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au:Silva, Thiago M.
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Determination of field capacity in Oxisols using the flux density method, Arya-Paris model, and pressure chamber method AryaParis Arya Paris model
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Lima, Gabrielly F.
; Duarte, Thiago F.
; Silva, Tonny J. A.
; Bonfim-Silva, Edna M.
; Dong, Xuejun
; Meneghetti, Luana A. M.
; Custódio, Alisson S. C.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
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RESUMO A capacidade de campo do Latossolo foi avaliada usando os métodos de densidade de fluxo de água em campo, modelo Arya-Paris e câmara de pressão de Richards com amostras não deformadas, e a curva de retenção de água e a umidade do solo foram determinadas usando o modelo de Arya-Paris a uma pressão de 10 kPa. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na Universidade Federal de Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso. O solo avaliado foi Latossolo nas camadas 0-10 e 10-20 cm. Usando o método da densidade de fluxo, a uma densidade de fluxo de água q = 0,10 mm por dia e 1,0 mm por dia, os valores de umidade do solo na capacidade de campo foram de 0,30 e 0,32 m3 m-3, respectivamente, para uma profundidade de 0-10 cm, e 0,28 e 0,31 m3 m-3, respectivamente, para uma profundidade de 10-20 cm. Comparando os resultados obtidos com a câmara de pressão com os da capacidade de campo obtidos para q = 0,1 mm por dia, o erro absoluto médio e o viés foram 0,880 e -0,218, respectivamente, para a profundidade de 0-10 cm, e 2,57 e -2,57, respectivamente, para a profundidade de 10-20 cm. A capacidade de campo do Latossolo pode ser obtida submetendo amostras não deformadas de 50 cm3 a uma pressão de 10 kPa. O modelo Arya-Paris é uma alternativa para determinar a curva de retenção de água do solo e a capacidade de campo do Latossolo. AryaParis Arya Paris 1 kPa Rondonópolis Grosso 010 0 0-1 1020 20 10-2 cm 1, 030 30 0,3 032 32 m m3, 3, 3 m-3 respectivamente 028 28 0,2 031 31 01 0, 0880 880 0,88 0,218, 0218 218 -0,218 257 2 57 2,5 2,57, -2,57 5 0- 102 10- 03 m- 02 088 88 0,8 0,218 021 21 -0,21 25 2, -2,5 08 8 0,21 -0,2 -2, -0, -2 -0 -
ABSTRACT The field capacity of Oxisol was evaluated using the flux density in the field, Arya-Paris model, and Richards pressure chamber with non-deformed samples, and the water retention curve and soil moisture were determined using the Arya-Paris model at a pressure of 10 kPa. The research was conducted at the Federal University of Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso state, Brazil. The soil evaluated was Oxisol at depths of 0-10 and 10-20 cm. Using the flux density method, at a water flux density q = 0.10 mm per day and 1.0 mm per day, soil moisture values at field capacity were 0.30 and 0.32 m3 m-3, respectively, at a depth of 0-10 cm and 0.28 and 0.31 m3 m-3, respectively, at a depth of 10-20 cm. Comparing the results obtained with the pressure chamber with those of the field capacity obtained for q = 0.1 mm per day, the mean absolute error and bias were 0.880 and -0.218, respectively, for the 0-10 cm depth and 2.57 and -2.57, respectively, for the 10-20 cm depth. Field capacity of Oxisol can be obtained by subjecting undeformed 50 cm3 samples to a pressure of 10 kPa. The Arya-Paris model is an alternative for determining the soil water retention curve and the field capacity of Oxisol. AryaParis Arya Paris nondeformed non deformed 1 kPa Rondonópolis state Brazil 010 0 0-1 1020 20 10-2 method 1. 030 30 0.3 032 32 m m3, 3, 3 m-3 respectively 028 28 0.2 031 31 01 0. 0880 880 0.88 0.218, 0218 218 -0.218 257 2 57 2.5 2.57, -2.57 5 0- 102 10- 03 m- 02 088 88 0.8 0.218 021 21 -0.21 25 2. -2.5 08 8 0.21 -0.2 -2. -0. -2 -0 -
Salicylic acid reduces harmful effects of salt stress in Tropaeolum majus
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Silva, João H. B. da
; Silva, Adjair J. da
; Silva, Toshik I. da
; Henschel, Juliane M.
; Lopes, Adriano S.
; Alves, Júlio C. G.
; Silva, Ramon F. da
; Araújo, Daniele B.
; Santos, João P. de O.
; Martins, Arthur H. P. da C.
; Nascimento, Marlene P. do
; Leal, Márcia P. da S.
; Rego, Mailson M. do
; Dias, Thiago J.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
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RESUMO O estresse salino limita o crescimento e a fisiologia da capuchinha (Tropaeolum majus), devido a distúrbios bioquímicos, fisiológicos e anatômicos. A aplicação de ácido salicílico é uma alternativa para mitigar os efeitos prejudiciais do estresse salino, no entanto, em capuchinha os estudos são escassos. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de ácido salicílico via foliar em capuchinha cultivada sob estresse salino. O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, referente a 0 (sem estresse) 50 (estresse salino moderado) e 100 (estresse salino severo) mM de NaCl e aplicação de 0, 0,5 e 1 mM de ácido salicílico, com seis repetições. O crescimento (altura de planta, diâmetro do caule e número de folhas), trocas gasosas (condutância estomática, fotossíntese, transpiração, concentração interna de CO2, eficiência intrínseca do uso da água, eficiência instantânea do uso da água e eficiência intrínseca de carboxilação) e os índices de clorofila e fluorescência da clorofila a foram avaliados. O estresse salino afetou as variáveis analisadas neste estudo. A aplicação de ácido salicílico teve um efeito positivo na mitigação dos efeitos do estresse salino severo, resultando em um aumento significativo no número de folhas, sendo a dose mais eficaz a concentração de 1 mM, levando ainda, a melhorias notáveis na eficiência no uso da água e na eficiência fotoquímica. No entanto, as demais combinações de salinidade e ácido salicílico reduziram o crescimento e as trocas gasosas nas plantas de capuchinha. Tropaeolum majus, majus , majus) bioquímicos anatômicos entanto escassos Assim objetivouse objetivou se casualizado sem 5 moderado 10 severo 05 repetições altura planta folhas folhas) condutância estomática fotossíntese transpiração CO2 CO carboxilação avaliados estudo ainda fotoquímica
ABSTRACT Salt stress hampers the growth and physiology of nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus), due to biochemical, physiological, and anatomical disruptions. The application of salicylic acid stands as an alternative to alleviate the detrimental effects of salt stress, but studies on nasturtium are scarce. Thus, the aim of present study was to assess the effects of foliar application of salicylic acid on nasturtium cultivated under salt stress. The experiment followed a completely randomized design in a 3 x 3 factorial scheme, with 0 (no stress), 50 (moderate salt stress), and 100 (severe salt stress) mM of NaCl, and application of 0, 0.5, and 1 mM of salicylic acid, each with six replications. Growth (plant height, stem diameter, and number of leaves), gas exchange (stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, transpiration, internal CO2 concentration, intrinsic water use efficiency, instantaneous water use efficiency, and intrinsic carboxylation efficiency), as well as chlorophyll indices and chlorophyll a fluorescence were evaluated. Salt stress affected the variables analyzed in this study. The application of salicylic acid had a positive effect on mitigating the effects of severe salt stress, resulting in a significant increase in the number of leaves. The most effective dose was 1 mM, also leading to notable improvements in water use efficiency and photochemical efficiency. However, other combinations of salinity and salicylic acid reduced growth and gas exchange in nasturtium plants. Tropaeolum majus, majus , majus) biochemical physiological disruptions scarce Thus scheme no 5 moderate 10 NaCl 05 0.5 replications plant height diameter leaves, leaves leaves) stomatal conductance photosynthesis transpiration CO concentration efficiency) evaluated However plants 0.
In silico and Experimental Assessments Applied to Preliminary Identification of New Illicit Substances Structures
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Lopes, Karen P. S.
; Lucena, Maria C. C.
; Lopes, Thiago Inacio B.
; Silva, Ámison R. L. da
; Silva, Leonardo P. da
; Monteiro, Norberto K. V.
; Lima-Neto, Pedro de
; Ricardo, Nágila M. P. S.
This is an initial study using infrared (IR) in silico data as a standard database in preliminary method for new synthetic seized drugs. For this purpose, ten of the most common synthetic illicit seized substances on the Brazilian market were compared and computational chemistry was used as a tool for theoretical standard database. Infrared data from standard electronic library, experimental data from seized samples and data simulated by Density Functional Theory (DFT) were evaluated. The feasibility of the method was based on the degree of correlation of evaluated data. The results suggest that the computational methodology can be a viable way to analyze the structures of new synthetic drugs and obtain preliminary infrared profiles. Correlations data indicated a presumptive identification of the analyzed samples and it was also possible to observe a preliminary identification of drugs in five classes. However, it was observed that some synthetic cathinones and phenylethylamines were confused with amphetamines. Therefore, new studies must be developed to optimize the use of these data, because the simulated IR spectra can be advantageous to evaluate the profile of possible substances that may be synthesized in the future. (IR purpose library DFT (DFT profiles classes However amphetamines Therefore future
Economic, environmental and social threats of a mining exploration proposal on indigenous lands of Brazil Economic
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; ALVARENGA, Gabriela do Valle
; SANTOS-SILVA, Lorhaine
; TEIXIDO, Alberto L.
; IZZO, Thiago J.
RESUMO O desmatamento, a mineração, a poluição e a construção de usinas hidrelétricas estão entre os principais riscos para as comunidades biológicas, os ecossistemas e os povos indígenas. Na Amazônia brasileira, historicamente tem havido pressão política para reduzir os direitos constitucionais dos povos indígenas, especialmente no que diz respeito às atividades de mineração e à construção de usinas hidrelétricas. Isso culminou em uma proposta de lei que permite a mineração em terras indígenas (PL 191/2020), proposta durante o último mandato presidencial no Brasil (2018-2022), que gerou um acalorado debate tanto na esfera jurídica quanto na esfera ética. Neste artigo apresentamos argumentos objetivos para os efeitos negativos da mineração em terras indígenas, usando o PL 191/2020 como modelo para debater as consequências de tais políticas para a biodiversidade, os serviços ecossistêmicos, o aumento dos riscos para os seres humanos devido a poluentes e epidemias, e como esta lei viola os principais objetivos da Agenda 2030 para o desenvolvimento sustentável. Particularmente na Amazônia brasileira, os efeitos negativos desta lei sobre a qualidade de vida humana, a economia e os ecossistemas são maiores do que os supostos efeitos positivos projetados para o futuro. Sugerimos repensar a viabilidade da mineração em terras indígenas e reiterar a importância de conservar intactas essas terras e outras áreas protegidas na Amazônia como patrimônio de todos os brasileiros e da humanidade em geral. desmatamento biológicas brasileira 191/2020, 1912020 , 191 2020 191/2020) 20182022, 20182022 2018 2022 (2018-2022) ética 191/202 biodiversidade ecossistêmicos epidemias 203 sustentável humana futuro geral 191202 19 202 2018202 201 (2018-2022 191/20 20 19120 1 201820 (2018-202 191/2 2 1912 20182 (2018-20 191/ (2018-2 (2018- (2018 (201 (20 (2 (
ABSTRACT Deforestation, mining, pollution and the construction of hydroelectric plants are among the main risks for biological communities, ecosystems and indigenous peoples. In the Brazilian Amazon, historically there has been political pressure to reduce the constitutional rights of indigenous peoples, especially regarding mining activities and the construction of hydroelectric plants. This culminated in a law proposal allowing mining in indigenous lands (PL 191/2020), proposed during the last presidential term in Brazil (2018-2022), which sparked a heated debate in both the legal and ethical spheres. In this article we present objective arguments for the negative effects of mining on indigenous lands, using PL 191/2020 as a model to debate the consequences of such policies for biodiversity, ecosystem services, increased risks for humans due to pollutants and epidemics, and how this law violates the main objectives of the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. Particularly in the Brazilian Amazon, the negative effects of this law on human life quality, economy and the ecosystems are greater than the supposed positive effects projected into the future. We suggest rethinking the feasibility of mining on indigenous lands and reiterate the importance of conserving these lands and other protected areas in the Amazon intact as a heritage of all Brazilians and the wider human kind. Deforestation communities peoples 191/2020, 1912020 , 191 2020 191/2020) 20182022, 20182022 2018 2022 (2018-2022) spheres 191/202 biodiversity services epidemics 203 development quality future kind 191202 19 202 2018202 201 (2018-2022 191/20 20 19120 1 201820 (2018-202 191/2 2 1912 20182 (2018-20 191/ (2018-2 (2018- (2018 (201 (20 (2 (
Microporous Nitrogen-Doped Activated Biochars Derived from Corn: Use of Husk Waste and Urea for CO2 Capture NitrogenDoped Nitrogen Doped Corn CO
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Hisse, Danilo
; Bessa, Isabela A. A.
; Silva, Ludmila P. C.
; Silva, Aline F. M. da
; Araujo, Joyce R.
; Archanjo, Bráulio S.
; Soares, André V. H.
; Passos, Fabio B.
; Carneiro, José W. M.
; Santos, Thiago C. dos
; Ronconi, Célia M.
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
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The increase in anthropogenic activity over time has led to an exponential increase in greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2. Proftable technologies for CO2 capture and separation are conspicuous, and porous biochars derived from biomass waste can be a useful solution. Herein, we produced activated nitrogen-doped biochars for CO2 capture from corn husk waste, urea and K2CO3, named N-Bio-X (X = 600, 700, and 800 °C). N-Bio-X exhibited microporosity and different nitrogen contents and thus played an important role in the adsorption of CO2. N-Bio-700 exhibited the highest CO2 adsorption capacity, fastest adsorption kinetics and excellent stability after multiple adsorption-desorption cycles. N-Bio-600 showed excellent CO2/N2 selectivity, induced by nitrogen sites, particularly pyridinic and graphitic nitrogen. The cost-effectiveness of the raw material, coupled with its high adsorption capacity, rapid kinetics, and stable properties, provided highly promising N-doped biochars for practical implementation in CO2 capture and separations in postcombustion processes. emissions CO conspicuous solution Herein nitrogendoped doped K2CO3 KCO K NBioX N Bio X 600 700 80 °C. C °C . °C) NBio700 NBio N-Bio-70 capacity adsorptiondesorption desorption cycles NBio600 N-Bio-60 CO2N2 CON N2 CO2/N selectivity sites costeffectiveness cost effectiveness material properties Ndoped processes K2CO 60 70 8 NBio70 N-Bio-7 NBio60 N-Bio-6 CO2N 6 7 NBio7 N-Bio- NBio6 N-Bio
Effects of Gamma Radiation on Microbial Load and Chemical Constituents from Stem Barks of Luehea ochrophylla
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Araújo, Clináscia R. R.
; Silva, Thiago M.
; Siqueira, Ezequias P.
; Kohlhoff, Markus
; Pereira, Márcio T.
; Krambrock, Klaus
; Takahashi, Jacqueline A.
; Ferreira, Dalva E. C.
; Rocha, Willian R.
; Alcântara, Antônio F. C.
Gamma radiation is an effective method for microbial decontamination of plant materials. However, this treatment can induce changes in the chemical structure of plant constituents. Stem barks of Luehea ochrophylla were exposed to different doses of gamma radiation to evaluate decontamination efficiency and changes in chemical composition of plant material including phenolic fraction. The major microbial contaminants of non-irradiated samples were isolated and identified as the fungal species Eurotium chevalieri L. Mangin and Lecythophora decumbens. The dose of 5.0 kGy was effective to achieve total decontamination of the stem barks of L. ochrophylla. The formation of free radicals was verified in the plant material using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, and was supposed to be related to the trans-aconitic acid, a plant constituent. It was the only secondary metabolite to have its concentration significantly altered with radiation in phenolic fraction, as observed by liquid chromatography with diode array detector coupled to mass spectroscopy (LC-DAD-MS). The trans-aconitic acid was isolated and exposed to gamma radiation in aqueous medium. Its concentration decreased after exposition to a dose of 3.0 kGy, corroborating the supposition of its degradation. Citric acid was the main radiolytic product formed by irradiation of trans-aconitic acid in the presence of water. materials However constituents fraction nonirradiated non irradiated L decumbens 50 5 0 5. transaconitic trans aconitic constituent LCDADMS. LCDADMS LC DAD MS . (LC-DAD-MS) medium 30 3 3. degradation water (LC-DAD-MS
Coleoptera of Brazil: what we knew then and what we know now. Insights from the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil Brazil now
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Caron, Edilson
; Monné, Marcela L.
; Ferreira, Vinicius S.
; Costa, Cleide
; Cupello, Mario
; Aloquio, Sergio
; Linzmeier, Adelita M.
; Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z.
; Leivas, Fernando W.T.
; Souza-Gonçalves, Igor
; Mermudes, José R.M.
; Almeida, Lúcia M.
; Moura, Luciano de A.
; Ferreira Júnior, Nelson
; Grossi, Paschoal C.
; Vanin, Sergio A.
; Ślipiński, Adam
; Anichtchenko, Alexander
; Newton, Alfred F.
; Sampaio, Aline
; Carelli, Allan
; Puker, Anderson
; Ferreira, André da S.
; Fernandes, André S.
; Roza, André S.
; Cline, Andrew
; Sampaio, Brunno H.L.
; Clarkson, Bruno
; Castro, Camila F. de
; Bicho, Carla de L.
; Benetti, César J.
; Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S.
; Lopes-Andrade, Cristiano
; Manfio, Daiara
; Colpani, Daniara
; Basílio, Daniel S.
; Bená, Daniela de C.
; Pollock, Darren A.
; Souza, Diego de S.
; Rodrigues, Diego F.
; Chandler, Donald S.
; Nascimento, Elynton A. do
; Spiessberger, Erich L.
; Agrain, Federico A.
; Barbosa, Felipe F.
; Shockley, Floyd
; Nascimento, Francisco E. de L.
; Biffi, Gabriel
; Powell, Gareth S.
; Morse, Geoffrey E.
; Flores, Gustavo E.
; Escalona, Hermes
; Quintino, Hingrid Y.S.
; Rainho, Hugo L.
; Maddalena, Italo S.C.P.
; Hájek, Jiří
; McHugh, Joseph V.
; Botero, Juan P.
; Fuhrmann, Juares
; Churata-Salcedo, Julissa M.
; Vieira, Letícia M.
; Silveira, Luiz F.L. da
; Cruz, Luiza S. da
; Sekerka, Lukás
; Bologna, Marco A.
; Bevilaqua, Marcus V.O.
; Passos, Maria I.
; Chamorro, Maria L.
; Cherman, Mariana A.
; Bento, Matheus
; Gimmel, Matthew
; Segura, Melissa O.
; Ivie, Michael A.
; Thomas, Michael C.
; Monné, Miguel A.
; Lord, Nathan
; Hamada, Neusa
; Degallier, Nicolas
; Santos, Paula B. dos
; Duarte, Paulo R.M.
; Gnaspini, Pedro
; Bulirsch, Petr
; Regalin, Renato
; Leschen, Richard A.B.
; Constantin, Robert
; Corrêa, Rodrigo C.
; Gerstmeier, Roland
; Rosa, Simone P.
; Campos, Stéphanie V.N.
; Peck, Stewart B.
; Pacheco, Thaynara L.
; Polizei, Thiago T.S.
; McElrath, Thomas C.
; Grzymala, Traci L.
; Smith, Trevor R.
; Costa-Silva, Vinicius da
; Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E.
; Sousa, Wesley O. de
; Tomaszewska, Wioletta
ABSTRACT In 2000, Cleide Costa published a paper presenting the state of knowledge of the Neotropical Coleopte ra, with a focus on the Brazilian fauna. Twenty-four years later, thanks to the development of the Coleoptera section of the Taxonomic Catalog of the Brazilian Fauna (CTFB - Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil) through the collaboration of 100 coleopterists from all over the globe, we can build on Costa’s work and present an updated overview of the state of knowledge of the beetles from Brazil. There are currently 35,699 species in 4,958 genera and 116 families known to occur in the country, including representatives of all extant suborders and superfamilies. Our data show that the Brazilian beetle fauna is the richest on the planet, concentrating 9% of the world species diversity, with some estimates accounting to up to 15% of the global total. The most diverse family in numbers of genera is Cerambycidae (1,056 genera), while in number of species it is Chrysomelidae (6,079 species). Conotrachelus Dejean, 1835 (Curculionidae) is the most species-rich genus, with 570 species. The French entomologist Maurice Pic is the author who has contributed the most to the naming of species recorded from Brazil, with 1,794 valid names in 36 families, whereas the Brazilians Ubirajara R. Martins and Maria Helena M. Galileo are the only ones among the top-ten authors to have named species in the 21st century. Currently, approximately 144 new species of Brazilian beetles are described each year, and this average is projected to increase in the next decade to 180 species per year, or about one new Brazilian beetle every two days. 2000 ra Twentyfour Twenty four later CTFB Brasil 10 globe Costas s Brazil 35699 35 699 35,69 4958 4 958 4,95 11 country superfamilies planet 9 diversity 15 total 1,056 1056 1 056 (1,05 genera, , genera) 6,079 6079 6 079 (6,07 . species) Dejean 183 Curculionidae (Curculionidae speciesrich rich genus 57 1794 794 1,79 3 R M topten top ten st century Currently 14 year 18 days 200 3569 69 35,6 495 95 4,9 1,05 105 05 (1,0 6,07 607 07 (6,0 5 179 79 1,7 20 356 35, 49 4, 1,0 0 (1, 6,0 60 (6, 17 7 1, 2 (1 6, (6 (
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Silva, Anthony da
; Souza, Jéssica M. de
; Pádua, Geilly Mara S. de
; Santos, Arielly Celestino Rodrigues
; Vasconcelos, Leonardo G. de
; Dall’Óglio, Evandro Luiz
; Bellete, Barbara S.
; Veiga, Thiago André M.
; Vieira, Lucas C. C.
; Sampaio, Olívia M.
The process of photosynthesis involves the absorption of light energy by photosynthetic pigments found in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts in order to produce chemical energy. In the presence of photosynthetic inhibitors, plant development is affected mainly by the reduction of the electron chain, which leads to growth inhibition. In this context, chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence is an important technique used to identify the effects of inhibitors on the photosynthetic apparatus employing the JIP-test, which correlates the Chl a fluorescence transient to biophysical parameters, providing valuable information about the efficiency of photosystems I and II. Natural products have been highlighted as photosynthesis inhibitors due to the continued use of synthetic herbicides, which leads to the development of invasive plants resistant to these pesticides, in addition to the toxicity caused to humans and the environment. Thus, this review describes the main applications of extracts and isolated secondary metabolites obtained from plants and microorganisms in the investigation of electron transport inhibition on photosystem II. chain context JIPtest, JIPtest JIP test, test JIP-test parameters II herbicides pesticides environment Thus
Salicylic acid and polymer on the quality of cowpea seeds grown under water deficit
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Gonçalves, Anderson C. de M.
; Sousa, Caio da S.
; Lima, Alex S. de
; Silva, Toshik I. da
; Albuquerque, José de A. A. de
; Mesquita, Evandro F. de
; Dias, Thiago J.
; Pereira, Walter E.
; Alves, José M. A.
; Vilarinho, Aloisio A.
; Monteiro Neto, João L. L.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
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RESUMO O feijão-caupi é a terceira leguminosa mais cultivada no mundo, seu cultivo pode ser destinado tanto para grãos quanto para sementes. As plantas para a produção de sementes quando expostas a déficit hídrico, pode comprometer suas qualidades físicas e fisiológicas, necessitando do desenvolvimento de estratégias que minimizem seus danos, como a aplicação de ácido salicílico e de polímero HumigelPlus®. Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a aplicação de concentrações de ácido salicílico e polímero HumigelPlus® para reduzir os efeitos do déficit hídrico na qualidade física e fisiológica de sementes de feijão-caupi. As sementes crioulas de feijão-caupi utilizadas neste estudo foram provenientes de dois experimentos de campo (verão e primavera). Os tratamentos foram compostos por cinco concentrações de ácido salicílico (0; 0,29; 1; 1,71 e 2 mM) e cinco concentrações de polímero HumigelPlus® (0; 0,29; 1; 1,71 e 2%) combinadas de acordo com a matriz experimental Composto Central de Box e uma testemunha (ausência de déficit hídrico e de aplicação de concentrações de ácido salicílico e polímero HumigelPlus®). Os valores da condutividade elétrica, germinação, emergência, peso e teor de água de sementes de feijão-caupi foram maiores com a aplicação de concentrações de ácido salicílico (mM) e de polímero HumigelPlus® (%) entre 0,29 e 2, independentemente da estação do ano. A aplicação de concentrações de ácido salicílico (mM) e de polímero HumigelPlus® (%) entre 0,29 e 2, tanto no cultivo de verão, como no cultivo de primavera, reduz os efeitos do déficit hídrico na qualidade física e fisiológica de sementes de feijão-caupi. feijãocaupi feijão caupi mundo fisiológicas danos HumigelPlus Objetivouse Objetivou se feijãocaupi. caupi. verão primavera. primavera . primavera) 0 (0 029 29 1 171 71 1,7 mM 2% ausência HumigelPlus®) elétrica germinação emergência (mM % (% 0,2 ano ( 02 17 7 1, 0,
ABSTRACT Cowpea is the third most cultivated legume in the world, and its cultivation can be intended for both grains and seeds. Plants intended for seed production, when exposed to water deficit, may compromise their physical and physiological quality, necessitating the development of strategies to minimize their damage, such as the application of salicylic acid and HumigelPlus® polymer. The objective of this study was to evaluate salicylic acid and HumigelPlus® polymer concentrations to reduce the effects of water deficit on the physical and physiological quality of cowpea seeds. The landrace cowpea seeds used in this study were sourced from two field experiments (Summer and spring). The treatments consisted of five concentrations of salicylic acid (0, 0.29, 1, 1.71, and 2 mM) and five concentrations of HumigelPlus® polymer (0, 0.29, 1, 1.71, and 2%) combined according to the Central Composite Design and a control group (absence of water deficit and application of salicylic acid and HumigelPlus® polymer). The values of electrical conductivity, germination, emergence, weight, and water content of cowpea seeds were higher with the application of salicylic acid (mM) and HumigelPlus® polymer (%) concentrations between 0.29 and 2, regardless of the season. The application of salicylic acid (mM) and HumigelPlus® polymer (%) concentrations between 0.29 and 2, both in summer and spring cultivation, reduces the effects of water deficit on the physical and physiological quality of cowpea seeds. world production damage HumigelPlus Summer spring. . spring) 0, 0 (0 029 29 1 171 71 1.71 mM 2% absence polymer) conductivity germination emergence weight (mM % (% 0.2 season ( 02 17 7 1.7 0. 1.
Cattle manure and humic substances improve organic bell pepper production in the Semiarid Region of Brazil
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Silva, Ramon F. da
; Dias, Thiago J.
; Dias, Bruno de O.
; Silva, Toshik I. da
; Batista, Diego S.
; Pereira, Walter E.
; Sousa, Valéria F. de O.
; Leal, Márcia P. da S.
; Targino, Vitor A.
; Silva, Ítalo L. de M.
; Meneses, Carlos H. S. G.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
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RESUMO O pimentão é uma olerícola de importância mundial. O uso de substâncias húmicas pode elevar a eficiência de absorção nutricional reduzindo a quantidade de resíduos orgânicos aplicados no solo. Assim sendo, objetivou-se avaliar doses de esterco bovino associadas a substâncias húmicas para elevar a produção de pimentão. O delineamento em blocos casualizados distribuído em arranjo fatorial com quatro doses de esterco bovino (8, 18, 28 e 38 t ha-1) e três doses de substâncias húmicas (0, 8 e 12 kg ha-1), quatro repetições foi utilizado. As substâncias húmicas influenciaram nas características produtivas, obtendo-se valores máximos de peso médio de fruto (140,02 g), diâmetro de fruto (75,73 mm) aplicando 8 t ha-1 de esterco associado a 8 g ha-1 de substâncias húmicas, como também, obteve-se valor máximo de comprimento de fruto (80,94 mm) aplicando 8 t ha-1 de esterco associado a 12 kg ha-1 de substâncias húmicas. A produção máxima de 1,2 kg por planta e 60,14 t ha-1, obteve-se aplicando 38 t ha-1 de esterco associado a 12 kg ha-1 de substâncias húmicas. A associação de substâncias húmicas com esterco bovino aumentou a produção orgânica de pimentão nas condições edafoclimáticas do Semiárido. mundial solo sendo objetivouse objetivou se 8, (8 18 2 3 ha1 ha 1 0, 0 (0 ha1, , utilizado produtivas obtendose obtendo 140,02 14002 140 02 (140,0 g, g) 75,73 7573 75 73 (75,7 mm ha- também obtevese obteve 80,94 8094 80 94 (80,9 1, 6014 60 14 60,1 Semiárido ( 140,0 1400 (140, 75,7 757 7 (75, 80,9 809 9 (80, 601 6 60, 140, (140 75, (75 80, (80 (14 (7 (1
ABSTRACT Bell pepper is a globally important vegetable. The use of humic substances can enhance nutrient absorption efficiency, reducing the amounts of organic residues applied to the soil. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate cattle manure rates combined with humic substance rates to increase bell pepper production. A randomized block design with four replicates was used, in a 4 × 3 factorial arrangement consisted of four cattle manure doses (8, 18, 28, and 38 Mg ha-1) and three humic substance doses (0, 8, and 12 kg ha-1). Humic substances affected bell pepper production characteristics; the highest mean fruit weight per plant (140.02 g) and fruit diameter (75.73 mm) were obtained when applying 8 Mg ha-1 of manure combined with 8 kg ha-1 of humic substances. Similarly, the greatest fruit length (80.94 mm) was found when applying 8 Mg ha-1 of manure combined with 12 kg ha-1 of humic substances. The highest yields (1.2 kg per plant and 60.14 Mg ha-1) were obtained when applying 38 Mg ha-1 of manure combined with 12 kg ha-1 of humic substances. The combination of humic substances and cattle manure increased the organic production of bell peppers under the edaphoclimatic conditions of the Semiarid region of Brazil. vegetable efficiency soil Therefore used (8 18 28 ha1 ha 1 0, 0 (0 ha1. . characteristics 140.02 14002 140 02 (140.0 g 75.73 7573 75 73 (75.7 mm ha- Similarly 80.94 8094 80 94 (80.9 1.2 2 (1. 6014 60 14 60.1 Brazil ( 140.0 1400 (140. 75.7 757 7 (75. 80.9 809 9 (80. 1. (1 601 6 60. 140. (140 75. (75 80. (80 (14 (7
Evaluation of Nitrogen-Doped Adsorbents Based on Reduced Graphene Oxide as Platforms for CO2 Capture NitrogenDoped Nitrogen Doped CO
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Ribeiro, Matheus G.
; Bessa, Isabela A. A.
; Silva, Aline F. M. da
; Ligiero, Carolina B. P
; Osta, Leonardo O.
; Silva, Ludmila P C.
; Araujo, Joyce R.
; Archanjo, Bráulio S.
; Ronconi, Célia M.
; Santos, Thiago C. dos
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society
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CO2 emissions into the atmosphere have been rapidly rising due to human activities, resulting in the escalation of global warming. To mitigate climate change, it is imperative to develop materials for CO2 capture with high CO2 capacity and low production costs. Herein, we developed a facile method to obtain adsorbents based on reduced graphene oxide (rGO) sheets, NrGO(1 – X)700, where X represents the mass of diethylenetriamine (DETA) (X = 1, 2 and 4 g) used in the preparation. The materials NrGO(1 – 1)700, NrGO (1 – 2)700, and NrGO(1 – 4)700 were obtained from graphene oxide dispersions, followed by DETA impregnation and chemical activation with K2CO3. N2 isotherms demonstrated that the materials simultaneously presented micro and mesopores with similar values of specific surface area (280.16 to 310.32 m2 g–1), pore volume (0.26 to 0.28 cm3 g–1) and pore size (3.78 to 3.80 nm). CO2 sorption experiments revealed that the material NrGO(1 – 4)700, containing the highest amount of pyridinic, graphitic, and amino nitrogen functionalities, showed the best CO2 adsorption capacity. Diffuse reflectance Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy experiments indicated stronger solid-gas interactions for NrGO(1 – 4)700 than for the other materials. CO activities warming change costs Herein rGO (rGO sheets NrGO1 1 NrGO( X700, X700 700, 700 X)700 (DETA g preparation 1700, 1700 1)700 ( 2700, 2700 2)700 4700 4)70 dispersions K2CO3 KCO K N 280.16 28016 280 16 (280.1 31032 310 32 310.3 m g–1, g1 g–1 , 0.26 026 0 26 (0.2 028 28 0.2 cm 3.78 378 3 78 (3.7 380 80 3.8 nm. nm . nm) 4700, pyridinic graphitic functionalities solidgas solid gas X70 70 X)70 170 1)70 270 2)70 470 4)7 K2CO 280.1 2801 (280. 3103 31 310. g– 02 (0. 0. 3.7 37 7 (3. 38 8 3. X7 X)7 17 1)7 27 2)7 47 4) 280. (280 (0 (3 X) 1) 2) (28 (2
Foliar diagnosis of common arrowroot propagated by different forms and fertilized with biofertilizer
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Lima, Ana K. B.
; Costa, Rafael S. da
; Borges, Francisca R. M.
; Dias, Thiago J.
; Mamede, George L.
; Amorim, Aiala V.
; Silva, Mateus G. J. B.
; Lourencio, Rosaliny de C.
; Melo Junior, Madson F. de
; Marinho, Albanise B.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
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RESUMO A araruta (Maranta arundinaceae) é uma planta alimentícia não convencional (PANC) que apresenta propriedades nutricionais relevantes. No entanto, poucos estudos sobre a espécie quanto às suas formas de propagação e sua nutrição foram realizados. Paralelamente, o biofertilizante fornece nutrientes e estimula o desenvolvimento das espécies, pois promove melhorias nas propriedades do solo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo neste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes formas de propagação e doses de biofertilizante na nutrição da araruta. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, avaliando três formas de propagação (rizoma inteiro, parte do rizoma e caule) e utilizando cinco doses de biofertilizante (0, 300, 600, 900 e 1200 mL por planta semana-1). Aos 268 dias após o plantio foi realizada a coleta das folhas para análise do teor de macro e micronutrientes foliares. Plantas propagadas por haste apresentam menor acúmulo de N, P, K, S e maior acúmulo de Na, em relação às demais formas de propagação. Os teores de N e K foram incrementados pela aplicação do biofertilizante, alcançando valores de 20,8 e 18,2 g kg-1 nas doses de 1200 e 955 mL por planta semana-1, respectivamente. O acúmulo dos micronutrientes foi influenciado pelas formas de propagação e pelas doses de biofertilizante, apresentando respostas positivas, especialmente para o Zn na dose máxima. A propagação por rizoma inteiro e as doses entre 600 e 1200 mL por planta semana-1 são as recomendadas para que se obtenha os melhores resultados nutricionais na araruta. Maranta arundinaceae PANC (PANC relevantes entanto realizados Paralelamente espécies solo contexto subdivididas caule 0, 0 (0 300 90 120 semana1. semana1 semana 1 . semana-1) 26 foliares P Na 208 20 8 20, 182 18 2 18, kg1 kg kg- 95 semana1, 1, respectivamente positivas máxima 60 semana- ( 30 9 12 6 3
ABSTRACT Arrowroot (Maranta arundinaceae) is a unconventional food plant (UFP) that has relevant nutritional properties. However, few studies on the species regarding its forms of propagation and its nutrition have been performed. In parallel, biofertilizer provides nutrients and stimulates the development of species, as it promotes improvements in soil properties. In this context, the objective in this study was to evaluate the effect of different forms of propagation and doses of biofertilizer on arrowroot nutrition. A randomized block experimental design in a split-plot scheme, evaluating three forms of propagation (whole rhizome, part of the rhizome and stem) and five doses of biofertilizer (0, 300, 600, 900 and 1200 mL per plant week-1) was used. At 268 days after planting, the leaves were collected for analysis of leaf macro and micronutrient contents. Plants propagated by stem have lower accumulation of N, P, K and S and higher accumulation of Na, compared to the other forms of propagation. N and K contents were increased by the application of biofertilizer, reaching values of 20.8 and 18.2 g kg-1 at doses of 1200 and 955 mL per plant week-1, respectively. Accumulation of micronutrients was influenced by the forms of propagation and doses of biofertilizer, showing positive responses, especially for Zn at the maximum dose. Propagation by whole rhizome and doses from 600 to 1200 mL per plant week-1 are recommended to obtain the best nutritional results in arrowroot. Maranta arundinaceae UFP (UFP properties However performed parallel context splitplot split plot scheme 0, 0 (0 300 90 120 week1 week 1 used 26 planting P Na 208 20 8 20. 182 18 2 18. kg1 kg kg- 95 week1, 1, respectively responses dose 60 week- ( 30 9 12 6 3
Factors associated with mortality of patients with COVID-19 on invasive mechanical ventilation: A retrospective cohort study in a university hospital in Northeastern Brazil COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 ventilation COVID1 1 COVID-
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Abstract The aim of this study is to identify the factors associated with mortality in patients with COVID-19 undergoing invasive mechanical ventilation at a university hospital in Northeastern Brazil. This is a retrospective cohort from April to August 2020 through an analysis of medical records, considering the demographic profile, comorbidities, complications, supports, respiratory and laboratory parameters. A total of 65 patients required invasive mechanical ventilation, of which 64.6% died in the ICU. They were older, had more comorbidities, shorter length of stay in the intensive care unit, received more support such as palliative care and two vasopressors simultaneously, showed lower levels of pH, hemoglobin and calcium, and higher levels of bicarbonate, lactate, prothrombin time, international normalized ratio, troponin and ferritin at the start of invasive mechanical ventilation. Furthermore, the time course of pH, arterial oxygen partial pressure to fractional inspired oxygen ratio, arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure, lactate, hemoglobin, platelets, lymphocytes, neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio, coagulation parameters, calcium, urea, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase, ferritin, static compliance, airway resistance, tidal volume, and noradrenaline doses showed association with mortality. There was a high mortality rate in invasively mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients, with some associated factors identified at the start of invasive mechanical ventilation and others identified over time. COVID19 COVID 19 COVID-1 Brazil 202 records profile comorbidities complications supports parameters 6 646 64 64.6 ICU older unit simultaneously pH calcium bicarbonate lactate ratio Furthermore platelets lymphocytes neutrophiltolymphocyte neutrophil lymphocyte urea aminotransferase phosphatase compliance resistance volume COVID1 1 COVID- 20 64. 2
Construction and evaluation of alternative tension infiltrometer in Oxisol under wood ash management
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Duarte, Thiago F.
; Silva, Patrícia F.
; Bonfim-Silva, Edna M.
; Silva, Tonny J. A.
; Meneghetti, Luana A. M.
; Dong, Xuejun
; Matos, Maísa de O.
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
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RESUMO O infiltrômetro de tensão é um equipamento que tem o potencial de avaliar os efeitos da aplicação de corretivos do solo, como a cinza de madeira, no processo de infiltração de água no solo. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se construir e verificar a eficácia do infiltrômetro de tensão alternativo e avaliar a infiltração de água em Latossolo sob cultivo de pastagem adubada com cinza vegetal incorporada e não incorporada. Para quantificar a infiltração de água em Oxisol sob cultivo de capim Urochloa brizantha, as avaliações de infiltração utilizando o infiltrômetro de tensão alternativo foram realizadas em condições de campo em triplicata, totalizando 60 medições. Os tratamentos no campo experimental foram constituídos por dois fatores: duas formas de aplicação de cinza de madeira (incorporado e não incorporado) e cinco doses de cinza de madeira (0, 8, 16, 24 e 32 g dm-3). A infiltração acumulada variou com os diferentes métodos de aplicação e doses de cinza de madeira. A velocidade de infiltração de água foi maior nos tratamentos com aplicação de cinza de madeira não incorporada. O infiltrômetro de tensão proposto mostrou-se eficaz na quantificação da infiltração de água em solos com diferentes condições de manejo. solo contexto objetivouse objetivou se brizantha triplicata 6 medições fatores incorporado 0, 0 (0 8 16 2 3 dm3. dm3 dm . dm-3) mostrouse mostrou manejo ( 1 dm-3 dm-
ABSTRACT The tension infiltrometer has the potential to evaluate the effects of applying soil amendments, such as wood ash, on the process of water infiltration into soil. In this context, the aim of this study was to construct and verify the effectiveness of the alternative tension infiltrometer and evaluate water infiltration in Oxisol under pasture cultivation fertilized with incorporated and unincorporated wood ash. To quantify water infiltration in Oxisol under Urochloa brizantha grass cultivation, infiltration assessments using the alternative tension infiltrometer were performed under field conditions in triplicate, for a total of 60 measurements. The treatments in the experimental field consisted of two factors: two wood ash application regimes (incorporated and unincorporated) and five wood ash doses (0, 8, 16, 24, and 32 g dm-3). Cumulative infiltration varied with the different application methods and doses of wood ash. The rate of water infiltration was higher in the treatments with unincorporated wood ash application. The proposed tension infiltrometer proved to be effective in quantifying water infiltration in soils under different management conditions. amendments context triplicate 6 measurements factors 0, 0 (0 8 16 24 3 dm3. dm3 dm . dm-3) ( 1 2 dm-3 dm-
Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: Setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil Brasil
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Boeger, Walter A.
; Valim, Michel P.
; Zaher, Hussam
; Rafael, José A.
; Forzza, Rafaela C.
; Percequillo, Alexandre R.
; Serejo, Cristiana S.
; Garraffoni, André R.S.
; Santos, Adalberto J.
; Slipinski, Adam
; Linzmeier, Adelita M.
; Calor, Adolfo R.
; Garda, Adrian A.
; Kury, Adriano B.
; Fernandes, Agatha C.S.
; Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I.
; Akama, Alberto
; Silva Neto, Alberto M. da
; Burbano, Alejandro L.
; Menezes, Aleksandra
; Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre
; Anichtchenko, Alexander
; Lees, Alexander C.
; Bezerra, Alexandra M.R.
; Domahovski, Alexandre C.
; Pimenta, Alexandre D.
; Aleixo, Alexandre L.P.
; Marceniuk, Alexandre P.
; Paula, Alexandre S. de
; Somavilla, Alexandre
; Specht, Alexandre
; Camargo, Alexssandro
; Newton, Alfred F.
; Silva, Aline A.S. da
; Santos, Aline B. dos
; Tassi, Aline D.
; Aragão, Allan C.
; Santos, Allan P.M.
; Migotto, Alvaro E.
; Mendes, Amanda C.
; Cunha, Amanda
; Chagas Júnior, Amazonas
; Sousa, Ana A.T. de
; Pavan, Ana C.
; Almeida, Ana C.S.
; Peronti, Ana L.B.G.
; Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L.
; Prudente, Ana L.
; Tourinho, Ana L.
; Pes, Ana M.O.
; Carmignotto, Ana P.
; Wengrat, Ana P.G. da Silva
; Dornellas, Ana P.S.
; Molin, Anamaria Dal
; Puker, Anderson
; Morandini, André C.
; Ferreira, André da S.
; Martins, André L.
; Esteves, André M.
; Fernandes, André S.
; Roza, André S.
; Köhler, Andreas
; Paladini, Andressa
; Andrade, Andrey J. de
; Pinto, Ângelo P.
; Salles, Anna C. de A.
; Gondim, Anne I.
; Amaral, Antonia C.Z.
; Rondón, Antonio A.A.
; Brescovit, Antonio
; Lofego, Antônio C.
; Marques, Antonio C.
; Macedo, Antonio
; Andriolo, Artur
; Henriques, Augusto L.
; Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L.
; Lima, Aurino F. de
; Barros, Ávyla R. de A.
; Brito, Ayrton do R.
; Romera, Bárbara L.V.
; Vasconcelos, Beatriz M.C. de
; Frable, Benjamin W.
; Santos, Bernardo F.
; Ferraz, Bernardo R.
; Rosa, Brunno B.
; Sampaio, Brunno H.L.
; Bellini, Bruno C.
; Clarkson, Bruno
; Oliveira, Bruno G. de
; Corrêa, Caio C.D.
; Martins, Caleb C.
; Castro-Guedes, Camila F. de
; Souto, Camilla
; Bicho, Carla de L.
; Cunha, Carlo M.
; Barboza, Carlos A. de M.
; Lucena, Carlos A.S. de
; Barreto, Carlos
; Santana, Carlos D.C.M. de
; Agne, Carlos E.Q.
; Mielke, Carlos G.C.
; Caetano, Carlos H.S.
; Flechtmann, Carlos H.W.
; Lamas, Carlos J.E.
; Rocha, Carlos
; Mascarenhas, Carolina S.
; Margaría, Cecilia B.
; Waichert, Cecilia
; Digiani, Celina
; Haddad, Célio F.B.
; Azevedo, Celso O.
; Benetti, Cesar J.
; Santos, Charles M.D. dos
; Bartlett, Charles R.
; Bonvicino, Cibele
; Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S.
; Santos, Cinthya S.G.
; Justino, Cíntia E.L.
; Canedo, Clarissa
; Bonecker, Claudia C.
; Santos, Cláudia P.
; Carvalho, Claudio J.B. de
; Gonçalves, Clayton C.
; Galvão, Cleber
; Costa, Cleide
; Oliveira, Cléo D.C. de
; Schwertner, Cristiano F.
; Andrade, Cristiano L.
; Pereira, Cristiano M.
; Sampaio, Cristiano
; Dias, Cristina de O.
; Lucena, Daercio A. de A.
; Manfio, Daiara
; Amorim, Dalton de S.
; Queiroz, Dalva L. de
; Queiroz, Dalva L. de
; Colpani, Daniara
; Abbate, Daniel
; Aquino, Daniel A.
; Burckhardt, Daniel
; Cavallari, Daniel C.
; Prado, Daniel de C. Schelesky
; Praciano, Daniel L.
; Basílio, Daniel S.
; Bená, Daniela de C.
; Toledo, Daniela G.P. de
; Takiya, Daniela M.
; Fernandes, Daniell R.R.
; Ament, Danilo C.
; Cordeiro, Danilo P.
; Silva, Darliane E.
; Pollock, Darren A.
; Muniz, David B.
; Gibson, David I.
; Nogueira, David S.
; Marques, Dayse W.A.
; Lucatelli, Débora
; Garcia, Deivys M.A.
; Baêta, Délio
; Ferreira, Denise N.M.
; Rueda-Ramírez, Diana
; Fachin, Diego A.
; Souza, Diego de S.
; Rodrigues, Diego F.
; Pádua, Diego G. de
; Barbosa, Diego N.
; Dolibaina, Diego R.
; Amaral, Diogo C.
; Chandler, Donald S.
; Maccagnan, Douglas H.B.
; Caron, Edilson
; Carvalho, Edrielly
; Adriano, Edson A.
; Abreu Júnior, Edson F. de
; Pereira, Edson H.L.
; Viegas, Eduarda F.G.
; Carneiro, Eduardo
; Colley, Eduardo
; Eizirik, Eduardo
; Santos, Eduardo F. dos
; Shimbori, Eduardo M.
; Suárez-Morales, Eduardo
; Arruda, Eliane P. de
; Chiquito, Elisandra A.
; Lima, Élison F.B.
; Castro, Elizeu B. de
; Orlandin, Elton
; Nascimento, Elynton A. do
; Razzolini, Emanuel
; Gama, Emanuel R.R.
; Araujo, Enilma M. de
; Nishiyama, Eric Y.
; Spiessberger, Erich L.
; Santos, Érika C.L. dos
; Contreras, Eugenia F.
; Galati, Eunice A.B.
; Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C. de
; Gallardo, Fabiana
; Hernandes, Fabio A.
; Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A.
; Pitombo, Fabio B.
; Dario, Fabio Di
; Santos, Fábio L. dos
; Mauro, Fabio
; Nascimento, Fabio O. do
; Olmos, Fabio
; Amaral, Fabio R.
; Schunck, Fabio
; Godoi, Fábio S. P. de
; Machado, Fabrizio M.
; Barbo, Fausto E.
; Agrain, Federico A.
; Ribeiro, Felipe B.
; Moreira, Felipe F.F.
; Barbosa, Felipe F.
; Silva, Fenanda S.
; Cavalcanti, Fernanda F.
; Straube, Fernando C.
; Carbayo, Fernando
; Carvalho Filho, Fernando
; Zanella, Fernando C.V.
; Jacinavicius, Fernando de C.
; Farache, Fernando H.A.
; Leivas, Fernando
; Dias, Fernando M.S.
; Mantellato, Fernando
; Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z.
; Gudin, Filipe M.
; Albuquerque, Flávio
; Molina, Flavio B.
; Passos, Flávio D.
; Shockley, Floyd W.
; Pinheiro, Francielly F.
; Mello, Francisco de A.G. de
; Nascimento, Francisco E. de L.
; Franco, Francisco L.
; Oliveira, Francisco L. de
; Melo, Francisco T. de V.
; Quijano, Freddy R.B.
; Salles, Frederico F.
; Biffi, Gabriel
; Queiroz, Gabriel C.
; Bizarro, Gabriel L.
; Hrycyna, Gabriela
; Leviski, Gabriela
; Powell, Gareth S.
; Santos, Geane B. dos
; Morse, Geoffrey E.
; Brown, George
; Mattox, George M.T.
; Zimbrão, Geraldo
; Carvalho, Gervásio S.
; Miranda, Gil F.G.
; Moraes, Gilberto J. de
; Lourido, Gilcélia M.
; Neves, Gilmar P.
; Moreira, Gilson R.P.
; Montingelli, Giovanna G.
; Maurício, Giovanni N.
; Marconato, Gláucia
; Lopez, Guilherme E.L.
; Silva, Guilherme L. da
; Muricy, Guilherme
; Brito, Guilherme R.R.
; Garbino, Guilherme S.T.
; Flores, Gustavo E.
; Graciolli, Gustavo
; Libardi, Gustavo S.
; Proctor, Heather C.
; Gil-Santana, Helcio R.
; Varella, Henrique R.
; Escalona, Hermes E.
; Schmitz, Hermes J.
; Rodrigues, Higor D.D.
; Galvão Filho, Hilton de C.
; Quintino, Hingrid Y.S.
; Pinto, Hudson A.
; Rainho, Hugo L.
; Miyahira, Igor C.
; Gonçalves, Igor de S.
; Martins, Inês X.
; Cardoso, Irene A.
; Oliveira, Ismael B. de
; Franz, Ismael
; Fernandes, Itanna O.
; Golfetti, Ivan F.
; S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin
; Oliveira, Ivo de S.
; Delabie, Jacques H.C.
; Oliveira, Jader de
; Prando, Jadila S.
; Patton, James L.
; Bitencourt, Jamille de A.
; Silva, Janaina M.
; Santos, Jandir C.
; Arruda, Janine O.
; Valderrama, Jefferson S.
; Dalapicolla, Jeronymo
; Oliveira, Jéssica P.
; Hájek, Jiri
; Morselli, João P.
; Narita, João P.
; Martin, João P.I.
; Grazia, Jocélia
; McHugh, Joe
; Cherem, Jorge J.
; Farias Júnior, José A.S.
; Fernandes, Jose A.M.
; Pacheco, José F.
; Birindelli, José L.O.
; Rezende, José M.
; Avendaño, Jose M.
; Duarte, José M. Barbanti
; Ribeiro, José R. Inácio
; Mermudes, José R.M.
; Pujol-Luz, José R.
; Santos, Josenilson R. dos
; Câmara, Josenir T.
; Teixeira, Joyce A.
; Prado, Joyce R. do
; Botero, Juan P.
; Almeida, Julia C.
; Kohler, Julia
; Gonçalves, Julia P.
; Beneti, Julia S.
; Donahue, Julian P.
; Alvim, Juliana
; Almeida, Juliana C.
; Segadilha, Juliana L.
; Wingert, Juliana M.
; Barbosa, Julianna F.
; Ferrer, Juliano
; Santos, Juliano F. dos
; Kuabara, Kamila M.D.
; Nascimento, Karine B.
; Schoeninger, Karine
; Campião, Karla M.
; Soares, Karla
; Zilch, Kássia
; Barão, Kim R.
; Teixeira, Larissa
; Sousa, Laura D. do N.M. de
; Dumas, Leandro L.
; Vieira, Leandro M.
; Azevedo, Leonardo H.G.
; Carvalho, Leonardo S.
; Souza, Leonardo S. de
; Rocha, Leonardo S.G.
; Bernardi, Leopoldo F.O.
; Vieira, Letícia M.
; Johann, Liana
; Salvatierra, Lidianne
; Oliveira, Livia de M.
; Loureiro, Lourdes M.A. El-moor
; Barreto, Luana B.
; Barros, Luana M.
; Lecci, Lucas
; Camargos, Lucas M. de
; Lima, Lucas R.C.
; Almeida, Lucia M.
; Martins, Luciana R.
; Marinoni, Luciane
; Moura, Luciano de A.
; Lima, Luciano
; Naka, Luciano N.
; Miranda, Lucília S.
; Salik, Lucy M.
; Bezerra, Luis E.A.
; Silveira, Luis F.
; Campos, Luiz A.
; Castro, Luiz A.S. de
; Pinho, Luiz C.
; Silveira, Luiz F.L.
; Iniesta, Luiz F.M.
; Tencatt, Luiz F.C.
; Simone, Luiz R.L.
; Malabarba, Luiz R.
; Cruz, Luiza S. da
; Sekerka, Lukas
; Barros, Lurdiana D.
; Santos, Luziany Q.
; Skoracki, Maciej
; Correia, Maira A.
; Uchoa, Manoel A.
; Andrade, Manuella F.G.
; Hermes, Marcel G.
; Miranda, Marcel S.
; Araújo, Marcel S. de
; Monné, Marcela L.
; Labruna, Marcelo B.
; Santis, Marcelo D. de
; Duarte, Marcelo
; Knoff, Marcelo
; Nogueira, Marcelo
; Britto, Marcelo R. de
; Melo, Marcelo R.S. de
; Carvalho, Marcelo R. de
; Tavares, Marcelo T.
; Kitahara, Marcelo V.
; Justo, Marcia C.N.
; Botelho, Marcia J.C.
; Couri, Márcia S.
; Borges-Martins, Márcio
; Felix, Márcio
; Oliveira, Marcio L. de
; Bologna, Marco A.
; Gottschalk, Marco S.
; Tavares, Marcos D.S.
; Lhano, Marcos G.
; Bevilaqua, Marcus
; Santos, Marcus T.T.
; Domingues, Marcus V.
; Sallum, Maria A.M.
; Digiani, María C.
; Santarém, Maria C.A.
; Nascimento, Maria C. do
; Becerril, María de los A.M.
; Santos, Maria E.A. dos
; Passos, Maria I. da S. dos
; Felippe-Bauer, Maria L.
; Cherman, Mariana A.
; Terossi, Mariana
; Bartz, Marie L.C.
; Barbosa, Marina F. de C.
; Loeb, Marina V.
; Cohn-Haft, Mario
; Cupello, Mario
; Martins, Marlúcia B.
; Christofersen, Martin L.
; Bento, Matheus
; Rocha, Matheus dos S.
; Martins, Maurício L.
; Segura, Melissa O.
; Cardenas, Melissa Q.
; Duarte, Mércia E.
; Ivie, Michael A.
; Mincarone, Michael M.
; Borges, Michela
; Monné, Miguel A.
; Casagrande, Mirna M.
; Fernandez, Monica A.
; Piovesan, Mônica
; Menezes, Naércio A.
; Benaim, Natalia P.
; Reategui, Natália S.
; Pedro, Natan C.
; Pecly, Nathalia H.
; Ferreira Júnior, Nelson
; Silva Júnior, Nelson J. da
; Perioto, Nelson W.
; Hamada, Neusa
; Degallier, Nicolas
; Chao, Ning L.
; Ferla, Noeli J.
; Mielke, Olaf H.H.
; Evangelista, Olivia
; Shibatta, Oscar A.
; Oliveira, Otto M.P.
; Albornoz, Pablo C.L.
; Dellapé, Pablo M.
; Gonçalves, Pablo R.
; Shimabukuro, Paloma H.F.
; Grossi, Paschoal
; Rodrigues, Patrícia E. da S.
; Lima, Patricia O.V.
; Velazco, Paul
; Santos, Paula B. dos
; Araújo, Paula B.
; Silva, Paula K.R.
; Riccardi, Paula R.
; Garcia, Paulo C. de A.
; Passos, Paulo G.H.
; Corgosinho, Paulo H.C.
; Lucinda, Paulo
; Costa, Paulo M.S.
; Alves, Paulo P.
; Roth, Paulo R. de O.
; Coelho, Paulo R.S.
; Duarte, Paulo R.M.
; Carvalho, Pedro F. de
; Gnaspini, Pedro
; Souza-Dias, Pedro G.B.
; Linardi, Pedro M.
; Bartholomay, Pedro R.
; Demite, Peterson R.
; Bulirsch, Petr
; Boll, Piter K.
; Pereira, Rachel M.M.
; Silva, Rafael A.P.F.
; Moura, Rafael B. de
; Boldrini, Rafael
; Silva, Rafaela A. da
; Falaschi, Rafaela L.
; Cordeiro, Ralf T.S.
; Mello, Ramon J.C.L.
; Singer, Randal A.
; Querino, Ranyse B.
; Heleodoro, Raphael A.
; Castilho, Raphael de C.
; Constantino, Reginaldo
; Guedes, Reinaldo C.
; Carrenho, Renan
; Gomes, Renata S.
; Gregorin, Renato
; Machado, Renato J.P.
; Bérnils, Renato S.
; Capellari, Renato S.
; Silva, Ricardo B.
; Kawada, Ricardo
; Dias, Ricardo M.
; Siewert, Ricardo
; Brugnera, Ricaro
; Leschen, Richard A.B.
; Constantin, Robert
; Robbins, Robert
; Pinto, Roberta R.
; Reis, Roberto E. dos
; Ramos, Robson T. da C.
; Cavichioli, Rodney R.
; Barros, Rodolfo C. de
; Caires, Rodrigo A.
; Salvador, Rodrigo B.
; Marques, Rodrigo C.
; Araújo, Rodrigo C.
; Araujo, Rodrigo de O.
; Dios, Rodrigo de V.P.
; Johnsson, Rodrigo
; Feitosa, Rodrigo M.
; Hutchings, Roger W.
; Lara, Rogéria I.R.
; Rossi, Rogério V.
; Gerstmeier, Roland
; Ochoa, Ronald
; Hutchings, Rosa S.G.
; Ale-Rocha, Rosaly
; Rocha, Rosana M. da
; Tidon, Rosana
; Brito, Rosangela
; Pellens, Roseli
; Santos, Sabrina R. dos
; Santos, Sandra D. dos
; Paiva, Sandra V.
; Santos, Sandro
; Oliveira, Sarah S. de
; Costa, Sávio C.
; Gardner, Scott L.
; Leal, Sebastián A. Muñoz
; Aloquio, Sergio
; Bonecker, Sergio L.C.
; Bueno, Sergio L. de S.
; Almeida, Sérgio M. de
; Stampar, Sérgio N.
; Andena, Sérgio R.
; Posso, Sergio R.
; Lima, Sheila P.
; Gadelha, Sian de S.
; Thiengo, Silvana C.
; Cohen, Simone C.
; Brandão, Simone N.
; Rosa, Simone P.
; Ribeiro, Síria L.B.
; Letana, Sócrates D.
; Santos, Sonia B. dos
; Andrade, Sonia C.S.
; Dávila, Stephane
; Vaz, Stéphanie
; Peck, Stewart B.
; Christo, Susete W.
; Cunha, Suzan B.Z.
; Gomes, Suzete R.
; Duarte, Tácio
; Madeira-Ott, Taís
; Marques, Taísa
; Roell, Talita
; Lima, Tarcilla C. de
; Sepulveda, Tatiana A.
; Maria, Tatiana F.
; Ruschel, Tatiana P.
; Rodrigues, Thaiana
; Marinho, Thais A.
; Almeida, Thaís M. de
; Miranda, Thaís P.
; Freitas, Thales R.O.
; Pereira, Thalles P.L.
; Zacca, Thamara
; Pacheco, Thaynara L.
; Martins, Thiago F.
; Alvarenga, Thiago M.
; Carvalho, Thiago R. de
; Polizei, Thiago T.S.
; McElrath, Thomas C.
; Henry, Thomas
; Pikart, Tiago G.
; Porto, Tiago J.
; Krolow, Tiago K.
; Carvalho, Tiago P.
; Lotufo, Tito M. da C.
; Caramaschi, Ulisses
; Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S.
; Pardiñas, Ulyses F.J.
; Maia, Valéria C.
; Tavares, Valeria
; Costa, Valmir A.
; Amaral, Vanessa S. do
; Silva, Vera C.
; Wolff, Vera R. dos S.
; Slobodian, Verônica
; Silva, Vinícius B. da
; Espíndola, Vinicius C.
; Costa-Silva, Vinicius da
; Bertaco, Vinicius de A.
; Padula, Vinícius
; Ferreira, Vinicius S.
; Silva, Vitor C.P. da
; Piacentini, Vítor de Q.
; Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E.
; Trevine, Vivian
; Sousa, Viviane R.
; Sant’Anna, Vivianne B. de
; Mathis, Wayne N.
; Souza, Wesley de O.
; Colombo, Wesley D.
; Tomaszewska, Wioletta
; Wosiacki, Wolmar B.
; Ovando, Ximena M.C.
; Leite, Yuri L.R.
ABSTRACT The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (, made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others. publications problem uptodate up date classifications context exception (CTFB http//, httpfaunajbrjgovbr http // , jbrj gov br ( 2015 Brazil 80 specialists 1 2024 133691 133 691 133,69 125138 125 138 125,13 82.3%, 823 82 3 (82.3% 102000 102 000 102,00 7.69%, 769 7 69 (7.69% 11000 11 11,00 . 3,567 3567 567 (3,56 2,292 2292 2 292 (2,29 1,833 1833 833 (1,83 1,447 1447 447 (1,44 1000 1,00 831 (83 628 (62 606 (60 520 (52 50 users science health biology law anthropology education others http// faunajbrjgovbr // ( 201 8 202 13369 13 133,6 12513 12 125,1 82.3% (82.3 10200 10 00 102,0 7.69% 76 6 (7.69 1100 11,0 3,56 356 56 (3,5 2,29 229 29 (2,2 1,83 183 83 (1,8 1,44 144 44 (1,4 100 1,0 (8 62 (6 60 52 (5 5 http// ( 20 1336 133, 1251 125, 82.3 (82. 1020 0 102, 7.69 (7.6 110 11, 3,5 35 (3, 2,2 22 (2, 1,8 18 (1, 1,4 14 4 ( 82. (82 7.6 (7. 3, (3 2, (2 (1 7. (7
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