Objetivo: estudar mulheres grávidas adolescentes como possível fator de risco de baixo peso no recém-nascido. Pacientes e Métodos: trata-se de estudo transversal, com entrevistas de 562 mães adolescentes e não-adolescentes nas primeiras 24 horas de pós-parto, no período de 10 de janeiro a 25 de março de 2002, em maternidade pública do município de Rio Branco no Estado do Acre. Foram excluídas do estudo as mães que tiveram feto morto, natimorto ou parto gemelar. Resultados: entre as 562 mães estudadas, 37,0% (n=208) eram adolescentes (16,9<FONT FACE=Symbol>±</FONT>1,6 anos) e 63,0% (n=354) tinham 20 ou mais anos de idade (22,9<FONT FACE=Symbol>±</FONT>6,3 anos). A média de peso do recém-nascido (RN) foi estatisticamente maior (p<0,01) entre as mães adultas (3.158,64<FONT FACE=Symbol>±</FONT>626,50 g) que entre as mães adolescentes (3.019,93<FONT FACE=Symbol>±</FONT>587,43). Quando excluídos os 32 (5,7%) RN prematuros (idade gestacional <37 semanas) houve também significativa maior proporção (p<0,007) de RN de baixo peso (<2.500 g) entre as mães adolescentes (11,9%) que entre as não-adolescentes (5,5%). A análise de regressão logística mostrou risco aumentado para o baixo peso ao nascer entre as mães adolescentes (OR=2,99; 1,47-6,07), bem como para o aborto (OR=2,78; 1,23-6,30) e para a doença hipertensiva específica da gravidez (OR=5,16; 1,65-16,12). Conclusão: o presente estudo demonstra que, associado ao impacto psico-social, familiar e econômico, já registrado na literatura, a gestação em adolescentes se associa a efeitos danosos sobre o concepto, os quais merecem estudo de coorte para avaliar as repercussões a médio e longo prazo.
Purpose: to study pregnancy in adolescent women as a possible risk factor for low birth weight. Material and Methods: a cross-wide study was performed on 562 adolescent and non-adolescent mothers who were interviewed during the first 24 h after delivery in the period from January 10,2002, to March 25, 2002, in a public maternity hospital located in Rio Branco, Acre State, Brazil. Those who delivered dead fetuses, whose babies died after being born, or had twins were excluded from the study. Results: among the 562 mothers who were studied, 37.0% (n=208) were teenagers (16<FONT FACE=Symbol>±</FONT>1.6 years), and 63.0% (n=354) were 20 or more years old (22.9<FONT FACE=Symbol>±</FONT>6.3 years). The average weight of the newborns was statistically higher (p<0.010) among the adult mothers (3,158.64<FONT FACE=Symbol>±</FONT>626.50 g) than among the adolescent mothers (3,019.93<FONT FACE=Symbol>±</FONT>587.43 g). When the 32 (5.7%) premature newborn babies (<37 week's pregnancy) were excluded, there was also a significantly greater proportion (p<0.007) of newborns with low weight (<2,500 g) among the adolescent mothers (11.9%) than among the non-adolescent ones (5.5%). The analysis of logistic regression showed an increased risk for newborns with low weight among the adolescent mothers (OR=2.99; 1.47-6.07), as well as for abortion (OR=2.78; 1.23-6.30) and pregnancy - induced hypertensive disorders (OR=5.16; 1.65-16.12). Conclusions: the present study shows that associated with the psychosocial, familial, and economic impact, already reported in the literature, pregnancy in adolescents is associated with deleterious effects on the conceptus, which requires a cohort study to assess the repercussions at both the medium- and long-term.