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au:Santos, Bianca Rocha
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Breast cancer after thoracic radiotherapy in young patients: what does the radiologist need to know? patients know
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Lago, Bianca Miranda
; Bello, Stella dos Santos
; Gondim, Guilherme Rocha Melo
; Makdissi, Fabiana Baroni Alves
; Bitencourt, Almir Galvão Vieira
Resumo Os cânceres secundários induzidos por radiação são complicações raras da radioterapia e geralmente ocorrem na área tratada ou próximo a ela. Mulheres com menos de 30 anos de idade tratadas com radioterapia torácica têm risco significativamente aumentado de desenvolver câncer de mama ao longo da vida, em comparação com a população em geral. Para as pacientes tratadas com irradiação torácica com dose igual ou superior a 10 Gy é recomendado rastreamento anual com mamografia e ressonância magnética iniciando oito anos após o tratamento, desde que este início seja após 25 anos de idade. O tratamento do câncer de mama secundário nessa população deve ser individualizado e discutido com equipe multidisciplinar, para evitar toxicidade relacionada ao tratamento do câncer primário. ela 3 vida geral 1 2 multidisciplinar primário
Abstract Radiation-induced secondary tumors constitute a rare complication of radiation therapy and typically occur in or near the irradiated area. Women who undergo thoracic radiotherapy before 30 years of age have a significantly greater lifetime risk of developing breast cancer than do those in the general population. It is recommended that a patient who has previously received thoracic radiotherapy with a radiation dose ≥ 10 Gy subsequently undergo annual screening with mammography and magnetic resonance imaging, beginning eight years after the initial treatment or when the patient has reached 25 years of age (whichever comes later). The treatment of secondary breast cancer in this population should be individualized and should be discussed with a multidisciplinary team to avoid toxicity related to the treatment of the primary cancer. Radiationinduced Radiation induced area 3 1 imaging 2 whichever later. later . later)
Specialized Rehabilitation Centers (CER) in the SUS and the impact of the covid-19 pandemic CER (CER covid19 covid 19 covid-1 covid1 1 covid-
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RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar o impacto da pandemia de covid-19 no funcionamento dos Centros Especializados em Reabilitação (CER) no SUS. MÉTODOS Realizou-se análise da variação da produção ambulatorial dos CER com base nos dados do Sistema de Informações Ambulatoriais do Sistema Único de Saúde (SIA-SUS) no período de março de 2019 a dezembro de 2021. Tais resultados foram cotejados com as percepções de gestores de CER acerca dos impactos da pandemia nas unidades, aferidas por websurvey aplicado entre novembro de 2020 e fevereiro de 2021. Foram calculadas as médias mensais de 247 procedimentos, organizados em 18 grupos, para três períodos – ano anterior à pandemia (APP), primeiro (AP1) e segundo (AP2) anos de pandemia. Por meio do formulário on-line foram coletadas informações sobre: funcionamento e organização dos serviços; reabilitação pós-covid-19; ações de apoio às necessidades de usuários e profissionais; estratégias e desafios vivenciados. RESULTADOS Houve redução de 33,3% do total de procedimentos em AP1 em relação a APP. Não foram reduzidos procedimentos realizados por enfermeiros e para pessoas ostomizadas. Ocorreu maior prejuízo para atividades em grupo, terapias visuais e visitas domiciliares. Em AP2, houve recuperação das médias em relação a APP em 11 grupos de procedimentos, com aumento de 104,1% de Fisioterapia Cardiorrespiratória. Nas respostas ao formulário on-line, 91,7% dos gestores indicam mudanças estruturais e/ou organizacionais nos CER como: criação de critérios de priorização para atendimentos; introdução de telerreabilitação; modificações no processo de trabalho e; disponibilização de capacitações profissionais. Metade dos CER já atendiam pessoas com sequelas de covid-19, mas nem todos haviam sido instrumentalizados para tanto. Identificaram-se limitações na participação e no suporte social para PCD. CONCLUSÕES Houve severo impacto da pandemia de covid-19 nos CER. Ao represamento de demandas prévias se somam aquelas de usuários pós-covid-19, configurando um quadro desafiador. Faz-se necessário fortalecimento da Rede de Cuidados à Pessoa com Deficiência, com ampliação e maior integração dos serviços e organização mais inclusiva para a superação desses desafios. covid19 covid 19 covid-1 (CER SUS Realizouse Realizou SIASUS SIA (SIA-SUS 201 2021 unidades 202 24 1 APP, , (APP) AP (AP1 AP2 (AP2 online on line sobre póscovid19 póscovid pós pós-covid-19 profissionais vivenciados 333 33 3 33,3 ostomizadas grupo domiciliares 1041 104 104,1 Cardiorrespiratória online, line, 917 91 7 91,7 eou ou como atendimentos telerreabilitação covid19, 19, tanto Identificaramse Identificaram PCD póscovid19, desafiador Fazse Faz Deficiência covid1 covid- 20 2 (APP (AP póscovid1 pós-covid-1 33, 10 104, 9 91, pós-covid- pós-covid
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the functioning of Specialized Rehabilitation Centers (CER) in the SUS. METHODS An analysis of the variation in outpatient production of the CER was carried out based on data from the Outpatient Information System of the Unified Health System (SIA-SUS) from March 2019 to December 2021. Such results were compared with CER managers’ perceptions about the impacts of the pandemic on the units, measured by a web survey applied between November 2020 and February 2021. Monthly averages of 247 procedures were calculated, organized into 18 groups, for three periods – year before the pandemic (YBP) and first (YP1) and second (YP2) years of the pandemic. Through the online form, information was collected on: operation and organization of services; post-covid-19 rehabilitation; actions to support the needs of users and professionals; strategies and challenges experienced. RESULTS There was a 33.3% reduction in the total number of procedures in YP1 compared to YBP. There were no reductions in procedures performed by nurses and for ostomates. There was greater impairment for group activities, visual therapies and home visits. In YP2, there was a recovery of averages in relation to YBP in 11 groups of procedures, with an increase of 104.1% in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy. In the answers to the online form, 91.7% of the managers indicate structural and/or organizational changes in the CER, such as: creation of prioritization criteria for assistance; introduction of telerehabilitation; changes in the work process and; provision of professional training. Half of the CER already treated people with covid-19 sequelae, but not all of them had been trained to do so. Limitations in participation and social support for PWD were identified. CONCLUSIONS There was a severe impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the CER. Added to the damming up of previous demands are those of post-covid-19 users, configuring a challenging picture. It is necessary to strengthen the Care Network for Persons with Disabilities, with expansion and greater integration of services and a more inclusive organization to overcome these challenges. covid19 covid 19 covid-1 (CER SUS SIASUS SIA (SIA-SUS 201 2021 units 202 24 calculated 1 (YBP YP (YP1 YP2 (YP2 form postcovid19 postcovid post post-covid-1 rehabilitation professionals experienced 333 33 3 33.3 ostomates activities visits 1041 104 104.1 Physiotherapy 917 91 7 91.7 andor or as assistance telerehabilitation training sequelae so identified picture Disabilities covid1 covid- 20 2 (YP postcovid1 post-covid- 33. 10 104. 9 91. post-covid
Specialized Rehabilitation Centers (CER) in the SUS and the impact of the covid-19 pandemic
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RESUMO OBJETIVO Analisar o impacto da pandemia de covid-19 no funcionamento dos Centros Especializados em Reabilitação (CER) no SUS. MÉTODOS Realizou-se análise da variação da produção ambulatorial dos CER com base nos dados do Sistema de Informações Ambulatoriais do Sistema Único de Saúde (SIA-SUS) no período de março de 2019 a dezembro de 2021. Tais resultados foram cotejados com as percepções de gestores de CER acerca dos impactos da pandemia nas unidades, aferidas por websurvey aplicado entre novembro de 2020 e fevereiro de 2021. Foram calculadas as médias mensais de 247 procedimentos, organizados em 18 grupos, para três períodos – ano anterior à pandemia (APP), primeiro (AP1) e segundo (AP2) anos de pandemia. Por meio do formulário on-line foram coletadas informações sobre: funcionamento e organização dos serviços; reabilitação pós-covid-19; ações de apoio às necessidades de usuários e profissionais; estratégias e desafios vivenciados. RESULTADOS Houve redução de 33,3% do total de procedimentos em AP1 em relação a APP. Não foram reduzidos procedimentos realizados por enfermeiros e para pessoas ostomizadas. Ocorreu maior prejuízo para atividades em grupo, terapias visuais e visitas domiciliares. Em AP2, houve recuperação das médias em relação a APP em 11 grupos de procedimentos, com aumento de 104,1% de Fisioterapia Cardiorrespiratória. Nas respostas ao formulário on-line, 91,7% dos gestores indicam mudanças estruturais e/ou organizacionais nos CER como: criação de critérios de priorização para atendimentos; introdução de telerreabilitação; modificações no processo de trabalho e; disponibilização de capacitações profissionais. Metade dos CER já atendiam pessoas com sequelas de covid-19, mas nem todos haviam sido instrumentalizados para tanto. Identificaram-se limitações na participação e no suporte social para PCD. CONCLUSÕES Houve severo impacto da pandemia de covid-19 nos CER. Ao represamento de demandas prévias se somam aquelas de usuários pós-covid-19, configurando um quadro desafiador. Faz-se necessário fortalecimento da Rede de Cuidados à Pessoa com Deficiência, com ampliação e maior integração dos serviços e organização mais inclusiva para a superação desses desafios.
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To analyze the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the functioning of Specialized Rehabilitation Centers (CER) in the SUS. METHODS An analysis of the variation in outpatient production of the CER was carried out based on data from the Outpatient Information System of the Unified Health System (SIA-SUS) from March 2019 to December 2021. Such results were compared with CER managers’ perceptions about the impacts of the pandemic on the units, measured by a web survey applied between November 2020 and February 2021. Monthly averages of 247 procedures were calculated, organized into 18 groups, for three periods – year before the pandemic (YBP) and first (YP1) and second (YP2) years of the pandemic. Through the online form, information was collected on: operation and organization of services; post-covid-19 rehabilitation; actions to support the needs of users and professionals; strategies and challenges experienced. RESULTS There was a 33.3% reduction in the total number of procedures in YP1 compared to YBP. There were no reductions in procedures performed by nurses and for ostomates. There was greater impairment for group activities, visual therapies and home visits. In YP2, there was a recovery of averages in relation to YBP in 11 groups of procedures, with an increase of 104.1% in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy. In the answers to the online form, 91.7% of the managers indicate structural and/or organizational changes in the CER, such as: creation of prioritization criteria for assistance; introduction of telerehabilitation; changes in the work process and; provision of professional training. Half of the CER already treated people with covid-19 sequelae, but not all of them had been trained to do so. Limitations in participation and social support for PWD were identified. CONCLUSIONS There was a severe impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the CER. Added to the damming up of previous demands are those of post-covid-19 users, configuring a challenging picture. It is necessary to strengthen the Care Network for Persons with Disabilities, with expansion and greater integration of services and a more inclusive organization to overcome these challenges.
IMPACTO-MR: um estudo brasileiro de plataforma nacional para avaliar infecções e multirresistência em unidades de terapia intensiva IMPACTOMR IMPACTO MR IMPACTO-MR
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Tomazini, Bruno M
; Nassar Jr, Antonio Paulo
; Lisboa, Thiago Costa
; Azevedo, Luciano César Pontes de
; Veiga, Viviane Cordeiro
; Catarino, Daniela Ghidetti Mangas
; Fogazzi, Debora Vacaro
; Arns, Beatriz
; Piastrelli, Filipe Teixeira
; Dietrich, Camila
; Negrelli, Karina Leal
; Jesuíno, Isabella de Andrade
; Reis, Luiz Fernando Lima
; Mattos, Renata Rodrigues de
; Pinheiro, Carla Cristina Gomes
; Luz, Mariane Nascimento
; Spadoni, Clayse Carla da Silva
; Moro, Elisângela Emilene
; Bueno, Flávia Regina
; Sampaio, Camila Santana Justo Cintra
; Silva, Débora Patrício
; Baldassare, Franca Pellison
; Silva, Ana Cecilia Alcantara
; Veiga, Thabata
; Barbante, Leticia
; Lambauer, Marianne
; Campos, Viviane Bezerra
; Santos, Elton
; Santos, Renato Hideo Nakawaga
; Laranjeiras, Ligia Nasi
; Valeis, Nanci
; Santucci, Eliana
; Miranda, Tamiris Abait
; Patrocínio, Ana Cristina Lagoeiro do
; Carvalho, Andréa de
; Sousa, Eduvirgens Maria Couto de
; Sousa, Ancelmo Honorato Ferraz de
; Malheiro, Daniel Tavares
; Bezerra, Isabella Lott
; Rodrigues, Mirian Batista
; Malicia, Julliana Chicuta
; Silva, Sabrina Souza da
; Gimenes, Bruna dos Passos
; Sesin, Guilhermo Prates
; Zavascki, Alexandre Prehn
; Sganzerla, Daniel
; Medeiros, Gregory Saraiva
; Santos, Rosa da Rosa Minho dos
; Silva, Fernanda Kelly Romeiro
; Cheno, Maysa Yukari
; Abrahão, Carolinne Ferreira
; Oliveira Junior, Haliton Alves de
; Rocha, Leonardo Lima
; Nunes Neto, Pedro Aniceto
; Pereira, Valéria Chagas
; Paciência, Luis Eduardo Miranda
; Bueno, Elaine Silva
; Caser, Eliana Bernadete
; Ribeiro, Larissa Zuqui
; Fernandes, Caio Cesar Ferreira
; Garcia, Juliana Mazzei
; Silva, Vanildes de Fátima Fernandes
; Santos, Alisson Junior dos
; Machado, Flávia Ribeiro
; Souza, Maria Aparecida de
; Ferronato, Bianca Ramos
; Urbano, Hugo Corrêa de Andrade
; Moreira, Danielle Conceição Aparecida
; Souza-Dantas, Vicente Cés de
; Duarte, Diego Meireles
; Coelho, Juliana
; Figueiredo, Rodrigo Cruvinel
; Foreque, Fernanda
; Romano, Thiago Gomes
; Cubos, Daniel
; Spirale, Vladimir Miguel
; Nogueira, Roberta Schiavon
; Maia, Israel Silva
; Zandonai, Cassio Luis
; Lovato, Wilson José
; Cerantola, Rodrigo Barbosa
; Toledo, Tatiana Gozzi Pancev
; Tomba, Pablo Oscar
; Almeida, Joyce Ramos de
; Sanches, Luciana Coelho
; Pierini, Leticia
; Cunha, Mariana
; Sousa, Michelle Tereza
; Azevedo, Bruna
; Dal-Pizzol, Felipe
; Damasio, Danusa de Castro
; Bainy, Marina Peres
; Beduhn, Dagoberta Alves Vieira
; Jatobá, Joana D’Arc Vila Nova
; Moura, Maria Tereza Farias de
; Rego, Leila Rezegue de Moraes
; Silva, Adria Vanessa da
; Oliveira, Luana Pontes
; Sodré Filho, Eliene Sá
; Santos, Silvana Soares dos
; Neves, Itallo de Lima
; Leão, Vanessa Cristina de Aquino
; Paes, João Lucidio Lobato
; Silva, Marielle Cristina Mendes
; Oliveira, Cláudio Dornas de
; Santiago, Raquel Caldeira Brant
; Paranhos, Jorge Luiz da Rocha
; Wiermann, Iany Grinezia da Silva
; Pedroso, Durval Ferreira Fonseca
; Sawada, Priscilla Yoshiko
; Prestes, Rejane Martins
; Nascimento, Glícia Cardoso
; Grion, Cintia Magalhães Carvalho
; Carrilho, Claudia Maria Dantas de Maio
; Dantas, Roberta Lacerda Almeida de Miranda
; Silva, Eliane Pereira
; Silva, Antônio Carlos da
; Oliveira, Sheila Mara Bezerra de
; Golin, Nicole Alberti
; Tregnago, Rogerio
; Lima, Valéria Paes
; Silva, Kamilla Grasielle Nunes da
; Boschi, Emerson
; Buffon, Viviane
; Machado, André Sant’Ana
; Capeletti, Leticia
; Foernges, Rafael Botelho
; Carvalho, Andréia Schubert de
; Oliveira Junior, Lúcio Couto de
; Oliveira, Daniela Cunha de
; Silva, Everton Macêdo
; Ribeiro, Julival
; Pereira, Francielle Constantino
; Salgado, Fernanda Borges
; Deutschendorf, Caroline
; Silva, Cristofer Farias da
; Gobatto, Andre Luiz Nunes
; Oliveira, Carolaine Bomfim de
; Dracoulakis, Marianna Deway Andrade
; Alvaia, Natália Oliveira Santos
; Souza, Roberta Machado de
; Araújo, Larissa Liz Cardoso de
; Melo, Rodrigo Morel Vieira de
; Passos, Luiz Carlos Santana
; Vidal, Claudia Fernanda de Lacerda
; Rodrigues, Fernanda Lopes de Albuquerque
; Kurtz, Pedro
; Shinotsuka, Cássia Righy
; Tavares, Maria Brandão
; Santana, Igor das Virgens
; Gavinho, Luciana Macedo da Silva
; Nascimento, Alaís Brito
; Pereira, Adriano J
; Cavalcanti, Alexandre Biasi
RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever o IMPACTO-MR, um estudo brasileiro de plataforma nacional em unidades de terapia intensiva focado no impacto das infecções por bactérias multirresistentes relacionadas à assistência à saúde. Métodos: Descrevemos a plataforma IMPACTO-MR, seu desenvolvimento, critérios para seleção das unidades de terapia intensiva, caracterização da coleta de dados, objetivos e projetos de pesquisa futuros a serem realizados na plataforma. Resultados: Os dados principais foram coletados por meio do Epimed Monitor System® e consistiram em dados demográficos, dados de comorbidades, estado funcional, escores clínicos, diagnóstico de internação e diagnósticos secundários, dados laboratoriais, clínicos e microbiológicos e suporte de órgãos durante a internação na unidade de terapia intensiva, entre outros. De outubro de 2019 a dezembro de 2020, 33.983 pacientes de 51 unidades de terapia intensiva foram incluídos no banco de dados principal. Conclusão: A plataforma IMPACTO-MR é um banco de dados clínico brasileiro de unidades de terapia intensiva focado na pesquisa do impacto das infecções por bactérias multirresistentes relacionadas à assistência à saúde. Essa plataforma fornece dados para o desenvolvimento e pesquisa de unidades de terapia intensiva individuais e ensaios clínicos observacionais e prospectivos multicêntricos. Objetivo IMPACTOMR, IMPACTOMR IMPACTO MR, MR saúde Métodos Resultados System demográficos comorbidades funcional secundários laboratoriais outros 201 2020 33983 33 983 33.98 5 principal Conclusão multicêntricos 20 202 3398 3 98 33.9 2 339 9 33.
ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the IMPACTO-MR, a Brazilian nationwide intensive care unit platform study focused on the impact of health care-associated infections due to multidrug-resistant bacteria. Methods: We described the IMPACTO-MR platform, its development, criteria for intensive care unit selection, characterization of core data collection, objectives, and future research projects to be held within the platform. Results: The core data were collected using the Epimed Monitor System® and consisted of demographic data, comorbidity data, functional status, clinical scores, admission diagnosis and secondary diagnoses, laboratory, clinical, and microbiological data, and organ support during intensive care unit stay, among others. From October 2019 to December 2020, 33,983 patients from 51 intensive care units were included in the core database. Conclusion: The IMPACTO-MR platform is a nationwide Brazilian intensive care unit clinical database focused on researching the impact of health care-associated infections due to multidrug-resistant bacteria. This platform provides data for individual intensive care unit development and research and multicenter observational and prospective trials. Objective IMPACTOMR, IMPACTOMR IMPACTO MR, MR careassociated associated multidrugresistant multidrug resistant bacteria Methods selection collection objectives Results System status scores diagnoses laboratory stay others 201 2020 33983 33 983 33,98 5 Conclusion trials 20 202 3398 3 98 33,9 2 339 9 33,
Breastfeeding booklet in prison institutions: initiative for promotion, protection and support
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Santos, Márcia Vieira dos
; Alves, Valdecyr Herdy
; Rodrigues, Diego Pereira
; Vieira, Bianca Dargam Gomes
; Marchiori, Giovanna Rosário Soanno
; Branco, Maria Bertilla Lutterbach Riker
; Oliveira, Thalita Rocha
; Bonazzi, Vera Cristina Augusta Marques
RESUMO Objetivos: compreender a utilização da cartilha de amamentação no cárcere em tempos de COVID-19 pelos gestores e profissionais de saúde que atuam com gestantes e lactantes privadas de liberdade. Métodos: trata-se de pesquisa descritiva, exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa, realizada no período de março a dezembro de 2020. Participaram do estudo 13 profissionais que trabalham em instituições prisionais brasileiras e responderam à entrevista semiestruturada. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Resultados: a utilização da cartilha se mostrou estratégica no enfrentamento das barreiras advindas da pandemia e ofertou informações e orientações atualizadas indispensáveis para a continuidade da amamentação dentro do sistema prisional brasileiro. Considerações Finais: a enfermagem participou na organização de material educativo como uma ferramenta na promoção, proteção e apoio à amamentação segura dentro das instituições do sistema prisional que atendem gestantes e lactantes privadas de liberdade.
ABSTRACT Objectives: to understand the use of the booklet on breastfeeding in prison in times of COVID 19 by managers and health professionals who work with pregnant and breastfeeding women deprived of their liberty. Methods: this is a descriptive, exploratory research with a qualitative approach, carried out from March to December 2020. Thirteen professionals who work in Brazilian prison institutions participated in the study and answered a semi-structured interview. The data obtained were submitted to content analysis. Results: the use of the booklet proved to be strategic in facing the barriers resulting from the pandemic and offered updated information and guidelines that are indispensable for the continuity of breastfeeding within the Brazilian prison system. Final Considerations: nursing participated in the organization of educational material as a tool for the promotion, protection and support of safe breastfeeding within the institutions of the prison system that serve pregnant and lactating women deprived of liberty.
RESUMEN Objetivos: comprender la utilización de la cartilla de lactancia en el cárcel en tiempos de COVID-19 por gestores y profesionales de salud que actúan con gestantes y lactantes privadas de libertad. Métodos: discurre de investigación descriptiva, exploratoria, con abordaje cualitativo, realizada entre marzo a diciembre de 2020. Participaron del estudio 13 profesionales que trabajan en instituciones carcelarias brasileñas y respondieron a la entrevista semiestructurada. Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos al análisis de contenido. Resultados: la utilización de la cartilla se mostró estratégica en el enfrentamiento de las barreras advenidas de la pandemia y ofreció informaciones y orientaciones actualizadas indispensables para la continuidad de la lactancia dentro del sistema carcelario brasileño. Consideraciones Finales: la enfermería participó en la organización de material educativo como una herramienta en la promoción, protección y apoyo a la lactancia segura dentro de las instituciones del sistema carcelario que atienden gestantes y lactantes privadas de libertad.
Comparative cytogenetics among Boana species (Anura, Hylidae): focus on evolutionary variability of repetitive DNA
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Venancio Neto, Sebastião
; Noleto, Rafael Bueno
; Azambuja, Matheus
; Gazolla, Camilla Borges
; Santos, Bianca Rocha
; Nogaroto, Viviane
; Vicari, Marcelo Ricardo
Abstract Boana comprises a diverse genus of Neotropical treefrogs, currently rearranged into seven taxonomic species groups. Although cytogenetic studies have demonstrated diversity in its representatives, the chromosomal mapping of repetitive DNA sequences is still scarce. In this study, Boana albopunctata, Boana faber, and Boana prasina were subjected to in situ localization of different repetitive DNA units to evaluate trends of chromosomal evolution in this genus. Boana faber and B. prasina had 2n=24 chromosomes, while B. albopunctata has 2n=22 and an intra-individual variation related to the presence/absence of one B chromosome. The location of 45S rDNA sites was different in the analyzed karyotypes, corroborating with what was found in the distinct phylogenetic groups of Boana. We presented the first description of 5S rDNA in a Boana species, which showed markings resulting from transposition/translocation mechanisms. In situ localization of microsatellite loci proved to be a helpful marker for karyotype comparison in Boana, commonly with cis accumulation in the heterochromatin. On the other hand, genomic dispersion of microsatellites may be associated with hitchhiking effects during the spreading of transposable elements. The obtained results corroborated the independent diversification of these lineages of species from three distinct phylogenetic groups of Boana.
Vegetarian Diets and Cardiovascular Risk in Women
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Oliveira, Bianca
; Aranha, Luciana Nicolau
; Olivares, Priscila dos Santos Gomes
; Negrão, Tamira Guilherme Rocha
; Rosa, Glorimar
; de Oliveira, Gláucia Maria Moraes
International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences
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Abstract Introduction: Vegetarian diets have favorable effects on cardiovascular risk, provided that they do not contain ultra-processed foods (UPF). Objective: To compare the metabolic profile, cardiovascular risk, body composition, and food consumption in vegan (VEG), lacto-ovo vegetarian (LOV), and omnivorous (OMNI) women. To verify the association between UPF consumption and cardiovascular risk. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 119 VEG (n = 43), LOV (n = 38), and OMNI (n = 38) women. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters and the Framingham risk score were assessed. Food consumption was assessed by means of a 3-day food register, and intake of macronutrients, micronutrients, and UPF was estimated. The correlation between UPF consumption and cardiovascular risk was assessed using Spearman's coefficient, with a significance level of 5%. Results: The groups showed low cardiovascular risk, without significant difference between them. The VEG and LOV groups had lower body mass index, neck circumference, body shape index, and systolic blood pressure (p < 0.05) than the OMNI group; greater consumption of carbohydrates, sugars, dietary fibers, micronutrients, beta-carotene, and carotenoids; and lower consumption of total fat, saturated fatty acids, and cholesterol (p < 0.05). Consumption of UPF was lower in the LOV group (5.7 [0.0– 19.8]) than in the OMNI group (14.9 [5.1 – 22.3]; p < 0.05). UPF consumption was associated with SBP (ρ = 0.439; p = 0.007) and blood sugar (ρ = 0.422; p = 0.010) in the VEG group, and in the LOV group it was inversely associated with LDL-c (ρ = −0.456; p = 0.010). Conclusion: Vegetarian women showed better body composition and dietary quality than OMNI women. It is important to take consumption of UPF in vegetarians into consideration, in order to improve cardiovascular risk in women.
Characteristics and outcomes of patients with COVID-19 admitted to the ICU in a university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil - study protocol
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Ferreira, Juliana C.
; Ho, Yeh-Li
; Besen, Bruno A.M.P.
; Malbuisson, Luiz M.S.
; Taniguchi, Leandro U.
; Mendes, Pedro V.
; Costa, Eduardo L.V.
; Park, Marcelo
; Daltro-Oliveira, Renato
; Roepke, Roberta M.L.
; Silva Jr, João M.
; Carmona, Maria José C.
; Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro
; Hirota, Adriana
; Kanasiro, Alberto Kendy
; Crescenzi, Alessandra
; Fernandes, Amanda Coelho
; Miethke-Morais, Anna
; Bellintani, Arthur Petrillo
; Canasiro, Artur Ribeiro
; Carneiro, Bárbara Vieira
; Zanbon, Beatriz Keiko
; Batista, Bernardo Pinheiro De Senna Nogueira
; Nicolao, Bianca Ruiz
; Besen, Bruno Adler Maccagnan Pinheiro
; Biselli, Bruno
; Macedo, Bruno Rocha De
; Toledo, Caio Machado Gomes De
; Pompilio, Carlos Eduardo
; Carvalho, Carlos Roberto Ribeiro De
; Mol, Caroline Gomes
; Stipanich, Cassio
; Bueno, Caue Gasparotto
; Garzillo, Cibele
; Tanaka, Clarice
; Forte, Daniel Neves
; Joelsons, Daniel
; Robira, Daniele
; Costa, Eduardo Leite Vieira
; Silva Júnior, Elson Mendes Da
; Regalio, Fabiane Aliotti
; Segura, Gabriela Cardoso
; Marcelino, Gustavo Brasil
; Louro, Giulia Sefrin
; Ho, Yeh-Li
; Ferreira, Isabela Argollo
; Gois, Jeison de Oliveira
; Silva Junior, Joao Manoel Da
; Reusing Junior, Jose Otto
; Ribeiro, Julia Fray
; Ferreira, Juliana Carvalho
; Galleti, Karine Vusberg
; Silva, Katia Regina
; Isensee, Larissa Padrao
; Oliveira, Larissa dos Santos
; Taniguchi, Leandro Utino
; Letaif, Leila Suemi
; Lima, Lígia Trombetta
; Park, Lucas Yongsoo
; Chaves Netto, Lucas
; Nobrega, Luciana Cassimiro
; Haddad, Luciana
; Hajjar, Ludhmila
; Malbouisson, Luiz Marcelo
; Pandolfi, Manuela Cristina Adsuara
; Park, Marcelo
; Carmona, Maria José Carvalho
; Andrade, Maria Castilho Prandini H De
; Santos, Mariana Moreira
; Bateloche, Matheus Pereira
; Suiama, Mayra Akimi
; Oliveira, Mayron Faria de
; Sousa, Mayson Laercio
; Louvaes, Michelle
; Huemer, Natassja
; Mendes, Pedro
; Lins, Paulo Ricardo Gessolo
; Santos, Pedro Gaspar Dos
; Moreira, Pedro Ferreira Paiva
; Guazzelli, Renata Mello
; Reis, Renato Batista Dos
; Oliveira, Renato Daltro De
; Roepke, Roberta Muriel Longo
; Pedro, Rodolpho Augusto De Moura
; Kondo, Rodrigo
; Rached, Samia Zahi
; Fonseca, Sergio Roberto Silveira Da
; Borges, Thais Sousa
; Ferreira, Thalissa
; Cobello Junior, Vilson
; Sales, Vivian Vieira Tenório
; Ferreira, Willaby Serafim Cassa
OBJECTIVES: We designed a cohort study to describe characteristics and outcomes of patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) in the largest public hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as Latin America becomes the epicenter of the pandemic. METHODS: This is the protocol for a study being conducted at an academic hospital in Brazil with 300 adult ICU beds dedicated to COVID-19 patients. We will include adult patients admitted to the ICU with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 during the study period. The main outcome is ICU survival at 28 days. Data will be collected prospectively and retrospectively by trained investigators from the hospital’s electronic medical records, using an electronic data capture tool. We will collect data on demographics, comorbidities, severity of disease, and laboratorial test results at admission. Information on the need for advanced life support and ventilator parameters will be collected during ICU stay. Patients will be followed up for 28 days in the ICU and 60 days in the hospital. We will plot Kaplan-Meier curves to estimate ICU and hospital survival and perform survival analysis using the Cox proportional hazards model to identify the main risk factors for mortality. NCT04378582. RESULTS: We expect to include a large sample of patients with COVID-19 admitted to the ICU and to be able to provide data on admission characteristics, use of advanced life support, ICU survival at 28 days, and hospital survival at 60 days. CONCLUSIONS: This study will provide epidemiological data about critically ill patients with COVID-19 in Brazil, which could inform health policy and resource allocation in low- and middle-income countries.
Effects of Conventional and Virtual Reality Cardiovascular Rehabilitation in Body Composition and Functional Capacity of Patients with Heart Diseases: Randomized Clinical Trial
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Silva, João Pedro Lucas Neves
; Novaes, Luiz Felipe Marques
; Santos, Lorrany Caroline Rocha dos
; Galindo, Bianca Pinhal
; Cavalcante, Margaret Assad
; Araújo, Bruna Corral Garcia de
; Pacagnelli, Francis Lopes
; Freire, Ana Paula Coelho Figueira
International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences
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Abstract Background: Virtual reality is an alternative therapeutic resource to be inserted into cardiovascular rehabilitation, stimulating the practice of physical activity through man-machine interaction. Objective: To compare the effects of conventional and virtual reality cardiac rehabilitation on body composition and functional capacity in patients with heart disease. Methods: Randomized clinical trial with 27 cardiac patients divided into conventional rehabilitation group (CRG) and virtual reality rehabilitation group (VRG). They underwent a rehabilitation program with 60-minute training sessions twice a week for eight weeks. The VRG training consisted of exercises from the Xbox 360® with Kinect(tm), using YourShape(tm) and Dance Central 3(tm) games. The CRG used conventional treadmills for aerobic exercise and free weights for resistance exercise. Bioimpedance and 6-minute walk test (6MWT) were evaluated at baseline and after training. For main outcome analysis, Student t and Mann Whitney tests were used with a 5% significance level. Results: The VRG showed a significant increase in body fat percentage and fat weight when compared to the CRG, and a smaller amount of total water. There was a significant improvement in functional capacity evidenced by the increase in the distance covered in the 6MWT (54.00 m and 32.25 m in the CRG and VRG, respectively), but the gains did not differ between the groups. Conclusion: The two rehabilitation modalities had no effect on the body composition of the groups. In addition, the improvement in functional capacity was similar in both groups.
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