RESUMO Objetivo Estimar a cobertura vacinal da hepatite A em crianças de 24 meses e identificar fatores associados à ausência de vacinação. Métodos Inquérito em amostra estratificada por estratos socioeconômicos em capitais (2020-2022), com estimativa de cobertura e intervalos de confiança de 95% (IC95%) e análise de fatores pela razão de prevalência (RP) via regressão de Poisson. Resultados Nas 31.001 crianças, a cobertura da hepatite A foi de 88,1% (IC95% 86,8;89,2). Nos estratos socioeconômicos (A/B), a variável pais/responsáveis imigrantes foi associada à ausência de vacinação (RP = 1,91; IC95% 1,09;3,37); nos estratos C/D, crianças de cor amarela (RP = 4,69; IC95% 2,30;9,57), 4ª ordem de nascimento ou mais (RP = 1,68; IC95% 1,06;2,66), não frequentar creche/berçário (RP = 1,67; IC95% 1,24;2,24) e mãe com trabalho remunerado (RP = 1,42; IC95% 1,16;1,74) foram associadas à ausência de vacinação. Conclusão Cobertura da hepatite A abaixo da meta (95%), sugerindo-se considerar especificidades dos estratos sociais. 2 20202022, 20202022 2020 2022 , (2020-2022) 95 IC95 IC RP Poisson 31001 31 001 31.00 881 88 1 88,1 (IC95 86,889,2. 868892 86,8 89,2 . 86 8 89 86,8;89,2) A/B, AB A/B B (A/B) paisresponsáveis pais responsáveis 1,91 191 91 1,093,37 109337 1,09 3,37 09 3 37 1,09;3,37) CD C D C/D 4,69 469 4 69 2,309,57, 230957 2,30 9,57 30 9 57 2,30;9,57) ª 1,68 168 68 1,062,66, 106266 1,06 2,66 06 66 1,06;2,66) crecheberçário creche berçário 1,67 167 67 1,242,24 124224 1,24 2,24 1,24;2,24 1,42 142 42 1,161,74 116174 1,16 1,74 16 74 1,16;1,74 95%, (95%) sugerindose sugerindo se sociais 2020202 202 (2020-2022 IC9 3100 00 31.0 88, (IC9 889 86,889,2 86889 868 86, 892 89, 86,8;89,2 (A/B 1,9 19 093 1,093,3 10933 109 1,0 337 3,3 0 1,09;3,37 4,6 46 6 309 2,309,57 23095 230 2,3 957 9,5 5 2,30;9,57 1,6 062 1,062,66 10626 106 266 2,6 1,06;2,66 242 1,242,2 12422 124 1,2 224 2,2 1,24;2,2 1,4 14 161 1,161,7 11617 116 1,1 174 1,7 7 1,16;1,7 (95% 202020 20 (2020-202 310 31. (IC 86,889, 8688 86,8;89, 1, 1,093, 1093 10 33 3, 1,09;3,3 4, 2,309,5 2309 23 2, 9, 2,30;9,5 1,062,6 1062 26 1,06;2,6 1,242, 1242 12 22 1,24;2, 1,161, 1161 11 17 1,16;1, (95 20202 (2020-20 86,889 86,8;89 1,093 1,09;3, 2,309, 2,30;9, 1,062, 1,06;2, 1,242 1,24;2 1,161 1,16;1 (9 (2020-2 86,88 86,8;8 1,09;3 2,309 2,30;9 1,062 1,06;2 1,24; 1,16; ( (2020- 86,8; 1,09; 2,30; 1,06; (2020 (202 (20 (2
ABSTRACT Objective To estimate hepatitis A vaccination coverage in 24-month-old children and identify factors associated with non-vaccination. Methods This was a survey involving a sample stratified by socioeconomic strata in capital cities (2020-2022), with coverage estimates and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI), the factor analysis was performed using the prevalence ratio (PR) by means of Poisson regression. Results Among 31,001 children, hepatitis A coverage was 88.1% (95%CI 86.8;89.2). Regarding socioeconomic strata (A/B), the variable immigrant parents/guardians was associated with non-vaccination (PR = 1.91; 95%CI 1.09;3.37); in strata C/D, children of Asian race/skin color (PR = 4.69; 95%CI 2.30;9.57), fourth-born child or later (PR = 1.68; 95%CI 1.06;2 .66), not attending daycare/nursery (PR = 1.67; 95%CI 1.24;2.24) and mother with paid work (PR = 1.42; 95%CI 1.16;1.74) were associated with non-vaccination. Conclusion Hepatitis A coverage was below the target (95%), suggesting that specificities of social strata should be taken into consideration. 24monthold monthold 24 month old nonvaccination. nonvaccination non vaccination. 20202022, 20202022 2020 2022 , (2020-2022) 95 95%CI, 95CI CI (95%CI) PR regression 31001 31 001 31,00 881 88 1 88.1 86.889.2. 868892 86.8 89.2 . 86 8 89 2 86.8;89.2) A/B, AB A/B B (A/B) parentsguardians parents guardians 1.91 191 91 1.093.37 109337 1.09 3.37 09 3 37 1.09;3.37) CD C D C/D raceskin race skin 4.69 469 4 69 2.309.57, 230957 2.30 9.57 30 9 57 2.30;9.57) fourthborn fourth born 1.68 168 68 1.062 1062 1.06 06 1.06; .66, 66 .66 .66) daycarenursery daycare nursery 1.67 167 67 1.242.24 124224 1.24 2.24 1.24;2.24 1.42 142 42 1.161.74 116174 1.16 1.74 16 74 1.16;1.74 95%, (95%) consideration 2020202 202 (2020-2022 3100 00 31,0 88. 889 86.889.2 86889 868 86. 892 89. 86.8;89.2 (A/B 1.9 19 093 1.093.3 10933 109 1.0 337 3.3 0 1.09;3.37 4.6 46 6 309 2.309.57 23095 230 2.3 957 9.5 5 2.30;9.57 1.6 062 106 .6 242 1.242.2 12422 124 1.2 224 2.2 1.24;2.2 1.4 14 161 1.161.7 11617 116 1.1 174 1.7 7 1.16;1.7 (95% 202020 20 (2020-202 310 31, 86.889. 8688 86.8;89. 1. 1.093. 1093 10 33 3. 1.09;3.3 4. 2.309.5 2309 23 2. 9. 2.30;9.5 1.242. 1242 12 22 1.24;2. 1.161. 1161 11 17 1.16;1. (95 20202 (2020-20 86.889 86.8;89 1.093 1.09;3. 2.309. 2.30;9. 1.242 1.24;2 1.161 1.16;1 (9 (2020-2 86.88 86.8;8 1.09;3 2.309 2.30;9 1.24; 1.16; ( (2020- 86.8; 1.09; 2.30; (2020 (202 (20 (2
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