Antônia
; Martins, Antônia
; Leivas, Gabriel
; Carloto, Rafael
; Pieta, Marina
; Marinho, Diane
; Tartarella, Márcia Beatriz
; Pakter, Helena
; Fabris, Caroline
; Castro, Terla
; Kronbauer, Fernando
; Colossi, Carina
RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalência de miopia em crianças de escolas públicas da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RS, Brasil). Métodos: Estudo transversal prospectivo, com amostra de 330 estudantes de escolas públicas da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre entre 5 e 20 anos de idade. Os escolares foram submetidos à avaliação oftalmológica completa, incluindo acuidade visual com e sem correção, autorrefração dinâmica e estática, refração subjetiva dinâmica e estática sob cicloplegia e medida do diâmetro axial. Um questionário sobre tempo de uso de telas diário foi aplicado. Os desfechos foram prevalência de miopia, alta miopia e baixa miopia. O teste do qui-quadrado de Pearson foi utilizado para avaliar a relação da prevalência com a variável contemplada no questionário. Resultados: A prevalência de miopia foi de 17,4% (IC95% 13,8-21,7%). Baixa e alta miopia corresponderam a 15,2% (IC95% 11,9-19,3%) e 2,1% (IC95% 1,1-4,1%), respectivamente. Conclusão: Essa é a maior prevalência de miopia sob cicloplegia encontrada no Brasil até a presente data. Outros estudos para entender a prevalência e a evolução da ametropia no país são necessários. Objetivo RS, RS (RS Brasil. . Brasil) Métodos prospectivo 33 2 idade completa correção axial aplicado quiquadrado qui quadrado Resultados 174 17 4 17,4 IC95% IC95 IC (IC95 13,821,7%. 138217 13,8 21,7% 13 8 21 7 13,8-21,7%) 152 15 15,2 11,919,3% 119193 11,9 19,3% 11 9 19 3 11,9-19,3% 1 2,1 1,14,1%, 1141 1,1 4,1% , 1,1-4,1%) respectivamente Conclusão data necessários 17, IC9 (IC9 821 13,821,7% 13821 138 13, 217 21,7 13,8-21,7% 15, 919 11,919,3 11919 119 11, 193 19,3 11,9-19,3 2, 14 1,14,1% 114 1, 41 4,1 1,1-4,1% (IC 82 13,821,7 1382 21, 13,8-21,7 91 11,919, 1191 19, 11,9-19, 1,14,1 4, 1,1-4,1 13,821, 13,8-21, 11,919 11,9-19 1,14, 1,1-4, 13,821 13,8-21 11,91 11,9-1 1,14 1,1-4 13,82 13,8-2 11,9- 1,1- 13,8-
ABSTRACT Objective: To assess myopia prevalence in children from public schools of the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, in Rio Grande do Sul. Methods: It is a prospective cross-sectional study with a sample of 330 children from public schools of the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre, from 5 to 20 years old. The students were submitted to an ophthalmological evaluation including auto-refractor measurements, best corrected and uncorrected visual acuity, subjective refraction under cycloplegia and axial length. The outcomes were prevalence of myopia, high myopia, and low myopia. Pearson's chi-squared test was used to assess the relationship between prevalence and the variable contemplated in the questionnaire. Results: The prevalence of myopia was 17.4% (CI 13.8 – 21.7%). Low and high myopia corresponded to 15.2% (CI 11.9 – 19.3%) and 2.1% (CI 1.1 – 4.1%), respectively. Conclusion: This is the highest prevalence of myopia under cycloplegia found in Brazil to date. Other studies are necessary to understand the prevalence and evolution of the condition in the country. Objective Alegre Sul Methods crosssectional cross sectional 33 2 old autorefractor auto refractor measurements acuity length Pearsons Pearson s chisquared chi squared questionnaire Results 174 17 4 17.4 CI 138 13 8 13. 21.7%. 217 21.7% . 21 7 21.7%) 152 15 15.2 119 11 9 11. 19.3% 193 19 3 1 2.1 1. 4.1%, 41 4.1% , 4.1%) respectively Conclusion date country 17. 21.7 15. 19.3 2. 4.1 21. 19. 4.
Herpetofauna of Nísia Floresta National Forest, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil: Richness and abundance differences among natural and secondary forests Forest Norte Brazil
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Sousa, Maria Beatriz de Andrade
; Lion, Marília Bruzzi
; Costa, Winícius Mateus Magalhães
; Egl, Bryan André de Lima
; Figueiredo, Fabiany Herica
; Leite, Nicolas Vinicius A. A.
; Marcos, Daniel Victor Morais
; Magalhães, Felipe de Medeiros
; Matias, Cícera Silvilene Leite
; Neta, Aldenir Ferreira da Silva
; Oliveira, José Eduardo Gomes de
; Puertas, Igor Peres
; Queiroz, Vitória Godeiro de
; Silva, Daniel da Costa
; Silva, Willianilson Pessoa da
; Silveira Filho, Ricardo Rodrigues da
; Soares, Matheus Lucas Azevedo
; Mesquita, Daniel Oliveira
; Garda, Adrian Antonio
Resumo Na Mata Atlântica, as distribuições de espécies não são uniformes. O bioma foi dividido em 8 sub-regiões biogeográficas, como o Centro de Endemismo de Pernambuco (CEP), no nordeste do Brasil. A Floresta Nacional de Nísia Floresta (Flona) é uma área protegida situada no município de Nísia Floresta, no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, abrigando vegetação nativa (Mata Atlântica e "Restingas ou Tabuleiros"), bem como áreas em regeneração, com parcelas experimentais de plantas exóticas para produção de madeira. Aqui, apresentamos, pela primeira vez, uma lista de espécies da herpetofauna levantada na Flona ao longo dos últimos 10 anos, utilizando uma amostragem padronizada e de longo prazo, juntamente encontros visuais e ocasionais. Realizamos levantamentos mensais em toda a área utilizando 84 armadilhas de queda distribuídas aleatoriamente em 21 conjuntos ao longo das três zonas fitogeográficas da floresta (Restinga, Mata Atlântica e Regeneração). Além disso, caracterizamos a diversidade da herpetofauna terrestre nessas três zonas ao longo de um ano inteiro. Coletamos um total de 39 espécies de répteis (entre lagartos, serpentes, quelônios, crocodilianos e anfisbênios) e 24 espécies de anfíbios. A família mais frequente encontrada para os répteis foi Dipsadidae, seguida por Colubridae. Para anfíbios, Leptodactylidae foi a mais comum, seguida por Hylidae. A diversidade da herpetofauna em áreas de regeneração é menor do que em florestas, que por sua vez são marginalmente menos diversas do que a Restinga. Descritores da comunidade, como equidade, presença de espécies exclusivas e diferenças em abundâncias e composição indicam que estratégias de manejo distintas para cada área são necessárias para esta área protegida. Por fim, embora menor, a diversidade em áreas de regeneração é semelhante às áreas naturais, um resultado animador considerando o significativo desmatamento que a Mata Atlântica sofreu e a urgente necessidade de iniciativas de restauração. uniformes subregiões sub regiões biogeográficas CEP, CEP , (CEP) Brasil (Flona Norte Restingas Tabuleiros, Tabuleiros Tabuleiros") madeira Aqui apresentamos 1 anos prazo ocasionais 2 Restinga, Restinga (Restinga Regeneração. Regeneração . Regeneração) disso inteiro 3 entre lagartos serpentes quelônios anfisbênios anfíbios Dipsadidae Colubridae comum Hylidae florestas comunidade equidade fim naturais restauração (CEP Tabuleiros"
Abstract In the Atlantic Forest, species distributions are not uniform. The biome has been divided into 8 biogeographic sub-regions, such as the Pernambuco Center of Endemism (PCE), in northeastern Brazil. Nísia Floresta National Forest (Flona) is a protected area situated in the municipality of Nísia Floresta, Rio Grande do Norte state, harboring native vegetation (Atlantic Forest and "Restingas or Tabuleiros") as well regenerating areas, with experimental plots of exotic plants for timber production. Herein, we present, for the first time, a species list of the herpetofauna surveyed at Flona over the past 10 years, using a standardized, long-term sampling design along with visual encounter surveys. We conducted monthly surveys across the area using 84 pitfall traps randomly distributed in 21 arrays throughout the forest's three phytogeographic zones (Restinga, Atlantic Forest, and Regeneration). In addition, we characterized ground-dwelling herpetofauna community diversity across these three zones over the course of an entire year. We collected a total of 39 species of reptiles (among lizards, snakes, chelonians, alligators, and amphisbaenians) and 24 species of frogs. The most frequent family found for reptiles was Dipsadidae, followed by Colubridae. In frogs, Leptodactylidae was the most common, followed by Hylidae. Herpetofaunal diversity in regeneration areas is smaller than forests, which in turn are marginally less diverse than the Restinga. Community descriptors such as equity, presence of exclusive species, and differences in abundances and composition indicate that distinct management strategies for each zone are needed for this protected area. At last, albeit smaller, diversity in regenerating areas is similar to natural areas, a reassuring result considering the significant deforestation the Atlantic Forest has suffered and the urgent need for restoration initiatives. uniform subregions, subregions sub regions, regions sub-regions PCE, PCE , (PCE) Brazil (Flona state Restingas Tabuleiros Tabuleiros" production Herein present time 1 years standardized longterm long term 2 forests forest s Restinga, Restinga (Restinga Regeneration. Regeneration . Regeneration) addition grounddwelling ground dwelling year 3 among lizards snakes chelonians alligators amphisbaenians frogs Dipsadidae Colubridae common Hylidae equity last initiatives (PCE
Cytotoxicity of dilutions of bioceramic materials in stem cells of human exfoliated deciduous teeth
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SILVEIRA, Ana Beatriz Vieira da
; OLIVEIRA, Bárbara Luísa Silva
; BERGAMO, Mariel Tavares de Oliveira Prado
; MACHADO, Maria Aparecida Moreira
; OLIVEIRA, Thais Marchini
Abstract Several materials have been developed to preserve pulp vitality. They should have ideal cytocompatibility characteristics to promote the activity of stem cells of human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) and thus heal pulp tissue. Objective To evaluate the cytotoxicity of different dilutions of bioceramic material extracts in SHED. Methodology SHED were immersed in αMEM + the material extract according to the following experimental groups: Group 1 (G1) –BBio membrane, Group 2 (G2) - Bio-C Repair, Group 3 (G3) - MTA Repair HP, Group 4 (G4) – TheraCal LC, and Group 5 (G5) - Biodentine. Positive and negative control groups were maintained respectively in αMEM + 10% FBS and Milli-Q Water. The methods to analyze cell viability and proliferation involved MTT and Alamar Blue assays at 24, 48, and 72H after the contact of the SHED with bioceramic extracts at 1:1 and 1:2 dilutions. Data were analyzed by the three-way ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s test (p<0.05). Results At 1:1 dilution, SHED in contact with the MTA HP Repair extract showed statistically higher cell viability than the other experimental groups and the negative control (p<0.05), except for TheraCal LC (p> 0.05). At 1:2 dilution, BBio Membrane and Bio-C showed statistically higher values in intra- and intergroup comparisons (p<0.05). BBio Membrane, Bio-C Repair, and Biodentine extracts at 1:1 dilution showed greater cytotoxicity than 1:2 dilution in all periods (p<0.05). Conclusion MTA HP Repair showed the lowest cytotoxicity even at a 1:1 dilution. At a 1:2 dilution, the SHED in contact with the BBio membrane extract showed high cell viability. Thus, the BBio membrane would be a new non-cytotoxic biomaterial for SHED. Results offer possibilities of biomaterials that can be indicated for use in clinical regenerative procedures of the dentin-pulp complex. vitality (SHED tissue G1 G (G1 G2 (G2 BioC Bio C G3 (G3 G4 (G4 G5 (G5 10 MilliQ Milli Q Water 24 48 H 11 1: 12 threeway three way ANOVA Tukeys Tukey s p<0.05. p005 p p<0.05 . 0 05 (p<0.05) p<0.05, , p> (p 0.05. 005 0.05 0.05) intra Thus noncytotoxic non cytotoxic dentinpulp dentin complex (G p00 p<0.0 (p<0.05 00 0.0 p0 p<0. (p<0.0 0. p<0 (p<0. p< (p<0 (p<
Bacterial nanocellulose/calcium alginate hydrogel for the treatment of burns nanocellulosecalcium nanocellulose calcium
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Munhoz, Lauriene Luiza de Souza
; Guillens, Luiz Carlos
; Alves, Beatriz Candido
; Nascimento, Maria Gabriela Oliveira Ferreira do
; Meneguin, Andréia Bagliotti
; Carbinatto, Fernanda Mansano
; Arruda, Gabriela
; Barud, Hernane da Silva
; Aro, Andrea de
; Casagrande, Laura de Roch
; Silveira, Paulo Cesar Lock
; Andrade, Thiago Antônio Moretti
; Santos, Glaucia Maria Tech dos
; Caetano, Guilherme Ferreira
ABSTRACT Purpose: Bacterial cellulose (BC) has shown high capacity for the treatment of wounds and burns, providing a moisty environment. Calcium alginate can be associated with BC to create gels that aid in wound debridement and contribute to appropriate wound healing. This study is aimed at characterizing and evaluating the use of bacterial cellulose/alginate gel in skin burns in rats. Methods: Cellulose and cellulose/alginate gels were compared regarding the capacity of liquid absorption, moisture, viscosity, and potential cytotoxicity. The 2nd degree burns were produced using an aluminum metal plate (2.0cm) at 120ºC for 20s on the back of rats. The animals were divided into non-treated, CMC(Carboxymethylcellulose), Cellulose(CMC with bacterial cellulose), and Cellulose/alginate(CMC with bacterial cellulose and alginate). The animals received topical treatment 3 times/week. Biochemical (MPO, NAG and oxidative stress), histomorphometry and immunohistochemical assays (IL-1β IL-10 and VEGF) were conducted on the 14th, 21st, 28th, and 35th days. Results: Cellulose/Alginate gel showed higher absorption capacity and viscosity compared to Cellulose gel, with no cytotoxic effects. Cellulose/alginate presented lower MPO values, a higher percentage of IL-10, with greater and balanced oxidative stress profile. Conclusions: The use of cellulose/alginate gel reduced neutrophils and macrophage activation and showed greater anti-inflammatory response, which can contribute to healing chronic wounds and burns. Purpose (BC environment cellulosealginate rats Methods moisture cytotoxicity nd 2.0cm 20cm cm 2 0cm (2.0cm ºC s nontreated, nontreated non treated, treated non-treated CMCCarboxymethylcellulose, CMCCarboxymethylcellulose CMC Carboxymethylcellulose , CMC(Carboxymethylcellulose) CelluloseCMC cellulose, cellulose) Cellulose/alginateCMC CellulosealginateCMC alginate. . alginate) timesweek times week times/week MPO, (MPO stress, stress) IL1β ILβ IL 1β β IL10 10 IL-1 VEGF 14th th 21st st 28th days Results CelluloseAlginate Alginate effects Cellulosealginate values IL10, 10, profile Conclusions antiinflammatory anti inflammatory response CMC(Carboxymethylcellulose alginateCMC IL1 1 IL-
Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: Setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil Brasil
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Boeger, Walter A.
; Valim, Michel P.
; Zaher, Hussam
; Rafael, José A.
; Forzza, Rafaela C.
; Percequillo, Alexandre R.
; Serejo, Cristiana S.
; Garraffoni, André R.S.
; Santos, Adalberto J.
; Slipinski, Adam
; Linzmeier, Adelita M.
; Calor, Adolfo R.
; Garda, Adrian A.
; Kury, Adriano B.
; Fernandes, Agatha C.S.
; Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I.
; Akama, Alberto
; Silva Neto, Alberto M. da
; Burbano, Alejandro L.
; Menezes, Aleksandra
; Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre
; Anichtchenko, Alexander
; Lees, Alexander C.
; Bezerra, Alexandra M.R.
; Domahovski, Alexandre C.
; Pimenta, Alexandre D.
; Aleixo, Alexandre L.P.
; Marceniuk, Alexandre P.
; Paula, Alexandre S. de
; Somavilla, Alexandre
; Specht, Alexandre
; Camargo, Alexssandro
; Newton, Alfred F.
; Silva, Aline A.S. da
; Santos, Aline B. dos
; Tassi, Aline D.
; Aragão, Allan C.
; Santos, Allan P.M.
; Migotto, Alvaro E.
; Mendes, Amanda C.
; Cunha, Amanda
; Chagas Júnior, Amazonas
; Sousa, Ana A.T. de
; Pavan, Ana C.
; Almeida, Ana C.S.
; Peronti, Ana L.B.G.
; Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L.
; Prudente, Ana L.
; Tourinho, Ana L.
; Pes, Ana M.O.
; Carmignotto, Ana P.
; Wengrat, Ana P.G. da Silva
; Dornellas, Ana P.S.
; Molin, Anamaria Dal
; Puker, Anderson
; Morandini, André C.
; Ferreira, André da S.
; Martins, André L.
; Esteves, André M.
; Fernandes, André S.
; Roza, André S.
; Köhler, Andreas
; Paladini, Andressa
; Andrade, Andrey J. de
; Pinto, Ângelo P.
; Salles, Anna C. de A.
; Gondim, Anne I.
; Amaral, Antonia C.Z.
; Rondón, Antonio A.A.
; Brescovit, Antonio
; Lofego, Antônio C.
; Marques, Antonio C.
; Macedo, Antonio
; Andriolo, Artur
; Henriques, Augusto L.
; Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L.
; Lima, Aurino F. de
; Barros, Ávyla R. de A.
; Brito, Ayrton do R.
; Romera, Bárbara L.V.
; Vasconcelos, Beatriz M.C. de
; Frable, Benjamin W.
; Santos, Bernardo F.
; Ferraz, Bernardo R.
; Rosa, Brunno B.
; Sampaio, Brunno H.L.
; Bellini, Bruno C.
; Clarkson, Bruno
; Oliveira, Bruno G. de
; Corrêa, Caio C.D.
; Martins, Caleb C.
; Castro-Guedes, Camila F. de
; Souto, Camilla
; Bicho, Carla de L.
; Cunha, Carlo M.
; Barboza, Carlos A. de M.
; Lucena, Carlos A.S. de
; Barreto, Carlos
; Santana, Carlos D.C.M. de
; Agne, Carlos E.Q.
; Mielke, Carlos G.C.
; Caetano, Carlos H.S.
; Flechtmann, Carlos H.W.
; Lamas, Carlos J.E.
; Rocha, Carlos
; Mascarenhas, Carolina S.
; Margaría, Cecilia B.
; Waichert, Cecilia
; Digiani, Celina
; Haddad, Célio F.B.
; Azevedo, Celso O.
; Benetti, Cesar J.
; Santos, Charles M.D. dos
; Bartlett, Charles R.
; Bonvicino, Cibele
; Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S.
; Santos, Cinthya S.G.
; Justino, Cíntia E.L.
; Canedo, Clarissa
; Bonecker, Claudia C.
; Santos, Cláudia P.
; Carvalho, Claudio J.B. de
; Gonçalves, Clayton C.
; Galvão, Cleber
; Costa, Cleide
; Oliveira, Cléo D.C. de
; Schwertner, Cristiano F.
; Andrade, Cristiano L.
; Pereira, Cristiano M.
; Sampaio, Cristiano
; Dias, Cristina de O.
; Lucena, Daercio A. de A.
; Manfio, Daiara
; Amorim, Dalton de S.
; Queiroz, Dalva L. de
; Queiroz, Dalva L. de
; Colpani, Daniara
; Abbate, Daniel
; Aquino, Daniel A.
; Burckhardt, Daniel
; Cavallari, Daniel C.
; Prado, Daniel de C. Schelesky
; Praciano, Daniel L.
; Basílio, Daniel S.
; Bená, Daniela de C.
; Toledo, Daniela G.P. de
; Takiya, Daniela M.
; Fernandes, Daniell R.R.
; Ament, Danilo C.
; Cordeiro, Danilo P.
; Silva, Darliane E.
; Pollock, Darren A.
; Muniz, David B.
; Gibson, David I.
; Nogueira, David S.
; Marques, Dayse W.A.
; Lucatelli, Débora
; Garcia, Deivys M.A.
; Baêta, Délio
; Ferreira, Denise N.M.
; Rueda-Ramírez, Diana
; Fachin, Diego A.
; Souza, Diego de S.
; Rodrigues, Diego F.
; Pádua, Diego G. de
; Barbosa, Diego N.
; Dolibaina, Diego R.
; Amaral, Diogo C.
; Chandler, Donald S.
; Maccagnan, Douglas H.B.
; Caron, Edilson
; Carvalho, Edrielly
; Adriano, Edson A.
; Abreu Júnior, Edson F. de
; Pereira, Edson H.L.
; Viegas, Eduarda F.G.
; Carneiro, Eduardo
; Colley, Eduardo
; Eizirik, Eduardo
; Santos, Eduardo F. dos
; Shimbori, Eduardo M.
; Suárez-Morales, Eduardo
; Arruda, Eliane P. de
; Chiquito, Elisandra A.
; Lima, Élison F.B.
; Castro, Elizeu B. de
; Orlandin, Elton
; Nascimento, Elynton A. do
; Razzolini, Emanuel
; Gama, Emanuel R.R.
; Araujo, Enilma M. de
; Nishiyama, Eric Y.
; Spiessberger, Erich L.
; Santos, Érika C.L. dos
; Contreras, Eugenia F.
; Galati, Eunice A.B.
; Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C. de
; Gallardo, Fabiana
; Hernandes, Fabio A.
; Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A.
; Pitombo, Fabio B.
; Dario, Fabio Di
; Santos, Fábio L. dos
; Mauro, Fabio
; Nascimento, Fabio O. do
; Olmos, Fabio
; Amaral, Fabio R.
; Schunck, Fabio
; Godoi, Fábio S. P. de
; Machado, Fabrizio M.
; Barbo, Fausto E.
; Agrain, Federico A.
; Ribeiro, Felipe B.
; Moreira, Felipe F.F.
; Barbosa, Felipe F.
; Silva, Fenanda S.
; Cavalcanti, Fernanda F.
; Straube, Fernando C.
; Carbayo, Fernando
; Carvalho Filho, Fernando
; Zanella, Fernando C.V.
; Jacinavicius, Fernando de C.
; Farache, Fernando H.A.
; Leivas, Fernando
; Dias, Fernando M.S.
; Mantellato, Fernando
; Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z.
; Gudin, Filipe M.
; Albuquerque, Flávio
; Molina, Flavio B.
; Passos, Flávio D.
; Shockley, Floyd W.
; Pinheiro, Francielly F.
; Mello, Francisco de A.G. de
; Nascimento, Francisco E. de L.
; Franco, Francisco L.
; Oliveira, Francisco L. de
; Melo, Francisco T. de V.
; Quijano, Freddy R.B.
; Salles, Frederico F.
; Biffi, Gabriel
; Queiroz, Gabriel C.
; Bizarro, Gabriel L.
; Hrycyna, Gabriela
; Leviski, Gabriela
; Powell, Gareth S.
; Santos, Geane B. dos
; Morse, Geoffrey E.
; Brown, George
; Mattox, George M.T.
; Zimbrão, Geraldo
; Carvalho, Gervásio S.
; Miranda, Gil F.G.
; Moraes, Gilberto J. de
; Lourido, Gilcélia M.
; Neves, Gilmar P.
; Moreira, Gilson R.P.
; Montingelli, Giovanna G.
; Maurício, Giovanni N.
; Marconato, Gláucia
; Lopez, Guilherme E.L.
; Silva, Guilherme L. da
; Muricy, Guilherme
; Brito, Guilherme R.R.
; Garbino, Guilherme S.T.
; Flores, Gustavo E.
; Graciolli, Gustavo
; Libardi, Gustavo S.
; Proctor, Heather C.
; Gil-Santana, Helcio R.
; Varella, Henrique R.
; Escalona, Hermes E.
; Schmitz, Hermes J.
; Rodrigues, Higor D.D.
; Galvão Filho, Hilton de C.
; Quintino, Hingrid Y.S.
; Pinto, Hudson A.
; Rainho, Hugo L.
; Miyahira, Igor C.
; Gonçalves, Igor de S.
; Martins, Inês X.
; Cardoso, Irene A.
; Oliveira, Ismael B. de
; Franz, Ismael
; Fernandes, Itanna O.
; Golfetti, Ivan F.
; S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin
; Oliveira, Ivo de S.
; Delabie, Jacques H.C.
; Oliveira, Jader de
; Prando, Jadila S.
; Patton, James L.
; Bitencourt, Jamille de A.
; Silva, Janaina M.
; Santos, Jandir C.
; Arruda, Janine O.
; Valderrama, Jefferson S.
; Dalapicolla, Jeronymo
; Oliveira, Jéssica P.
; Hájek, Jiri
; Morselli, João P.
; Narita, João P.
; Martin, João P.I.
; Grazia, Jocélia
; McHugh, Joe
; Cherem, Jorge J.
; Farias Júnior, José A.S.
; Fernandes, Jose A.M.
; Pacheco, José F.
; Birindelli, José L.O.
; Rezende, José M.
; Avendaño, Jose M.
; Duarte, José M. Barbanti
; Ribeiro, José R. Inácio
; Mermudes, José R.M.
; Pujol-Luz, José R.
; Santos, Josenilson R. dos
; Câmara, Josenir T.
; Teixeira, Joyce A.
; Prado, Joyce R. do
; Botero, Juan P.
; Almeida, Julia C.
; Kohler, Julia
; Gonçalves, Julia P.
; Beneti, Julia S.
; Donahue, Julian P.
; Alvim, Juliana
; Almeida, Juliana C.
; Segadilha, Juliana L.
; Wingert, Juliana M.
; Barbosa, Julianna F.
; Ferrer, Juliano
; Santos, Juliano F. dos
; Kuabara, Kamila M.D.
; Nascimento, Karine B.
; Schoeninger, Karine
; Campião, Karla M.
; Soares, Karla
; Zilch, Kássia
; Barão, Kim R.
; Teixeira, Larissa
; Sousa, Laura D. do N.M. de
; Dumas, Leandro L.
; Vieira, Leandro M.
; Azevedo, Leonardo H.G.
; Carvalho, Leonardo S.
; Souza, Leonardo S. de
; Rocha, Leonardo S.G.
; Bernardi, Leopoldo F.O.
; Vieira, Letícia M.
; Johann, Liana
; Salvatierra, Lidianne
; Oliveira, Livia de M.
; Loureiro, Lourdes M.A. El-moor
; Barreto, Luana B.
; Barros, Luana M.
; Lecci, Lucas
; Camargos, Lucas M. de
; Lima, Lucas R.C.
; Almeida, Lucia M.
; Martins, Luciana R.
; Marinoni, Luciane
; Moura, Luciano de A.
; Lima, Luciano
; Naka, Luciano N.
; Miranda, Lucília S.
; Salik, Lucy M.
; Bezerra, Luis E.A.
; Silveira, Luis F.
; Campos, Luiz A.
; Castro, Luiz A.S. de
; Pinho, Luiz C.
; Silveira, Luiz F.L.
; Iniesta, Luiz F.M.
; Tencatt, Luiz F.C.
; Simone, Luiz R.L.
; Malabarba, Luiz R.
; Cruz, Luiza S. da
; Sekerka, Lukas
; Barros, Lurdiana D.
; Santos, Luziany Q.
; Skoracki, Maciej
; Correia, Maira A.
; Uchoa, Manoel A.
; Andrade, Manuella F.G.
; Hermes, Marcel G.
; Miranda, Marcel S.
; Araújo, Marcel S. de
; Monné, Marcela L.
; Labruna, Marcelo B.
; Santis, Marcelo D. de
; Duarte, Marcelo
; Knoff, Marcelo
; Nogueira, Marcelo
; Britto, Marcelo R. de
; Melo, Marcelo R.S. de
; Carvalho, Marcelo R. de
; Tavares, Marcelo T.
; Kitahara, Marcelo V.
; Justo, Marcia C.N.
; Botelho, Marcia J.C.
; Couri, Márcia S.
; Borges-Martins, Márcio
; Felix, Márcio
; Oliveira, Marcio L. de
; Bologna, Marco A.
; Gottschalk, Marco S.
; Tavares, Marcos D.S.
; Lhano, Marcos G.
; Bevilaqua, Marcus
; Santos, Marcus T.T.
; Domingues, Marcus V.
; Sallum, Maria A.M.
; Digiani, María C.
; Santarém, Maria C.A.
; Nascimento, Maria C. do
; Becerril, María de los A.M.
; Santos, Maria E.A. dos
; Passos, Maria I. da S. dos
; Felippe-Bauer, Maria L.
; Cherman, Mariana A.
; Terossi, Mariana
; Bartz, Marie L.C.
; Barbosa, Marina F. de C.
; Loeb, Marina V.
; Cohn-Haft, Mario
; Cupello, Mario
; Martins, Marlúcia B.
; Christofersen, Martin L.
; Bento, Matheus
; Rocha, Matheus dos S.
; Martins, Maurício L.
; Segura, Melissa O.
; Cardenas, Melissa Q.
; Duarte, Mércia E.
; Ivie, Michael A.
; Mincarone, Michael M.
; Borges, Michela
; Monné, Miguel A.
; Casagrande, Mirna M.
; Fernandez, Monica A.
; Piovesan, Mônica
; Menezes, Naércio A.
; Benaim, Natalia P.
; Reategui, Natália S.
; Pedro, Natan C.
; Pecly, Nathalia H.
; Ferreira Júnior, Nelson
; Silva Júnior, Nelson J. da
; Perioto, Nelson W.
; Hamada, Neusa
; Degallier, Nicolas
; Chao, Ning L.
; Ferla, Noeli J.
; Mielke, Olaf H.H.
; Evangelista, Olivia
; Shibatta, Oscar A.
; Oliveira, Otto M.P.
; Albornoz, Pablo C.L.
; Dellapé, Pablo M.
; Gonçalves, Pablo R.
; Shimabukuro, Paloma H.F.
; Grossi, Paschoal
; Rodrigues, Patrícia E. da S.
; Lima, Patricia O.V.
; Velazco, Paul
; Santos, Paula B. dos
; Araújo, Paula B.
; Silva, Paula K.R.
; Riccardi, Paula R.
; Garcia, Paulo C. de A.
; Passos, Paulo G.H.
; Corgosinho, Paulo H.C.
; Lucinda, Paulo
; Costa, Paulo M.S.
; Alves, Paulo P.
; Roth, Paulo R. de O.
; Coelho, Paulo R.S.
; Duarte, Paulo R.M.
; Carvalho, Pedro F. de
; Gnaspini, Pedro
; Souza-Dias, Pedro G.B.
; Linardi, Pedro M.
; Bartholomay, Pedro R.
; Demite, Peterson R.
; Bulirsch, Petr
; Boll, Piter K.
; Pereira, Rachel M.M.
; Silva, Rafael A.P.F.
; Moura, Rafael B. de
; Boldrini, Rafael
; Silva, Rafaela A. da
; Falaschi, Rafaela L.
; Cordeiro, Ralf T.S.
; Mello, Ramon J.C.L.
; Singer, Randal A.
; Querino, Ranyse B.
; Heleodoro, Raphael A.
; Castilho, Raphael de C.
; Constantino, Reginaldo
; Guedes, Reinaldo C.
; Carrenho, Renan
; Gomes, Renata S.
; Gregorin, Renato
; Machado, Renato J.P.
; Bérnils, Renato S.
; Capellari, Renato S.
; Silva, Ricardo B.
; Kawada, Ricardo
; Dias, Ricardo M.
; Siewert, Ricardo
; Brugnera, Ricaro
; Leschen, Richard A.B.
; Constantin, Robert
; Robbins, Robert
; Pinto, Roberta R.
; Reis, Roberto E. dos
; Ramos, Robson T. da C.
; Cavichioli, Rodney R.
; Barros, Rodolfo C. de
; Caires, Rodrigo A.
; Salvador, Rodrigo B.
; Marques, Rodrigo C.
; Araújo, Rodrigo C.
; Araujo, Rodrigo de O.
; Dios, Rodrigo de V.P.
; Johnsson, Rodrigo
; Feitosa, Rodrigo M.
; Hutchings, Roger W.
; Lara, Rogéria I.R.
; Rossi, Rogério V.
; Gerstmeier, Roland
; Ochoa, Ronald
; Hutchings, Rosa S.G.
; Ale-Rocha, Rosaly
; Rocha, Rosana M. da
; Tidon, Rosana
; Brito, Rosangela
; Pellens, Roseli
; Santos, Sabrina R. dos
; Santos, Sandra D. dos
; Paiva, Sandra V.
; Santos, Sandro
; Oliveira, Sarah S. de
; Costa, Sávio C.
; Gardner, Scott L.
; Leal, Sebastián A. Muñoz
; Aloquio, Sergio
; Bonecker, Sergio L.C.
; Bueno, Sergio L. de S.
; Almeida, Sérgio M. de
; Stampar, Sérgio N.
; Andena, Sérgio R.
; Posso, Sergio R.
; Lima, Sheila P.
; Gadelha, Sian de S.
; Thiengo, Silvana C.
; Cohen, Simone C.
; Brandão, Simone N.
; Rosa, Simone P.
; Ribeiro, Síria L.B.
; Letana, Sócrates D.
; Santos, Sonia B. dos
; Andrade, Sonia C.S.
; Dávila, Stephane
; Vaz, Stéphanie
; Peck, Stewart B.
; Christo, Susete W.
; Cunha, Suzan B.Z.
; Gomes, Suzete R.
; Duarte, Tácio
; Madeira-Ott, Taís
; Marques, Taísa
; Roell, Talita
; Lima, Tarcilla C. de
; Sepulveda, Tatiana A.
; Maria, Tatiana F.
; Ruschel, Tatiana P.
; Rodrigues, Thaiana
; Marinho, Thais A.
; Almeida, Thaís M. de
; Miranda, Thaís P.
; Freitas, Thales R.O.
; Pereira, Thalles P.L.
; Zacca, Thamara
; Pacheco, Thaynara L.
; Martins, Thiago F.
; Alvarenga, Thiago M.
; Carvalho, Thiago R. de
; Polizei, Thiago T.S.
; McElrath, Thomas C.
; Henry, Thomas
; Pikart, Tiago G.
; Porto, Tiago J.
; Krolow, Tiago K.
; Carvalho, Tiago P.
; Lotufo, Tito M. da C.
; Caramaschi, Ulisses
; Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S.
; Pardiñas, Ulyses F.J.
; Maia, Valéria C.
; Tavares, Valeria
; Costa, Valmir A.
; Amaral, Vanessa S. do
; Silva, Vera C.
; Wolff, Vera R. dos S.
; Slobodian, Verônica
; Silva, Vinícius B. da
; Espíndola, Vinicius C.
; Costa-Silva, Vinicius da
; Bertaco, Vinicius de A.
; Padula, Vinícius
; Ferreira, Vinicius S.
; Silva, Vitor C.P. da
; Piacentini, Vítor de Q.
; Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E.
; Trevine, Vivian
; Sousa, Viviane R.
; Sant’Anna, Vivianne B. de
; Mathis, Wayne N.
; Souza, Wesley de O.
; Colombo, Wesley D.
; Tomaszewska, Wioletta
; Wosiacki, Wolmar B.
; Ovando, Ximena M.C.
; Leite, Yuri L.R.
ABSTRACT The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (, made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others. publications problem uptodate up date classifications context exception (CTFB http//, httpfaunajbrjgovbr http // , jbrj gov br ( 2015 Brazil 80 specialists 1 2024 133691 133 691 133,69 125138 125 138 125,13 82.3%, 823 82 3 (82.3% 102000 102 000 102,00 7.69%, 769 7 69 (7.69% 11000 11 11,00 . 3,567 3567 567 (3,56 2,292 2292 2 292 (2,29 1,833 1833 833 (1,83 1,447 1447 447 (1,44 1000 1,00 831 (83 628 (62 606 (60 520 (52 50 users science health biology law anthropology education others http// faunajbrjgovbr // ( 201 8 202 13369 13 133,6 12513 12 125,1 82.3% (82.3 10200 10 00 102,0 7.69% 76 6 (7.69 1100 11,0 3,56 356 56 (3,5 2,29 229 29 (2,2 1,83 183 83 (1,8 1,44 144 44 (1,4 100 1,0 (8 62 (6 60 52 (5 5 http// ( 20 1336 133, 1251 125, 82.3 (82. 1020 0 102, 7.69 (7.6 110 11, 3,5 35 (3, 2,2 22 (2, 1,8 18 (1, 1,4 14 4 ( 82. (82 7.6 (7. 3, (3 2, (2 (1 7. (7
Travestis and Transsexuals in the Fantástico Special Report: Male Prison Units are not the “Show of Life” Report Show Life
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Bidarte, Marcos Vinicius Dalagostini
; Canto, Lucas Gabriel Silveira do
; Rodrigues, Maria Beatriz
Resumo Em março de 2020, o programa dominical Fantástico exibiu uma reportagem especial com o médico Drauzio Varella sobre travestis e mulheres trans que estão há anos em unidades prisionais masculinas do Brasil. Este estudo se propõe a analisar como essas pessoas enfrentam o preconceito, o abandono, a violência e a solidão, dialogando com a interseccionalidade ao destacar marcadores sociais de diferença e com pontos de inflexão, os quais marcam o momento em que algo começa a mudar de forma significativa na história e na trajetória de vida do sujeito. O corpus deste estudo é constituído pela análise de textos, imagens e vídeos, com foco nas análises interpretativa e interseccional e na identificação de pontos de inflexão. Os estratos de histórias de vida aqui discutidos revelam a expressão de identidades, os preconceitos e as discriminações sofridas, portanto, favorecem a discussão sobre privilégios e desigualdades sociais baseadas em gênero e orientação sexual. A expressão dessas identidades oscila entre o mundo circunscrito, artificial do cárcere, que de alguma forma favorece a vivência aberta dos modos de ser e de viver, e a demonstração do sofrimento infringido pela discriminação da sociedade envolvente, com suas impossibilidades de inclusão e seus ditames sobre quem pode ou não ser aceito. 2020 Brasil preconceito abandono solidão inflexão sujeito textos vídeos sofridas portanto sexual circunscrito cárcere viver envolvente aceito 202 20 2
Abstract In March of 2020, the Sunday program Fantástico aired a special report with the doctor Drauzio Varella on travestis and trans women who have spent years in male prison units in Brazil. This study aims to analyze how these people face prejudice, abandonment, violence, and solitude, conversing with intersectionality by highlighting social markers of difference and with turning points, marking the moment in which something begins to change significantly in the subject’s life story and trajectory. The corpus of this study is constituted of the analysis of texts, images, and videos, with a focus on interpretative and intersectional analyses and on identifying turning points. The strata of life stories discussed here reveal the expression of identities, prejudices, and the discriminations suffered, and so favor the discussion of social privileges and inequalities based on gender and sexual orientation. The expression of these identities oscillates between the circumscribed, artificial world of the prison, which in some way favors an open experience of modes of being and living, and a demonstration of the suffering inflicted by the discrimination of the surrounding society, with its impossibilities of inclusion and its dictates on who can and cannot be accepted. 2020 Brazil prejudice abandonment violence solitude points subjects subject s trajectory texts images videos prejudices suffered orientation circumscribed living society accepted 202 20 2
Participação social na elaboração dos planos municipais de saúde em capitais brasileiras durante a pandemia de COVID-19 COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 COVID1 1 COVID-
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Santos, Hebert Luan Pereira Campos dos
; Prado, Nília Maria de Brito Lima
; Silveira, Débora Carolina dos Santos
; Maciel, Fernanda Beatriz Melo
; Santos, Thadeu Borges Souza
; Teixeira, Carmen Fontes de Souza
Resumo Este trabalho objetiva analisar se o processo de construção dos planos municipais de saúde (PMS) 2022-2025 das 26 capitais brasileiras e do Distrito Federal (DF) previu a inclusão de tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) para viabilizar a participação cidadã. Foram analisados 37 documentos publicados nos 27 sites das secretarias municipais de Saúde (SMS), à luz da concepção teórica do postulado da coerência, elaborado por Mario Testa para análise do processo de planejamento em saúde. Os resultados evidenciam que dez secretarias adotaram estratégias de mobilização da participação social remota na elaboração do PMS e somente nove disponibilizaram canais virtuais de consulta pública para definição de prioridades no contexto pandêmico. A partir dos documentos analisados, não se identificou a adoção de estratégias pelas SMS, como tendas virtuais, concessão de auxílio para acesso à internet, tablets, espaços para acessos itinerantes, entre outras, como forma de viabilizar e fomentar uma participação social mais abrangente em tempos de crise sanitária. (PMS 20222025 2022 2025 2022-202 2 DF (DF TICs (TICs cidadã 3 SMS , (SMS) coerência pandêmico internet tablets itinerantes outras sanitária 2022202 202 2022-20 (SMS 202220 20 2022-2 20222 2022-
Abstract This objective work sets out to analyze whether the construction process of the 2022-2025 Municipal Health Plans (MHP) of the 26 Brazilian capitals and the Federal District (FD) provided for the inclusion of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to enable citizen participation. A total of 37 documents published on the 27 websites of the municipal health secretariats (MHS) were analyzed, in the light of the theoretical concept of the Postulate of coherence, elaborated by Mario Testa for analysis of the health planning process. The results show that ten secretariats adopted strategies to monitor remote social participation in the preparation of the MHP and only nine provided virtual channels for public consultation to define priorities in the context of the pandemic. From the documents analyzed, the adoption of MHS strategies was not identified, such as virtual tents, granting assistance for internet access, tablets, spaces for itinerant access, among others, as a way to enable and encourage broader social participation, in health crisis situations. 20222025 2022 2025 2022-202 (MHP 2 FD (FD ICTs (ICTs 3 (MHS analyzed coherence pandemic identified tents access tablets others situations 2022202 202 2022-20 202220 20 2022-2 20222 2022-
Can domestic dogs be considered a good reservoir of Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi in an endemic area of nonulcerated cutaneous leishmaniasis in Southern Honduras? L. L (L. Honduras (L
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Segura, Gabriela Beatriz Rodriguez
; Ochoa, Wilfredo Humberto Sosa
; Matta, Vânia Lúcia Ribeiro da
; Martínez, Mercedes
; Tercero, Carol Rodriguez
; Gonzalez, Raquel Romero
; Pacheco, Carmen M. Sandoval
; Flores, Gabriela V. Araujo
; Silveira, Fernando Tobias
; Henriquez, Maria Mercedes Rueda
; Laurenti, Márcia Dalastra
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
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ABSTRACT Dogs are considered to be the main domestic reservoir associated with the transmission of Leishmania (L.) infantum chagasi to humans in endemic areas of visceral leishmaniasis in America. However, little is known about the role of canines as a source of infection in endemic areas of nonulcerated cutaneous leishmaniasis (NUCL). Therefore, the objective of the present study was to investigate the role of dogs as a possible reservoir of the parasite in Southern Honduras. Dogs (n = 107) living with individuals affected by NUCL were clinically examined and biological material was collected for parasitological and immunological diagnosis. Most animals showed a healthy appearance and a few presented slight weight loss (64%), alopecia (7%), onychogryphosis (5%) and skin lesions (1%). The overall seroprevalence of Leishmania infection based on the DDP ® quick test and/or in-house ELISA serological test was 41%. The presence of the parasite’s DNA was confirmed in 94% of the dogs; however, the average parasite load in the buffy coat was low at 6.09 parasites/µL, ranging between 0.221 and 50.2. The skin of seropositive dogs examined by histopathology using paraffin sections stained by hematoxylin and immunohistochemistry did not show cutaneous lesions or parasite amastigotes. Based on the absence of parasites in the skin and the low parasite load detected in the buffy coat, it seems that the dog does not represent a good source of infection for the vector in the endemic area of NUCL transmission in Southern Honduras. Other domestic and/or wild animals should be investigated. L. L (L. America However NUCL. . (NUCL) Therefore Honduras n 107 diagnosis 64%, 64 64% , (64%) 7%, 7 7% (7%) 5% 5 (5% 1%. 1 1% (1%) andor inhouse house 41 41% s 94 however 609 6 09 6.0 parasitesµL µL parasites/µL 0221 0 221 0.22 502 50 2 50.2 amastigotes investigated (L (NUCL 10 (64% (7% (5 (1% 4 9 60 6. 022 22 0.2 50. (64 (7 ( (1 02 0. (6
Participação social na elaboração dos planos municipais de saúde em capitais brasileiras durante a pandemia de COVID-19
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Santos, Hebert Luan Pereira Campos dos
; Prado, Nília Maria de Brito Lima
; Silveira, Débora Carolina dos Santos
; Maciel, Fernanda Beatriz Melo
; Santos, Thadeu Borges Souza
; Teixeira, Carmen Fontes de Souza
Abstract This objective work sets out to analyze whether the construction process of the 2022-2025 Municipal Health Plans (MHP) of the 26 Brazilian capitals and the Federal District (FD) provided for the inclusion of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to enable citizen participation. A total of 37 documents published on the 27 websites of the municipal health secretariats (MHS) were analyzed, in the light of the theoretical concept of the Postulate of coherence, elaborated by Mario Testa for analysis of the health planning process. The results show that ten secretariats adopted strategies to monitor remote social participation in the preparation of the MHP and only nine provided virtual channels for public consultation to define priorities in the context of the pandemic. From the documents analyzed, the adoption of MHS strategies was not identified, such as virtual tents, granting assistance for internet access, tablets, spaces for itinerant access, among others, as a way to enable and encourage broader social participation, in health crisis situations.
Resumo Este trabalho objetiva analisar se o processo de construção dos planos municipais de saúde (PMS) 2022-2025 das 26 capitais brasileiras e do Distrito Federal (DF) previu a inclusão de tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TICs) para viabilizar a participação cidadã. Foram analisados 37 documentos publicados nos 27 sites das secretarias municipais de Saúde (SMS), à luz da concepção teórica do postulado da coerência, elaborado por Mario Testa para análise do processo de planejamento em saúde. Os resultados evidenciam que dez secretarias adotaram estratégias de mobilização da participação social remota na elaboração do PMS e somente nove disponibilizaram canais virtuais de consulta pública para definição de prioridades no contexto pandêmico. A partir dos documentos analisados, não se identificou a adoção de estratégias pelas SMS, como tendas virtuais, concessão de auxílio para acesso à internet, tablets, espaços para acessos itinerantes, entre outras, como forma de viabilizar e fomentar uma participação social mais abrangente em tempos de crise sanitária.
Perfil clínico-epidemiológico de queimaduras químicas em uma Unidade de Terapia de Queimados no Brasil clínicoepidemiológico clínico epidemiológico
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RESUMO Introdução: Substâncias químicas apresentam uma prevalência relativamente baixa dentre as causas de queimaduras. Porém, têm importância, pois a maioria dos acidentes ocorrem no âmbito do trabalho e em população economicamente ativa. O objetivo é realizar uma análise do perfil dos pacientes internados por queimaduras químicas em uma Unidade de Queimados. Métodos: Análise retrospectiva de pacientes internados na Unidade de Queimados do Hospital Estadual de Bauru, Bauru, SP, Brasil, entre os anos de 2008 e 2018. Múltiplas variáveis foram analisadas, como idade, sexo, agente químico, local onde ocorreu o acidente, necessidade de internação em UTI e dias de hospitalização. Resultados: No total, 40 (1,7%) pacientes foram internados devido a queimadura química. A média de idade foi de 35 anos, com predominância do sexo masculino, com 30 (75%) indivíduos. O principal local do trauma foi no ambiente de trabalho, em 20 casos (50%). Acidentes com base foram responsáveis por 20 (50%) internações. A superfície corporal queimada média foi de 7,5%. Queimadura ocular ocorreu em 11 (27,5%) pacientes. Leito de terapia intensiva foi necessário para 10 (25%) casos. Quando comparados os acidentes entre substâncias ácidas e bases, evidenciamos diferença no número de pacientes internados em UTI, com oito pacientes em lesões envolvendo bases e dois com ácidos (p=0,04). Conclusão: A casuística e resultados apresentados neste artigo são semelhantes à literatura mundial sobre o assunto. Evidenciamos a importância dessa queimadura no ambiente de trabalho e o acometimento de indivíduos em idade ativa, assim como a maior gravidade de acidentes com substância química. Introdução Porém ativa Métodos Bauru SP Brasil 200 2018 analisadas químico acidente hospitalização Resultados total 4 1,7% 17 1 7 (1,7% química 3 masculino 75% 75 (75% 2 50%. 50 50% . (50% internações 5 7,5% 27,5% 275 27 (27,5% 25% 25 (25% p=0,04. p004 p p=0,04 0 04 (p=0,04) Conclusão assunto 201 1,7 (1,7 (75 (50 7,5 27,5 (27,5 (25 p00 p=0,0 (p=0,04 1, (1, (7 (5 7, 27, (27, (2 p0 p=0, (p=0,0 (1 ( (27 p=0 (p=0, p= (p=0 (p= (p
ABSTRACT Introduction: Chemicals have a relatively low prevalence among the causes of burns. However, they are important because most accidents occur in the scope of work and in an economically active population. The objective is to perform an analysis of the profile of patients hospitalized for chemical burns in a Burn Unit. Methods: Retrospective analysis of patients hospitalized in the Burn Unit of the State Hospital of Bauru, Bauru, SP, Brazil, between 2008 and 2018. Multiple variables were analyzed, such as age, gender, chemical agent, place where the accident occurred, need for ICU stay and days of hospitalization. Results: In total, 40 (1.7%) patients were hospitalized due to chemical burn. The mean age was 35 years, with predominance of males, with 30 (75%) individuals. The main site of trauma was in the workplace, in 20 cases (50%). Based accidents were responsible for 20 (50%) admissions. The mean burned body surface was 7.5%. Eye burn occurred in 11 (27.5%) patients. Intensive care bed was required for 10 (25%) cases. When comparing accidents between acid iced substances and bases, we noted a difference in the number of ICU patients, with eight patients in lesions involving bases and two with acids (p=0.04). Conclusion: The sample and results presented in this article are similar to the world literature on the subject. We evidenced the importance of this burn in the work environment and the involvement of individuals of active age, as well as the greater severity of accidents with chemical substance. Introduction However population Methods Bauru SP Brazil 200 2018 analyzed gender agent hospitalization Results total 4 1.7% 17 1 7 (1.7% 3 years males 75% 75 (75% workplace 2 50%. 50 50% . (50% admissions 5 7.5% 27.5% 275 27 (27.5% 25% 25 (25% p=0.04. p004 p p=0.04 0 04 (p=0.04) Conclusion subject substance 201 1.7 (1.7 (75 (50 7.5 27.5 (27.5 (25 p00 p=0.0 (p=0.04 1. (1. (7 (5 7. 27. (27. (2 p0 p=0. (p=0.0 (1 ( (27 p=0 (p=0. p= (p=0 (p= (p
Fatal Brazilian spotted fever in a healthy military man during field training in Rio de Janeiro city, southeastern Brazil
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Pacheco-Silva, Ana Beatriz
; Martins, Ezequias Batista
; López, Angie Jeannine Rios
; Detepo, Paula João Tomas
; Mamani, Roxana Flores
; Japiassú, André Miguel
; Lupi, Otilia
; Mendes, Tulio Vieira
; Pina-Costa, Anielle de
; Calvet, Guilherme Amaral
; Bressan, Clarisse da Silveira
; Silva, Michele Fernanda Borges da
; Ogino, Liana Lumi
; Assis, Matheus Ribeiro da Silva
; Marques, Amanda Meneleu
; Dias, Cristina Maria Giordano
; Borchert, Juliana Mildward
; Lemos, Elba Regina Sampaio de
; Brasil, Patrícia
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo
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ABSTRACT Brazilian spotted fever, a zoonotic disease transmitted by ticks, is caused by Rickettsia rickettsii. We report a fulminant case of this zoonosis in a healthy 46-year-old military man in the urban region of Rio de Janeiro city, in October, 2021. Ticks and capybaras (Amblyomma sculptum, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, respectively) were identified in the military fields, pointing to the participation of this large synanthropic rodent, recognized as an efficient amplifier host of Rickettsia rickettsii in Brazil. As the military population is considered a risk group for spotted fever, it is necessary to alert health professionals to the importance of the early detection of the disease and its adequate management, mainly in populations that are particularly at risk of exposure to ticks, in order to avoid fatal outcomes.
Synthesizing the connections between environmental disturbances and zoonotic spillover
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Abstract Zoonotic spillover is a phenomenon characterized by the transfer of pathogens between different animal species. Most human emerging infectious diseases originate from non-human animals, and human-related environmental disturbances are the driving forces of the emergence of new human pathogens. Synthesizing the sequence of basic events involved in the emergence of new human pathogens is important for guiding the understanding, identification, and description of key aspects of human activities that can be changed to prevent new outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics. This review synthesizes the connections between environmental disturbances and increased risk of spillover events based on the One Health perspective. Anthropogenic disturbances in the environment (e.g., deforestation, habitat fragmentation, biodiversity loss, wildlife exploitation) lead to changes in ecological niches, reduction of the dilution effect, increased contact between humans and other animals, changes in the incidence and load of pathogens in animal populations, and alterations in the abiotic factors of landscapes. These phenomena can increase the risk of spillover events and, potentially, facilitate new infectious disease outbreaks. Using Brazil as a study model, this review brings a discussion concerning anthropogenic activities in the Amazon region and their potential impacts on spillover risk and spread of emerging diseases in this region.
Mapping the morbidity and mortality of Chagas disease in an endemic area in Brazil
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Medeiros, Carolina de Araújo
; Silva, Maria Beatriz de Araújo
; Oliveira, André Luiz Sá de
; Alves, Sílvia Marinho Martins
; Barros, Maria das Neves Dantas da Silveira
; Cavalcanti, Maria da Glória Aureliano de Melo
; Oliveira, Gênova Maria de Azevedo
; Carrazzone, Cristina de Fátima Velloso
; Oliveira Jr, Wilson Alves de
; Medeiros, Zulma Maria de
ABSTRACT Chagas disease is among the 21 neglected diseases according to the World Health Organization. This study aimed to investigate the morbidity and mortality distribution of Chagas disease for identifying areas with greater prevalences and deaths of the disease in Northeast Brazil. A population-based ecological study was performed from 2016 to 2018 using data on acute Chagas disease patients from the Disease Notification Information System, chronic cases from the Chagas Disease and the referral Heart Failure Outpatient Clinic in Pernambuco, and Chagas disease-related mortality from the Mortality Information System. The unit of analysis were Pernambuco State mesoregions. The indicators were spatialized into thematic maps on the occurrence and mortality of the disease per 100,000 inhabitants. No cases of acute disease were reported in the period analyzed. Data on 801 chronic Chagas disease patients were analyzed. The population showed an average age of 62 years, with female predominance. The most prevalent comorbidity was systemic arterial hypertension and cardiologic involvement without ventricular dysfunction. The average chronic disease occurrence rate was 3.2/ 100,000 people/ year. As for deaths in the mortality system; in total, 350 deaths were recorded, showing male predominance, age ≥ 60 years, and chronic disease with cardiac involvement as the main mortality cause. The annual average mortality proportion was 1.6/100,000 people. The chronic case distribution showed spatial heterogeneity, with the highest rates of chronic disease and deaths observed in two mesoregions, with the main cause of death being heart-related. This highlights the need for more specialized services in areas with higher burden of the disease to avoid delay in the patients’ care.
The effects of different body positions on pulmonary function in healthy adults
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Silveira, Keller Guimarães
; Matos, Natália Alves de
; Castro, Thalles de Freitas
; Souza, Ana Beatriz Farias de
; Bezerra, Olivia Maria de Paula Alves
; Bezerra, Frank Silva
Resumo Introdução: A prova de função pulmonar, ou espirometria, é um teste validado e reconhecido mundialmente que contribui para o diagnóstico, estadiamento e acompanhamento longitudinal das doenças pulmonares. O exame é mais frequentemente realizado na posição sentada na prática clínica; portanto, não há valores previstos para seu desempenho em outras posições, como em decúbitos diferentes. Objetivo: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da posição nos resultados dos testes de função pulmonar em adultos saudáveis. Métodos: Quarenta e dois adultos saudáveis de ambos os sexos, divididos nos grupos masculino (GM) e feminino (GF), receberam questionários respiratórios. Posteriormente, realizou-se o teste de função pulmonar para avaliar os parâmetros ventilatórios de capacidade vital forçada (CVF), volume expiratório forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1) e relação VEF1/CVF nas posições sentada (S), decúbito dorsal (DD), decúbito lateral direito (DLD) e decúbito lateral esquerdo (DLE). A comparação dos dados paramétricos foi realizada por meio de análise de variância unidirecional seguida do pós-teste de Tukey. As correlações entre as variáveis da posição S com as demais posições foram avaliadas por meio do teste de Pearson. Resultados: A média e o erro padrão dos valores de CVF do MG nas posições DD (4,3 ± 0,7/L), DLD (4,1 ± 0,6/L) e DLE (4,1 ± 0,6/L) foram menores quando comparados com S (5,05 ± 0,6 L). Houve forte correlação positiva entre os valores de CVF, VEF1 e VEF1/CVF na posição S em relação às demais posições analisadas em ambos os grupos. Conclusão: O posicionamento corporal alterou os parâmetros do teste de função pulmonar em adultos saudáveis.
Abstract Introduction: Pulmonary function testing, or spirometry, is a validated, globally recognized test that contributes to the diagnosis, staging, and longitudinal follow-up of lung diseases. The exam is most often performed in a sitting position in clinical practice; hence, there are no predicted values for its performance in other positions, such as in different decubitus. Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of position on pulmonary function test results in healthy adults. Methods: Forty-two healthy adults of both sexes, divided into male (MG) and female groups (FG), were provided respiratory questionnaires. Subsequently, the pulmonary function test was conducted to evaluate the ventilatory parameters of forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and FEV1/FVC ratio in the sitting (S), dorsal decubitus (DD), right lateral decubitus (RLD), and left lateral decubitus (LLD) positions. A comparison of the parametric data was performed via one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey post-hoc tests. Correlations between the S position variables along with the other positions were evaluated using the Pearson test. Results: The mean and standard error for the FVC values of the MG at positions DD (4.3 ± 0.7/L), RLD (4.1 ± 0.6/L) and LLD (4.1 ± 0.6/L) were lower when compared to S (5.05 ± 0.6 L). There was a strong positive correlation between the values of FVC, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC in the S position compared to other positions analyzed in both groups. Conclusion: Body positioning altered the parameters of the pulmonary function test in healthy adults.
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