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au:Silva Junior, J. B.
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Performance of maize hybrids grown in a semi-arid region under rainfed and wastewater irrigation systems
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Feitosa, Darliton A. S.
; Ferreira, Kelvin P. F.
; Aragão, Nartênia S. C.
; Santos, Barbara N.
; Oliveira, Jessica dos S.
; Silva, Ronivaldo de J.
; Santos, Jacilene F. S.
; Brito, Marcos E. B.
; Cordeiro Junior, José J. F.
; Oliveira, Gustavo H. F. de

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
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RESUMO Devido à alta importância do milho como cultura de subsistência e do melhor uso dos recursos hídricos em região semiárida, este estudo teve como objetivo determinar o potencial agronômico, a heterose e a heterobeltiose em diferentes categorias genéticas de híbridos de milho na região semiárida, sob condições de cultivo em sequeiro e irrigação com águas residuais. Foram avaliados 10 genótipos de milho, e suas 45 combinações híbridas, além de cinco genótipos como testemunhas, em regime de sequeiro e sob irrigação com água residuária. Estimou-se a altura da planta, altura da espiga e a produtividade de grãos. Observou-se heterose e heterobeltiose positivas em ambos os ambientes para os híbridos H1, H13, H16, H32, H35, H5, H8 e H9. Os genótipos P2, P3 e P9 mostraram-se como potenciais genitores para criação de novas variedades híbridas de milho no semiárido sergipano. Observou-se maiores desempenhos em regime irrigado com água de reuso, apresentando-se como uma excelente estratégia para a produção de milho em região semiárida. Os híbridos formados pela combinação de variedade × híbrido intervarietal [F1(P1 × P2), F1(P1 × P5)], variedade × híbrido simples [F1(P2 × P6), F1(P2 × P9), F1(P5 × P7) e F1(P5 × P10)], híbrido intervarietal × híbrido simples [F1(P1 × P6) e F1(P1 × P9)] e híbrido duplo [F1(P1 × P10)] sinalizam novas opções de cultivo em região semiárida.
ABSTRACT Considering the high importance of maize as a subsistence crop and the need for optimal use of water resources in semi-arid regions, this study aimed to evaluate the agronomic potential, heterosis, and heterobeltiosis within different genetic categories of maize hybrids grown in a semi-arid region in Sergipe, Brazil, under rainfed and wastewater irrigation systems. Ten maize genotypes, their 45 hybrid combinations, and five commercial genotypes as controls were evaluated based on plant height, ear height, and grain yield. Positive heterosis and heterobeltiosis were found under both growing environments for hybrids H1, H13, H16, H32, H35, H5, H8, and H9. Genotypes P2, P3, and P9 were identified as potential parents for the development of new hybrid maize varieties for growing in the semi-arid region of Sergipe. Better agronomic performance was found for the wastewater irrigation system, indicating an excellent strategy for maize production under semi-arid conditions. The hybrids formed by the combination of variety × intervarietal hybrid [F1 (P1 × P2), F1 (P1 × P5)], variety × single hybrid [F1 (P2 × P6), F1 (P2 × P9), F1 (P5 × P7), and F1 (P5 × P10)], intervarietal hybrid × single hybrid [F1 (P1 × P6) and F1 (P1 × P9)], and double hybrid [F1 (P1 × P10)] indicate promising hybrid candidates for maize crops in semi-arid regions.
Plantago major leaf extract against bacteria and fungi of medical importance
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Sousa, Débora Silva Marques de
; Ruiz, Luciana da Silva
; Pereira, Ana Flávia Marques
; Sani, Alessandra Aguirra
; Zapata, Tatiane Baptista
; Monari, Gabrielle Pires de Morais
; Rosa, Cassiana Ferreira da
; Fernandes Junior, Ary
; Rall, Vera Lucia Mores
; Prado, Diego Godina
; Oliveira, Alberto de
; Bosco, Sandra de Moraes Gimenes

Abstract Antimicrobial drug resistance is a challenge to public health. Various microorganisms, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Pseudomonas aeruginosa, carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pythium insidiosum, and Candida auris, have developed resistance to commonly used antimicrobials in infection disease treatments. Consequently, there is an urgent need to explore and develop novel therapeutic drugs. Natural products, particularly medicinal plants, have received attention in the quest for innovative treatments for various diseases. Plantago major is a plant endowed with several biological properties, such as antibacterial, antifungal, and healing actions. This study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial activities of the methanolic extract obtained from the leaves of P. major. Microdilution assays were conducted to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal and fungicidal concentration. Additionally, synergism with antimicrobial drugs was assessed using a time-kill curve analysis. A synergistic bactericidal interaction between the extract and imipenem was observed against carbapenemase-producing K. pneumoniae. For MRSA, a bacteriostatic synergism was noted in combinations of the extract with cephalotin and oxacillin. For C. auris, a fungistatic interaction was observed between the extract and amphotericin B. These results suggest the presence of bioactive compounds within the extract with therapeutic potential for combating infections caused by these microorganisms.
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Sauthier, Maria C. da S.
; Santos, Walter N. L. dos
Caldas, Jamile da C.
Silva, Isaac M. de J.
Souza Júnior, José J. C. L. de
Neta, Lourdes C. de Souza
Ribeiro, Luiz A. F.

Fruits of Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi were investigated. A fast and efficient method for the simultaneous determination of 11 polyphenolic substances by high performance liquid chromatography-diode array detector (HPLC-DAD) was applied. Limits of quantification ranged between 0.78 and 3.14 mg L-1. High concentrations of kaempferol were found. An exploratory evaluation was performed using principal component analysis (PCA) for fruit origin differentiation. Total phenolic content (TPC) ranged from 274 to 517 mg GAE 100 g-1; total flavonoid content (TFC) ranged from 101 to 283 mg QE 100 g-1. In vitro analyses showed that antioxidant capacity with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) ranged from 1.7 to 7 µM DPPH 100 g-1. The bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect were also evaluated against: Bacillus subtilis, B. cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella choleraesuis, Candida albicans and C. glabrata, using broth microdilution assay. It can be inferred that S. terebinthifolia Raddi fruit has the potential to act as an ally in the search for new alternatives in the action against pathogens, and it can be used as a potential natural antioxidant and antimicrobial agent. Metals (Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn and Zn) were also determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), with emphasis on high concentrations of Mg, Zn and Fe. investigated 1 chromatographydiode chromatography diode HPLCDAD HPLC DAD (HPLC-DAD applied 078 0 78 0.7 314 3 14 3.1 L1. L1 L 1. L-1 found PCA (PCA differentiation TPC (TPC 27 51 10 g1 g g-1 TFC (TFC 28 g1. 2,2diphenyl1picrylhydrazyl 22diphenyl1picrylhydrazyl diphenylpicrylhydrazyl 2,2 diphenyl picrylhydrazyl 2 (DPPH 17 subtilis B cereus aureus coli aeruginosa choleraesuis C glabrata assay S pathogens agent Cu, Cu (Cu Fe Mg FAAS, FAAS , (FAAS) 07 0. 31 3. L- 5 g- 2diphenyl1picrylhydrazyl 22 2, (FAAS
Computer-Aided Drug Design Studies in Association with in vitro Antileishmanial Tests for New Chalcones ComputerAided Computer Aided
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Silva, Gleice R. da
; Santos, Francisnaira S.
; Leite, Fernando F.
; Acevedo, Chonny A. H.
; Sousa, Natália F. de
; Grimaldi, Gabriela B.
; Soares, Milena B. P.
Guimarães, Elisalva T.
Scotti, Marcus T.
Rodrigues, Luis Cezar
Mendonça Júnior, Francisco J. B.
Campana, Eloísa H.
Barbosa Filho, José M.
Guimarães, Hemerson I. F.
Guerra, Felipe Q. S.

In silico and in vitro tests can reveal promising anti-leishmania activity for natural products and their derivatives. The aim of this study was to investigate in silico the pharmacological activities of potential new chalcones and their leishmanicidal potential in vitro. The in silico study was carried out using the PASS, MolPredictX and Molegro Virtual Docker 6.0 programs. Antiparasitic activity was assessed in axenic promastigote and amastigote forms of Leishmania braziliensis. The cytotoxicity tests used the J77G8 cell line. The chalcones exhibited 50% cytotoxic concentration values (CC50) values > 50 μM. Chalcone 4 (named FERAI) presented the best activity with concentration for 50% of promastigotes and intracellular parasites forms (EC50) of 9.75 ± 1.7 and 10.13 ± 1.7 μM for promastigote and amastigote, respectively. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) testing presented increased ROS levels in the parasite at the FERAI concentrations of 10 μM (56.33%), 20 μM (61.76%) and 30 μM (67.13%). Molecular docking revealed interactions (binding energy) between FERAI and the enzymes UDP-glycosyl pyrophosphorylase (-56.8384), dihydroorotate-dehydrogenase (-132.276) and trypanothione-reductase (-151.281). Our results demonstrated the anti-leishmanial activity of chalcones, especially FERAI, with a noted raising of ROS levels in the parasite. Molecular docking revealed dihydroorotate dehydrogenase and trypanothione reductase as potential pharmacological targets for FERAI. antileishmania anti leishmania derivatives PASS 60 6 0 6. programs braziliensis JG J G J77G line CC50 CC (CC50 5 named EC50 EC (EC50 975 9 75 9.7 17 1 7 1. 1013 13 10.1 respectively (ROS 56.33%, 5633 56.33% , 56 33 (56.33%) 2 61.76% 6176 61 76 (61.76% 3 67.13%. 6713 67.13% . 67 (67.13%) binding energy UDPglycosyl UDP glycosyl 56.8384, 568384 56.8384 8384 (-56.8384) dihydroorotatedehydrogenase 132.276 132276 132 276 (-132.276 trypanothionereductase 151.281. 151281 151.281 151 281 (-151.281) antileishmanial leishmanial CC5 (CC5 EC5 (EC5 97 9. 101 10. 563 56.33 (56.33% 61.76 617 (61.76 671 67.13 (67.13% 56838 56.838 838 (-56.8384 132.27 13227 27 (-132.27 15128 151.28 15 28 (-151.281 (CC (EC 56.3 (56.33 61.7 (61.7 67.1 (67.13 5683 56.83 83 (-56.838 132.2 1322 (-132.2 1512 151.2 (-151.28 56. (56.3 61. (61. 67. (67.1 568 56.8 8 (-56.83 132. (-132. 151. (-151.2 (56. (61 (67. (-56.8 (-132 (-151. (56 (6 (67 (-56. (-13 (-151 (5 ( (-56 (-1 (-15 (-5 (-
Polyphenol Extraction Using Microwaves and Pressured Liquid Condition from Cupuaçu Seed By-Product: Optimization and Comparative Study ByProduct By Product By-Product
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Costa, Russany S. da
; Teixeira, Camilo B.
Casazza, Alessandro A.
Costa, Roseane M. R.
Silva Júnior, José Otávio C.
Converti, Attilio
Perego, Patrizia

Cupuaçu (Theobroma grandiflorum Schum.) is an Amazonian fruit rich in antioxidants potential due to its phenolic compounds. Its seeds produce cupulate, a chocolate-like product, and the residue remains rich in biocompounds. This study aimed to optimize and compare microwave-assisted (MAE) and high pressure/temperature extraction (HPTE) of polyphenolic and flavonoid compounds from cupuaçu seed by-products. A Box-Behnken 33 factorial design assessed the influence of extraction time, solid/liquid ratio, and ethanol concentration. Responses included total polyphenol content, total flavonoid content, and anti-radical power via the ABTS (2,2-azino-bis-3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) method. In optimum conditions, MAE had the highest total polyphenol content and HPTE for flavonoids. Optimal conditions for both methods were 65% (m/v) ethanol concentration, 45 min extraction time, and 0.03 g mL−1 solid/liquid ratio. MAE and HPTE achieved greater recovery of (−)-epicatechin and (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate compared to percolation. Both techniques proved viable for recovering polyphenols from cupuaçu seed by-products, in less time and with less solvent. Thus, cupuaçu by-products can be a sustainable and functional food source, with MAE and HPTE providing high yields and quality extracts rich in polyphenols. Theobroma Schum. Schum cupulate chocolatelike chocolate like product biocompounds microwaveassisted microwave assisted (MAE pressuretemperature pressure temperature (HPTE byproducts. byproducts by products. products BoxBehnken Box Behnken 3 solidliquid solid liquid ratio concentration antiradical anti radical 2,2azinobis3ethylbenzothiazoline6sulphonic 22azinobis3ethylbenzothiazoline6sulphonic azinobisethylbenzothiazolinesulphonic 2,2 azino bis ethylbenzothiazoline 6 sulphonic 2 acid method flavonoids 65 m/v mv m v (m/v 4 003 0 03 0.0 mL1 mL 1 mL− −epicatechin epicatechin − −epigallocatechin3gallate epigallocatechin3gallate epigallocatechingallate epigallocatechin gallate percolation byproducts, products, solvent Thus source 2azinobis3ethylbenzothiazoline6sulphonic azinobis 22 2, 00 0.
Relationships between internet addiction, quality of life and sleep problems: a structural equation modeling analysis addiction problems
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Ferrari Junior, Geraldo J.
; Silva, Amanda B. da
; Meneghetti, Andreia
; Leite, Carina R.
; Brust, Cristina
; Moreira, Giselly C.
; Felden, Érico P.G.

Abstract Objective: To assess the relationship between internet addiction, quality of life, and sleep problems among adolescents. Method: This research was conducted with a representative sample of 875 adolescents. This cross-sectional study used the Internet Addiction Test, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory™ version 4.0, Pediatric Daytime Sleepiness Scale, and sleep duration. Sociodemographic factors were also analyzed. Structural equation modeling was used to investigate relationships between variables. Results: After adjusting the model for covariances between the latent variables of daytime sleepiness and correlations between the physical and emotional domains of quality of life, the authors obtained satisfactory fit indices (RMSEA = 0.031, CFI = 0.926, TLI = 0.909, SRMR = 0.058). Internet addiction was positively associated with daytime sleepiness (rho = 0.549, p < 0.001) and negatively associated with quality of life (rho = –0.173, p < 0.001). By contrast, sleep duration was negatively associated with daytime sleepiness (rho = –0.089, p = 0.007), positively associated with quality of life (rho = 0.105, p = 0.014), and dependent on school shift (rho = 0.453, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Adolescents with higher levels of internet addiction had lower perceptions of quality of life and higher daytime sleepiness. Moreover, sleep duration had a positive correlation with quality of life. Given its detrimental effects on quality of life and daytime sleepiness, parents should better supervise internet use in adolescents. Objective adolescents Method 87 crosssectional cross sectional Test Inventory 40 4 0 4.0 Scale analyzed Results RMSEA 0031 031 0.031 0926 926 0.926 0909 909 0.909 0.058. 0058 0.058 . 058 0.058) rho 0549 549 0.549 0.001 0001 001 0173 173 –0.173 0.001. contrast 0089 089 –0.089 0.007, 0007 0.007 , 007 0.007) 0105 105 0.105 0.014, 0014 0.014 014 0.014) 0453 453 0.453 Conclusions Moreover 8 4. 003 03 0.03 092 92 0.92 090 90 0.90 005 0.05 05 054 54 0.54 0.00 000 00 017 17 –0.17 008 08 –0.08 010 10 0.10 0.01 01 045 45 0.45 0.0 09 9 0.9 5 0.5 1 –0.1 –0.0 0.1 04 0.4 0. –0. –0 –
Genetic variant in the AGT gene (rs699-GG) is associated with severe COVID-19 in Brazilian patients rs699GG rsGG rs699 GG rs (rs699-GG COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 rs69 COVID1 1 COVID- rs6
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Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências
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Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has been the largest pandemic of the past century, and various genetic factors have played a significant role in this context. This study aimed to analyze the frequency and association between specific SNPs rs3806268 (NLRP3), rs4925543 (NLRP3), rs12150220 (NLRP1), rs455060 (NLRC4), rs699 (AGT), rs1137101 (LEPR), and rs1801133 (MTHFR) and severe/critical outcomes in Brazilian patients with COVID-19. A total of 100 patients were included in the study, comprising 66 cases and 34 controls. DNA was extracted, sequenced, and genotyped via next-generation sequencing (NGS). For non-parametric data, the Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. Fisher’s test and multivariate logistic regression, considering AIC and BIC criteria, were employed for risk analysis. Odds Ratios (OR) were calculated, with significance set at p<0.05. Among the seven evaluated SNPs, only rs699-GG (AGT) (OR=8.07; p=0.04) was significantly associated with an increased risk of developing severe/critical COVID-19. Moreover, a borderline protective association was noted between rs1801133-GA (MTHFR) and the disease, although lacking statistical significance. In conclusion, the SNP rs699-GG (AGT) was associated with an increased risk of severe/critical COVID-19. COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 century context rs rs380626 NLRP3, NLRP3 NLRP , (NLRP3) rs492554 rs1215022 NLRP1, NLRP1 (NLRP1) rs45506 NLRC4, NLRC4 NLRC (NLRC4) rs69 AGT, AGT rs113710 LEPR, LEPR (LEPR) rs180113 MTHFR (MTHFR severecritical severe critical COVID19. 19. 10 6 3 controls extracted sequenced nextgeneration next generation NGS. NGS . (NGS) nonparametric non parametric data MannWhitney Mann Whitney KruskalWallis Kruskal Wallis used Fishers Fisher s regression criteria analysis OR (OR calculated p005 p 0 05 p<0.05 rs699GG rsGG GG (AGT OR=8.07 OR807 8 07 (OR=8.07 p=0.04 p004 04 Moreover rs1801133GA rsGA GA disease conclusion COVID1 1 COVID- rs38062 (NLRP3 rs49255 rs121502 (NLRP1 rs4550 (NLRC4 rs6 rs11371 (LEPR rs18011 (NGS p00 p<0.0 OR=8.0 OR80 (OR=8.0 p=0.0 rs3806 (NLRP rs4925 rs12150 rs455 (NLRC rs1137 rs1801 p0 p<0. OR=8. OR8 (OR=8. p=0. rs380 rs492 rs1215 rs45 rs113 rs180 p<0 OR=8 (OR=8 p=0 rs38 rs49 rs121 rs4 rs11 rs18 p< OR= (OR= p= rs3 rs12 rs1
Biomass and spilanthol content of hydroponic jambu as a function of nitrogen supply
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Sampaio, Italo M. G.
; Teixeira, Bruno J. B.
; Bittencourt, Ricardo F. P. de M.
; Pinheiro, Mayra S. S.
; Oliveira, Eder S. de
; Rogez, Hervé L. G.
; Silva Júnior, Mário L. da

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
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RESUMO Jambu (Acmella oleracea) é uma hortaliça condimentar típica do Norte do Brasil que tem adquirido maior procura e notoriedade devido as suas propriedades sensoriais e bioativas, atribuídas à presença do composto espilantol. Estratégias para o manejo da planta têm sido buscadas, entretanto, a influência da suplementação com N sobre a biossíntese de espilantol no jambu em sistema hidropônico é desconhecida. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do N na produção de biomassa, de pigmentos fotossintéticos, na concentração de N nas folhas e no teor de espilantol em jambu cultivado hidroponicamente. Estas plantas foram submetidas a seis concentrações de N na solução nutritiva (11, 13, 15, 17, 19 e 21 mmol L-1), utilizando delineamento inteiramente casualizado. Avaliaram-se a produção de biomassa fresca e seca das inflorescências, parte aérea (folhas e caules) e raiz, teor de N e pigmentos nas folhas e teor de espilantol nos diferentes órgãos da planta. As concentrações de N afetaram positivamente a produção de biomassa, de pigmentos fotossintéticos, a concentração de N nas folhas e o teor de espilantol nas inflorescências, parte aérea e raiz do jambu. O suprimento de 21 mmol L-1 N na solução nutritiva resultou em maior concentração de N nas folhas, promovendo maior produção de pigmentos fotossintéticos, biomassa da parte aérea e inflorescência. Suprimento médio de 17 mmol L-1 N resultou em maior síntese de espilantol nos órgãos do jambu. Portanto, suprimentos adequados de N devem ser considerados indispensáveis para o manejo nutricional do jambu cultivado em sistema hidropônico. Acmella oleracea bioativas buscadas entretanto desconhecida fotossintéticos hidroponicamente 11, 11 (11 13 15 1 2 L1, L1 L , L-1) casualizado Avaliaramse Avaliaram se inflorescências caules L- inflorescência Portanto (1 (
ABSTRACT Jambu (Acmella oleracea) is a typical culinary vegetable from Northern Brazil that has gained increased demand and recognition due to its sensory and bioactive properties attributed to the presence of spilanthol. Strategies for plant management have been explored; however, the influence of N supplementation on spilanthol biosynthesis in jambu in a hydroponic system is unknown. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of N on biomass production, photosynthetic pigments, leaf nitrogen concentration, and spilanthol content in jambu cultivated hydroponically. The plants were subjected to six concentrations of N in the nutrient solution (11, 13, 15, 17, 19, and 21 mmol L-1), using a completely randomized design with four replications, each consisting of one plant. Fresh and dry biomass of inflorescence, shoot (leaves and stems), and root, N and pigment content in the leaves, and spilanthol content in different plant organs were evaluated. The N concentrations positively affected biomass production, photosynthetic pigments, leaf N concentration, and spilanthol content in jambu inflorescence, shoot, and root. The supply of 21 mmol L-1 N in the nutrient solution resulted in a higher concentration of N in the leaves, leading to increased production of photosynthetic pigments, shoot biomass, and inflorescence. Conversely, a moderate supply of 17 mmol L-1 N resulted in a higher synthesis of spilanthol in the organs of the jambu plant. Therefore, appropriate nitrogen supplies should be considered an indispensable tool for the nutritional management of jambu cultivated in hydroponic systems. Acmella oleracea explored however unknown Thus pigments hydroponically 11, 11 (11 13 15 19 2 L1, L1 L 1 , L-1) replications inflorescence leaves stems, stems stems) root evaluated L- Conversely Therefore systems (1 (
Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: Setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil Brasil
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Boeger, Walter A.
; Valim, Michel P.
; Zaher, Hussam
; Rafael, José A.
; Forzza, Rafaela C.
; Percequillo, Alexandre R.
; Serejo, Cristiana S.
; Garraffoni, André R.S.
; Santos, Adalberto J.
Slipinski, Adam
Linzmeier, Adelita M.
Calor, Adolfo R.
Garda, Adrian A.
Kury, Adriano B.
Fernandes, Agatha C.S.
Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I.
Akama, Alberto
Silva Neto, Alberto M. da
Burbano, Alejandro L.
Menezes, Aleksandra
Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre
Anichtchenko, Alexander
Lees, Alexander C.
Bezerra, Alexandra M.R.
Domahovski, Alexandre C.
Pimenta, Alexandre D.
Aleixo, Alexandre L.P.
Marceniuk, Alexandre P.
Paula, Alexandre S. de
Somavilla, Alexandre
Specht, Alexandre
Camargo, Alexssandro
Newton, Alfred F.
Silva, Aline A.S. da
Santos, Aline B. dos
Tassi, Aline D.
Aragão, Allan C.
Santos, Allan P.M.
Migotto, Alvaro E.
Mendes, Amanda C.
Cunha, Amanda
Chagas Júnior, Amazonas
Sousa, Ana A.T. de
Pavan, Ana C.
Almeida, Ana C.S.
Peronti, Ana L.B.G.
Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L.
Prudente, Ana L.
Tourinho, Ana L.
Pes, Ana M.O.
Carmignotto, Ana P.
Wengrat, Ana P.G. da Silva
Dornellas, Ana P.S.
Molin, Anamaria Dal
Puker, Anderson
Morandini, André C.
Ferreira, André da S.
Martins, André L.
Esteves, André M.
Fernandes, André S.
Roza, André S.
Köhler, Andreas
Paladini, Andressa
Andrade, Andrey J. de
Pinto, Ângelo P.
Salles, Anna C. de A.
Gondim, Anne I.
Amaral, Antonia C.Z.
Rondón, Antonio A.A.
Brescovit, Antonio
Lofego, Antônio C.
Marques, Antonio C.
Macedo, Antonio
Andriolo, Artur
Henriques, Augusto L.
Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L.
Lima, Aurino F. de
Barros, Ávyla R. de A.
Brito, Ayrton do R.
Romera, Bárbara L.V.
Vasconcelos, Beatriz M.C. de
Frable, Benjamin W.
Santos, Bernardo F.
Ferraz, Bernardo R.
Rosa, Brunno B.
Sampaio, Brunno H.L.
Bellini, Bruno C.
Clarkson, Bruno
Oliveira, Bruno G. de
Corrêa, Caio C.D.
Martins, Caleb C.
Castro-Guedes, Camila F. de
Souto, Camilla
Bicho, Carla de L.
Cunha, Carlo M.
Barboza, Carlos A. de M.
Lucena, Carlos A.S. de
Barreto, Carlos
Santana, Carlos D.C.M. de
Agne, Carlos E.Q.
Mielke, Carlos G.C.
Caetano, Carlos H.S.
Flechtmann, Carlos H.W.
Lamas, Carlos J.E.
Rocha, Carlos
Mascarenhas, Carolina S.
Margaría, Cecilia B.
Waichert, Cecilia
Digiani, Celina
Haddad, Célio F.B.
Azevedo, Celso O.
Benetti, Cesar J.
Santos, Charles M.D. dos
Bartlett, Charles R.
Bonvicino, Cibele
Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S.
Santos, Cinthya S.G.
Justino, Cíntia E.L.
Canedo, Clarissa
Bonecker, Claudia C.
Santos, Cláudia P.
Carvalho, Claudio J.B. de
Gonçalves, Clayton C.
Galvão, Cleber
Costa, Cleide
Oliveira, Cléo D.C. de
Schwertner, Cristiano F.
Andrade, Cristiano L.
Pereira, Cristiano M.
Sampaio, Cristiano
Dias, Cristina de O.
Lucena, Daercio A. de A.
Manfio, Daiara
Amorim, Dalton de S.
Queiroz, Dalva L. de
Queiroz, Dalva L. de
Colpani, Daniara
Abbate, Daniel
Aquino, Daniel A.
Burckhardt, Daniel
Cavallari, Daniel C.
Prado, Daniel de C. Schelesky
Praciano, Daniel L.
Basílio, Daniel S.
Bená, Daniela de C.
Toledo, Daniela G.P. de
Takiya, Daniela M.
Fernandes, Daniell R.R.
Ament, Danilo C.
Cordeiro, Danilo P.
Silva, Darliane E.
Pollock, Darren A.
Muniz, David B.
Gibson, David I.
Nogueira, David S.
Marques, Dayse W.A.
Lucatelli, Débora
Garcia, Deivys M.A.
Baêta, Délio
Ferreira, Denise N.M.
Rueda-Ramírez, Diana
Fachin, Diego A.
Souza, Diego de S.
Rodrigues, Diego F.
Pádua, Diego G. de
Barbosa, Diego N.
Dolibaina, Diego R.
Amaral, Diogo C.
Chandler, Donald S.
Maccagnan, Douglas H.B.
Caron, Edilson
Carvalho, Edrielly
Adriano, Edson A.
Abreu Júnior, Edson F. de
Pereira, Edson H.L.
Viegas, Eduarda F.G.
Carneiro, Eduardo
Colley, Eduardo
Eizirik, Eduardo
Santos, Eduardo F. dos
Shimbori, Eduardo M.
Suárez-Morales, Eduardo
Arruda, Eliane P. de
Chiquito, Elisandra A.
Lima, Élison F.B.
Castro, Elizeu B. de
Orlandin, Elton
Nascimento, Elynton A. do
Razzolini, Emanuel
Gama, Emanuel R.R.
Araujo, Enilma M. de
Nishiyama, Eric Y.
Spiessberger, Erich L.
Santos, Érika C.L. dos
Contreras, Eugenia F.
Galati, Eunice A.B.
Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C. de
Gallardo, Fabiana
Hernandes, Fabio A.
Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A.
Pitombo, Fabio B.
Dario, Fabio Di
Santos, Fábio L. dos
Mauro, Fabio
Nascimento, Fabio O. do
Olmos, Fabio
Amaral, Fabio R.
Schunck, Fabio
Godoi, Fábio S. P. de
Machado, Fabrizio M.
Barbo, Fausto E.
Agrain, Federico A.
Ribeiro, Felipe B.
Moreira, Felipe F.F.
Barbosa, Felipe F.
Silva, Fenanda S.
Cavalcanti, Fernanda F.
Straube, Fernando C.
Carbayo, Fernando
Carvalho Filho, Fernando
Zanella, Fernando C.V.
Jacinavicius, Fernando de C.
Farache, Fernando H.A.
Leivas, Fernando
Dias, Fernando M.S.
Mantellato, Fernando
Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z.
Gudin, Filipe M.
Albuquerque, Flávio
Molina, Flavio B.
Passos, Flávio D.
Shockley, Floyd W.
Pinheiro, Francielly F.
Mello, Francisco de A.G. de
Nascimento, Francisco E. de L.
Franco, Francisco L.
Oliveira, Francisco L. de
Melo, Francisco T. de V.
Quijano, Freddy R.B.
Salles, Frederico F.
Biffi, Gabriel
Queiroz, Gabriel C.
Bizarro, Gabriel L.
Hrycyna, Gabriela
Leviski, Gabriela
Powell, Gareth S.
Santos, Geane B. dos
Morse, Geoffrey E.
Brown, George
Mattox, George M.T.
Zimbrão, Geraldo
Carvalho, Gervásio S.
Miranda, Gil F.G.
Moraes, Gilberto J. de
Lourido, Gilcélia M.
Neves, Gilmar P.
Moreira, Gilson R.P.
Montingelli, Giovanna G.
Maurício, Giovanni N.
Marconato, Gláucia
Lopez, Guilherme E.L.
Silva, Guilherme L. da
Muricy, Guilherme
Brito, Guilherme R.R.
Garbino, Guilherme S.T.
Flores, Gustavo E.
Graciolli, Gustavo
Libardi, Gustavo S.
Proctor, Heather C.
Gil-Santana, Helcio R.
Varella, Henrique R.
Escalona, Hermes E.
Schmitz, Hermes J.
Rodrigues, Higor D.D.
Galvão Filho, Hilton de C.
Quintino, Hingrid Y.S.
Pinto, Hudson A.
Rainho, Hugo L.
Miyahira, Igor C.
Gonçalves, Igor de S.
Martins, Inês X.
Cardoso, Irene A.
Oliveira, Ismael B. de
Franz, Ismael
Fernandes, Itanna O.
Golfetti, Ivan F.
S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin
Oliveira, Ivo de S.
Delabie, Jacques H.C.
Oliveira, Jader de
Prando, Jadila S.
Patton, James L.
Bitencourt, Jamille de A.
Silva, Janaina M.
Santos, Jandir C.
Arruda, Janine O.
Valderrama, Jefferson S.
Dalapicolla, Jeronymo
Oliveira, Jéssica P.
Hájek, Jiri
Morselli, João P.
Narita, João P.
Martin, João P.I.
Grazia, Jocélia
McHugh, Joe
Cherem, Jorge J.
Farias Júnior, José A.S.
Fernandes, Jose A.M.
Pacheco, José F.
Birindelli, José L.O.
Rezende, José M.
Avendaño, Jose M.
Duarte, José M. Barbanti
Ribeiro, José R. Inácio
Mermudes, José R.M.
Pujol-Luz, José R.
Santos, Josenilson R. dos
Câmara, Josenir T.
Teixeira, Joyce A.
Prado, Joyce R. do
Botero, Juan P.
Almeida, Julia C.
Kohler, Julia
Gonçalves, Julia P.
Beneti, Julia S.
Donahue, Julian P.
Alvim, Juliana
Almeida, Juliana C.
Segadilha, Juliana L.
Wingert, Juliana M.
Barbosa, Julianna F.
Ferrer, Juliano
Santos, Juliano F. dos
Kuabara, Kamila M.D.
Nascimento, Karine B.
Schoeninger, Karine
Campião, Karla M.
Soares, Karla
Zilch, Kássia
Barão, Kim R.
Teixeira, Larissa
Sousa, Laura D. do N.M. de
Dumas, Leandro L.
Vieira, Leandro M.
Azevedo, Leonardo H.G.
Carvalho, Leonardo S.
Souza, Leonardo S. de
Rocha, Leonardo S.G.
Bernardi, Leopoldo F.O.
Vieira, Letícia M.
Johann, Liana
Salvatierra, Lidianne
Oliveira, Livia de M.
Loureiro, Lourdes M.A. El-moor
Barreto, Luana B.
Barros, Luana M.
Lecci, Lucas
Camargos, Lucas M. de
Lima, Lucas R.C.
Almeida, Lucia M.
Martins, Luciana R.
Marinoni, Luciane
Moura, Luciano de A.
Lima, Luciano
Naka, Luciano N.
Miranda, Lucília S.
Salik, Lucy M.
Bezerra, Luis E.A.
Silveira, Luis F.
Campos, Luiz A.
Castro, Luiz A.S. de
Pinho, Luiz C.
Silveira, Luiz F.L.
Iniesta, Luiz F.M.
Tencatt, Luiz F.C.
Simone, Luiz R.L.
Malabarba, Luiz R.
Cruz, Luiza S. da
Sekerka, Lukas
Barros, Lurdiana D.
Santos, Luziany Q.
Skoracki, Maciej
Correia, Maira A.
Uchoa, Manoel A.
Andrade, Manuella F.G.
Hermes, Marcel G.
Miranda, Marcel S.
Araújo, Marcel S. de
Monné, Marcela L.
Labruna, Marcelo B.
Santis, Marcelo D. de
Duarte, Marcelo
Knoff, Marcelo
Nogueira, Marcelo
Britto, Marcelo R. de
Melo, Marcelo R.S. de
Carvalho, Marcelo R. de
Tavares, Marcelo T.
Kitahara, Marcelo V.
Justo, Marcia C.N.
Botelho, Marcia J.C.
Couri, Márcia S.
Borges-Martins, Márcio
Felix, Márcio
Oliveira, Marcio L. de
Bologna, Marco A.
Gottschalk, Marco S.
Tavares, Marcos D.S.
Lhano, Marcos G.
Bevilaqua, Marcus
Santos, Marcus T.T.
Domingues, Marcus V.
Sallum, Maria A.M.
Digiani, María C.
Santarém, Maria C.A.
Nascimento, Maria C. do
Becerril, María de los A.M.
Santos, Maria E.A. dos
Passos, Maria I. da S. dos
Felippe-Bauer, Maria L.
Cherman, Mariana A.
Terossi, Mariana
Bartz, Marie L.C.
Barbosa, Marina F. de C.
Loeb, Marina V.
Cohn-Haft, Mario
Cupello, Mario
Martins, Marlúcia B.
Christofersen, Martin L.
Bento, Matheus
Rocha, Matheus dos S.
Martins, Maurício L.
Segura, Melissa O.
Cardenas, Melissa Q.
Duarte, Mércia E.
Ivie, Michael A.
Mincarone, Michael M.
Borges, Michela
Monné, Miguel A.
Casagrande, Mirna M.
Fernandez, Monica A.
Piovesan, Mônica
Menezes, Naércio A.
Benaim, Natalia P.
Reategui, Natália S.
Pedro, Natan C.
Pecly, Nathalia H.
Ferreira Júnior, Nelson
Silva Júnior, Nelson J. da
Perioto, Nelson W.
Hamada, Neusa
Degallier, Nicolas
Chao, Ning L.
Ferla, Noeli J.
Mielke, Olaf H.H.
Evangelista, Olivia
Shibatta, Oscar A.
Oliveira, Otto M.P.
Albornoz, Pablo C.L.
Dellapé, Pablo M.
Gonçalves, Pablo R.
Shimabukuro, Paloma H.F.
Grossi, Paschoal
Rodrigues, Patrícia E. da S.
Lima, Patricia O.V.
Velazco, Paul
Santos, Paula B. dos
Araújo, Paula B.
Silva, Paula K.R.
Riccardi, Paula R.
Garcia, Paulo C. de A.
Passos, Paulo G.H.
Corgosinho, Paulo H.C.
Lucinda, Paulo
Costa, Paulo M.S.
Alves, Paulo P.
Roth, Paulo R. de O.
Coelho, Paulo R.S.
Duarte, Paulo R.M.
Carvalho, Pedro F. de
Gnaspini, Pedro
Souza-Dias, Pedro G.B.
Linardi, Pedro M.
Bartholomay, Pedro R.
Demite, Peterson R.
Bulirsch, Petr
Boll, Piter K.
Pereira, Rachel M.M.
Silva, Rafael A.P.F.
Moura, Rafael B. de
Boldrini, Rafael
Silva, Rafaela A. da
Falaschi, Rafaela L.
Cordeiro, Ralf T.S.
Mello, Ramon J.C.L.
Singer, Randal A.
Querino, Ranyse B.
Heleodoro, Raphael A.
Castilho, Raphael de C.
Constantino, Reginaldo
Guedes, Reinaldo C.
Carrenho, Renan
Gomes, Renata S.
Gregorin, Renato
Machado, Renato J.P.
Bérnils, Renato S.
Capellari, Renato S.
Silva, Ricardo B.
Kawada, Ricardo
Dias, Ricardo M.
Siewert, Ricardo
Brugnera, Ricaro
Leschen, Richard A.B.
Constantin, Robert
Robbins, Robert
Pinto, Roberta R.
Reis, Roberto E. dos
Ramos, Robson T. da C.
Cavichioli, Rodney R.
Barros, Rodolfo C. de
Caires, Rodrigo A.
Salvador, Rodrigo B.
Marques, Rodrigo C.
Araújo, Rodrigo C.
Araujo, Rodrigo de O.
Dios, Rodrigo de V.P.
Johnsson, Rodrigo
Feitosa, Rodrigo M.
Hutchings, Roger W.
Lara, Rogéria I.R.
Rossi, Rogério V.
Gerstmeier, Roland
Ochoa, Ronald
Hutchings, Rosa S.G.
Ale-Rocha, Rosaly
Rocha, Rosana M. da
Tidon, Rosana
Brito, Rosangela
Pellens, Roseli
Santos, Sabrina R. dos
Santos, Sandra D. dos
Paiva, Sandra V.
Santos, Sandro
Oliveira, Sarah S. de
Costa, Sávio C.
Gardner, Scott L.
Leal, Sebastián A. Muñoz
Aloquio, Sergio
Bonecker, Sergio L.C.
Bueno, Sergio L. de S.
Almeida, Sérgio M. de
Stampar, Sérgio N.
Andena, Sérgio R.
Posso, Sergio R.
Lima, Sheila P.
Gadelha, Sian de S.
Thiengo, Silvana C.
Cohen, Simone C.
Brandão, Simone N.
Rosa, Simone P.
Ribeiro, Síria L.B.
Letana, Sócrates D.
Santos, Sonia B. dos
Andrade, Sonia C.S.
Dávila, Stephane
Vaz, Stéphanie
Peck, Stewart B.
Christo, Susete W.
Cunha, Suzan B.Z.
Gomes, Suzete R.
Duarte, Tácio
Madeira-Ott, Taís
Marques, Taísa
Roell, Talita
Lima, Tarcilla C. de
Sepulveda, Tatiana A.
Maria, Tatiana F.
Ruschel, Tatiana P.
Rodrigues, Thaiana
Marinho, Thais A.
Almeida, Thaís M. de
Miranda, Thaís P.
Freitas, Thales R.O.
Pereira, Thalles P.L.
Zacca, Thamara
Pacheco, Thaynara L.
Martins, Thiago F.
Alvarenga, Thiago M.
Carvalho, Thiago R. de
Polizei, Thiago T.S.
McElrath, Thomas C.
Henry, Thomas
Pikart, Tiago G.
Porto, Tiago J.
Krolow, Tiago K.
Carvalho, Tiago P.
Lotufo, Tito M. da C.
Caramaschi, Ulisses
Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S.
Pardiñas, Ulyses F.J.
Maia, Valéria C.
Tavares, Valeria
Costa, Valmir A.
Amaral, Vanessa S. do
Silva, Vera C.
Wolff, Vera R. dos S.
Slobodian, Verônica
Silva, Vinícius B. da
Espíndola, Vinicius C.
Costa-Silva, Vinicius da
Bertaco, Vinicius de A.
Padula, Vinícius
Ferreira, Vinicius S.
Silva, Vitor C.P. da
Piacentini, Vítor de Q.
Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E.
Trevine, Vivian
Sousa, Viviane R.
Sant’Anna, Vivianne B. de
Mathis, Wayne N.
Souza, Wesley de O.
Colombo, Wesley D.
Tomaszewska, Wioletta
Wosiacki, Wolmar B.
Ovando, Ximena M.C.
Leite, Yuri L.R.

ABSTRACT The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (, made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others. publications problem uptodate up date classifications context exception (CTFB http//, httpfaunajbrjgovbr http // , jbrj gov br ( 2015 Brazil 80 specialists 1 2024 133691 133 691 133,69 125138 125 138 125,13 82.3%, 823 82 3 (82.3% 102000 102 000 102,00 7.69%, 769 7 69 (7.69% 11000 11 11,00 . 3,567 3567 567 (3,56 2,292 2292 2 292 (2,29 1,833 1833 833 (1,83 1,447 1447 447 (1,44 1000 1,00 831 (83 628 (62 606 (60 520 (52 50 users science health biology law anthropology education others http// faunajbrjgovbr // ( 201 8 202 13369 13 133,6 12513 12 125,1 82.3% (82.3 10200 10 00 102,0 7.69% 76 6 (7.69 1100 11,0 3,56 356 56 (3,5 2,29 229 29 (2,2 1,83 183 83 (1,8 1,44 144 44 (1,4 100 1,0 (8 62 (6 60 52 (5 5 http// ( 20 1336 133, 1251 125, 82.3 (82. 1020 0 102, 7.69 (7.6 110 11, 3,5 35 (3, 2,2 22 (2, 1,8 18 (1, 1,4 14 4 ( 82. (82 7.6 (7. 3, (3 2, (2 (1 7. (7
Hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities of phenolic-rich extract from shell of nut Brazil (Bertholletia excelsa H.B.K.) phenolicrich phenolic rich Bertholletia H.B.K. HBK H B K H.B.K
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Silva, B. J. P.
; Souza, R. O. S.
; Yamaguchi, K. K. L.
; Silva, F. M. A.
; Koolen, H. H. F.
; Veiga Junior, V. F.
; Lima, E. S.

Resumo O presente estudo determinou o potencial hepatoprotetor e antioxidante do extrato obtido de resíduos de castanha da Amazônia. A casca da noz marrom de Bertholletia excelsa foi coletada e extraída sequencialmente por 48 h com diversas proporções etanol:água e o extrato seco foi obtido pelo método de spray dryer. As atividades antioxidantes foram avaliadas testando radicais DPPH, ABTS, fenólicos totais, flavonóides e antioxidante celular. Posteriormente, foram realizados testes in vitro e in vivo para avaliar o efeito protetor do extrato após indução de danos hepáticos com CCL4. Foram avaliados parâmetros bioquímicos de lesão hepática e marcadores bioquímicos de estresse oxidativo e capacidade antioxidante. No estudo de espectrometria de massas foram identificados fenóis como ácidos protocatecuico, ácido gálico e ácido quínico, que contribuíram para a eliminação de radicais livres, reduzindo os níveis de DPPH e ABTS. O teste de viabilidade celular após tratamento com o extrato em células de fibroblastos humanos e hepatocarcinoma humano não mostrou citotoxicidade. Observou-se que o extrato inibiu a produção de radicais livres em fibroblastos humanos. A dosagem de 400 mg/kg foi a mais eficaz na redução dos níveis séricos de MDA. Houve redução significativa dos marcadores bioquímicos hepáticos em Hepg-2 com o extrato testado na concentração de 100 e 50 µg/mL e em ratos houve uma redução após a suplementação com o extrato na dose de 400 mg/kg, quando submetidos ao estresse oxidativo com CCl4. A partir dos resultados apresentados pode-se concluir que os resíduos de Bertholletia excelsa podem ser aplicados preventivamente contra a hepatotoxicidade através da prevenção do estresse oxidativo. Amazônia 4 etanolágua etanol água dryer ABTS totais Posteriormente CCL4 CCL protocatecuico quínico citotoxicidade Observouse Observou se 40 mgkg mg kg MDA Hepg2 Hepg 2 Hepg- 10 5 µgmL µg mL CCl4 CCl podese pode 1
Abstract The present study determined the hepatoprotective and antioxidant potential of the extract obtained from Amazon nut residues. The brown walnut shell of Bertholletia excelsa was collected and extracted sequentially for 48 h with different ethanol:water ratios and the dry extract was obtained by the spray dryer method. Antioxidant activities were evaluated by testing DPPH radicals, ABTS, total phenolics, flavonoids and cellular antioxidant. Subsequently, in vitro and in vivo tests were carried out to evaluate the protective effect of the extract after induction of liver damage with CCL4. Biochemical parameters of liver injury and biochemical markers of oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity were evaluated. In the mass spectrometry study, phenol and organic acids such as protocatechuic acid, gallic acid and citric acid were identified, which contributed to the elimination of free radicals, reducing DPPH and ABTS levels. The cell viability test after treatment with the extract on human fibroblast and human hepatocellular carcinoma cells showed no cytotoxicity. It was observed that the extract inhibited the production of free radicals in human fibroblasts. The dosage of 400 mg/kg was the most effective in reducing serum MDA levels. There was a significant reduction in hepatic biochemical markers in Hepg-2 with the extract tested at concentrations of 100 and 50 µg/mL and in rats there was a reduction after supplementation with the extract at a dose of 400 mg/kg, when subjected to oxidative stress with CCl4. From the results presented, it can be concluded that Bertholletia excelsa residues can be applied preventively against hepatotoxicity through the prevention of oxidative stress. 4 ethanolwater ethanol water method phenolics Subsequently CCL4 CCL identified levels cytotoxicity fibroblasts 40 mgkg mg kg Hepg2 Hepg 2 Hepg- 10 5 µgmL µg mL CCl4 CCl presented 1
Coleoptera of Brazil: what we knew then and what we know now. Insights from the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil Brazil now
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Caron, Edilson
; Monné, Marcela L.
; Ferreira, Vinicius S.
; Costa, Cleide
; Cupello, Mario
; Aloquio, Sergio
; Linzmeier, Adelita M.
; Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z.
; Leivas, Fernando W.T.
; Souza-Gonçalves, Igor
; Mermudes, José R.M.
; Almeida, Lúcia M.
; Moura, Luciano de A.
; Ferreira Júnior, Nelson
; Grossi, Paschoal C.
; Vanin, Sergio A.
; Ślipiński, Adam
; Anichtchenko, Alexander
; Newton, Alfred F.
; Sampaio, Aline
; Carelli, Allan
; Puker, Anderson
; Ferreira, André da S.
; Fernandes, André S.
; Roza, André S.
; Cline, Andrew
; Sampaio, Brunno H.L.
; Clarkson, Bruno
; Castro, Camila F. de
; Bicho, Carla de L.
; Benetti, César J.
; Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S.
; Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano
; Manfio, Daiara
; Colpani, Daniara
; Basílio, Daniel S.
; Bená, Daniela de C.
; Pollock, Darren A.
; Souza, Diego de S.
; Rodrigues, Diego F.
; Chandler, Donald S.
; Nascimento, Elynton A. do
; Spiessberger, Erich L.
; Agrain, Federico A.
; Barbosa, Felipe F.
; Shockley, Floyd
; Nascimento, Francisco E. de L.
; Biffi, Gabriel
; Powell, Gareth S.
; Morse, Geoffrey E.
; Flores, Gustavo E.
; Escalona, Hermes
; Quintino, Hingrid Y.S.
; Rainho, Hugo L.
; Maddalena, Italo S.C.P.
; Hájek, Jiří
; McHugh, Joseph V.
; Botero, Juan P.
; Fuhrmann, Juares
; Churata-Salcedo, Julissa M.
; Vieira, Letícia M.
; Silveira, Luiz F.L. da
; Cruz, Luiza S. da
; Sekerka, Lukás
; Bologna, Marco A.
; Bevilaqua, Marcus V.O.
; Passos, Maria I.
; Chamorro, Maria L.
; Cherman, Mariana A.
; Bento, Matheus
; Gimmel, Matthew
; Segura, Melissa O.
; Ivie, Michael A.
; Thomas, Michael C.
; Monné, Miguel A.
; Lord, Nathan
; Hamada, Neusa
; Degallier, Nicolas
; Santos, Paula B. dos
; Duarte, Paulo R.M.
; Gnaspini, Pedro
; Bulirsch, Petr
; Regalin, Renato
; Leschen, Richard A.B.
; Constantin, Robert
; Corrêa, Rodrigo C.
; Gerstmeier, Roland
; Rosa, Simone P.
; Campos, Stéphanie V.N.
; Peck, Stewart B.
; Pacheco, Thaynara L.
; Polizei, Thiago T.S.
; McElrath, Thomas C.
; Grzymala, Traci L.
; Smith, Trevor R.
; Costa-Silva, Vinicius da
Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E.
Sousa, Wesley O. de
Tomaszewska, Wioletta

ABSTRACT In 2000, Cleide Costa published a paper presenting the state of knowledge of the Neotropical Coleopte ra, with a focus on the Brazilian fauna. Twenty-four years later, thanks to the development of the Coleoptera section of the Taxonomic Catalog of the Brazilian Fauna (CTFB - Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil) through the collaboration of 100 coleopterists from all over the globe, we can build on Costa’s work and present an updated overview of the state of knowledge of the beetles from Brazil. There are currently 35,699 species in 4,958 genera and 116 families known to occur in the country, including representatives of all extant suborders and superfamilies. Our data show that the Brazilian beetle fauna is the richest on the planet, concentrating 9% of the world species diversity, with some estimates accounting to up to 15% of the global total. The most diverse family in numbers of genera is Cerambycidae (1,056 genera), while in number of species it is Chrysomelidae (6,079 species). Conotrachelus Dejean, 1835 (Curculionidae) is the most species-rich genus, with 570 species. The French entomologist Maurice Pic is the author who has contributed the most to the naming of species recorded from Brazil, with 1,794 valid names in 36 families, whereas the Brazilians Ubirajara R. Martins and Maria Helena M. Galileo are the only ones among the top-ten authors to have named species in the 21st century. Currently, approximately 144 new species of Brazilian beetles are described each year, and this average is projected to increase in the next decade to 180 species per year, or about one new Brazilian beetle every two days. 2000 ra Twentyfour Twenty four later CTFB Brasil 10 globe Costas s Brazil 35699 35 699 35,69 4958 4 958 4,95 11 country superfamilies planet 9 diversity 15 total 1,056 1056 1 056 (1,05 genera, , genera) 6,079 6079 6 079 (6,07 . species) Dejean 183 Curculionidae (Curculionidae speciesrich rich genus 57 1794 794 1,79 3 R M topten top ten st century Currently 14 year 18 days 200 3569 69 35,6 495 95 4,9 1,05 105 05 (1,0 6,07 607 07 (6,0 5 179 79 1,7 20 356 35, 49 4, 1,0 0 (1, 6,0 60 (6, 17 7 1, 2 (1 6, (6 (
Spatial-temporal analysis of COVID-19 cases in the state of Alagoas Spatialtemporal Spatial temporal COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 COVID1 1 COVID-
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Pereira-Júnior, A.
; Silva, L.
; Morais, G.
; Sobrinho-Neto, A.
; Oliveira, D.
; Sá, M. L.
; Santos, J.
; Messias, H. B. G.
; Ferreira Júnior, G. C.
; Cavalcanti, M. G. S.
; Lima, B. P. S.
; Macêdo, A. C.
; Ribeiro, M. C.
; Rocha, T. J. M.

Resumo A pandemia de COVID-19 impactou severamente o Brasil, destacando lacunas significativas na infraestrutura de saúde pública. Este estudo visa analisar a distribuição espaço-temporal dos casos de COVID-19 em Alagoas. O estudo abrange todos os 102 municípios de Alagoas, utilizando dados do Painel COVID-19 da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de Alagoas. É observacional e retrospectivo, com caráter ecológico e abordagem quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados até 2 de julho de 2022, totalizando 305.806 casos. A análise espacial foi realizada com o software R Statistical, usando o Índice de Moran Global (GMI) e Indicadores Locais de Associação Espacial (LISAs) para identificar clusters espaciais. Em 2020, os municípios mostraram autocorrelação espacial significativa, mas fraca (GMI = 0,2084; p < 0,05). Clusters High-High surgiram em Maceió e municípios vizinhos. Em 2021, a autocorrelação espacial permaneceu fraca (GMI = 0,2344; p < 0,05). Clusters High-High persistiram em Satuba e Maceió, enquanto clusters Low-Low se expandiram para o nordeste de Alagoas em 2022. A redução de clusters High-High em Maceió em 2022 provavelmente resultou dos esforços iniciais de vacinação. O padrão de distribuição espacial da COVID-19 em Alagoas revela insights significativos sobre a dinâmica regional da pandemia. Taxas de infecção estáveis no centro-oeste e sul de Alagoas podem ser devido à menor densidade populacional e menor movimento. A natureza dinâmica da disseminação da COVID-19 destaca a necessidade de monitoramento contínuo e estratégias de saúde pública adaptativas. O estudo enfatiza a importância de intervenções direcionadas e pesquisas futuras para refinar modelos espaciais e incorporar variáveis adicionais para aumentar a precisão preditiva e informar estratégias de saúde pública. COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 Brasil espaçotemporal espaço temporal 10 retrospectivo quantitativa 305806 305 806 305.80 Statistical GMI LISAs (LISAs 2020 significativa 0,2084 02084 0 2084 0,05. 005 0,05 . 05 0,05) HighHigh High vizinhos 2021 0,2344 02344 2344 LowLow Low 202 vacinação centrooeste centro oeste movimento adaptativas COVID1 1 COVID- 30580 30 80 305.8 0,208 0208 208 00 0,0 0,234 0234 234 20 3058 3 8 305. 0,20 020 0, 0,23 023 23 0,2 02
Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted Brazil, highlighting significant gaps in public health infrastructure. This study aims to analyze the spatial-temporal distribution of COVID-19 cases in Alagoas. The study covers all 102 municipalities in Alagoas, using official data from the Alagoas COVID-19 Panel. It is observational and retrospective with an ecological and quantitative approach. Data were collected up to July 2, 2022, totaling 305,806 cases. Spatial analysis was performed using R Statistical software, with Global Moran's Index (GMI) and Local Indicators of Spatial Association (LISAs) identifying spatial clusters. In 2020, municipalities showed significant but weak spatial autocorrelation (GMI = 0.2084; p < 0.05). High-High clusters appeared in Maceió and nearby municipalities. In 2021, spatial autocorrelation remained weak (GMI = 0.2344; p < 0.05). High-High clusters persisted in Satuba and Maceió, while Low-Low clusters expanded into northeastern Alagoas by 2022. The reduction in High-High clusters in Maceió in 2022 likely resulted from early vaccination efforts. The spatial distribution pattern of COVID-19 in Alagoas reveals significant insights into regional pandemic dynamics. Stable infection rates in the center-west and south of Alagoas may be due to lower population density and less movement. The dynamic nature of COVID-19 spread highlights the need for continuous monitoring and adaptive public health strategies. The study underscores the importance of targeted interventions and future research to refine spatial models and incorporate additional variables to enhance predictive accuracy and inform public health strategies. COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 Brazil infrastructure spatialtemporal temporal 10 Panel approach 2 305806 305 806 305,80 software Morans Moran s GMI LISAs (LISAs 2020 0.2084 02084 0 2084 0.05. 005 0.05 . 05 0.05) HighHigh High 2021 0.2344 02344 2344 LowLow Low 202 efforts dynamics centerwest center west movement strategies COVID1 1 COVID- 30580 30 80 305,8 0.208 0208 208 00 0.0 0.234 0234 234 20 3058 3 8 305, 0.20 020 0. 0.23 023 23 0.2 02
Intraoperative thermal mapping of mammary tumors in dogs
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Abstract In this study, videothermometry’s application in detecting mammary tumors in dogs is explored in-depth. The research hypothesizes that this technique can effectively identify cancerous tissues during surgery by analyzing thermal patterns. The methodology involved comparing thermal imaging results from dogs with palpable mammary nodules against a control group, focusing on capturing real-time thermal patterns. Results were significant, showing distinct thermal patterns in carcinomas. This indicates videothermometry’s capability in accurately identifying micro metastases and differentiating between neoplastic and non-neoplastic changes. The study concludes that videothermometry has considerable potential in enhancing surgical precision, especially in tumor resection and safety margin definition, but emphasizes the need for further research to thoroughly understand the thermal signatures of various mammary tumors in dogs. videothermometrys s indepth. indepth depth. depth in-depth group realtime real time significant carcinomas nonneoplastic non changes precision definition
Photoluminescent and Magnetic Properties of Mononuclear Lanthanide-Based Compounds Containing the Zwitterionic Form of 4-Picolinic Acid as a Ligand LanthanideBased Lanthanide Based 4Picolinic Picolinic 4
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Areas, Esther S.
; Rodrigues, Bruno P.
; Nascimento, Ana Carolina C. do
; Silva Junior, Henrique C.
; Ferreira, Glaucio B.
Miranda, Fabio S.
Garcia, Flávio
Safeer, Syed H.
Soriano, Stéphane
Guedes, Guilherme P.

A series of mononuclear lanthanide-based coordination compounds was obtained under mild synthetic conditions and fully characterized. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction reveals six isomorphic compounds of type [Ln(NO3)(4picH)2(H2O)4](NO3)2(Ln3+ = Sm (1), Eu (2), Gd (3), Tb (4), Dy (5), Er (6)), in which 4picH is the zwitterionic form of the 4-picolinic acid. Except for compounds 3and 6, a study into the emissive properties of the compounds was carried out, revealing a ligand-sensitized lanthanide-characteristic luminescence. Compounds 2 and 4are candidates for luminescent probes in solution. At the same time, the chromaticity data for 5 revealed a potential white-light emitter with a correlated color temperature (CCT) value of 6570 K. Alternating current (AC) magnetic susceptibility measurements, supported by theoretical calculations, showed a field-induced slow relaxation of the magnetization and a single-ion magnet behavior for compound 5. lanthanidebased lanthanide based characterized Singlecrystal Single crystal Xray X ray LnNO34picH2H2O4NO32Ln3+ LnNO34picH2H2O4NO32Ln3 LnNOpicHHONOLn Ln NO3 H2O 4 Ln3+ Ln3 NO picH H O [Ln(NO3)(4picH)2(H2O)4](NO3)2(Ln3 1, 1 , (1) 2, (2) 3, 3 (3) 4, (4) 5, (5) 6 (6)) 4picolinic picolinic acid out ligandsensitized ligand sensitized lanthanidecharacteristic characteristic luminescence are solution time whitelight white light CCT (CCT 657 K AC (AC measurements calculations fieldinduced field induced singleion single ion LnNO LnNO34picH2H2O4NO32Ln HO [Ln(NO3)(4picH)2(H2O)4](NO3)2(Ln (1 (2 (3 (4 (5 (6) 65 ( (6
Foliar diagnosis of common arrowroot propagated by different forms and fertilized with biofertilizer
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Lima, Ana K. B.
; Costa, Rafael S. da
; Borges, Francisca R. M.
; Dias, Thiago J.
; Mamede, George L.
; Amorim, Aiala V.
; Silva, Mateus G. J. B.
; Lourencio, Rosaliny de C.
; Melo Junior, Madson F. de
; Marinho, Albanise B.

Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
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RESUMO A araruta (Maranta arundinaceae) é uma planta alimentícia não convencional (PANC) que apresenta propriedades nutricionais relevantes. No entanto, poucos estudos sobre a espécie quanto às suas formas de propagação e sua nutrição foram realizados. Paralelamente, o biofertilizante fornece nutrientes e estimula o desenvolvimento das espécies, pois promove melhorias nas propriedades do solo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes formas de propagação e doses de biofertilizante na nutrição da araruta. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, avaliando três formas de propagação (rizoma inteiro, parte do rizoma e caule) e utilizando cinco doses de biofertilizante (0, 300, 600, 900 e 1200 mL por planta semana-1). Aos 268 dias após o plantio foi realizada a coleta das folhas para análise do teor de macro e micronutrientes foliares. Plantas propagadas por haste apresentam menor acúmulo de N, P, K, S e maior acúmulo de Na, em relação às demais formas de propagação. Os teores de N e K foram incrementados pela aplicação do biofertilizante, alcançando valores de 20,8 e 18,2 g kg-1 nas doses de 1200 e 955 mL por planta semana-1, respectivamente. O acúmulo dos micronutrientes foi influenciado pelas formas de propagação e pelas doses de biofertilizante, apresentando respostas positivas, especialmente para o Zn na dose máxima. A propagação por rizoma inteiro e as doses entre 600 e 1200 mL por planta semana-1 são as recomendadas para que se obtenha os melhores resultados nutricionais na araruta. Maranta arundinaceae PANC (PANC relevantes entanto realizados Paralelamente espécies solo contexto subdivididas caule 0, 0 (0 300 90 120 semana1. semana1 semana 1 . semana-1) 26 foliares P Na 208 20 8 20, 182 18 2 18, kg1 kg kg- 95 semana1, 1, respectivamente positivas máxima 60 semana- ( 30 9 12 6 3
ABSTRACT Arrowroot (Maranta arundinaceae) is a unconventional food plant (UFP) that has relevant nutritional properties. However, few studies on the species regarding its forms of propagation and its nutrition have been performed. In parallel, biofertilizer provides nutrients and stimulates the development of species, as it promotes improvements in soil properties. In this context, the objective in this study was to evaluate the effect of different forms of propagation and doses of biofertilizer on arrowroot nutrition. A randomized block experimental design in a split-plot scheme, evaluating three forms of propagation (whole rhizome, part of the rhizome and stem) and five doses of biofertilizer (0, 300, 600, 900 and 1200 mL per plant week-1) was used. At 268 days after planting, the leaves were collected for analysis of leaf macro and micronutrient contents. Plants propagated by stem have lower accumulation of N, P, K and S and higher accumulation of Na, compared to the other forms of propagation. N and K contents were increased by the application of biofertilizer, reaching values of 20.8 and 18.2 g kg-1 at doses of 1200 and 955 mL per plant week-1, respectively. Accumulation of micronutrients was influenced by the forms of propagation and doses of biofertilizer, showing positive responses, especially for Zn at the maximum dose. Propagation by whole rhizome and doses from 600 to 1200 mL per plant week-1 are recommended to obtain the best nutritional results in arrowroot. Maranta arundinaceae UFP (UFP properties However performed parallel context splitplot split plot scheme 0, 0 (0 300 90 120 week1 week 1 used 26 planting P Na 208 20 8 20. 182 18 2 18. kg1 kg kg- 95 week1, 1, respectively responses dose 60 week- ( 30 9 12 6 3
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